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One Positive Change at a Time (ASOIAF: Viserys SI) Dead.

Future wife (need time to shape things in the chosen direction)

  • Brienne of Tarth

    Votes: 47 12.1%
  • Arianne Martell

    Votes: 158 40.8%
  • Margery Tyrell

    Votes: 184 47.5%
  • Asha Greyjoy

    Votes: 64 16.5%
  • Ygritte

    Votes: 47 12.1%
  • Sarella Sand

    Votes: 22 5.7%
  • Nymeria Sand

    Votes: 31 8.0%
  • Tyene Sand

    Votes: 15 3.9%
  • Mya Stone

    Votes: 44 11.4%
  • Rhaenys Martell

    Votes: 135 34.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The fast version, Grey Plague (which I thought this was), does kill via turn-to-stone IIRC.
Yeah Grey Plague kills anyone who gets it and 40% of Old Town got it in canon. King's Landing's plague was closer to 50-60% since they didn't quarantine.

Viserys thought it was at first, butt tthe first case showed it was only scale, which was why I came up with the new name. Grey/Shale scale infects about 5% of the population if dealt with fast and up to 20% if it's left to fester for a while.
Thank you
Waitt really? I've avoided reading any Viserys fics since I started this one. I don't want to accidently steal ideas, so it weird this was a convergent one.
I didn't mean Viserys specifically I was talking about SIs in general. I remember seeing one SI/OC on Sufficient Velocity, which had that. I don't remember it's name tho. The MC was inserted as Stannis' Son though.
I remember that, he was a lightning wizard industrialist with greyscale on his cheek and neck. Iirc he got the nickname Grey Stag because of it.
the fic was...decent
Great chapters.Viserys could avoid royal marriage through getting plague,being burned and healed by fire.Then he could meet mermaid and live happy live,occasionally visiting Westeros to hear stories about how heroically he died.
Maybe visit few friends in secret.
Chapter 28: Someone’s Not Very Loyal
Chapter 28: Someone's Not Very Loyal
Tyrion Lannister

Prince Renly freezes when Robert lifts him right off his feet in the middle of the courtyard, not even waiting for our host to finish his introduction. "Finally showed the world your thunder and lightning little brother!" Booms the King with ecstatic pride. "Was worried when Stannis said you had practically given up with the sword, but you just needed a more Baratheon weapon in your hands."

"Uh… thanks?" The nearly six foot teen still looks like a child in his brother's arms, but Robert is quick to drop him back to his feet.

"Silveraxe was a tough son of a bitch, you should feel proud for such a worthy first kill." It's just like me and Jaime. Seeing Stannis grit his teeth in annoyance beside them just makes me glad Cersei isn't out here to greet us.

"I pray my sister's absence is not cause for alarm?" Maybe celebration though?

Stannis grumbles something under his breath but Renly's answer is the one I focus on. "She's almost ready to pop and terrorizing any maid with the spine to enter her chambers."

"Are you mass producing smoked fish now?" Ser Seaworth mentions the scores of little smoke lodges dotting the shoreline. "Trying to feed the whole army yourself?"

"Viserys and Cressen realized damp and cold is what Grayscale needs to spread," Explains a now furious looking Renly. "Viserys' last command before isolating everyone was to have these things called 'saunas' built. They're kind of like the Northern sweat lodges but he said the Ibbenese use these instead."

"Do they work?" Of course that's all the Master of Law cares about. Or so I think, but when I notice his shaking hands I reconsider that assessment.

Renly shrugs unhelpfully. "Haven't had to put anyone else on the boats with them and everyone seems to like the mandatory sessions each day. Cressen says it's not treatment or any kind of cure, but something he's calling preventative measures."

"The smallfolk are calling them Dragon-baths." The teen in Morrigen colors blurts out and winces in fear of Robert's reaction.

"I still dream of caving in his brother's ribcage some nights and Aerys got better than he deserved..." Strangely the King sounds defeated instead of wroth. "But maybe we should have just let the boy keep the damn crown."

He let's out a few bitter chuckles before shaking away the dark look in his eyes. "I'll make sure Barristan knights him for this before we set off. Let Viserys be remembered for what he did and not have his families insanity taint his legacy… he's earned that at least."

"We got word this morning from a minor Vale Lord." Renly changes the subject towards the reason my fleet has been assembled. "Lord Petyr Baelish from the Fingers, has reported his men have rescued Mya from the Howlers. He's keeping her safe until Lord Arryn can finish subduing the savages."

"Jon better be doubling this Petyr's holdings for this." Cheers the King with enough volume I'm not alone in covering my ears. "It's about damn time we got some good news."

That comment makes Renly and the Morrigen man exchange worried looks before Renly finally ruins his brother's good mood. "That's about all the good news we do have. Lord Baelish also has confirmation of them working with the rest of these not so random uprisings going on everywhere."

"The Vale clans are waiting for reinforcements from Pentos. The Golden Company, Second Sons, and Oberyn Martell's own sellsword company – the Red Spears – are all set to make land on our Eastern shores." Renly manages to get it all out with confidence. "I've already sent orders to ready the Stormlands, but Crackclaw and the Saltpans are nearly devoid of soldiers."

Shit… most of the Crownland garrisons have been emptied. Maybe five thousand men outside of King's Landing and the city watch is all that we left behind.

"I'm leaving the Stepstones to you Stannis." Robert's declaration shocks anyone who has even an inkling of the brother's frosty relationship. "I'm taking the Crownland forces back with me and you'll need to link your Stormlanders here up with Dorne's."

"Tywin and Lyanna will have to hold down the Capital until we shore up our defenses." He pauses to give attention to his youngest brother again. "Good thinking on the defenses, I shouldn't have been thinking of this like my own rebellion… I'm in Aerys' chair now."

"I'm leaving you in charge of the continued defenses here, Lords Jaime and Mace will just have to subdue the Ironborn without you." Robert snorts and turns down to me with a smirk. "Tywin still wants a Valyrian steel sword, doesn't he? I know of at least two Jaime has my permission to claim."

Sighing with the crushing weight of either responsibility or his bulk, Robert finishes outlining the current plan of counter attack. "Ned will need to deal with the Wildlings on his own for now. He says the cowards won't sit still and fight him like real men, it's going to take years to find each band if they stay scattered."

"As long as the Tully forces can hold out, you should still have the advantage in numbers." Adds Stannis with a calculating look at his older brother. "You're better off going back to King's Landing and giving Tywin command of the army."

"And let his men 'save' the Riverlands the same way they 'saved' King's Landing?" Robert shoots back with a firm growl. "He'll defend the city because he knows his life is just as much at stake, but he'll be free to switch sides if he's got my army."

I want to be offended but I know that my Father waited until the last possible second to choose a side in Robert's Rebellion. "You've never actually personally offended him as far as I'm aware and you've made sure our family is given the respect he feels we're due." I'm not going to make any false promises, but it doesn't seem like Father would have anything to gain by changing sides.

"Lord Tyrion can be your second in the Stepstones and his uncle can make sure I don't get my ships lost." The King gives me a look of conflicted sympathy and I realize he's giving me the chance kept from him. "Take Lord Clegane with you for muscle, he should remember how to follow a Lannister's commands as well as his King's."

I get to save Rhaenys myself. "Your Grace, thank you." The thought blossoms in my head and my palms grow sweaty as I resolutely ignore the possibility of failure.

"Thank me be smashing these bastards heads in." His face grows dark like a storm cloud. "Only some quick action kept this same sickness from the Crownlands and contained to the initial outbreak at Storm's End. We aren't giving anyone who helped plan this madness any damn mercy!"

I find it hard to have issue with such a command, knowing how close I was to joining Viserys on his trip to Essos. "The block or the Wall?"

"Normally I'd say all of them get the block, but it looks like we're going to be needing to shore up the Watch once this insurrection is handled. Wildlings are more than just a nuisance… I'd call them a down right blight on civilized folk."

"You're showing restraint?" Smirks Stannis. "Lord Arryn will be so proud it only took twenty years."

The King freezes for a moment and I see several emotions flicker in his foggy blue eyes. "Did you just tell a joke? And a damn good one at that?" It seems he decided to go with amused shock.

"I think this is just the first one you've been clear headed enough to understand. Though I shudder to think of how hung over your wife will be… drinking all that wine alone would kill even Thoros." The corners of Stannis lips curl up ever so slightly and I almost mistake his expression for a smile.

"No it wouldn't!" Corrects the red face priest. "Those two are light weights and don't touch any of the strong stuff."

Garlan Tyrell
I 'let' Father and Grandmother go inside the Rock to speak with Lord Jaime and test myself against his guards while I wait instead. Most are as good or better than Father's own garrison, but that really only seems to be true with the personal guard.

Blocking the first blunted blade is easy and it's just as simple to swat away the second knights own weapon. The two men I will only later be told are Hightowers are a different matter and actually work as a team.

The faster one works on deflecting my attacks, while his larger cousin finds an opening to barrel into be with his full weight. When he doesn't get off after taking the win, I slam my head backwards and hear one of his teeth crack.

"Nice work Lord Garlan, I can see how even as a boy you had the skill to fill my shoes." The words aren't mocking and I find a smiling man in golden armor behind me, Lynesse Hightower's arm looped through his own.

"So you're the son who took my families home?" She smirks at me and lowers her voice to an eerie whisper. "Have you seen them yet, or have you only heard the screams?" What is she talking about?

"Stop trying to scare the lad with those children's tales." Lord Jaime comes to my defense and rolls his eyes playfully at his wife. "Garlan had nothing to do with Robert's decision or Mace's failings. You'd be better off introducing this growing Rose to your cousins and seeing if you can't replicate the Whent's good fortune."

"Maybe I will…" Lynesse trails off and I feel a shiver of danger. "Thanks darling." And just like that her mood changes to a pleased grin. "I'm going to go make sure the prettier ones are dressed nice for supper tonight. Don't tire yourselves out too much, we hired singers and I want to dance." Is it too late for the big knight to break my foot?

She pecks her husband on the check and strides towards the castle, which gives me a chance to grin at the legend Viserys bragged so much about. "I was finished with my training, but if you want… I can go another round with such an old man. I'll even go easy on you." I know this isn't like facing the best of my own soldiers, this is one of the few men I know is capable of beating me black and blue.

"This 'old man' may have a few things left to teach you… as long as it's not getting too late for such a young boy to still be outside." He grabs a practice sword and tests it's weight with casual ease, making me dearly regret my bravado.

"I'm friends with Tyrion!" Jaime smirks at my comment and smiles back warmly.

"I know and that's why I'll be going easy on you. Tyrion says you've never called him names." He snorts at my expression of sudden worry. "Oh come on, this is going to be fun… for me."​
I remember that, he was a lightning wizard industrialist with greyscale on his cheek and neck. Iirc he got the nickname Grey Stag because of it.
the fic was...decent
Had a really strong beginning as far as I remember, don't think it finished.

Great chapters.Viserys could avoid royal marriage through getting plague,being burned and healed by fire.Then he could meet mermaid and live happy live,occasionally visiting Westeros to hear stories about how heroically he died.
Maybe visit few friends in secret.
Thank you. The mermaid is coming and funnily enough, Viserys doesn't even really know about the rebellion beyond the Greyscale.
Lol, married to Lyanna. And he still realizes how much he hates being King. I won't be surprised if he offers Viserys' crown back to him after this. I always thought that Robert was always suited to be a ruler his own way instead of the King the Westerosi traditionally expected to him be. Could have been a Khal or a sellsword captain in Essos instead.
Great chapter.Tyrion is coming for rescue.I really see that pair working really well.
Baelish is supporting Robert - it means,that he would win.Unless his character was changed,he always supported winning side,till moment come when he could backstab them.
And Lynesse would not ruin Jorah.Jaime is rich enough to keep her.

Viserys is going to Essos - it would be funny,oif after getting cured he go further east,till he go aroind Planetos and come back from West on his brigantine.With cute mermaid,of course.And safe from being King.
Lol, married to Lyanna. And he still realizes how much he hates being King. I won't be surprised if he offers Viserys' crown back to him after this. I always thought that Robert was always suited to be a ruler his own way instead of the King the Westerosi traditionally expected to him be. Could have been a Khal or a sellsword captain in Essos instead.
He's built to be Conan the Barbarian, not some kind of peacetime king.
Chapter 29: Not Very Cooperative
Chapter 29: Not Very Cooperative
Aegon Martell

My constant companion since Arianne's 'accident' Ser Gerold, stands just beside me on the prow of the 'Conquerer's Vengeance' as we row away from the Pentos docks. With a solemn expression on his face and a tear stained face of my own, we watch Rhaenys and her captors vanish in the distance.

Illyrio Mopatis and his Blackfyre son Daemon, better not lay a hand on my sister. If that coward thinks I'll let this stand… he doesn't know my family.

"Don't be so glum your Grace." The commander of my 'kingsguard' gives me a smile that I'm only now realizing has never reached his eyes. "Your sister's hand has both given us the Golden Company to go along with Oberyn's own allies and will finally mend the rift between the red and black dragons." Did you at least serve my father loyally, or have you always been in this for your own gain?

"Quentyn will keep her safe, since I know where Dayne's loyalties truly lay." He winces at my bitter tone and shakes his head. He struggles to find an answer but hands off the responsibility once someone else joins the conversation.

"I know all this change is confusing Aegon, but Sers Arthur and Oswell have only ever been loyal to you." My uncle saunters over with a cocky grin. "We're finally going to get your Kingdoms back… we just needed to really search for allies and it took far longer than expected. Rhaenys and Daemon will join us once we've secured the Realm."

Ser Hightower grunts his agreement. "We've all had to make sacrifices for this plan to have a chance of success. Just as you will also be expected to do your part and secure our alliance with the Reach."

"And what if I don't want to marry Margaery Tyrell?" If I'm your King, how come you're the ones deciding everything?

Of course my arrogant uncle is quick with an answer. "Our allies will be crushed one by one with extreme prejudice, until eventually each of our heads is mounted on a spike outside the Red Keep."

"Ser Alliser will be taking the Second Sons into the Riverlands so they can link up with Euron and the Frey's," Gerold explains with a quirk of his lip that makes his mustache appear to dance. "The Red Spears and the Reach reinforcements will liberate the Stormlands…"

He trails off so my uncle can finish with far to much bravado for a man juggling scorpions. "And we can march from Crackclaw to King's Landing, rallying those still loyal to the cause on our way."

"They're just going to let the Golden Company march inside the city?" I'm a child, not an idiot like you all seem to be. No wonder Viserys was so quick to give away the crown, if this is what he grew up around.

"Jeremy Rykker managed to hide himself in plain sight," Explains Jon Connington as he approaches with a half smile that is already shrinking. "He pretended to be his own bastard and this gave us six years to sneak people back in to King's Landing."

Oberyn laughs darkly and I hate a member of my family for the first time in my brief life. "We have nearly a fifth of the Gold Cloaks subverted and will have the Iron Gate and Gate of the Gods opened upon our forces arrival. The King and his Master of Coin have done little to endear the loyalists to his side since his victory."

"The traitor Jaime's son is all we need of him," Even Gerold seems excited for the bloodshed to come and I can only regret ever looking up to men I never really knew. "He can face his justice in the Iron Islands or back at the Rock when my family strikes."

"If Oswell can't convince Jonothor to comeback to his King, he has an agent already in place to help him spirit away the rest of the Targaryens." Jon sighs heavily and I realize he's is the youngest of them all. And he's ancient… maybe they really can't wait much longer for this plan.

Agreeing next is an even older looking Gerold, who has only a head of thinning white hair left. "They'll be brought to Ser Alliser and then you can reward those who remained faithful. Giving the Whents the Lord Paramountcy seems only just." And what do you and Arthur want for your own families? Do you expect the Daynes to get Dorne and the Hightowers to keep the Westerlands?

"I guess you want the Conningtons to regain their Lordship…" Quentyn might hate Uncle Doran's lessons on strategy, but right now I'm very glad I paid attention. "And maybe a little more?"

"See, this plan isn't so hard to follow. We just need to reward those who give us aid in this time of need." Oberyn smiles at me with pride but I just want to scream bloody murder in his face over this betrayal.

Growling the other two into silence, Ser Gerold finishes the explanation. "The Ironborn get the seas and the right to raid Essos all they want. Let Balon's brother have Skagos, the Three Sisters, and the Sttepstones." How can you be okay with what you know they'll be doing in my name! "We ignore the change of ruling family in the Vale and let the Starks bend the knee once the dust has settled."

"The Usurper and the Imp have taken the royal fleet South," Oberyn speaks just above a whisper, as if worried someone will hear him even on the Narrow Sea. "Your prize is unguarded and just waiting for you to reclaim it Aegon."

Daemon Blackfyre
Watching the fleet depart brings a combination of conflicting feelings. I'm excited that Father's promise of ending the hate between my family is finally coming true, but dreading having to actually talk to Rhaenys.

She clearly was raised on very different tales and has no idea I just want to reconcile our families bloody history. Father keeps warning me how dangerous war is and that if anything should happen to my future goodbrother… my betrothed and I can't be at odds if we have to rule.

"If you touch me, Ser Arthur will remove whichever hand you used." Rhaenys decides to speak first once the ships are gone from sight, her voice tainted with bitter rage I only wish I could soothe. Black and red together at last, no longer will our family need to tear itself apart with needless civil wars.

"Not unless that touch was meant to hurt you," To my relief the Sword of the Morning rejects her threat with a firm voice. "His blood still offers him some protection."

"Fine… Balerion and I will do it ourselves." She glares with all the heat of the sun behind her soft amber eyes that glint like topaz in the sun. "So don't get any stupid ideas."

The anger hurts since I've been nothing but kind, but I take a deep breath and consider why she's so angry. Father said her uncle Viserys the Vile was going to marry her off to a deformed man and send Aegon to the Citadel once he was a man grown.

How come I'm the one getting all of this hate? This should all be a miracle rescue to someone about to endure such an insulting fate as the one Rhaenys was facing.

"Oberyn says you like music, would you like me to play you a song on my lute when we get home?" Just smile and keep trying, eventually she'll give me a chance. She just needs to adjust to the sudden shock and have time to grieve for her cousin Arianne.

"This isn't my home." She stubbornly insists even as she climbs into Father's litter. "My home is Dragonstone." Her eyes mist slightly for a moment until she shakes her head, clearing away the sad thoughts.

Wincing again as I follow her inside, I try again to bidge this tension between us. We're going to have years to work through this misunderstanding, I just need to be patient like Father keeps telling me. "We'll be going soon, once your brother has reclaimed our families throne."

"We aren't family, you're just the descendant of some uppity bastards." I suck in a breath at that insult and feel my own eyes water. "I hope you're ready to spend the rest of your life sleeping with one eye open." Ignore it. She's hurting and I can't blame her for what she says right now.

"I'm sorry about Arianne, but I only want us to have a chance at happiness." I try one final time for today. No use beating my head against a stone wall.

"I'd be happy if I woke up to you both being dead." Her eyes are harder than ever since I said her cousin's name and I realize that's a subject to avoid tomorrow.​
Growling the other two into silence, Ser Gerold finishes the explanation. "The Ironborn get the seas and the right to raid Essos all they want. Let Balon's brother have Skagos, the Three Sisters, and the Stepstones." How can you be okay with what you know they'll be doing in my name! "We ignore the change of ruling family in the Vale and let the Starks bend the knee once the dust has settled."

Yo, these guys are idiots. What makes them think that Tyrosh, Myr and Lys, or even Bravos would be ok with a Greyjoy getting one of the most important trading routes in the world. It's a good thing to see that Aegon at least has a brain.
Lol, married to Lyanna. And he still realizes how much he hates being King. I won't be surprised if he offers Viserys' crown back to him after this. I always thought that Robert was always suited to be a ruler his own way instead of the King the Westerosi traditionally expected to him be. Could have been a Khal or a sellsword captain in Essos instead.
Robert needs a tangible goal to motivate him. Giving him what he wants/removing it forever cut his strings. He would have been a legend as a sellsword comander.

Thank you, these posts from you are always a big bright spot.

Great chapter.Tyrion is coming for rescue.I really see that pair working really well.
Baelish is supporting Robert - it means,that he would win.Unless his character was changed,he always supported winning side,till moment come when he could backstab them.
And Lynesse would not ruin Jorah.Jaime is rich enough to keep her.

Viserys is going to Essos - it would be funny,oif after getting cured he go further east,till he go aroind Planetos and come back from West on his brigantine.With cute mermaid,of course.And safe from being King.
Tyrion, Stannis, Davos and Dale, Lord Gregor Clegane, and Thoros of Myr vs the Stepstone pirates under Saladar Saan and Euron Greyjoy.
Yeah Baelish really didn't like seeing how easily the Vale clans are being smashed and realized he has the weakest position. He's making sure he survives, no matter who wins.
Lynesse's family might though.

He's built to be Conan the Barbarian, not some kind of peacetime king.
Very true, he would have done very well with yearly pirate/Dothraki/slaver/wilding attacks as a way to keep him focused.

Yo, these guys are idiots. What makes them think that Tyrosh, Myr and Lys, or even Bravos would be ok with a Greyjoy getting one of the most important trading routes in the world. It's a good thing to see that Aegon at least has a brain.
They figure Saladar and Euron will kill each other once the deal with Tyrion/Stannis.
Scale of world, since Planetos has 3 acceptable canon sizes.
Scale of world I'm using, since Planetos has 3 acceptable canon sizes.

I'm going with Westeros up to the Twins, is the size of South America and the Neck to the habitable land north of the Wall, is the size of Europe for my scale. From the free cities to the Bone Mt's is a little bit bigger than asia (including middle east). Bone Mt's to Asshai is about the size of North America.

the known part of Sothoryos is the size of Australia, Leng is about the size of California, Ib is the size of Kansas, Summer Islands are each between the size of a Hawaiian island all the way up to Japan.Tarth is about the size of Northern Ireland and Dragonstone is the around size of Manhattan .
You wrote this baby damn good mate. It's rare I can 100% state how I'm jumping in my seat at the prospect of one day reading this band of one braincell sharing men getting their whole shit stomped and "lofty" plans fall on their ears.

You are very good at... How do you say it... Making your audience FEEL something and feel for the characters when they read it.

So far, I FEEL right behind Viserys and sharing in his triumphs and woes, and cheering him on with his wish for the legendary Yoshikage Kira Way of Life™.

I could FEEL Rhaenys' pure hatred at these Morons.
I could FEEL said moron's enormous confidence they will win at everything and nothing will ever go wrong.

You my friend are pretty good.
You wrote this baby damn good mate. It's rare I can 100% state how I'm jumping in my seat at the prospect of one day reading this band of one braincell sharing men getting their whole shit stomped and "lofty" plans fall on their ears.

You are very good at... How do you say it... Making your audience FEEL something and feel for the characters when they read it.

So far, I FEEL right behind Viserys and sharing in his triumphs and woes, and cheering him on with his wish for the legendary Yoshikage Kira Way of Life™.

I could FEEL Rhaenys' pure hatred at these Morons.
I could FEEL said moron's enormous confidence they will win at everything and nothing will ever go wrong.

You my friend are pretty good.
This comment means so much to me, thank you.

It's very important to me that each character has logical motivations. I might not agree with them, but I need to understand how they came to a decision. The morons are wrong, but I can understand how they came to these conclussions. Viserys married off Rhaella and betrothed Rhaenys (Of course that was to save lives) and decied where her and Aegon would live, so Oberyn can't understand how what he's doing is any different.
Chapter 30: I Don't Want To Die
Chapter 30: I Don't Want To Die
Viserys Ashtar

Watching the eight lucky survivors return to shore after nearly two months bobbing in Shipbreaker Bay is tough. On one hand the woman I love is going to live a long and happy life. But on the other hand… I'm going to spend the rest of my life going insane in a miserable swamp.

Finally know how the Thing feels, at least I might be able to find some stone woman I can grow crazy with. Of the forty one people we isolated the first day, only seven people are cleared to join Arianne in Griffin's Roost.

With no one left to worry about I can finally let the gravity of everything sink in and I just have one thought that repeats in my skull. I don't want to die.

"It's not fair!" I was ready to die years ago and now when I finally decided to be happy… everything I've worked for turns to ash. "I was good, wasn't I?" Turning away from the window I collapse in a heap of tears. "I only wanted to keep my family safe and Robert just said I needed to be good."

Marya grabs me in her arms and hums, while Barristan just looks awkward as he makes sure no one comes into the captain's cabin. "You're someone any mother would be proud of. You saved so many people Viserys."

"It wasn't enough though." I can barely stop myself from crying again when I think of the missing Martells alone and terrified. "How can you to be so strong right now? You both have lives you're leaving behind." Why am I so weak?

"No one can work miracles," Whispers the woman I've leaned on as a mother for years, her voice somehow both soft and firm at the same time. "But you can far closer than I had ever believed possible."

Barristan chooses now to add his own words of emotion filled support. "You should be proud of how willing you had been to save lives, I know I'm honored to spend the rest of my days protecting the only King I've considered worthy of wearing the crown."

"I wasn't even King for an entire day," Sniffling through my sadness, I wipe my face with my sleeve. "Can't have been a very good one, I didn't even go down with the ship."

I only cared about my own family the entire time, saving the city from wildfire was only a happy byproduct. I would have blown the whole damn city up if the Lords pushed me and a King needs to care about his people more than I have the capacity to.

"How many Kings or Queens have you ever served?" He raises a single greying eyebrow in challenge.

"… None."

Smirking at my answer leads to Barristan's next confident comment. "So trust me when I say, you're the best one Westeros has had in living memory."

"Thanks Barristan." I really needed to hear that, but I'm still not ready to raise sails. I'm just another coward when it comes right down to it.

"You've never come with us to prayer," Marya adds, making me shift guiltily in her arms. "But my faith in the Seven is why I've accepted our fate. I prayed for our loved ones to be spared this blight and now my children are all going to live full lives because of your quick thinking."

"It's just so hard to believe in something I can't see and have never heard real proof of." I know magic is real, death is supposed lead to just… nothing in the series but this is my life now. What happens when I die?

Are the Old Gods actually magical entities beyond my comprehension, or are they just dead people's souls stuck it some trees? Is the Drowned God real or just nonsense made up by some wannabe vikings? My mind whirls with these grim thoughts and I can't help but worry if the darker deities are the ones with the real power here.

Why didn't I keep my mouth shout and just make Mother escape with me from Dragonstone. We could have hide out on the Summer Isles. It doesn't seem like my efforts have done anything but give people a few more years, why did I even bother?

"If I'm going to die, I'm doing something for myself for once." A feeling of strength wells up inside me and I find the energy to stand on shaking legs. "No ones ever comeback from Valyria… good thing we're already on a one way trip already."

Renly Baratheon
Watching the sails raise on the two plague boats tugs on my heart and I know many present on the docks feels the same. We're all watching loved ones sail away in a moment of united grief and all I can do is force down my growing fury.

Cersei and her newest boy are watching from her tower window and I can at least be happy we have some new life in exchange for so much loss. His head is covered in a light fuzz of dark grey hair, with dark blue eyes nearly indigo in color.

Ever since his birth Cersei has gone back to her more passive rudeness and her maids don't need to be replaced once a week. Must just have been worried about the Shalescale and now she knows Orys is fine.

Things should start going back to… well not normal. I hiss in realization at the fact my life will never be able to return to normal ever again. My rock is gone and I have no idea what to do with my life now.

Arianne Martell is one of the only survivors and my guest until the seas are safe to travel once more. Her grief is palpable as she sobs into one of Viserys' shirts and I force myself to say something.

"Viserys hadn't smiled for six years before we found you." She looks up and snorts at the claim. "It's true. He might have grinned or smirked but he never actually seemed happy… you made his eyes light up like I hadn't seen since before Edmure died."

"He made me happy and I know it would have become love one day soon." Her eyes are no longer brimming with tears, but burn with the same rage I feel inside myself. "But Gerold Hightower and Arthur Dayne decided to ruin any chance of that."

In these moments it's never enough to say 'I'm sorry', because both parties know it's an empty platitude."That means we each can kill one of them."

"The Lord Commander of the kingsguard and the greatest living swordsman?" She looks ready to laugh and I have to work on not directing my anger at her. "How do you expect me to kill either one of them?"

"Should be easy enough once I chop off the hands and feet of whichever one you want to end." I don't know either personally, don't really give a damn which one's head I split in half. "Might need Dale's help with the Sword of the Morning though. I hear he's decent with a blade or something" Where the hell is this bravado coming from?

"You even think about getting revenge without me and I'm going to keelhaul you." Dale hears his name and takes that as an invitation to join he conversation.

His voice is grim and lacking any of his normal good cheer but he is watching his mom disappear, can't really blame him since I can't even remember my own. Even Lester seems upset at all this sorrow hanging thick in the air and refrains from any kind of perverted comment.

I think it shocks Lester as much as anyone when he keeps his tone respectful and his words useful. "Galladon and his father have got Shipbreaker Bay under constant patrol, while the Estermonts have the southern border ready for any pirates with a death wish. But the Swann's haven't seen any sign of trouble on the Reach border… are you sure we need so many men in the Marches?"

"Where would you have invaded, if it was you in charge of the Stormlands invasion?" My voice is calm but I'm filled with tension over yet again needing to defend my choice.

His green eyes cross in thought but I don't have time to enjoy how cute his pout is. "Between the Dornish Marches and the Kingswood."

"Exactly. We had next to nothing in place after six years of peace, nearly everyone was on our coasts because of the increased pirate activity… but now that we know all these factions are working together?"

"We can't afford to take any chances." Lester is finally seeming to understand how much stress I'm now under.

"And I'm not going to, that's why I've twenty five thousand in reserve." Stannis will have to be fine with Dorne's contribution of fifteen thousand and the ten thousand Stormlanders who boarded Tyrion's fleet.
Ariane births a bastard. Dies in childbirth.

Viserys influenced by lingering modern sensibilities. Directly, if politely, informs Margeary Tyrell that the child is his is acknowledged and she'll have to deal with it. But assures her the child's inheritance will not interfere with any of their own.
Fast update nice.

And there is no way that this Pseudo-Rebellion is gonna succeed after this stunt. They not only gave possibly one of Westeros' greatest Knights but also the dude whose sole action as King ensured that Westeros would remain stable while simultaneously ensuring his family remains safe, and has friends and/or allies in most major southern houses. The Baratheon-Targaryen faction would fight tooth and nail before they give up or anything.
Ariane births a bastard. Dies in childbirth.

Viserys influenced by lingering modern sensibilities. Directly, if politely, informs Margeary Tyrell that the child is his is acknowledged and she'll have to deal with it. But assures her the child's inheritance will not interfere with any of their own.
How many dogs do you having sniffing out my trail? you touched far closer than I expected.

Fast update nice.

And there is no way that this Pseudo-Rebellion is gonna succeed after this stunt. They not only gave possibly one of Westeros' greatest Knights but also the dude whose sole action as King ensured that Westeros would remain stable while simultaneously ensuring his family remains safe, and has friends and/or allies in most major southern houses. The Baratheon-Targaryen faction would fight tooth and nail before they give up or anything.
Yeah, finding out all the fires are connected is really what screwed them. Aegon was supposed to take King's Landing mid kingdoms in chaos, not Kingdoms mid attack.

Viserys certainly seems to play at hard difficulty.
Take chances, make mistakes, and get messy! (Totally stealing house Frizzle's words)

Thank you
Take chances, make mistakes, and get messy! (Totally stealing house Frizzle's words)
Are those Viserys' new words? He's not a Targ (by name) now, so is entitled to a new set :V

6 words is a bit long for House Words but there's precedent (Valeryon, Sarwyck, Codd), and it fits his name. "Take Chances, Make Mistakes, Get Messy". It's also something uniquely his to present to the world, a mark that screams 'I am here' when he looks set to die and/or go insane soon.
Are those Viserys' new words? He's not a Targ (by name) now, so is entitled to a new set :V

6 words is a bit long for House Words but there's precedent (Valeryon, Sarwyck, Codd), and it fits his name. "Take Chances, Make Mistakes, Get Messy". It's also something uniquely his to present to the world, a mark that screams 'I am here' when he looks set to die and/or go insane soon.
Yeah I've been planning it since Viserys said he wanted to be a knight. It's why I kept bringing up his Dirty Dragon name.
Unless Euron get some real magic/i remember many stories when he get fleet of Krakens/Deep ones/both/ then Baratheons would win.
I pity Daemon,he is nothing but well-wishing puppet here.And,thanks to him,we knew that Illyrio arleady decided to kill Aegon.
Renly as grim avanger is great.With his sidekicks Arianne and Dale.

When Viserys come back from Valyria,he would get hero welcome.So,considering that most of his companions probably do not survive,he would not come back and live as wealthy merchants,especially if Arianne die birthing his child.
He would contact mother,but probably nobody else.
Unless Euron get some real magic/i remember many stories when he get fleet of Krakens/Deep ones/both/ then Baratheons would win.
I pity Daemon,he is nothing but well-wishing puppet here.And,thanks to him,we knew that Illyrio arleady decided to kill Aegon.
Renly as grim avanger is great.With his sidekicks Arianne and Dale.

When Viserys come back from Valyria,he would get hero welcome.So,considering that most of his companions probably do not survive,he would not come back and live as wealthy merchants,especially if Arianne die birthing his child.
He would contact mother,but probably nobody else.

I have plans to weave an interesting tale with Euron, but he doesn't get cool until he leaves Westeros..
Daemon is definitly more like Rhaegar. He's being raised to be everything oberyn said Rhaenys wanted in a husband (which for a 4 year old, was a combo of her dad and Viserys)
I'm really liking Renlys arc, he's my darkhorse favorite.

Wouldn't it be more heartbreaking, if Arianne lives and marries someone else while I'm gone? Especially if he's a good guy and really treats her well.

Also, I've noticed people think the Ironborn only have 100 Longships. The show gives a bad impression, but the Iron fleet during the Greyjoy Rebellion in canon, has 100 War Galleys. This occured over 5 years, here they had 6. They have 120 war Galleys and each is 3 times the size of the Iron Isle Longships. They have about 400 longships in addition to he Ironfleet Balon built.
Is Barristan ill,too? Or he come as guardian becouse of loyalty? if so,it is bad for Ashara.Well,bad in both cases.
Arianna in happy marriage - it definitely hurt more everybody involved.
Maybe,to made it more interesting,stop in Valyria,burn himself,accidencally,get healed - and then find ancient potions to heal others.
Then send others to Westeros,but himself go West for some reason/Valyrian magical ship,whatever/ and come back after few years with new people and big riches.And mermaid waifu,of course.
P.S Since i am fan of monstergirls - why not harem full of them ? just kidding,one mermaid is enough.
How many dogs do you having sniffing out my trail? you touched far closer than I expected.

As an extension to this on further consideration.
(Edit: And because I can't ever leave well enough alone.)

Whether or not Arianne dies. Doran is going to be fucking livid. Not at Viserys I don't think. He'll have gotten a grandchild from a Targaryan as he wanted. No He'll be livid at Oberyn and the other loyalists for damn near/killing his daughter.

Wider society may even be a bit more accepting of a bastard from the two of them. Seeing it as the fruit of a union between star crossed lovers.
I kind of feel bad for the Blackfire
Success! Everyone wanted Daemon dead and here I was planning on making a nice kid who's completly mislead on his whole life.

Is Barristan ill,too? Or he come as guardian becouse of loyalty? if so,it is bad for Ashara.Well,bad in both cases.
Arianna in happy marriage - it definitely hurt more everybody involved.
Maybe,to made it more interesting,stop in Valyria,burn himself,accidencally,get healed - and then find ancient potions to heal others.
Then send others to Westeros,but himself go West for some reason/Valyrian magical ship,whatever/ and come back after few years with new people and big riches.And mermaid waifu,of course.
P.S Since i am fan of monstergirls - why not harem full of them ? just kidding,one mermaid is enough.
Barristan is sick too.
I didn't want Arianne to just be stuffed in a fridge, so I couldn't justt kill her off for cheap motivation.
Viserys may find a cure, he may die horribly, he may live in the smoking sea for his remaining days.

Duncan is the skinchanger, you should be shouting pairings for the people it doesn't seem I've matched up. I'll maybe listen to a few.

As an extension to this on further consideration.
(Edit: And because I can't ever leave well enough alone.)

Whether or not Arianne dies. Doran is going to be fucking livid. Not at Viserys I don't think. He'll have gotten a grandchild from a Targaryan as he wanted. No He'll be livid at Oberyn and the other loyalists for damn near/killing his daughter.

Wider society may even be a bit more accepting of a bastard from the two of them. Seeing it as the fruit of a union between star crossed lovers.
Any of my basttards who get legitimizaed aren'tt even Targaryen anymore, so Robert could very well have no problem doing so.
It would be nice for Arianne to get a child out of this. I mean it probably fucks her marriage prospects, but it would be a kid from the only man she's ever really loved. And if it's a boy there's her lineage set anyway.

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