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"But then we went and had some really good pizza, so the day wasn't a complete bust," Harley explained to Mizuno Ami as the girls sat in Ami and Minako's apartment in the Mahora student residences. "And normally it's hard to find good pizza in Japan, I tell you. I miss Big Tony."
"Screw your pizza, I'm going to lose my Mamo-chan to a guy...!" Minako lamented, keeping both hands on her own head. "This isn't fair, I keep him safe from a pheromone loaded supervillainess and a Lolicon Papacon fetish fuel station attendant, and I lose him to some random foreigner in all too tight pants...?!"
"I'm a pure and innocent girl, you take that back!" Chibi-Usa said.
"If you were pure and innocent you wouldn't know what she's just said..." Usagi pointed out, moodily tapping her fingers on the table. "Anyway, Mina-chan, don't you think you're taking this too far? Mamoru's not going to leave you just because some guy shook his hand! After everything you've gone through together, you should know better!"
"That's right, and besides, if he stopped being gay it's because he realized he's not into men after all," Ivy tried to comfort her.
"He said he never was gay to begin with!" Minako wailed.
"All the same, none of us know much about Sempai's past, do we?" Ami asked. "Not even himself, wasn't he left with several holes in his memory? There's no reason to think that man must be lying when he says they truly knew each other."
"You couldn't even blame him, that guy's kind of hot," Harley shrugged, taking a sip from her Coke can. "I'd hit that."
"You'd 'hit' on anything!" Shiho reminded her. "And both Hotaru and I felt the evil vibes coming from that freak, there's no mistaking it! He's an enemy and we must prepare an attack plan on him!"
"As long as he doesn't actually do anything evil, we can't do anything to him, but we could search for him regardless if you guys gave us a clue or two," Artemis said from where he sat next to Luna on the couch. "I don't know, an accent? Did he look like any of the Dark Kingdom soldiers? Anything like that?"
"He's kinda generic. The only traits I could give you besides being Evil Gay and aloof would be that he has a plant motif, much like Red," Harley said. "I mean, even the name's sort of a hint."
Ivy hummed. "I couldn't feel a direct connection to him, however. Not the way I could when I look at Woodrue or Swamp Thing. There was something... alien about him."
"Alien in the literal sense, or...?" Mayu doubted.
"I don't think we should read much into that, all of us are the reincarnations of aliens, and only two of us are evil," Usagi shrugged.
"Hey, I thought we weren't going to keep on harping on Shiho and the Doc over that," Harley said as Munakata and Akagi frowned. Chibi-Usa yawned and began lulling in place, Hotaru quick and quietly moving along so the smaller girl could rest on her shoulder. "Say, it's late and Pinkie's falling asleep, why don't we call it a night and we stay over, to see what can we do about it tomorrow? I figure things can wait 'til then, can't they...?"
Somewhere, out in the pitch darkness of the night, a small, dark green seed flew from the sky and, unnoticed, drilled itself into the ground, not too far from Mahora's fabled, gigantic so-called World Tree.
In a couple of hours, while most of the city's greatest defenders slept, the seed had bloomed into a large red flower.
Early next morning, Akira woke up as she heard the front door ringing. Rubbing her eyes, she worked her way out of the upper bunk she'd been sharing with a snoring Minako, making her way past down the one under them, where Ami and Usagi still slept on soundly.
Hotaru and Chibi-Usa were sharing a futon by the bedroom's door, the former tightly clinging to the latter, and walking out, Ritsuko was splayed on the floor, in panties and bra, with a smuggled empty can of beer still in her hand. Katsuragi-san was probably being a bad influence on her. Mayu and Shiho slept together on the couch, which probably meant Harley and Ivy had probably gone to sleep together in the tub again.
Sleepily, Akira wondered about the best way to ensure whoever was ringing this wasn't the aftermath of a lesbic orgy, but when she opened the door, that concern was briefly pushed aside, as the urgence on those mismatched eyes- one blue, the other green- was unmistakable and actually quite concerning.
"Asuna-san?" Akira blinked. "What's wrong? You sure look troubled...!"
"Oh my gosh, thank Heavens!" Kagurazaka Asuna sighed loudly, storming in and closing the door after her. "At least you are okay, I was starting to think I was the only- Huhhh, what about them?" she winced, pointing at the sleeping young women all across the living room. "Don't tell me they got them, too!"
"Them?" Akira repeated. Ritsuko hiccuped and began pushing herself back up, and that actually made Asuna breathe easier for some reason. "Please calm down, Asuna-san, what are you trying to say?"
"W-Well, I left Konoka sleeping this morning while I went to make my delivery rounds," the papergirl and Akira's classmate began explaining agitatedly, "but as I made the rounds, I started seeing people sleeping on the streets, everywhere! I tried to shake 'em up, and nothing! I mean, they breath so they can't be dead, but-!"
"Wazzat?" Shiho groaned, shuffling up onto her shoulders and smacking her lips together, slapping the dozed Mayu's hand off her ass. "Who's dead now? Geez, you guys never come bearing any good news..."
"Iinchou, Konoka, Negi, Honya and Yue, all asleep too when I ran back, and I can't wake any of them up either!" Asuna was ranting desperately, pacing back and forth while Ritsuko sat up on the floor, paying attention, and Usagi and Minako peeked out the bedroom, blinking and squinting. "On the plus side, there's a really nice scent of roses everywhere, but that's no proper trade!"
"Roses?" Ritsuko repeated, even as Mayu finally woke up as well, scratching herself on a cheek. Then the blonde frowned and shouted at the bathroom. "ISLEY! Bring your ass over here, this is your field of expertise!"
"Yeah, this is right what I was telling you about," Asuna said as all of them, Luna and Artemis included, stood by the bunk where Ami kept on sleeping, impervious to all attempts to wake her up. "Nothing works, ever. Not shouting, not splashing them, not tugging on their hair, not biting them..."
"You even tried biting?" Harley blinked.
"Hey, I was desperate, okay?!" Asuna replied. "Octopus-chan, Mayu-san? Any luck there?"
Shiho sobbed pitifully, putting her phone down. "Nothing! Oniichan and Mana-Oneesama won't answer either!"
"Neither will Hanabishi-sama!" Mayu said. "Ohhhh, that damned man!" she seethed. "I'm going to break him so badly...!"
Asuna blinked. "Which man are you talking about?"
"Long story," Minako sighed, cutting a call she'd just been making. "Mamo-chan's fine, he's gearing up and will greet us outside. Okay, odds are we were spared because of our Star Seeds and Asuna-san's got her Magic Immunity thing, who else do we know who could be still available?"
"I don't know... Chachamaru?" Akira doubted, starting to make a call. "Oh no, she's out of range, she must be with Eva-san in the resort..."
"Okay, we aren't getting anything done by standing here, it's not like anyone's breaking in for Ami while were're outside," an antsy Harley said, already in full Sailor Uranus regalia. "I say we head out and just find Flower Boy already, unless someone has a better idea? Doc? Red?"
For once, none of them actually had, so soon they were out and beholding the desolated streets of the Mahora campus, littered with figurative early birds- students and teachers alike- passed out on the sidewalks and streets. "Well," Harley observed, "this is gonna make a real drag out of today, huh?"
"No kidding," Sailor Moon said, kneeling by a woman and taking her pulse. "They're in like a coma, and if even Shiho's sister was affected then- Ahhhhh!" she cried as, out of nowhere, the woman moved an arm, grabbed her by a leg, and slammed her against the pavement. "Sonuva-!"
"Sailor Moon!" Chibi-Moon gasped, as the unconscious citizens of the campus began rising back to their feet stiffly, eyes still closed while lurching ahead for the Senshi. "Oh, no, what's going on...! Puu?!"
"I'm sorry, Small Lady, but I still have no idea!" Sailor Pluto frowned, readying her Time Key and hitting a first man lunging for her in the face. "Uranus, Neptune, you'd better hold back! We're watching on!"
"Social pressure! You're starting with the social pressure already!" Uranus complained while giving a roundkick to three women closing in on her. "I tell you, if Old Man Cucumber Head or someone like Death Glasses Teach comes by, I bet you'll be singin' a different tune, Doc!"
"Until then, though!" Pluto growled, bashing on a Karate Club student trying to reach Sailor Chibi-Moon. "Mars, can you pinpoint the source of this?!"
"Give me some room to breathe and we'll talk!" Shiho said, pulling back, closing her eyes, and bringing her hands together. She concentrated as Sailor Jupiter and Saturn kept the zombified citizens away from her, everyone else taking the fight somewhere else along the street. "Let's see, let's see... This... This doesn't feel like the Dark Kingdom's energy, but, but... There!" She pointed up a tree, where a large pinkish flower of freakishly long and thick petals had taken root on one of the biggest branches. "That thing's emitting spores or something...!"
"What?" Sailor Venus blinked, looking up at it, even as the flower, with no warning, detached itself from the tree and dropped onto the pavement. It scattered around wildly in all directions over several moments, startling the Senshi and moving on its roots as if they were thin spiderlike legs. Then the flower seemed to expand upwards, the petals growing unnaturally and peeling open at the same time, and out sprouted the top half a of a sinister but beautiful woman with pale blue skin and long, wavy, dark blue hair, still circling around on a lower half made of the flower itself. "Ewwww, what the heck...?"
The monstrous woman turned one of her arms into a gigantic mass of vinelike tendrils, and swung it around, grabbing Sailor Mercury by the throat and slamming her against a wall. "Mercury!" Minako, Usagi and Chibi-Usa all cried, and Akira gasped, kicking around even as the fiend began strangling the life from her. Sailor Saturn frowned and made a low sweep with her weapon, stabbing at the monster's midsection and forcing her back, making her drop Akira on the street.
Hissing evilly, the monster shook, and several smaller seeds jumped out of the flower, breaking into the ground and, just as quickly, shattering back and out, blooming into new, smaller demon flowers scuttering around to join their mother. Sailor Neptune blinked at this. "Very well, youve got my attention now..."
Sailor Mars sighed, rotating her arms around. "Okay. Okay, if we're dealing with plants, then obviously fire's the way to go. Just step back and keep the morons away, I'm going to roast a few-"
Then something, a regal blue blur, shouted and dropped from a nearby rooftop, swinging by and cutting cleanly through the main flower monster, bisecting her with a single, decisive motion of an invisible blade. The street trembled for a moment as the dying creature screamed, gren juices flying in every direction. And, with a smaller thud, the figure who had just joined the fray landed on her feet and on top of the being's destroyed body, scowling sternly, all splattered in green but no less beautiful than before.
"Ah!" Asuna blinked, as the smaller flower monsters scurried away from she who had just annihilated their mother unit so completely with so little effort. "Of course, you've got Magic Resistance! Saber-san...!"
The short, green eyed blonde in the blue battle gown nodded only once at her. "Miss Asuna," she flatly said. "It's good to see you safe and sound."
"Whoa, who's the babe?" Sailor Uranus blinked, leering ahead and casually backpunching a man trying to sneak on her. "She's got sick moves...!"
"She's... a classmate of mine," Sailor Mercury explained, rubbing her throat.
"Ah, well, in a way, that explains everything," Uranus nodded. Akira was confused, even as she also casually punched one of the last few manipulated bystanders trying to come at them. Should that make her feel offended, or praised?
Saber was nodding at Asuna. "Yes, Shirou won't wake up either, and neither will the Tohsaka sisters or their Servants," she was explaining. "But I've got a high Magic Resistance, and so should at least a few of the other Servants out there. Whether they would help or hinder us, naturally, is another matter altogether."
Asuna nodded. "I see! Well, we'll worry about crossing that bridge when we get there!" She turned to the Senshi and their cats with a smile. "It's all right, girls, Saber-san's on the level! She's like the most awesome warrior to ever have lived, so we're fine as long as we are with her!"
Saber, meanwhile, was plucking a small red fruit sprouting from a leg of the dead flower monster and studying it closely. "I wonder if this is edible? It looks appetizing enough..."
"Screw your pizza, I'm going to lose my Mamo-chan to a guy...!" Minako lamented, keeping both hands on her own head. "This isn't fair, I keep him safe from a pheromone loaded supervillainess and a Lolicon Papacon fetish fuel station attendant, and I lose him to some random foreigner in all too tight pants...?!"
"I'm a pure and innocent girl, you take that back!" Chibi-Usa said.
"If you were pure and innocent you wouldn't know what she's just said..." Usagi pointed out, moodily tapping her fingers on the table. "Anyway, Mina-chan, don't you think you're taking this too far? Mamoru's not going to leave you just because some guy shook his hand! After everything you've gone through together, you should know better!"
"That's right, and besides, if he stopped being gay it's because he realized he's not into men after all," Ivy tried to comfort her.
"He said he never was gay to begin with!" Minako wailed.
"All the same, none of us know much about Sempai's past, do we?" Ami asked. "Not even himself, wasn't he left with several holes in his memory? There's no reason to think that man must be lying when he says they truly knew each other."
"You couldn't even blame him, that guy's kind of hot," Harley shrugged, taking a sip from her Coke can. "I'd hit that."
"You'd 'hit' on anything!" Shiho reminded her. "And both Hotaru and I felt the evil vibes coming from that freak, there's no mistaking it! He's an enemy and we must prepare an attack plan on him!"
"As long as he doesn't actually do anything evil, we can't do anything to him, but we could search for him regardless if you guys gave us a clue or two," Artemis said from where he sat next to Luna on the couch. "I don't know, an accent? Did he look like any of the Dark Kingdom soldiers? Anything like that?"
"He's kinda generic. The only traits I could give you besides being Evil Gay and aloof would be that he has a plant motif, much like Red," Harley said. "I mean, even the name's sort of a hint."
Ivy hummed. "I couldn't feel a direct connection to him, however. Not the way I could when I look at Woodrue or Swamp Thing. There was something... alien about him."
"Alien in the literal sense, or...?" Mayu doubted.
"I don't think we should read much into that, all of us are the reincarnations of aliens, and only two of us are evil," Usagi shrugged.
"Hey, I thought we weren't going to keep on harping on Shiho and the Doc over that," Harley said as Munakata and Akagi frowned. Chibi-Usa yawned and began lulling in place, Hotaru quick and quietly moving along so the smaller girl could rest on her shoulder. "Say, it's late and Pinkie's falling asleep, why don't we call it a night and we stay over, to see what can we do about it tomorrow? I figure things can wait 'til then, can't they...?"
Somewhere, out in the pitch darkness of the night, a small, dark green seed flew from the sky and, unnoticed, drilled itself into the ground, not too far from Mahora's fabled, gigantic so-called World Tree.
In a couple of hours, while most of the city's greatest defenders slept, the seed had bloomed into a large red flower.
Early next morning, Akira woke up as she heard the front door ringing. Rubbing her eyes, she worked her way out of the upper bunk she'd been sharing with a snoring Minako, making her way past down the one under them, where Ami and Usagi still slept on soundly.
Hotaru and Chibi-Usa were sharing a futon by the bedroom's door, the former tightly clinging to the latter, and walking out, Ritsuko was splayed on the floor, in panties and bra, with a smuggled empty can of beer still in her hand. Katsuragi-san was probably being a bad influence on her. Mayu and Shiho slept together on the couch, which probably meant Harley and Ivy had probably gone to sleep together in the tub again.
Sleepily, Akira wondered about the best way to ensure whoever was ringing this wasn't the aftermath of a lesbic orgy, but when she opened the door, that concern was briefly pushed aside, as the urgence on those mismatched eyes- one blue, the other green- was unmistakable and actually quite concerning.
"Asuna-san?" Akira blinked. "What's wrong? You sure look troubled...!"
"Oh my gosh, thank Heavens!" Kagurazaka Asuna sighed loudly, storming in and closing the door after her. "At least you are okay, I was starting to think I was the only- Huhhh, what about them?" she winced, pointing at the sleeping young women all across the living room. "Don't tell me they got them, too!"
"Them?" Akira repeated. Ritsuko hiccuped and began pushing herself back up, and that actually made Asuna breathe easier for some reason. "Please calm down, Asuna-san, what are you trying to say?"
"W-Well, I left Konoka sleeping this morning while I went to make my delivery rounds," the papergirl and Akira's classmate began explaining agitatedly, "but as I made the rounds, I started seeing people sleeping on the streets, everywhere! I tried to shake 'em up, and nothing! I mean, they breath so they can't be dead, but-!"
"Wazzat?" Shiho groaned, shuffling up onto her shoulders and smacking her lips together, slapping the dozed Mayu's hand off her ass. "Who's dead now? Geez, you guys never come bearing any good news..."
"Iinchou, Konoka, Negi, Honya and Yue, all asleep too when I ran back, and I can't wake any of them up either!" Asuna was ranting desperately, pacing back and forth while Ritsuko sat up on the floor, paying attention, and Usagi and Minako peeked out the bedroom, blinking and squinting. "On the plus side, there's a really nice scent of roses everywhere, but that's no proper trade!"
"Roses?" Ritsuko repeated, even as Mayu finally woke up as well, scratching herself on a cheek. Then the blonde frowned and shouted at the bathroom. "ISLEY! Bring your ass over here, this is your field of expertise!"
"Yeah, this is right what I was telling you about," Asuna said as all of them, Luna and Artemis included, stood by the bunk where Ami kept on sleeping, impervious to all attempts to wake her up. "Nothing works, ever. Not shouting, not splashing them, not tugging on their hair, not biting them..."
"You even tried biting?" Harley blinked.
"Hey, I was desperate, okay?!" Asuna replied. "Octopus-chan, Mayu-san? Any luck there?"
Shiho sobbed pitifully, putting her phone down. "Nothing! Oniichan and Mana-Oneesama won't answer either!"
"Neither will Hanabishi-sama!" Mayu said. "Ohhhh, that damned man!" she seethed. "I'm going to break him so badly...!"
Asuna blinked. "Which man are you talking about?"
"Long story," Minako sighed, cutting a call she'd just been making. "Mamo-chan's fine, he's gearing up and will greet us outside. Okay, odds are we were spared because of our Star Seeds and Asuna-san's got her Magic Immunity thing, who else do we know who could be still available?"
"I don't know... Chachamaru?" Akira doubted, starting to make a call. "Oh no, she's out of range, she must be with Eva-san in the resort..."
"Okay, we aren't getting anything done by standing here, it's not like anyone's breaking in for Ami while were're outside," an antsy Harley said, already in full Sailor Uranus regalia. "I say we head out and just find Flower Boy already, unless someone has a better idea? Doc? Red?"
For once, none of them actually had, so soon they were out and beholding the desolated streets of the Mahora campus, littered with figurative early birds- students and teachers alike- passed out on the sidewalks and streets. "Well," Harley observed, "this is gonna make a real drag out of today, huh?"
"No kidding," Sailor Moon said, kneeling by a woman and taking her pulse. "They're in like a coma, and if even Shiho's sister was affected then- Ahhhhh!" she cried as, out of nowhere, the woman moved an arm, grabbed her by a leg, and slammed her against the pavement. "Sonuva-!"
"Sailor Moon!" Chibi-Moon gasped, as the unconscious citizens of the campus began rising back to their feet stiffly, eyes still closed while lurching ahead for the Senshi. "Oh, no, what's going on...! Puu?!"
"I'm sorry, Small Lady, but I still have no idea!" Sailor Pluto frowned, readying her Time Key and hitting a first man lunging for her in the face. "Uranus, Neptune, you'd better hold back! We're watching on!"
"Social pressure! You're starting with the social pressure already!" Uranus complained while giving a roundkick to three women closing in on her. "I tell you, if Old Man Cucumber Head or someone like Death Glasses Teach comes by, I bet you'll be singin' a different tune, Doc!"
"Until then, though!" Pluto growled, bashing on a Karate Club student trying to reach Sailor Chibi-Moon. "Mars, can you pinpoint the source of this?!"
"Give me some room to breathe and we'll talk!" Shiho said, pulling back, closing her eyes, and bringing her hands together. She concentrated as Sailor Jupiter and Saturn kept the zombified citizens away from her, everyone else taking the fight somewhere else along the street. "Let's see, let's see... This... This doesn't feel like the Dark Kingdom's energy, but, but... There!" She pointed up a tree, where a large pinkish flower of freakishly long and thick petals had taken root on one of the biggest branches. "That thing's emitting spores or something...!"
"What?" Sailor Venus blinked, looking up at it, even as the flower, with no warning, detached itself from the tree and dropped onto the pavement. It scattered around wildly in all directions over several moments, startling the Senshi and moving on its roots as if they were thin spiderlike legs. Then the flower seemed to expand upwards, the petals growing unnaturally and peeling open at the same time, and out sprouted the top half a of a sinister but beautiful woman with pale blue skin and long, wavy, dark blue hair, still circling around on a lower half made of the flower itself. "Ewwww, what the heck...?"
The monstrous woman turned one of her arms into a gigantic mass of vinelike tendrils, and swung it around, grabbing Sailor Mercury by the throat and slamming her against a wall. "Mercury!" Minako, Usagi and Chibi-Usa all cried, and Akira gasped, kicking around even as the fiend began strangling the life from her. Sailor Saturn frowned and made a low sweep with her weapon, stabbing at the monster's midsection and forcing her back, making her drop Akira on the street.
Hissing evilly, the monster shook, and several smaller seeds jumped out of the flower, breaking into the ground and, just as quickly, shattering back and out, blooming into new, smaller demon flowers scuttering around to join their mother. Sailor Neptune blinked at this. "Very well, youve got my attention now..."
Sailor Mars sighed, rotating her arms around. "Okay. Okay, if we're dealing with plants, then obviously fire's the way to go. Just step back and keep the morons away, I'm going to roast a few-"
Then something, a regal blue blur, shouted and dropped from a nearby rooftop, swinging by and cutting cleanly through the main flower monster, bisecting her with a single, decisive motion of an invisible blade. The street trembled for a moment as the dying creature screamed, gren juices flying in every direction. And, with a smaller thud, the figure who had just joined the fray landed on her feet and on top of the being's destroyed body, scowling sternly, all splattered in green but no less beautiful than before.
"Ah!" Asuna blinked, as the smaller flower monsters scurried away from she who had just annihilated their mother unit so completely with so little effort. "Of course, you've got Magic Resistance! Saber-san...!"
The short, green eyed blonde in the blue battle gown nodded only once at her. "Miss Asuna," she flatly said. "It's good to see you safe and sound."
"Whoa, who's the babe?" Sailor Uranus blinked, leering ahead and casually backpunching a man trying to sneak on her. "She's got sick moves...!"
"She's... a classmate of mine," Sailor Mercury explained, rubbing her throat.
"Ah, well, in a way, that explains everything," Uranus nodded. Akira was confused, even as she also casually punched one of the last few manipulated bystanders trying to come at them. Should that make her feel offended, or praised?
Saber was nodding at Asuna. "Yes, Shirou won't wake up either, and neither will the Tohsaka sisters or their Servants," she was explaining. "But I've got a high Magic Resistance, and so should at least a few of the other Servants out there. Whether they would help or hinder us, naturally, is another matter altogether."
Asuna nodded. "I see! Well, we'll worry about crossing that bridge when we get there!" She turned to the Senshi and their cats with a smile. "It's all right, girls, Saber-san's on the level! She's like the most awesome warrior to ever have lived, so we're fine as long as we are with her!"
Saber, meanwhile, was plucking a small red fruit sprouting from a leg of the dead flower monster and studying it closely. "I wonder if this is edible? It looks appetizing enough..."