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[RWBY] The Great Temporal Step-Sibling War!

Well, here's mesogony again. Why is the idea that a girl can be faithful to her chosen one so disgusting to you? Why do you think that she is obliged to cheat on him, especially by entering into disgusting homosexual relations? A normal girl will never cheat, especially with a representative of her own sex. It is unnatural. Of course, within the framework of a harem, they will inevitably form friendship/sisterhood, but homosexuality? No, that is already cheating. Once again, a harem is a relationship with a central figure, and not a lesbian relationship with a screen.

The problem is that one guy can't really deal with the needs of ten girls. And suggesting that a woman might actually need their needs taken care of is most certainly not misogyny. Nor is homosexuality "disgusting", and I suspect that saying it is probably breaks one of the site rules somewhere along the line.

Ultimately, though, it depends on what the author wants. If you want completely monogamous women who only ever have sex with each other, then write a story where that happens. Yes, technically-speaking, that's what a harem was (although, equally, I don't think the Turkish sultan actually cared if two of his many wives had sex with each other, and I'd be pretty surprised if it didn't happen at least once), but that's not what actually happens in most harem stories.
You are wrong again, and this time literally in everything, but the author made it clear that he no longer wants to continue the dispute. So please have the courage to humble yourself and calm down.
At The Brunch Part 3 By Sift Green New
"It's a pleasure to meet you Jaune Arc. I'm Logos Altan and this is my wife Barsara," the Altan patriarch stretched his right arm for a handshake with a smile on his face.

"The pleasure's mine," Jaune accepted the older man's handshake and found that he had a very firm grip. This begged the question; "They unlock the aura's of stuntmen?"

Jaune almost cringed at the question that had slipped out of his mouth. It felt dumb. Stunt work was incredibly dangerous so of course stuntmen and stuntwomen would have their auras unlocked! To suggest otherwise would be-

"Yes, but only after you reach a certain level of certification," Logos explained as the handshake ended, having not found Jaune's question silly at all while also dispelling the reason Jaune thought the question was silly. "While the Practical Effects Guild is run by people that can unlock the aura of all of their aspiring stuntmen and any actors willing to do their own stunts they don't; because they learned long ago that a lot of producers and directors will cut corners on set safety if everyone has working auras."

"That's kind of sad," Jaune frowned at that explanation.

"There's an old saying about laws and sausages," Barsara chimed in, "That in order to have respect for either you have to have very little idea about what went in to making them. A lot of film productions are the same; for every production that does everything right and above the board there are just as many if not more that make their films like they're making sausage." The retired actress shrugged before smiling at Jaune, "I'm a bit surprised you recognized my husband enough to comment on his career as a stuntman. Most people assume I snatched up a random hunk unrelated to the industry."

"Well, one of my favorite movies growing up was Street Knights," Jaune admitted somewhat bashfully.

"Ahhh," Barsara nodded with a smile, "The mini-documentary about Motorcycle Jousting that was included in the special features."

"That was a great week of filming," Logos reminisced while a grin split his face, "Everyone on set had a blast."

"I kind of wish I could have been there to see it get filmed in person, that was some of the coolest stuff I've ever seen." Jaune then excitedly snapped his fingers as he remembered something. "I actually grabbed a Street Knights poster last week; would you be okay with signing it?"

"I'd love too!" Logos laughed in a low rumble, "It isn't every day that somebody asks for my signature before they ask for my wife's."

"Oh, right," Jaune sheepishly rubbed at his neck as he turned his gaze to Barsara, "A couple of my sisters might kill me if I don't get your signature on something."

"I'm sure we can arrange an even trade," Barsara's eyes twinkled before she nudged her daughters shoulders. "What do you think Little Lion?"

"A trade?" Jaune asked as he looked to Arslan.

"Right," the chocolate skinned nun started as she blushed a bit, "Your father and his mentor are two of the most accomplished paladins the Church has had in the last fifty years. Some of your father's more noteworthy missions have been circulating around the Temple non-stop, and I'm pretty sure a publishing house in Aelia Paravel is still paying your father royalties to make children's books based off of his exploits."

Jaune could remember a collection of children's books on the top shelf of his mother's office featuring a blond huntsman. He couldn't remember her ever reading them to him because she was already trying to direct him away from an adventurous lifestyle during those sickly years of his youth, and he had just assumed the books were gifts his mom couldn't get rid of that the family had been given because of the blond huntsman's resemblance to his father. Now that he knew it wasn't just a resemblance his curiosity about those books was growing stronger.

Arslan's blush grew deeper as she admitted the next part, "I read those books when I was a child. Yesterday when you told us that your godfather was Arjun Sarkaras I was thrown for a bit of a loop because that confirmed your father was actually THE Nicholas Arc I read about growing up, as opposed to someone with a coincidentally similar name."

"Arc is one of the most common surnames in Vale and Nick is a pretty popular name," Jaune allowed. "So I can understand why you didn't jump to conclusions before then."

"Jaune," Arslan looked him directly in they eyes while her gaze intensified with each word, "Your father was one of my childhood heroes growing up, right up there with The Rusted Knight and The Wise Lion, only he was better because he was a real person and not part of a fairytale." Arslan reached out and took Jaune's closest hand as she continued with the most serious look on her face, "Jaune, I swear to you that I will not allow this to color the way I see you as we get to know one another, and that I will always see you as your own man independent of who your parents are. I want to know you for you."

Jaune was somewhat taken aback by the intensity of Arslan's declaration. The problem she described was the kind of problem Jaune didn't even realize he could have; his brain protesting that it was an issue for kids from rich and famous families. The realization that from her perspective he was the kid of a celebrity felt surreal on all levels. And not just any celebrity either; he was the son of her childhood hero. That she recognized a potential issue that wasn't even on his radar while doing her best to nip it in the bud as quickly and as efficiently as possible was oddly touching and was putting him a bit off kilter.

This was the kind of barrier he had accidentally crossed with Pyrrha and he had been trying and failing to cross with Weiss before yesterday's events, and now he was watching Arslan trying to cross that barrier to get to him before he even realized he had that barrier with her.

What a world.

"Arslan... Thank you," Jaune gave her a small smile that he hoped conveyed the warmth he felt. "I didn't know I needed to hear that, but I think I did."

It really was a shame that a misunderstanding had prevented Arslan and Pyrrha from becoming proper friends until yesterday. Jaune could easily imagine the crimson haired spartan girl being significantly more comfortable with herself thanks to the chocolate skinned nun's influence. How different would his partner have been is she had a real friend before him? Would she have been more direct with her feelings? Could they have bonded with each other easier than they did?

Arslan reaching out the way she was also planted another line of questions: if his past had been different could he have been the one people found unapproachable? His parents were and are on a high enough level that if they had agreed to train him he could have possibly stood ahead of his peers, and if that was the case would he have been as lonely as Pyrrha was? If so, would anyone have known how to approach him like Arslan was now?

The warrior-nun had given him a lot to think about. He wondered what else she would give him to think about as they talked.

"Good, good," Arslan sighed in relief before she started rambling; "I just wanted to make that clear before I did something embarrassing like fangirl over your father. I've been adjacent to enough high society drama to know that could give somebody the wrong impression so I thought- What in the world are they doing?"

Jaune turned around to look at what Arslan was seeing before laughter escaped his lips. "They're setting the stage," Jaune explained as he pulled the warrior-nun to the table his parents were sitting at.

Or rather his mother was sitting. His father was standing, alongside his godfather Arjun, Ruby and Yang's dad Taiyang and their uncle Qrow. The four men had just finished sculpting a facsimile of a Kraken out of scrambled eggs, bits of bacon and strips of cinnamon rolls. A collection of half-eaten pancakes had been fashioned into little boats with an assortment of breakfast fruits acting as passengers.

"Alright, tape your emblems to your spoons so everyone can keep track of who's who," Nick Arc instructed as people gathered around to see the commotion. In short order the four men had strapped little colored banners with the symbols used by teams AARN and STRQ to eight different spoons that they positioned around the pancake boats. Satisfied that everything was in place and with a quick glance about to be sure that the gathering audience was paying attention Nick began the tale:

"So both of our teams had been tasked with protecting a group of boats that were transversing Lake Sawgrass on account of a spreading rumor about some kind of lake monster. We weren't sure if it was some kind of Grimm or if we were dealing with some kind of more natural creature, but in either case none of us were prepared to find a normally ocean going Grimm in a freshwater lake." Nick grinned broadly as he remembered the day, "To top it all off it was a truly ancient blighter with the experience and brains to have a plan."

"We had no idea it was there until its' tentacles burst out of the water," Arjun picked up where Nick left off. "First thing it tried to do was grab people off the deck, and while it didn't manage to grab any civilians it did manage to grab my beloved Saia as she was pushing someone else out of danger." Arjun grabbed the spoon with his wife's emblem tied to it and moved it from the pancake boat to one of the scrambled egg kraken's appendages. "Now instead of trying to pull her under it dangled her in air in the middle of all the other tentacles that had left the water, obviously taunting us and trying to get us to leave the boats."

"Of course we had to, even though it was obviously a trap," Qrow interjected. "We needed to save Arjun's main squeeze not just because she was part of the team and a friend, but also because her giant death laser was one of the few ways we could guarantee a kill on a beast that big. So Arjun started firing off Ice-dust arrows to freeze the water around the kraken in an attempt to pin it in place and keep it from submerging." Qrow grabbed a pressurized can of whipped cream and started spaying patches of the creamy delight around the food kraken to simulate ice. "While he was doing that me, Raven and Nick were getting into position to cut down the tentacles that were keeping Saia suspended in the air..."

"...While I got into position to catch her," Taiyang moved the spoon representing himself onto a different pancake boat. "Unfortunately Raven jumped the gun and while we managed to get Saia out of her calamari captivity the Kraken now had a new hostage in the shape of my ex. I tell you Summer was so incredibly mad about that, she made Raven run timing drills for a solid week afterwords..."

Jaune chuckled a bit as the men telling the tale moved the spoons around to show everyone changing position. As Arslan was still next to him she leaned in closer to him an whispered, "What's so funny?"

"I've heard this story a few times before," Jaune whispered back, "It's changed a bit each time I've heard it."

"How so?"

"The bigger the audience is the bigger the kraken is for one thing," Jaune explained as he gestured to the gathered crowd. In addition to himself, Arslan and her parents there was also Ruby and Yang paying close attention to the story, and a good number of Jaune's future children had gathered round to listen.

"Ooooh," Arslan murmured, "A bit of artistic embellishment then."

"That, and I've never heard anyone telling the story agree who landed the killing blow." Jaune grinned conspiratorially.

Somehow, Arslan made the resulting snort seem dignified.

Before Jaune could turn his full attention back to the story (they were at the part where Summer was running along the kraken's head in an attempt to drive her axe-blade into one of the Grimm's eyes) he felt a gentle tugging on his sleeve. Looking to his other side he saw the Schnee butler Klein politely standing there.

"Do you have a moment to step away and introduce yourself to the Schnee family matriarch?" The butler asked in a low tone that didn't disrupt the story.

"Go ahead," Arslan whispered, "We can talk more later."

And so Jaune stepped away from the story's audience and followed Klein to a table that wasn't too far away around which the Schnees sat. At the head of the small table sat Willow, with Winter on her right and Weiss on her left. Jaune's future sons sat besides their respective mothers while their uncle Whitley was conspicuously absent, leaving a space at the other head of the table for him to sit. Klein pulled out that chair, allowing Jaune to take his seat across from the woman he was meeting.

As he sat down he cast his eyes about looking for the missing Schnee, and it only took him a moment to spot the young man. Whitley was making large purposeful strides towards the ballroom's band stage, where Penny Polendina was perched on the piano bench observing all the goings ons in the room.

Jaune wasn't sure what to make of that, but he figured he could properly meet Weiss and Winter's brother later. Jaune took a deep breath, and began his introduction.

"It's a pleasure to meet you ma'-"

"-Wait!" Theodore interrupted as he pulled his scroll out. The young man flipped through his messages before nodding in satisfaction, "Okay, he's on his way. We can get started."

"Who's on his way?" Winter frowned at her son's antics.

"You'll know when he gets here," Theodore shrugged.

Winter pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed...
To be honest, I'm already beginning to get the impression that Arslan is more interested in Nick than in Jaune, in that very sense. And Jaune is a replacement.
To be honest, I'm already beginning to get the impression that Arslan is more interested in Nick than in Jaune, in that very sense. And Jaune is a replacement.

......You are really insistent on getting the worst impressions and making the worst assumptions out of everything, aren't you? -_-
The functionality of the forum does not allow you to respond to a specific person without any citation.
"Jaune," Arslan looked him directly in they eyes while her gaze intensified with each word, "Your father was one of my childhood heroes growing up, right up there with The Rusted Knight and The Wise Lion, only he was better because he was a real person and not part of a fairytale." Arslan reached out and took Jaune's closest hand as she continued with the most serious look on her face, "Jaune, I swear to you that I will not allow this to color the way I see you as we get to know one another, and that I will always see you as your own man independent of who your parents are. I want to know you for you."

Should be fun to see Arslan find out that Jaune could have been/would have been the Rusted Knight.

Thanks for the chapter!
Guys, guys. The girls are bisexual. It's fine, it's fine.
Then it's not really a harem now is it, but a polyamorous relationship.
Harem is by definition focused around a single individual (though technically the old meaning of a Harem refers to domestic spaces that are reserved for the women of the house in a Muslim family).
All of this is more about linguistics though.
At The Brunch Part 4 New
Of all the people Jaune was expecting to show up, the Supreme Commander of Atlas' armed forces was the last one he expected to see. Yet here came General James Ironwood himself, standing tall and proud as he walked up to the table. He gave Jaune a fairly neutral look, which might have been the equivalent of a smile on a less stringent man.

"Mister Arc. It's good to meet you," Ironwood stated, holding out his hand. Jaune stood up and shook it, managing not to wince at how tightly Ironwood held it. He kept his eyes on the older man's and didn't show any strain. Ironwood finally let go, as though done sizing Jaune up for now. He took the seat Theodore offered without ceremony. Jaune sat down with him.

"It seems that all of Remnant owes a great debt to you and your children," he stated.

Jaune shook his head.

"I haven't really done anything."

"Not yet," Ironwood stated, "But your son has probably prevented a catastrophe. One that occurs in all these timelines."

Theodore shrugged, while Winter gave him a proud expression. Jaune shared it, and Theodore smiled slightly back.

"Just doing my duty, sir," he said in a far more respectful tone than the one he'd been using with Jaune, Winter, or his siblings.

Ironwood nodded.

"However," he said, "There are still greater threats to deal with. You and your family will be key, Mister Arc. I just want you to know that you have my full support."

"Well, thank you sir," Jaune said, a bit dumbfounded. Willow cleared her throat, and Ironwood looked apologetically.

"Ah. Forgive me Willow. I did not mean to intrude on a family gathering-"

"We both have siblings named for you, s-sir," Nicholas managed, looking a little nervous but gamely pushing through, "You're family too as far as we're concerned."

"Am I?" Ironwood asked, sounding almost pleased. Theodore nodded, his gaze very determined.

"Yes sir. We're going to keep it that way," he said firmly. Ironwood stared into the eyes of the younger man. Comprehension lit up in his face, and he nodded grimly.

"... Did I do my duty to the end?" He asked quietly. Winter looked aghast.

"Sir, maybe you shouldn't-"

"You did, sir," Theodore said firmly, despite Winter's slight scowl.

"My timeline too," Nicholas added. Ironwood looked between them, and nodded.

"Then it is enough," he stated. "I will... Need more details for intelligence purposes, but later. I have taken up enough of Willow's time."

He nodded in apology to Willow. She smiled softly and nodded back, before turning her gaze onto Jaune. He stood up straight.

"It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Schnee."

For Jaune's part, many thoughts raced through his head: The first was that both Winter and Weiss clearly got their beauty from her. The second was that her very presence was intimidating. She was sizing him up too, to get his measure. He met her eyes and stood strong, just like his father had taught him.

It was like a silent battle of wills between them as Willow's gaze felt like an icy dagger trying to pierce through him. He held his ground and stared right back, willing himself to stay calm.

Then she smiled, like the sun rising over a frozen winter's morning.

"I knew your father very well in my youth, Jaune," Willow said softly, "I am pleased to see you take after him. He is a good man."

Jaune nodded back slowly.

"He is," he agreed.

Willow sighed wistfully.

"However this turns out, please promise you will take good care of my daughters?" Willow stated, "Hearts can be very fragile things. I don't want them to suffer as I did."

Willow stared intently at him, all business.

"Can you promise to protect their hearts? To never abandon them in their time of need or mistreat them?"

"He would never!" Weiss insisted. Their eyes met and Weiss blushed intensely.

Geez, she... She never talked about me like that before, Jaune thought. He blushed as well. He looked over at Winter, who gave him a small, encouraging smile.

He turned his gaze back to Willow and put every bit of his true feelings into his next words:

"I would rather die, than forsake any one of them."

Now Winter was blushing up a storm. One that matched Weiss. A few other girls elsewhere throughout the ballroom blushed, though Jaune didn't notice this.

Willow herself flushed a bit at the intensity of his words then smiled and nodded.

"That's all I can ask," she said warmly. Her eyes went behind Jaune. He looked over his shoulder: His father was arguing loudly with Taiyang in front of their large model of the Kraken.

"I'm telling you it had ten tentacles! That's why they're called 'ten'!"

Taiyang scoffed.

"It was eight!"

"It was eight when I cut off two of them!" Nick argued back.

Willow sighed longingly. She then beamed at Jaune.

"Also... Since you're involved with more than one woman-"

"Er, I mean, uh," Jaune stuttered, trying to find the right words but none forthcoming. Willow continued as though he hadn't spoken.

"-Would it be too much to ask to put in a good word for me with your father and mother?"

"MOTHER!" Weiss and Winter gasped, scandalized.

"GRANNY!" Nicholas and Theodore groaned.

"More tea?" Klein, as unflappable as ever, offered.

- - -

Whitley walked right up to Penny. The orange-haired gynoid was serenely scanning the area with her electric green eyes, a gentle smile on her face.

Appropriate color, electric green, Whitley thought to himself. He cleared his throat

Penny looked right at him, her smile unchanging.

"Hello, Whitley Schnee! It is good to meet you! I hope we can be friends?"

"I uh... S-Same," Whitley stuttered.

Smoooth, his brain supplied sarcastically amidst his sweaty palms and racing heartbeat.

"You uh... You're... Um..."

"Yes, Friend Whitley?" Penny asked gently, her smile not altering one iota.

"... Wh-What processor system do you use?" Whitley blurted out.

IDIOT! WHY DID YOU GO WITH THAT?! His brain demanded.

Penny nodded.

"I utilize a modified version of the Atlas WOS 4.5 Unimatrix Programming system, though thanks to my adaptive data core system I am exponentially rewriting and modifying the software to accomadate the increase in data I am able to process, recollect, synthesize and create abstractions from!"

She paused and then blushed quite prettily.

"Which is what I would say if I was a gynoid! I am in fact a normal human girl, and this is a joke!" She hiccuped. "Was that amusing?"

Damn that's cute, Whitley thought.

"Oh! Oh-y-yeah! Hahahaha! Hahahaha!" Whitley laughed awkwardly. An awkward laugh Penny joined in two seconds after.

Which is when Ruby Rose approached. She smiled awkwardly.

"So um... Why are we laughing?" She asked.

"Friend Whitley found my statement on my operating system to be most humorous!" Penny said cheerfully. "I can only conclude it was based upon the fact I am a normal human girl, and thus should not have an operating system! Is that not amusing?"

"Er, but you are a gynoid, Penny," Ruby said quietly. She scowled at Whitley. "Are you making fun of her?"

"N-No! Not at all!" Whitley insisted. Ruby stepped closer to Whitley, her scowl intensifying.

"Well you'd better not!" She growled. "She's one of my good friends so you'd better be nice!"

Whitley gulped and held his hands up.

"I-I am! I am!"

Ruby's son from the future appeared behind her in a burst of yellow petals, and rested a hand on her shoulder. He shook his head.

"It's okay Mom. This is just how these two flirt," he said.

Whitley gaped in disbelief.


Ruby blushed.

"Oh! Oh... Um, I won't get in your way then. Good luck with the flirting, Penny!"

Ruby and her son vanished in bursts of petals. Penny turned her eyes onto Whitley, now looking... Intrigued.

"Really? You were flirting with me?" Penny asked with a smile. "Sensational! With all the romance going on, I am curious as to how such things occur! Please, continue to flirt with me Friend Whitley!"

"Um, s-sure?" Whitley said, tugging at his collar.

How was I even doing that?!

- - -
Grand-Mama Ever After wants more descendants from Reddit










.....And this is how it (this story) all started XD

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