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Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread


Art by Every3rdStroke on DeviantArt
Hmmm, okay, so I have an idea that's been sitting around for a while. It's a sort of Worm/Fate/Stay Night crossover, but I'm hoping it's different from the usual 'Taylor gets a servant' or 'Taylor gets a servant's powers' kind of story.

Basically, she gains access to every Noble Phantasm. Of course, there's limits and some caveats.
- She can only use one at a time.
- She's influenced by the personality of the original owner while she's using the item.
- She gets exhausted using the items for too long, so she can burn herself out using too many powerful
- She can't pick out any item she wants to start. She can request a certain kind of thing (for example, 'something that can fly', 'something that protects me', etc.) and once she's used an item once, she can call it back at will, but she can't just automatically get specific things.
Hmmm, okay, so I have an idea that's been sitting around for a while. It's a sort of Worm/Fate/Stay Night crossover, but I'm hoping it's different from the usual 'Taylor gets a servant' or 'Taylor gets a servant's powers' kind of story.

Basically, she gains access to every Noble Phantasm. Of course, there's limits and some caveats.
- She can only use one at a time.
- She's influenced by the personality of the original owner while she's using the item.
- She gets exhausted using the items for too long, so she can burn herself out using too many powerful
- She can't pick out any item she wants to start. She can request a certain kind of thing (for example, 'something that can fly', 'something that protects me', etc.) and once she's used an item once, she can call it back at will, but she can't just automatically get specific things.

... hope she doesn't pull Ea out of her ass.
Hmmm, okay, so I have an idea that's been sitting around for a while. It's a sort of Worm/Fate/Stay Night crossover, but I'm hoping it's different from the usual 'Taylor gets a servant' or 'Taylor gets a servant's powers' kind of story.

Basically, she gains access to every Noble Phantasm. Of course, there's limits and some caveats.
- She can only use one at a time.
- She's influenced by the personality of the original owner while she's using the item.
- She gets exhausted using the items for too long, so she can burn herself out using too many powerful
- She can't pick out any item she wants to start. She can request a certain kind of thing (for example, 'something that can fly', 'something that protects me', etc.) and once she's used an item once, she can call it back at will, but she can't just automatically get specific things.
So because Gilgamesh owns every Noble Phantasm (or so he claims), she's always influenced by his personality? This can only end well.
There was already a Gilgamesh Taylor fic anyway that honestly wasn't that great. Especially since Lung somehow managed to survive becoming nothing but atoms, he's not the fucking Wolverine damn it.

Anyway that idea seems pretty cool. The limitations make her seem like a budget archer that automatically uses his tracing, but different in a good way.

I'd read it.
Small and likely stupid idea.

Taylor finds herself teleported into a Minecraft world, specifically FTB Infinity Evolved in Expert Mode. She soon goes mad trying to breed the perfect bee.

My small AFK from the forum has been caused by FTB Infinity Evolved - Expert Mode. Those of you who have played it know exactly why it is consuming the majority of my attention.

It is also the first time I have bothered messing with the bees as an attempted shortcut to sever of the roadblocks it has. I was wrong, there are no shortcuts to be found there. As this reddit thread truthfully states, there are only bees.
Small and likely stupid idea.

Taylor finds herself teleported into a Minecraft world, specifically FTB Infinity Evolved in Expert Mode. She soon goes mad trying to breed the perfect bee.

My small AFK from the forum has been caused by FTB Infinity Evolved - Expert Mode. Those of you who have played it know exactly why it is consuming the majority of my attention.

It is also the first time I have bothered messing with the bees as an attempted shortcut to sever of the roadblocks it has. I was wrong, there are no shortcuts to be found there. As this reddit thread truthfully states, there are only bees.
You poor, poor bastard. I've watched let's plays of that pack, and that's as close as I want to get to that particular brand of insanity.
Oblivion Frames OP. Seriously Oblivion Frame + 2 Metabolic Frames, the metabolic stack to give something like 2-3x mutation chance and the oblivion frame lowers lifespan by 99.99% or something, enough that every bee will always die in one cycle or about 30s. So yeah, makes the process potentially hundreds of times faster between them.

Also don't think I've mentioned here or possibly even under this screen name but Minecraft is one of the worst possible universes to be thrown into, like makes 40k look like a friendly and clear place levels of bad. That's because it is utterly reliant at near every level starting from vanilla and only getting millions of times worse with mods on metaknowledge, while if you've been thrown into the universe you won't have access to wikis or NEI or anything so you're totally fucked. I mean maybe if you were doing an avid player as an SI into it they could kinda cope by knowing some of the various tricks and having good ideas for starting points but without that? You're just so amazingly screwed.

Take just vanilla, throw Taylor in for example and have it so she wins when she defeats the dragon. Now she should actually be pretty effective, not much could really hold a candle to hordes of spiders. The problem is she'll never be able to get to the dragon, for to get to the dragon you need to find and activate the portal, and while she could get ender pearls and even figure out that eyes of ender when released always fall in the same direction to lead her to that she's never getting them. That's because to create an eye of ender (assuming she somehow stumbled upon how to craft things) you need blaze powder, and the only way to obtain blaze powder is from the nether, and there is no indication anywhere in the overworld that the nether exists or how to get to it with the sole exception of villagers which can provide glowstone, so it'll never be found. She'll eventually die from suicide after insanity, old age, or making a mistake.

So yeah, just a bit of a ramble on why minecraft is a bad verse to end up, with wikis and NEI things should become mostly doable at least. Although it's still kinda a low tier deathworld.
Idea :

Taylor, in her locker, Triggers while thinking over and over again "I've got to get far away from here now!".

Taylor gains the Power to open portals to any place/time/universe.

She opens a portal, stares at it, and then leaps through.

She finds herself onboard the USG Ishimaru. How will she deal with the horror? What will Brockton Bay do about it? She didn't close the portal. There are necromorphs pouring through it now.

Will she live through it, will she meet Isaac Clarke, will Brockton Bay survive any?
[SI Quest] How To: World Destruction

Contrary to what some believe there are not infinite realities, at least in so far as we humans can understand "Infinity" with our limited perspectives. Still while not infinite the scope, the vast array of alternate worlds so far eclipses us that it might as well be truly infinite. From a single point, the origin of all things, is where these fissures between realities began. Spreading farther, branching wider, like the tendrils of a creeper vine growing ever longer and ever more limbs. Clones all, differences only cosmetic from the subtle to the obvious.

In many of these worlds there exists an Earth. And in most of those worlds it exists as world so alien to what we know that the distinction is meaningless. On some of those "Real Earths" humans exist, rarer still they thrive and live as more than bipedal and clever hairless apes. It was these worlds that a certain creature, perhaps creatures, turned their attention.

Earth Bet is one such Earth, so similar to the one you know yet so very different. Men and women gifted with extraordinary abilities, powerful and deadly, randomly chosen and left to their own devices. It is a world in constant conflict, a world without such convenient things Destiny and Fate, nor such romantic things as Determination and Souls. Earth Bet is a world on the brink of collapse, constant strife weakening it's own foundation as monstrosities appear to rip apart it's supports.

Here men with power beyond their grasp fight, some to fulfill their own desires others to restrain them to protect what they cherish. Good and evil hold no distinction, Heroes and Villains being just titles however fitting are not all encompassing.

Here monsters loom ready to strike, a Damocles sword above ready to fall. Alien abominations who stand as far above the champions of humanity as said champions stand above a termite. Monsters in the form of men who sow seeds of suffering for suffering's own sake. And saviors who commit evils in the name of good, weighing scales preciously to prevent a greater disaster.

This is not a world that should be revered, a world that does not even realize it stands so close to edge on the precipice of oblivion.

So what madness is it that gripped you to chose such a place to be born?


When a person story starts is usually at the beginning. Be it from their earliest memory or even their very birth, there is somewhere they had began. Were we to start there we'd arrive in a maternity ward, a rather boring place in an understaffed and underfunded public hospital. Two newborns held in the arms of their exhausted mother, tall and thin but otherwise indistinct. Of these two children one sleeps peacefully, unaware of anything at all this is where her story began. Of the other however...

While this may be where your story starts it is not where it began.

It began in the dark. An Abyss, the void that exists outside of all things. It was an emptiness so deep as to smother, chasing away light and sound leaving only silence... and the dark. A sweet calming Nothingness. It is here that you began, an empty formless thing floating in the abyss. It was an existence that might not even be considered as an existence. That had not always been the case, there had once been a You before there was You, how they had arrived in the abyss a mystery, if you had even arrived at all and were not just a shard formed of the dark.

There was no thought or time in the abyss, an instant or an eternity being equal in length. In this nexus, from time immemorial you simply were, not a hollow nor a shadow, something even less material an illusion in the dark.

And then you "Were". No longer in the dark but a world of light and sound, thought and knowledge spontaneously generating with your physical form. Screams, sensations, emotions, panic, so very alien, so very terrifying for wretched little thing that was comforted in the embrace of the Dark and Silence. You were fully form, in mind if not in body, knowledge you'd never gathered filling your mind. No, it had already been filled and you'd never had a thought to access it.

But knowledge is not experience. The light blinds you, the cacophony grows your fear, and the sensations feel as if you are being ripped apart by your own cravings that you know not how to slate. And for a creature who had never once known the hands of time the following minutes of chaos lasted longer than any eternity. But eventually the chaos slowed, and the panic settled.

You found yourself wrapped up and unable to move, an oddly comforting sensation to most but for one whom had never before been corporeal it reminded you of the formless void. Warmth, something new yet so very soothing. Even the noises and sensations lessened though sadly did not die, thought itself fleeting. It was peaceful, like the dark.

You drift off in the arms of a faceless giant, held together with one who's presence brings contentment.

"What are their names?"

You feel a soft rumbling, "Hehe, we put so much thought into it remember? We prepared for a boy or a girl, but twins? That's certainly a surprise," You felt something gently rub against your scalp as the comforting embrace grew slightly tighter, "My precious little baby boy, you gave me such a scare, we might have only planned for one but that doesn't mean I wanted you to leave me and your precious big sister so soon after coming into the world."


"It's fine, he's fine. He will be fine," Again the pressure increase to uncomfortable levels but quickly lessened with a shushing sound, "This is a happy day, today we have not one but two bundles of joy. Our family just doubled in size."

"Sigh, I just hope we can afford it. We only just started making payments on the house and-"

"It'll be okay Dear, we'll find a way. We can sell my car, it might not be worth much but it's something. I'll find a new job, something I can do at home. A BA in English isn't quite as unmarketable as people think. Maybe I can be write a book, if nothing else I'll have the time to watch them."

You felt the comforting caress once again.

"My little Weaver,"


"Yes, after your cousin. I know it wasn't on the list but it fits well with his sister's and twins are supposed to have similar names right? We spent so much time on it I didn't want to just drop it because we were off by one. So now we have little Taylor and Weaver Hebert, rolls right off the tongue doesn't it?"


Time passes, and you are soon brought home along with your sister. You are a quite child, a calm child, worryingly so. Several visits were paid back to the doctors who could find nothing physically wrong but the worrying didn't stop. You did not cry, why would you even wish to make such a sound, rather you groaned and whimpered if you truly needed anything. A rare occurrence given the attention you received meant that most issues were caught quickly. You didn't squirm about like a normal child, your motions always deliberate. Is it any wonder your parents worried so?

Your sister on the other hand was the opposite, a normal child who cried and squirmed about, often signaling your parents for you as your twin worked on much the same schedule as you.

Weeks and months passed, you watched, you waited, and you learned. You knew this world, you knew of it's fate, you knew it's people. You knew more about this world than you did yourself. You felt some anxiety at the knowledge of what was to come, of the place you had been born, but it felt so numb and dull like a feint echo of an emotion than the actual thing. Was this a result of the Dark?

Or perhaps it was the result of the shard you held inside you.

You sat on the floor in your little overalls, staring at your chubby little hands peering into them at the thing that lied just beneath the surface.

[X] The Shard of The Sequestered Royal Scholar
A seeker of knowledge and arcane truths they sought to unravel the very nature of existence. Once held in the highest esteem for the light they brought they were eventually abandoned, for to their power hungry King knowledge without use was pointless. Left to the Dark they continued seeking the enlightenment of Truth, their eyes only see the beauty of things yet discovered.​
[X] The Shard of The Covetous Abomination
The disgusting creature that was caged in the dark, ever hungry for the essence of those who have what it cannot. Once freed it feeds upon all, taking it into it's own flesh what it lusts for, but never satisfied it yearns for more seeking grander prizes. Left to the Dark all detail was lapped away leaving only an empty husk to be filled, a gaping maw without end.​
[X] The Shard of The Pale Clockwork Doll
A Heart of a Simulacrum who was cherished by her creature, she was a fragile thing of impossible machination kept pristine under his loving hands. Upon his death his treasures were stolen and the thieves seeing little use in her cast her and all knowledge of her to the dark. Left to disrepair she only seeks to return to her master.​
[X] The Shard of The Queen of The Defiled Land
Through the looking glass lays another land of oddities, hosting warped beings devoured by madness and corrupted by the dark. No tales exist to tale of the origin of their cursed existance or the methods of their madness, perhaps there is none. The denizens of this horrid land follow only a single rule, to obey their dark Mother.​
Taylor triggers under different circumstances, and comes out of it with a very bullshit ability, partially because of an essay she was working on shortly before she triggered, that happened to stick in her mind as she tried to hide from a rather larger cape fight. The essay was on Trumps, and the power Queen Administrator gave her could be considered the Administration of Trump powers (yes, you could make a Trump Administration joke here, but if he wins, it won't be so funny).

Basically, she can grant herself a wide range of various Trump powers, one at a time, as long as the power isn't an exact match for an existing Trump (though she can do powers that are similar, as long as she can visualize it as something other than '<$capename>'s power'). For example, she can ask her power to let her neutralize powers in a radius around her, but it won't be the same radius as Hatchetface has, and will likely be subtly different in other ways. Likewise, she could grant herself the ability to have some number of non-Trump powers, but they'll usually have a unifying theme, like Tinker powers, Shadow powers, Biology powers, et cetra, and she'll have to swap out different themes to get a variety. The more power intensive the ability is (either in the sense of energy the shard uses, or computational capacity the shard needs to use for it), the harder Taylor needs to want that power (effectively, it's willpower-dependent), and the less time it lasts, even if the effects of the power might outlast it (e.g. if she gives herself the ability to grant Brute powers, even if that power only lasts a minute or two, the powers that she grants could outlast it by hours).

As a related alternative, she gains a Trump-themed Tinker power, able to build devices (or perhaps mix up pills or similar - one version of this might be more appropriate to the NSFW thread) that grant specific Trump powers to the user, or otherwise perform Trump-like effects (e.g a gadget that neutralizes powers in an area, save for those of any cape who is using a counter-nullifier). This is still quite powerful, but not nearly so bullshit as the above.
Different, much darker Trump power: The Slaughterhouse 9 visit the summer camp that Taylor went to, and get TPK'd due to the Changer/Trump power Taylor triggers with: She can take on the form, powers, and skills of any member of the S9, current or former. She proceeds to stalk them throughout the camp, killing all of them using the forms of other members. Jack and Bonesaw are particularly useful for this.

Taylor hates her power, and promised herself she'd never let it out, again... but those three bitches just keep pushing...
Different, much darker Trump power: The Slaughterhouse 9 visit the summer camp that Taylor went to, and get TPK'd due to the Changer/Trump power Taylor triggers with: She can take on the form, powers, and skills of any member of the S9, current or former. She proceeds to stalk them throughout the camp, killing all of them using the forms of other members. Jack and Bonesaw are particularly useful for this.

Taylor hates her power, and promised herself she'd never let it out, again... but those three bitches just keep pushing...

Could she transform into Alan Gramme.....before he went off the deep end and crossed the Moral Event Horizon
Different, much darker Trump power: The Slaughterhouse 9 visit the summer camp that Taylor went to, and get TPK'd due to the Changer/Trump power Taylor triggers with: She can take on the form, powers, and skills of any member of the S9, current or former. She proceeds to stalk them throughout the camp, killing all of them using the forms of other members. Jack and Bonesaw are particularly useful for this.

Taylor hates her power, and promised herself she'd never let it out, again... but those three bitches just keep pushing...
Interesting. I like it.
Could she transform into Alan Gramme.....before he went off the deep end and crossed the Moral Event Horizon
I was thinking she actually changed into Mannequin, as he wasn't part of the S9 before he went off the deep end.

Note that she retains her own personality and motivations, its just that skills include habitual ways of using same, so she does have to watch herself, a bit.
I was thinking she actually changed into Mannequin, as he wasn't part of the S9 before he went off the deep end.

Note that she retains her own personality and motivations, its just that skills include habitual ways of using same, so she does have to watch herself, a bit.
I'm picturing a scene now where Jack Slash himself shows up in Emma's bedroom and proceeds to verbally eviscerate Emma, and at some point during the proceedings, Emma goes "You can't be here! You're dead!"

Taylor!Jack Slash responds "Hell decided to give me a holiday, just for you, girl."

And of course Taylor!Bonesaw made sure that her sister and parents have a nice restful, and more importantly, uninterrupted sleep that night, so Emma can scream as much as she wants. Or maybe Taylor!Mannequin just turned her room into something that keeps sound nice and safe inside.
Crossposting from NSFW, because what I have written so far is fairly tame:

For a brief time at the school Sarah Livsey attended, it was fashionable for girls to be into Wicca, as a side effect of a movie about Myrddin being more popular than expected. Sarah being implied by Lisa to have been the popular type, she went in for it, and while she didn't believe it, she had some fun.

Sadly, the butterflies from this did not prevent her brother from trying to kill himself, but it did change the method and results, as he ended up in a coma. Thus, Sarah was not focused on why he did it, but on how to wake him up, and therefore became a Tinker, rather than a Thinker - specifically, a Witchcraft themed Tinker (that doesn't mean she can do magic, just that the method and results of her Tinkering look like witchcraft). She crafted a potion of wakefulness, and time can go down a few branches from there: perhaps it works more-or-less perfectly, and she gets to ask him what the hell he was thinking (which may result in him being angry at her and trying to kill himself, again, using a method she can't bring him back from); perhaps there was some brain damage, and he has amnesia, or other problems; perhaps there was too much brain damage, and she simply can't fix it. One last option is that her parents turned his life support systems off already, and he's been dead for too long. They didn't even talk to her about it (which fits what little we know of their character).

In any event, this isn't going to change the kind of people her parents seem to be, so I could see her running again, it's just that she may be running with her brother, instead of alone.
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So I've had an idea recently. Basically, Taylor goes very, very insane inside the locker and triggers with very different powers. I'm not going to beat around the bush. She triggers as the fucking Joker. She has two powers that are basically unrelated. First, she's a Tinker who makes Joker style gags. Acid squirting flowers, taser joybuzzers, plastic explosive chattering teeth, etc. Second, she gets Joker Immunity. No matter what, she can't be permanently killed or arrested. They could Birdcage her and she'd be back in Brockton Bay in a week planting laughing gas bombs to show Bakuda how you're supposed to do it.

Things this could do:
- Armsmaster functions as a sort of Batman-lite, trying to capture her
- She kidnaps Emma as revenge and puts her in some ironic death trap. The heroes rescue her and the real ironic part turns out to be that it explodes when you pull Emma out and she gets half her body badly burned. She has a breakdown and triggers with probability based powers, becoming this world's version of Two-Face.

Basically a Worm/Batman cross with a Joker!Taylor.

Any thoughts?
So your going to write that or something? Because I sure won't mind if you do. Then again if you don't, maybe I'll ste- borrow this idea.

I might, might not. I was kind of throwing it out there to see if people thought it would work. I brainstorm better with input from other people.
I'd think you'd do great with it. Hell, Armsmaster is already pretty much Batman, not too much work to do there.

My only complaints stem from how I like happy endings. And this likely won't have one.
My biggest issue is casting someone other than Coil as Two Face, plenty you can do with Emma otherwise. The simplest being drawing out the kidnapping a little bit and having Emma develop stockholm (which can be facilitated by past relationship) and become Harley. Maybe Emma joins Taylor originally to try and be undercover and guide her back towards good only to succumb for something of a callback to canon.
My biggest issue is casting someone other than Coil as Two Face, plenty you can do with Emma otherwise.

I'm not sure Coil would make a good Two-Face. He cheats way too much. If Two-Face tell you he'll let you live if the coin comes up heads, he actually lets you live. If Coil tells you that he'll let you live if the coin comes up heads, he makes an alternate timeline where the coin is tails just so he can kill you anyway. Besides, I was thinking Lisa Quinn
Besides, I was thinking Lisa Quinn

Yuck. And no. Lisa would make a vastly better Joker.

Really, of all the Bats characters... Taylor's best suited for Freeze. Has the same short sighted "I don't care how many people I have to fuck over to get what I want" mentality. Just give her a Nora (Dinah: No. No. Fuck you. I'm out!) and be done with it.

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