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Pink Blossom Quest Redux [Naruto/Streetfighter]

Soh... Write a sfw Yuri omake. :3
Votes closed~

[7] Go home and get cleaned up.
SB - 3
SV - 3
QQ - 1
[2] Go to the academy showers and clean up first and change before going home.
SB - 2
SV - 0
QQ - 0
[13] Accept invitation to go to Naruto's home. No adults there, you can clean up with the others.
SB - 4
SV - 8
QQ - 1
[6] Accept invitation to go to Sasuke's home. No adults there, you can clean up with the others.
SB - 0
SV - 4
QQ - 2
Omake : Ramen Slice of Life
So.....not exactly yuri, nor that great really, just a short "Slice of Life", anyway here is my Omake contribution.......:

"Why, why Ramen Gods, what have we done to upset you so, why have you forsaken us in our time of need!?"

Really how long can she go on about the subject of ramen, I mean sure it's great after a tough workout, but with the way she keeps going on about it you'd think it had saved her life or something……[Obsessed Much?]

"Calm down Naruto, it's not the end of the world, shouldn't you be more worried about our future."

Oh no, Ino, why'd you have to go and do that, she was *just* starting to wind down, and you just had to go and start her up again, damn-it my head still hurts I don't need you two to start another one of your petty squabbles [She does seem to like to push people's buttons doesn't she…..]

"You don't understand Ino, what will I do? The Ramen Gods have turned their favor away from me." lamented the hyperactive kunoichi

"Oh will you two be quiet, we've already received our punishment, and it's not like Ichiraku is going to be closed forever."

Really they were acting like some catastrophe struck Konoha………..okay maybe bad example...

"But Sakura, two weeks it too long….."

"Be that as it may you're still going to have to put up with it. Oh by the way do you mind if I crash at your place for a bit, I kind of don't want to deal with my folks right now……"

"Hey, no fair Pinky, I was going to ask her that! Besides us blondes have to stick together, right Na-ru-to?" remarked Ino, saddling up to her fellow blonde and slowly, sweetly, speaking into her ear.

I can't believe she just did that, damn it Ino, and really Naruto what the hell are you getting all blushy for, seriously....

"Uh-uh-um, w-well why don't you both come over…...I have enough space...I think" stammered the flush Uzumaki

[I can see why Ino always does this, she is pretty cute when she's all red and tongue tied]
Oh not you too, I have enough mental issues dealing with Hinata's…….hobbies, I am not going to suffer more from the musing of my other self!
[Whoa calm down, just idle observation.]

"That will be fine Naruto, Ino get of of her you're embarrassing the both of you." you say glancing around, noting how none of the passersby seem to be meeting your glare…..

"you know if you both are good maybe I'll make you both dinner….." you trail off

"Pudding" they both exclaim at the same time.

You knew this was going to happen, it's not like they've ever ask you to make anything else, you're not even sure why you bother asking.

"fine, fine, far be it from me to expand your palate, we can have ramen, and we'll get some pudding for dessert, but you two are helping with the groceries *and* clean-up…."

"Whoo-hooo ramen tonight!"

*sigh*Saint preserve us from the pushy blondes in our life……[Amen.]

"So Naruto, where is the store that's closest to your place?"

"Oh, right, here let me show you"

She quickly grabs your hand, and you half stumble as you feel yourself being dragged along down the street, Ino lazily trailing behind you, grin on her face…..
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/me gives like to Zum and threadmarks it~
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Thank you Biigoh :D, oh on a side note, Sakura does know how to cook right? Also I would be curious to see a sort of character relationship chart, though maybe not a comprehensiveness one, that would likely be pretty huge.....and messy, I'd more just like to get an idea of how well she knows/gets along with the other characters, and her impressions of them, how she sees them, that sort of thing.........maybe not even a chart but more like short bios
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08 - The Uzumaki Connection
As things went, the group of shinobi that you were a part of was rather miserable as you exited the Hokage's office.

As you started to speak, you noticed what had to be a young shinobi in training with the way he was hiding against the wall with what had to be most poorly thought out and executed concealment technique.

After all, who actually would attempt to conceal themselves against a wall with a cloth meant to blend in with said surface... only to use it at the wrong angle.


That was just kind of sad.

Still, judging by the size of the cloth, it was likely a kid who had just started the academy.

After a brief consideration, you decided to ignore the kid... as did your friends.

The only one who didn't was Naruto who simply smiled at the kid behind his cloth. "You're not fooling anyone because~ you've forgotten which side is up again, Konohamaru."

"Impressive to see through this, as expected of Big Sister Uzumaki." The kid nodded as he lowered the cloth to beam back at Naruto. There was a note of admiration in his voice. You had to admit to some surprise at Naruto having all sorts of odd connection, they simply seemed to show up out of nowhere. Still, that wasn't hard, the blonde kunoichi was rather friendly and outgoing.

"Ha ha, it's nothing Konohamaru, just don't overdo it, okay?" There was a smile as she waved at him and rejoined the group as you headed down the stairs.

"Didn't know you knew the Hokage's grandson?" you spoke up eventually, having placed who Konohamaru was.

She nodded at you with a smile. "Ah... Konohamaru is a good kid, I met him when I got in trouble in the past and got a talking to. One thing led to another and I play with him now and then."

"He is kind of annoying in a certain way thou, keeps wanting to play with Naruto all the time." Sasuke chimed in.

There was a sniff by Ino at her dress. "Man, father is going to kill me if I go home like this."

"Troublesome... you know we're still going to be in trouble when we get home no matter how we look, right?" Shikimaru's opinion wasn't appreciated by Ino who settled for glaring at him silently.

"You... you know, you could come to my place and clean up first, right?" Naruto offered up after a moment of silence.

It didn't take long for the eight of you to agree to Naruto's offer.

- - -
The Uzumaki Connection
[Sakura Quest] [Naruto / Streetfighter]
- - -​

Your impression of Naruto's home was that it was bigger than expected. From the outside, it was just a simple apartment building. And yet, from the placement of the rooms and their dividing walls, the interior of Naruto's apartment was surprisingly spacious.

More than that, it turned out that the Uzumaki princess owned the entire building, something about an inheritance from her mother.

Still, it meant that there were communal washing machines for you and your friends to share and use, while you shared the shower in Naruto's home.

What Do?
[X] Go home after the shower and your clothes are clean. Time to face the music.
[X] Stay and talk with the others, to get a picture of what they remembered. Not avoiding the music... really.
[X] Go and visit your dad at his office after you are done at Naruto's, you didn't want to face mother's disappointment.
[X] Something Else. Write In.
[X] Go home after the shower and your clothes are clean. Time to face the music.
SB - 1
QQ - 0
SV - 0
[X] Stay and talk with the others, to get a picture of what they remembered. Not avoiding the music... really.
SB - 1
QQ - 5
SV - 13
[X] Go and visit your dad at his office after you are done at Naruto's, you didn't want to face mother's disappointment.
SB - 0
QQ - 0
SV - 0
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[J] Start a wildfire and burn that forest down to the ground! It got you in trouble with the hokage!

I'll add my real vote later. :p
[X] Stay and talk with the others, to get a picture of what they remembered. Not avoiding the music... really.

Clearly this leads to a better post-action report to the pertinent autorities,or just makes it so none off our stories differ to much off eachothers, so lets be responsible ninjas.
[X] Stay and talk with the others, to get a picture of what they remembered. Not avoiding the music... really.
[X] Stay and talk with the others, to get a picture of what they remembered. Not avoiding the music... really.

Truly, we just want to know what happened.
[X] Stay and talk with the others, to get a picture of what they remembered. Not avoiding the music... really.
-[x] Being inebriated helps you remember what you did while inebriated, right? Maybe a few drinks?
[X] Stay and talk with the others, to get a picture of what they remembered. Not avoiding the music... really.
Tally point.... pretty universal tally.... with 19 votes so far for not going to go home... lolz....
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[X] Stay and talk with the others, to get a picture of what they remembered. Not avoiding the music... really.
[X] Stay and talk with the others, to get a picture of what they remembered. Not avoiding the music... really.
[X] Stay and talk with the others, to get a picture of what they remembered. Not avoiding the music... really.
[X] Stay and talk with the others, to get a picture of what they remembered. Not avoiding the music... really.
[X] Stay and talk with the others, to get a picture of what they remembered. Not avoiding the music... really.
- Yeah this is totally "intelligence gathering".......
[X] Stay and talk with the others, to get a picture of what they remembered. Not avoiding the music... really.
[X] Stay and talk with the others, to get a picture of what they remembered. Not avoiding the music... really.

Still think we should set something on fire.
Well, hopefully not dinner, because that would suck.........unless it's meant to do that, yes make something flambé-d.

Also Biigoh, did you threadmark the last update? Because I don't think it's in the index yet...........

Dun bii silly... of course tanuki threadmark stuff....

/me wags tail and covers WHEN it got threadmark ^_^
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Reactions: Zum
09 The Music

You weren't avoiding going home... really, you weren't.

You were, ahem, simply performing intell collection by talking with the others... finding out more about your peers and friends.

Also... as it turns out, it was likely that Naruto was the one most likely to give you a proper fight and not, as you had expected, the Hyuuga Princess or even the Uchiha. At least if one went by the hints dropped in the conversation between you, Naruto and Hinata as you waited for your clothes to finish drying.

After all, it wasn't as if ninja used the words wuxia for the art of unarmed fighting, or hewed to the concept of jianghu. Actually, it was rare even in the other Sakura's time.

And Hinata was more interested in stories than the fighting involved in them, or more importantly the techniques used in said stories that Naruto claimed she made up.

Which ruled her out as an interesting opponent.

Naruto, however... you had caught that sly smile on her face as she spoke every now and then... she was deliberately baiting you with words, terms and fighting technique.

It was tempting, very much so, to challenge her to a fight. But... that would be playing into her hand, given that the three of you were currently only in your underwear and wrapped with towels.

Also, it wouldn't be nice of you to ruin Naruto's home... now when she was teasing and taunting you as she explained what she remembered as she interlaced a wuxia story into it.

- - -
The Music
[Sakura Quest] [Naruto / Streetfighter]
- - -​

Warm and scented clothes was a delight when one was also clean.

"I'm telling you. Sakura is totally into your girl, Sasuke. You gotta step in and save her or we'll get to see 'em making out."

You had to frown as you re-entered Naruto's appartment, that sounded like the mutt Kiba.

"Troublesome." "Nnnnh."

Who was talking to Shikamaru and Sasuke. And if the crunching was to be trusted, Chouji was there as well.

"I think that would be kind of.... hot." Shino's slow and considered words had you paused. Was he under some kind of genjutsu? That was very much not like him at all. He didn't say that kind of things, did he?

From the silence that ensured... you suspected that you were not the only one who thought so.

What Do?
[X] Go home after the shower and your clothes are clean. Time to face the music.
[X] Go and visit your dad at his office after you are done at Naruto's, you didn't want to face mother's disappointment.
[X] Something Else. Write In.
[X] Go home after the shower and your clothes are clean. Time to face the music.
[X] Go home after the shower and your clothes are clean. Time to face the music.
[X] Go home after the shower and your clothes are clean. Time to face the music.
Yay, more Punch-Happy Sakura Quest, thanks for updating this Biigoh :D:D!!

I can't think of how to word it write, but I kind of would like to not go home just yet, and I would like us to talk with the others more.

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