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Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

nick012000 said:
Poor Bitch. Without her power, she can't heal the dogs in her shelter anymore, though I guess Skitter might be willing to do it.
Taylor is a pretty nice girl, so that seems likely.

Different idea:

Taylor triggers with a rather Blue Mage-like Trump power, being able to copy and use any power that is used on or very near her. One way that she might discover this is for Panacea to heal her in the hospital. She immediately copies the power, which Panacea notices, and is happy about (another healer to share the burden). Then Glory Girl walks in, and Amy notices that she's suddenly almost as attracted to Taylor as she is to her sister, but with none of the squick that she knows she should feel over wanting Victoria. Testing determines that if someone has multiple distinct powers, Taylor needs to experience each one before she can use it - for example, to get the shield, she would have to punch GG's shield, to get super strength, she would need to be punched, carried, or tossed, and to get flight, she would need to be carried while in flight. Required Secondary Powers (WARNING: Tropes Wiki link) are gained at the same time as the main power.

The number of abilities that she can use at one time depends on the highest number of abilities possessed by a cape she's imitating. For example, Glory Girl has, IIRC, four powers: Flight, Shield, Strength, and Aura of Awesome. If Taylor is imitating any one of those powers, she can imitate three others, even if they aren't powers GG has. If she's imitating Tattletale, she'd need to switch to one of GG's powers (if using the scenario above, so that she has that option), if she wanted to use more than one power.

If you have a response to this that you think fits better in the NSFW thread, look there.
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When Grue first starts out as a villain, he quickly gets hired by Uber & Leet, to do special effects for a Zork tribute they're doing. They bring him back for other Zork or Infocom games, and he becomes friends with them. Thus, when Coil needs a distraction for his attempt to kidnap Dinah Alcott, he uses Grue to hire Uber & Leet, who are doing a Final Fantasy game, and could use a bigger cast.

Coil also orders some more Tinkertech for the show, which results in Panacea having a vastly different first impression of the Undersiders than canon: she notices Skitter's bugs directing innocent bystanders away from anything that might be dangerous, and Tattletale (as White Mage) using a Toybox healing device on someone who did get hurt.

So, her opinion of the Undersiders is pretty much 'Sure, they're villains, but at least they're responsible villains.' This is reinforced when the Undersiders, in various plausibly-deniable disguises (Tt is just wearing her domino mask with a Halloween 'Naughty Nurse' costume), take turns visiting various hospitals to help out - Bitch goes to veterinary clinics, of course - and when Leviathan shows up, there's Regent (or maybe Grue) helping out in wherever they have set up for the healers. This benefits Coil's plans, as it makes the Undersiders 'the villains people trust', while making the Protectorate look worse, because they have both Tinkers and money, but didn't do that.

Unrelated to Coil, Panacea isn't as messed up as she was by that point in canon, and in fact is happier and more relaxed, because she has less work to do, and what she does is mostly the interesting and unusual cases that the Toybox gizmo can't handle.
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Legacy, by gibbousmoons
== Legacy (JJBA/Worm fusion) ==

2 February, 2000

"I'm still not sure about this. It just . . . feels wrong." The shorter man said. He was squat, and the fedora he wore was undersized for the roundness of his face. His eyes flicked to the apartment door, then back to the cardboard boxes he was helping to move.

His partner was taller, but only put half as much stress on the floors. "If I gotta explain this one more time 'Fonso, I swear to God I'll make you carry the rest by yourself." He groused as he bent over. Flipping a box open, he revealed an assortment of knickknacks such as might be found in any home. Whatever. "Listen, the guy over there in the gold mask is my boss- your new boss, and he had one of his other guys tail Blue Bird back to his place, then bossman waited till he was asleep and filled the whole place with his pepper spray smoke. We went in with gas masks, capped the bitch, and now we get to sell his stuff on the market for big money. Aint like he's gonna use it anymore."

"Still feels wrong, Fred." Alphonso muttered under his breath, but picked up the other end of the box.

A few minutes later, he piped up. "I mean, leaving aside that whole thing about going after him while he's not in costume, are you sure he's really dead?"

Fred grinned pridefully. "I capped him meself. That's what this patch right here means. Now quitcherbitchin before bossman notices and thinks bad a me for vouching you in."

As soon as they set the box on the table there was a heavy knock on the door, three heavy raps. The tall man looked at the fat one. "That's the last one that'll fit, so you get the door while I take inventory."

Alphonso nodded and rubbed his sweaty palms on his pants to dry them, in the process replacing the sweat with grease. "Sure thing."

On the way to the door he reached into a box, snagging a monogrammed handkerchief to get rid of the grease. After wiping, he unlocked the solid wooden door and looked out. Then he looked up, and up again, into a pair of hard blue eyes on a face that looked like it had been chiseled from smooth stone. He wore a white coat, and his black hair was topped by a short white pillbox hat.

The goon swallowed, but gathered his courage to speak with only a slight change in his normal voice. "Who are you?"

"I'm here about a job." The stranger rumbled. "I heard about what your boss did last night, and I need somebody taught a lesson."

Alphonso grinned. "Well I'd be happy to set up a meeting for you if you can convince me that it's worth my ugk-"

Alphonso stopped talking.

-- -- --

8 April, 2011

Later, Jotaro Kujo slid his coat back on, careful not to get any of the crimson spattering the walls and floor on the pristine white fabric. Taking the key ring off the table, he left, locking up behind him. There were already sirens in the distance. Somebody must have called emergency services when they heard the screaming.

Wings as long as he is tall beat on the air, and a woman landed. She wore a black suit cut to come off in pieces. As her arms return to being human arms, she patted her pocket. "What took you so long?"

"This was the second time this year. I needed to make an impression."

The woman shook her head. "It was supposed to be my job, this time." The only answer was a grunt, and she pursed her lips in exasperation. "Misguided fool."

Jotaro grunted again, and changed the subject. "You could visit her sometimes."

"Like you do? Does she even know you're there?"

". . . I'm wanted for murder. I can't bring that down on her."

Contessa put her hand on Jotaro's. "Only for murder. It's Crimes Against Humanity for me."

And then the PRT finally arrived in force, a black helicopter announcing the beginning of yet another escape.

But this time, they escaped together.

-- -- --

People liked to think there was a difference between how girls and boys solved problems. Boys fought, they found out who'd started their problem and punched them until they stopped being a problem. If someone picked on them they were supposed to either man up and beat his face in, or toughen up and get over it. Girls were supposed to either go on a diet or eat a tub of ice cream and cry.

According to pop culture the only social problems girls had came from either being ugly, or being fat. Apparently being taller than most grown men at the age of fifteen wasn't a common enough issue to make it into the pages of Cosmo's March issue, unlike four new pictures of New York's most eligible bachelor, sans shirt.

As Sophia Hess buried her fist in my gut for the tenth time in as many minutes, I was glad they were wrong. She spat on the ground and danced back, forearms up. "Hands up Taylor. I go in for a hit like that and you should already be trying to knock my teeth out!"

I swayed back with the hit, grimacing as the dull sharp lance of pain told me that she'd hit the same spot that she'd been aiming for all afternoon. "Right."

She advanced again, bare feet gripping the soft woodchips that made up the floor of the building she called her bachelor pad. I wasn't sure if she were being serious or not about that or not. She turned in, but I caught her punch on my arm and hit her other shoulder, pushing her out of reach.

My mouth quirked up in quiet satisfaction. "Got you."

Sophia seemed to flicker, and I looked away. "You're doing the thing." I said quickly. I knew she was one of the underage heroes in Brockton Bay, one of the junior Protectorate members that, unlike the adults, were forced by federal law to wear a mask while using their powers.

"Thanks." She backed off, and the flickering outline faded away. Some powers manifested physically as a second shape that reflected your inner self, according to the publically available brochures. The Triumvirate were all like that, and so were the most impressive members of Brockton Bay's Protectorate.

I didn't know which of the Wards Sophia was. It would have been easy to figure out, but I didn't want to know. After some reading I'd convinced myself that she could have been anyone from Aegis to Triumph. The people overseeing the Wards went overboard in creating disguises for their charges to use, and even though she had more curves than I did, you could hardly call Sophia a classical beauty.

"You're getting pretty good, for an amature." She said, and I took that backhanded compliment in the spirit in which it was meant, if not given.

I was sure she wasn't Shadow Stalker, though. That particular teenaged hero had spent too many Saturday evenings doing public relations stunts with small children to be my best friend. The image of Sophia Hess reading books to seven year olds in the hospital was too absurd to contemplate. I'd made friends with her by punching her in the face, and we were close now, but would I trust her around small, helpless, impressionable children?

Gimme a-

The radio Sophia had brought with her turned on before I could finish that thought. "Emergency. Emergency. This is not a drill. A lone parahuman was spotted twenty miles East of center thirty minutes ago, and contact was made by patrol officers. Identity of the parahuman has been confirmed as S Class criminal Star Platinum. All SHH-ds are to SHHHZK."

The radio turned off, and Sophia set down her brick. "Anyone asks, and I was so excited that I knocked it over, and it fell off the table." She said.

"I don't like that gleam in your eye." I said, even as my heart began to race. "You know it was going to say that you shouldn't go after him."

Sophia had her backpack on the table, and was unlocking a secret compartment hidden in the bottom. Studiously, she sneered. "I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about."

"Well I can't let you go in alone. Star Platinum would just kill you too, along with whoever pissed him off and made him come here in the first place."

I reached for my power, and felt the familiar shape of my body begin to move, to shift.

To unravel.
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Due to an explosion, fire, gas leak, or other such situation (that may or may not even be related to the Wards and New Wave kids going there), Arcadia is temporarily closed for renovations, and the students are bused to other schools... including Winslow.

Sophia is neither stupid nor arrogant enough to think that there's any way to hide what she's been doing to Taylor. One or more Wards and/or NW kids are coming, and they're going to hear about the Locker, and investigate. If it had been before the locker incident, she could maybe have spun it in a way that wouldn't land her in juvie (probably not, but 'not that arrogant' is not the same as 'not arrogant at all'), but not anymore. She does a runner, possibly warning Emma first, and then the kids from Arcadia arrive, and things get awkward for Emma, Madison, and the lesser bullies.

Would be particularly amusing if Dennis ends up, in his civilian ID, being the hero in this, and starts dating Taylor - especially if it's after the bank job.
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Under the Bodhi Tree, by Merior
The world is Lying.

The Lie it tells you is "You are helpless". The lie is that there is nothing you can change things or matter in the end.

The Lie is that you do not really matter at all.

And, deep down, it's easy to accept it. That you are like that. That you can't do anything. That it's the fault of your upbringing, the government, the Endbringers, or God...

That it can't be your fault.

It is easier to die than to deeply, truly, accept and acknowledge that you can change things. Than to internalise that you are the master of your fate and so much of the world is your responsibility.

To accept that so much of what happens is something you let happen.

Yet you need to also acknowledge and accept that you are not a god. That you are not perfect. You need to see through the lie and know that while you can change things you must accept that you can not change everything.


That is when things can change.

That is when you would see through the Lie and realise that you can change the world.

That is when you've opened your eyes and Awakened.


Under the Bodhi Tree ( Worm / M:tA )

It's time to wake up Taylor, the world is waiting for you.


Author's Notes:
The above wasn't much of a start, but it was meant to be a "blurb" of sorts.

If I actually tried continuing this then I'd be dropping Taylor into a situation where she is an OCP who is using a mixture of the Ascensions/Awakening rules (leaning more towards the later). Initially she'd have, at most, one sphere/arcana at two dots and a few others at one which means that she'd have to work to leverage them properly. She'd have to learn what her limitations are, what her abilities were, and how those interacted with all the parahuman weirdness which is going on.

While this would likely be a story I can sort of see how it might work as a Quest instead, but then that would add yet another to my list of things to do... ^_^;
So. Someone in a thread mentioned "Disco Khepri" and I got stuck with the idea.

So Taylor's mother was still stuck in the Disco phase before she died, and all the good memories Taylor had of her involved Disco.

So when Taylor triggers, she finds that as long as she wants to, she can turn any situation to her favor as long as she starts singing Disco music. It's a Shaker/Breaker/Master combo power that allows her to change the area around her into a Disco stage, where everyone must start accompanying her show. During the show, nothing can harm her or the participants, and they never get tired either.

Lisa is seen once and then said "Fuck that. I'm out of this place." Jack takes a look at her and goes "Nope". Contessa is trying to get Taylor and Scion to meet so she can prevent the end of the world by teaching Scion the ultimate weapon: Disco.

Clockblocker commits temporal suicide upon finding that the world was save by Disco. Alexandria an Miss Militia resigns and hides themselves so they never meets Taylor and will never have to remember the insanity. Emma and Sophia is sent to a mental trauma ward after Taylor forced them to dance with her a week straight through all the combined Disco music all Earths had.

As for Coil... well, he actually liked Disco so he funded the "Help Disco Revival" program to get into Taylor's good grace.
Making people dance for a week is assault with a Paraje man ability and torture. The out of body experience is both highly traumatic and cruel I leven if you love disco. The stress can cause seizures and worse ruin music and dance for ever.
Larekko12 said:
Making people dance for a week is assault with a Paraje man ability and torture. The out of body experience is both highly traumatic and cruel I leven if you love disco. The stress can cause seizures and worse ruin music and dance for ever.

Well, it's revenge. Should Emma and Sophia actually be enjoying it? I did say they were sent to a trauma ward.
Adyen said:
Well, it's revenge. Should Emma and Sophia actually be enjoying it? I did say they were sent to a trauma ward.
But it's a way to catch a criminal charge and get normal Master paranoia and doombots sent after someone.

It also tarnishes the sanctity of Disco and insults her mother's memory for using the power for pure selfish evil.
Larekko12 said:
But it's a way to catch a criminal charge and get normal Master paranoia and doombots sent after someone.

It also tarnishes the sanctity of Disco and insults her mother's memory for using the power for pure selfish evil.

True. Maybe. Eh. It's not like it isn't something I thought of in 30 minutes.

And Disco!Taylor's power is so broken it can take a full hit from Scion's beam and not even flinch. In fact, Scion is affected by said power and spends the rest of his life surrounded by Disco music.
Huh. Anyone crossed Worm with Kill La Kill yet?
Adyen said:
Huh. Anyone crossed Worm with Kill La Kill yet?
A few.

I posted an idea for Case53!Ragyo!Taylor in Wormverse idea thread 22. Here it is:
So, I've had some thoughts about a Kill la Kill cross. Taylor is a Case 53, adopted at young age by Annette and Danny Hebert. I thought of making her a Ragyo expy in appearance and powers (but, not personality. Really, we don't want Worst Taylor) which gives her wonderful white and rainbow hair, a lightshow, (ominous) background music, (the later only when she is focused, and the former is affected by her focus too, but still always "on") a brute rating (Life Fiber Hybrid!) and the ability to create Life Fibers.

As her light is rather hard to miss, Taylor is well known in BB, similar to New Wave as she can't keep the fact that she's a parahuman secret. This led me to the idea that she probably knows Victoria, Amy, and the rest of New Wave. She is after all a cape parahuman with well-known identity and really, she probably has problems getting normal friends.

Not sure if she would know Emma. There's enough butterflies that she probably won't, on the other hand one could keep her anyway (but, again, probably not).

Tentative cape name: Spotlight

Also, I can't help but imagining her class having been handed out sunglasses by the school to protect their eyes from her glare. (Grue vs Spotlight. Fight!)

And then I lose speed. Friendship with Victoria and Amy. Going to Arcadia instead of Winslow. Contacts with the Wards (a member? or is she with New Wave?). She can't be a villain, 'cause really? She would be identified pretty much immediately. But what then?

Also, I can imagine Taylor following "Glory Girl" out on patrol, but her light accidentally warning the crooks and preventing the duo from finding anything.

Link to original post: http://forums.spacebattles.com/posts/13370699

Gideon020 has posted a few snippets of a Worm/Kill la Kill cross as have GorgonEyed, It's Called Borrowing ze~, Lavanya Six, Missingnoleader and Sage_Of_Eyes (ctrl + f "Kill la Kill" in Yog's Index and you'll find them).
Alternate universe where absolutely everyone that learns about Skitter's power instantly decides that they cannot take her and run away, surrender, or otherwise try to avoid the fight. Taylor, of course, is the only one wondering what in the world is up with everyone. After all, she's not THAT scary, is she?
Navrin said:
Alternate universe where absolutely everyone that learns about Skitter's power instantly decides that they cannot take her and run away, surrender, or otherwise try to avoid the fight. Taylor, of course, is the only one wondering what in the world is up with everyone. After all, she's not THAT scary, is she?

I'm envisioning a world in which everyone except Taylor time-travelled back from after Gold Morning.
Shortly after Sarah Livesy arrives in Brockton Bay and starts calling herself 'Lisa', possibly even before she's on Coil's radar, she witnesses a girl being bullied outside a mall. As the bullies leave, the girl turns to stare at a building, and the Inference Engine tells its host that she's trying to work out if the building is tall enough to kill her instantly if she jumped off the roof, or if she'd suffer more, first. Lisa immediately decides to cheer the girl up, and they become friends.

It should not surprise the reader that the girl's name is Taylor Hebert.

Some time thereafter, Lisa disappears, having been kidnapped by Coil, and having decided to protect Taylor by cutting ties, without telling her anything that could make her depressed again.

Taylor, of course, isn't going to just accept her new best friend just mysteriously vanishing like that. Unfortunately, the police don't care about the disappearance of some random homeless girl, and somebody could be doing horrible things to Lisa RIGHT NOW and Taylor needs to sa-





-ve her.

... and now she can.

Not sure what power Taylor gets from this, but something Tinker-related should be possible. Whatever it is, it should be something she can munchkin into really scary crazy-awesome stuff.
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"Now hold still as I bring out the figure hidden deep within!" Panacea ordered.

Vista stared at her new body. "I don't look that different."

"There wasn't much to bring out."

"Huh. So this is my full figure?"


"So it's..."

"All downhill from here."

Vista let out a despondent sigh. "Like Taylor..."

"I don't know who this Taylor is, but she sounds aggravating."

Blatantly ripped off of inspired by DBZ Abridged and one of Ack's stories.

Might eventually flesh this out with some prose, but it's not flowing at the moment.
For a while I have this idea in mind: a cross between Worm and Code Geass.

Because Lelouch's Geass in Worm is the greatest nightmare possible, even greater than Taylor's end-game powers. Master 10.

There are two directions: one is for someone (it doesn't have to be Taylor) to gets Lelouch's Geass as Shard, but the high villain-potential of it means that most good guys will never use it and almost all bad guys would be invincible with it.

The second (I think I was drunk at the time) is to have an amnesiac Lelouch appearing in the Worm universe and be found by the Slaughterhouse Nine. Yes, imagine someone with Lulu's intellect and his Geass, taught to be a serial killer. Seems like a perfect arch-nemesis for Taylor, ne?
Alexander said:
For a while I have this idea in mind: a cross between Worm and Code Geass.

Because Lelouch's Geass in Worm is the greatest nightmare possible, even greater than Taylor's end-game powers. Master 10.

There are two directions: one is for someone (it doesn't have to be Taylor) to gets Lelouch's Geass as Shard, but the high villain-potential of it means that most good guys will never use it and almost all bad guys would be invincible with it.

The second (I think I was drunk at the time) is to have an amnesiac Lelouch appearing in the Worm universe and be found by the Slaughterhouse Nine. Yes, imagine someone with Lulu's intellect and his Geass, taught to be a serial killer. Seems like a perfect arch-nemesis for Taylor, ne?

Eh, Lelouch's power is already in Worm. Valefor can give commands to anyone he locks eyes with, including forgetting that he gave them. And I he's not limited to one command per person.
And he can command them forever after until he specifically drops the control. He is not limited in the number of people he can command.
Short version: the only reason Valefor didn't own the world after triggering was that he was a moron.

I've been kicking around the idea of a crossover bringing in a couple of OCs of mine, one of whom has a Master power even more terrifying than that. But not by much.
Don't Look!, by Merior
"You can't keep me here, you know?

I mean, eventually someone is gonna notice that I'm gone and they'll start to look and then where will you be? Up shit creek without a paddle, won't you, eh?

I can feel you in the back of my head just now so quit it, will you? Pushin' and pushin' and pushin' like that's not gonna get you anywhere now that I know what you're up to. Not like how you got me into this damned cage in the first place!

Look, everyone dies and it's not my fault!

I know it don't make it any better, that it don't help, but dead is dead and they were criminal sorts weren't they. I might not watch the news, but I heard what got said and I heard things where people don't think that anyone is listening.

Come on, just open this thing up and let me out?

I mean those 'Undersider' people are dead you know I saw the bodies and one when I see one when I see one. The black guy, the girl with those nice looking eyes, the girl with the dogs, the pretty boy, and even...


Yeah, even her. The one in the middle of it all, the one why that big ol' hero type had to go get rid of the others, because of her. Had to come down on things 'cause she showed up everything and had to protect the reputation.

No! It's not that I agree at all! I just know how that sort of stuff goes when someone causes too much trouble. Trouble which is just small stuff compared to what you're getting into now.

There's RULES about this all. There have to be and I ain't someone in charge. I just got a job to do, to fetch and carry, so why'd you pick on me? I mean I-


You're one of those cape types, don't you want to be a hero? How is this being a hero? It's not being one at all, right? I mean, if you know about me then you know there's not anything I can do. Not without reason. Done is done, dead is dead, and gone is gone for fucks' sake!


Okay, okay, okay get it. Say something, will you? You want me to look for her, but she's not around here anyone. And you heard one of the stories, one of the tales, so started looking until you found me?

Then don't you know that I can't just do what you want? That here's got to be something there, something more, and...

You want me to listen? Just listen? Then you'll let me go? Really?

I can do that.

I mean, I'm not promising anything, but you just need to... I mean...

...oh god, I can hear her. I can hear her and she's alone and it's horrible and I gotta go. I need to go, please? She's crying, crying and it won't stop, and she's screaming and it won't let her go.

I need to go get her.

I'm not lying, not having you on, so just open this damn door so I can help.



He stepped back from the small cage and, wordlessly, watched as the black feathered bird stepped out. It tested its wings briefly, glanced towards him, then hopped off the window sill. He watched, through his own eyes and that of the other birds, as it soared up and up and somehow kept going up beyond the sky.

In the back of his head, right up until it vanished, he almost tasted the trail it could follow. He could almost hear that sound which wasn't a sound. He could feel as it orientated on distant screams that no other bird could hear.

Aiden remembered how it should have been and, softly, he spoke the words which he had once been told.

"People once believed that, when someone dies, a crow carries their soul to the land of the dead. But sometimes, something so bad happens that a terrible sadness is carried with it and the soul can't rest. Then sometimes, just sometimes, the crow can bring that soul back to put the wrong things right..."


"Don't Look!"
Worm / The Crow


Author's Note: Because if Alexandria hadn't been bluffing nor as easily taken down...
Interesting snip, though I'm unfamiliar with the crossover.
I actually got an idea that I wanted someone else to explore.

This links back to the Original idea thread I started and someone mentioned what if I took the idea (traveling back in time within your lifetime) and applied to fanfics?

So I thought to myself: What would happen if Khirpi (right as Contessa shoots her) gets sent back in time as Sophia Hess when she triggers (per canon)?

We know Sophia triggered way earlier than Taylor, and before she met Emma. SHE also knows that she(Taylor) only triggered due to the bullying from Sophia and Emma, and they only defeated Scion due to her(Taylor) triggering.

Does she continue to act as Sophia and make her(Taylor) life a living hell? Will she start getting sympathetic to Sophia's situation? How big of a mess can she make and how much evil can she stand to let by in the name of defeating Scion?
Random story idea: Marquis and Amelia Claire Lavere (parahuman name unknown) work together to defeat Nilbog without letting him kill anybody else or doing it themselves.

I'd imagine that one of their more important weapons would be Amelia's custom-bacteria that rapidly consume biomass and convert as much as possible into something unusable to Nilbog.
alethiophile said:
Interesting snip, though I'm unfamiliar with the crossover.
Well, as it said, it was "The Crow" (specifically the graphic novel) which was mangled a bit. Although I seem to have accidentally put in a side order of another character and made the crow rather more... talkative in this case. Even if it might be that only Aiden could understand it at all.

As for what happens next... It'd be interesting. Taylor would be coming back.
Dinah, perhaps because she had a friend to talk to, is far more proactive with avoiding horrible fates. For example, she might send Coil a postcard with the message "99.997653636% chance you're dead within twenty years if you kidnap me. 32.632672489% chance you're still alive if you do not."

I'd most love to see her joining the Guild after convincing Coil to give her the Undersiders (Skitter included) to combat S-Class threats. (78.631677821% chance you're alive in twenty years if you give me the Undersiders) and them spending time together, recruiting people that would be useful, crushing the Slaughterhouse 9 before they can ramp up dramatically, and all around doing everything they can to save the world and doing it properly.

Lisa + Dinah could probably convince a lot of people to help them by making it clear that their odds of achieving what they want (themselves safe, their families happy, whatever) if they join them.
Navrin said:
Lisa + Dinah could probably convince a lot of people to help them by making it clear that their odds of achieving what they want (themselves safe, their families happy, whatever) if they join them.
Lisa+Dinah+time are pretty much 'Brute Force Path to Victory', so yeah.

It's a story I'd like to read.
One of the members of the Protectorate or the PRT is Missy's nephew/niece (and, of course, notably older than her) and the two of them have fun with it: teasing each other, confusing/surprising other people, etc. Said person might even be a second-gen cape from Missy's shard due to it deciding to buck the general trend.
Exalted idea: Sarah Livesy is just in time to witness her brother commit suicide, but too late to prevent it. Rather than triggering, what she thinks is a strange cape offers her a deal for power, and she Exalts as an Infernal (probably a Defiler or Fiend, though going off-type could be interesting). She's still roughly the same person she was at that point, though with different powers, and likely still ends up in Brockton Bay, though she might not end up with the Undersiders, or if she does, is recruited in a different manner (pointing guns at an Infernal isn't going to be nearly as useful as doing the same to a squishy Thinker). She still has Preventing Suicide as an important Motivation/Urge, and still meets Taylor at some point, but she has rather more options when it comes to helping her.
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Ever since that one snippet Ryuugi made where the Undersiders ran away from Gold Morning and met some demons, I've seen Tattletale as a Defiler with TED as a favoured Yozi. She likes to needle people, but she applies herself much more broadly to understanding and uncovering secrets.

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