Something To Atone For
A Doyle self insert who at first plans to find the safest city he can...
A Doyle self insert who at first plans to find the safest city he can...
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Flightless Man | 104 |
I just need to find one with a low fatality rate and keep my head down.
I dunno who Doyle is, but he sounds dissapointing and probably the sidekick of the hero in a failed spin-off series.
He was in the first 8 episodes of the Angel spin off. Ironically, he ended up getting killed off, because by episode 2 they realised the actor was also a leading man. He was to much like David Boreanaz and was told they had to kill his character off like a hero. Which worked out, because the creator had always wanted to kill off a character early on in a series and also have them appear in the opening credits.I dunno who Doyle is, but he sounds dissapointing and probably the sidekick of the hero in a failed spin-off series.
They aren't that prevalent, the main characters are just in the hotspots of activity. Go to smaller towns that don't get a whole bunch of tourists and the death rates (should) drop off quite a bit. Some towns will have higher rate of "animal" attacks. But those under 10k people places make it really hard to cover up many strange deaths.Given how prevalent vampires and other demons are in that world, there's really only two types of town that would be like that - the ones that are all peaceful demons with no humans, and the ones that have something truly nasty standing guard over them and killing any demon that sets foot in the town.
The problems for a Brachen in the latter sort of town are obvious, and the former would draw in The Scourge like nothing else on the planet.
5 seasons isn't a failed series.
Thanks, I needed something with a darker tone and felt I owed it to the fandom after being a fan since S2 first aired.
Wow! The plot's really kicking off now! Maybe being helped by a half-demon will get Gunn's crew to realize that not all demons are evil? It was unclear if the kid saw his "game face" or not.Chapter 2: Gunns Don't Kill People
By the time I drove down to the docks, the Scourge have cleared out. The aroma of a very nickel heavy blood reaches my nose, even over the scent of the ocean.
I know Angel said Brachens are pretty much bloodhound demons in one episode. But if a vampires enhanced senses are comparable to my own sense of smell, it makes a whole lot of sense why they aren't using guns. The smell of gunpowder would mask the human prey and the sound would leave them with a vision class headache.
Lifting the hatch reveals the carnage below deck and I end up emptying my stomach into the bay. The guilt that courses through me, wars with my common sense. I saw at least a dozen uniformed demons in my vision and I still have no idea how strong I actually am.
If the Powers That Be actually wanted me to do something, I would have needed weeks to plan something with even a chance of working.
With how fast the attack took place, I would have been one of the bodies if I came. But I could have let them stay at my place.
Would have been a lot harder for the Scourge to just march through my neighbourhood. And that reality is what gets my guilt to settle down.
"I can't just forget this kind of thing." My fists tighten around the railing as I get my churning stomach under control.
Even if I wanted to, the Scourge wants every drop of humanity gone. They would come for me eventually, or my children if I manage to hide.
Deciding to clear the scene of a multiple homicide before the cops show up, I make a beeline for the beat up Corolla. Pretty sure that Doyle has had that thing since he was in high school.
Not wanting to be alone with my grim thoughts tonight, I pull to a stop outside the first bar that doesn't look like an obvious demon den. The fact that it's a gay bar doesn't bother me. Only overpriced drinks will have me turning right around after what I witnessed.
It's hard for a show to get get across exactly what a vision is like. It wasn't like seeing it on screen, I felt the Scourge tear Lucas apart. I lived through his terror and grief as he died and it was a very painful minute.
Watching Lucas' entire family die around me and hearing the screams drown out anything else. That left me with only two simple choices. Give up on life in the face of insurmountable evil, or avenge every single person the Scourge have killed.
Knowing how they are beaten in the show, gives me enough hope that I can fool myself. Suicidal most likely. But probably not impossible.
My sour mood keeps pretty much everyone away, with only the bartender and a few brave men bothering to approach the brooding loner. I turn each invitation down as gracefully as I can, with each guy understanding once I explain. Telling them I'm just trying to get over a recent death with the sound of people talking, is enough to take any possible sting away from the rejection.
When last call comes, I've barely managed to overcome my demonic resilience. If I was still in my old body, I would have been on the floor six drinks ago.
No wonder Doyle was always coherent in the show. And that realization, impresses me more than it really should. He really was committed to keeping himself numb.
Not even bothering to pull out the keys to my beat up Toyota, I drop a couple dollars worth of quarters in the meter instead. I'll grab some breakfast and walk of the buzz. The world's already dangerous enough without me adding even more human stupidity to it.
The crowd clears the street fast enough that I pick up on the strawberry blond meat head trying to follow discreetly. Really glad this is before the days of body spray.
Though will that end up lowering the teenage male body count in a few years? I know I wouldn't want to bite into someone that reeks like Axe.
The ponytail and black leather vest are straight out of the eighties. But I'm still shocked at his lack of reflection in the store windows and have to make my shocked stumble look like a drunken stagger.
Of course this just makes my stalker feel confident enough to act. "You doing alright? I saw how much you had to drink."
If I didn't know his true intentions with me, I could very easily be convinced by the genuine sounding tone. But since I know I'm only a Slurpee to the vampire, I decide to treat him like the other kind of bear.
Stopping in front of an alley, I try to put a nonchalant look onto my face when I confront the demon. "You're really wasting both our time with this. Unless you like your blood tasting like spoiled milk of course."
"How did you know?" The vampire's face contorts into confused astonishment as he tries to process my knowledge.
"How new are you to the whole unlife thing?" Forcing myself to smirk, I can only hope the rum is masking the scent of my overwhelming terror.
Blinking a few times, the blonde eventually answers with a creased brow. "Second month last Monday."
"And do you really think it's just vampires walking around?" My eyes go blood red and my skin reverts to it's Brachen green.
The blue spines bursting out of my flesh is what really hammer the point home and I allow myself to revel in the moment. Turning my own terror back on a vampire, that is a memory I'm going to cherish until I the day I die. And sadly, it's probably not going to end up being that far away.
"What the hell are you?" The beefy vampire recoils at the sight of me.
"Just hope you never run into one of my kind again." Getting right in the bigger guy's face, I hiss up at him with all the menace I can muster.
My bluff works, with the blonde backing away carefully. "We're all good. Was just a little mix up."
"So get walking and I may let you see another sunset." I somehow manage to keep the astonishment off my face as the vampire nods fervently.
"You got it man!" He scampers off for easier prey and relief fills me.
But the sensation is brief, being replaced by horrified guilt at the sight of the ponytail vanishing around the corner. He's going to kill someone else and this time I wasn't outnumbered.
My fists clench tight enough for my palms to start bleeding and I tilt my head towards the grey sky. "Don't bother sending me one unless I lose his scent!"
The damn headache will just get my replacement killed and I really don't need any more weight on my conscience. I'll never forget the sight of what was left of Lucas' family... Or how I could have done something about it.
Being the last person I was near, makes it disturbingly easy to follow the vampire into the rougher part of town. I'm not only shocked at how good my nose really is. But completely amazed at how long I can run now.
In my old body, I was barely able to run a whole mile without collapsing in a heap. But tonight the blocks are just blurring past me, with it taking a long time for my lungs to start burning from the exertion. We really are just demonic bloodhounds.
When the scent mixes with another, I follow right into the grimy alley. The sight of two bodies pressed against the brick wall, isn't enough to disguise the smell of coppery blood.
"Changed my mind!" The punch I land on the blonde is enough to knock him away from the shocked teen.
The way he drops like his strings have been snipped, gives me enough confidence to follow through on my attack. The board I snap, isn't a very sharp one. But I'm feeling confident in my strength for the first time ever and drive the two by four through his chest.
It's a big enough piece of wood, that I manage to hit the heart enough to dust the vampire. Despite my rather poor aim, I feel a surge of pride at the cloud of ash that explodes around me.
"Why the hell did Doyle always fight as a human?" I'm pretty sure I can punch through brick like this.
A groan makes me turn back to the groaning teen, and the crimson fluid pour over his dark fingers. "Thanks for the save."
He slides down the wall and seems to have a hard time focusing on my face. Which thankfully gives me enough time to shake my face back to it's human appearance.
"You're going to be alright." I add the pressure of my own fingers to his bite and sigh with relief. It's not very deep and should stop bleeding soon. "But you should probably go to the hospital and get this looked at."
"Gunn's going to be so mad at me," The teen snorts at his condition and lets me help him to his feet. "It was just one bloodsucker and I let him get the jump on me like an amateur."
"Charles Gunn?" I should be shocked at what seems like a coincidence. But I know this is probably just the Powers at work.
I get a shocked nod from the teen who later introduces himself as Levar. "You know him?"
"Of him," I admit it's a one way connection and rush to reassure him. "All good things though."
"Good to know we're making a difference." Pride fills the teen's voice.
Inspiration strikes me as we reach my car and I pull my house key off the ring. "You probably know that vampires can't come into a place without an invitation. But an extra safe house is always useful."
Levar's bleeding has slowed down immensely and he climbs into my passenger seat with only a small groan of pain. He doesn't seem to understand what's happening when I slide into my own seat and hold out the silver key.
"That's not mine."
"It is now." Or at least as long as the crew keeps paying the bills. "I'm leaving town and can't think of anyone I'd rather sublet my place to."
"We're not exactly rolling in cash..." Trying not to offend me and my generous offer, Levar's hesitates in accepting the key. "How much are you going to charge for rent?"
"Pay the bills, kill vampires, and no parties." Dropping it into his palm with a cocky smirk, I feel an ounce of my Everest sized guilt slide off by shoulders. "Do that and you'll probably never see me again." Not like I'd come back even if you break any of those terms.
"For real?" Doubt still fills his voice.
Giving him a heavy look that says more than simple words ever could, I try to explain it as best I can. "Us champions got to look out for each other. Not like anyone else will." Even if I don't see myself that way, this body has already been drafted.
"Here's the address." I scribble it down along with the door code and apartment number.
He gets out of the car and tries to invite me in to meet the rest of the crew. But knowing a single sneeze would get me killed, I decide to speed off with only a last wave goodbye.
I almost make it out of downtown before I feel a pressure building all across my brain. Barely managing to pull over in time for another vision, at least this one lacks blood.
Suddenly in a library, my point of view starts to read from a book of strange symbols. When he finishes his chanting, crackling bolts of blue energy arc along the floor and form a portal behind a face any fan of Angel would recognize. Fred.
It was unclear to the SI. But Levar thinks he was just seeing things and will convince himself it was nothing.Wow! The plot's really kicking off now! Maybe being helped by a half-demon will get Gunn's crew to realize that not all demons are evil? It was unclear if the kid saw his "game face" or not.
I'm not sure if helping Fred is best or not. If she never goes to Pylea would she still become a champion?
Great chapter! Looking forward to the next one!
I was really worried I was going to feel the same way once they returned from Pylea. But yeah, Amy Acker managed to make it so charming I only wanted to see more of her.It's funny. Fred has all the traits i find astoundingly annoying in a character, but the actress somehow made it work in making her actually adorable.
To a guy that litteraly logs out when a character like her is on scene, that's downright Oscar worthy kek.
LORNE!!!!!!!!!!Chapter 3: Pursuit Of Knowledge
It's harder to find the specific library than I assumed it would be. And really explains why Angel went the private detective route.
I've gotten way to used to just googling directions and people leaving everything about themselves on social media. Actually tracking down a location is incredibly frustrating and it doesn't help that I only have a room full of books to work with.
Sixty three accredited colleges or universities are in Los Angeles. That leaves me racing back and forth across the city, my anger rising as the sun begins falling below the rooftops.
"Where are you Fred?" Grumbling under my breath, I allow my fingers to strum with the beat against the steering wheel. "Really running out of time here."
Not feeling any luckier with the seventeenth campus, I turn off the ignition with a growing scowl. I can't remember what the guy responsible looks like from memory alone and know this is my only chance to grab the book for another five years.
As the dark classrooms whip by, it becomes a struggle to keep my demon side contained. The more I strain to find a recent scent, the more the pressure builds beneath my skin. Showing up with a face full of blue barbs, really won't help convince Fred that I'm the good guy.
When I do track down the library, it's the only room with more than emergency lights on. Inside, a single head of bushy brown hair pokes up from behind the librarians desk.
"Are you all right?" Her Texan drawl is even stronger than my own accent and I instantly sag in relief. "You look like you just ran a marathon."
A quick glance at the clock is enough to place me only a few minutes before the incident and my mind races for any plausible explanation. "Something most people would call impossible is about to happen and I'm here to save you from it."
"I'm calling the police." Fred is already reaching for the phone.
"Probably a good idea." That seems to confuse her enough to hesitate with a finger over the number nine. "You aren't the first grad student to vanish mysteriously."
I may not remember how many other people have been banished from Earth. But I know it's enough to leave a paper trail.
"You know what happened to them?" Curiosity overcomes Fred's concern for her own safety. "Doctor Seidel said the police had lost the trail."
"Well of course he would say that." My tone gets her back on the defensive and I try to make her see the obvious. "How many grad students have gone missing and how many was he responsible for?"
It only takes her a couple seconds to understand and her gasp of horror is more satisfying than I would like to admit. "All four of them."
"That really didn't ring any alarm bells for you?" It's not like this is Sunnydale, with the whole magically enforced masquerade.
"The opportunity was too good to pass up." Horror fills every word. "Doctor Seidel is world renowned and studying under him would sky rocket my career."
Raising a single eyebrow, I barely manage to hold in a snort of laughter. "Straight to another dimension."
"The claim of the impossible?" Fred's nose scrunches up as she puts the pieces together. "But Seidel's research is only theoretical."
"Proof will be here in a few minutes, I'll stay over here by the door until it is." Trying to get Fred to relax, I very deliberately take a seat at the table farthest from her. "And if nothing happens by midnight, I'll admit I was wrong and leave."
"That sounds reasonable..." The university student can't seem to find anything outrageous about the request and relents.
"Aren't you a student?" Trying to make less stressful conversation, I point at the cart of books in her hands.
Nodding slowly, Fred makes sure to keep me in her view as she slides books onto the appropriate shelf. "And that costs a whole lot of money. Last year, I worked in the computer lab cleaning keyboards."
Watching the clock tick closer to the time I saw in the vision, I can feel my muscles tensing with each minute. "Three more minutes."
"And you'll leave?" Fred still only seems half convinced something strange will happen.
"Let's just hope you react like most people." A few nights of nightmares before rationalizing it as something mundane, that's far preferable to knowing the truth.
"How many people have you had to 'save'?" A snort of disbelief escapes the Texan girl and I really feel bad for at how her world view is about to be shattered.
"You're only my second vision," I admit grimly. "Let's hope you don't end up the same way."
"What happene-" Before Fred can finish her question, energy starts to crackle behind the desk she only recently vacated.
It quickly forms into a howling vortex that pulls anything loose into it. MY smugness only lasts for a moment, quickly replaced with cursing at myself.
"I didn't actually come up with a plan to close this thing." Probably should have thought past stopping Fred from getting sucked inside.
The scientifically minded student, really is far too curious with the thing that was meant to kill her. "It's a real wormhole. Do you know where it goes?"
As suddenly as it appeared, the portal dissipates as if it never existed. Only the faint smell of sulphur lingers in the air, with both of us exchanging looks of confusion.
"Or I guess that just takes care of itself." I still have to find this Doctor Seidel. But Fred should be able to point me at him now that I'm not just some loon.
"Naughty little Winnifred." A mocking voice draws my gaze to the now open door and the man glaring at us. "You aren't supposed to bring friends to work. It's so much harder to cover up those disappearances."
"But why are you doing this?" Betrayed by her mentor's actions, Fred is having a very hard time processing things quickly.
When the despicable excuse for a human begins decides not to explain his master plan and open up the spellbook in his hand, I react without further thought.
Crossing the distance between us in only a few seconds, Doctor Seidel is not ready for my tackle. Once he's under me and winded, I waste very little time with his beating.
It's only when Fred yells for me to stop, that I realize the doctor is little more than a quivering mass of flesh. His eyes are locked onto my face and filled with only terror at what he sees.
Somehow I manage to force myself off of the bloody scientist, grabbing the book of spells when I do. "Is this your only copy?"
The symbols on the cover are written in no human language I've ever heard of and I doubt it will be easy for the guy to find another copy. But that also means it's going to be just as hard for me to find a teacher.
Banishing the Scourge to Pylea, that sounds like a match made in hell.
"Yeah." His terrified mumble makes me think it's the truth.
"Good, I'm keeping it." Scowling down at him, I weigh my options. "But I still don't know what to do with you."
"Let me go?" The pitiful moan only makes my scowl deepen.
Fred is even more furious than I am and shows how viscous she can really be. "Can you send him through the portal?"
"Not until I learn how to read this mumbo jumbo." Handing Fred the book, I watch her eyebrows shoot up into her bangs.
"That might take a while." She has even less of an idea where to begin than I do. "This code looks pretty complicated."
Her eyes finally move back to my face and she notices the lack of pink skin. When Fred really takes my appearance in, palpable shock rises of her in waves.
"I'm guessing it wasn't the book that did that to you." I notice the genius does check her own hand for confirmation of the theory.
"Dear old dad passed on the genes," With a shrug, I reassure her the book isn't going to turn her into a porcupine. "You're probably safe handling that thing. It's not like Heidel here was wearing gloves."
Her fear doesn't last long, replaced by intrigue at the possibilities I just opened up to her. "I should probably call the police now."
"And I should probably get out of here." It's not like I have anything official to add to the evidence.
Before I can leave though, a groan directs my gaze to where the portal had been. The green skinned demon waving at us is watching me with concern. "... Hope I'm not disturbing you and your cows. But could you point me to town?"
Lorne's a far more flamboyant shade of green than a Brachen and he only has two small horns curving up from his forehead. But it's really his charming smile that makes me lower my guard.
"Cow?" More confused than upset, Fred turns to me for answers. "What is he talking about?"
He really is top tier.LORNE!!!!!!!!!!
This was great! Looking forward to the next one!
You really can't ask for a better friend.
I think you mean almost always charming Lorne.God Bumbling Brainy Fred and Bumbling Brawn Doyle, coupled with occasionally helping Charming Lorne makes for an amazing Supernatural sitcom.
That, coupled with the "will they won't they" of the adorably funny and awkward chemistry between Doyle and Fred sounds like a smash hit to me!
... Aaaaaand I noticed I'm shipping again. Kek.
I think you mean almost always charming Lorne.
That is a possiblity, fans know that Fred latches onto heroes. It' wouldn't be out of character for an attraction to grow.
Due to Doyle's age(23), he really only has a few possible choices for potential romances. Fred is one of them.
That is a possiblity, fans know that Fred latches onto heroes. It' wouldn't be out of character for an attraction to grow.
Oh no I meant he occasionally helps his best friend and hiscowgirlfriendpartner. A man's gotta Nightclub to manage ya know! Lorne is always charming and one the best parts of the shitty Angel show.
Also yea, there are SOME other choices aside from Fred... But why eat bony badly cut lamb chops when the Prime Steak filet mignon is right there?
Well if Lorne's coming to Sunnydale, he needs a new place of business.Oh no I meant he occasionally helps his best friend and his cow girlfriend partner. A man's gotta Nightclub to manage ya know! Lorne is always charming and one the best parts of the shitty Angel show.
Also yea, there are SOME other choices aside from Fred... But why eat bony badly cut lamb chops when the Prime Steak filet mignon is right there?![]()
Good point, but instead of a sudden obsession with Doyle, it's more going do be a bashful attraction.Yeah, but remember she was pretty broken by her years spent in a Hell Dimension. The whole "handsome man saved me from the monsters" thing isn't going to happen here. This Fred should be a more confident version, just going off of flashbacks of before she went through the portal.
Edit: Also, other than narrative convenience is there a reason why Lorne's portal takes him to the college and not to where Caritas would be? Not complaining, just curious if you had an in-universe reason for the change.
Have him listen to showtunes on the ride to Sunnydale!
Yeah, that arc was fucked up. Though it was never shown onscreen, the fact they're called cows certainly implies that they're used for food. Do you think they were milked too?
You think Angel was shitty? I actually like it more than Buffy. I always thought the show's overall theme of "if nothing we do matters then all that matters is what we do" was powerful and pretty poignant. Better than Buffy's theme of 'oh, girls are strong, ha ha, literally' which isn't as groundbreaking today as it was then. Angel has aged much better, apart from a certain season 4 arc. Just my opinion.
I only have the DvDs of Buffy Season 1-7 and Angel 1-3. I had a hard time finding the episode online, so assumed from the synopsis that Lorne emerged the same place as the Portal Fred went through, since the synopsis described it as Lorne emerging from the portal Fred vanished in.
"You have music here?" Lorne shoves his head between ours, his face filled with awed disbelief. "What kind of instruments do you use on Earth?"
Ah, well that's just something this story nudged I guess. But I will keep that in mind for any future stories.Lorne arrived at the same time that Fred left but not in the same place, his portal brought him to the building where he would build Caritas.
They didn't have even the concept of music in Pylea, I think Lorne described it saying he could hear the notes in his head but I don't think he knew the word "music" until arriving on Earth.
I have no idea what Meatloaf is but I really hope by exposing Lorne to it early you haven't turned him into a rocker or metalhead or whatever they're called. He's a crooner not a [insert here]!
You're welcome, thanks for reading.
I live in Canada and it's legal. I've used it for pain for a long time and think it's a far better substitute than booze. I had headaches that would knock me out for about 3 year (brain tumor scare). So from my own experience, I know it will help the vision headaches.Weed might actually help in this case i don't smoke anymore but after a hit and run a few years ago my pain meds were too little or too much [doc told me to take no more than two per 6 hours and one if the pain was less] two made living alone dangerous one did nothing for the pain but made it hard to gage with to pee my sister got me a bag of gummi edibles. And they got rid of my pain and my stress after i was healed up i stopped still have five or six for a emergency Maybe
Ah, well that's just something this story nudged I guess. But I will keep that in mind for any future stories.
Because it was banned on Pylea, I feel it was something they used to have. So I'm going with Pylea using instruments only for utility purposes, with frivolous uses being what was punished. Lorne is all about flamboyance and frivolity, so I hope that change is alright.
He does a bunch of 6 minute + love ballads. He was the most Lorne I could get and stay in the rock genre (without using Queen and I already did a Stannis fic about that that)
And the way he phrases it is vague enough that I'm only bending canon, not breaking it clean in half. Everything he lists is a frivolity. So in my version war drums just make people march in time with each other. The Pyleans use noise as a tool, but it's never for enjoyment. Lorne heard the utility sounds and just liked how they sounded.Here's a direct quote from the transcript
Host: "Do you? - Well, try this: they have *no* music there. It doesn't exist. Do you know what that's like? No lullabies, no love songs. All my life I thought I was crazy. That I had ghosts in my head or something. Simply because I could hear music. Of course I didn't know it was music. All I knew was that it was something beautiful and - and painful - and right. And I was the only one who could hear it. - Then I wound up here and heard Aretha for the fist time... Well. (Gives a slight laugh, then turns serious) Don't kid yourselves. Cordy's in a *very* bad place."
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Do they expire?