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Sleeping in was a luxury Blake indulged in whenever possible. It pleased her instincts in a way she could never really articulate. She snuggled into her blankets and glorified in their warmth and softness. She was practically purring.
And then her cot was unceremoniously tilted up and she was sent to the wooden floor in a heap.
She looked up in shock and anger as Nora Valkyrie grinned over her.
"Time to get up, Kitty Kat!"
"It's the weekend," Blake moaned, and checked her Scroll, "We don't have to be up for another hour..."
"Ren and Jaune-Jaune are already up!" Nora said, happy and cheerful, "And since they are, I thought we'd have some girl talk! Just you and me!"
Blake blinked in confusion as she stood up.
"Okay... I need to get ready-"
"Sure thing!" Nora chirped, "Bathroom's all clear!"
She sighed and made her way to the single bathroom. It was very cheaply assembled, just a toilet, a sink with a mirror, and a cheap bathtub, but it was more than enough. She stepped inside and started the water in the sink. She rummaged for her toothbrush.
"All right," she began slowly, "What do you want to talk about-?"
She looked up into the mirror and froze. Nora was grinning with narrowed eyes, right beside her.
How did I not notice-?!
Nora wrapped an arm around Blake's shoulders, holding her with an iron grip the cat Faunus couldn't escape. She could feel the hum of electrical power through Nora's skin and saw sparks in her eyes. Blake was familiar with people holding back their rage-And Nora's was literally crackling right under her skin.
"Kitty Kat," Nora began, "I get that you've had a rough life. Renny and me? We've had a rough life too. Bad things have happened to all of us. But me? I've only ever had Renny."
Blake slowly nodded, forcing herself to remain calm even as her hair began to stand on end.
"Then we came to Beacon. We met some great people—wonderful people, like Jaune-Jaune. He takes us seriously. He cares about us. And we care about him," Nora said, still grinning but her voice soft and deadly, "He's the kind of person who would sacrifice everything for us without a second thought. He's like our big brother. Probably cuz he has like, seven sisters and he's really good at that!"
"Y-Yes," Blake managed, as Nora's grip tightened almost painfully.
"So I'm kinda peeved that you dragged him into a fight that could have gotten him killed without us," Nora said.
Blake shook her head.
"I-I told him he didn't have to come-"
"But he did. He would," Nora said, even more softly, "Because that's who he is. So... If you ever endanger Jaune-Jaune like that again because you wanna get back at your old friends? We'll have another girl talk!
Her eyes blazed.
"With my hammer! Got it?"
Blake very slowly nodded.
"... I won't," she said quietly, "I-I promise."
Nora's smile lost its edge and Blake's hair fell back down as the voltage in the air dropped. Nora patted Blake on the back.
"Great to hear! Now come on! Renny and Jaune-Jaune are working out, and we don't wanna miss it!"
She practically skipped away. Blake watched her go, still trembling. She took a few deep breaths.
Okay... Maybe I should start paying more attention to my fellow students, she thought.
- - -
Behind the Just Right Bakery and Cafe was a relatively clean backyard. The grass was overgrown in a few spots, and there was an old car on cinderblocks, but otherwise it wasn't a terrible place to be. The early morning sunlight shone down on the alley, reflecting off of wind chimes, windows, and the chrome on the salvaged car's exterior.
It was pleasant enough, Jaune supposed. At least for what they were doing.
"Okay," Jaune said. He flared his Aura, and focused, "My mom's strength technique isn't the first Aura augmentation skill, obviously. But it's really simple to learn, and easy to use. She made it that way for medical and rescue purposes. Give you enough strength to lift up a heavy patient, move debris off of someone, that kind of thing. Of course, the fact it's simple to use means it works great for combat."
Ren, sitting on a cheap folding chair nearby, nodded. Jaune chuckled.
"Of course, the catch is you either have to have REALLY good Aura control, or a LOT of Aura to use it for longer than a few seconds," Jaune said, "Or to use it consecutively for, say, combat. She does have incredible Aura control and a LOT of Aura. I've only got the Aura. So..."
He reached into the wrecked car. He grunted and lifted up the entire loose, rusty engine block over his head with one arm. He held it up, concentrating.
"See?" He managed. He then carefully set the engine block down, letting it thump on the grass, "Now you try it."
Ren nodded, and stood up. His Aura flared pink, as he focused. He then reached down and took hold of the block. He lifted it up over his head with a grunt, holding it up for a few moments, before he brought it back down onto the grass smoothly. Jaune grinned.
"Hey, great job! On your first try, too!" He clapped. Ren shook his head.
"I didn't hold it for as long as you, and I required both hands," Ren said, "I still need work. You're much better than me."
"Yeah, but eh, I've got more practice and all I've got going for me is a lot of Aura," Jaune said, clapping his friend on his shoulder, "You're gonna be better than me in no time."
Ren studied Jaune with his usual stoic expression.
"Why can you never take a compliment, Jaune?"
Jaune blinked. Ren didn't look away, his gaze even. Jaune coughed and looked aside.
"It uh... It's that big of a problem, huh?"
Ren sat back down on his folding chair. Jaune sat down on the wooden step leaning into the cafe, facing him.
"... I don't deserve them," Jaune decided.
"Not a healthy outlook," Ren observed.
Jaune let out a soft sigh through his nostrils.
"I'm working on it," he said, "But if I was where I should be... Nobody would have been in danger."
"None of us are where we want to be, Jaune," Ren said gently, "No one is perfect. That's why we train. If you constantly compare yourself to others, you will never be happy."
"That's fine for guys who don't have to keep other people alive," Jaune snorted, "It's different for me. I'm your leader. I need to be better. I can't stop improving."
"That is true," Ren said, "However, constantly tearing yourself down won't help. It will also demoralize your team."
Jaune winced.
"I... Well..."
Ren tilted his head.
"Jaune... You aren't the savior of the world. You shouldn't act like you are. You'll only end up destroying yourself."
Jaune sighed heavily, his shoulders slumping.
"... It's just... I want to be a hero. I was raised to be a hero. My mom is a hero. My dad died a hero. And when push came to shove... When my mentor needed me, I wasn't strong enough. I wasn't... I wasn't good enough."
He stared down at the grass, glum and angry. Ren hummed.
"When the Grimm destroyed my village, orphaned Nora and I... We also weren't good or strong enough."
Jaune looked up sharply, his eyes wide.
"That's different! You were kids! No one would ever blame you for-!"
"I did," Ren said softly, "I sometimes still do."
Jaune grimaced in sympathy.
"I'm mostly past it now. I couldn't afford to let myself be weighed down with guilt... I had to look after Nora. I couldn't afford to be weak for her. She's... She's my everything."
Jaune was silent. This was probably the most emotive Ren had ever been. His eyes were distant, his voice heavy with feeling.
"... I do want revenge. I want the Grimm that killed our families, destroyed our village, dead. I want it to suffer before it goes, and I will ensure it feels pain and fear before it dies if I can. But it's not my highest priority right now. Nora is. And she always will be."
"Yeah... Yeah. It'd be impossible not to see that," Jaune said with a nod. "But you guys... You earned your place here. I feel like I don't deserve it. Not... Not after everything I'd been through, or... Or done."
Ren leaned forward a bit.
"Jaune. You can use a technique that would let you win almost every fight if you wanted to. So why don't you?"
Jaune scoffed in disbelief.
"Because I'm not an insane, murderous asshole! I'm not gonna unleash an Aura Blade blast in Combat Class!"
Ren nodded slowly.
"Then it's more complex than just a matter of who is stronger. You have many talents, including leadership. We follow you for more than just your competency as a Huntsman, after all."
Jaune chuckled.
"I... Thanks, Ren," he said quietly. Ren smiled softly.
"I've done nothing but speak the truth. A good leader appreciates truthful feedback to grow."
He looked at him intently.
"Besides. Nora likes you very much. As do I. We don't want to lose you."
Jaune chuckled softly.
"... You know... I'm pretty sure she'd marry you if you asked," he said.
Ren was silent. He stared back at Jaune impassively.
He couldn't help continuing.
"It's hard not to see how attached you are. I mean... I don't think you two are gonna go with anyone else. You've been through too much," Jaune went on, "And she's not exactly, ya know... Subtle about her feelings."
Ren sucked in a deep breath, and let it out as a sigh that seemed both wistful and exasperated.
"... That is... More complicated," he finally said. He gave Jaune a wry look.
"Besides, I wouldn't be talking about romantic troubles if I were you."
Jaune winced.
"Touché, bro. Touché."
He stood up and stretched.
"Let's get back to training-"
The door burst open behind Jaune, and knocked him off balance. He stumbled and yelped as he fell towards Ren. Ren's pink eyes widened comically just before Jaune slammed into him and drove him into the grass.
"RENNY! JAUNE-JAUNE! BREAKFAST TIME-!" Nora announced before she trailed off. Jaune looked back over his shoulder as Nora gaped in shock. Blake looked over Nora's shoulder in equal disbelief, and her face went bright red.
"NOOOO!" Nora cried, throwing her hands up and wailing to the heavens, "THAT FLAT CHESTED TSUNDERE TURNED JAUNE-JAUNE GAY! AND NOW HE'S AFTER RENNY!"
"WAIT WHAT?!" Jaune yelped, forcing himself up to his feet and waving his hands frantically. "NO! NO NO NO-!"
"DON'T WORRY, JAUNE-JAUNE! RENNY!" Nora cried, reaching to yank her shirt off, "I'LL CONVERT YOU BACK! YOU CAN BOTH HAVE ME!" She turned to Blake. "KITTY KAT! GET NAKED!"
"Wh-What?!" Blake gasped, her face burning brighter red.
Ren, now on his feet, calmly walked over to Nora and pulled her into a hug. She continued ranting into Ren's chest.
"We'll go get breakfast started," he said evenly. He carried Nora into the cafe, as she clung to him and wailed. The door shut behind them, leaving Blake and Jaune alone. Jaune coughed and rubbed the back of his head.
"Never a dull moment with them, huh?" He tried with an exasperated smile.
"Y-Yeah," Blake agreed.
The faint sounds of early morning traffic dominated for a time. Jaune cleared his throat.
"So... Did you call your parents?"
Blake nodded.
Jaune stared at her.
"How did that go? You uh, you don't have to tell me-"
"It... It went better than I thought it would," Blake admitted quietly. She fixed her eyes onto his.
"Thank you for pushing me to do it," she said. "There's... Still a lot of work to do, but it's... Better."
Jaune nodded.
Blake looked at the backyard and the engine block.
"What were you two working on?" She asked.
"Oh," Jaune said, "I'm teaching my team my mother's Aura strength technique. After that fight with Thanh, I want us to all work a lot harder and I figure it can be a nice ace up your sleeve even if you don't rely on brute force." He smiled at her.
"Would you like to learn it?"
Blake nodded.
"I... I would like that," she murmured.
"Cool," Jaune said, "We'll do it after work, then."
He went to the engine block, and lifted it up. He then carefully slid it back into the car. Blake studied his motions, impressed despite herself.
"You have excellent control over the technique," she said.
Jaune paused. Then he smiled back at her.
"Thank you," he said, "My mom taught me it and trained me how to use it. It's... Probably one of the only reasons I survived out there." He looked down at his hand, flexing his fingers, "That and Gato's training."
"I... He taught me some of that as well," Blake said, "I would be happy to help you with your Aura Blade techniques, if you'd like? I've never been very good at them, but I learned the basics well enough."
Jaune smiled warmly.
"I... I would appreciate that, thank you," Jaune said.
They stood in awkward silence for another moment. Then, Goldie's voice rang out from inside the Cafe:
"ACK! Y-YES MA'AM!" Jaune shouted, quickly rushing into the cafe. Blake, blushing just as hard, dodged out of the way as he scrambling inside past her.
"W-We weren't making out-!"
Blake held in a sigh. She lingered a bit. Part of it was her natural stubbornness. The other part?
She whipped out her Scroll and quickly texted Yang.
Yang. How are you?
Less than a second later, Yang replied.
Hey Kitty! I thought the cat had taken your tongue! Nice to hear from you! How are you? You okay?
Blake smirked and rolled her eyes.
I'm staying with Nora, Ren, and Jaune. Working at a cafe.
There was a longer pause. Yang then texted back:
Yes. Really. He's in a butler outfit. And he can be all yours.
Another pause. For a moment, Blake wondered if she'd gone too far.
When and where?
Blake smiled. It wasn't the most conventional apology she could imagine... But it was a start.
Besides, if Yang finally made a move? She wouldn't have to put up with her struggling conscience as much...
- - -
Sleeping in was a luxury Blake indulged in whenever possible. It pleased her instincts in a way she could never really articulate. She snuggled into her blankets and glorified in their warmth and softness. She was practically purring.
And then her cot was unceremoniously tilted up and she was sent to the wooden floor in a heap.
She looked up in shock and anger as Nora Valkyrie grinned over her.
"Time to get up, Kitty Kat!"
"It's the weekend," Blake moaned, and checked her Scroll, "We don't have to be up for another hour..."
"Ren and Jaune-Jaune are already up!" Nora said, happy and cheerful, "And since they are, I thought we'd have some girl talk! Just you and me!"
Blake blinked in confusion as she stood up.
"Okay... I need to get ready-"
"Sure thing!" Nora chirped, "Bathroom's all clear!"
She sighed and made her way to the single bathroom. It was very cheaply assembled, just a toilet, a sink with a mirror, and a cheap bathtub, but it was more than enough. She stepped inside and started the water in the sink. She rummaged for her toothbrush.
"All right," she began slowly, "What do you want to talk about-?"
She looked up into the mirror and froze. Nora was grinning with narrowed eyes, right beside her.
How did I not notice-?!
Nora wrapped an arm around Blake's shoulders, holding her with an iron grip the cat Faunus couldn't escape. She could feel the hum of electrical power through Nora's skin and saw sparks in her eyes. Blake was familiar with people holding back their rage-And Nora's was literally crackling right under her skin.
"Kitty Kat," Nora began, "I get that you've had a rough life. Renny and me? We've had a rough life too. Bad things have happened to all of us. But me? I've only ever had Renny."
Blake slowly nodded, forcing herself to remain calm even as her hair began to stand on end.
"Then we came to Beacon. We met some great people—wonderful people, like Jaune-Jaune. He takes us seriously. He cares about us. And we care about him," Nora said, still grinning but her voice soft and deadly, "He's the kind of person who would sacrifice everything for us without a second thought. He's like our big brother. Probably cuz he has like, seven sisters and he's really good at that!"
"Y-Yes," Blake managed, as Nora's grip tightened almost painfully.
"So I'm kinda peeved that you dragged him into a fight that could have gotten him killed without us," Nora said.
Blake shook her head.
"I-I told him he didn't have to come-"
"But he did. He would," Nora said, even more softly, "Because that's who he is. So... If you ever endanger Jaune-Jaune like that again because you wanna get back at your old friends? We'll have another girl talk!
Her eyes blazed.
"With my hammer! Got it?"
Blake very slowly nodded.
"... I won't," she said quietly, "I-I promise."
Nora's smile lost its edge and Blake's hair fell back down as the voltage in the air dropped. Nora patted Blake on the back.
"Great to hear! Now come on! Renny and Jaune-Jaune are working out, and we don't wanna miss it!"
She practically skipped away. Blake watched her go, still trembling. She took a few deep breaths.
Okay... Maybe I should start paying more attention to my fellow students, she thought.
- - -
Behind the Just Right Bakery and Cafe was a relatively clean backyard. The grass was overgrown in a few spots, and there was an old car on cinderblocks, but otherwise it wasn't a terrible place to be. The early morning sunlight shone down on the alley, reflecting off of wind chimes, windows, and the chrome on the salvaged car's exterior.
It was pleasant enough, Jaune supposed. At least for what they were doing.
"Okay," Jaune said. He flared his Aura, and focused, "My mom's strength technique isn't the first Aura augmentation skill, obviously. But it's really simple to learn, and easy to use. She made it that way for medical and rescue purposes. Give you enough strength to lift up a heavy patient, move debris off of someone, that kind of thing. Of course, the fact it's simple to use means it works great for combat."
Ren, sitting on a cheap folding chair nearby, nodded. Jaune chuckled.
"Of course, the catch is you either have to have REALLY good Aura control, or a LOT of Aura to use it for longer than a few seconds," Jaune said, "Or to use it consecutively for, say, combat. She does have incredible Aura control and a LOT of Aura. I've only got the Aura. So..."
He reached into the wrecked car. He grunted and lifted up the entire loose, rusty engine block over his head with one arm. He held it up, concentrating.
"See?" He managed. He then carefully set the engine block down, letting it thump on the grass, "Now you try it."
Ren nodded, and stood up. His Aura flared pink, as he focused. He then reached down and took hold of the block. He lifted it up over his head with a grunt, holding it up for a few moments, before he brought it back down onto the grass smoothly. Jaune grinned.
"Hey, great job! On your first try, too!" He clapped. Ren shook his head.
"I didn't hold it for as long as you, and I required both hands," Ren said, "I still need work. You're much better than me."
"Yeah, but eh, I've got more practice and all I've got going for me is a lot of Aura," Jaune said, clapping his friend on his shoulder, "You're gonna be better than me in no time."
Ren studied Jaune with his usual stoic expression.
"Why can you never take a compliment, Jaune?"
Jaune blinked. Ren didn't look away, his gaze even. Jaune coughed and looked aside.
"It uh... It's that big of a problem, huh?"
Ren sat back down on his folding chair. Jaune sat down on the wooden step leaning into the cafe, facing him.
"... I don't deserve them," Jaune decided.
"Not a healthy outlook," Ren observed.
Jaune let out a soft sigh through his nostrils.
"I'm working on it," he said, "But if I was where I should be... Nobody would have been in danger."
"None of us are where we want to be, Jaune," Ren said gently, "No one is perfect. That's why we train. If you constantly compare yourself to others, you will never be happy."
"That's fine for guys who don't have to keep other people alive," Jaune snorted, "It's different for me. I'm your leader. I need to be better. I can't stop improving."
"That is true," Ren said, "However, constantly tearing yourself down won't help. It will also demoralize your team."
Jaune winced.
"I... Well..."
Ren tilted his head.
"Jaune... You aren't the savior of the world. You shouldn't act like you are. You'll only end up destroying yourself."
Jaune sighed heavily, his shoulders slumping.
"... It's just... I want to be a hero. I was raised to be a hero. My mom is a hero. My dad died a hero. And when push came to shove... When my mentor needed me, I wasn't strong enough. I wasn't... I wasn't good enough."
He stared down at the grass, glum and angry. Ren hummed.
"When the Grimm destroyed my village, orphaned Nora and I... We also weren't good or strong enough."
Jaune looked up sharply, his eyes wide.
"That's different! You were kids! No one would ever blame you for-!"
"I did," Ren said softly, "I sometimes still do."
Jaune grimaced in sympathy.
"I'm mostly past it now. I couldn't afford to let myself be weighed down with guilt... I had to look after Nora. I couldn't afford to be weak for her. She's... She's my everything."
Jaune was silent. This was probably the most emotive Ren had ever been. His eyes were distant, his voice heavy with feeling.
"... I do want revenge. I want the Grimm that killed our families, destroyed our village, dead. I want it to suffer before it goes, and I will ensure it feels pain and fear before it dies if I can. But it's not my highest priority right now. Nora is. And she always will be."
"Yeah... Yeah. It'd be impossible not to see that," Jaune said with a nod. "But you guys... You earned your place here. I feel like I don't deserve it. Not... Not after everything I'd been through, or... Or done."
Ren leaned forward a bit.
"Jaune. You can use a technique that would let you win almost every fight if you wanted to. So why don't you?"
Jaune scoffed in disbelief.
"Because I'm not an insane, murderous asshole! I'm not gonna unleash an Aura Blade blast in Combat Class!"
Ren nodded slowly.
"Then it's more complex than just a matter of who is stronger. You have many talents, including leadership. We follow you for more than just your competency as a Huntsman, after all."
Jaune chuckled.
"I... Thanks, Ren," he said quietly. Ren smiled softly.
"I've done nothing but speak the truth. A good leader appreciates truthful feedback to grow."
He looked at him intently.
"Besides. Nora likes you very much. As do I. We don't want to lose you."
Jaune chuckled softly.
"... You know... I'm pretty sure she'd marry you if you asked," he said.
Ren was silent. He stared back at Jaune impassively.
He couldn't help continuing.
"It's hard not to see how attached you are. I mean... I don't think you two are gonna go with anyone else. You've been through too much," Jaune went on, "And she's not exactly, ya know... Subtle about her feelings."
Ren sucked in a deep breath, and let it out as a sigh that seemed both wistful and exasperated.
"... That is... More complicated," he finally said. He gave Jaune a wry look.
"Besides, I wouldn't be talking about romantic troubles if I were you."
Jaune winced.
"Touché, bro. Touché."
He stood up and stretched.
"Let's get back to training-"
The door burst open behind Jaune, and knocked him off balance. He stumbled and yelped as he fell towards Ren. Ren's pink eyes widened comically just before Jaune slammed into him and drove him into the grass.
"RENNY! JAUNE-JAUNE! BREAKFAST TIME-!" Nora announced before she trailed off. Jaune looked back over his shoulder as Nora gaped in shock. Blake looked over Nora's shoulder in equal disbelief, and her face went bright red.
"NOOOO!" Nora cried, throwing her hands up and wailing to the heavens, "THAT FLAT CHESTED TSUNDERE TURNED JAUNE-JAUNE GAY! AND NOW HE'S AFTER RENNY!"
"WAIT WHAT?!" Jaune yelped, forcing himself up to his feet and waving his hands frantically. "NO! NO NO NO-!"
"DON'T WORRY, JAUNE-JAUNE! RENNY!" Nora cried, reaching to yank her shirt off, "I'LL CONVERT YOU BACK! YOU CAN BOTH HAVE ME!" She turned to Blake. "KITTY KAT! GET NAKED!"
"Wh-What?!" Blake gasped, her face burning brighter red.
Ren, now on his feet, calmly walked over to Nora and pulled her into a hug. She continued ranting into Ren's chest.
"We'll go get breakfast started," he said evenly. He carried Nora into the cafe, as she clung to him and wailed. The door shut behind them, leaving Blake and Jaune alone. Jaune coughed and rubbed the back of his head.
"Never a dull moment with them, huh?" He tried with an exasperated smile.
"Y-Yeah," Blake agreed.
The faint sounds of early morning traffic dominated for a time. Jaune cleared his throat.
"So... Did you call your parents?"
Blake nodded.
Jaune stared at her.
"How did that go? You uh, you don't have to tell me-"
"It... It went better than I thought it would," Blake admitted quietly. She fixed her eyes onto his.
"Thank you for pushing me to do it," she said. "There's... Still a lot of work to do, but it's... Better."
Jaune nodded.
Blake looked at the backyard and the engine block.
"What were you two working on?" She asked.
"Oh," Jaune said, "I'm teaching my team my mother's Aura strength technique. After that fight with Thanh, I want us to all work a lot harder and I figure it can be a nice ace up your sleeve even if you don't rely on brute force." He smiled at her.
"Would you like to learn it?"
Blake nodded.
"I... I would like that," she murmured.
"Cool," Jaune said, "We'll do it after work, then."
He went to the engine block, and lifted it up. He then carefully slid it back into the car. Blake studied his motions, impressed despite herself.
"You have excellent control over the technique," she said.
Jaune paused. Then he smiled back at her.
"Thank you," he said, "My mom taught me it and trained me how to use it. It's... Probably one of the only reasons I survived out there." He looked down at his hand, flexing his fingers, "That and Gato's training."
"I... He taught me some of that as well," Blake said, "I would be happy to help you with your Aura Blade techniques, if you'd like? I've never been very good at them, but I learned the basics well enough."
Jaune smiled warmly.
"I... I would appreciate that, thank you," Jaune said.
They stood in awkward silence for another moment. Then, Goldie's voice rang out from inside the Cafe:
"ACK! Y-YES MA'AM!" Jaune shouted, quickly rushing into the cafe. Blake, blushing just as hard, dodged out of the way as he scrambling inside past her.
"W-We weren't making out-!"
Blake held in a sigh. She lingered a bit. Part of it was her natural stubbornness. The other part?
She whipped out her Scroll and quickly texted Yang.
Yang. How are you?
Less than a second later, Yang replied.
Hey Kitty! I thought the cat had taken your tongue! Nice to hear from you! How are you? You okay?
Blake smirked and rolled her eyes.
I'm staying with Nora, Ren, and Jaune. Working at a cafe.
There was a longer pause. Yang then texted back:
Yes. Really. He's in a butler outfit. And he can be all yours.
Another pause. For a moment, Blake wondered if she'd gone too far.
When and where?
Blake smiled. It wasn't the most conventional apology she could imagine... But it was a start.
Besides, if Yang finally made a move? She wouldn't have to put up with her struggling conscience as much...
- - -