Chapter 44: Adjusting The Deal
Flightless Man
Versed in the lewd.
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Chapter 44: Adjusting The Deal
Even after I hype everyone up with the idea of taking out the Scourge, I have to admit that I only have a single piece of circumstantial evidence to lead me right now. But Gunn is happy to have busy work he can send his sister on instead of coming to the casino.
Once Alonna left with Fred and Angel to go investigate the shelters, any sense of good humour fled from Gunn. "Jenoff has more than enough muscle to take us out. This is just going to get everyone killed, it's not worth it."
"Yes you are." The first one to argue is Buffy and her glare bores right into her bald ally.
"You all know what to do?" Trading a soul for a truck should be just enough of a loophole to get this done safely. "Mary?" Can't believe Sirk thought of it with such little information.
The silver fox nods stiffly and looks up from her huddle with the other witches. "Almost ready to start the ritual."
"Any particular reason I'm not coming inside with you?" The Slayer isn't happy at being stuck with the job of keeping the witches safe in the parking lot and reminds me with yet another tense growl. "This spell should make you useless."
Well I'm not sure you're ready to handle the truth of the Slayer's origin. "Because it's a casino and you're sixteen."
"Well sure, if you want to be all logical." Her eyes roll in irritation, quickly followed by her tongue blowing a raspberry my way.
"I'm hoping Jenoff will be reasonable and just let me buy what we need. But if he wants to be difficult..." Cracking my neck to loosen up, my firm stare meets Gunn's nervous one. "I'll have Wesley kick his ass." That should ruin his reputation for at least a decade.
"Me?" Blinking in horrified shock, the youngest Watcher in Los Angeles rapidly pales. "But I've only fought one vampire before and that was under controlled circumstances!"
"Fine, Rupert can be the useful one." I was trying to give you a chance to impress.
Gunn interrupts with loud cough before putting the kibosh on that plan. "This is my screw up, I'll be the one who gets his hands dirty."
"Wear this." Gwendolyn's ever present scowl softens a shade, a gaudy emerald amulet in her hand.
"What does it do?" With no hesitation, the crew leader slips the gold chain over his neck.
The question just makes the prim watcher snort with amusement. "Absolutely nothing except glow. But it will make the demons think it's what's stopping Jenoff from hurting you."
"So the demons will try attacking us instead?" Gulping at the idea, Wesley's left leg starts vibrating. "That's just wonderful."
Mary thankfully explains the specifics. "The pacifism spell will return the pain meant to be inflicted three fold. A demon tries hitting you hard enough and they may just keel over dead." Can't have Pyleans killing each others cows after all.
"Shouldn't you bring in some support?" Trying to restore some authority, Wesley looks over the three of us warily. "This Jenoff may have humans in his employ and they will be free to commit violence."
"You will be just as restrained by the spell," Giles admits he has found a flaw in my plan. "Shouldn't you be waiting outside?"
Not going to happen. "It's my plan, not putting anyone else on the chopping block if things go tits up."
"As admirable as that is, it's equally stupid," The older English man counters with a confidant smirk. "You will just be a liability Allen."
The blunt truth makes me close my eyes and take a deep breath to steady myself. "... Alright, you win. I'll wait out here."
With a final wish of good luck, Gunn and Giles enter the casino once Mary gives the signal. The tension among us waiting in the lot grows by the second.
When it gets nearly unbearable, Buffy needs to distract herself with words. "Did I pick right with Giles?"
The weight suddenly pressing down on me when I notice her desperate stare, nearly sends me to my knees. Buffy really cares what I think.
Really need to be careful how I phrase this. "I'll always be around if you need help. But you can't depend on me to make choices for you."
"I'm just worried about the move. Mom's having a hard time finding anything affordable." Anxiety surges through me as Buffy fills me in on the divorce proceedings. I have way less time than I thought!
"How long?" I'm not letting you face the Master.
"Just after the exams." So I have until the end of January.
"Well if you want to keep being a cheerleader once you transfer, you should know the girls at Sunnydale do more than just shake tail feathers." You really need to step up your game if you want those pom poms.
She doesn't seem nearly as bothered as I thought and shrugs it off with an easy grin. "Not really sure that's for me anymore. I've been spending most of my free time writing."
"Oh?" I really do need to watch what I say around these kids, they're like sponges.
"It really does help me calm down after a patrol and Mom loves my new hobby. So thanks for suggesting it Doyle." She's dropped the Mister for now and I make a note to remind her she'll need to bring it back in the classroom. "Dad was even talking about sending it to one of his publisher friends once I finish."
"Giles is a good choice, I couldn't have picked better myself." Admitting that gets Buffy to sigh with relief.
Her tapping foot finally stops and Buffy tries to hide the full scope of her smile. "Really?"
"He's not as stuffy as you think." My words only get Buffy to snort in disbelief. "I mean it. He's an actual person under all the tweed and you'll probably even like him."
"I just don't want him to get hurt." The guilt in her voice leads to a question I've been dreading. "Why can't you just be my Watcher?"
"I'm not really qualified." You and Liam need different kinds of guidance. "I was actually going to ask if I could join you for training. Since I seem to keep ending up in the hospital, figured I should learn how to fight like a girl."
"Oh..." The petite powerhouse frowns for a few seconds, only for the expression to morph rapidly back into one of triumph. "So does that mean I'll be the teacher?" Her eyes go wide with delight. "You'll have to call me Miss Summers!"
Before I have a chance to correct her assumption, the doors of the casino swing open. The sight of Gunn and Giles with arms around each others shoulders is strange. But we Giles actually kicks his heels on the way down the stairs, I realize something unexpected happened.
"That was fast..." Checking my watch to see only forty minutes have passed, my only clue is the way Giles scratches at his forearm.
"Ended up having something more valuable than a truck." Gunn grins up at the British man, the gratitude so thick I can taste it.