Chapter 48 - Queen's Court
Only Human, After All
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Chapter 48 - Queen's Court
Joe damn near jumped out of his skin when the door to the 'Deep Freeze' slid open, breaking the otherwise mildly disquieting silence he'd fallen into with Anis and Scarlet.
Snow White stomped out, face drawn in a severe frown and covered in… blood - at least the fake blood Nikkes had - diluted and smeared by water, and other fluids that resembled motor oil. Her gaze flowed down to settle on the lowered trio, and she immediately declared: "She's stable, and I've done all I can with the parts they had on hand. The ice bath will keep her temperature within tolerable levels until I can finish the job."
Though 'stable' did not necessarily mean 'okay,' it at least meant that Rapi was under no imminent threat of death. If nothing else, that allowed Joe to let out a bone-deep sigh of at least partial relief.
"So, with that being said," the monochromatic, poncho-bedecked Nikke pointedly focused on Scarlet. "Clothes off, I'm looking you over while I have the chance."
"Fallow boor!" the grey-haired swordswoman immediately protested, fingers still interlocked with Joe's. "Art thine eyes malfunctioning? Can thou not see the Commander right here?"
"I can see him just fine, and I can see that he's well enough that he was able to get out of bed and make his way here," Snow White firmly said. "If you don't want him to see your chest, then he can avert his gaze, and you can turn around."
"I- it's fine," the displaced Canadian started as he rose to his feet, slipping his hands free from the flanking Nikkes and somewhat caught off-guard by just how brusque Goddess' engineer was being. "I want to see Rapi any-"
"I would advise against that," a mature, dignified woman's voice with a notable posh accent called out from within the room, which echoed slightly off the largely unadorned metallic hallway walls and floors. The door was still wide-open, given that Snow White was standing in it. "The lady is unconscious and far from decent, right this moment, considering her impromptu 'maintenance' which has seemed more in line with a maddened field surgery. To say nothing of the state the 'doctor' has left the room itself in…"
"I wasn't left with much of a choice, given what she did, and what I had to work with," Snow White asserted pointedly, glancing back into the area in question before shifting her attention back to Joe. "Though you're already well familiar with what Red Hood looks like naked, Commander, I would advise that you refrain from seeing her just yet, given that she's partially disassembled and has her maintenance panels wide open. Accepting and non-judgemental as you are, there's little to gain from disturbing yourself needlessly. She'll still be there, and back in one piece in hopefully just a few hours at the most."
The white-maned woman cracked her neck, producing a small 'pop' as she continued.
"Especially considering, knowing you, you'll want to hold her hand, which would give you at least a mild burn at this point. Even despite her being submerged in highly concentrated saline water well below the freezing point - which would itself probably be bad for you to dunk your hand into on its own."
Joe did his level best to not react like he'd just been struck in the face with a bat by those statements, or the implications they carried. The former, considering how his previous relationship with Red Hood had seemingly gone and ended. The latter because Jesus fucking Christ, please be okay, Rapi. Instead, he just took a deep breath and cleared his throat. "I-"
"Scarlet," Snow White, however, cut Joe off as she refocused on the swordswoman, pointing firmly at her chest. "Top. Off."
While Scarlet rolled her eyes and Anis turned beet red while rapidly rising to her feet, a starkly pale platinum blonde about the same height as Anis strode out of the room Rapi was occupying. She carried herself with the firm, dignified grace of a noblewoman, and had a build comparable to Rapi's. Her long, wavy hair shone with an eye-catching silken sheen. Her gaze, yet still the same ruby red as Rapi's, immediately locked onto Joe, staring at him with no small amount of rapt intensity.
And moreover… recognition. "Perhaps while waiting for a more prime opportunity to check on your companion, I might offer the Legendary Commander a spot of tea," she started. "As I ask what precisely brought himself and half of Goddess to my remote Fortress of Solitude, an entire century after they were supposed to have faded into the annals of history."
While Joe was good and ready to stare back at the women for a good few moments, considering the holy shit of just being casually recognized like this, Snow White turned to face Joe and immediately spoke up at that. "Commander, please distract her while I'm working. I need to focus, and she keeps dividing my attention with her incessant questioning."
The sheer brusqueness of Snow White was something to behold. She'd matured into something altogether different from the shy little teenager Joe remembered - for as little as he did remember her, at least.
At any rate… "That might be appropriate, given how she's doing us the honour of hosting us on such short and demanding notice," he declared.
"Indeed," the apparent XO of the Northern Fortress dryly replied, her long, thick eyelashes seeming to only accentuate her noble air as she looked up at Joe with a detached interest. "Follow me, then, Commander Pholus. Any of your Nikkes are invited to join as well, for as much as it goes without saying. I'd not have it be said that I am an inconsiderate host."
With that, she spun on her heel and started off down the hall - her stride being… incredibly distracting as Joe only just registered how very tightly fitted the skirt of her short, borderline micro white dress was, compounded by being coupled with her prideful sashay and lace stockings held up via garter straps.
Given Joe's propensity for blondes at that, he had to make a point to remind himself of the circumstances to not gawk like a horny caveman… Which, it seemed, Anis was not managing, as she did openly stare at the XO's ass as she strode down the hall.
Well. Joe sure as shit wasn't going to hold that against the messy-haired blonde, shrugging and setting off with a start.
"Unhand me, foul cur!" Scarlet immediately began caterwauling in the background. "I have been offered tea! You know mine feelings on tea-!"
"You can drink your damned tea after I've made sure you didn't sustain any serious, lasting damage being backhanded through a small forest by a Heretic, you idiot!" Snow White forcefully cursed her fellow out.
Scarlet was quick to shoot back. "As though thou was not pitched directly into the earth thyself-"
"Take off your damned shirt or I'll tear it off, damn it-!"
Somehow, Joe was rapidly finding it far more believable that he'd once been the commanding officer of Goddess.
"Ludmilla," the starkly white-clad woman suddenly proclaimed as she sat down in a cushioned seat set at a long, inorganic utilitarian table in what seemed to be the base's sparsely-decorated mess hall.
"Huh?" Joe, and Anis, dumbly replied as they were in the midst of sitting down as well.
"My name," the woman, evidently named Ludmilla continued as she lifted a cup of steaming tea to her fine lips. "I'd had yet to introduce myself."
"Oh," Joe intoned, looking at his own glass, lifting it to take a sniff - chamomile, his favourite kind of tea, luckily. With that particular bit of information known, Joe added sugar - or, it was probably more of an artificial sweetener given that there was no way they were growing sugar cane or sugar beets in the Ark - and let it sit to cool before drinking it. "Well, you already know my name…"
"Anis," the bodacious blonde seated alongside the Commander noted, meanwhile. She gave her tea a far more dubiously experimental series of sniffs - unsurprisingly, given her predilection for soft drinks over anything else.
"Is it not to your liking?" Ludmilla inquired, an eyebrow slightly raised as she gazed at Joe over the rim of her cup.
"I'm just letting it cool down," Joe informed her. "Chamomile is my favourite; I just don't like scalding my tongue and the roof of my mouth."
"Hm, fair enough," Ludmilla seemed to allow his explanation, if anything. Her gaze drifted aside to Anis, who seemed somewhat reassured by the notion that this was Joe's favourite, though not entirely. The far more mature and dignified-seeming woman didn't otherwise address Anis' concerns. "So, if I may be so bold as to follow up on my initial inquiry," she refocused on Joe.
"If I could ask a question first?" Joe interjected, leaning back in his seat and crossing his arms, not entirely comfortable given the circumstances. To say nothing of the dining hall they were in… being drab, to say the least.
"Demanding for a guest, aren't you?" Ludmilla seemed halfway between amused and annoyed. "If anyone has earned such an onerous predilection, I suppose it is you and yours. Ask," again, she seemed the part of a well-to-do noble granting a boon to a social subordinate.
"How in God's name do you know who we are?" Joe pointedly asked, which caused Anis to perk up, pointing at Joe and snapping her fingers with a series of forceful grunts and hums to punctuate an agreement with his line of questioning. Having a mouthful of hot chamomile tea wasn't exactly conducive to simply vocalizing her support, it seemed.
"We met when you were all knighted following the, however fleeting it revealed itself to be, reclamation of London," Ludmilla matter-of-factually replied.
"I- wait, what?" Joe blinked owlishly and all but jumped in place. He was a knight!? Also… "What do you mean we 'met' when- the Ark was sealed a hundred years ago!"
"And I underwent conversion into a Nikke two decades afterwards," Ludmilla stated plainly. "I was a child at the time we'd encountered each other at the victory parade in Edinburgh, given that London itself was in no state to be hosting festivities of any kind… so, I suppose it's not unreasonable that you wouldn't recognize me, given how much smaller I was back then."
"I have amnesia," Joe noted in reply to her supposition. "I have no memory of having been 'knighted' in the first place." He would reflect on the fact that Ludmilla was far older than she looked, both because older women, fuck yeah, and because that really hammered in how Nikkes were functionally, if not just literally ageless. Though given that Goddess as a squad were very much on the older side as a whole, that wasn't that amazing of a revelation at this point.
Ludmilla lowered her cup, giving the brunet a calculating look. "...Is that so?" She acknowledged his assertion. "So, I suppose you could not tell me how it is you came to be alive, and young so long after the Initial Rapture Invasion, then?"
"I actually could," Joe corrected her. "The actual question is if I should."
At that, Ludmilla hummed deeply, setting her cup down upon the saucer accompanying it with a light 'clink.' "Well, given how knowledge of yourself and Goddess has been aggressively suppressed for some sixty-odd years now, I suppose it would be a safe bet to wager that it would be perilous to reveal the truth on what happened to yourself and Goddess… Not that I would be foolish enough to reveal that I knew enough to recognize Goddess or the Legendary Commander myself to the Central Government in the first place, but, if you do not wish to reveal the truth, I shall not begrudge you that."
The gorgeous woman of seemingly English origins crossed her legs in a manner which damn near broke Joe's focus, but he was getting better about not going full caveman mode from being exposed to unreasonably beautiful women - likely on account of never not being exposed to unreasonable beautiful women these days, Nikkes being what they were.
"However," Ludmilla continued. "I would, at the very least, ask that you inform me why you are here, so far in the distant North, with half of Goddess, no less."
"We were searching for Snow White," Joe answered honestly, because he didn't really want to shut down every question Ludmilla asked. "Myself and Counters, Anis, Neon, and Rapi - er, Red Hood, that is. We've had no contact with Snow White, or Scarlet, for that matter, since… well, since the Ark was sealed."
"Is that so?" Ludmilla brought a hand up to her chin in a notably dignified manner, "That alone is quite telling, regarding your situation, as it is, when combined with how the Central Government seeks to cause Goddess to be forgotten entirely… This is not an officially sanctioned expedition, I suppose," she pondered aloud - notably, not as a question. She didn't seem to intend to actually drill Joe too hard given the circumstances. "Well, I am not going to be the Nikke that attempted to turn in the Legendary Commander and Goddess to the Central Government, intentionally or otherwise, so I will make a point to not log your visit to the Northern Fortress, nor your presence here in the Yukon."
With that declaration, she lifted her cup to her delicate lips again, sipping at her tea elegantly.
Joe wasn't entirely sure how to process much of this. Ludmilla recognizing them was deeply unexpected, to say the least. Especially unforeseen was meeting a Nikke who had been alive before the Ark was sealed, had met Goddess as a human. As much as Joe wanted to question her about everything, it didn't seem like it'd be wise to do that. Though, if nothing else… "Thank you, for…" For a moment, he wondered how to put it beyond a simple 'thanks.'
"Any Nikke that would seek to stab the Goddess Squad in the back is a foul wretch undeserving of their augmentations," Ludmilla forcefully cut him off. "To express gratitude for the bare minimum of what should be expected of any Nikke that recognizes you is absurd and obscene. I'll not have it."
…Man, with the sheer stiffness of Ludmilla's upper lip, Joe was about ready to ask if she was a member of the British Royal Family, as absurd as the notion was - least of all considering she was a Nikke. He just managed to hold his tongue, regardless. "Even if you don't think I should be, I am appreciative of the help you're providing us, and especially Rapi, regardless. Especially considering it sounds like she might've died if not for the facilities you have on-site…"
"Providence has a way of rewarding the just, I find," Ludmilla remarked matter-of-factually between sips of her tea. "Even if it does oftentimes take many years upon years for it to take effect. And sometimes, fate too conspires with providence, given the cause for that room to have been built to begin with…"
That… actually… "Now that you mention it, I'm more than a little surprised that you just so happened to have the exact right facilities on-hand to address the exact issue that Rapi happened to have."
"It is not nearly as unlikely as you might imagine, given who I happen to have on-site as a dependant," Ludmilla replied simply. "Alice has more in common with your 'Rapi' than you might expect."
At that, Joe glanced aside at Anis with no small amount of confused surprise, a look Anis understandably shared with him. Regardless, he refocused on Ludmilla out of the corner of his eye with a wary expression worn on his face. "What exactly do you mean by that?" he asked. "I don't see how Rapi could possibly share this particular issue with anyone else considering-"
"Red Hood is not the only Nikke that was built with Exceed, Commander Pholus," Ludmilla asserted. "She is simply the only one to have had Exceed operate within her systems as intended."
That caught Joe's attention, to say the least. Especially given how that caused Joe to suddenly recall how Andersen had offhandedly mentioned that at least one other Nikke had been created in an attempt to replicate what Rapi could do. A Missilis Nikke, whose name escaped Joe at that moment. Was this 'Alice' that Nikke, then? "And who-" Joe started to ask after the Nikke in question.
Only to be cut off by a distinctive jingle playing over the base's intercoms, which caused Ludmilla to hum in acknowledgement. "Speak of the devil. It seems that the away team, meaning the little bunny in question, is back with the parts needed to finish helping Rapi. If you'd like to meet her, as she very much wants to meet you, everyone should shortly gathered at the front entrance to the base."
With a low hum, Joe grabbed his glass and tipped the cup back, getting the tea down in just a few gulps. Though he could hardly say that he'd savoured it, damn, did it taste good. "That tea was so good that I feel bad for not having gotten to actually take my time drinking it," he admitted aloud.
Ludmilla, in reply, smiled with a small amount of gratification, finishing off her own cup and setting the dishes aside. "Then I can say that I've satisfied the Legendary Commander, if even in a small way." Rising to her feet, she began moving for the hallway door again. "Come, then. If nothing else, you and Anis will do well to help move the Rapture parts to a convenient location for Snow White to work with."
With one mighty gulp, Anis swallowed the entire mouthful of tea she'd apparently been just holding like a chipmunk, then declared: "Anything to help Rapi," as she stood with a purpose. "Come on, Commander!" She then sharply spun to follow Ludmilla.
Joe understood her eagerness, and followed shortly after her. It wouldn't be much, but every little bit would help in getting Rapi back on her feet, and damn, did the little Goddess deserve all the support in the world, and anything more Joe could manage.
To say nothing of the fact that they were apparently about to meet another Nikke with the Exceed system.
This was bound to prove interesting.
Chapter 48 - Queen's Court
Joe damn near jumped out of his skin when the door to the 'Deep Freeze' slid open, breaking the otherwise mildly disquieting silence he'd fallen into with Anis and Scarlet.
Snow White stomped out, face drawn in a severe frown and covered in… blood - at least the fake blood Nikkes had - diluted and smeared by water, and other fluids that resembled motor oil. Her gaze flowed down to settle on the lowered trio, and she immediately declared: "She's stable, and I've done all I can with the parts they had on hand. The ice bath will keep her temperature within tolerable levels until I can finish the job."
Though 'stable' did not necessarily mean 'okay,' it at least meant that Rapi was under no imminent threat of death. If nothing else, that allowed Joe to let out a bone-deep sigh of at least partial relief.
"So, with that being said," the monochromatic, poncho-bedecked Nikke pointedly focused on Scarlet. "Clothes off, I'm looking you over while I have the chance."
"Fallow boor!" the grey-haired swordswoman immediately protested, fingers still interlocked with Joe's. "Art thine eyes malfunctioning? Can thou not see the Commander right here?"
"I can see him just fine, and I can see that he's well enough that he was able to get out of bed and make his way here," Snow White firmly said. "If you don't want him to see your chest, then he can avert his gaze, and you can turn around."
"I- it's fine," the displaced Canadian started as he rose to his feet, slipping his hands free from the flanking Nikkes and somewhat caught off-guard by just how brusque Goddess' engineer was being. "I want to see Rapi any-"
"I would advise against that," a mature, dignified woman's voice with a notable posh accent called out from within the room, which echoed slightly off the largely unadorned metallic hallway walls and floors. The door was still wide-open, given that Snow White was standing in it. "The lady is unconscious and far from decent, right this moment, considering her impromptu 'maintenance' which has seemed more in line with a maddened field surgery. To say nothing of the state the 'doctor' has left the room itself in…"
"I wasn't left with much of a choice, given what she did, and what I had to work with," Snow White asserted pointedly, glancing back into the area in question before shifting her attention back to Joe. "Though you're already well familiar with what Red Hood looks like naked, Commander, I would advise that you refrain from seeing her just yet, given that she's partially disassembled and has her maintenance panels wide open. Accepting and non-judgemental as you are, there's little to gain from disturbing yourself needlessly. She'll still be there, and back in one piece in hopefully just a few hours at the most."
The white-maned woman cracked her neck, producing a small 'pop' as she continued.
"Especially considering, knowing you, you'll want to hold her hand, which would give you at least a mild burn at this point. Even despite her being submerged in highly concentrated saline water well below the freezing point - which would itself probably be bad for you to dunk your hand into on its own."
Joe did his level best to not react like he'd just been struck in the face with a bat by those statements, or the implications they carried. The former, considering how his previous relationship with Red Hood had seemingly gone and ended. The latter because Jesus fucking Christ, please be okay, Rapi. Instead, he just took a deep breath and cleared his throat. "I-"
"Scarlet," Snow White, however, cut Joe off as she refocused on the swordswoman, pointing firmly at her chest. "Top. Off."
While Scarlet rolled her eyes and Anis turned beet red while rapidly rising to her feet, a starkly pale platinum blonde about the same height as Anis strode out of the room Rapi was occupying. She carried herself with the firm, dignified grace of a noblewoman, and had a build comparable to Rapi's. Her long, wavy hair shone with an eye-catching silken sheen. Her gaze, yet still the same ruby red as Rapi's, immediately locked onto Joe, staring at him with no small amount of rapt intensity.
And moreover… recognition. "Perhaps while waiting for a more prime opportunity to check on your companion, I might offer the Legendary Commander a spot of tea," she started. "As I ask what precisely brought himself and half of Goddess to my remote Fortress of Solitude, an entire century after they were supposed to have faded into the annals of history."
While Joe was good and ready to stare back at the women for a good few moments, considering the holy shit of just being casually recognized like this, Snow White turned to face Joe and immediately spoke up at that. "Commander, please distract her while I'm working. I need to focus, and she keeps dividing my attention with her incessant questioning."
The sheer brusqueness of Snow White was something to behold. She'd matured into something altogether different from the shy little teenager Joe remembered - for as little as he did remember her, at least.
At any rate… "That might be appropriate, given how she's doing us the honour of hosting us on such short and demanding notice," he declared.
"Indeed," the apparent XO of the Northern Fortress dryly replied, her long, thick eyelashes seeming to only accentuate her noble air as she looked up at Joe with a detached interest. "Follow me, then, Commander Pholus. Any of your Nikkes are invited to join as well, for as much as it goes without saying. I'd not have it be said that I am an inconsiderate host."
With that, she spun on her heel and started off down the hall - her stride being… incredibly distracting as Joe only just registered how very tightly fitted the skirt of her short, borderline micro white dress was, compounded by being coupled with her prideful sashay and lace stockings held up via garter straps.
Given Joe's propensity for blondes at that, he had to make a point to remind himself of the circumstances to not gawk like a horny caveman… Which, it seemed, Anis was not managing, as she did openly stare at the XO's ass as she strode down the hall.
Well. Joe sure as shit wasn't going to hold that against the messy-haired blonde, shrugging and setting off with a start.
"Unhand me, foul cur!" Scarlet immediately began caterwauling in the background. "I have been offered tea! You know mine feelings on tea-!"
"You can drink your damned tea after I've made sure you didn't sustain any serious, lasting damage being backhanded through a small forest by a Heretic, you idiot!" Snow White forcefully cursed her fellow out.
Scarlet was quick to shoot back. "As though thou was not pitched directly into the earth thyself-"
"Take off your damned shirt or I'll tear it off, damn it-!"
Somehow, Joe was rapidly finding it far more believable that he'd once been the commanding officer of Goddess.
"Ludmilla," the starkly white-clad woman suddenly proclaimed as she sat down in a cushioned seat set at a long, inorganic utilitarian table in what seemed to be the base's sparsely-decorated mess hall.
"Huh?" Joe, and Anis, dumbly replied as they were in the midst of sitting down as well.
"My name," the woman, evidently named Ludmilla continued as she lifted a cup of steaming tea to her fine lips. "I'd had yet to introduce myself."
"Oh," Joe intoned, looking at his own glass, lifting it to take a sniff - chamomile, his favourite kind of tea, luckily. With that particular bit of information known, Joe added sugar - or, it was probably more of an artificial sweetener given that there was no way they were growing sugar cane or sugar beets in the Ark - and let it sit to cool before drinking it. "Well, you already know my name…"
"Anis," the bodacious blonde seated alongside the Commander noted, meanwhile. She gave her tea a far more dubiously experimental series of sniffs - unsurprisingly, given her predilection for soft drinks over anything else.
"Is it not to your liking?" Ludmilla inquired, an eyebrow slightly raised as she gazed at Joe over the rim of her cup.
"I'm just letting it cool down," Joe informed her. "Chamomile is my favourite; I just don't like scalding my tongue and the roof of my mouth."
"Hm, fair enough," Ludmilla seemed to allow his explanation, if anything. Her gaze drifted aside to Anis, who seemed somewhat reassured by the notion that this was Joe's favourite, though not entirely. The far more mature and dignified-seeming woman didn't otherwise address Anis' concerns. "So, if I may be so bold as to follow up on my initial inquiry," she refocused on Joe.
"If I could ask a question first?" Joe interjected, leaning back in his seat and crossing his arms, not entirely comfortable given the circumstances. To say nothing of the dining hall they were in… being drab, to say the least.
"Demanding for a guest, aren't you?" Ludmilla seemed halfway between amused and annoyed. "If anyone has earned such an onerous predilection, I suppose it is you and yours. Ask," again, she seemed the part of a well-to-do noble granting a boon to a social subordinate.
"How in God's name do you know who we are?" Joe pointedly asked, which caused Anis to perk up, pointing at Joe and snapping her fingers with a series of forceful grunts and hums to punctuate an agreement with his line of questioning. Having a mouthful of hot chamomile tea wasn't exactly conducive to simply vocalizing her support, it seemed.
"We met when you were all knighted following the, however fleeting it revealed itself to be, reclamation of London," Ludmilla matter-of-factually replied.
"I- wait, what?" Joe blinked owlishly and all but jumped in place. He was a knight!? Also… "What do you mean we 'met' when- the Ark was sealed a hundred years ago!"
"And I underwent conversion into a Nikke two decades afterwards," Ludmilla stated plainly. "I was a child at the time we'd encountered each other at the victory parade in Edinburgh, given that London itself was in no state to be hosting festivities of any kind… so, I suppose it's not unreasonable that you wouldn't recognize me, given how much smaller I was back then."
"I have amnesia," Joe noted in reply to her supposition. "I have no memory of having been 'knighted' in the first place." He would reflect on the fact that Ludmilla was far older than she looked, both because older women, fuck yeah, and because that really hammered in how Nikkes were functionally, if not just literally ageless. Though given that Goddess as a squad were very much on the older side as a whole, that wasn't that amazing of a revelation at this point.
Ludmilla lowered her cup, giving the brunet a calculating look. "...Is that so?" She acknowledged his assertion. "So, I suppose you could not tell me how it is you came to be alive, and young so long after the Initial Rapture Invasion, then?"
"I actually could," Joe corrected her. "The actual question is if I should."
At that, Ludmilla hummed deeply, setting her cup down upon the saucer accompanying it with a light 'clink.' "Well, given how knowledge of yourself and Goddess has been aggressively suppressed for some sixty-odd years now, I suppose it would be a safe bet to wager that it would be perilous to reveal the truth on what happened to yourself and Goddess… Not that I would be foolish enough to reveal that I knew enough to recognize Goddess or the Legendary Commander myself to the Central Government in the first place, but, if you do not wish to reveal the truth, I shall not begrudge you that."
The gorgeous woman of seemingly English origins crossed her legs in a manner which damn near broke Joe's focus, but he was getting better about not going full caveman mode from being exposed to unreasonably beautiful women - likely on account of never not being exposed to unreasonable beautiful women these days, Nikkes being what they were.
"However," Ludmilla continued. "I would, at the very least, ask that you inform me why you are here, so far in the distant North, with half of Goddess, no less."
"We were searching for Snow White," Joe answered honestly, because he didn't really want to shut down every question Ludmilla asked. "Myself and Counters, Anis, Neon, and Rapi - er, Red Hood, that is. We've had no contact with Snow White, or Scarlet, for that matter, since… well, since the Ark was sealed."
"Is that so?" Ludmilla brought a hand up to her chin in a notably dignified manner, "That alone is quite telling, regarding your situation, as it is, when combined with how the Central Government seeks to cause Goddess to be forgotten entirely… This is not an officially sanctioned expedition, I suppose," she pondered aloud - notably, not as a question. She didn't seem to intend to actually drill Joe too hard given the circumstances. "Well, I am not going to be the Nikke that attempted to turn in the Legendary Commander and Goddess to the Central Government, intentionally or otherwise, so I will make a point to not log your visit to the Northern Fortress, nor your presence here in the Yukon."
With that declaration, she lifted her cup to her delicate lips again, sipping at her tea elegantly.
Joe wasn't entirely sure how to process much of this. Ludmilla recognizing them was deeply unexpected, to say the least. Especially unforeseen was meeting a Nikke who had been alive before the Ark was sealed, had met Goddess as a human. As much as Joe wanted to question her about everything, it didn't seem like it'd be wise to do that. Though, if nothing else… "Thank you, for…" For a moment, he wondered how to put it beyond a simple 'thanks.'
"Any Nikke that would seek to stab the Goddess Squad in the back is a foul wretch undeserving of their augmentations," Ludmilla forcefully cut him off. "To express gratitude for the bare minimum of what should be expected of any Nikke that recognizes you is absurd and obscene. I'll not have it."
…Man, with the sheer stiffness of Ludmilla's upper lip, Joe was about ready to ask if she was a member of the British Royal Family, as absurd as the notion was - least of all considering she was a Nikke. He just managed to hold his tongue, regardless. "Even if you don't think I should be, I am appreciative of the help you're providing us, and especially Rapi, regardless. Especially considering it sounds like she might've died if not for the facilities you have on-site…"
"Providence has a way of rewarding the just, I find," Ludmilla remarked matter-of-factually between sips of her tea. "Even if it does oftentimes take many years upon years for it to take effect. And sometimes, fate too conspires with providence, given the cause for that room to have been built to begin with…"
That… actually… "Now that you mention it, I'm more than a little surprised that you just so happened to have the exact right facilities on-hand to address the exact issue that Rapi happened to have."
"It is not nearly as unlikely as you might imagine, given who I happen to have on-site as a dependant," Ludmilla replied simply. "Alice has more in common with your 'Rapi' than you might expect."
At that, Joe glanced aside at Anis with no small amount of confused surprise, a look Anis understandably shared with him. Regardless, he refocused on Ludmilla out of the corner of his eye with a wary expression worn on his face. "What exactly do you mean by that?" he asked. "I don't see how Rapi could possibly share this particular issue with anyone else considering-"
"Red Hood is not the only Nikke that was built with Exceed, Commander Pholus," Ludmilla asserted. "She is simply the only one to have had Exceed operate within her systems as intended."
That caught Joe's attention, to say the least. Especially given how that caused Joe to suddenly recall how Andersen had offhandedly mentioned that at least one other Nikke had been created in an attempt to replicate what Rapi could do. A Missilis Nikke, whose name escaped Joe at that moment. Was this 'Alice' that Nikke, then? "And who-" Joe started to ask after the Nikke in question.
Only to be cut off by a distinctive jingle playing over the base's intercoms, which caused Ludmilla to hum in acknowledgement. "Speak of the devil. It seems that the away team, meaning the little bunny in question, is back with the parts needed to finish helping Rapi. If you'd like to meet her, as she very much wants to meet you, everyone should shortly gathered at the front entrance to the base."
With a low hum, Joe grabbed his glass and tipped the cup back, getting the tea down in just a few gulps. Though he could hardly say that he'd savoured it, damn, did it taste good. "That tea was so good that I feel bad for not having gotten to actually take my time drinking it," he admitted aloud.
Ludmilla, in reply, smiled with a small amount of gratification, finishing off her own cup and setting the dishes aside. "Then I can say that I've satisfied the Legendary Commander, if even in a small way." Rising to her feet, she began moving for the hallway door again. "Come, then. If nothing else, you and Anis will do well to help move the Rapture parts to a convenient location for Snow White to work with."
With one mighty gulp, Anis swallowed the entire mouthful of tea she'd apparently been just holding like a chipmunk, then declared: "Anything to help Rapi," as she stood with a purpose. "Come on, Commander!" She then sharply spun to follow Ludmilla.
Joe understood her eagerness, and followed shortly after her. It wouldn't be much, but every little bit would help in getting Rapi back on her feet, and damn, did the little Goddess deserve all the support in the world, and anything more Joe could manage.
To say nothing of the fact that they were apparently about to meet another Nikke with the Exceed system.
This was bound to prove interesting.
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