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Pink Blossom Quest Redux [Naruto/Streetfighter]

[X] Take your time with the written portion, no need to make mistakes in haste.
Btw, kinda glad you skipped the long drawn out character creation phase. As I was reading through the archive of the previous quest it started to turn me off on how much it was getting flipped around.

It got to the point where I was screaming in my mind on people to make up their god damn minds on what they want Sakura to do and stick with it.
[X] Take your time with the written portion, no need to make mistakes in haste.
[x] Get distracted by daydreaming about the story with Ino and fail to complete the exam on time.
[X] Take your time with the written portion, no need to make mistakes in haste.

Alright, fine, we'll be THE MOST UNSUBTLE NINJA EVER instead of merchant.

04 - Theory Exam

The exam was simple enough. Twenty five multiple choice questions and then a short essay on the will of fire for extra bonus points.

Unlike Naruto, you weren't lucky enough to be able to guess your way through the exam... or roll di... wait a moment...

You perked up at a somewhat familiar sound.

That was the sound of stone dice rattling against wood... your eyes are drawn to where Naruto really was rolling her way through the questions before her. You knew she wasn't exactly stupid... but to rely on luck like that. But she nodded to the answer derived from her rolls as if expecting what she got before putting in the answer.

You had to shake your head at that sight, because it really was Naruto all over, to just depend on blind luck before giving it a once over to make sure it was all good.

Still, you had to twitch at the way she handed in her exam without bothering to even do the bonus essay.

Or how certain Sasuke was with his answers before handing his in without doing the bonus essay as well...

It was aggravating to see the two of them just walk out together; while he was all grumpy pants, she was his complete opposite with smiles and loud laughter.

Over at his desk, Shikamaru is already napping.

That fiend.

You growl and carefully go over your questions, taking the time to make absolutely certain that they were correct before you started on the Will of Fire essay, and what it meant to you.

After all, the Will of Fire was more than just a philosophy or religion. It was the very heart of Konoha, the reason why the Hidden Village was started... or so it was said. It was about burning bright and strong to light the darkness around you, to stand tall and firm in the face of injustice, to protect those who needed protection.

It was also... [complete propaganda]. Your inner voice snidely and cynically remarked as you wrote your essay. [An opiate for the masses].

You agreed with her, and it was one of the things inferred in the Ninja Ethics class. And yet, that very same Will of Fire allowed ninja to fight stronger, to push themselves beyond the limits of their minds, bodies and chakra.

It was a reason to go on.

To take that next step.

And thus, it had value and worth even in the eyes of the most cynically shinobi.

Eventually, you had to put down your pen, there wasn't much you could write more, without it going bad.

You sighed as you went over the exam once more before handing it in. If only you were more confident in your theory knowledge, you would have done it quickly and gotten out like some of your classmates like Ino. But you always did prefer the more physical arts as opposed to the theory, the hows and whys.

You had half and hour break before the second half of the exam, the ninjutsu portion.

- - -
Theory Exam
[Sakura Quest] [Naruto / Streetfighter]
- - -​

What Do?
Pick One
[X] Have a quick lunch in the canteen, you remembered to bring spending money.
[X] Have a quick lunch on the swing, you remembered to bring your bento box.
[X] Relax in the shade and wait for the second half of the exam.
[X] Hang out with your friends...
[X] You could do with some more practice against the wooden dummies... just to distract your mind.
Current Tally

[!] Have a quick lunch in the canteen, you remembered to bring spending money.
SB - 0
QQ - 0
SV - 0

[!] Have a quick lunch on the swing, you remembered to bring your bento box.
SB - 1
QQ - 3
SV - 4

[!] Relax in the shade and wait for the second half of the exam.
SB - 0
QQ - 1
SV - 4

[!] Hang out with your friends...
SB - 4
QQ - 4
SV - 14

[!] You could do with some more practice against the wooden dummies... just to distract your mind.
SB - 2
QQ - 0
SV - 2
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[X] Relax in the shade and wait for the second half of the exam.
[X] Hang out with your friends...
[X] Have a quick lunch on the swing, you remembered to bring your bento box.
[X] Hang out with your friends...

Also naruto is a girl or a boy retending to be a girl...
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[X] Have a quick lunch on the swing, you remembered to bring your bento box.

Also naruto is a girl or a boy retending to be a girl...

A boy I believe that was changed into a girl because of his reincarnation practices a martial art that would have made him a unick or something like that. Also his past life was a trap for most of his life.


Don't know if the Naruto story of Bii's is connected to this quest as it was the last one though, so I could be wrong.
So.......Biigoh, you know how Naruto has his "Kyuubi rage mode" and Sauske get's the "cursed-mark rage mode", will we get our own "sunburnt-sakura sakura rage mode" as well? Pretty much we're a team of rage monsters, I'd think it would(could) be a little funny, and a lot painful for whoever pissed them off, if at some point they all came out together, because of "reasons", then you have three berserkers who don't really "play well with others" but still have something of a bond with each other...
So.......Biigoh, you know how Naruto has his "Kyuubi rage mode" and Sauske get's the "cursed-mark rage mode", will we get our own "sunburnt-sakura sakura rage mode" as well? Pretty much we're a team of rage monsters, I'd think it would(could) be a little funny, and a lot painful for whoever pissed them off, if at some point they all came out together, because of "reasons", then you have three berserkers who don't really "play well with others" but still have something of a bond with each other...

We probably have the ... what it's called...Satsui no Hado rage mode. I mean... if Dan Hibiki could enter it, Sakura sure as hell could.
We probably have the ... what it's called...Satsui no Hado rage mode. I mean... if Dan Hibiki could enter it, Sakura sure as hell could.
She did in a comic, at least according to the wiki, though I'm not sure on it's reliability, or if it could be considered canon ... I would think though that she has a quite a bit of a grounding so she wouldn't be completely consumed, she's not really looking to become the "strongest". My understating is that you tap into the Satsui no Hado due to being overcome by intense (darker)emotional states, or a desire to accomplish a goal that you are actively being prevented from achieving, and being consumed by that desire.
05 - Graduation

You frowned as you looked at where Naruto was laughing at something that Sasuke had said with a smile. Knowing those two, it was likely about the exam or possibly something more inane.

While you wanted to talk to Naruto, you couldn't... not really... you would feel like a heel if you interrupted them. Beside you, Hinata was desperately writing in her notebook, while looking at them, at you and at Ino as she browbeat Shikamaru into doing something beyond lying about every now and then... her murmured whispers held a certain madness you dared not contemplate.

After all, you remembered having questioning her once upon a time...

Why it had been last year when you first befriended her... an eternity ago for someone your age, when one got down to it.

Her bold declaration had shocked you. It had stunned the inner you.

Worse... it had gotten Ino to laugh like a loon.

After all, you had asked her why she had written that story of "Dolphin-Sensei" and "Scarecrow-Sensei" and put them together... like... like that.

She had looked at you before closing her eyes in delight, hands raised to her cheek... a light blush telling tales of her emotion. "I think boys should date boys, and girls should date girls."

You shivered in memory of the answer to your innocent question.

Still, you spend time with Hinata, just lazing on the bench against the table... simply soaking in the sun, the songs of cicada could be heard in the distance from the trees.

All too soon, there was the ringing of the bell calling you back in.

Standing at the front of the desk, Iruka-sensei explained the final test. Ninjutsu. Actual jutsu usage. One of the academy three, as it were.

Certainly, one was allowed to use a family variant if they knew such. But... the only question was which one.

"To graduate, you'll have to do the bunshin no jutsu." Iruka looked over the classroom, the tense silence seeming to please him. "When you're called, come to the next room."

Simple enough.

Even if Naruto actually seemed worried for once where she sat. At least if one were to spot her slight trembling, the sweat on the side of her face and how much paler she was than normal.

One by one, you watched the others get called to the other room.

And then it was your turn.

Standing in the empty classroom, with only Iruka-sensei and Mizuki-sensei watching you at the desk... there was a certain pressure there for you to succeed. The headbands resting on the desk in front of them was a very good incentive to do well.




Those three handseals flowed as you channeled chakra [ki] into your body. The controlled pulse of chakra [ki] in your body ensured that the technique was performed... perfectly without the trace of smoke that typically showed up in the less talented.

"Well done, Sakura. Congratulations." The warm smile from Mizuki-sensei and nod from Iruka-sensei was satisfying as you walked up to the desk at the front before dispersing the technique and your clones who had walked beside you.

There was a certain weight in the headband you were handed by Iruka-sensei. The feel of the metal plate heavier than expected and not as cold as you thought it would be.

"Wear the forehead protector with the pride of a Konoha shinobi."

- - -
[Sakura Quest] [Naruto / Streetfighter]
- - -​

You shivered and walked out of the academy where your classmates waited. There were smiles and laughter as they congratulated you and you them at passing.

At being a proper shinobi of Konoha.

What Do?
Pick One
[X] Go home and show your mom, she would be so proud of you.
[X] Hang about and wait for your friends, you were ALL going to party and celebrate.
[X] Go off to the assorted training grounds like the FOREST OF DEATH! You finally have permission to access the ninja training grounds!
Current Tally

[!] Go home and show your mom, she would be so proud of you.
SB - 0
QQ - 1
SV - 1

[!] Hang about and wait for your friends, you were ALL going to party and celebrate.
SB - 6
QQ - 9
SV - 10

[!] Go off to the assorted training grounds like the FOREST OF DEATH! You finally have permission to access the ninja training grounds!
SB - 5
QQ - 0
SV - 7
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[X] Hang about and wait for your friends, you were ALL going to party and celebrate.
- For bonding with our future comrades, and to go out and be irresponsible for one last time before the weight of duty is burdened upon or young shoulders...
[X] Hang about and wait for your friends, you were ALL going to party and celebrate.
She did in a comic, at least according to the wiki, though I'm not sure on it's reliability, or if it could be considered canon ... I would think though that she has a quite a bit of a grounding so she wouldn't be completely consumed, she's not really looking to become the "strongest". My understating is that you tap into the Satsui no Hado due to being overcome by intense (darker)emotional states, or a desire to accomplish a goal that you are actively being prevented from achieving, and being consumed by that desire.
Given that the Inner Sakura died in Satsui no Hado form... don't count on it as being an instant I Win button.
[X] Hang about and wait for your friends, you were ALL going to party and celebrate.
Given that the Inner Sakura died in Satsui no Hado form... don't count on it as being an instant I Win button.
Oh of course not, where would the fun be in that?:D Really it should either cause more problems than it helps or be some sort of plot device. Ideally I'd like it to eventually be brought up when thematically appropriate and shown to be this great power, but then show how uncontrollable and ultimately self destructive it is, leading to her having to accept that part of her psyche, and from then on balance her "dark" and "light" sides........or something equally as ridiculously moral.
[X] Hang about and wait for your friends, you were ALL going to party and celebrate.
[X] Hang about and wait for your friends, you were ALL going to party and celebrate.

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