New York, December 2009
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New York, December 2009
"She's in France? As in France, Europe?" Richard Castle asked again. "How is that possible?"
"Well… if we can fly from London to New York, anyone else can fly from New York to Paris in about the same time," Buffy said.
"The distance is longer, though," Willow pointed out. The witch looked rather tired, but Castle had her seen fight in even worse condition - not that it mattered now, since she would have a transcontinental flight's worth of rest soon.
"But de Gaulle is not as complicated to get through as Heathrow." Buffy dug her heels in. "That saves time."
"That's French propaganda," Xander cut in.
"That's my experience." Buffy crossed her arms and pouted. "I've been in Paris often enough - actually, no, I haven't been in Paris often enough, not by far, and you can tell Giles that at the next budget meeting! - to know that."
"Anecdotal evidence is no evidence." Dawn entered the living room, carrying a bag with the supplies Willow had used for her spell.
"It so is! For me!" Buffy huffed.
"Fortunately, you're not an authority on such things." Dawn stuck her tongue out and handed the bag to Xander.
"She's only an authority on shoes and bad boyfriends," Faith said from where she was lounging on the couch in a seemingly relaxed manner - if not for her left foot, which was tapping the floor.
"Oy!" Apparently, Spike had decided to stop sulking in Castle's office after his role as a demonstration of magic to Rick's father. He hoped that his guest hadn't made a mess.
"Are you saying that you're not a bad boy?" Dawn raised her eyebrow at the vampire.
"Of course I am! But she makes that sound bad."
"Mhh." Faith smirked, and grabbed another handful of crackers from the bowl on the table. If they were eating that brand, then the Scoobies had probably emptied his fridge and pantry already, Castle thought.
"Can we stop talking about the history of my love life and focus on more important matters?" Buffy asked, with a rather theatrical eyeroll. Castle agreed with the sentiment, though.
"Your shoes?" Dawn apparently did not.
"Am I the only one who cares about my kidnapped granddaughter?" Hunt suddenly asked through clenched teeth. Castle could see the CIA killer coming to the fore behind the man's until now polite facade.
"The answer to that question is always 'no'." Dawn smirked. She obviously wasn't paying attention. Or her sense of self-preservation had been killed by her strange diet, as Buffy claimed. "But to answer more seriously: We all care about her. But staying all Batman-like won't help her, and will just make us tense and worry and all."
"Yeah. Dawn would know, She's been kidnapped… how many times now? Did she make the dozen yet?" Buffy said.
"Do we count the time she was mistakenly kidnapped?" Xander asked. "And was returned without anyone noticing, because they couldn't stand her any second longer?"
"Hey!" Dawn pouted at him. "I was freed when they realised that I'm the sister of the most scary Slayer in existence."
"A likely story." Xander shook his head in apparent disbelief.
"Not a likely story!" Faith cut in. "Buffy's not half as scary as I am."
"I am too so scary!" Buffy said, looking for all the world like a teenager making a scene when she was told about her curfew.
"Yes, you are." Dawn's smile and tone said the opposite. "Totally scary!"
Kate cleared her throat. "Tension-relieving banter aside, what do we do now?"
"We'll fly directly to Paris using the Council's private jet," Buffy answered, in a calm and professional manner completely at odds with her earler attitude. Castle marveled how quickly the Slayer managed to grow serious. "We'll prepare for a strike on wherever Alexis is being held while in transit, and will arrange for support from the local Slayer and her Watcher. After another spell to check that Alexis wasn't moved, we'll strike, rescue her, and ensure no one will ever do that again. And then Rick will take us all shopping in Paris!" she added with a bright smile.
"I'm in!" Dawn stated, raising her hand.
"Good plan," Faith agreed.
Willow nodded, her nose buried in a notebook, where - so Castle hoped - she was pinpointing the location she had found on a map.
"Ah… Paris! So many memories!" Spike smiled and seemed to sigh - with him not needing to breath, it was hard to tell. "I mean... so many horrible memories of my time before I won my soul. Really depressing!"
"Yeah, sure." Xander glared at him.
"Who is the resident Slayer in Paris?" Vi asked.
"Rona?" Vi gasped. "Wasn't she in Mexico City? Why does she get Paris? The only French she knows is French kissing!"
"She was replaced by Valeria, a new Slayer from Mexico, and since Paris was free, she volunteered," Dawn explained, and hastily added: "It was Giles' decision! Complain to him!"
"I will!" Vi huffed.
"Do you really want to leave New York?" Kate asked.
"Of course not! Rick needs me here!" Vi scoffed. "But it's the principle of the thing!"
"She means she's jealous," Xander butted in. "Even though Parisian fashion is way overhyped."
"Coming a guy who thinks Hawaii-shirts are fashionable, that's a recommendation," Buffy retorted. "Vampires have a better fashion sense."
"What? The French comics are also not as good as the American ones," Xander shot back.
"You heathen!" Dawn scoffed. "And it's Franco-Belgian, I'll have you know."
"Everyone! I've rerouted Castle's phones so we can be reached in the air and in France. We can go," Willow announced.
"Alright." Buffy turned serious again. "New Yorkers and newly-discovered Dad - Beckett's car. Me, Dawn, Mary and Spike take Castle's car. Faith, Willow, Xander, take the rental. Slayers drive or we take too long. Move it!"
Rick moved to hug his mother. "I'll bring her back, safe and sound," he whispered.
"Yes," she managed to say, before wiped her eyes.
"I'll bring him back in one piece as well," VI said, hefting his and her bugout-bags. Or mission bags.
"I know you will," Mother said.
"And the dad too - if he wants to or not," Vi added with a grin that only grew wider at the glance Hunt shot her.
Castle's father grabbed a bag of his own out of his car - a nondescript rental, Castle thought, so boring even he had almost missed it in the guest parking area. "Cut-down or bullpup?" Castle asked.
Hunt looked at him, then answered: "M4."
"Good choice!" Vi said as she slid the bags into the trunk of Beckett's car. "If you can't carry a real gun." Castle rolled his eyes - Slayers and their need to be the toughest in the room!
"And what is a real gun?" Hunt asked. He didn't blink at the Ack Pack Vi had carried as well, Castle noticed.
"Buffy likes her pig, but I prefer the MG-3. Or a minigun, if Rick would stop being so stingy," Vi said as she slid behind the wheel.
"I just bought you another sword!" Castle defended himself. Beckett took shotgun - it was only fair, since it was her car, after all. "Ever been driven by a Slayer?" he asked as his father sat down next to him.
Castle grinned. Buffy might wreck his beloved Shelby, but at least he'd get to watch his father scream.
Hunt hadn't screamed. Hadn't even shown much of a reaction. Rick still felt cheated when he took his seat in the Council's private jet. At least his Shelby had lived to be driven another time.
"Son, I've been flown around by pilots high on all the drugs on sale in the golden triangle. A little race car driving doesn't faze me." Hunt had a far too familiar smile on his face, Castle thought.
"Well, you should have been a bit worried," Vi cut in, sitting down across Hunt, "I'm usually driving sports cars, not cop clunkers."
Beckett, taking her seat across Castle's, fortunately didn't take the bait. "I forgot to ask: Does the immunity of the Council extend to me and to your father as well?" she asked instead of sniping at the Slayer.
"You've been listed as a Council member since some time," Castle told her.
"What?" She seemed to be annoyed instead of happy, he noticed. "Without asking me?"
Ah. "It's just to protect you in case something goes south." She didn't seem to like that explanation either. He should have asked her, but it seemed so logical and trivial. Then again, nonchalantly telling her that he had cleared half of his armoire hadn't led to her moving into his flat for good either.
He really had to work on his timing. After this.
He leaned to the side. "Willow! Can you add my father to our roster?"
"Sure!" came her cheerful answer. "What name do you want to use, Mister Hunt?"
"What exactly will that gain me?" Rick's father asked.
"Basically, diplomatic immunity. Highest level - though the Council gets really annoyed if you actually use it," Castle said. "Even if it wasn't your fault." Which it hadn't been. Rupert simply wouldn't admit it.
"The highest level?" Hunt seemed to be doubting him.
"The Council's older than any current country." Castle shrugged.
"I see." He turned his head to talk to Willow. "Mark my name down as Jackson Hunt, please."
"Even the governments don't bother you when you're cleaning up their demon problems," Vi added.
"The smart, sane ones, at least." Buffy stood next to Vi. "The not so sane and not so smart ones get cleaned up. Usually after a lot of people died. Also - if you abuse this for any government work, we'll have words. Pointy words." She bared her teeth at Rick's father, and this time, the man's facade seemed to crack a bit - he flinched. "I hope we understand each other."
"Yes." And the mask was back in place.
"Everyone, fasten your seat belts. We're about to take off!" Xander announced. "Always wanted to say that!"
A few minutes later they were on their way to France. To Alexis.
"She's in France? As in France, Europe?" Richard Castle asked again. "How is that possible?"
"Well… if we can fly from London to New York, anyone else can fly from New York to Paris in about the same time," Buffy said.
"The distance is longer, though," Willow pointed out. The witch looked rather tired, but Castle had her seen fight in even worse condition - not that it mattered now, since she would have a transcontinental flight's worth of rest soon.
"But de Gaulle is not as complicated to get through as Heathrow." Buffy dug her heels in. "That saves time."
"That's French propaganda," Xander cut in.
"That's my experience." Buffy crossed her arms and pouted. "I've been in Paris often enough - actually, no, I haven't been in Paris often enough, not by far, and you can tell Giles that at the next budget meeting! - to know that."
"Anecdotal evidence is no evidence." Dawn entered the living room, carrying a bag with the supplies Willow had used for her spell.
"It so is! For me!" Buffy huffed.
"Fortunately, you're not an authority on such things." Dawn stuck her tongue out and handed the bag to Xander.
"She's only an authority on shoes and bad boyfriends," Faith said from where she was lounging on the couch in a seemingly relaxed manner - if not for her left foot, which was tapping the floor.
"Oy!" Apparently, Spike had decided to stop sulking in Castle's office after his role as a demonstration of magic to Rick's father. He hoped that his guest hadn't made a mess.
"Are you saying that you're not a bad boy?" Dawn raised her eyebrow at the vampire.
"Of course I am! But she makes that sound bad."
"Mhh." Faith smirked, and grabbed another handful of crackers from the bowl on the table. If they were eating that brand, then the Scoobies had probably emptied his fridge and pantry already, Castle thought.
"Can we stop talking about the history of my love life and focus on more important matters?" Buffy asked, with a rather theatrical eyeroll. Castle agreed with the sentiment, though.
"Your shoes?" Dawn apparently did not.
"Am I the only one who cares about my kidnapped granddaughter?" Hunt suddenly asked through clenched teeth. Castle could see the CIA killer coming to the fore behind the man's until now polite facade.
"The answer to that question is always 'no'." Dawn smirked. She obviously wasn't paying attention. Or her sense of self-preservation had been killed by her strange diet, as Buffy claimed. "But to answer more seriously: We all care about her. But staying all Batman-like won't help her, and will just make us tense and worry and all."
"Yeah. Dawn would know, She's been kidnapped… how many times now? Did she make the dozen yet?" Buffy said.
"Do we count the time she was mistakenly kidnapped?" Xander asked. "And was returned without anyone noticing, because they couldn't stand her any second longer?"
"Hey!" Dawn pouted at him. "I was freed when they realised that I'm the sister of the most scary Slayer in existence."
"A likely story." Xander shook his head in apparent disbelief.
"Not a likely story!" Faith cut in. "Buffy's not half as scary as I am."
"I am too so scary!" Buffy said, looking for all the world like a teenager making a scene when she was told about her curfew.
"Yes, you are." Dawn's smile and tone said the opposite. "Totally scary!"
Kate cleared her throat. "Tension-relieving banter aside, what do we do now?"
"We'll fly directly to Paris using the Council's private jet," Buffy answered, in a calm and professional manner completely at odds with her earler attitude. Castle marveled how quickly the Slayer managed to grow serious. "We'll prepare for a strike on wherever Alexis is being held while in transit, and will arrange for support from the local Slayer and her Watcher. After another spell to check that Alexis wasn't moved, we'll strike, rescue her, and ensure no one will ever do that again. And then Rick will take us all shopping in Paris!" she added with a bright smile.
"I'm in!" Dawn stated, raising her hand.
"Good plan," Faith agreed.
Willow nodded, her nose buried in a notebook, where - so Castle hoped - she was pinpointing the location she had found on a map.
"Ah… Paris! So many memories!" Spike smiled and seemed to sigh - with him not needing to breath, it was hard to tell. "I mean... so many horrible memories of my time before I won my soul. Really depressing!"
"Yeah, sure." Xander glared at him.
"Who is the resident Slayer in Paris?" Vi asked.
"Rona?" Vi gasped. "Wasn't she in Mexico City? Why does she get Paris? The only French she knows is French kissing!"
"She was replaced by Valeria, a new Slayer from Mexico, and since Paris was free, she volunteered," Dawn explained, and hastily added: "It was Giles' decision! Complain to him!"
"I will!" Vi huffed.
"Do you really want to leave New York?" Kate asked.
"Of course not! Rick needs me here!" Vi scoffed. "But it's the principle of the thing!"
"She means she's jealous," Xander butted in. "Even though Parisian fashion is way overhyped."
"Coming a guy who thinks Hawaii-shirts are fashionable, that's a recommendation," Buffy retorted. "Vampires have a better fashion sense."
"What? The French comics are also not as good as the American ones," Xander shot back.
"You heathen!" Dawn scoffed. "And it's Franco-Belgian, I'll have you know."
"Everyone! I've rerouted Castle's phones so we can be reached in the air and in France. We can go," Willow announced.
"Alright." Buffy turned serious again. "New Yorkers and newly-discovered Dad - Beckett's car. Me, Dawn, Mary and Spike take Castle's car. Faith, Willow, Xander, take the rental. Slayers drive or we take too long. Move it!"
Rick moved to hug his mother. "I'll bring her back, safe and sound," he whispered.
"Yes," she managed to say, before wiped her eyes.
"I'll bring him back in one piece as well," VI said, hefting his and her bugout-bags. Or mission bags.
"I know you will," Mother said.
"And the dad too - if he wants to or not," Vi added with a grin that only grew wider at the glance Hunt shot her.
Castle's father grabbed a bag of his own out of his car - a nondescript rental, Castle thought, so boring even he had almost missed it in the guest parking area. "Cut-down or bullpup?" Castle asked.
Hunt looked at him, then answered: "M4."
"Good choice!" Vi said as she slid the bags into the trunk of Beckett's car. "If you can't carry a real gun." Castle rolled his eyes - Slayers and their need to be the toughest in the room!
"And what is a real gun?" Hunt asked. He didn't blink at the Ack Pack Vi had carried as well, Castle noticed.
"Buffy likes her pig, but I prefer the MG-3. Or a minigun, if Rick would stop being so stingy," Vi said as she slid behind the wheel.
"I just bought you another sword!" Castle defended himself. Beckett took shotgun - it was only fair, since it was her car, after all. "Ever been driven by a Slayer?" he asked as his father sat down next to him.
Castle grinned. Buffy might wreck his beloved Shelby, but at least he'd get to watch his father scream.
Hunt hadn't screamed. Hadn't even shown much of a reaction. Rick still felt cheated when he took his seat in the Council's private jet. At least his Shelby had lived to be driven another time.
"Son, I've been flown around by pilots high on all the drugs on sale in the golden triangle. A little race car driving doesn't faze me." Hunt had a far too familiar smile on his face, Castle thought.
"Well, you should have been a bit worried," Vi cut in, sitting down across Hunt, "I'm usually driving sports cars, not cop clunkers."
Beckett, taking her seat across Castle's, fortunately didn't take the bait. "I forgot to ask: Does the immunity of the Council extend to me and to your father as well?" she asked instead of sniping at the Slayer.
"You've been listed as a Council member since some time," Castle told her.
"What?" She seemed to be annoyed instead of happy, he noticed. "Without asking me?"
Ah. "It's just to protect you in case something goes south." She didn't seem to like that explanation either. He should have asked her, but it seemed so logical and trivial. Then again, nonchalantly telling her that he had cleared half of his armoire hadn't led to her moving into his flat for good either.
He really had to work on his timing. After this.
He leaned to the side. "Willow! Can you add my father to our roster?"
"Sure!" came her cheerful answer. "What name do you want to use, Mister Hunt?"
"What exactly will that gain me?" Rick's father asked.
"Basically, diplomatic immunity. Highest level - though the Council gets really annoyed if you actually use it," Castle said. "Even if it wasn't your fault." Which it hadn't been. Rupert simply wouldn't admit it.
"The highest level?" Hunt seemed to be doubting him.
"The Council's older than any current country." Castle shrugged.
"I see." He turned his head to talk to Willow. "Mark my name down as Jackson Hunt, please."
"Even the governments don't bother you when you're cleaning up their demon problems," Vi added.
"The smart, sane ones, at least." Buffy stood next to Vi. "The not so sane and not so smart ones get cleaned up. Usually after a lot of people died. Also - if you abuse this for any government work, we'll have words. Pointy words." She bared her teeth at Rick's father, and this time, the man's facade seemed to crack a bit - he flinched. "I hope we understand each other."
"Yes." And the mask was back in place.
"Everyone, fasten your seat belts. We're about to take off!" Xander announced. "Always wanted to say that!"
A few minutes later they were on their way to France. To Alexis.
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