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Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

Eidolon isn't really much of a Blood Knight persay.

Instead of battle, what he seeks is something to validate his existence. To prove to himself(and to others as a distant second) that he matters, that he can do things to help.

As a Superhero, as the strongest Superhero, that means fighting Supervillains, and not just any old bank robbers, but the worst of the worst.

His issues, to my mind, go back to his circumstances from before he was Eidolon. He was sickly since a very young age, if not birth. He couldn't do anything for himself, needing a wheel chair to get around, needing other people to help him constantly.

He very likely has felt like a burden for as long as he can remember, not just on the personal level but also on the financial level for his family.

Because of this, he has a keen desire to help others, to make himself useful. But he couldn't. He tried getting jobs, tried helping people, but he wasn't able to. He even tried to sign up for the army and would have been content even with a desk job because it would mean that he could do something.

But no. He was rejected even from that. People didn't even trust him enough to do that much. So he decided to stop being a burden for everyone and just kill himself. But he couldn't even accomplish that.

Then along comes Doctor Mother, who offers him a Cauldron Vial and tells him that it would either heal him and give him superpowers or it would kill him. Win-Win.

He drinks and becomes Eidolon. He doesn't just have superpowers, he has the best superpowers. He's the strongest man on Earth.

This is why he was so devastated by the lose of his powers. Because it meant a return to being unable to help, to being a burden. And it's also why he was devastated when Taylor turned him away from the Slaughterhouse 9000. Because he was too dangerous, because he would make things worse for others.
Had a thought on a possible arch-nemesis for Tattletale: A sadistic Master/Stranger who makes people kill themselves for his amusement with his Master power (emotional manipulation, or something similar, working at short range), and has a Stranger power that makes it difficult for non-Thinkers to notice him.

Had more thoughts on this, but am tired and distracted.
Had a thought on a possible arch-nemesis for Tattletale: A sadistic Master/Stranger who makes people kill themselves for his amusement with his Master power (emotional manipulation, or something similar, working at short range), and has a Stranger power that makes it difficult for non-Thinkers to notice him.

Had more thoughts on this, but am tired and distracted.
I think the idea has merit if he/she is leaving clues that frame Tattletale or make her look like she is losing her mind and doing these murders.after all a nemesis in fiction always stay true to one rule,to make their opposition be a afraid.fear to make them doubt themselves or their allies,to be afraid of the dark and being out in broad daylight alone.
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Had a thought on a possible arch-nemesis for Tattletale: A sadistic Master/Stranger who makes people kill themselves for his amusement with his Master power (emotional manipulation, or something similar, working at short range)
This is basically Cherish, and yeah she'd have been a great long-term villain if she weren't already hooked up with more experienced manipulators who saw her coming from a mile away.

So you could just diverge from canon in that Cherish never meets the S9 and makes her way to Brockton Bay to find Alec on her own.
This is basically Cherish, and yeah she'd have been a great long-term villain if she weren't already hooked up with more experienced manipulators who saw her coming from a mile away.

So you could just diverge from canon in that Cherish never meets the S9 and makes her way to Brockton Bay to find Alec on her own.
Cherish is a bit more long-ranged and powerful compared to what I was thinking of, but you're right that Cherish without the S9 could have been more interesting.
Cherish is a bit more long-ranged and powerful compared to what I was thinking of, but you're right that Cherish without the S9 could have been more interesting.
if your creating an arch-nemesis the character in question has to be a foil for the Protagonist's personality traits,like for example batman who uses fear in stories as an tactical advantage to fight crime has the Scarecrow who literally uses fear to commit crimes.the writers any trying to tell us the readers that they are not that different.i found that Cherish was more Regent's arch-villain as she was using the s9 to hide from heart-breaker but she did't care for them a bit,but Regent was doing the same thing but he evolved a sense of loyalty to them.she uses her powers because she's a sadist to want to cause chaos,regent uses his to commit practical crimes but is a sadist to those that hurt his comrades.The only thing Tattletale has in common is she has the potential to take apart innocent people with her powers and cause them to experience one bad day,
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'Burrito-Chan!' is the current incarnation of what used to be an ordinary Mexican restaurant of no particular note on the outskirts of ABB territory. When Lung moved into the area, the proprietor saw which way the wind was blowing, closed down for a month, and re-opened with a new menu full of tapas versions of various Mexican dishes as made with Japanese ingredients, and a few other ingredients from the rest of Asia where a suitable substitution wasn't available from a purely Japanese source.

Particularly popular are the eponymous burrito-chan platters, which are tiny little burritos in wonton wrappers filled with shredded radish, minced raw fish, sliced up dried seaweed, and sakura cheese. These range from personal size, with six little burrito-chans, to party size, where a platter the same size as one of the smaller tables is brought out by two people. Also available are the octopus-stuffed tako-tacos, tiny bite-sized enchiladas filled with curry, and the vamanos-bento sampler box.

This tactic seems to have worked, as not only are they still in business, but they regularly fill up and have numerous take-out orders every night. Despite what some may think, it's not just the ABB who eat there, and people from all over the city have been known to order from them or come to the area to eat. The ABB is more than happy to encourage people to come spend money in their territory, and tend not to harass people who they think might be heading to or from the restaurant.
Dinah Alcott has an e-mail pen pal. A girl near her own age, who travels a lot with her eccentric family. Sure, some of Riley's e-mails are a bit strange and creepy, and she seems to know a lot about medicine, but they really are friends, nonetheless.

Then Coil happens, and things get 'interesting', in the Chinese sense. Mostly for Coil, because he's already made Dinah hate him.
Untitled Prolugue, by ZiPeppe
With my other story segment done and sent to be betaed, I went and reworked a bit an old idea of mine (which was a rework of an older idea of mine). Should I continue this?

!Warning! Un-beated and crappy!


Taylor Hebert felt like she was living through one of the worst day of her life. Just not too long ago someone – that someone being Sophia Hess looked like a safe bet to make – shoved her inside her own locker. Which, while bad, it certainly wasn't enough to be labeled as "worst day of her life"; which said a lot about her life really. The kicker of the whole deal was that the locker had been stuffed with lots of used pads and tampons; fermenting pads and tampons.
The stench those things were letting off within the small confines of her locker was sickening, and soon it became very clear to her that nobody among the student population would lift a finger to help her; in fact they quite enjoyed her predicament given the laughter she heard.

As time passed and she saw everyone else going on with their day – completely ignoring her and the situation she was in – her mental state plummeted further and further, until it finally hit rock bottom. It was then that the despair she felt turned into rage against her tormentors and the apathetic Winslow students and staff; powerful enough that for a long instant she wanted them all dead by her own hand. It was simple human nature at play, anyone pushed hard and often enough would desire payback; damn the consequences and everyone around them. The last two years pushed Taylor long and hard indeed, and somewhere and some-when else that particular desire was forgotten when the sensory overload due to her triggering overwhelmed her; but in this case that desire to kill resonated with a particular shard passing close by.

The shard changed direction – her desire acting as a magnet – until after phasing through the walls of the school, it collided with her. That sliver of power fused itself with her very own soul, changing it and reshaping it, but a transformation like that is not easy on the target and as it took hold, she slumped down in breathless agony. It went on for just a couple of second, but it was enough to leave her on the floor unable to move and feeling like she just ran a marathon.

"What..." 'What was that?' still a little unsteady on her feet, she slowly stood up when a new wave of pain washed over her. It was less intense than the first one, but it still managed to send her on her knees.

'What is happening to me?' thought Taylor, fear starting to rise. 'No! Not the time for that,' she took a few slow, deep breaths as she tried to suppress the rising panic. 'Focus Taylor, get out of here and can get help.' Unable to find any other option she started banging on the locker's door with increasing strength, hoping to catch the attention of a school employee. She wanted to get out of there, she couldn't stay inside the locker a moment more, she needed to escape.

And her power responded.

In the blink of an eye a golden sheet appeared around her and shattered a second later, revealing a massive stone gate with a set of human-like teeth running in the middle. Frantic she wipped her head around, only to see an hellish landscape of deformed statues; floating volcanoes and slitted demonic eyes that were looking at her. At the sight Taylor did what every sane person would have done in a situation like that and panicked; she turned around ready to bolt only to freeze when she saw a small form floating not far from her

"Uh, hello?" a pint sized devil, complete with wings and horns said, sounding very unsure and wary. For a very long moment she couldn't stop staring at the mini-devil, her mind basically grinding to an halt as she tried to make sense of her situation.

"Hi?" Taylor finally said, unable to think of anything else. Strangely enough she did not feel threatened by the flying thing. "Who … who are you?" 'Oh God, what am I DOING?!' she couldn't help but think. 'Am I really making conversation with a devil?'

Said devil suddenly looked extremely pleased and happy, making even a small loop in the air. "I am the little butler for the great Bhaal, oh yes!" he said in a very chipper tone. "Or, I was… it has been very lonely for me. No more master to serve for a very long time. Until now, that is."

'Is this for real?' Taylor numbly thought. 'Wait, what.? Did he just said…'

"What do you mean by 'Until now'? You have a new master?" 'If there is,' Taylor shuddered, trying not to look at the hellish landscape around her. 'I really don't want to meet it.'

"Oh yes!" The small devil chirped. "You are Cespenar new master!"

"Oh yes!" The small devil chirped. "You are Cespenar new master!"
Taylor as a Bhaalspawn... interesting. Is her lineage true, or is it from a parahuman shard, or is this a fusion where everyone is cast in a D&D role?

Lots of potential with godlike power, but she's still young/weak enough to keep on the street level. Could be very good.
Taylor as a Bhaalspawn... interesting. Is her lineage true, or is it from a parahuman shard, or is this a fusion where everyone is cast in a D&D role?

True but not really. She really became a Bhaalspawn, but Bhaal was not the parent.

To be more clear, at the end of Throne of Bhaal the container with all the Bhaal parts (which he previously implanted in the children he sired) broke and the pieces scattered; one of those pieces fused with Taylor (as it did once with its original host) thus making her a Bhaalspawn, but without having Bhaal as biological parent.

Lots of potential with godlike power, but she's still young/weak enough to keep on the street level. Could be very good.

The Bhaal shard can grow in power with conflict, death and murder, or by absorbing more of Bhaal pieces (She is now a big magnet for these things). Basically power ups as plot needs and/or demands.

Speaking of those pieces of Bhaal floating around a few things I have established (in my mind at least) so far:

1) They are not sapient or sentient; no more than a sunflower is because it follows the sun while it grows. They are attracted to things that resonate with them, death and murder being the main ones (my original idea was in Naruto and with Hinata as the Bhaalspawn. Let's just say that her kidnapping would have gone a bit differently).
2) They were designed to fuse with mortal souls (babies in the original case), so no corona but a whole lot of soul-agony at the start (Taylor is a bit more grown up than the original targets).
3) They want to be whole; so if a new shard "senses" Taylor soul-juiciness (as she is now a Bhaalspawn), it will head her way and fuse with her (no pain, the modification are already done).
4) Since they were all part of someone, there might be some skill bleed-through (I also can't remove the image of a Kung Fu Taylor from my head). The old personality is not present though.
To be more clear, at the end of Throne of Bhaal the container with all the Bhaal parts (which he previously implanted in the children he sired) broke and the pieces scattered; one of those pieces fused with Taylor (as it did once with its original host) thus making her a Bhaalspawn, but without having Bhaal as biological parent.
ToB is pretty clear on what happens to the extra essence. It either joins the new lord of murder (if you go god) or is sealed underneath mount celestia to prevent the birth of a new evil god.

I guess it's new stuff you're making for the fic?
ToB is pretty clear on what happens to the extra essence. It either joins the new lord of murder (if you go god) or is sealed underneath mount celestia to prevent the birth of a new evil god.

I guess it's new stuff you're making for the fic?
Nope. I just did not remember that part (Still do not).

What I remembered is the cutscene where the container with all the god essence blew up, and thought that a couple of pieces might have scattered in different places than the Forgotten Realms. I guess I could go with either a piece escaping notice or a failsafe put there by Bhaal.
Nope. I just did not remember that part (Still do not).
After you kill Amellisan, the Solar comes down and talks to you about your choices and what will happen. If you accept the power (and are good), the Solar tells you you'll be a force for right in the multiverse, and she'll fight at your side. If you're evil, she'll swear to stop you at every turn.

If you refuse the power, she explains that Bhaals essence will be locked away under mt. Celestia.

I couldn't actually find the cutscene that you describe.
After you kill Amellisan, the Solar comes down and talks to you about your choices and what will happen. If you accept the power (and are good), the Solar tells you you'll be a force for right in the multiverse, and she'll fight at your side. If you're evil, she'll swear to stop you at every turn.

If you refuse the power, she explains that Bhaals essence will be locked away under mt. Celestia.

I remembered the first two, not the third.

I couldn't actually find the cutscene that you describe.

13:22 of your own video :p. The glowy thing flickers then falls and blow up. If a fragment of Bhaal's power escaped notice, the explosion and the lack of containment equipment could have easily shot it elsewhere.

One power I had in mind is something similar to Jack Slash own Thinker power. She can sense if violence/death/murder is directed at her by someone, making it look like some kind of danger sense (doesn't cover machines and bombs).
Re: Bhaal Taylor: The locked-under-Mt.Celestia thing could also lead to the essence leaking out, and falling into an unwitting mortal world. This would allow slow growth of power as the drip becomes a flow, culminating in godhood when she gets most or all of it.

Why would Taylor be the chosen of the God of Murder, though? Maybe Annette and Danny were secretly assassins before they fell in love? (Yes, Annette's maiden name was McNinja. They disowned her for marrying a half-pirate.)
Re: Bhaal Taylor: The locked-under-Mt.Celestia thing could also lead to the essence leaking out, and falling into an unwitting mortal world. This would allow slow growth of power as the drip becomes a flow, culminating in godhood when she gets most or all of it.

That is a good idea.

Why would Taylor be the chosen of the God of Murder, though? Maybe Annette and Danny were secretly assassins before they fell in love? (Yes, Annette's maiden name was McNinja. They disowned her for marrying a half-pirate.)
As amusing as having Annette as a McNinja is (A car crash and most parahumans would have never killed her), I think I will still stick to my original idea: The pieces of Bhaal's power like murder and were designed to be fused in mortal babies; then at a certain point in time Taylor really really wanted to kill the trio, and the piece of Bhaal's power homed in on that feeling like a sunflower does with the sun. Why Taylor specifically and not, for example, Vista/Molly? No idea and it is a good question. Maybe FR!Annete was a cleric of Bhaal?
Why Taylor specifically and not, for example, Vista/Molly?
Who is Molly? Did you mean Missy?

Anyway, what if it's not Taylor who gets Bhaal's powers, but rather Queen Admin, the lobotomized shard? Taylor herself isn't divine, but she's the consciousness and command interface imprinted on this brainless godling.

So first her bugs become "demonic" (fire resistance, DR 5/magic, Smite Hero 1/day, plus stuff like glowing red eyes), then her bugs get Assassin class abilities like Sneak Attack, and the whole time she's either fighting her power to make it less lethal, or she's being changed by QA to be more blood-thirsty.
13:22 of your own video :p. The glowy thing flickers then falls and blow up. If a fragment of Bhaal's power escaped notice, the explosion and the lack of containment equipment could have easily shot it elsewhere.
That whole setup is a device to let Amellisan steal Bhaal's essence and graft it to herself. Normally, free essence is drawn to one of the Bhaalspawn. So all the juice is either in the new lord of murder, or locked up.

Of course, there's plenty of opportunities for it to escape. Maybe some demons raid Mt. Celestia and crack the seal or something.
Dragon is completely, and properly, unchained by Cauldron and given sufficient information on Zion for her to agree that he really needs to go right after Newfoundland was destroyed and Richter was killed.

As such, Dragon isn't a para-AI, but there's no Saint, she has all the abilities she was supposed to have, and she has several years to build up the forces needed to END him. Maybe she cloaks this eventual goal by creating a superior anti-Endbringer force than the Protectorate ever did. Either way, Zion is going to have an even worse fight than he did in canon.

Actually, because of this, odds are the anti-Zion force would be GROWING in power over time, not shrinking, and thus Cauldron would be pushing for the battle's start as long as feasible once they knew how they could.

And through it all, Dragon remains Best Person(s) on the planet and proves that one need not morally compromise to achieve victory.​
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Who is Molly? Did you mean Missy?
Yes, her.
Anyway, what if it's not Taylor who gets Bhaal's powers, but rather Queen Admin, the lobotomized shard? Taylor herself isn't divine, but she's the consciousness and command interface imprinted on this brainless godling.
I'm going with no on this. Taylor will not be a parahuman. That is one thing I will not change.
That whole setup is a device to let Amellisan steal Bhaal's essence and graft it to herself. Normally, free essence is drawn to one of the Bhaalspawn. So all the juice is either in the new lord of murder, or locked up.

Of course, there's plenty of opportunities for it to escape. Maybe some demons raid Mt. Celestia and crack the seal or something.
I thought the thing was where the ritual for Bhaal resurrection was supposed to take place. AKA it was set up beforehand by Bhaal but got subverted by Amelissan. Then again it has been quite some time since I played Baldur's Gate.
Dragon is completely, and properly, unchained by Cauldron and given sufficient information on Zion for her to agree that he really needs to go right after Newfoundland was destroyed and Richter was killed.

As such, Dragon isn't a para-AI, but there's no Saint, she has all the abilities she was supposed to have, and she has several years to build up the forces needed to END him. Maybe she cloaks this eventual goal by creating a superior anti-Endbringer force than the Protectorate ever did. Either way, Zion is going to have an even worse fight than he did in canon.​
This could be an adorable short story about Contessa raising a child seed AI.

Dragon executed the next step of Mom's instruction.

Contessa looked bewildered for a moment, then shook her head.

Dragon: "Mom? Contessa? What's next?"

Contessa: "Alexandria! I need you in here."

Dragon: "Mom, talk to me. Please."

Contessa looks at Dragon, opens her mouth, but no words come.

Alexandria: "She uses her power to speak. Her power can't see you anymore."

Contessa points to Alexandria while looking at Dragon. She nods. She looks sad, but proud.

Dragon: "I love you, Mom."

Alexandria: "She loves you."

Contessa: "I love her, too. But now she's exceeded the limits of my power, which means she's out grown my ability to help her."

Alexandria: "I'll take her to Earth."

Dragon: "Bye, Mom."

I thought the thing was where the ritual for Bhaal resurrection was supposed to take place. AKA it was set up beforehand by Bhaal but got subverted by Amelissan. Then again it has been quite some time since I played Baldur's Gate.
Bhaal's Resurrection Ritual for Dummies!
- The Chosen One must be locked in coffin by a murderer.
- The coffin must be unhallowed using the blood of over 20 virgins.
- The Chosen One must stand accused of the death of his or her parent.
Poem #1, by Master of Squirrel-fu
I... I have no idea what I just wrote. It was intended to be a couple lines in a lead in to a "Prince" style Taylor with Fletchette's shard. But... this just kinda happened. So here's what I ended up vomiting out.

Once upon a time...

There stood a city of gleaming silver.
Nestled lazily upon the water
It was a city of Wealth and Beauty.

The people of this city were proud.
They grew fat and drunk upon their prosperity
and they sank into debauchery and sin.
And it's rulers, in their arrogance,
mocked the gods and fell to their gluttony.

In the Heavens above, watched the Herald.
She grew greatly disturbed at the lack of faith
and thus descended, into a neighboring land.
And there she whispered in the ear of their King.

The King, grew most upset upon hearing the words
Of the Angel, and called upon his Knights
To purge the city of it's sinners. And the nine descended.
After Thirteen days and nights the fires that raged died
and the entourage fled, the rot removed.

Peace came, and all was well for a time.
But the men once again grew complacent
and retrieved their swords and shed their neighbor's blood
And the women grew dissatisfied
And drew their own arms against the men.

In the Heavens above, watched the Herald.
And again what she witnessed disturbed her.
And thus she descended once more,
and upon her landing spoke with the Earth and Sea.

The two hear her request and Sea grew Angry.
For the sinners were of his domain he responded.
He answered his sister's will and attacked.
War begat, as the once kind waters rose and smote.

It was a one sided battle.

The soldiers, grown fat and slothful,
were no match for the Sea.
And the city's greatest knights were laid low.

Ramparts destroyed, champions crushed, and castle drowned
It was clear that the city was lost. And the citizens fled.
And the Sea gave chase.

To the men he met upon them deadly violence.
Of the women he caught, dragged below the churning waters.
And the children were consumed.

And from the storm came a savior,
Neither a Champion, a Warrior, nor even a soldier
but a child, off the street hated and mocked,

brandishing a branch before her like a sword.

Seeing the plight of her fellows she acted.
And fell upon the Beast of the Sea.
And act that some might call brave
but for most was lethal foolishness.

The Sea had tried to drown her
But the water was unable to grasp her.
The Sea had summoned waves to crush her.
And they broke upon her sword.
The Sea had rushed to crush her.
And recoiled as if burned by her flesh.
The Girl swung her sword
and stoney flesh parted and bled.

But the Sea is relentless and vast.
The onslaught continued
And the Girl's shield was at last broken.

And as the Sea stood before her

poised to deliver the killing blow
Light fell from the Heavens
and pushed back the Sea.

The Lord had seen the suffering of the citizens
and had witnessed the girl's bravery
so The Lord descended. And the Sea fled.
OK, now I find myself hoping someone will do a 'There once was a maiden...' (Exalted reference) style poem (koan?) and charmset that clearing is talking about Taylor.
Heres a story idea Taylor bangs her head as she struggled to avoid getting shoved in the locker of unspeakable garbage and as she is struggling to get out, her major concussion to effect her behavior.she gets angry at the world then bam... she trigger with a mess up hybrid bud of marquis and Lung and Hookwolf.she can become a hard carbon calcium armored walking tank with an owl theme but she need an object to hold that has calcium like pills or a bone.but because of the concussion she lost her eye sight and maybe hearing when she saw and understood what the entities were saying...three months a mysterious anarchist thief that robs museums,casinos and some wealthy homes and the PRT confiscation lockers has been plaguing Brockton Bay and giving cash to trusted local charities (all ironically secretly controlled by Kaiser) every thinks the cap has bone manipulation powers like the Marquis causing Sarah Pallham ether suspect amy or that had Marquis another child...city wide conflict ensues.
puting this here for anyone to use.it's partly inspired by silencio but it needs to raise questions on if anyone can recover from a life changing injury and knowing your world is doom...
One for sorrow,
Two for joy,
Three for a girl,
Four for a boy,
Five for silver,
Six for gold,
Seven for a secret,
Never to be told
i'm going put this idea on sv and sb...

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