Interlude 4: Business Call
Flightless Man
Versed in the lewd.
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Interlude 4: Business Call
Gotham City, New Jersey
August 3, 1:17 AM EDT
August 3, 1:17 AM EDT
"Is he still actually talking to someone," Snarling at the sight of Cameron behind the glass, Red Arrow checks with Superboy's enhanced hearing. "Or is he just stalling for time with the phone?"
"He's talking to some company about the rights to a name." Frowning at the odd conversation, the now blonde Superboy quotes the criminal. "Who in the world doesn't want to hit me right now? You'll make millions on this."
"He used his one phone call on a business deal?" Snorts Kid Flash, despite his own frustrations with the ice powered teen. "You have to respect that kind of commitment."
After being offered an invitation to join the team, Artemis has been allowed into the station with everyone. "To being an idiot?"
"Ha!" Blurts out Red Arrow and he scowls at the smirk growing on his fellow archer's face. "Who are you anyway?"
"Someone who wasn't going to sit back and watch anymore." She's not going to reveal her identity in the middle of the police station and glares at him for even suggesting it.
"Where's the other Terror Twin?" Aqualad is the one to notice a missing foe and raise his concern.
Not really caring about a henchwoman now that Junior is collared, Red Arrow just waves off the question. "Doesn't matter right now, we can nab her next time she pops up."
"You're too angry to remain impartial." Batman cuts in from his place beside Commissioner Gordon. "The rest of... Young Justice will handle the interrogation."
"Are we actually going with that name?" Groaning at the idea of a villain naming the team, Zatanna's eyes frantically seek out Red Arrow's own glare.
"He said it live on the news." Robin chimes in with an amused half grin. "We're kind of stuck with it now."
One of the four lawyers that showed up only minutes after Cameron was handcuffed pokes his head out the door. "Sub-Zero is finished with his call now and ready for your questions."
"Sub-Zero?" Questioning the unfamiliar name for his team, Red Arrow's glare only intensifies.
"Cameron came to an agreement with Midway games over the right to use the name. He's sold them the right to his likeness and will become an alternate skin in the next three games." The smarmy man explains with dollar signs flashing in his eyes. "That is how he is now to be referred as, at least until the year 2013 when they renegotiate."
"One and a half million a year!" The newly renamed criminal crows out in victory. "And I don't have to do jack shit now!"
"Aqualad." Batman ignores the laughter and focuses on the dark skinned blonde. "You will take charge of the questions. I need to have words with Red Arrow."
"But-" That's all the scarlet archer gets out before he sees the Batglare being levelled at him. "... Alright."
Commissioner Gordon frowns at getting ignored. "He is my prisoner still." With a sigh at the uncaring blinks, the middle aged officer waves them into the room. "Just make sure you don't do anything illegal. I don't want you lot to be the reason I need to put him back on the streets."
"So no hitting him?" Snarls Artemis as she follows Aqualad into the cell.
"Get her away from me!" The sudden shriek of raw terror that 'Sub-Zero' let's out shocks everyone. "Don't let her erase me!" But the one most confused is M'gann, as she watches the villain cower in fear.
Face twisted in shame, M'gann pleads with her team to understand. "I have no idea what he's talking about, you have to believe me!"
"We do M'gann." Kaldur assures the martian at the same time that Artemis disregards the commissioner's orders.
The slap she delivers to Cameron echoes in the room. "What the hell is wrong with you? You're the bad guy in this situation!"
"She's a martian..." He gasps out. "If she changes even one of my memories, I'm as good as dead. Replaced with a nearly identical copy who can't even tell the difference!"
The words nearly bring M'gann to tears as she backs away from the prisoner. "You should do this without me." Directing her thoughts to the team as she reaches the door, M'gann hands off the interrogation with shame colouring her mind. <I'll wait in the bio-ship for you.>
"Go with her." Orders Kaldur with a stern look at Zatanna. "Make it clear none of us feel that way."
"Is she going to hit him again?" Zatanna hesitates. "Because I really want to see that."
"No she isn't." The voice of Gordon assures her from the door, his very angry eyes focused on the as of yet unnamed heroine.
Frowning at his old friend, Cameron rubs his check in mock injury. "What crawled up your butt-" For only a fraction of a second a pause can be detected in his cadence, which only Robin notices. "Huntress?"
"You know what you did!" She hisses back at him with her eyes nearly in slits.
"We've..." Icicle draws out his word with a growing smirk. "... Tussled like that before. What's different about tonight?"
"How many people you've hurt!" She hisses back at him with no sense of hesitation. "Like the dozens still blinded by that moronic light show!"
"Wait..." Suddenly his swagger is gone and honest concern is visible on Cameron's face. "What are you talking about? Quilt was just supposed to make everyone see spots for a few minutes."
"Seventeen people are dead." Explains the only hero without fury on display. "With over a hundred still in extensive care."
"I should have just let your cousin arrest me." Groans Sub-Zero, his hands moving up to rub his temples. "Would have been better for everyone."
Poking his head back into the room with a smirk, Gordon points to the ticking clock. "Are you actually going to ask him any questions, or can I transfer him to Arkham?"
"Arkham?" Asks Cameron with an audible gulp.
Smirking at America's most notorious graffiti artist, the Commissioner fills him in on the issues of budget cuts. "Well yeah. We don't have a way to keep you in a normal cell, so you get to bunk with Freeze until your trial."
"But I'm not crazy!" He wails almost pitifully. "I just wanted some attention!"
Infinity Island, New Jersey
August 4, 11:22 AM ECT
"He's talking to some company about the rights to a name." Frowning at the odd conversation, the now blonde Superboy quotes the criminal. "Who in the world doesn't want to hit me right now? You'll make millions on this."
"He used his one phone call on a business deal?" Snorts Kid Flash, despite his own frustrations with the ice powered teen. "You have to respect that kind of commitment."
After being offered an invitation to join the team, Artemis has been allowed into the station with everyone. "To being an idiot?"
"Ha!" Blurts out Red Arrow and he scowls at the smirk growing on his fellow archer's face. "Who are you anyway?"
"Someone who wasn't going to sit back and watch anymore." She's not going to reveal her identity in the middle of the police station and glares at him for even suggesting it.
"Where's the other Terror Twin?" Aqualad is the one to notice a missing foe and raise his concern.
Not really caring about a henchwoman now that Junior is collared, Red Arrow just waves off the question. "Doesn't matter right now, we can nab her next time she pops up."
"You're too angry to remain impartial." Batman cuts in from his place beside Commissioner Gordon. "The rest of... Young Justice will handle the interrogation."
"Are we actually going with that name?" Groaning at the idea of a villain naming the team, Zatanna's eyes frantically seek out Red Arrow's own glare.
"He said it live on the news." Robin chimes in with an amused half grin. "We're kind of stuck with it now."
One of the four lawyers that showed up only minutes after Cameron was handcuffed pokes his head out the door. "Sub-Zero is finished with his call now and ready for your questions."
"Sub-Zero?" Questioning the unfamiliar name for his team, Red Arrow's glare only intensifies.
"Cameron came to an agreement with Midway games over the right to use the name. He's sold them the right to his likeness and will become an alternate skin in the next three games." The smarmy man explains with dollar signs flashing in his eyes. "That is how he is now to be referred as, at least until the year 2013 when they renegotiate."
"One and a half million a year!" The newly renamed criminal crows out in victory. "And I don't have to do jack shit now!"
"Aqualad." Batman ignores the laughter and focuses on the dark skinned blonde. "You will take charge of the questions. I need to have words with Red Arrow."
"But-" That's all the scarlet archer gets out before he sees the Batglare being levelled at him. "... Alright."
Commissioner Gordon frowns at getting ignored. "He is my prisoner still." With a sigh at the uncaring blinks, the middle aged officer waves them into the room. "Just make sure you don't do anything illegal. I don't want you lot to be the reason I need to put him back on the streets."
"So no hitting him?" Snarls Artemis as she follows Aqualad into the cell.
"Get her away from me!" The sudden shriek of raw terror that 'Sub-Zero' let's out shocks everyone. "Don't let her erase me!" But the one most confused is M'gann, as she watches the villain cower in fear.
Face twisted in shame, M'gann pleads with her team to understand. "I have no idea what he's talking about, you have to believe me!"
"We do M'gann." Kaldur assures the martian at the same time that Artemis disregards the commissioner's orders.
The slap she delivers to Cameron echoes in the room. "What the hell is wrong with you? You're the bad guy in this situation!"
"She's a martian..." He gasps out. "If she changes even one of my memories, I'm as good as dead. Replaced with a nearly identical copy who can't even tell the difference!"
The words nearly bring M'gann to tears as she backs away from the prisoner. "You should do this without me." Directing her thoughts to the team as she reaches the door, M'gann hands off the interrogation with shame colouring her mind. <I'll wait in the bio-ship for you.>
"Go with her." Orders Kaldur with a stern look at Zatanna. "Make it clear none of us feel that way."
"Is she going to hit him again?" Zatanna hesitates. "Because I really want to see that."
"No she isn't." The voice of Gordon assures her from the door, his very angry eyes focused on the as of yet unnamed heroine.
Frowning at his old friend, Cameron rubs his check in mock injury. "What crawled up your butt-" For only a fraction of a second a pause can be detected in his cadence, which only Robin notices. "Huntress?"
"You know what you did!" She hisses back at him with her eyes nearly in slits.
"We've..." Icicle draws out his word with a growing smirk. "... Tussled like that before. What's different about tonight?"
"How many people you've hurt!" She hisses back at him with no sense of hesitation. "Like the dozens still blinded by that moronic light show!"
"Wait..." Suddenly his swagger is gone and honest concern is visible on Cameron's face. "What are you talking about? Quilt was just supposed to make everyone see spots for a few minutes."
"Seventeen people are dead." Explains the only hero without fury on display. "With over a hundred still in extensive care."
"I should have just let your cousin arrest me." Groans Sub-Zero, his hands moving up to rub his temples. "Would have been better for everyone."
Poking his head back into the room with a smirk, Gordon points to the ticking clock. "Are you actually going to ask him any questions, or can I transfer him to Arkham?"
"Arkham?" Asks Cameron with an audible gulp.
Smirking at America's most notorious graffiti artist, the Commissioner fills him in on the issues of budget cuts. "Well yeah. We don't have a way to keep you in a normal cell, so you get to bunk with Freeze until your trial."
"But I'm not crazy!" He wails almost pitifully. "I just wanted some attention!"
Infinity Island, New Jersey
August 4, 11:22 AM ECT
Ra's al Ghul stands at ease before the monitors, watching all of them flicker on at the agreed upon time. "Everything is back on track with the breakout. The younger Makhent has been captured and his legal team is pressing to have him emancipated."
"The boy has proven himself far more useful than I had ever believed." Admits L-1 with a hint of amusement in his savage voice. "What he did at Rushmore drew many eyes away from our projects."
"Gonzalez was taken out with no problems and Doctor Serling is nearly finished with her Fog." Ra's answers with supreme arrogance. "Everything will be ready in time for our strike."
The Brain demands of their enforcer. "And the Starro-tech prototypes? What side effects have they shown so far in the Arkham test subjects?"
"With Strange being able to implant them before his transfer, only minimal changes in personality have been detected so far." Before anyone gets to excited, Sportsmaster adds the downside. "But the ones with more dominant personalities will break free first. You only have a couple months to use them in a single operation."
"It seems Sub-Zero went to your house before his arrest." Queen Bee's smirk is audible. "And has been making quite a few of his pieces in dedication to your eldest. Maybe we should have Cheshire recruit him on a more permanent basis?"
"The boy has proven himself far more useful than I had ever believed." Admits L-1 with a hint of amusement in his savage voice. "What he did at Rushmore drew many eyes away from our projects."
"Gonzalez was taken out with no problems and Doctor Serling is nearly finished with her Fog." Ra's answers with supreme arrogance. "Everything will be ready in time for our strike."
The Brain demands of their enforcer. "And the Starro-tech prototypes? What side effects have they shown so far in the Arkham test subjects?"
"With Strange being able to implant them before his transfer, only minimal changes in personality have been detected so far." Before anyone gets to excited, Sportsmaster adds the downside. "But the ones with more dominant personalities will break free first. You only have a couple months to use them in a single operation."
"It seems Sub-Zero went to your house before his arrest." Queen Bee's smirk is audible. "And has been making quite a few of his pieces in dedication to your eldest. Maybe we should have Cheshire recruit him on a more permanent basis?"