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[RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

Which android should be added to the story?

  • 9S

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • 2B

    Votes: 11 73.3%
  • A2

    Votes: 3 20.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Can we reproduce in this quest (not to actually show it) or are we not allowed to do that since we are the only one here
Physically able to do that? If you had another human yeah, and villagers would count, if only for one little fact: Monika wouldn't even entertain the idea.
[X] Wood
[X] Stone
[X] Study the system

[X] Village

Okay. Let's just gather some basic resources. We have food enough for a while, and plenty more from the farm due to how fast it works. Soon we will have leather too, and eggs and feathers. Which means arrows and basic armor. Still need string though for a bow. And a fishing rod. Still, we have enough food that we can ignore it for a little while, and spend some time studying the system. Maybe there will be quests with rewards or something.

As for the village... I can't really see Monika not going after she saw it. It's a hope spot, sadly one that will show itself just as... shallow as her former NPC friends. Shallower actually as they can't even talk... Well, the village should have carrots, beets, potatoes, and wheat available. As well as iron if there is a blacksmith. Maybe even enough to get a bucket. And villager trades can be useful. Especially in getting enchantments.
[X] Wood
[X] Stone
[X] Study the system

[X] Village

Agreed on getting a small stockpile of resources. Will mining stone often enough allow us to find veins of iron and coal? Otherwise, burning logs for charcoal and using that for torches would be a good idea.
[X] Wood
[X] Stone
[X] Study the system

[X] Village

Agreed on getting a small stockpile of resources. Will mining stone often enough allow us to find veins of iron and coal? Otherwise, burning logs for charcoal and using that for torches would be a good idea.
What you get depends on your rolls, and the depth you reach. I'm also thinking of tweaking the rolls a bit, lower the chances of failure between 1-7, so 8 and above is success. What do you think?
What you get depends on your rolls, and the depth you reach. I'm also thinking of tweaking the rolls a bit, lower the chances of failure between 1-7, so 8 and above is success. What do you think?
I think the DC should be tailored to the situation. Like, gathering wood from a nearby forest would be normal difficulty (DC10) But if Monika has a tree farm outside her walls it would be a DC 5, And if she has a copse of trees inside her walls and lit up by torches, it wouldn't even require a roll.
On the other hand, getting stone from a cave would possibly be a dc 10 if she doesn't go too far in, and just gets stone, but if she starts searching for iron, it would go up to a dc 15 until she lights up a safe route.
I think the DC should be tailored to the situation. Like, gathering wood from a nearby forest would be normal difficulty (DC10) But if Monika has a tree farm outside her walls it would be a DC 5, And if she has a copse of trees inside her walls and lit up by torches, it wouldn't even require a roll.
On the other hand, getting stone from a cave would possibly be a dc 10 if she doesn't go too far in, and just gets stone, but if she starts searching for iron, it would go up to a dc 15 until she lights up a safe route.
Welp thanks for reminding me that THIS IS A THING I CAN DO.

God I feel stupid at times like these.
Just remember you can tell us the DC of certain actions before we try! That way we can do things like risk assessments!
Day 4, part 1
-[X] Wood
-[X] Stone

-[X] Study the system

-[X] Village

Wood gathering roll: 1d20+0(Woodcutting)+1(Wooden axe), DC 8 (Forest is near): 8+1 (9) VS 8 [SUCCESS]
Stone gathering roll: 1d20+0(Mining)+2(Stone pick), DC 5 (Stone is goddamn everywhere): 10+2 (12) VS 5 [SUCCESS]
-Mining luck roll: 1d20: 15
Village exploration luck roll: 1d20: 2 (holy shit)

Yeah I'm tweaking the way I do rolls again, what of it. Trying to see what works best here.

Like every morning at that point, Monika went off to gather herself some wood. She didn't get all that much unfortunately, as her wooden axe made the process much longer... and also it broke rather quickly.

She returned home to drop off the wood. And froze, remembering a thing. Why did she keep trying to reach the mountains? She had so much stone just underneath her!

And that's how Monika began to dig a staircase down into the bowels of the earth. Every few steps down she'd place a torch, and continue digging. mostly she gathered a bunch of stone, but there were also several coal ores and iron! Sweet, shiny iron! Sure, they weren't too many pieces, but it was a start!

...and also the pickaxe broke. But she had iron!

And now that she had a decent source of food - namely bread, eggs, rice, and in the near future also other things - she could take the time to wind down a bit and finally learn more about the system. First, was the 'status' screen.

[Name: Monika
Rank: 3
To next rank: 4/9
HP: 20/20 (+1/hour)
Armor: 0
LV: 0

Perk points: 0]

"Hm... well, this seems... simple? I already know that increasing my rank gives my perks, and increasing my skills gets me more perk points. I can assume that HP means 'Health Points' or something similar. The fact that I seem to recover one per hour isn't really the best, but that still lets me go from 'almost dead' to 'hale and hearty' within a day." Her brow furrowed a tad as she examined two particular entries. "I can make a guess about armor, but LV? Wasn't that something like levels? That doesn't make any sense though: isn't 'Rank' and 'level' the same thing for me, at least in game terms?" She sighed, slumping into her chair. "I can't figure it out just yet... I suppose I'll just have to see how it changes - if it does change."

The next thing on the list, was what the game called the 'Mobpedia'. She could guess on what that would be.

[Chicken - Killed: 0
Cow - Killed: 0
Sheep - Killed: 0
Skeleton - Killed: 0
Zombie - Killed: 1]

Yep, just about what she was expecting: a list of all the entities she had seen. She hadn't expected to see also the animals there, though. Still, she might as well check through all of them.

[Chicken - Killed: 0
Threat: 0/10
Food: seeds
Drops: ? (kill 1)
Weakness: ? (kill 5)
Resistance: ? (kill 10)
Origin: ? (kill 25)
???: ? (???)]

[Cow - Killed: 0
Threat: 0/10
Food: wheat
Drops: ? (kill 1)
Weakness: ? (kill 5)
Resistance: ? (kill 10)
Origin: ? (kill 25)
???: ? (???)]

[Sheep - Killed: 0
Threat: 0/10
Food: wheat
Drops: ? (kill 1)
Weakness: ? (kill 5)
Resistance: ? (kill 10)
Origin: ? (kill 25)
???: ? (???)]

[Skeleton - Killed: 0
Threat: 7/10
Food: none
Drops: ? (kill 1)
Weakness: ? (kill 5)
Resistance: ? (kill 10)
Origin: ? (kill 25)
???: ? (???)]

[Zombie - Killed: 1
Threat: 6/10
Food: none
Drops: Rotten flesh, potatoes, carrots, iron ingots.
Weakness: ? (kill 5)
Resistance: ? (kill 10)
Origin: ? (kill 25)
???: ? (???)]

"Alright, so just seeing something gives me a threat assessment of the thing - which I can absolutely agree with by the way - and killing more gives me more information. Makes perfect sense. And I assume that the last entry either is something I'll unlock with another achievement. Hopefully. Please don't be glitching again."

Trying to shake those thoughts out of her mind, Monika turned over to her furnace, where the iron was finally done melting into ingots. "And now, onto the hardest choice of the day: what do I do with these?"

The village thing is coming next update, don't worry. I'm just breaking it up here so I know what y'all want to make with the iron we found.

We have 7 pieces of iron. Make a plan for how to use 'em.
-[] Pickaxe (3 iron)
-[] Axe (3 iron)
-[] Saber (3 iron)
-[] Bucket (3 iron)
-[] Shield (1 iron)
-[] Leggings (7 iron)
-[] Helmet (5 iron)
-[] Boots (4 iron)
-[] Shears (2 iron)
-[] Storage (saves up all the ingots you haven't used. This option is picked by default if you don't use all ingots.)

If you decide not to upgrade any of the tools, Monika will default to the stone version until she gets more iron.
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-[X] Shears (2 iron)
-[X] Shield (1 iron)
-[X] Bucket (3 iron)

A pair of shears would let us make a bed finally, and a shield is just good in general, especially since it means Monika can defend against a sudden ambush. I'm wavering on using the last bits of iron on a bucket or a pickaxe. Having a better pick would make it easier to get more underground resources, but a bucket means being able to carry water, which is also pretty damn useful.
-[X] Shears (2 iron)
-[X] Shield (1 iron)
-[X] Saber (3 iron)
-[X] Shears (2 iron)
-[X] Shield (1 iron)
-[X] Bucket (3 iron)

This was... actually the exact vote I was going to make.
Shears for a bed, Shield for skeletons (And generally having a decent defense.) and a bucket because it's bloody useful to have.
Shears can also get leaves, which can be useful in a few mods. The latest Ender IO actually makes leaves and tall grass a requirement to getting the normal versions of the machines... Dye to make a machine frame...

Well, either way, useful utility. The last iron can be saved up for a pick. Really, we have enough stone to make new stone tools though, so that shouldn't be an issue.
[X] Plan: Defense and Utility
-[X] Shears (2 iron)
-[X] Shield (1 iron)
-[X] Bucket (3 iron)
Day 4, part 2
Before even thinking about what to use the iron on, she made a pair of shears. She wanted a bed, stat.

After that, she decided to make a bucket. What good would cows do if she couldn't get some milk while she was at it?

Finally, with one of the two pieces she had left she made a shield. The skeleton in the forest came equipped with a bow, so it was in her best interest to protect herself from that... along with whatever else might come at her. The wooden tower shield felt rather unwieldy and heavy, big as it was, but she could make it work. At least, she could hunker down behind it and no part of her would peek out.

Decked out with her new gear - and with a new set of stone tools - Monika was finally ready to explore the village. Hopefully whoever lived there could give her some help.

As she passed the threshold between the plains and the colder biome. Now that she had the time to give it a more thorough look, she spotted many lilac flowers dotting the landscape. The ground also felt rather dry under her feet, the crunches it gave closer to gravel than the lush soil she was used to.

She turned her gaze back to the village, and a chill ran down her spine. "No smoke, no light, no activity. It's almost like- no, it can't be."

Yet, as she grew closer, more clues came into view. Broken windows and doors. Cobwebs. Vines. The village had been abandoned a long time ago.

Monika shook her head. "This really isn't the time, Monika. There must be something useful here, at the very least."

Most of the buildings she passed by were derelict, and she doubted anything worth taking would be in there. The one building she saw that looked better than the others was the local forge. She entered, noting the lack of a door even though the frame was still there. Something had ripped it off.

She hesitantly peeked deeper in. Thankfully the inside was rather small, the only thing of note there being a chest. She gave another good look around, and then opened the chest.

"Some bread... well, it doesn't seem stale. Does the game even have a food-spoiling mechanic? I suppose I'll find out in time. Oh, two more ingots. Fantastic! And these..." She pulled out of the chest a set of green gems, each as large as her palm. "Emeralds? Wonder why they'd be here..." She then went to pull out the last item from the chest.

The dull shine of iron met her eyes, but this time it wasn't a simple ingot. A helmet, in great condition - albeit a bit of dirt here and there - was in her hand. It had some heft to it, and as far as Monika could tell it was of good quality. She went to put it on, but found that her ponytail - messy and dirty as it was at that point - stopped her from wearing the helmet.

With a sigh, Monika took off the ribbon tying her hair together and donned the helmet in its stead. Not having her ribbon on felt like a part of her was missing, but she'd rather feel like that if it meant she'd avoid getting an arrow through her noggin.

A very familar growl came from outside, chilling Monika to the core.


The stench of rot was next, confirming her fears. "There's a zombie out here. I... I can't get out. Where did it even come from?"

She was tired. Hungry. And wanted nothing more than to go to sleep in a proper bed, and to have a bath in an actual bathroom, instead of in a cold river. But most importantly? She was sick of this world always doing its best to wear her down! First her beloved disappeared, then she almost died because of some walking corpse, and then she thought she had found someplace safe, but no! It had to be a zombie village!

Monika didn't know when she had gotten up, nor when she'd pulled out her saber, but she went along with it. The sheer fury overwhelmed her fear, and as she burst out of the forge she threw herself at the zombie.

Monika HP: 20; Defense: 2; Damage: 9 (5 +50% [armor-less enemy] +20% [armswoman 1])
Zombie HP: 20; Defense: 2; Damage: 9

Roll 1 (Surprise attack!): 9 17 +2 (Shield) VS 16 = 19 VS 16
Zombie HP: 20 - 9 = 11

Roll 2: 15 +2 VS 5 = 17 VS 5
Zombie HP: 20 - 9 = 2

Roll 3: 13 +2 VS 7 = 15 VS 7
Zombie HP: 2 - 9 = 0

She smashed her shield into the undead's face, forcing it to stagger back as she cut it up piece by piece. Vile ichor sprayed out of its wounds: onto her blade, on her clothes, on the ground. She didn't stop until she cut its head off.

The zombie didn't have the time to fall to the ground, bursting into smoke as Monika kicked it away.

Monika's ragged breathing and her own heartbeat were the only things she could hear. Her anger had dissipated. Now... there wasn't anything. A thick haze spread over her limbs and mind, slowing her movements. She had a hard time holding up her blade.

She just wanted to go to sleep and forget everything.

[] Your base. Safe, and familiar. But far. Can you even reach it?
[] The forge. It would be easy to barricade. Maybe not very comfy, but that's not a problem.

Note: this choice is actually bigger than seems at first glance.

Yeah, it's been a hot minute since I actually updated this, my bad on that front. I just stopped thinking about it for a bit, and... welp. Slipped my mind entirely.

[X] The forge. It would be easy to barricade. Maybe not very comfy, but that's not a problem.
[X] The forge. It would be easy to barricade. Maybe not very comfy, but that's not a problem.
[X] The forge. It would be easy to barricade. Maybe not very comfy, but that's not a problem.
Seems like the best option... If a zombie is spawning it must be late enough that a stroll through the countryside would be a bad idea.

She did get the knowledge that mobs can break down doors though. Ripped off the hinges and the like, right?
That means fixing her wall up to be less vulnerable.

Looking forwards to her seeing her first giant fucking spider... or Enderman.
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[X] The forge. It would be easy to barricade. Maybe not very comfy, but that's not a problem.
[X] Your base. Safe, and familiar. But far. Can you even reach it?

Something about her thoughts, and the haze falling over her... seems off. I do not trust this village whatsoever. Without a description of time, we have no idea what time of day it is. I assume it's night, or nearing it, but if it isn't, how did that zombie not burst into flames?
[X] Your base. Safe, and familiar. But far. Can you even reach it?

Something about her thoughts, and the haze falling over her... seems off. I do not trust this village whatsoever. Without a description of time, we have no idea what time of day it is. I assume it's night, or nearing it, but if it isn't, how did that zombie not burst into flames?
Humm... that's convinced me to change...
[X] Your base. Safe, and familiar. But far. Can you even reach it?
That's nice, but you're still in the minority, so I don't think we'll get it.
Hey... is the "Bad feeling" Monika just having the ability to hit f7 and see the spawn locations on? Because I don't think she lit up the inside of the blacksmith...
Hey... is the "Bad feeling" Monika just having the ability to hit f7 and see the spawn locations on? Because I don't think she lit up the inside of the blacksmith...
I didn't even know the f7 thing existed until now lmao.
And what 'bad feeling' are you talking about? I don't recall mentioning anything quite that way, though I might miss the exact way I word things sometimes.

P.S. new update is tomorrow so we have the chance to get more votes in
I didn't even know the f7 thing existed until now lmao.
And what 'bad feeling' are you talking about? I don't recall mentioning anything quite that way, though I might miss the exact way I word things sometimes.

P.S. new update is tomorrow so we have the chance to get more votes in
The f7 thing comes from a mod actually. One of the various light level checker mods. Normally, you can use f3 to check light levels to see if something can spawn.
[X] Your base. Safe, and familiar. But far. Can you even reach it?

it would seem someone needed help stoping a bad end so i came to help

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