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Multiverse-Crafter [RWBY ISEKAI FIC]

why do i feel like "THE PLAN" going to involve some grape allegations?
So I am glad you are back, and that the situation with your brother got resolved. That being said....

...this chapter made me consider dropping this story. First, the fight between Yang and Pyrrha.

At this point in the story, Yang's fighting style is kinda like a berserker - she hadn't really learned the importance of defense yet, relying on her semblance to pay back any harm she gets dealt. Even unarmed and with that (pathetic) try at distraction, Pyrrha should have been able to beat her. She's not called 'Invincible' for fun, you know?

But that aside, besides thinking 'yeah OK, clearly AU', that wasn't what really irked me about that fight. Instead, let's talk about Nora.

Getting your teammate into a public duel when she clearly dislikes the spotlight? Not cool. Announcing it as being about the title of 'strongest' when your teammate is exhausted and said she wouldn't use her weapons? Not cool. Blackmailing her into accepting that announcement by threatening to reveal personal information that you only got by being her teammate in the first place? NOT cool.

Then, as the author, having Nora do all that while knowing full well that you will make Pyrrha lose? REALLY not cool.

Then, that visit to the bar. And Jaune's reaction to the topic of (extremely hard) drugs.

...not cool, man. Crack is no joke, unless it's the genre. If they had been talking about weed or even shrooms or LSD, that would be different. But crack? Serious business, man.
Last edited:
Holy, he hired two prostitutes to rizz up Cardin and leave him feeling good about how that went. H O L Y
18 - Sins of the past

[Yang Xiao Long]
Green eyes open, staring at the infirmary ceiling. Despite being confused, she tries to get up, but a throbbing pain in her head forces her to lie down again.

"Hold on, Pyrrha." I say to the bedridden girl. "The nurse said you shouldn't move too much."

She tries to move again, but the muscle pains made her effort in vain.

The Mistral champion looks to her right and gives me a lost stare.

Slowly, she attempts to get up for the third time, but everything spins around her, and she lies back down on the bed.

"Stay down Nikos. You're not in danger, but you still need to rest after that hit." I saidsay, trying to give her a friendly smile.

"What do you want?" Asks the redhead in an irritated tone.

Ish! The girl is still sour.

But it's not surprising, after all, she wasn't in a good mood when I interrupted her training, and after I knocked her out, I'm the first person she sees when waking up.

I guess it wasn't a good idea to ask Nora to leave us alone.

"I think I'll start by… apologizing."

"Huh?" Said Pyrrha, confused.

"It was wrong of me to tease you like that. I know you have a thing for your leader, and it wasn't cool of me to tease you." I say to her as I sat next to her on the bed. "And when we made the bet, I really wanted some answers, so I fought like Jaune."

"Like Jaune?" She repeats , parroting myself.

"Yeah… being smart and making your opponent make mistakes and taking advantage of them." I sigh, looking down before continuing. "But I guess it's not a good idea to play dirty with someone I want help from, right?" I chuckle awkwardly, realizing I should have thought better when I fought her in the gym.

Smiling serenely, the champion looked at the ceiling, processing what I said.

"From the start, I knew he was intelligent and that it was only a matter of time before he had a victory."

"He's quite a guy, huh?" I comment, relieved now that she calmed down thinking about her crush.

"Yes." Replies the redhead, closing her eyes.

A comfortable silence settled in the room as Pyrrha took deep breaths and tried to settle into her bed.

"Can we have our conversation now?" I ask, getting up from the bed and sitting back in the armchair beside it.

Nikos sighed wearily but she nodded to me.

"So…" I started without exactly knowing what to ask. "What do you think of Arc?

In response, the Mistral champion widened her eyes and regards me suspiciously.

"I think that's a bit broad for a question." The redhead replies questioning me. "What exactly do you want to know?"

Laughing nervously, I relaxed as much as possible in the hospital chair before rephrasing the question.

"At first, Jaune was just a random guy to me, a clueless idiot with zero training wanting to be a Hunter, it was even hilarious to see everyone wiping the floor with him in Goodwitch's fights."

"Hmm." Grumbles Nikos with a stern face.

Crap! It is important for me to remember what Blake told me, "Don't insult her husbando".

"Then out of nowhere, he starts improving like crazy! I know he had extra training with you and two professors, but it's still insane that he's already caught up to the rest of the class."

'In terms of fighting and experience, he still had a long way to go, but in physical aptitude, Aura quality, and density, he was already at the level of a Beacon applicant.' I thought to myself, staring at the redhead.

"Even before his victory against Cardin, it was a pain to defeat him, not just because of the shield, but his Aura is huge." Raising my voice dramatically, I sat on the edge of the armchair. "And that Semblance combined with his big head? He could dominate the world!"

Unable to control herself, Pyrrha burst into laughter instantly. In response, I crossed my arms and glared at the redhead, annoyed by her reaction.

"I'm serious." I affirm in a dry tone.

"That's why it's funny." Replies the redhead, laughing melodiously. "Jaune Arc, evil mastermind?"

I shrugged in response.

"The same Jaune Arc whose pants got burned when he forgot a fire Dust crystal in his pocket?"

I began to deflate in the armchair with each of her responses.

"He-he, I forgot about that."

"The same Jaune who scared off that dog that had chased Blake and then helped her out of the tree?"


"The same Jaune who broke curfew and accepted the punishment without complaining to buy medicine for Ruby's flu?"

"Hmm." I grumble, unable to counter her.

"The same Jaune who had every right in the world to send that creep Cardin Winchester to jail without anyone judging or questioning him, yet he chose to have a civil conversation with him?"

"Okay!" I exclaim, hands raised in defeat. "The guy has a heart of gold! But that doesn't answer my question!"

Pyrrha's laughter gradually subsides, and she wiped away a tear from the corner of her eye.

"From what I know about Jaune, he's very determined when he puts his mind to something. He is kind and a good leader, despite his initial lack of skills. He might not be the strongest, fastest, or most talented, but he is relentless and inspires those around him to do their best."

Sighing, I leaned back on the armchair, processing what she said.

"Is there something else you want to know?" The redhead asks, genuinely curious.

Closing my eyes and scratching my head, I contemplate asking what was really bugging me.

"What about you? How do you feel about him?"

Opening her eyes wide, Pyrrha blushes intensely, making me regret the question immediately.

"Why do you ask?" She inquires, her voice a bit higher than usual.

"Curiosity." I lie, trying not to make it weirder.

The atmosphere in the infirmary suddenly became tense, making me regret asking that question.

"Ahem!" I clear my throat, trying to change the subject. "When did you start training Jaune, and why?"

Realizing my attempt to divert the topic, Pyrrha relaxes a bit and sighed, focusing her gaze on her hands.

"It started after the incident with Cardin. Jaune was in a bad state, and I couldn't stand seeing him like that. So, I offered to help him improve. He's a good friend, and I wanted to support him," she explains, her voice softening.

"So, you two are close friends?" I ask, trying to keep my tone casual.

"Yes." Pyrrha replies, nodding slightly.

"I see." I mutter, falling into a brief silence before mustering the courage to ask another question. "Do you… have feelings for him?"

I immediately regret asking, but the words had already escaped my mouth.

The room fell into a heavy silence, and Pyrrha hesitates, her cheeks turning a deeper shade of red.

"I… I… That's…"

"Sorry, forget it." I quickly interject, not wanting to press further. "I shouldn't have asked."

"No, it's okay." Pyrrha says softly. "It's just complicated. Jaune is a good friend, and I care about him a lot."

The tension in the room persists, and I feel a pang of guilt for bringing up such a sensitive topic.

"It's a bit awkward, isn't it?" I chuckled nervously, trying to ease the atmosphere.

Pyrrha managed a faint smile.

"It's alright. Sometimes things get a little uncomfortable, but that's life."

The awkwardness lingers, and I decide it was time to change the subject.

"Hey, Pyrrha, can I ask you something else?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Do you think he's… too good to be true?"

Pyrrha furrows her brow, pondering the question.

"What do you mean?"

"It's so weird." I comment, looking at my hands. "He's fun, intelligent, kind, sensitive, and to top it off, he became hot in just one month of training."

Pyrrha chuckles at me and asks.

"When he arrives, can't you help but smile at him?" Pyrrha asks, giving a sarcastic smile.

"Yes!" I reply, pointing at her.

"And when he smiles back, do you feel all happy and uneasy?"

"Exactly!" I nod with a shy smile. "It's like time stops for a moment and everything feels lighter."

"It seems like he has that effect on people. But I still don't understand what your problem is, Yang."

"It's just… everything seems too good to be true. Sometimes, I question if it's real or if I'm just idealizing. I mean, how can someone be so perfect?" I sigh, gazing into the void for a moment.

"I guess it's normal to feel that way when you have romantic feelings for someone."

"WHAT?" I shout, jumping up from the armchair.

I tried to take another step back, but I bump into the window blinds.

"Ja-Ja-Jaune's a ni-nice guy an all that." I stammer, avoiding eye contact. "But I don't have feelings or anything for the guy."

Me? Yang Xiao Long, into the weakest and least popular guy at Beacon?

That makes no sense at all, but my body seems to react weirdly to this idea. I feel a knot in my stomach, my hands start sweating, and my heart races for no apparent reason.

"Is something wrong, Yang?" Pyrrha asks, teasingly smiling at me. "You're pale and sweating a lot, girl."

I try to hide it, but my legs feel a bit shaky, and I get a chill down my spine whenever he's around. I find myself avoiding eye contact in fear that she'll notice how genuinely nervous I am.

"I'm just annoyed that you think I have feelings for that virgin…"

It's like my body's screaming at me to be cautious, but I just don't know what I'm protecting myself from.

"Humpf." Pyrrha grunts arrogantly. "And here I thought I was the coward."

"Say what?" I asked, confused. "What do you mean, Nikos?"

"I might not have confessed yet, but at least I'm not terrified of my feelings like you are."

My blood boiled instantly, and I scowl at the arrogant girl on the bed.

"I've said it before: I'm not into Jaune."

"Please, Yang." Replies Nikos in a proud tone. "Not only do you have a crush on him, but you're so scared of your feelings that you came to me looking for some dirt to forget about him once and for all."

"Listen here, Nikos!" I exclaim seriously, pointing my finger at her. "You stay on your pedestal all protected in your golden cage, but I live in the real world, and I know guys like Jaune who seem perfect are just waiting for a chance to use stupid and innocent girls."

Silent and wide-eyed, Nikos stares at me for a few seconds until she softened her face, looking at me with understanding and compassion.

"Did that happen to you?"

I looked down and hug myself as unease overwhelmed my mind.

"Yang?" Nikos calls my name, but I don't hear her.

It had been so long since I thought about it.

At that time, I was only 13, and he was almost graduating from Signal, but I still can't help feeling like a complete idiot. If Qrow hadn't found me by chance when he went to drink secretly.

That bastard used to say I was pretty, that he loved me. He made me feel special, but in reality… he just wanted to use me as a piece of meat to satisfy his desires.


A shout snaps me out of my spiral of depression, and I look at the redhead staring at me, concerned. In response, I take a deep breath, covering my face with my hands.

"Nothing happened, but…" I swallow hard, trying to untie the knot in my throat and continue speaking. "Someone I liked tried to take advantage of me a long time ago."

A tense and uncomfortable silence settled in the room once again.
I think it's best to leave this conversation aside and get out of here. But as soon as I got up to try to leave, I felt something grab me and pull me by the hand. I turned, surprised to see Pyrrha pointing to the bed, asking me to sit next to her.

I sat without looking at her, staring at the wall, but the invincible girl didn't give up on comforting me. She placesa hand on my shoulder to calm me down.

"I don't know what you went through or how you felt, but know that I'm happy that you're fine and the person you are today, Yang."

I turn towards her, surprised by this mature and compassionate side of her.

"Even though I don't know what happened to you, my mom was tricked by someone who said he loved her. But when she became pregnant with me, the person disappeared." Pyrrha sighs and gathers her strength to continue speaking. "My grandparents wanted my mother to have an abortion, but she refused and was disowned."


Giving a slightly embarrassed smile at my reaction, she continued talking.

"It wasn't easy for her to raise me alone, but I'm grateful for everything she did for me. That's why I worked so hard to win the Mistral tournaments, to help her with the prize money."

"Wow! I thought you were-."

Before I could continue, I was interrupted by the beep from my Scroll.

"Who is it?" Pyrrha asked curiously.

"It's Ruby." I reply, opening the message.


Attached to the message was an image of Jaune lying unconscious on the ground, his body covered in golden flames.




[Hei Xiong Junior]
[2 hours before the picture]

"Any problem, Mr. Arc." I ask the boy approaching the bar.

"None, to tell you the truth…" He whispered, sitting on the counter. "Everything went according to Keikaku."


"Don't worry about it, let's talk business."

I eye the alcohol-smelling boy with a raised eyebrow.

"Are you sure?"

The kid finished a bottle of whiskey alone in less than twenty minutes, and then asked for another to keep drinking with his 'friend.' He might seem fine, but even with Aura, it's hard to hold it together.

"Yes." He says while drinking a green liquid from a glass jar he took out of his coat pocket. "Don't worry about me."

Shrugging, I stepped out from behind the counter and guided him to the real VIP room, where the 'real business' took place.

Miltia accompanies me, a new policy for my business. Never be alone with Huntsmen. Even trust fund babies that look like idiots and have more money than sense, like Jaune Arc.

When he made contact, I thought it was a joke. He wanted the two best escorts money could buy, not just beautiful, but experienced enough to fool that ginger tool.

Since he didn't complain, the girls must have convinced the boy.

Spending money, so another guy could have good company to drink the best drinks in the house was already a big flag signaling that young Arc had money, but when he made a special order for Dust, that's when I understood this kid wasn't playing around.

We walk for a few minutes until we reach a large wooden door. I enter, opening the door, and gestured for the young man to come in.

"Thank you." Jaune replies in a sober tone.

He seemed more lucid than when he was at the bar. It must be the effect of that green liquid he drank.

The VIP room was a specially chosen area for 'more discreet' negotiations. It was a private area, completely separate from the noisy and disorganized atmosphere of the rest of the club. The environment exuded luxury and sophistication, with its walls made of dark wood, intelligent LED lamps hanging on the walls. The large wooden table in the center of the room was an imposing figure accompanied by elegant leather-finished chairs, yet comfortable.

Jaune sat at the table, and I closed the door and sat opposite him. Miltia, on the other hand, went to the safe to retrieve the merchandise.

"Are you aware that the prices of the girls and the whiskey are significantly cheaper than the costs of Dust?" Jaune asked.

Smiling confidently in my direction, the boy put his filthy feet on my Mistralian mahogany table.

"And you're not moving all this Dust because you're afraid of attracting Torchwick's attention, right?" The man replies.

"Humpf!" Miltia grunts as she places the merchandise on the table.

Miltia's bad mood was to be expected, but not because of the mention of Roman, it was because he knew about the difficulty I was having moving all this stuff.

"Do you think I'm afraid of Torchwick?" I ask, glaring at him.

"Of course not, the guy is a genius in the art of crime, but he's still a clown." Comments the young man, laughing at the situation as if it were a childish joke. "But his little associate who has the power to infiltrate anywhere is scary, you know…"

I had to agree, Neo was a true threat with that demeanor and willingness to kill anyone cold-blooded.

"But I must admit that his contractor is even scarier."

"H-h-how do you know?" I spoke, trying not to stutter.

The young man furrows his brow in response and gave me a feral smile.

"Can I evaluate the merchandise?"

I pushed both cases toward the boy, who then opened them and started examining the contents.

There were a total of 20 tubes of Dust in each case, each tube is enough for 10 ammunition clips.

In a few moments, the boy closed the cases and stared angrily in my direction.

"It's fake!" The boy exclaimed as he examined the last tube.

"What?" He had examined all 40 tubes in less than 3 minutes? "Don't fuck with me, kid. Even a Dust engineer would take hours to assess this amount of Dust."

Arc frowned and stared at me intensely, making a knot in my stomach.

"I'm paying for Grade 4 Dust, and this crap in front of me is 3."

How did this pampered prick figure it out?

"Listen here, kid-."


"LISTEN HERE, YOU!" He shouts, hitting the table.


Miltia drew her weapon as he got fired and moved toward him.

Smiling, I face the boy, who would learn in the worst way that you don't mess with Hei Xiong.


At least… that's what I expected until Miltia fell flat on the floor.

"Urgh!" Groans Miltia.

I stood up, worried about what had happened to her, but what really caught my attention was Miltia's body being lifted from the ground by one of her legs.

"What the hell is this?" I ask, looking at the metal tentacle that was holding my workers' leg.

Following the arm of the strange metallic limb, I noticed that it was connected to Jaune Arc's back, from where… ANOTHER 3?!

The mechanical arms lifted Jaune while he stared at me intimidatingly. I hesitated for a second when I took a step back.

"No." Jaune ordereds as one of his tentacles flew in my direction.

I raise my arms to defend against the blow, but instead of hitting me, the mechanical limb coiled around my arm and pulls me forward.


"Damn." I groan in pain, falling face-first onto the ground.

I tried to prop myself up with my free arm, but the third tentacle grabbed it while the fourth ties my legs, pulling me toward my assailant.

"Geez, Junior." Jaune comments in a sad, sarcastic tone. "I came here to help you get rid of all this stagnant Dust using an official Beacon account. You could probably deduct some of the value from your taxes."

That moron is a genius! How did I not think of that? With my Vacuon accounts, I could have made this operation look like a standard Dust supply purchase; I could have earned more than 30% of the value of this transaction.

"You bring me this Grade 3 crap and expect me to pay for it as if it were Grade 4?" He asks, squeezing my arms and legs.

My Aura flared in response to the damage. I was probably still in the green, but I couldn't break free. In this soundproof room, I couldn't call for help, he had my life in his mechanical limbs.

"I'll give you a discount. But please, don't hurt us."

Miltia was upside-down, trying to free herself by cutting the tentacle. But as soon as Arc realized what she was trying to do, he started shaking her slowly in the air.

"Hum?" Miltia grumbled confused.


Arc slams her against the floor, as if she were a rat he wanted to kill for daring to invade his home.

"H-h-hic." Miltia whimpers as if she were about to cry, while Arc slowly brought her face close to his, upside down.

"Stay quiet." Arc says, almost whispering to her.

The poor girl almost broke her neck, nodding her head in response to the boy's threat.

"Let's do the following…" Jaune comments as he scratches his chin in thought. "I'll pay half the market value for all this Grade 3 dust. The girls' fees and the bar tab will be on the house, right?"

I nod, accepting the 50% discount hurt my ego, but it's not like I was in a position to negotiate. The money was still good, at least 50 million Lien. To me, that was huge, but for an institution like Beacon, it was a drop in the bucket.

He places us on the ground while holding a tube in his hands.

As soon as I stand up, I notice a strange golden mist emanating from the boy's body, it hovered in his hand until he touches one of the tubes.

"This is the annoying part." As soon as the boy complains, the mist engulfs the tube's contents.

Red veins appears on the boy's arm, like bright fire lines, the same color as the Dust he was holding.

"Damn!" The boy groans in pain, but within seconds, the veins disappear along with the golden mist. "One down, thirty-nine to go." He concluded, throwing the tube to Miltia.
Even caught off guard, she managed to hold it without dropping it.

"Empty?" She asked, wide-eyed.

What? Did he consume all that Dust with his Semblance?
As soon as he finished the second vial, he let it fall to the ground and moved on to the next.


Only when I heard the noise of the second container hitting the ground did I understand what this madman wanted to do. He's going to consume all that Dust at once.


Every time he absorbed one of the Dust containers, bright veins jumped on his arm in the same color. It was evident from his face the pain he was feeling, but he still quickened his pace, starting to absorb Dust with the other hand even before finishing the first. He ignored all the pain and discomfort, and in a few minutes, empty vials surrounded his feet.

"It's always difficult to go through all this pain…" He complains only to look at the void. "…but it's worth it."

I know lunatics who like to feel the pain of using Dust without an intermediary like weapons, but storing so much power without exploding is the first time I've seen it.

With a sadistic smile on his face, the young man walked towards me, staring at me seriously. This would be the moment when Miltia would step in front of me to defend me, but poor thing was still on the ground after being smashed against the floor.

Jaune raised his right hand, pointing his index and middle fingers at me.


"AAARGH!" I shouted, falling on my butt.

Young Arc laughs at my reaction.

"Don't worry, Junior, today you tried to pull a fast one on me, but it didn't work out for you." He finishes the sentence, offering his hand to help me up.

Relieved by the return of the boy's normal behavior, I accepted, but as soon as I stood up, he frowned again, staring at me.

"I'll come back in the near future to do business with you."


Two tentacles dug into the ground in front of me, lifting the boy, while the others pushed me against the ceiling.

"I promise I won't forgive you a second time." His voice was cold and serious, as if he were making a vow rather than a threat.

The mechanical limbs pressed harder against my chest, draining even more of my Aura, squeezing me.


Why is my scroll alert ringing? I glanced briefly at my waist where it hangs.

"Is my Aura in the red?"


With a dry thud, I fell to the ground as the blonde psychopath let me go.

"Remember what we talked about, after all, an Arc never goes back on his word."

Slowly, the huntsman-in-training walks out of the VIP room, leaving me and Miltia behind.

It was surreal… Now he has enough Dust in his body to blow up a few buildings.

"He's a monster." Miltia whispers in a trembling and breathless voice.

Poor thing, she usually doesn't accompany me in the more dangerous negotiations. Despite this kid's power, he still went easy on us after we tried to deceive him. I know guys with this kind of power who would have cut off a hand or two just for disrespecting them like that.

"Strong, well-connected, and rich…" She continues in a more intense tone.


"Do you think he's single?" Asks the breathless girl with starry eyes.

"Go take a cold shower and then come back to the bar."

I'll keep a close eye on this boy, he has a lot of power for someone so young.

[Original point of view]


Why did that bald jerk try to double-cross me? I came to spend a shitload of money with him, and the asshole tried to deceive me. I could have died if it weren't for my Semblance and the training with Glynda.

During initiation, I spent more than 30% of my aura to create Stilt-man's armor. Today, I spent only 7% of my aura to make Doctor Octopus's arms.

Was I influenced by the tentacles and became more violent?


Was it worth intimidating and putting Junior in his place?


Especially considering how many points I have now.

Multiverse Crafting System

What would you like to do?
Magic: 226,954 Points
Aura: 93.7%

I can't contain myself and start laughing like an idiot as I leave Junior's bar. I know I promised not to do anything scandalous to attract attention, but with this many points, I'm very tempted to create artificial intelligence. Maybe I'll make Jarvis with all the blueprints of the Arc reactors and armors that Tony Stark has ever created in the movies and comics.

But first, there's something I've wanted to do for a while.

Multiverse Crafting System

This will cost 1,000 Magic Points
Magic: 226,954 Points
Aura: 93.7%

"Cheaper than I thought… make its system in a language I understand and its hardware and software compatible with this world's technology."

Multiverse Crafting System

This will cost 1,500 Magic Points
Magic: 226,954 Points
Aura: 93.7%

As soon as I gave the command, the golden mist appeared in my hand, materializing the small device with a red lens that I had longed for.



It was a Dragon Ball Scouter, with a red lens just like Vegeta's. I waste no time and put it on immediately.

As soon as the small yet powerful device was in position, I press the button.




"Cool. Even the power level measurement sound is the same." I comment happily, fulfilling a childhood dream.


"That's weird… it seems like there's someone strong nearby." The sound was identical to the series, which made me thrilled and unfortunately distracted.

When I turned in the arrow's direction, the scouter pointed out the Power Level of something emerging from the darkness.


Damn! As strong as Nappa?

Before I could see the owner of such power, something golden flew from the darkness toward me, wrapping around my right foot and pulling me forward.


"Damn it." I complain, falling on my butt with some kind of chain tied to my foot.

"Watch your potty mouth, Jaune." Said a familiar voice coming from the darkness.

Heavy and slow footsteps walked in my direction, a figure in black armor with golden details approached me.

Instantly, my blood froze, and a knot formed in the pit of my stomach as I beheld my attacker.

Her armor made of black steel plates with golden details should have been more than enough to identify who had captured me, but it was her cold, cruel blue eyes and golden hair just like mine that sent chills down my spine.

"Hello, Jaune." Says the cold, feminine voice hiding internal fury.

My past had finally caught up with me.

"It's time to pay for your sins… little brother."



E ai gurizada,

YESS your back!!! so good man i really missed this, also glad everything is better know, altough kinda sad the next chapter will take so long i understand your circunstances, Really loved yang VS Phyrra, altough can't wait to see more about blake since soon it would be her turn. lets just hope she doesnt corrupt ruby with filth xD. keep the good work
—Response= Ruby reading Blake's books…

—Mikhail Sharon:

Pyrrha actually got knocked out? By Yang of all people? But then again she was a bit too heated and was Foreman to Yang's Ali. Well done.
—Response= As you mentioned, Yang won because Pyrrha didn't keep her composure; in a rematch, I would bet on the cereal girl's victory.
If it was a "fair fight", Pyrrha would surely win despite Yang having more experience fighting unarmed than the Mistral Champion.


Nice chapter. cant wait to see how the SDC and dustless tech stuff works out.
—Response= I'm finishing the first Arc of this Story, in the interlude, I will write about that.

Sorry, I'm kind of slow.
That's why the answer will come only in 2 weeks.

In other words, "Look a cliff" then shoved everyone that reads til then off said cliff. Story wise great and a perfect cliffhanger. But maddening as a reader for needing to wait until next chapter lol.

Thank you for the chapter. And Happy New Year!
TFTC, love the power scouter. Most 'purchase with points' type of stories end up spending every point on plot relevant or build defining choices, I love how your Jaune is more realistically buying everything that gets his attention with only cursory regard for build cohesion. Potluck heroes tend to interest me more than a polished N step plan.
19 - Sibling fight
<Avip:Warning, I'm not used to writing action scenes, so it was quite difficult for me to write this chapter.>

[Original point of view]

"It's time to pay for your crimes… little brother."

"Noir Arc." I mumble aloud the name of my attacker. "Can you tell me why this is necessary?" I ask, pointing at the chain on my leg.

The chain on my leg pulls me through the street, getting me closer to my older sister.
I try to get up, but a boot pressed down on my chest, forcing me back to the ground.

Looking up I behold my aggressor, a blonde with short hair, cold and cruel blue eyes, and her imposing 1.95 meters (6'4" in American), 9 centimeters (3.5 inches) taller than me.


Not that I was envious of my older sister, the successful and respected veteran Huntress dressed in black steel plate armor with golden details, wielding a sword in each hand held by chains on the handle making her look like a Death Knight armed with Kratos' Blades of Chaos.

Okay… maybe I was a little jealous of her.

A lump formed in my throat and my stomach begins to churn. She didn't step on me with force, but from the contact I was already at the mercy of her powerful Semblance.

"Go home and leave me alone." I growl at her, trying to hide my anxiety. "I'm a Huntsman in training at Beacon Academy now."

Noir looks at me with a raised eyebrow, doubting my statement.

"Here." I lift my scroll, displaying my student ID.

"I'm impressed." She says in a genuine tone.

I give a smile at the first compliment I received from my older sister in this world, I even regretted all the insults I shouted at her before fleeing the Arcs' house
"It's truly incredible, how much the quality of Beacon's applicants has fallen to the point of accepting a weakling like you."

"Mega bitch, gaping asshole, blond cow, uber cunt, dyke bimbo, syphilitic dick sucker, communist-."

"Enough! I don't know what a communist is, but that is irrelevant." Noir says, cutting off my list of insults directed at her. "I will be escorting you home, where you will receive the necessary medical care."

Care? Is she insinuating that I'm sick?

Not knowing how to respond, I opted for my modus operandi.

"Fuck you!" Offense and swearing.

"That's what I'm talking about, Jaune." Noir comments in a tired tone. "Since the accident, you have displayed a drastic change in behavior, including swearing and exhibiting a more aggressive demeanor than usual."

Despite her formal tone, I begin to notice that she truly cared about my well-being.

"Everyone was jubilant when you recovered from your coma, but since then, you've changed so much, even father is worried about you."Despite her stoic face, her voice is filled with sadness. "I'm worried about you."

"Wow…" I muttered quietly, feeling bad. "But what about this 'paying for your crimes' thing?"

"You mean besides the money you stole?"

"That money was mine!" I reply indignantly.

"That money was for your college." She says in a dry tone.

In response, I could only give a wry smile and avoid her gaze.

Sighing tiredly, Noir took her foot off my chest and helped me stand up. As soon as I stood up, I took a step back, moving away from her for fear of being captured again.

"I admit you seem to have developed some muscles, but that doesn't matter, you're coming home with me."

"I say it doesn't matter what you want." I reply as I raise my voice, trying to assert myself against her. "It's my life, fuck yours, I'm going nowhere."

"So much unnecessary vulgarity." Noir said, shaking his head. "This just proves how immature and unfit you are to become a Huntsman."

"Are you a deaf woman?" I yell. "That ship has already sailed Noir, I'm on Beacon I'm a team leader, go live your life and leave me the fuck alone!" I curse, raising my hands to the night sky.

With an irritated face, the blonde took out one of her swords and points it in my direction. The weapon's blade and chain were black as night, which suited her name, 'Minuit'.


"You are an Arc." Her voice was filled with authority and veiled anger. "The sole male heir of our lineage, you have obligations to the Arc clan."


Before I could complain or curse at her again, the weapon flew from her hand. All I could see was a dark metallic blur coming towards me. Startled by the speed, I raise my hands to defend against the attack.

"Huh?" I mutter aloud.

The sword hadn't struck me, it passed by my side, wrapping me in its chain.

"Straight to BDSM? At least buy me dinner first."

An angry vein bulged on her forehead, yet she didn't respond to my behavior.

"I gave my word to our father and mother that I would bring you home safely, even if I have to drag you unconscious."

I was pulled to the ground, again, with a tug of the black chain.

"And you know very well that a Arc never breaks their word.'"

I struggled futilely on the ground, trying to force the chains, but it was in vain. Besides the metal being of high quality, the chains were reinforced by Noir's Semblance. It was impossible to break them while she remained focused. To make matters worse, I had left my weapons and shield at Beacon.

"You haven't changed at all," Noir says in a tone filled with disgust..

"What?" I ask, ceasing my struggling.

Noir shook her head disapprovingly at me, seeming disappointed by my question.

"An enemy stands in front of you, and you've allowed yourself to be easily captured. Why? Because I'm your sister? Do you think I won't hurt?"

"Uh…" I murmur, speechless.

"I'm a specialized Huntress in hunting criminals, I've killed more people than I care to remember. Could you bear a similar burden as mine?"

Silence was my only reply.

"You might have become more aggressive and foul-mouthed, but you're still an unworthy weakling who fears hurting others in combat."

A strange feeling began to weigh on my conscience.

"What are you talking about?"

"Your fight when fleeing from the Arc mansion." Noir said, looking at me with shame for my actions. "Ten guards were injured, some of them frozen, burned, electrocuted, or just lightly wounded. But none died."

My eyes widened at my sister's draconian declaration.

"You think that's bad?" I asked incredulously. "They were just innocent men doing their job."

"Your point being?" Her voice came out graver and more intense than before. "They were standing in your way. Such weak conduct will only result in difficulties in the life of a huntsman."

"B-b-but—" I tried to respond but only stuttered a reply cut off by my black-armored sister.

"I love you, Jaune." She speaks with a stern tone, appearing somewhat depressed, akin to a parent who is dreading the task of reprimanding their child. "But you're weak, insecure, inattentive, incompetent, and above all, a coward who lacks the courage to kill those who oppose you."

Her words wound my spirit like a rain of sharp blades, but it was the next sentence that felt like a knife through my heart.

"You weren't born for this."

The casual way she said it uttered deeply within me. The pain echoed, revisiting a memory from my previous life.

'You're a lazy and forgetful person.'

The voice in my memory possessed a friendly demeanor, infused with concern and affection, yet the words spoken still weighs heavily on me.

'How about something simpler and less risky?'

This person was worried about me, wanted the best for me, yet couldn't help but crush my dreams and hopes with every sentence.

'You weren't born for this.'

Words became a crushing weight on my shoulders. I began to question if my dreams were mere empty fantasies. A mix of emotions flooded my heart. Disappointment, pain, and an overwhelming sense of despair.

Maybe she is right.

Perhaps I would never achieve what I longed for.


Still, a spark persisted within me.

Feelings of anger and hatred began to boil within me, anger toward those who didn't believe in me, against those who stood in my way, and most of all... hatred toward myself for not even trying to prove them wrong.

Will I make the same mistakes even in this new life? Will I once again accept what my family, even if it's a new one, wants to impose on me?

'… in this first week, you've already proven to be one of the best in terms of effort.' Echoes Professor Port's voice in my mind.

Noir reminded me of the failures of my past life. She shook my spirit, but not enough to extinguish my inner flame.

'Today, you've shown that creativity, versatility, and intelligence are indispensable tools in the life of a Hunter.' Repeats Glynda's voice deep within me.

A serene smile spread across my face as I reflected on how little time it had been since I began training. Despite having much to learn, I couldn't help but feel proud of what I had already achieved in such a short time.

"You know, onee-chan, if you had come a few weeks ago, I probably would've gone with you without resistance."

Noir opened a victorious smile at my declaration, but it was premature.


A golden, bright mist began to envelop my body, starting from my feet and rising slowly.

"You need to know that no one is born a hero…"

My body was now covered by the bright mist, obscuring Noir's view. Meanwhile, metallic plates started covering my body, sealing me in armor.

"What is that-."

Still constrained by the chains, I exerted force before she could finish her question, and this time, I felt the chains loosen and start to creak.

"How?" Says my wide-eyed sister.


Caught off guard by my power, Noir lost focus, and the chains snapped with a metallic crack as I stood up, taking advantage of her distraction. The mist dissipated, revealing the red and gold armor that covered me entirely.

"Heroes are built!"

My voice came out slightly robotic through the armor's speakers.

My chest swelled with pride, illuminating the night with the Arc reactor within it. I stared at my assailant through the visor of the Iron Man Mark III armor.


"Your Semblance?" Noir asks for the first time, a hint of doubt in her voice.

Though she couldn't see my face, I gave a half-smile, lifting my head proudly. With her black sword fallen on the ground by my side and her broken chain, Noir found herself forced to draw her other sword, white and gold, Midi.


"None of this makes sense." Her voice trembles and uncertain.

It was as if Noir were experiencing uncertainty about her victory for the first time in her life.

"What are you?"

Pointing both hands forward, I uttered the iconic phrase.


From the palms of my hands, repulsors beams of light were unleashed, hitting my opponent squarely and rendering her unconscious, securing my escape.

At least, that was what I expected to happen.

What actually occurred was one minute of silence as my sister and I stared at each other.

"Was something supposed to happen?" a confused Noir asked.

"I think I'm forgetting something..." I murmur, disappointed.

Multiverse Crafting System

What would you like to do?
Magic: 225,454 Points
Aura: 77.2%

Taking advantage of my distraction, Noir lunged at me like a black and gold missile.


Before I could even realize, she tackled me, holding me by the armor's face.


The visor cracked under the pressure of her force and her Semblance; the metal of the helmet began to press on my skull.

"You're scratching my paint job, you bitch!"

I couldn't activate the repulsors, but I managed to break the chain. I can still use the extra strength the armor provides.

Even with the cracked visor and my view partially obscured by my assailant's hand, it would be impossible to miss this close.

I pulled back my arm and utilizing everything I had learned in the past month, rotating my torso to put the weight of my body and the force of my back muscles behind this haymaker.

The punch went straight to her face, with all the training I had, plus the strength of the armor, landing a solid hit on her.


A dull and weak thud revealed that my punch had zero effect, shattering all the confidence I had just gained…

"Pathetic." The scorn in her voice only heightened my despair. "I guess you're just here for attention after all."

"You forgot something."

She raises an eyebrow confused, but before she could ask anything, I threw a small, bright blue sphere that stuck to her chest plate.

"This plasma grenade."


The sound of the explosion echoed throughout the neighborhood, and the dust lifted, covering us. I felt the impact from inside the armor, but I was shielded from the damage of the blast. However, Noir…

"Still pathetic."

She was unscathed.

"Your Semblance is so overpowered, not even your hair was damaged."

"Says the boy who creates technological armor and grenades with his Semblance."

Frustrated and holding me by the face, Noir lifted my encased body in the armor. I tried more punches and even kicks to free myself, but it was like punching an invisible wall of steel.
She released me into the air, but before my feet touched the ground, I felt an impact on my chest that threw me away.

"SHIIIIIIIIIIIIT!" I shouted, flying and spinning through the air.


I hit the wall near the parked motorcycles, leaving a hole of my proportions.
"It didn't hurt at all, and I didn't lose any Aura; it just hurt my dignity!" Something I never had much of.

I got up quickly when a window popped up on the helmet visor.

{Structural integrity at 63%}


After the warning, I looked down, finding a large cut in the armor just below the Reactor. In some parts of the damage, I could even see my clothes.

{Hull compromised}

"Now you are talking?
" I ask, burning with anger.

But there was no response.

"You're the most useless AI-."

Mid-complaint, I realized my mistake.

"I made you without an AI…" I brought both hands to my head, protected by the helmet. "I'M AN IDIOT!"

I created one of the coolest armors in fiction without the damn artificial intelligence to help me pilot it. It probably only had the basic system to help with walking and keeping the person inside protected.


Heavy and metallic footsteps approached me.

"Although I am not inclined to indulge in your vulgar language, you are correct." CommentsNoir, slowly approaching. "You were never the sharpest blade in the armory."

"Cunt." I retort to her, getting no reaction from my sister.

Multiverse Crafting System

What would you like to do?
Magic: 225,454 Points
Aura: 59.2%

This damn armor also consumes more than a sugar baby with a platinum card.

The golden mist of my Semblance emerged once again, now removing the armor around my body. Noir stares at me, eyebrows raised, sword in her right hand, wary about my actions. The cost of the armor wasn't so significant, but it was useless without being able to use its weapons or flight.

"Have you given up playing with dolls, Jaune?"

"They're Action-Figures, yo-you… Ellen DeGeneres, evil twin." I reply pissed out of my mind.

Taking deep breaths, I start summoning metallic gauntlets onto my hands with a button within thumb's reach. The new weapons hummed as I pressed the buttons on each one.


"What that toy can-."


The shockwave hit Noir, catching the black knight off-guard. She hadn't prepared her defenses against a sonic attack. With her boots anchored to the ground, Noir was dragged back a few meters, leaving the asphalt marked with two lines.

Even without the defense of her Semblance, Noir was strong, as evidenced by her instinct and experience guiding her to deal with an unknown attack.

Without giving her time to react, I activated the Shocker gauntlets once more, this time I wanted a longer and more powerful attack.


This time, I held the button longer, remembering that it made the bursts more powerful.


The sonic explosion was ridiculously powerful compared to the previous one. A white light engulfes Noir when she received the attack. Although I was sure I had hit her, I would rather not waste the chance and kept pressing the button.

The attack continued to grow, as I finally felt in control of the fight. That is, until I heard something from the gauntlet.



I felt a strange tingling starting to radiate from my fist.


Sparks came out from inside the gauntlets, the attack continued against Noir, but I felt something odd in my arms, almost like… my bones were vibrating.

"Shit." The vibration started to affect me and causes me a lot of pain.

Every bone in my arms seems to vibrate at a disconcerting frequency, as if they were being crushed by an invisible and relentless force. Each pulse of pain reverberates through my entire arm, making it difficult to maintain my combat stance. The intense agony threatens my strength, forcing me to cut the attack and dissipate the gauntlets.


While in agony from the pain, the white and gold sword whizzed in my direction. This time aiming for my legs, Noir probably wants to break them so she can take me home more easily. I think about creating a wall or shield to defend myself, but before I can react, a red and black figure jumps in front of me, intercepting the sword.


Quickly, the white chain is drawn back to the black knight's arm as the sword flies into her left hand. Furious, Noir glares at whoever had dared intervene between the two of us.

"Who do you think you are to meddle in Arc family matters?" She snarls in fury.

Immediately, I identify the figure just over five feet tall, despite her back towards me wearing weird black tight clothes, and her face covered, her scythe is too distinctive to conceal her identity.

"His first friend from Beacon." Shouts Ruby, dressed as a ninja, wielding Crescent Rose.



"Friend?" Anger and confusion paints the face of the blonde in black armor. "Do you have any idea what you're doing?"

With a shit eating grin smile, something I had never seen on the face of the little reaper, Ruby replied.

"Distracting you."


A black figure cut through Noir's leg, at the gap in the armor behind her knee. Despite feeling pain, the black knight refuses to fall and turns to punch her assailant. As her fist connected with her target, it dissolves into shadows.


Distracted and surprised, Noir didn't notice the feminine figure that leaped over her after leaving her shadow clone behind. Landing beside Ruby, the figure also had her face covered and was dressed like a ninja, but the black cleaver in her right hand pointed out that it was Blake.


"You're also his friend?"

"Meh." She says while shrugging.

"Thank you, Blake. I feel so loved." I grumble annoyed at her answer. "At least this disguise is better than the ribbon." I mutter to myself, forgetting her feline hearing.

Her body stiffens in response, but I didn't notice her reaction to my not-so-secret comment. I was too busy creating two new weapons, one for each hand. Both were black guns, the one in my right hand had blue details, while the one in my left hand was detailed in orange and red.

"This is my dearest sister-."I drawl out sarcastically.

"Don't worry." Blake interrupted me. "We heard everything."

"Okay…" Despite feeling oddly violated, I decide to focus on the conflict. "Blake, use hit-and-run tactics using your semblance to escape if she grabs you, don't engage in hand-to-hand combat with her. She is known for depleting Auras in a single attack."


"Ruby, don't engage in close combat with her, provide cover for Blake."


She tries to complain, but I cut her off immediately.

"She is very dangerous," I stress in a serious tone. "Her semblance, Tactile Telekinesis, works like Professor Goodwitch's, only on what she has physical contact with."

Noir , outraged by me revealing her Semblance.

"Exposing my Semblance to others?" Noir seeths more furious than ever. "Does family mean nothing to you, Jaune?"

"At the moment it's a pain in the -"


Ruby and Blake jumped to the side, dodging the flying sword. The impact broke the ground, leaving a small crater in its place.

"Is her semblance just a limited version of the professor's?" Ruby askes.

"She doesn't have range, hence the chains, but it's probably 3 or even 5 times stronger than Goodwitch's."

"WHAT?" Ruby shouts. "B-b-but I've seen the professor lift pieces of concrete weighing 2 tons."

A white glow reflected the moonlight. Noir was using Midi in a wide arc, trying to hit us all at once.

"GET DOWN!" I yell at the two.


We manage to duck in time, Blake runs towards Noir, who retractes the white chain to confront the ninja Faunus attack. Meanwhile, Ruby jumps onto a lamppost and switches Crescent Rose from scythe to sniper mode.

Good thing I broke Minuit's chain, I think to myself, glancing at the black sword with its broken chain on the ground. We're only managing to dodge her long-range attacks because the white sword stands out too much at night.


Crescent Rose's shot brought me back to the fight.

Blake was faster than Noir, attacking with the Gambol Shroud and dodging the blonde's swords was easy for her. However, my sister was a veteran of many battles and had experience dealing with agile targets.

Making a wider arc with her scabbard in cleaver mode, Blake tries to hit behind Noir's other leg.


However, an invisible wall deflected her weapon.

"Urgh!" Blake grunted, confused, only to be grabbed by Noir.

"You are mine." Says Noir triumphantly, holding Blake by her neck.

"RUN OR SHE'LL KILL YOU!" I yell desperately.

Noir's fist clenched as she closed her hand, only for her target to dissolve into shadows. Blake took some distance while coughing with a hand on her throat.

"She-she-she was really going to-" Blake stammers, terrified with Noir brutality.

A bright white and sharp glow flew toward her.

"BLAKE!" Ruby yells her name, trying to snap her out of it.

The sword pierced the night like an albino steel missile toward the Huntress apprentice.


Only for the sword to be hit by a pale blue luminous burst, encasing Midi in a solid block of ice. Blake and Noir stared in disbelief as I lowered the blue-detailed gun and raised the other.


The other gun's beam, actually a liquid flammable fuel that ignites upon contact with the air, hit the part of the chain that wasn't trapped in the ice, melting and severing the sword from its owner.

"AAAAARGH!" Noir roared in pain when the heat from the chain reached her arm, once again proving that unexpected attacks are effective against her.

The three women stare at me, each reacting differently to Captain Cold and Heat Wave's pistols from the Arrowverse.

[Image / not mine]

Blake was perplexed, Ruby looked like a little girl seeing a pony for the first time, and Noir… was breathing furiously, consumed by hatred and disgust.

"ENOUGH!" Noir Shouts, raising one leg and then slamming it down with all the force of her muscles, Aura and Semblance.


Blake jumps away from the cracks that opened in the street, the lamp post where Ruby was positioned bent, forcing the reaper to descend, the sidewalk where I stood split up, and I also noticed some cracks in the surrounding buildings.


She charges at Blake with such force that her impulse created a crater where she had stood.

"Urgh." Grunts Blake as she receives the punch at maximum speed.

Instinctively, Blake used her Semblance to throw herself back, to disperse the energy from the punch, but the impact was so strong that she was still threw against the wall on the other side of the street.


Through Blake's leg, we noticed her Aura flicker and then break.

"With just one blow?" SaysRuby in a horrified tone. "BLAKE!"


Moved by rage, I shot fire at Noir, only to be blocked by her Semblance.

"Damn!" I say frustrated.

If Noir knows the type of attack, she can protect herself from it, fire, ice, electricity, acid, impact, cuts, and explosions. Someone with a similar Semblance wouldn't keep the shield activated all the time, like her. It drains a lot of Aura, but Noir is an Arc… and we have plenty of Aura.

"You know that I would go easy on your friends, little brother." Noir says in a sadistic tone.
The blonde leaps again, this time towards my other ally.

"RUBY DODGE.!" I shout, trying to alert her.

She was still staring towards her teammate, Ruby only notices the danger when a large shadow envelopes her. Behind her, Noir fell with enough force from her punch to bury the little Rose in a crater in the ground.


Just like Blake, Ruby's aura flickers and then shatters.

"No…" I whisper, feeling helpless.

Noir walks over to Ruby's body, slowly, the black knight raises her boot over her skull.

"STOP!" I shout desperately.

I raised the firearm and fire at her.


The burst of flames hit her chest squarely, the air distortes around Noir, covered in flames. The fire ceased as soon as I released the trigger, only to reveal Noir unscathed, stepping on Ruby's skull, not even a burn mark appeared on her armor.

"GET OFF HER, YOU BITCH!" I yell, raising the other weapon and attacking her.


The shot from the ice gun had an effect, beginning to encase Noir in a layer of ice, but in a few moments, I realize the ice wasn't touching her skin or armor. Her Semblance protects her from being touched by the ice beam, leaving a bubble of air around her.


Noir broke the ice that held her, opening her arms with little effort, without removing her foot from Ruby's head.

"Pathetic." Noir said with disgust at my attempts. "Do you always rely on these toys?"

The weapons dissolve into golden mist.


I need something that can hurt her without harming Ruby.

I raised my hands as I began to materialize something similar to a futuristic-looking rifle. It has an elongated body, parts of dark gray metal, a long, thin barrel, and elements that look like electronic components.

"What is this now?" Noir asks, suspicious of the weapon in my hands.

"Gauss Rifle." I reply, squeezing the trigger.

When the counter reached 99, I released the trigger; the electromagnetic magnets firing the projectile at high speed, hitting the target and exploding in a blue light, but nothing happens.

Before Noir could speak, I got rid of the rifle and created something else, the weapon from the Paste-Pot Pete, and shot the glue at her. Once the female figure was covered in the liquid adhesive, I breathed a sigh of relief.


But I spoke too soon. The liquid wasn't adhering to her; in fact, it started to run down her body, as if it were water, I swore of course, if the ice didn't work then why would this???. Before it could fall onto Ruby and suffocate her, I dissolved everything into a golden mist.

"ENOUGH!" Noir shouts.

I froze immediately, obeying her, afraid that she would kill Ruby, crushing her head like a grape.

"You've already proven to be weak, and now it's obvious that your toys are useless against me." She declares.

I start thinking about using my dust. I can't create magic items with my Aura, but maybe I have enough to create something truly powerful, like a noble phantasm.

"She's still alive" Say Noir, catching my attention. "But if you create something else, I'll crush her skull."

I dropped to my knees instantly, feeling helpless, fearing for the lives of Ruby and Blake.
She smiles at me, removing her foot from Ruby.

"Empty your pockets." She says in a voice that is both commanding and threatening . "I don't want any weapons, hidden explosives, or even a scroll when I come take take you back."

My hands tremble as I empty my pockets. Desperation and fear choke my mind, as I can only think of the unconscious girls, held hostage by Noir.

The air is heavy and suffocating making it hard to breath, and each beat of my heart felt like a resounding drum in my ears. The uncertainty of what might happen to them tore me apart inside. I was failing to protect them. They were in this situation because of me. As I hung my head, trying to hold back the tears and control the trembling in my hands, I mentally pray any god listening for their survival.

It's my fault, I think, blaming myself inwardly. If I had dealt with the theft case earlier or at least asked Ozpin to talk to the Arcs if only I thought ahead instead of just trying to get better.

Noir is right, I am a complete idiot.

My heart pleads for a miracle, for the hope that all this would end without more harm.

"Wait." Orders Noir. "What's that in your hand?"

On the ground is my wallet, scroll, and speeder bike keys. In my hand, I hold a small glass vial.

"Is it poison?" Noir asks with concern.

My mouth opens and closes, but I can't respond to her.

"One last trick?" Annoyance is clear on her face. "And the most cowardly and dishonorable one at that. What does it do?"

"I-i-it drains Aura and makes the target unconscious." I mutter to my captor.

"Perfect." Says the black knight with a sadistic smile. "You will use it on yourself, and if you do, I give you my word as an Arc that I'll never attack your colleagues ever again."

Without hesitation, I removed the metal cap and injected the blue liquid into my arm.


Noir's footsteps echoes through the street as the strange liquid runs through my veins.

"What are your final words, little brother?"

I couldn't help it, I give her a big, radiant smile.

"You're an unbelievably stupid cunt."
E aí gurizada?

This chapter took longer than I thought. I'm not used to writing fights. But I hope you guys liked (or hated) my OC, Jaune Arc's older sister.

Muy buen capitulo el de hoy Yang y Pir teniendo el corazón a corazón fue la joya de este capitulo para mí. Muy buen trabajo.
—Response= Thank you for the compliment, I rewrote their conversation several times, I'm glad it was well received.

His sister won't actually kill him,right?Right?
—Response= It's just going to hurt him... a lot.

Absouletly amazing man xD!! altough its surprising to see this past from yang it would make sense about why did the og yang prefer to date blake than any other guy, not like there is any guy that was of yang's interest, but now that mc exist here it make sense why she is so hesitant. Also love mc's progress and junior and millitia's reaction to mc.
Also FINALLY jaune's family is here, now it comes the best part, Ruby and the rest of jaune's love interest meets jaune's family, that interaction will be amazing, Just a small recomendation, make it so jaune has more than 1 mother, since in this world is normal for hunters to have a harem then it would make sense if jaune's dad also had a harem and thats why his family is so numerous.
—Response= Thank you for the kind words. The conversation between the two was something I took great care with and rewrote several times.
The idea of Jaune's father having a harem is interesting.
"Fuck you dad, I'll have a Harem bigger than yours."

Last edited:
I'm sorry but i think you made her to strong honesty with how that fight went it feels like she could storm Salem's castle and beat the shit out of her all of that did practically nothing to her unless you do some fuckery that serum shouldn't matter
Though she couldn't see my face, I gave a half-smile, lifting my head proudly. With her black sword fallen on the ground by my side and her broken chain, Noir found herself forced to draw her other sword, white and gold, Midi.


"None of this makes sense." Her voice trembles and uncertain.

It was as if Noir were experiencing uncertainty about her victory for the first time in her life.

I think that there's supposed to be an image here, but it doesn't show up,
I'm sorry but i think you made her to strong honesty with how that fight went it feels like she could storm Salem's castle and beat the shit out of her all of that did practically nothing to her unless you do some fuckery that serum shouldn't matter
Tactile Telekinesis taken to higher levels really is just that bullshit.
Telekinesis in general taken to extremes is just bullshit in general. Seriously, Micro Telekinesis allows one to create nuclear explosions at will, and Macro Telekinesis allows one to drop the fucking moon on someone.
She just has that bullshit a Semblance, and has an unfortunate mentality straight out of 40k...
She is certainly powerful, I made her inspired by Hazel and Glynda herself.
I think I got the idea of tactile telekinesis from the 90s Super boy, but I don't remember 100%… it's been 20 years since I read those comics (FUCK, I'm so old).
Her semblance is powerful, but drains a lot, however Arcs has a greater reserve than most people, which makes the semblance viable in overpowering enemies in short battles.
A large group fighting trying to extend the battle, using hit-and-run tactics, could overpower power her. But for that, you would need a capable leader and the knowledge that Noir is coming for you.
Salem has a huge army and is a capable battle planer...(I would not call her a leader.)
I'm sorry but i think you made her to strong honesty with how that fight went it feels like she could storm Salem's castle and beat the shit out of her all of that did practically nothing to her unless you do some fuckery that serum shouldn't matter
And this is where familicide becomes perfectly justified. Even if she's the only one like herself in the family, they still deserve to die for both raising her to be like that and sending her after Jaune when they know damn well she is willing to kill innocents. Why does he care about these people?

Actually, she doesn't make much sense to me in general. Grimm are attracted to negative emotion, and she obviously causes it in spades. How is someone who's an active danger to civilization like that allowed to be a huntress?
So the staff at Beacon have decided to prove once for all that they are completely useless by letting that bitch threaten the live of their students.
You are 1.000% correct.
Glynda has absurd control over her power.
She repairs objects with telekinesis in the show, this indicates that she has fine control on an almost molecular level… that OP AS FUCK!
She is certainly powerful, I made her inspired by Hazel and Glynda herself.
I think I got the idea of tactile telekinesis from the 90s Super boy, but I don't remember 100%… it's been 20 years since I read those comics (FUCK, I'm so old).
Her semblance is powerful, but drains a lot, however Arcs has a greater reserve than most people, which makes the semblance viable in overpowering enemies in short battles.
A large group fighting trying to extend the battle, using hit-and-run tactics, could overpower power her. But for that, you would need a capable leader and the knowledge that Noir is coming for you.
Salem has a huge army and is a capable battle planer...(I would not call her a leader.)
Also, Salem is immortal, so she could just let Noir whale at her til she runs out of aura, and then kills her.
I think this is all just some dumb bullshit test, and she wants Jaune to stand up to her to prove he's changed. And it's all drama for the sake of drama, and it serves no real purpose.
Not a fan. Its just a bit too much "i ignore everything you do because i am that op" and too little "i am actually skilled".

Its feels a bit too much like a power wank where the author is gushing for two pages straight how cool and awesome their PC is and why every downside isnt actually one becauze they have xzy.
I say we kill her, she was literally gonna kill rubes,(I think) and she's a HUGE cunt like honestly I wouldn't mind if Jaun killed her,




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