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Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

I am certainly an enormous fan of Emberverse anything. I'm not sure how the metaphysics match up, though; Worm is an explicitly materialist universe with Clarketech monsters, while Emberverse is explicitly spiritualist with gods and (functional) demons. Plus if the Powers in Emberverse could agree to work the Change in order to fix the bad outcomes there, they sure-as-hell could agree to team up and roflstomp the Entities whenever they showed up. Since that was well before the actual date of the Change, if anything I'd expect it all just to be folded into one event -- after the Change powers would find themselves not working anymore, due to the shards and Entities having suffered a terminal case of "physics no longer supports your existence".
My idea to make sense of the Powers that be is that since they are the collective metaphysical will and Mind of humanity,they can't turn off the Entities influence because they are multidimensional aliens and Scions true body is not on earth.the Powers that be only have a say on what happens on earth.they would have thought it worked, but to their surprise and terror it did not.because they had assumed that Scion was truly on earth.Because they only have human knowledge to work with.To make sense of the spiritual aspect of the Emberverse, the laws of physics are so broken that compared to to the Wormverse that it's metaphorically trying to put Humpty Dumpty Back together so earth doesn't become a blackhole. the gods and demons are the Powers that be at war with itself.Also because Taylor lives in what was called the state of New Hampshire there wont be anyone contact with cast of the Emberverse because is on the other side of what was called The protectorate.

i added the song for irony.
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Small idea from a comment in a fic about Vista twisting the boundary of space. It should be fairly obvious where I am going with this, Vista has Yukari's power from Touhou.

It would need to be nerfed a little bit because as written it's disgustingly OP even by Touhou terms but the thought of Vista gapping around and even having it subconscious for sleep-gapping amuses me.
Idea: Parahuman powers are explicitly more powerful the more confident they are in themselves and what they're trying to do instead of boosting their aggression and other psychological manipulations. There will be many of the same results... parahumans would tend to not get along with each other, they would conflict repeatedly when their goals conflicted and they would have strong incentive not to even acknowledge the possibility that they're wrong in some way. (Now, if they were being sane about it they would also have incentive to think very, very carefully about whether this is something they actually want to do and if it's something they SHOULD want to do, but that's rather unlikely)

There are a lot of other effects of this. Those that allow their powers to become weaker can largely get away with it, Vista would probably be a LOT weaker until she became genuinely confident, would encourage parahumans to act as leaders even more, and much more.

Attacking another person's confidence would also be an even more reliable tactic given the power weakening capabilities and this could easily go in a NSFW direction, though that's something I have less than no interest in.

Actually that's what I was referring to. Poor Dennis is the single most traumatized Ward in the entire city. First he walks in one his lovable, adorable little teammate sleeping calmly whilst seemingly dismembered, then he accidentally hit on Sophia and...he repressed that experience again, and now he has to deal with Skitter and Tattletale's knowing smirk as she calmly dissects him and his numerous phobias he has developed since joining the Wards. Truly to be Clockblocker is suffering.
A Dimensional Stroll (Worm/MtG) Prologue, by Jack of Olives
Crossposted from Sufficient Velocity.

And yes; I should probably be working on my other stories, but my muse wouldn't let this one go.

Yes, I know it's been done before; that's never stopped my muse before (or fanfiction for that matter). So without further ado:

A Dimensional Stroll (Worm/MtG)

Prologue: Nowhere Near Kansas

Taylor woke with a start.

The first thing she noticed was that this was not her despoiled locker. Looking around to try and get her bearings, she noticed that she was lying on some kind of hexagonal stone pedestal or alter.

She had a moment of panic at the thought that she'd been kidnapped by some sort of cult, before noticing that there was no one else around.

She was standing in some sort of shrine, from the looks of it. There was no ceiling, and she could see the full-moon directly overhead, which illuminated where she was lying. Strangely enough, despite it being January (and apparently nighttime), the temperature was comfortable.

She coaxed her body into a sitting position, feeling surprisingly good considering the ordeal she remembered.

Looking at her surroundings, she noticed that the shrine itself was pentagonal in shape. If she had to guess, she'd say that the whole place was maybe 50 feet in diameter. Standing in front of each wall was a statue holding an orb about the size of a grapefruit, each one glowing a different color. She couldn't really make out any details from where she sat, but the statues seemed to be... calling to her, somehow.

Shaking her head, she Hopped down from the alter. She was half convinced that this was some sort of dream, and that she was still trapped in the locker. Still, a dream is better than going back to that hell. Curious, and having nothing better to do, she walked over to where the statue holding the White orb was.

As she got close, she began to make out the features of the Statue. At first she thought it was a statue of her mother as an angel (complete with the wings) and dressed in some sort of armored robe, but it was off, somehow. It wasn't until she was standing directly in front of it that she realized that it wasn't her mother's image, but hers. Older somehow, and smiling serenely at her in a way that reminded her almost painfully of her mother, and beautiful in a way she couldn't describe, but definitely herself. One arm held a shield, while the other held the orb out for her.

Behind the statue was a beautiful mural of gently rolling plains, that seemed so incredibly lifelike she almost felt that she could feel the gentle breeze coming off the field, bringing the smell of the golden grass with it.

Turning to the orb, she began to understand. The statue was offering her power. The power that this statue offered was that of protection and order, and to a lesser extent: light, equality, justice, healing, honor, peace, righteousness, and law.

Taylor couldn't help a small bitter feeling welling up inside of her (and oddly echoed from where the dark purplish orb was). Peace and justice had been denied to her for so long, yet her before her was practically the physical embodiment of her dreams of heroism. Her heart ached with mixed emotions as she looked at the softly glowing golden-white orb before her.

She forced herself to turn around and look at something else. Looking towards where the green statue was, she began making her way over to it.

The mural on this wall was a breathtaking forest, teeming with life. Taylor could almost hear the rustling of the leaves and the sounds of animals.

The statue was once again of an older version of herself, but instead of an angel, this one looked like some form of elf. Her ears were pointed in an obvious fashion, and was holding a spear in one hand, while offering the orb in the other. Her outfit seemed to be made out of animal hides sewn together, and on her face was a feral grin, full of confidence. A part of Taylor idly wished that she could have such confidence in herself.

Much like the white one, the green orb was offering her power. It offered her the power of life and nature, and with it: primal might, instinct, evolution, kinship with great beasts and plants, and the order of nature.

Taylor hadn't been out in the wild much (summer-camp that fateful year that Emma turned against her being the extent of her practical experience), but she knew enough to know that Nature was about survival of the fittest. Even with the ability to run in a pack, she wasn't sure she was comfortable with that kind of lifestyle.

Deciding to continue her circle of the room, she began making her way over to the red orb.

The mural on this wall was of a group of rugged mountains standing proud against the elements. The whole thing had a sort of energy to it, and she half expected to hear the howling of the wind as it blew through the cliffs.

As she expected, statue was her and as different as the others. This one seemed to be standing straight up, looking forward with her expression defiant. Her hair appeared to be made out of fire, and her skin was speckled with what looked like pebbles growing out of it. She was clad in light-armor that looked like it had been through it's share of battle. In her right hand appeared to be holding an orb of fire, in the other, the red orb was held out for Taylor to take.

The orb offered her freedom and chaos. It offered passion, creativity, fury, and the raw power of fire, lightning and earth. In it she saw herself free from the chains of school, free of the shackles that society had pressed upon her, free to express herself like she once did.

Taylor almost cried at the sheer amount of emotions running through her as she gazed upon the red orb. If the white orb signified everything she aspired to be, then this one was the embodiment of everything she desired to be. She once again forced herself away from the orb.

The black orb was next.

The mural on this wall appeared to be of a dark swamp, dank and dreary, but with a dark beauty to it.

The statue of her was clad in a dress that seemed to hug her curves in just the right way to give her a seductive appearance without going into the 'slutty' territory. In fact, her entire posture seemed to ooze temptation in a way that

Taylor couldn't help but envy. The only thing unusual about her appearance were the two fangs that peaked out from under her upper lip. She held the orb enticingly in one hand, while the other held a dagger that, upon closer inspection, seemed to be carved to look like a drop of something was dripping from the end.

The orb's deep-violet glow seemed to tease her. It offered her dark power, to corrupt and destroy those who would go against her, great power as long as she was willing to pay the price for it. Power enough to destroy all that would threaten her and what's hers. Power that could destroy the Endbringers themselves.

Taylor wrenched herself away from the orb and forced herself to take a number of deep breaths. Despite having 'Bad Idea' written all over it, she couldn't help but long for that power. The power to make a those who hurt her suffer, and to take what should be hers and-

Shaking her head, she forces herself to continue walking to the last orb.

The mural by the blue orb was of an idyllic island. At first glance, everything about it seemed fairly simple, but as she stared, she noticed hundreds of little details hidden in the work that the artist must have hidden in. Despite this, she could almost feel the salty wind off the ocean and the call of a gull.

Once again, the statue was of her. The difference in this one was that she appeared to have fins on her arms and legs, and upon closer inspection, had fins where her ears would be and unobtrusive gills on her neck. She was clad in a simple robe, that had been tied in such a way that it would not tangle up if she were to go swimming in it. The statue was giving a slight knowing-smile that Taylor would favorably compare to the one on the Mona Lisa. In one hand, she held a book that was slightly open, as if she'd been reading it. The other hand almost reverently offered her the blue orb.

The blue orb did not offer her power in the form of reason and trickery. It offered her knowledge, intellect, and the ability to confound and outsmart her foes. A part of Taylor couldn't help but flash back to her mother's lessons about the importance of a good eduction and the ability of humans to use our brain to solve any problem. How 'Knowledge is Power'.

Taking a step backward, Taylor turns around and begins walking back to where the alter is, as if in a trance. Sitting there on top of it were the 5 orbs, each arranged in their respective corner.

And Taylor Understood.


Taylor woke once again in a place she didn't recognize.

She was lying in a simple bed with rougher sheets than she was used to, the room was made out of stone, and she didn't see a lamp or light fixture anywhere. The only illumination was coming from the window.

Climbing out of bed (idly noting the simple nightgown she was in) she walked over to the window and looked around.

In her shocked state, her mind couldn't help but wander to that old quote from the Wizard of Oz.

Yes, nowhere near Kansas.


Author's note: for those of you wondering, she ended up in Innistrad.

Also, I really need to get a beta, one of these days.
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General power reputations are exceptionally different. Human masters are considered to be the best heroes because they can reliably win a fight that they enter without collateral damage and with minimal trauma to all involved. Biokinetics are widely celebrated as some of the greatest heroes of Earth Bet. Tinkers and brutes, however, have a reputation for villainy, excessive force, and causing WAY too much collateral damage.

For this to have happened, obviously things have to be different. Alexandria and Hero didn't exist, at least as positive examples. The same people might have, but they developed different powers or acted differently. Nilbog didn't happen, but maybe something similar happened with a tinker. Heartbreaker never happened.
General power reputations are exceptionally different. Human masters are considered to be the best heroes because they can reliably win a fight that they enter without collateral damage and with minimal trauma to all involved. Biokinetics are widely celebrated as some of the greatest heroes of Earth Bet. Tinkers and brutes, however, have a reputation for villainy, excessive force, and causing WAY too much collateral damage.

For this to have happened, obviously things have to be different. Alexandria and Hero didn't exist, at least as positive examples. The same people might have, but they developed different powers or acted differently. Nilbog didn't happen, but maybe something similar happened with a tinker. Heartbreaker never happened.
My biggest objection to this is that people tend to find mind control damn scary, so you'd need a lot of development, and probably a whole lot of PtVing, to make it plausible.
The orb's deep-violet glow seemed to tease her. It offered her dark power, to corrupt and destroy those who would go against her, great power as long as she was willing to pay the price for it. Power enough to destroy all that would threaten her and what's hers. Power that could destroy the Endbringers themselves.
Go for it Taylor! Black is the best color ever! The only way to make it better is by using a bit of green too.
Time for Tea? 0.1 (Worm/Doctor Who), by akitsu91
Time for Tea? 0.1 (Worm/Doctor Who)

Two species occupy the world's landmass, primitive they cluster with their own forming tentative societies. Precariously the societies teeter, conflict between the two sparking at simple matters.


Shards and hosts are selected, covertly passengers are hidden on uninhabited worlds away from hosts.

Entering the entities trail a multitude of shards as the red planet approaches, the twelfth from the systems star.

War again reigns as shards and host meet in bloody conflict, glancing at the future the entity is confused, the events unfolding are happening wrong. Radiation is increasing exponentially and the inhabitant's biology changing rapidly as a species.


Nudge or with force the future predictions shifted without a visible source, corrections to the systems yielding more failure. Unchecked devastation covers the planet as lethal radiation for the inhabitants bombards the social centres, the second species has begun purposely accelerating the biological mutation, encasing their forms in metal shells. Shells build for war.


Damage to barriers to the shards worlds, only minute piercing but enough to penetrate, distracts the entity from the threat to the cycle. Death of the hosts is preferable to leaving the mystery affect unexplored.


Precedent from long ago memories, forces acting from outside the sun's gravity well could affect it so.

Counterpart agrees.

On one and none dimensions a blue vehicle appears on the twelfth planet's surface, bipedal dual cardiovascular the species approaches the ones who have entrapped themselves in technology. They are a technological species, turning the entity granted technology against the shard carriers.

As the blue machine disappears, the entity undoes the trap the creature had set for the hosts, residual electricity generated by the metallic city again powers the hosts.

Shaken they now look to the stars, fear of the outsiders rages in their hearts.


The Daleks spread, the shards fat with information. Other races fall to the entity's granted technology, diminished the duo cannot connect to the other species of the galaxy, however, a signal is sent calling for its fellows.


Faint, the pair can determine the entrance of others of their kind. Tirelessly they search for the cause of the future obscuration, hints and teasing facts come from the blue and green planet. Countless invasions are repelled by the blue box.


Changes are occurring, planets and starts destroyed are whole again. Events that Entities witnessed have been scoured from the galaxy. Intervention from the precognition disturbance possibly the source. Each time the Daleks have been limited, set back by the changes in the past. As they rebound their technology grows more fierce, instead of two planets destroyed they destroyed the sun. Growing beyond what they were given, taking what they knew to new limits.


Shards returning are older than they should be, diagnostics have them connected for centuries or millennium.


Something is very wrong damage is propagating to the shards they are being unmade, there knowledge erased.


The cycle had been compromised, war raged across the galaxy nightmare made flesh consumed worlds and history whole and were themselves unmade in the blink of an eye. Entities screamed as their mass was halved a century ago, then remade as if it had never been destroyed.

Their original hosts encased in the entities technology now manipulated the very fabric of time as they waged war with Gods across time itself. Scars began to burn into history, entire species unmade, survivors fleeing through distorted Chronal doorways.



A/N: A reboot of sorts of my previous Worm/Dr who cross.
Um... Would anyone mind commenting on my last snip? I appreciate the likes but they aren't a very reliable way to know if people found it good or just decent.

Pretty please?

Edit: removed URL because NSFW... wrong sub-forum.
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ArnaudB Wrong thread, I think, considering this is the SFW Worm Ideas Thread and your link goes to the NSFW Worm Ideas Thread.
The Scourge of Brockton Bay. a Worm/Exalted Crackfic, by Jack of Olives
AN: Because why sleep when I can write?

And no, I will never let the Worm/Exalted crossovers die!

The Scourge of Brockton Bay. a Worm/Exalted Crackfic

Prologue: Freedom Lets Go

Five days ago Winslow High had been cordoned off by the PRT.

The incident had officially started when several students and teachers had reported strange harp-like music playing in the hallway before suddenly going silent. When a teacher went to check, they discovered a strange object in front of the locker of one Taylor Hebert. It appeared to be a cocoon-like object made out of hardened hair and large enough to fit a human inside.

Needless to say, the school was quickly evacuated and an investigation began. The open locker behind the cocoon was found to contain toxic waste and elements of someone struggling inside. The only student found missing was the owner of the locker itself.

For five long days, there was speculation; on the news, online, and merely word of mouth. What horrors could the cocoon contain? Would this be some sort of horrible, Crawler-esque cape that would burst forth to wreak havoc on the unsuspecting citizens of Brockton Bay? Would a new Endbringer hatch to do the same? Would any of Taylor Hebert's Humanity remain?

Finally, on the fifth day almost exactly 125 hours since its appearance, the cocoon began to crack and light began to stream out of it. The PRT guards and Assault (who had up until this point been relaxing and playing an exciting game of texas hold-em) scrambled for their foam sprayers.

As the cocoon finally gave way, there stood Taylor Hebert; nude, but looking mostly unchanged and causing the air around her to glow like some sort of demented Christmas-rave.

"Huh, well; that was a thing." She mumbled to herself as she stretched her limbs, a bit stiff from so long in one position. Looking over at the PRT troopers. "Hey guys. Um... I don't suppose anyone has some clothes I could borrow?"

The heroic troops relaxed; thinking that the danger was over.

Little did they realize that they would have likely been safer with an Endbringer.


An exhausted Armsmaster walked into Piggot's office late Saturday evening. "We've completed our testing of Miss Hebert's powers." He said with his usual lack of social grace; as he handed her the report. "Our Preliminary analysis is Mover 3, Brute 1, Breaker 2, Thinker 4, Striker 2, and Stranger 3."

Piggot paused in pursuing the report as Armsmaster listed the last rating to regard him with a look normally reserved for people claiming the Earth was flat and the Endbringers were merely trying to help humanity. "A Stranger rating? You want to give the girl who's glow can be seen from the other side of the city and leaves the surrounding area warped while she's doing it a Stranger rating? It took almost half an hour before her glowing subsided to the point that she was no longer visible from orbit."

"Yes ma'am. She has the abillity to almost completely negate any sound she could make and can extend it to a radius around her."

"But she glows." It should be noted that Emily Piggot wasn't normally this cranky (reputation aside) but she'd been having a particularlly tough weak due to a combination of finding out one of their wards was a vicious little psychopath (yeah, they weren't really paying attention there), her failing health, and a Korean telemarketer that would not stop calling her wherever she was. "What's the point of being silent if you glow like the fourth of July whenever you use your powers? We might as well hire ninjas wearing bright orange."

"Actually, in the proper lighting conditions an ora-" He stopped mid sentence as he noticed his boss getting a little mad. Of course, since this is Armsmaster we're talking about (the man who won the Mr. Oblivious award for 2007, 2008 and 2010 {Eidolon somehow managed to win the 2009 competition, but he'd made an amazing comeback last year}), this means that Piggot was close to triggering with the power to melt people into goo using her gaze (thankfully for Armsmaster's continued well-being, Piggot's passenger was trying to wait for the 'best possible time' to grant her his wonderful gift).

"Ahem, that is: she only glows when she uses her powers too much, and even then, she can force herself not to. It's all documented on page 37, third paragraph from the bottom."

Emily visibly took a minute to calm herself down.

Then another.

"Okay. Continue." She ordered

"Miss Hebert has the ability to run at 28 miles per hour for extended periods of time without tiring, along with the ability to run along almost any solid surface while doing so. She is also capable of jumping 12 feet into the air from a standing start and much more when running. She seems to have a natural affinity for weapons, and can use her powers to make herself super-humanly good at usuing them. She has a sixth sense for when she's about to be attacked, and while running can briefly enter a state where attacks phase right through her, although she's expressed that it takes a lot of 'energy' to do so. Finally, she's show the ability to make melee weapons disappear from her person, only to reappear when she goes to use them."

"So, a grab-bag cape themed around running?"

"For the most part, there are..." Noting the look on his boss' face again, Armsmaster decide to spare her blood-pressure by continuing on with his report. "-some changes that were made to her personality as well. Despite the year and a half of bullying, Miss hebert seems to be in surprisingly good cheer that our thinkers and my equipment believe to not be faked. She has expressed that she holds no grudge against her bullies and does not intend to demand any restitution."

Piggot boggled at that. A cape that wasn't holding a grudge? And about her trigger event? Such a thing was unheard of. "Did she have anything to say to explain her... disposition?"

"When asked, she simply gave a three-word answer that all of us believe sounds like a quote of some sort."

"Which is?"

"'Freedom lets go.'"
So, how long until they just give her a Trump: Yes rating?

Interesting snip, and I plan on reading at least most of what you write. Thank you for this snip and all the rest you've produced.

Personally, I think the Exalted are one of the less interesting parts of the setting, with an exception for Alchemicals because they're awesome. (This may or may not be mostly because of Alchemical Quest) The gods seem to have a more interesting dynamic and aren't so ludicrously powerful, which is neat. Possibly also shaped by another great fic.

Thank you to all the writers and everyone that has provided help to them.
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im hope'in that with a smaller (and more dedicated) base my plot bunnys might be noticed and not burryed and forgotten so here is a list of the ones i had a while back copy pasted from sb and sv

they run newest to oldest as you can see i lost hope quickly when the only response i got to any of them was on my inappropriate use of case 53 (the brackets be my ninja edit to satisfy the critic)

Taylor as a xenomorph in worm... hmmm not a bad story idea to bad i suck at story crafting..

(fair warning sleep deprived post) taylor with quicksilver's power from xmen days of future past

My dear writers something horrible has happened to i have been traped with a rabid plot bunny so here i am throwing it at you people in hopes it eats your face instead of mine.
Taylor triggers as a tinker and her specialization is augmentations (deus ex, halo, capitan America serum, and the like) enjoy reading this post and having this plot bunny naw at you instead of me.

It seems that the plot bunny just wont leave me be because i posted a prompt containing one plot bunny and lo and behold another strikes me today a little over a day later (i think my sleep
schedule is weird) so i again throw it at you in hopes it will gnaw you to nothing instead of me
Tinker!Taylor Dead Space Style! And i can Explain the rig in Worm context! Its a kind of stabilizer that repairs the body if that's your thing if not mhe!

ahh my first true post and sadly for all of you it is a rabid plot bunny i chuck at any aspiring or already well of writers! a cross challenge as it were of Taylor triggering as a case 53 (a monstrous cape but not an actual case 53 but that is what ppl will call her) as the collector general from mass effect 2 with Taylor being the harbinger like power and the body having the bonus power of making
the collector drones (how it dose this is up to you) now HAVE AT THEE *throws the rabid snarling plot bunny and runs*
You'll find you have more response when you include a small scenario to go with it. What about the bunny caught your attention? What situation is Xenomorph!Taylor dealing with? How is Tinker!Taylor dealing with various tinker problems?

Once you come up with a general idea, like Xenomorph!Taylor debating if the E88 capes are bad enough that she won't feel guilty using them as hosts for her face-huggers, take that thought and expand it in your mind. What prompted this debate? Is she compelled to by her power or did they piss her off somehow? Does she use standard xenomorph reproduction or is it an AU where the host can survive, badly traumatized but alive, if she is careful?

Once you have a scene in your mind, get it typed up. It doesn't have to be story quality, I usually aim for halfway between IKEA instruction manual and story quality as best I can, but you want to have an author see the scene in their mind as they read it. If you can spark their imagination as they read your idea it's much more likely you will have someone use your idea rather than a one line idea.
For Justice 1, by volantredx
New little snip I had on SB. Crossposting here because I'm desperate for attention.

For Justice


The service had been over for long time but I still hadn't left my seat. I was the only one still in the big attendance hall, most people left at the end of the service. I stayed though. I could feel a few bugs in the area, flies in the windows, and spiders in the vents. Distantly my power picked at that back of my head but I ignored it. There was no fight here. If there was one safe place in this city the PRT building would be it.

I shifted slightly in my seat, the dress I had for the occasion wasn't the warmest. Still I stayed. It was nice to get away from the crowds. It was almost a week since Leviathan hit Brockton Bay, and still there must have been dozens of out town heroes here. I suppose after today most will leave. The memorial won't be finished for awhile yet. Today was a way to honor the fallen heroes privately. Most of the names I hadn't heard before today, a few of the local heroes I could dimly recall. One name stood out though.

Shadow Stalker.

Sophia Hess.

My hands balled up thinking of it, a flash of something like anger flashed in my mind. Just a quickly though it vanished.
I was so spaced out that I didn't hear the footsteps until they were right next to me. Jumping slightly at the intruder I could feel my power reach out at what bugs there was to have. Forcing myself to calm down I reminded myself that I knew him. The red hair was at the very least distinct. Clockblocker, or Dennis now I tried to remind myself.

"Hey," he greeted with a forced casualness. Out of all the Wards he was the one who hid he's issues about my betrayal.

I mumbled a greeting in return. I really wasn't up for talking. Still he seemed determined to talk.

"The others were starting to wonder where you were." He told me as he sat down next to me. I doubt the others cared where I was. Unless they thought I was in the midst of some evil scheme.

We sat in silence for a bit, then Cloc-Dennis started up again. "What are you still doing here anyway?"



I gave him a shrug in return. He sighed at that.

"Look I know that things have been shit after what happened, but you got to start treating us like a team. I know we're not going to be best buds but if we're gonna have each others backs you can't keep us at arms length."

I...hadn't thought about it that way. It had been a long time since I could open up to people. Even back with the others I had to make sure to keep half of myself hidden. To maintain cover. What a joke that was.

"Whatever," Dennis muttered starting to get up. "I tried."

"Sophia," I hadn't realized I said that out loud until Dennis sat back down with a questioning look on his face.


"I knew her," the words came slowly. "From before all this. Before I was a...a cape. We went to school. I hated her. Her and her friends would do...things to me. Made my life hell. And now I find out that whole time she was a hero. It pisses me off. To think she was like me.
Better even, because she didn't make the same mistakes. And now no one will care what she was. What she did. For the rest of the world she's going to be remembered as a hero. Someone who died to save people. I, I just can't take it. I hate more than ever. But..."

I stop, my eyes stinging. I've wrinkled my dress balling the fabric up in my hands. Dennis is openly staring. After a moment he prompts me, "but what?".

"I keep seeing her mom and brother's face from today. How hurt they were. I know what it's like to lose someone you love. So when I think about her and I get mad, I remember that someone out there loved her and now she's gone, and how much that hurts. It makes me feel, I don't know, cold inside. Thinking that I hate someone whose dead and left people. Makes me wonder what that says about me. The kind of person I really am deep down. That I can't let this hate go."

If you asked me later I couldn't tell you what made me spill my guts like that. It felt good. To be open like that. Still all it did was replace the ten pound weight in my stomach with a five pound one. The silence came again. It looked like Dennis was about to say something before stopping himself.

"You want to know something?" He finally asked. I nodded. "I hated her too."

Of all the things he could have said I'd never would have thought that.

"Not as much as you, and even some of the others would have better reason to, but I did. I hated her. She was a bitch. Like big time hall of fame bitch. I hear people tell me she was this big hero, the same way they talk about Carlos or Dean. I just want to laugh at them. I want to tell them about all the times she called Chris a retard or about the times she stole Vista's stuff." He shook his head and gave a bitter chuckle. "But it's like death wiped that away for everyone. If I said that people would think I'm the asshole. Everyone wants to act like everyone that died is some saint. Like being an asshole is fine if you go out swinging."

Now it was my turn to stare. I never thought she'd be like that with everyone. It was almost like she didn't have an off switch. Almost like Rach-Hellhound.

"What I'm trying to say is that I don't think it's a terrible thing that you still hate her. You have every reason to. Death doesn't mean you got to forget all the shit the person piled on you. So long as you don't go piss on her grave I think you can cut yourself some slack."

Standing up he held out his hand. "Now come on, the others are waiting."

I could feel a small smile pull at my lips as I reached out and grabbed his hand.
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Interesting. Don't have much more to say, it's obviously got some untold backstory but it's a fairly self-contained snippet all on its own.
oh it's a twist it's not Sophia thats dead...it's Taylor and Dennis that are.
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is this a good prompt?

The first Taylor used her power she realized one thing, slight pain, wind in eyes hurts, need goggles. The second time on the other hand, well it was awe inspiring, like walking through a still shot of the world everything around her almost frozen in time. With a few experiments she found she was going fast enough to ignore the pull of gravity, though this was an accident finding yourself halfway up a building because you were staring at the world around you was a little jarring. Walking across a pool admitadly was little different when you could see the water explode behind you. Both times she
silently thanked that her power was on an on off switch and not based on her own motion, and then there was the side effects her hair was slowly turning white and she seamed to be semi frictionless, that last one was good though no special clothes needed like some other speedsters. Though the side effects and powers did confuse her but she shrugged it of as powers and didn't think about it that way led to madness.
But her power was well suited to being a hero, kinda easy to take down villains when they cant see or catch you. But this made school all the harder it would be sooo easy to get back at them and
they would have no proof but knowing her own luck she would get blamed by them and the staff would take there side by default. But that would change soon she was going to be a hero she had her first outing planed at end of the week.
is this a good prompt?

The first Taylor used her power she realized one thing, slight pain, wind in eyes hurts, need goggles. The second time on the other hand, well it was awe inspiring, like walking through a still shot of the world everything around her almost frozen in time. With a few experiments she found she was going fast enough to ignore the pull of gravity, though this was an accident finding yourself halfway up a building because you were staring at the world around you was a little jarring.

Walking across a pool admittedly was little different when you could see the water explode behind you. Both times she silently thanked that her power was on an on/off switch and not based on her own motion, and then there was the side effects. Her hair was slowly turning white and she seamed to be semi frictionless. That last one was good though, no special clothes needed like some other speedsters. Though the side effects and powers did confuse her but she shrugged it off as powers and didn't think about it.

That way led to madness.

But her power was well suited to being a hero, kinda easy to take down villains when they cant see or catch you. But this made school all the harder it would be sooo easy to get back at them and they would have no proof but, knowing her own luck, she would get blamed by them and the staff would take their side by default.

But that would change soon she was going to be a hero she had her first outing planed at end of the week.

Fixed for formatting and breaking up the wall-o-text. Use the 'preview' feature before posting to see when things like that will happen.

It's not bad but kinda of light on imagery. It's a good scene and description of her her power but where is it going? What is she doing?

The power description is less important than having an interesting situation happening to draw someone into what you're thinking.

An example of what I mean and how I do it is below, it hasn't been written up yet but has gotten attention and discussion because it is descriptive enough that people imagine it happening as they read and feel the need to fill in the missing parts that make it a story instead of an idea.

Sorry about it being in the NSFW section but I just haven't had many SFW ideas lately.
and there is the crux of why i don't write i am terrible at imagry its almost imposible for me to give that ...spark of life to my storys that renders them more than just text.
I know I'm not explaining it right but it's more about having someone who reads it to start imagining. Your snippet was good, it just didn't have a point. I could see what you wanted to get across there was just nothing to it beyond a snapshot. Think about a situation she would come up with while using her power, the times where she discovered its limitations in either hilarious or dramatic/dangerous ways. Pick a scene out of the life of the Taylor using that power and just expand it in your mind.

Like discovering when she was on the wall, what was she distracted by that she didn't notice herself doing that? What was she thinking when she did discover it, does she panic and try to latch onto the nearest thing only to discover she can run along walls as well as up them? Play out the scene in your head, maybe add on another scene where she remembers being able to do it when she is in trouble and it was a flashback or a time when she discovers something else interesting when parkouring around the city for the hell of it.

Don't set out to write one specific thing, just let it grow as you build it up and when it seems like enough start typing it out. Often for me it will grow while typing it out because as I type and read it, new things come to my mind that could make it even better.

I still can't write more than a single snippet on occasion because of other difficulties, like being unable to work in actual conversations and small non-critical things that make the story alive instead of having the characters go from task to task, but I have gone to never expecting to write anything that would get attention to being a fairly well known contributor of content by just letting my brain go where it wants and then typing it up.

If it helps do it in stream of consciousness style, where you type what you are thinking as you think it, and then clean it up and reorganize it later. Writing a story or even snippets is hard but just getting the idea down is actually much easier than you would think it is.
I had an idea for a story that could get dark, or NSFW, or both, really quickly.

Hook: the bank robbery. Specifically, the following sentence:

Panacea abruptly tore out of my grip, so violently I had to pull the knife away to keep her from cutting her own throat against it.

Suppose Taylor didn't react in time, and Amy's throat was indeed sliced open against the knife.

Amy, choking and gagging on her own blood, falls to her knees. Taylor is horrified, drops the bloody knife. Drops to her knees beside Amy, so she can try to perform some sort of first aid.

Vicky also comes charging in.

Amy has a second trigger.

She gets the power to grab other organisms and add them to her own mass, taking bits she needs and discarding what parts of her that don't work any more.

When the dust settles, she has added Taylor, Lisa and Vicky to her mass. They are one body, slowly merging together. Four hearts, four brains, and so on. But one set of carotid arteries and one windpipe has been cut, so she merges herself a little more closely so she can use someone else's windpipe, get blood to her brain through someone else's arteries.

Unfortunately, this has the effect of merging everyone on a very basic level. When she tries to split them apart, having fixed the basic problem, she finds that the bodies, together or apart, have total mental communication, shared control of biology, an understanding of what the hell is going on, and Vicky's and Taylor's powers on top.

Amy and Vicky also know that Taylor was going to sell out the Undersiders, Vicky and Taylor know that Amy's desperately in love with Vicky, and Amy and Vicky know who and where Coil is.

Total sharing of information; they're basically now a four-way split personality. No-one has ascendance in control over their body(ies), so they have to learn to play nice together.

Hijinks ensue.
There's an interesting thought.

That would certainly knock everything off the rails. And mess people's loyalty all to hell. The NSFW possibilities are pretty obvious, but just the plot ramifications would be really interesting to follow. (For one thing, Amy is now probably Trump 8-9. And, due to the merging (unless I'm misreading) the other three are too. That would certainly get some attention.)

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