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Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.

Well everything went according to plan surprising to plan for Xander boy distracted the Wiccan mother and Amy's was definitely in character for the payback ( even though Xander boys crazy dar was in effect as she hitting on was a bit amusing for Si Doyle but was just feeling off putting vibes regarding her mental state of mind ( and Xander was just the decoy about the whole reliving thing through her daughter is kinda both frustrating and sad really ( doesn't excuse her behavior though ) as she had it coming.

Putting her in incan princess mummy herself ( as I get feeling that Catherine will stay in the mummies corpse for long and immediately jump into another young body in latter of season 2 in my head cannon for some payback her daughter's supposed "betrayal " in her eyes ) with an unexpected Catherine vs Amy round 2 fight occurs hmm?

Meantime, Warren and Fred, Marcie had a little trouble of their own with Incan guard that the Fred's taser wasn't up to par for more supernatural undead forces as Si Doyle save d them just in time. As Si Doyle clarified that don't let sex bot thing go your head and forget me when you become a millionaire( billionaire) later on Ha!
We'll see how it goes next time for our resident Si Doyle and Scooby gang in "Something to Atone For "at the meantime.
Catch ya later

P.S .We'll see how Angel Cakes ( liam) is doing in his worst best Slayer misunderstanding adventure with Dark Slayer Faith & Pike trio at the moment. HAHAHA!
Sorry, I thought I already posted my respnse to this.

Yeah Amy was under the jackets effects when she called him her boyfriend for sure. But she may have some real ones in the morning. It's not like Cathryn did anything with her own life. she didn't deserve the second chance the princess did.

Amy's final line sums up my feelings perfectly. You want to be 16 again? be 16 forever. All that has to happen for Cathryn to wake up, is for the seal to be broken.

Apo is 100% human. Some people can just tank stun guns like nothing and Apo is one of them.

All depends if Warren keeps the patent (billions) or sells out for the quite cash (millions). I felt the 3 rules of sex robots are pretty good. No looking like people you know, no sentience because that's slavery, and no using a persons soul to power it (program the software part)
Where's that Si Doyle gets unexpected advice from Ican Guardian Apo by Si Doyle magic power jacket afterwards, but Incan ( spelled) was quite the character foil for Si Doyle on the latest night car ride .including dealing with Amy's mother Catherine back at the museum .( yes the PTB Club rules such for the vision thing). Which had no vacation days either as Apo listened in. As some Si Doyle( me time) for being vulnerable ( tough) guy away from the gang.
We'll see how it goes next time for Si Doyle & Scooby gang in" Something to Atone For " at the meantime.
Catch ya later
Interlude 9: Future Hopes
Interlude 9: Future Hopes

"Buffy? Alonna?" After a morning breath filled yawn escaped from Tara Maclay, she answered the door just after three in the morning.

Alonna at least looked calm, if a little bit confused by something. But the Slayer was a bundle of barely contained nerves

Left both nervous and a little excited to find her favourite person pacing in the hallway, Tara . "What's wrong?"

"Doyle dropped someone of at the hotel tonight..." Entering when the witch steps to the side like she's been trained, a very. "He thinks she's a Slayer from about six hundred years ago. Some kind of Incan Princess."

With the shocking news dropped on her, Tara had a hard time deciding which question to ask first. Not alone in her shock, even Phantom Dennis seemed intrigued. The temperature of the roomed rose a few degrees and the lights flashed a little brighter.

Frantic black words appeared on the white board as Dennis desperately pleaded for answers. He brought her back to life, how? Can he do it for me?

Once the phantom's questions are read by the girls, uncomfortable glances are exchanged between them. Tara isn't sure what actually happened and so it falls on the Slayer to disappoint.

"He didn't stick around long enough to say what happened. Just dropped her and some guardian off, was gone before I even finished patrol." Annoyed at the near miss, Buffy can only try to keep herself busy until the Watchers get some answers. "Since my parents haven't stopped fighting for three days, I was kind of hoping I could crash here."

"Charles wants me to talk to your mom," Adds an irritated Alonna when Tara's curious gaze landed on her. "Guess he's been talking to Doyle about getting a recommendation. Because I kind of need a ride to Hemery in the morning too now."

"You're not worried about being behind on anything?" Always trying to do her best, Tara can't help but show her concern over so many years on the street.

A firm head shake is followed by one of Alonna's trademark smirks. "Don't tell my brother we aren't just making out the whole time, it's way too much fun screwing with him. But Wesley has been helping me get caught up and he thinks I'm only a little bit behind Buffy's class right now."

"Isn't that kind of backwards?" Buffy couldn't help but snort at the image, cheeks already pink as memories flash through her mind. "I tell Mom that I'm just going to study all the time and I'm barely getting a C average."

"At first I just thought he was a wimp..." With a tired shrug, Alonna allowed herself to get a little defensive after so many days of her brother's scrutiny. "I went with him to meet a couple of the demon clans. Wesley didn't even flinch when he had to shake the slimy things hand."

"... Are you talking about the same Wussley I know?" Shocked at such a claim, Buffy is having a hard time believing the words.

With a deep blush of her own taking over her face, Alonna could do little but squirm uncomfortably. "He's not that bad anymore. He gets in the ring with you more than any of the other Watchers."

"Giles actually comes out on Patrol," Buffy reminded her with a sudden defensive tone to her voice. "Post at least makes herself useful. But Sirk creeps me out half the time and I kind of think Lydia is obsessed with that William guy."

"I think Charles is jealous that Giles will be leaving with you." Once she admits her brother's newfound closeness with the Watcher, a grin appears on Alonna's face.

"Well he's part of the reason Mom is looking for a nice quiet town." With crossed arms, Buffy reminded the younger sister about the crews reputation. "She wants me away from the gang life."

Having already looked at the statistics on Sunnydale, Tara couldn't remain silent on the matter. "It's not really a quiet town though. It has a higher death rate than some active war zones."

"But it's affordable enough for Mom to get herself a house and a gallery." Buffy's anticipation rose by the day and she had done nothing to dissuade her mother yet. "And I'll at least have help fighting vampires. Better than just starting over fresh somewhere I don't know anyone."

"Allen comes down to visit..." Sudden anxiety filled the witch with a still unrecognized crush on the hero. "Will you come with him?"

"Not really sure how I'd explain that one to my Mom." Shrugged the former cheerleader as she tried to think of a way to play it off as a normal reason. "Maybe we could get him to drop me off at my dad's for the weekend?"

Forced to accept the maybe, Tara hung her head in disappointment. "I'm really going to miss you."

"You're already going to Sunnydale for Christmas." Buffy tried to hold in her own worry about the coming move. "Just make sure to act like you enjoy the trip and I'm sure you'll make a bunch more. We're still going to see each other."

"He's dating that genius girl now," Alonna pointed out with a raised eyebrow directed at the pink Slayer. "You still going to play the long game?"

"I've already had three boyfriends since January, who knows how long this will last." Trying to avoid facing reality, Buffy's thoughts are never the less filled with dreams of a future with the Irish teacher. "Besides, I can't really date a teacher. That would make mom even madder than being in a gang."

Feeling sympathy for the unrequited love, Tara tried to keep her face neutral. "What are you going to do?"

"Wait until I graduate and hope they figure out they're just better off as friends." Shrugged the petite warrior as she finally admits reality may be a bit of an issue in her romance.

"You're just rebounding because Pike was such a dink." Alonna couldn't agree less with conversation being stuck on misery. "You're moving to a new city so take advantage of the fresh dating pool."​
Wow( Princess Slayer Quilliana) and Apo) , which had our favorite Slayer Buffy Summers with Alonna and Tara McClay question about bringing Phantom Denis back to life was in cards for him though might not be possible for a while ? Also( including princess Quinlan inhabited Catherine Madison body) . Which had our Si Doyle definitely didn' tsee coming by Buffy Summers long term plan ( by the unwitting Irish rogue substitute teacher Doyle ) with Alonna and Tara McClay input and her coming to Sunnydale ( Willow & Tara shippers)yet ? Anyways Alonna is playing both teams ( Welsey & Tara ) and Gunn & Giles are fast bffs and Lydia revenge by Spike is a complex complicated venture that has serious consequences for Sunnydale ( season 6, ensouled Spike? ) Unfortunately another thing to worry later .
We'll see how it goes next time for our Si Doyle and Scooby gang in "Something to Atone For " at the meantime.
Catch ya later
Chapter 51: Angel
Chapter 51: Angel

Allen drags his feet the entire walk from his van to the classroom, groaning audibly when we have to climb the stairs to the second floor. He made us stop at Blockbuster on the way and has the surprise movie ready to go.

"Bring back a television from the AV room please." Once he takes attendance and makes the entire class take a moment of silence for one girl absent all of last week, Allen sends Daniel to hand it in. Unless you'd all prefer the book instead. I really don't recommend that option, Forrest Gump is a notoriously horrible read."

Shooting my hand up, I make sure to wait before he calls on me. "Why are you letting us watch something?"

"If I mute it and put the subtitles on, it still counts as silent reading." Rubbing his bloodshot eyes, Allen is really giving off a hungover vibe.

Feeling guilty about getting half a night's sleep, I don't push the exhausted man any more and let him dim the lights before any rumours start. If I cause him and Fred too much trouble, they'll make me go back home.

"Anyone who talks loud enough to bother me, is writing lines at lunch." Slumping at his desk, Allen motions for Daniel to hit play as soon as he gets it set up.

As soon as the silent movie begins, Daniel takes his seat behind me. Before the opening scene is over, I can hear the shorter blue haired boy whispering about Allen's strangeness with his friend Devon.

"Didn't he give us a five minute speech the first day about how he's not one of those lazy teachers who just pops in a movie?" The bass player is more concerned than judgmental so I don't say anything in defence of my 'brother'.

But the lead singer is not nearly so kind and gets a warning glare when he snorts a little too loudly. "Looks like the guy got dumped and spent the whole night at the bar."

That part does get my hackles up and I whirl around in my seat to hiss at the moron who doesn't look any better right now. Is his shirt inside out?

"Like you're one to talk. Do you actually own a washing machine?" That mustard stain has to be at least a week old.

"He'd have to go home long enough to use it first," Whispers the shorter Daniel with a smirk aimed at his friend.

Shrugging off the scorn, Devon "School has a shower I can use, no reason to leave the party early."

"Who are you still partying with after I leave?" Not bothered at all and only mildly curious, Daniel's gaze turns back to his friend.

"Uh..." Caught off guard, Devon tries to come up with something cool. "College chicks."

Glancing at the more relaxed of the two, I catch Daniel shaking his head bemused. The singer gets ruffled by his friends knowing look and grumbles in annoyance.

When he does finally get over the teasing, Devon tries to recover a few cool points. "Saw you at the Bronze last night. Want to come with me tonight?"

"Definitely not." The rejection comes easy and gets another chuckle out of the bass player. "I've got at least that much self respect." But not a whole lot more.

After my firm refusal, the band mates leave me to enjoy the rest of the movie in the silence Allen intended. But once they leave me be, I can feel someone else staring at me.

The feeling of dread is back and churning my stomach with worry. He can't be here!

Frantic for answers, my eyes dart across the classroom until I seem the awkward teen with the blue cape watching me. Caleb can't still be in Sunnydale, Allen would have found him by now.

Forcing my breathing to slow down to a normal pace, I nearly miss the bell because of my deep concentration. The only reason I'm not forced to run to the computer lab is the cape wearing Martin's cough.

"Angel?" We're the last two in the room and I follow him to our next class. "I've noticed you're dressing differently. Kind of like the Lonely Ones."

"The who?" I catch him wave at a couple of people with similar fashion sense as we pass by.

Lowering his voice, Martin makes sure no one else can hear him. "You know, vampires."

"If you want to be lonely with the rest of us, you can bring your friend Harris with you. It looks like he's shopping at the same store as you." He hands me a black business card embossed with scarlet cursive. Only an address and the name 'Sunset Club' give me any clue as to what the invitation is about. "Just call me Diego if you see me. It's my name of the night and you'll need to come up with one."

Passing the library with a slightly faster pace, I try to ignore the whispers that always fill the hallway. Caleb's not here, it's just the Hellmouth. When we finally reach the lab, I start breathing easy at last.

"I'll have to ask my brother." Touched by the offer, I'm still completely horrified by the idea of turning myself into bait. "He's a little over protective." And he should probably know about a vampire club.

"I bet." Martin sits down at the computer beside the one I claim and lowers his voice to just above a whisper. "I saw you on the news."

Eyes going wide with panic, I can feel my heart trying to leap out of my throat. "You saw me where?"

"Don't worry, I'm not going to tell anyone." Winking at me, Diego really tries to sell the place. "Most people at the club have things we want to escape from. Rule number one is don't ask about real lives."

That actually sounds nice. "I could pick whatever name I want? Create a whole identity?"

"It's nice to be able to just dress up and forget how much life sucks for a few hours. Most of us know it's not actually real, we like it better than whatever is waiting for us at home."

The way Martin makes sure to ask me to invite Xander three more times, makes me realize he's not interested in me as anything but a friend. His eyes haven't dropped once.

Notes: This episode of 4 chapters will each be a different perspective. Willow/Xander/Fred are still to come.​
An interesting Angel ( Anne Steele) POV, whom had Si Doyle with rather first tiredness possible from double duty last night by Amy mom Catherine Madison, or Apo & Princess Quinlan and choice 3 ( dumped by Fred Burkle hmm? )
As Angel is still doing the gosh posh look ( lonely ones) and new mysterious friend "Diego " was giving her Father Caleb vibes (but could be something else entirely different from the previous supposed Super natural creature Hellmouth Sunnydale high school central .
Including a girl's gotta have standards ( self respect) but considering where she lives ,Angel isn't too picky about the dating pool and being an young demon hunter on the side of course with the Scooby gang & Si Doyle( as hoping that news reports is still biting her
in the butt about it for now?
We'll see how it goes next time for our Angel ( Anne Steele) and Scooby gang in" Something to Atone For " at the meantime

P.S, Xander, Fred, Willow, are up next in the upcoming chapters
Given how prevalent vampires and other demons are in that world, there's really only two types of town that would be like that - the ones that are all peaceful demons with no humans, and the ones that have something truly nasty standing guard over them and killing any demon that sets foot in the town.

The problems for a Brachen in the latter sort of town are obvious, and the former would draw in The Scourge like nothing else on the planet.

5 seasons isn't a failed series.
yes it is the cw flash has like 8 and its a failed show!
An interesting Angel ( Anne Steele) POV, whom had Si Doyle with rather first tiredness possible from double duty last night by Amy mom Catherine Madison, or Apo & Princess Quinlan and choice 3 ( dumped by Fred Burkle hmm? )
As Angel is still doing the gosh posh look ( lonely ones) and new mysterious friend "Diego " was giving her Father Caleb vibes (but could be something else entirely different from the previous supposed Super natural creature Hellmouth Sunnydale high school central .
Including a girl's gotta have standards ( self respect) but considering where she lives ,Angel isn't too picky about the dating pool and being an young demon hunter on the side of course with the Scooby gang & Si Doyle( as hoping that news reports is still biting her
in the butt about it for now?
We'll see how it goes next time for our Angel ( Anne Steele) and Scooby gang in" Something to Atone For " at the meantime

P.S, Xander, Fred, Willow, are up next in the upcoming chapters
Definitly just tired from driving to and from LA before class.

Diego wasn't giving her the vibes, she's been hearing the Hellmouth/First whispering when she gets too close to the library/other places in town the barrier is weaker.

Just so you know, Daniel is Oz.

yes it is the cw flash has like 8 and its a failed show!
It's a bad show, not a failed one. Enough people kept watching it each week that it was viable to produce. 3 seasons of a show is a good average length for most shows. If you make 3 seasons, you aren't a failure, you just get mishandled.

Failed as the network executives would consider it, not as the fans would.
Chapter 52: Willow
Chapter 52: Willow

Waiting for everyone else at the table in the quad we managed to snag, I share my idea for Ted with an intrigued couple. "If Mister Doyle is trying to put a soul in a vampire, doesn't that mean ghosts are real too?"

"I don't see why not..." Unable to think of a counter, Jonathan exchanges his pudding for Marcie's milk without needing to be asked.

Catching sight of an awkward Warren, Marcie tries to wave him over. But no matter how fast she swings her hand or calls out to the robot enthusiast, he doesn't seem to notice our table.

It's not until I whistle like he's a dog, that Warren's eyes finally lock onto us. When does join us, it's with a curious look at all three cartons of milk in front of one person.

"The commercials say it's going to make me big and strong." Getting defensive, Jonathon protectively pulls his extras closer. "Next year you'll be the short one."

Ignoring the figurative chest pounding the two boys are getting up to, Marcie brings the conversation back to my idea. "I think that's a really good idea Willow. It might even let the ghost get over it's unfinished business and pass on eventually."

"Wouldn't we just have to find a new one?" Frowning at such a temporary solution, Warren doesn't seem convinced yet. "Seems like constant busy work to me and nothing more than a waste of time."

When Marcie gives him a look of support, Jonathon finds the courage to defend his point. "Well they have that rehab hotel. What if you started a business putting ghosts in robots that look like them?"

"I kind of already have a million dollar idea. Why would I even bother?" Too focuses on his nether regions, Warren doesn't see the same opportunity."

"How much money would people pay for actual closure?" Catching on to the shorter boy's idea, I break it down in a way Warren will understand the value. "Charge them by the week and once the ghost passes on, just do some plastic surgery and get it ready for a new one."

"... That's actually a good idea." Stunned at the normally quiet boy's suggestion, Warren actually apologizes for his rudeness.

"Oh!" Snapping my fingers as the ideas start to cascade, I can't stop myself from blurting another one. "Or it could be used to solve crimes. Put the murder victim in a robot and we can just ask them what happened!"

Marcie has to put a damper on my excitement with cold truth. "But that would only work if the victim is a ghost. Doyle said he's putting a soul in this one vampire because it could save a whole lot of lives."

"Yeah, I'm not really okay with ripping a soul out of the afterlife unless it's an emergency." Her boyfriend nods firmly in support. "Or I guess if we have a chance to ask them first."

"If I die, stick me in a robot. No question about it." Warren makes up his mind seemingly before Jon even finishes his sentence.

"Let me rest in peace please." Pale at the idea of either fate, Marcie makes an understanding Jonathon agree.

He takes a while to consider it and doesn't actually come up with an answer right now. But I find myself leaning more towards the vampire option and that strangely intrigues me. Deep down I want to be exciting and not the same boring Willow I've always been.

If Xander and Jesse can ditch me to do what they want, I don't have to set my nights aside to help them study anymore. I can try and find a life that isn't so lame.

To my great annoyance, this is the exact moment one of the jerks enters the courtyard with his new friends. Jesse seems to have been fully accepted by the swim team and I'm already counting the days until he forgets my name.

Except when the swimmers make a comment about the nerds, Jesse's conflicted face turns into a determined one. "They're friends with the English teacher's sister. Probably a good idea if you find someone new."

Percy West has always been one of the most eager to rub his success in our faces. But when Jesse doesn't back down from his choice to intervene, the swim captain actually chuckles.

"First day on the team and you're already proving your worth. That Doyle dick seems to have it out for anyone even slightly cool." The rest of the team laugh at Percy's words and follow him to a table reserved for the jocks.

"I'll catch up, just going to make sure they don't hold a grudge and tattle." Winking at me discreetly, Jesse is seemingly given permission to sit at our table.

"Sure we're cool enough?" Not thanking him yet, I barely keep the growl out of my voice.

Red with shame, Jesse hangs his head. "Sorry I've been such a jerk the last few weeks. But I had a lot of thinking to do and for once I wanted to do it myself."

"You've never thought about anything for that long. Except maybe Cordelia." But now that I think about it, he hasn't bothered her once since the zoo break in.

"As hard as it was to hear all that stuff. Doyle was right..." Jesse doesn't tell me about what and Warren seems just as confused. But Marcie and Jon exchange knowing looks that remind me they had been in the car that night. "I was being a creep."

"So why haven't you been coming over anymore?" I've missed you and Xander. Even if I do have a bunch of other friends now, it's just not the same.

"Doyle thinks I'm a pervert. I thought he'd be happy I was staying away from his house." Guilt and shame are intermingled on Jesse's face.

Well I'm not. "He's a teacher, he should be happy you took his lesson to heart."

Arms firmly crossed, I'm already making plans to go confront the English teacher after school. Who is Mister Doyle to just show up and make snap judgments about all of us?

"But I just bailed on you all. He must think even worse of me now." Still not convinced, Jesse's arguments are at least getting weaker.

"Would have been nice having you help us fight the guardian..." Grumbles a still sore Warren as he rubs his bruised shoulder.

With his apology delivered and mostly accepted by all of us, he decides to tell the swim team he's keeping Doyle of the jocks backs. "Should get them to cut you some slack."

"Should have just made friends with Snyder on our first day. Would have been spared all the grief." Marcie tries to keep a straight face, only for all of us to devolve into laughter before five seconds have passed.​
Whilst Si Doyle is far from perfect and for making snap judgments are not his strong suit considering he's a seer doesn't mean he's completely wrong about Jesse ( at least Jesse is trying to successfully be a better person for the Scooby gang ( oh Jesse friends aren't really that cool at all) in their eyes by substitute teacher Si Doyle.

As Willow made a few snap decisions on the Buffyverse world that had long term consequences ( resurrection of Champion Buffy Summers)? Is that i remains in the top 5 .
We 'll see how it goes next time for our resident Si Doyle and Scooby gang in "Something to Atone For " at the meantime.
Catch ya later


P.S . Although I'm speculating how a Buffy Summers ( 18) & Si Doyle would play out for us ,another part says otherwise a new( mystery)curveball that Si Doyle didn't see coming from is a brilliant stroke of genius in Buffyverse world in the meantime.
Whilst Si Doyle is far from perfect and for making snap judgments are not his strong suit considering he's a seer doesn't mean he's completely wrong about Jesse ( at least Jesse is trying to successfully be a better person for the Scooby gang ( oh Jesse friends aren't really that cool at all) in their eyes by substitute teacher Si Doyle.

As Willow made a few snap decisions on the Buffyverse world that had long term consequences ( resurrection of Champion Buffy Summers)? Is that i remains in the top 5 .
We 'll see how it goes next time for our resident Si Doyle and Scooby gang in "Something to Atone For " at the meantime.
Catch ya later


P.S . Although I'm speculating how a Buffy Summers ( 18) & Si Doyle would play out for us ,another part says otherwise a new( mystery)curveball that Si Doyle didn't see coming from is a brilliant stroke of genius in Buffyverse world in the meantime.
I always thought Jesse was a big part of Xander's pervy nature in Season 1. by season2 it was toned down noticably and I felt Jesse needed the most intervention in the not being a creep area.

Willw is my least favourite main character because of her memory modifications. That's the only thing I couldn't forgive if done to me, since Willow did it outside of an emergency(when most of the other bad things the scoobies do happen). I don't hate her, she's just number 10 in my top ten characters list everytime.

Have a great one Lillie.

Doyle thinks it's more of a brother sister relationship. So it will definitly be a curveball and not a Doyle/Buffy thing.
Chapter 53: Xander
Chapter 53: Xander

"Stop." Holding out a firm hand when we approach the cheerleaders' table, it looks like Cordelia is going to make me endure yet another fashion check before she allows me the privileged of joining them.

To my surprise though, Aphrodisia motions to the seat beside her. "You're fine Lex. It's Lance who needs to do something with that mullet."

"I have no idea why we ever thought it was charming. But our group insanity is over." Cordelia noticeably doesn't let Lance take his usual spot on the jock side of the table. "I can't believe I'm going to say this..."

Her eyes roam over me quickly, the clothes Doyle gave me are thankfully still enough to satisfy the judgmental Queen C. "Get Lex to take you shopping. And you better get something decent done to that nest you call hair."

It's taken awhile to get used to the new nickname and yet I'm starting to like it. It was just supposed to be another way for Cordelia to prove she's in charge. But people are starting to treat me different.

Instead of just being a cretin that gets mocked, I'm getting invited to parties. It's weird that the less I seem to say, the more the preps accept me. But that might just be because Cordelia's the only one who seems to understand all my references.

Her scorn of Lance over, Cordelia finally allows him to take a spot at the very end of the bench. She dominates the conversation almost the entire hour, barely letting anyone else get a full paragraph in.

When she does finally run out of things to say, Cordelia allows Larry to share his gossip. Really wish she had ten more minutes of nonsense.

"Lex, did I really see you out with an older woman last night?" Impressed at the claim, the rest of the table leans in eagerly.

Not realizing the mistake about to be made, I blurt out a yes. "It was just Amy's mom. We went to the museum."

"Dude!" Lance cheers, quickly giving a high five to a few of the closest jocks. "Is that why you're friends with all those geeks, you're just banging their moms?"

I try to deny to praise, I really do. But no matter what I say, no one but Cordelia seems to actually believe me.

We haven't been friends since kindergarten. But she knows I don't actually have the guts to make a move like that on a girl my own age, let alone one of my friends' mom.

The laughter turns mocking making me look over to see an awkward Amy glancing around for any of our shared friends. Not finding them, she still looks completely distraught from last night and I make up my mind. What's the point in being popular if I have to make all new friends?

"Can you guys do me a favour and not tell anyone." No matter how much it would help my reputation, I just can't do that to the witch I've known most of my life. "It's not what you think. Her mom was just asking me to look after Amy while she's getting treatment in LA, since I've known her forever."

"Oh..." Even Larry looks a bit guilty at his crude words so I don't make a big deal out of it.

Promising to save me a seat in math, the group lets me leave with no more teasing. The distraught witch has already left the East courtyard by the time I get permission and I have to dash after her.

Chasing after Amy before she gets too far away, I eventually catch up to her just outside the gym and the sound of basketball practice inside. "Amy, wait up!"

The lime green grunge shirt is covered in a bunch of different fonts. Each day of the week is repeated in at least four different styles and colours, with my eyes naturally being drawn to the Wednesday on her chest. Guess it's hump day for a reason.

"Greenday." Clearing her throat to get my eyes pulled back to her own, Amy doesn't actually seem mad about the momentary distraction. "It's a band."

The snarky tone makes me chuckle as the tension fades. "Just wanted to make sure you're doing alright. You need any help moving stuff to your dad's place?"

"Miss Calendar said I could keep all the magic stuff at her place." She decides to take me up on the offer with a sigh of relief. "But some of it's really heavy and I don't think the two of us can move it all. I'd really owe you if you saved me from asking Mister Doyle for help."

"Well you can pay me back by telling Willow not to worry. I'm not ditching my friends." I know she hates Cordelia. But I honestly can't remember what caused the rift.

The four of us had lots of fun for a couple years, then one day Cordelia and Willow are rolling around in the sandbox like wild animals. Willow even had to get a haircut to cover up the place Cordy tore out a chunk.

Whatever it was over, Cordelia's split lip was even redder than the genius' locks for a whole week. I think that's why Jesse's still so hung up on the rich girl.

It was supposed to be a double wedding with us living next door to each other until retirement. Of course at that age, we thought you retired when you got old like our parents. Something impossible for a child to really imagine, like forty five.

"I'm glad I didn't freak you out last night. It was totally the jacket that made me say that stuff." I can tell how hard it was for Amy to say that without stuttering and so I let it go with an easy grin.

"Don't worry about it. It was nothing compared to the things I was having whispered in my ear." If that's how Jesse and I make girls feel, I'm really glad Doyle talked to us.

Walking her to the computer lab, I'm about to leave the witches to the magical theory. But the jingling of change in my pocket makes me hesitate. I'm not crazy, the money really is vanishing.

"Can you check that piggy bank Jesse got me for some kind of curse?" The strange request has Jenny blinking at the randomness. "I think it's turning my money invisible because I can still hear it when I shake the damn thing. But nothing I put in will come out the bottom."

"I didn't let him get you the matched pair that would have let him steal your change." Amy is quick to clear her own involvement. "It was just supposed to change your life for the better, the more you used it."

Now intrigued by the mystery, Jenny demands I bring it to her house with Amy's stuff. "Better to be safe than sorry. I'm a little amazed at the variety of magics in Sunnydale and have no idea what you could have."​
Whilst Xander ruminations over being an popular kids table and new relationship with Queen Bee " Cordelia Chase " and recent freaky Friday switcheroo with Amy (Wiccan" Wicked "of mother of Amy) previously mentioned date night ( of somwhat clean version of the fiasco and saving Amy 's reputation on the whole situation .
As Amy was very over it and thanks substitute teacher Si Doyle advice for whole Jesse " creep factor " town down for the respecting women " shtick.
We'll see how it goes next time for the next upcoming interlude chapter episode in "Something to Atone For " at the meantime.
Whilst Xander ruminations over being an popular kids table and new relationship with Queen Bee " Cordelia Chase " and recent freaky Friday switcheroo with Amy (Wiccan" Wicked "of mother of Amy) previously mentioned date night ( of somwhat clean version of the fiasco and saving Amy 's reputation on the whole situation .
As Amy was very over it and thanks substitute teacher Si Doyle advice for whole Jesse " creep factor " town down for the respecting women " shtick.
We'll see how it goes next time for the next upcoming interlude chapter episode in "Something to Atone For " at the meantime.
Even though I love the recaps, I don't want you to feel obligated to write them. I'm just happy if you read and enjoy a chapter Lillie.

Xander makes really stupid spur of the moment choices. But he's not evil and he does care about his friends. He wasn't going to let Amy get mocked just so he could be cooler.
Chapter 54: Fred
Chapter 54: Fred

Walking into the psychology classroom of the renowned Maggie Walsh fifteen minutes early, I'm completely shocked at who I find talking to her by the blackboard. I thought Graham was supposed to be in the army. What's he doing here in Sunnydale?

The cousin who taught me how to shoot on Grandpa's farm, freezes as he catches sight of me only a dozen feet away. "Fred? Is that really you?"

The dumbfounded expression is out of place for such such a normally calm guy. Yet the way his smile lights up once I say hello, that is all Graham.

"You know Miss Burkle?" The stern professor barely let me audit the class and I'm surprised she even remembers my name.

For some reason Riley is visibly resisting the urge to salute her. "She's my cousin Mam." Interesting choice of address. "She made sure I passed high school and I made sure she never had a date."

"Not like you had to try very hard." You only had to chase away two boys before I graduated.

"Now what are you doing here? Last thing I heard from Uncle Roger, you had just gotten into school down in LA." I can see he's trying hard to avoid mentioning how much better the school was and force myself to keep a straight face.

Allowing myself to smirk, I reveal I'm not the same wallflower he grew up with back in Texas. "Transferred when my boyfriend got a job teaching at the high school.

"It was that easy?" I know he didn't get accepted to any schools the year he graduated and that was why he joined the army.

Trying not to make him feel stupid, I emphasize the effort and not natural intelligence. "The benefit of actually studying. I suggest you start."

"You want to help with that?" Flashing me a charming smile, Graham runs an anxious hand through his sandy blonde crew cut.

"As long as you're not just using it as an excuse to check up on me..." I don't need protecting anymore.

Clearing her throat as more students start to choose seats, Miss Walsh is watching me with obvious interest. "I happen to be in need of a research assistant. Would you be interested?"

Better not be another Seidel. "Maybe?"

"Graham and a few of his fraternity brothers have been helping out. But they're really only fit for the busy work..." Her words make Graham's ears turn pink from embarrassment. "I need a real brain to pick." Though he doesn't seem to be arguing the point..

"I can tell her about the project tonight, give her the proper pitch." Glancing at the clock, Graham reminds us that class is about to start.

Humming her agreement, the renowned psychology professor gestures for us to find a seat. "Just remember the nondisclosure."

Once the lesson begins, I have to admit it's not as easy as the rest of my syllabus. Walsh really does know her subject.

I only get a few minutes during class to catch up with my cousin. But he insists on taking me out for lunch once he finds out my next class isn't until one thirty.

"I've been here since August and I finally found a place with decent tacos." Once Graham says the magic words, I'm eagerly following his nearly six foot frame to a bright red jeep.

"You are a godsend!" Praising the miracle for what it is, I hope into the passenger seat before he can hear the rumbling of my stomach. "Allen's a really good cook and I'd take his food over pretty much anything I could get at a restaurant. But he has no idea how to make anything with spice." He tries so hard, I just can't tell him it's only alright.

"The boyfriend?" Protectiveness fills Graham's voice making me roll my eyes in annoyance.

"He saved my life." Growling low to let him know I mean business, don't let him start the engine until he gives up. "You don't get to scare this one off." I would kind of like to see you try though.

Of course my cousin only focuses on one part. "Saved you from what?"

"You wouldn't believe me." Sometimes I'm not actually sure I believe what my life has become.

Taking this as a challenge instead of the dismissal I wanted it to be, Graham rises to meet it with a confidant grin. "Try me. I've seen some pretty crazy stuff."

"One of my teachers tried to suck me into a portal to Hell." You asked for weird, here it is.

Stunned chuckles greet my words until he starts the jeep as a way to distract himself. "Thought I told you to stay away from the hard drugs."

"I told you it was crazy." This must be why Allen doesn't just tell people about this stuff without some kind of proof.

He goes silent, thinking deeper than I can ever remember. But just like he did all through childhood, Graham makes the choice to support me.

"Which teacher do I need to make disappear?" The gruff way he delivers the question is all I need to know he really means it.

Taking a deep breath, my last attempt to convince him seems to do the trick. "... Allen already did."

"You're serious, aren't you?" Graham is oddly calm after my confession.

Sagging in relief, it's almost impossible to think of the right thing to say on the spot. "Do you want proof?" That probably wasn't it.

"Don't need it..." Tension fills his face as he struggles with something. "But I can't really tell you why unless you sign the NDA."

"I'm guessing that means I can't tell Allen anything?" It would be nice to have something all my own.

Sometimes I just feel like an afterthought with his whole mission to save the world. I don't blame him for it, the visions are kind of urgent. But I need to prove to myself I'm useful.

Now that our progress with Ted has stalled, I need to be more than just Allen's girlfriend. I'm a genius and schools all over America wanted me. Even if I'm starting to believe I have a pretty face, I'm a hell of a lot more than that.

"Signing it doesn't mean I have to take the job, right?" Suddenly nervous, my palms get even sweatier than when I watch Allen and Liam sparring.

"It just means you can't talk about the interview." Quickly calming my nerves, Graham explains the project has a few levels of security clearance. "You'll only find out the basics unless you actually sign on with us."

With my mind already on training, I realize my cousin would be a far better choice than the self defence class I had signed up for with Angel. "I'll check it out. But only if you agree to train me."

"Train you?" Eyes widening at the sudden request, Graham isn't bothered with the idea of a girl fighting. Just the fact hat I've never shown an interest in anything so physical before.

"Monsters are real and I kind of hunt them. I'll probably last longer if you get me into shape." That should guilt him into teaching me and the other girls.
Well before we get into the mushy stuff again ( I'm wasn't being obligated for the reviews but I like writing them Author San ,since I m glutton for reviews ,that last time though I was definitely a bit stressed out& busy about other things at home when I posted that last one.
Anyway on to the review, As a surprising visit by brother Graham at the University College cause Fred 's Burkle life is something out of horror shows daily and avoid being sent to Plyea didn't stop Fred from getting into the adventure of it all in the Sunnydale area shenanigans with Si Doyle.
While Fred told her bro Graham don't chase new boyfriend Si Doyle with more overprotective big bro mode ( which is sometimes overbearing on the young siblings, even though thier hearts in the right place for the most part. ( Yes Buffy Summers loves Dawn ,even though Dawn acted like an ungrateful brat most of the season, but eventually changed when she found out she was an "Mystic key" force being given life .
As our Si Doyle couldn't ignore the call to saving the world for reasons besides the " pain inducing vision " by the PTB CLUB rules and the relationship drama between Fred and SI Doyle ( considering he can't be shown up by 300 yr old brooding vamp hero Angel ( liam) and 16 yr old Chosen one Slayer Buffy Summers ( Sarah Michelle Gellar) . A point of pride to his fragile male ego and a potential guilty complex ( Scourge) for the Si Doyle in my general opinion.
Perhaps he's does know what happens with the
Iilyaria that he's no interest in repeating but will probably sacrifice someone for the newest vessel for the fallen god by Wolfram & Hart law firm for girlfriend Fred That is an another story?

P.S. I wish someone will write Blade Si Au for me?
I see how strained their initial relationship ( Si Doyle & Fred) is considered new and their dealings with supernatural Sunnydale world consistently ,they either part friends or weather the storm in the long term plan for themselves ?
Well before we get into the mushy stuff again ( I'm wasn't being obligated for the reviews but I like writing them Author San ,since I m glutton for reviews ,that last time though I was definitely a bit stressed out& busy about other things at home when I posted that last one.
Anyway on to the review, As a surprising visit by brother Graham at the University College cause Fred 's Burkle life is something out of horror shows daily and avoid being sent to Plyea didn't stop Fred from getting into the adventure of it all in the Sunnydale area shenanigans with Si Doyle.
While Fred told her bro Graham don't chase new boyfriend Si Doyle with more overprotective big bro mode ( which is sometimes overbearing on the young siblings, even though thier hearts in the right place for the most part. ( Yes Buffy Summers loves Dawn ,even though Dawn acted like an ungrateful brat most of the season, but eventually changed when she found out she was an "Mystic key" force being given life .
As our Si Doyle couldn't ignore the call to saving the world for reasons besides the " pain inducing vision " by the PTB CLUB rules and the relationship drama between Fred and SI Doyle ( considering he can't be shown up by 300 yr old brooding vamp hero Angel ( liam) and 16 yr old Chosen one Slayer Buffy Summers ( Sarah Michelle Gellar) . A point of pride to his fragile male ego and a potential guilty complex ( Scourge) for the Si Doyle in my general opinion.
Perhaps he's does know what happens with the
Iilyaria that he's no interest in repeating but will probably sacrifice someone for the newest vessel for the fallen god by Wolfram & Hart law firm for girlfriend Fred That is an another story?

P.S. I wish someone will write Blade Si Au for me?
I see how strained their initial relationship ( Si Doyle & Fred) is considered new and their dealings with supernatural Sunnydale world consistently ,they either part friends or weather the storm in the long term plan for themselves ?
I do have plans for Illyria, that don't involve bad paperwork killing off someone to be a host.

I'm glad, I was worried it was turning into a chore for you.

Graham is Fred's cousin in this story, not brother.

I love Blade. But as a white guy, I'm very leery of doing a SI into a black guy. I don't think I could do the story justice with the social commentary needed. Whistler is a possibility though, or one of the side characters like.

Fred and Doyle will have some stuff to work out if they're going to last.
I do have plans for Illyria, that don't involve bad paperwork killing off someone to be a host.

It'd be true irony if Maggie Walsh was the one to wind up blue, given how she's trying to create the ultimate warrior. Given what she does to others - many of them the US citizens she and her project personnel are supposed to be defending - without the slightest qualm, she arguably has it coming. Her fate in canon was too quick an end.

But as a white guy, I'm very leery of doing a SI into a black guy.

It's not inherently worse than any other differing race into black guy, asian guy, or even white guy. People might object if you play it to stereotypes, and racists might object regardless, but it's not something to be afraid of doing.
It'd be true irony if Maggie Walsh was the one to wind up blue, given how she's trying to create the ultimate warrior. Given what she does to others - many of them the US citizens she and her project personnel are supposed to be defending - without the slightest qualm, she arguably has it coming. Her fate in canon was too quick an end.

It's not inherently worse than any other differing race into black guy, asian guy, or even white guy. People might object if you play it to stereotypes, and racists might object regardless, but it's not something to be afraid of doing.
That's actually a really fitting possible fate. Really good idea.

It's more that I'm nervous about not doing it properly because Blade was one of the big civil rights movement characters. Blade's being black is a huge part of his identity and I just don't think I can properly do justice to the social commentary. I'd be a lot more comfortable doing a character of a different race/religion that isn't so inherently tied into politics. Willow's Jewish but it doesn't get brought up every episode. Blade is black and it comes up every time he fights the established and in power white vampires/the police minions.
Interlude 10: Crossing Paths
Interlude 10: Crossing Paths

The grim realization that he doesn't deserve the chance to be happy settled in Liam's gut as the days of fruitless pursuit piled on. Allen had one simple job for me and I completely screwed it up.

Even after Whistler told him where to go, the Irish vampire was unable to walk away from the first time he had been counted on in decades. Faith must be so scared right now.

The lack of rain is the only reason the girl's incredibly tantalizing scent still provided a trail to follow. With the biker's plan to travel only at night, enough to convince Liam it's a fellow vampire he pursues towards Ohio. One of Trick's goons must have grabbed Faith.

All because I got careless. After the taillight a few cars a head signals, the vampire with a soul follows them into the rest stop.

Complete with a picnic area that seems to be used often and a beach along a slow running river, Liam turned off his lights only seconds before the bike's rumbling died. The well maintained site even has a large brick building that doubles as both showers and a bathroom, with Faith making a mad dash towards it.

Strangely the driver didn't give chase, instead pulling a tent out of his saddlebags while Liam lurked in the darkness.

The wind changed direction and brought the unknown rider's odour right to the vampire. He's not a vampire!

Shocked to hear a heart beating in the teen's chest, Liam found himself at a lose. What the hell is going on?"

"You've been following us for two states..." Pulling a wooden stake out of the tent bag, the rider's defiant words are directed into the shadows. "Let's get this over with before she's done showering."

"What are you doing with Faith?" The question about the as of yet unnamed Pike's nature, hangs unsaid under the starlight.

But it is very much implied by the defensive posture the rider takes on as he refused to provide helpful details. "Keeping her safe from vampires."

The rider pulled out a small yellow device that looks an awful lot like a drill minus the bit. It gets pointed at Liam for only a few seconds with the leather clad rider letting out a growl as he checks a display.

"Room temperature." The infrared thermometer is replaced with a hatchet and Pike prepares to face of with the vampiric stalker. "That means you're one of Trick's boys."

Despite Liam's attempt to defuse the situation with mere words, the terrified teen threw himself into the fray. The rapid pace breathing and hammering heartbeat of the teen is all it takes for the vampire to hold back.

Instead of breaking the boy's wrists to disarm him, Liam settled for slapping the sharp objects to the ground. This wasn't enough to break Pike's spirit though and he dropped his shoulders for a nearly perfect tackle.

It worked and let him bring the vampire to the dirt. But once locked in a grapple on the ground, the teen from California rapidly became aware of his idiocy.

"What was that supposed to accomplish?" Confusion filling him at such an amateur mistake, Liam carefully manoeuvred his underage foe into a headlock. "If you know what I am, you should know how much stronger I am than you."

A girl's cough alerted the pair to Faith's return, the stake's tip pressed firmly against the vampire's back. "It was supposed to distract you long enough for me to do this!"

Rage and grief are intermingled in her voice as she shoved the stake into the vampire's back. His hasp of pain brought smirks of satisfaction to the duo.

Either her emotional state or inexperience ended up being the only reason Liam doesn't get turned into dust. The wood slammed against the vampire's rib cage and was diverted the few inches needed to keep him existing.

A roar of agony emerged from the vampire suddenly in game face. The increased strength is more that enough for Liam to keep Pike pinned with one arm.

The free hand snaked backwards to clamp down on Faith's wrist, the force just shy of what would be needed to cause a fracture. "Don't do that again..." The hiss of rage was left hanging for a few moments. "It really hurt."

"It was supposed to kill you!" Screams the pissed off preteen as she swung the hatchet for the vampires exposed wrist with all her might.

With a snap of the targeted appendage, Liam tosses her into the bushes nearby. In an attempt to buy time for an explanation, he holds the boy up as a very clear hostage.

"Enough!" Roared an exasperated vampire, his temper very close to exploding. "You're both going to calm down and we're going to talk this out..." He let the threat of 'or else' remain unsaid but very obvious.

"Get out of here Faith!" Ignoring his own impending death, Pike bellowed at the girl to flee.

She ignored the demand and scrambled out of the bush with only the stake still in hand. "He followed us this far, I'm not getting much farther by myself."

"I don't want to hurt either of you..." To the pair's disbelief, Liam carefully lets go of his hostage.

"Feeling's not mutual," Admits the grumbling Pike as he rubbed feeling back into his shoulder.

"Whistler didn't say anything about help." Doubt coloured Pike's voice as he confronted the apparent 'friendly' vampire. "Feels like he would have mentioned you."

His turn to be stunned, Liam tried not to let his face reveal the fact. "... Whistler's not really great at giving all the details."

Trading details of the balance demon, the two guys eventually came to an understanding. Though Liam is careful not to reveal his own part in Faith's forced flight from Boston.

But he does let them know about his own guide being based in Sunnydale. "He's the one who wanted me to check in on Faith."

"What's so special about me?" Conflicted at the idea of being special and that being what got her family killed, Faith tried not to blame her supposed protectors. "I'm just a girl."

"You have a lot of potential..." Liam offered with a frown, taking a few seconds to realize that's pretty much all Allen told him. "Not really sure for what though."

"Whistler just told me to get her to Robin in the woods." Shrugs the conflicted teen as he racks his mind for a reason why Benny couldn't have been a nice vampire like this one. "But he hasn't told me which forest to check. Just that it's somewhere in Ohio and I'm supposed to bring the girls to this Robin chick."​
Holly fucking shit, could this be more fucked up? So what Whistler is trying to off Liam? I mean he sent one vampire hunter to deliver Faith to another, one who has bad blood with the Scourge?
Either Whistler didn't think Liam would pursue Faith and it was just miscommunication. Or Whistler may have ulterior motives (he did say the Vampire with a Soul prophecy was going to be split 3 ways. So Liam's not really unique or needed)
Serious miscommunication issues with our ensouled vampire Liam ( Angel) and Pike, Faith in the Boston adventure,which had Angel nearly losing life in the process though Whistler mentioned saved his neck besides Faith Lehnan staking him ( was too close for comfort in my general opinion) cause Angel potentially dying would have thrown Angel storyline prior off with the PTB Club resurrecting him again( when he died as Angelous in the first time around in Sunnydale seasons) . All because of a deadoy misunderstanding in Boston.
We'll see how it goes next time for our unlikely trio and the mysterious Robin acquaintance in the next chapter episode.
Catch ya later

P.S.So you can't do Blade Si for me (just throwing that out there) I have few more untapped si potential stories inspiration in my head
But try this one out ( An Chuck Si tv show Au ) ? Possible or not ?
Serious miscommunication issues with our ensouled vampire Liam ( Angel) and Pike, Faith in the Boston adventure,which had Angel nearly losing life in the process though Whistler mentioned saved his neck besides Faith Lehnan staking him ( was too close for comfort in my general opinion) cause Angel potentially dying would have thrown Angel storyline prior off with the PTB Club resurrecting him again( when he died as Angelous in the first time around in Sunnydale seasons) . All because of a deadoy misunderstanding in Boston.
We'll see how it goes next time for our unlikely trio and the mysterious Robin acquaintance in the next chapter episode.
Catch ya later

P.S.So you can't do Blade Si for me (just throwing that out there) I have few more untapped si potential stories inspiration in my head
But try this one out ( An Chuck Si tv show Au ) ? Possible or not ?
I thought it was weird how often beginners got a heart shot, since most people think the heart is on the left. So Faith missing with only Pike to teach her, felt appropriate.

I've only seen a few episodes of Chuck myself. And with Blade, I'd just have to choose one of the side characters instead of Blade himself. But you can PM me any ideas you have. I have a list of about 30 ideas for fics at the moment.
Chapter 55: Out For Drinks
Chapter 55: Out For Drinks

The way Russel hesitates after asking is enough to stop me from turning the desperate guy down out of hand and actually consider the invitation. A few drinks after work should be fine.

The girls have self defence today, it's not like I'm needed at home until after seven. "You care if we have a 'regular' crowd when we shuffle in? Or is it alright if I bring you to my regular place?"

But the second Jenny overhears that part, she gets an intrigued expression. She holds off from joining the crowd of students heading home for the day and waits for the offer to be extended.

"You two actually know how to have fun?" Disbelief fills each chuckle. "Oh, I need proof of this."

"Just be careful talking to strangers." Willy doesn't have the friendliest clients and the vice principal is more than capable of pissing someone off. "I really don't want to get in another fight. Willy is going to start making me pay for furniture if I keep breaking stuff."

That is of course the same moment a troublemaker is being led past the teacher's lounge. With Jack O'Toole letting out impressed remark I know will be spread around campus by morning.

"A teacher who gets in bar fights?" The leader of one of the local gangs cackles to himself as he's escorted into the office. "Oh, that's awesome!"

"I hate that bastard." Grumbles Russel with a shocking amount of hatred. "His dad was just as bad when we went to school. Thought it was funny to have his girl say something nice to me, just so he had a 'reason' to run me up the flagpole."

Jenny doesn't change her mind by the time we reach my van and it seems to have left Russel dumbfounded. "You aren't going to suddenly remember you have something better to do?"

Ignoring the judgmental tone, Jenny gives the strict man conspiratorial look. And she actually knows how low to keep her voice, if she want's me not to hear.

"Really?" Suddenly excited, Russel doesn't even know to try hiding his response. "I guess it's fine to stay out a little late. As long as Allen can scare off anything dangerous."

"I'm not some kind of guard dog..." I don't mind joking about my nose. But it's actually starting to piss me off when I hear other people direct the comments my way. Really given me a dose of sympathy for Gunn and his friends.

Russel's face twists into his closest attempt at an apologetic look. "And I don't eat babies. But I'm still going to hear Chief Munroe suggest it every time we have a meeting with the Mayor."

Confused at the byplay between us, Jenny has her ears trained as we pile into my van. With her silence, Russel even seems to forget her presence momentarily.

"Are you going to be coming to the next meeting?"

Fear floods my body as I try not to visibly react. "... I guess I probably should."

I can't keep telling Russel I'm working for the Mayor and not meet the guy. In the show, he made it very clear to Trick that he doesn't like a bunch of unbidden favours.

"When is it?" That would get me close to Wilkins so I'm ready to take the guy out. Probably be a good way to find out the power players in Sunnydale too.

Russel's answer has me frowning. Though I do eventually agree to go with him on the seventh. Not very much time to plan this out, this will be risky.

Can I actually trust Russel? Or is he just the shithead Snyder all the students think?

"You do know he's evil, don't you?" Silence fills the vehicle after my sudden declaration.

"The man so nice he could be Mister Rogers' brother?" It ends up being Jenny who voices her doubt first, while Russel just stews in thought.

"The man who's been mayor for nearly a century and plans to eat everyone present at his centennial."
Please don't make me disappear you Russel, I'm really going out on a limb right now.

A growl of betrayed understanding emerges in Russel's voice and I feel a seed of relief blossoming. "The one he plans to hold at graduation?"

"He sold his soul when this place was just a settlement and was the one who designed Sunnydale as a deathtrap." Either the whole truth shocks the guy into rediscovering his morals or this drive is about to take a deadly turn. "Even set up a spell so people ignore the horrific deaths that keep piling up." I cannot let the Mayor know I'm onto him yet.

"How is one man going to eat so many people?" Logic has finally reached through Russel's shock and given him some good questions to ask. "And how do you know any of this?"

"Because the Powers don't want an Old One slithering around on Earth." Let's see if you care more about keeping order or personal safety. "So they send me skull splitting visions and expect me to figure it out. You're the first one he eats."

Paling rapidly, Russel is having a hard time picturing the kindly man doing such a thing. "What?"

"But no one can ever deny you have balls bigger than a school bus." No one can call Snyder a coward, not even his biggest haters.

"I really need a drink." More aware of the true danger I just mentioned, Jenny's hands are shaking when she unbuckles herself.

Not waiting for me to turn off the engine, Russel is already hoping out of the sliding door. "I need ten."

He isn't exaggerating and orders two pitchers while I place my bets with Willy. But this just gets him intrigued when Jenny and the bartender both duplicate my choices.

Seemingly distraught at his life's foundation being destroyed, Russel shocks me to my core by adding his own cash. "I know how much you get paid, this explains a heck of a lot."

Once he has the third drink in him, Russel stops being quite so surly. When he finishes the second pitcher without any help though, that's when I really start believing his claim of being part Troll.

How is he putting it all away? His stomach can't have anymore room. Shock fills me as he shuffles to the bar for a refill instead of the bathroom.

"I didn't think he could actually smile," Jenny confides once our coworker finally proves he's human by entering the swinging door. "Do you have a camera? I might want a day off."

After Russel rejoins us with two more pitchers, he actually lets us share one of them this time. The conversation steers towards difficult lives and impossible expectations, with Russel surprising us with his genuine distress.

"Wilkins promised to make things better..." His head hangs low, almost touching the cheap wooden table Willy stocks. "But he's just the more of the same selfish lies. The world is never going to change."

"Not unless people make it." I'm already fighting fate, what's six billion stubborn humans?

"You at least know what you need to change. How am I supposed to do anything?" The helplessness in his voice pulls on my heartstrings and I can even see Jenny wincing in sympathy.

Everyone knows the future, I just know a little bit more. "You know the sun's going to come up tomorrow and life is going to suck for a whole lot of people. It's up to you if you add to the misery or you show the world what it could be."

"How do I do that?" Raw desperation fills Russel's every word as he stares desperately across the table.

"Well..." I've been putting this off long enough and whining about not having a guide of my own. "What's your favourite song?"​
A day out for Drinks at the supernatural bar ( Willy's) !
As Russel,Jenny, Si Doyle were out for drinks at Willy's bar, which had our Si Doyle with Jenny Calendar revealing some interesting intel to bff Russell to br first being eaten by Mayor Wilkins Ascension at graduation. As Si Doyle clarified he's taking an unexpected risky gamble on the inside spy for Sunnydale high power players in Sunnydale.
Along with Si Doyle giving somewhat clarification on a new guide and listening to the song at Lornes for Russell sake ( will probably be bite him in the butt or surely payoff in the future?
We'll see how it goes next time for our resident Si Doyle and Scooby gang in Something to Atone For at the meantime.

P.S I not sure how P.M you but I list you as recommended
1. Gossip Girl Si Chace Crawford
2. True blood TV show Sam Merlo Si Shape-shifting
3 . Xena Warrior Princess Joxer Si
4. Person of Interest Root Si
5. Bourne Legacy movie Cross Si
6. Animorphes Tobias Si
7. Burn Notice Fiona Si
Chapter 56: Open Mic Night
Chapter 56: Open Mic Night

Lorne is giddy when I bang on his door, eagerly ushering the three of us inside for the show. But once I tell him I finally want to sing, he's even quicker to get Clem to hook up a microphone.

Does Clem ever go home? He's here every time I stop by.

"It's about damned time Bright Eyes..." The flamboyantly dressed empath shakes his finger in my face, really making me notice the gaudy gold watch. "I was wondering when you'd let me guide you. Was starting to think I should have just stayed with the Maclays since you didn't seem to need me."

Hearing a slight edge to his voice, it's hard to deny I need to visit more. "I know you don't want to get involved in this stuff. Didn't want to pressure you into anything."

"You make up your mind yet?" Ignoring the tension between the Host and I, Jenny tries to turn the conversation back to our reason for being here.

"I'm just supposed to pick my favourite, right?" Russel's ears have turned slightly pink as he realizes all of our eyes are on him.

Nodding with a soft smile, Lorne does his best to put the nervous man at ease. "It will give me the clearest reading. But you can sing whatever you're comfortable with."

"Not Pinball Wizard!" A frantic Clem's wrinkles pull back so much he takes on a menacing form by pure accident. "That's my song."

"Don't worry, I'm positive you haven't heard this one yet." To everyone's confusion I decide to sing something that isn't going to come out for another decade.
The words to 'Womanizer' are sung by memory, with my slower take on the song being purely from nerves. I know I wouldn't have been able to do this without the stop at Willy's and keep my eyes screwed tightly shut until I finish.

I don't get an applause when I dare to open my eyes. But nobody laughs either and I take that as a win.

"Did you write that yourself?" Envy shines in Russel's eyes as he assumes this is yet another thing I'm better at.

"Stole it from Britney Spears..." I know the rough time it came out and shrug as I give up the credit. "About a decade from now."

Russel closes his eyes and seems to count to five before taking the chance to open them again. "So you just know everything that's going to happen? Seems a little unfair."

"It's more like a bunch of five minute clips that I have very little context for." Lorne's smile lets me know he's aware of my white lie.

But he thankfully doesn't squeal and I know I'm going to be owing him. "This part is private, we'll be right back."

"I'll make sure they put everything back in the right order." With a watchful eye on my coworkers, Clem takes his task seriously as I'm led into the washroom.

"Just let me turn these on first." The shower and faucet are both turned on full blast to covr up the sensitive words. "Perfect. Now let's dive right into the juicy stuff."

"What am I supposed to be doing?" I've been making a lot of assumptions, steering the direction of many people as if I know best for everyone.

"Don't look so worried Cupcake. You're not as far off as you think." Smiling wide in an attempt to reassure me, Lorne reaches over to grab my trembling hand. "Teach the Champions to work together. You're all on the same side after all."

Unable to accept my task is that hands off, I shake my head firmly in denial. "That can't be it."

"You should probably know that if you keep doing all the planning..." His scarlet eyes bore into me and lay my aura bare to his special sight. "Sure you might get all the credit when things go right. But when something goes wrong, all the blame is going to fall on you."

"I can't expect the kids to make hard choices yet. They've just found out the monsters under the bed are real." I'm trying to get as many to choose the support role as I can and it's proving rather difficult.

Though considering how many of them have gone to the first three self defence lessons, I seem to be horribly failing at my goal of scaring them off. The harder I try to convince them to leave it to me, the more stubborn the teens seem to get.

"I didn't see any teenagers walk in with you tonight." He smirks at me as the truth sinks in.

"I'm still worried I might have to make Russel disappear." I can't let him tell the Mayor anything important. "Really hoping you get a good reading on him." Even if it means I have to kill a friend who hasn't actually done anything wrong yet.

Pursing his lips, Lorne gives me a look as if I'm an idiot. "You want to keep your secrets, they get to keep theirs."

"Just tell me if he's a lost cause or not." No point beating a dead horse, Lorne's not going to spill any details. "I'm not scared of some hard work, just not going to waste my time on something hopeless."

"Four more things." Holding up a closed fist, my Pylean friend lifts a finger with each point. "First, you really need to take Fred out more often."

"Uh..." Not really sure why that's so high on the list. "Alright?" But even if it's just Lorne being a good friend, I'm not going to ignore the advice I should have already been following.

His smile expands once I agree and Lorne lifts his second finger. "The more people you care about, the more people who care about you."

"That's pretty self explanatory." Quirking my lips, I try not to roll my eyes at the obvious statement.

"But you don't really seem to understand it. It seemed like you needed a reminder." His third finger goes up with it's pair of emerald siblings. "You may want to find that glove before the Slayer shows up. Otherwise it might get lost in the Post."

Holding in a groan at another vague instruction, I don't get my hopes up at getting anything more out of Lorne. "Which cemetery is it in?"

"No idea. Just know that you don't have nearly as much time as you think." Shrugging at my confusion, the music lover's final finger goes up. "And finally, I hope you don't mind having a destiny. Because you're stealing the lion's share of one."

"Hurry up!" Russel bangs on the door with desperation filling his voice. "I need to pee!"

He grumbles about the running water while we shuffle past him back into the living room. Jenny is trying incredibly hard not to laugh. But Clem has no such kindness and is slapping his knee with each chuckle.

"You pick some songs?" Ignoring the gasp of pleasure from behind the closed door, I turn my full attention on Jenny. "Or am I the only one brave enough?"

"One Way or Another." Her response is simple and confidently spoken almost as if she is daring me to say something.

Happy to disappoint in this area, I just give her a thumbs up and an honest grin. "Nice. What about Russel?"

"He said it was going to be a surprise..." Jenny's challenging look morphs into an expression of uncertainty when I bring up our pissing friend. "But to be honest, that's how I've felt the entire night. He's not the same guy he is at work."

When he emerges from the bathroom satisfied and with dry pants, Russel insists on going next. When Nine Inch Nails starts to play, I'm stunned into complete silence for the whole song.

Russel's rendition of 'Hurt', is raw and the words contain a lifetime of anguish. He's not great and yet the passion he sings with is more than enough to smooth over the rough edges.

After he finishes, Lorne is true to his word and pulls him into the washroom for his own private talk. The only information I receive either way when the door finally reopens is a nod directed towards me alone.​
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Where's Lorne Open Mic Night revelations for Si Doyle were self explanatory and others were not, but a little lions share or Destiny are mentioned in the private conversation with bf Lorne in the Bathroom.
As Si Doyle singing classic ( future hit song ) "womanizer " to everyone astonishment (more possible gay vibes at the club) includes " misunderstanding " about Si Doyle ( flamboyance) ha!
Along with Si Doyle potentially putting Russell out of his misery or becoming an unexpected asset against the Ascension of the Mayor Wilkins Graduation plans ,and Si Doyle better find that glove at the haystack of cemetery at Sunnydale area.
Catch ya later

P.S Hernan Guerra Si God's & Monsters
Chapter 57: Shocking Touch
Chapter 57: Shocking Touch

"This is what you do?" Somehow Russel has managed to remain the most sober, looking very conflicted about where I bring us once Lorne ushers us out for the start of his show. "Loot graves?"

Can't even really call the place Liam's anymore since it's yet another place I'm apparently paying the rent on now. Willy should probably spreading out the bets to different bookies, don't want anyone halfway clever putting things together.

"I'm not selling anything I find." Slightly offended at the accusation, I spin on my heel beneath the Restfield gates. "It's really closer to bomb disposal." Or maybe toxic waste clean up.

"This thing might blow up?" With a wood axe clutched in his extremely anxious grip, Russel is at least brave enough to make sure a wary Jenny is hemmed in between us.

The shrill hiss just makes me snort, the pleasant buzz keeping me from firing back with a more sardonic response. "The glove's only going to be a problem if someone stupid puts it on."

Only one person I can think of who might be better off with the damned thing stuck on her arm for life. Not sure if it's a good thing or a shame that I have absolutely no idea where to even begin looking for her.

"Before vampires get a whiff of three humans in a cemetery..." Sneezing out the avocado green skin and thorny barbs nearly shocks Russel into dropping his weapon. "You two should spray up."

Pulling out the bottle of deer musk, I hand it over to a disgusted Jenny. "This stuff better be the synthetic kind."

"Of course not." I don't even let the grimace on her face fully form before turning it into a full blown scowl of annoyance. "Vampires can tell the difference." Liam was very clear on the fake stuff just smelling like chemicals.

"What's the hairspray for?" Jenny frowns at the extremely fragrant brand I had in the van.

"Slather your neck in really strong perfume or cologne before you go out clubbing and you're pretty much ignored by the fang faces." As long as they have a selection to choose from, vampires will ignore the foulest tasting people by a mile.

Grimacing in frustration, I can already foresee the upcoming body-spray craze being even worse than it was in my first life. "And if you smoke, kind of have an instant blowtorch if they're really hungry."

"We need to do something about the new swim coach. Preferably before he returns the teens to the Black Lagoon." Trying to keep the conversation lighter than grave robbing, I seem to fail based on the horrified gasp Jenny lets out.

"Shouldn't we be dealing with that first?" Visibly holding in her panic, Jenny settles for continuously flicking the red lighter in her hand.

"It's not urgent until the team starts to actually win." The guy still has to finish his formula and a few blood transfusions will clear the effects. "We have about a year."

Rage flows out of Russel so powerfully, he kind of looks like a leading man in the moment. "... Mutating my students? I don't think so buddy." He swings the bat a few times, his hands no longer shaking. "Think it's time I called in one of my favours and get Flutie to fire the guy."

My friend is revelling in being able to do something about the unfairness he's been faced with his entire life. But sadly I have to put my foot down.

"That just sets him loose on another school somewhere else and those kids won't have us to protect them." I'm the only one who actually knows what this coach is capable of and I can't expect my friends to help me kill him without any proof.

"Best plan I have is have you seduce the nurse. She's working with the guy and should know where to find the files." He can't be dumb enough to just have them on his school computer.

"Me?" Russel blinks as I stop in front of a mausoleum, reading the correct name once I tilt my head enough. "But you're the cool one." I hate cursive.

Grinning at her own apparently genius idea, Jenny shows I'm not the only one who thinks Snyder is an actual friend. "I actually might be able to help with that."

She explains how unsettled she was by the magical jacket's effect. With the idea of Amy helping the techno pagan turn the jacket into a less potent artifact.

Shocking them even more, I reveal one of the perks of being a drama kid. "Ted had a sewing machine, I can take care of it as long as you don't want anything too fancy."

"If we can reduce the material by turning the jacket into something like wristbands, the effect should be more like beer goggles." The way Jenny shudders really reveals her distaste for the enchanted jacket.

"Can we Shallow Hal the things?" Instead of just making anyone look better, it would be a good way to training better people. "Sorry, that's another movie that hasn't come out yet..." Neither of my friends look impressed at what sounds like a casual flex. "Could you make the effect reveal a person's inner beauty?"

Considering the idea, Jenny doesn't give me a hard no. "That should be possible. But I'll need to ask Mary about it first."

"I'm thinking just enough to make a nice person look like they've been touched up for a magazine cover." A smirk grows as I think of the reverse also being true. "And jerks will look like they haven't bathed in three months."

Checking over my shoulder and not seeing anyone watching, I bend the Von Hauptman's iron wrought gate open widen enough to slip someone small inside. "Russel, still want to help?"

"Nothing's inside?" Confidence brought on by three pitchers flows through him as he prepares to enter. "Just some spiked glove?"

"It really should be called a gauntlet." You know what, that's what I'm calling it from now on. "Just grab it so we can get out of here. I have a bad feeling about this place."

Not sure why the hair on my neck is standing on edge, I strain all of my senses to find the threat. But no matter which shadow my eyes peer into or how many whiffs of the air I take, no one is revealed to me.

"So what did Lorne tell you?" Jenny doesn't seem to care the advice from earlier was supposed to be private. "Because mine was really just life advice I should have already known. Except for the part about using the present to bring back the past, that was actually helpful."

"Pretty much the same thing..." Thinking back on my own words of wisdom, I decide some of it wasn't too personal to share. "I'm supposed to take Fred out more often. Apparently my soul knows I'm being a bad boyfriend."

"Probably a good thing I don't have to share a charge with you anymore. The Elders wanted me to get close enough to influence you, no matter what it took." She keeps her voice low enough that the grunting Russel can't hear us. "But since you've been straight with us, Uncle Enyos said is was best to listen to the Oracles."

Blinking at the admission, I have my own dumbfounded one to make in response. "... You've been trying to seduce me?"

"Not very well it seems." Rolling her eyes now that the secret of her old orders is out in the open, I get a sense that real friendship is now possible between us. "No idea how Fred got you to notice her."

Well that's easy. "She saved my life at least four times now and I like a confidant woman who knows what she wants."

A crack of electricity inside the mausoleum is followed by a bang as Russel is thrown against one of the walls. Before I can really worry about the guy's status, he's crawling out with his jacket wrapped around the Gauntlet of Myhnegon

"Ow." What little hair Russel still has is standing on end as hands over artifact to Jenny, her smirk of amusement being held back admirably.

Notes: I just fell asleep writing this last night, sorry. I'll post another one today to catch up.​

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