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Pokemon Go Thread

How many people can put Pokemon into a Gym anyway? Should I challenge one when I am Level 5 or better wait because there will be dozens of mons wanting to stomp me?
It depends on the level of the gym, 1 trainer/mon per level, it starts at level 2 (but drops down to 1 or 0 if enough defeats happen). If your team has control of the gym, you can train there to get some XP and to help level up the gym.

Also, challenging a gym after level 5 basically gets you a request to join a team the first time. Think VERY carefully about the team you want to join, the color of the gyms you see in your area.

Also, I've been noticing that the trainers in my area have been beating down gyms and stuffing weaker mons in the gyms. Also, depending on the type advantage/disadvantage, you can see pokemons with high CP being beaten down by a weaker pokemon (I've heard that depending on the difference and moves involved, you can see a strong pokemon being beaten by a weak pokemon with a 500 CP difference). It's HARD to defend a gym... so, you'll see gyms trade from team to team.

I'm only level 12, though. Since my game doesn't show me how close Pokémon are, I'm pretty much unable to actually hunt them down. I can only wander around randomly and hope they pop up in my path, so I haven't found very many.

In fact, most of my stronger Pokémon have come from eggs, since I get enough mileage each day to either hatch a bunch or get real close to hatching them. On a good day I can usually hatch a 10km egg and make good progress into a second one, but most days I make more like 8km. Makes me wish I had a second permanent incubator so I could hatch multiple 2-5k eggs at once.

It's a known bug where the proximity thing got turned off for some reason.

That said, while you can't see how close pokemon are... you CAN basically hang out in parks with multiple pokestops... typically, you'll find people gathering at such places and setting up lures to get pokemon to show up. I've also found that being in a bus or other forms of transit can help as you're basically moving about (even if you're going too fast for the eggs to count mileage, must be below 20 KM per hour).
Looks like the local train station is haunted by Ghost Pokemon, and Psychic Pokemon and for some reason a Seel and a Krabby.... Also, looks like there is an Eevee population somewhere close to my home, because I saw them on the nearby list when driving with the bus. And well, one of the Gyms is now Blue and has a Jolteon.

On another note, I am now Level 5 and holy shit my mons are underpowered compared to what is in the local Gyms.... Though none are as impressive as yours guys. The biggest was a 1000 CP Pidgeot.

Is there a maximum to Trainer Level and Capture Power of Pokemon? Or can you keep going forever?
You can still play it, I think, if your phone is good enough. Mine isn't, I'm running android 2 here, but basically you go into settings ->applications->Unknown Sources, allow installation of non-Market Applications

And then you get the APK
http $ : $ //www.apkmirror.com/apk/niantic-inc/pokemon-go/pokemon-go-0-29-0-release/pokemon-go-0-29-0-android-apk-download/

Ask the users in Canada how that worked out for them (it didn't cause the app sends Nintendo your location when you use it)
Looks like the local train station is haunted by Ghost Pokemon, and Psychic Pokemon and for some reason a Seel and a Krabby.... Also, looks like there is an Eevee population somewhere close to my home, because I saw them on the nearby list when driving with the bus. And well, one of the Gyms is now Blue and has a Jolteon.

On another note, I am now Level 5 and holy shit my mons are underpowered compared to what is in the local Gyms.... Though none are as impressive as yours guys. The biggest was a 1000 CP Pidgeot.

Is there a maximum to Trainer Level and Capture Power of Pokemon? Or can you keep going forever?

If you max out a pokemon (not impossible), you'll want to do it after you hit level 15-20 as that's when the STRONG ones show up as you walk around... and which makes things easier to level up.

Also, I recommend this trick, catch as many pidgeys and weedles as possible, keep trading them in as you catch until you have lots of their respective candies, then evolve all of them up one level to kakuna or pidgeotto and such at once when you've got a lucky egg going for 1/2 hour. Do note that it takes 40 seconds per evolution. This will get you 1000 XP per evolutions instead of the default 500 XP, and will help you level up faster.

Ask the users in Canada how that worked out for them (it didn't cause the app sends Nintendo your location when you use it)
I have had no problems whatsoever running pokemon go before release date. :3

Even after the release, all info and data are kept.
Apparently there are people playing the Game in China using a super-complicated process of getting various apps to make it work. So I wouldn't think it impossible.

Does anyone have a clue why Pokemon Go's GPS is so inaccurate a lot of the time? Compared to say, Google Maps. There are times when it doesn't react for like 500 or more, then runs over to where I was a minute ago. Then it proceeds to walk into the entirely opposite direction of me for the next few minutes etc...
Apparently there are people playing the Game in China using a super-complicated process of getting various apps to make it work. So I wouldn't think it impossible.

Does anyone have a clue why Pokemon Go's GPS is so inaccurate a lot of the time? Compared to say, Google Maps. There are times when it doesn't react for like 500 or more, then runs over to where I was a minute ago. Then it proceeds to walk into the entirely opposite direction of me for the next few minutes etc...

It isn't inaccurate for me... mind you, I do turn off my GPS now and then to get my avatar to move about as my phone tries to detect my location. Also note that the app does depend on GPS, wifi networks around you AND your phone network to determine where you are.
It isn't inaccurate for me... mind you, I do turn off my GPS now and then to get my avatar to move about as my phone tries to detect my location. Also note that the app does depend on GPS, wifi networks around you AND your phone network to determine where you are.

Weird, I have full accuracy always turned on, doesn't really seem to help.

And yeah, you can turn it off and on, but that kind of ruins the egg-walking thing you know... Though to be honest, it already seems to only count half the way I actually walk.
It's mostly due to the fact that the Go servers are wonky. I'm assuming it's because they weren't expecting as many people to play it or something. Similar to the early days of World of Warcraft, so they're rushing about updating all their stuff. Hopefully, they'll have it optimized in a month or so.
Called it years ago. Pokemon+smart phone proliferation=license to print money. I guess Nintendo finally realized it. That or gave on putting calling/texting and SIM function on the newest Gameboys.

But what I was referring to was just another game. But this is even better.
Shops around my place have already started organizing "Catch the Pokémon" evenings, disseminating traps around them while offering merchandize with a discount. I guess every film on it was right about virtual reality: it's viral.
I... I have stopped playing as of the latest update.

Last update has some subtle but obvious changes.
- Avatars can be redone from Trainer Profile screen.
- Memory got improved (less of a power hog now?)
- They gave up on nearby paw prints and removed all paw prints
- Battle move values got adjusted for some pokemon
- more interestingly, battle damage calculations got modified
- Gym animations got refined
- Updated pokemon details screen
- Various bugs with encountering/catching pokemon got fixed
- Achivement medals got updated in appearance
- Certain map display issues got fixed
- Minor text fixes

At the same time, they also stopped all 3rd party tracking with server-side patches and cease and decease letters.

So, what this come down to is... you have no way of tracking pokemon in game, if you see the pokemon in that nearby box, you have a 300 meter circle centered on you to go run around in and pray it doesn't despawn before you get in range. Also, you have no idea which is closer as the pokemon listed in the box are randomized.

I refuse to sit around a multiple lure spot as I like to go out hunting for pokemon on foot. The last update has basically ensured that I would need nothing but luck to be able to track down and catch pokemon.

Also, it's started people asking google shop and apple store for refund as functionality is pretty much busted.

Wow. Nintendo went from amazing to full derp quickly. For what purpose I wonder?
Last update has some subtle but obvious changes.
- Avatars can be redone from Trainer Profile screen.
- Memory got improved (less of a power hog now?)
- They gave up on nearby paw prints and removed all paw prints
- Battle move values got adjusted for some pokemon
- more interestingly, battle damage calculations got modified
- Gym animations got refined
- Updated pokemon details screen
- Various bugs with encountering/catching pokemon got fixed
- Achivement medals got updated in appearance
- Certain map display issues got fixed
- Minor text fixes

At the same time, they also stopped all 3rd party tracking with server-side patches and cease and decease letters.

So, what this come down to is... you have no way of tracking pokemon in game, if you see the pokemon in that nearby box, you have a 300 meter circle centered on you to go run around in and pray it doesn't despawn before you get in range. Also, you have no idea which is closer as the pokemon listed in the box are randomized.

I refuse to sit around a multiple lure spot as I like to go out hunting for pokemon on foot. The last update has basically ensured that I would need nothing but luck to be able to track down and catch pokemon.

Also, it's started people asking google shop and apple store for refund as functionality is pretty much busted.

Welp. I'll wait to download it then.
Last update has some subtle but obvious changes.
They also decreased the scan radius, but increased the distance pokemon would remain on screen after you pass them.

I've noticed that the catch/flee rates now seem to be heavily biased against trainers as you get up in level.
Unless it's below a 100CP, I've had to waste multiple pokeballs and berries just to catch evo-fodder.
It seems to punish you more, the higher you get.
Wow. Nintendo went from amazing to full derp quickly. For what purpose I wonder?
Shutting down the tracking sites specifically is because the tracking sites were hitting Niantic's servers really hard. They basically worked by simulating additional players in the game- they'd ping the game's servers pretending there was a player X distance away from you (usually 50m away) in each direction, then ping X distance away from those, until you have a map around your current location up to, I think it was a kilometre in a radius around you or something. The article Biigoh linked above gives a good example of how this worked with this image. It was fairly obvious to anyone with a basic understanding of how the game works that the tracking sites were doomed- you can't program something to ping the game's servers over a dozen times willy-nilly, have those sites used by tens of thousands of people, and expect the company not to take action against it.

Funnily enough, I don't know anyone in real life who actually cares about the tracker being removed. It's been two weeks since we've had a functioning tracker, everyone just shrugged and moved on. There's been two people (out of a group of over 800 people) on our Facebook page griping about it, but everyone else has just said "whatever" and kept playing as normal. For the most part we just post about rare spawns on our Facebook page. A bunch of us even have texting groups and stuff set up so that we can talk to each other about the game.
I've noticed that speed-locks are in effect.
If I go above a certain speed for long enough, pokestops and gyms disappear from the map. The warning message on bootup also stays on the "Don't drive and play" message on repeated restarts. There goes the quick refills for me and friend, with one driving and one dual-boxing. Goddammit Niantic.
Shutting down the tracking sites specifically is because the tracking sites were hitting Niantic's servers really hard. They basically worked by simulating additional players in the game- they'd ping the game's servers pretending there was a player X distance away from you (usually 50m away) in each direction, then ping X distance away from those, until you have a map around your current location up to, I think it was a kilometre in a radius around you or something. The article Biigoh linked above gives a good example of how this worked with this image. It was fairly obvious to anyone with a basic understanding of how the game works that the tracking sites were doomed- you can't program something to ping the game's servers over a dozen times willy-nilly, have those sites used by tens of thousands of people, and expect the company not to take action against it.
They're also shutting down sites that are just people posting pins on a map of when/where they encounter pokemon, and not just the radar sites.
They're also shutting down sites that are just people posting pins on a map of when/where they encounter pokemon, and not just the radar sites.
There're always a handful of sites that get caught up in mass shutdowns, but I can say with confidence that most of the sites people were using for that purpose are still up.

Niantic has actually made a statement about it in the past few hours.
As many of you know, we recently made some changes to Pokémon GO.
- We have removed the '3-step' display in order to improve upon the underlying design. The original feature, although enjoyed by many, was also confusing and did not meet our underlying product goals. We will keep you posted as we strive to improve this feature.
- We have limited access by third-party services which were interfering with our ability to maintain quality of service for our users and to bring Pokémon GO to users around the world. The large number of users has made the roll-out of Pokémon GO around the world an... interesting… challenge. And we aren't done yet! Yes, Brazil, we want to bring the game to you (and many other countries where it is not yet available).
We have read your posts and emails and we hear the frustration from folks in places where we haven't launched yet, and from those of you who miss these features. We want you to know that we have been working crazy hours to keep the game running as we continue to launch globally. If you haven't heard us Tweeting much it's because we've been heads down working on the game. But we'll do our best going forward to keep you posted on what's going on.
Be safe, be nice to your fellow trainers, and keep on exploring.
The Pokémon GO team
that "optimized" Ingress better than Niantic could optimize their own game.

Yeah, smartphone app developers are lazy shits. 99% of these games have less content than what was on the Super Nintendo, and are barely any better than fucking Miniclip used to be. And yet I can cook eggs when some of these games are running. I'd almost say it was intentional, but I doubt it.

And you know what Niantic and other companies should do to these people who make their games better than they can?

Hire them. And fix thier shit. But noooo.

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