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The Accidental Liberator (ASOIAF,GOT SI)

Two Years Later
In this chapter Garth gives exposition, Jason writes cringe fanfiction, Irina disappoints her god.

Garth was tired, which was strange since he didn't need much sleep or rest since Jason had enhanced him. He had been awake for the past twenty hours, overseeing everything. He followed the flurry of activity as workers removed the last of the furniture and scrolls, moving them out of the room he had been using as his base of operations for the last two years.

After arriving back in the city, having defeated and driven away the Dothraki plaguing the lands, Jason immediately granted him a title and dumped all the responsibilities of running the city and organizing his new fiefs onto Garth. In his opinion, one of the few things Jason was good at, other than making up the most outlandish tales and doing absolutely nothing, was making up grandiose titles.

"Garth, I name you my Grand Vizier," Jason said to him in a hastily assembled ceremony.

"The grand what?" he replied in a low voice.

"As the Grand Vizier, you will be my second in command. You will oversee the daily operations of our city and the territories under our control," Jason explained.

"What a great honor," Garth responded with a forced smile.

He then proceeded to name Irina as the Arch Priestess and Cregan as the Supreme Commander. His 'friend' had seemingly dumped all the responsibilities on them and retreated to his mansion.

Garth took his role seriously; he quickly gathered the small group of students he had been teaching to help him run the city; he also found help with what was left of the city's leadership. Together, they had steered the city and its surrounding lands through a year of rapid change and growth, all while dealing with Jason's detached approach to leadership, Irina's zealous religious activities, and Cregan's demands for military resources.

Garth had meticulously set about organizing the hierarchy of governance for the expanding territory. Jason occasionally chimed in, providing titles for various positions, much to Garth's annoyance. He sometimes wondered if Jason had a list of titles lying around, given their grandiose nature.

Jason created the title of 'Nomarchs' for the leaders of the newly integrated villages. Aware of Irina's growing influence in the religious and cultural spheres of the villages, Garth ensured he himself selected Nomarchs for the largest and most influential villages, securing their loyalty to him.

His selections were calculated to balance Irina's influence as religious fervor was sweeping through the populace. Jason, while seemingly detached, was not ignorant of the potential issues that the new religion could cause. He had created a set of rules for her to follow, most of them taken from faiths from his world; he was also filling her head with stories about him, something Jason had confessed to him were just popular stories from his home.

Garth was also in the process of establishing a network of informants to keep a watchful eye on any religious persecutions or extreme zealotry that might destabilize their fledgling realm. So far, he had not received any news of any incidents, something he was getting suspicious about.

Jason didn't remain idle for long, as about a year ago, his powers had grown enough that he could shape the earth using his powers on a large scale. He remembered a very excited Jason coming to him and telling him of the wonders he was going to make.

"It's going to be great, Garth, and here I thought I was going to be bored," Jason said, shaking Garth with barely contained excitement.

He began modestly, aiding with essential infrastructure to support the growing population. Although Kosrak lacked skilled craftsmen and artisans, Garth discovered that many of the freed slaves from the Dothraki were artisans, craftsmen, and builders with valuable knowledge and skills.

Once liberated, they eagerly contributed to Kosrak's development, Some hailed from the East Yi-Ti and beyond and others from the Free Cities in the West. They were among the first converts to the new religion centered around Jason, whose grand architectural projects only reinforced their faith.

Jason constructed aqueducts to replace the city's deteriorated water system and worked on new irrigation systems and improving the agricultural lands around Kosrak. This improved crop yields and variety, boosting the local economy and food supply. His efforts in reshaping the land for better irrigation and enriching the soil were viewed as miraculous,further entrenching their faith in their new god.

However, about nine months ago, Jason undertook a project that, in Garth's view, was purely a vanity project. Gazing out of the window, his gaze fell on this project: his new home for the foreseeable future.

It was a massive structure carved out of the mountainside, a city within the mountain itself, composed of multiple concentric levels, each encircled by white walls and stacked like steps into the mountain's core.

Each level served a distinct purpose: the lower levels had markets, workshops, and residences for the populace. Those who could had already moved there had started calling Kosrak the old city.

The middle tiers were dedicated to administrative and military functions, housing the offices of the Nomarchs, military barracks, and training grounds. Garth and Cregan had contributed to the design of these tiers, with Jason eagerly asking for their input, much like a child crafting a sandcastle.

The upper levels were reserved for opulent mansions, gardens, and temples but this remained barren for now and would be finished in a few years as Jason had only focused on the more important parts of the mountain city.

Initially Garth considered Lhazar a backwater but was surprised when he saw that it had it's own nobility and vert rich and wealthy merchant class. Many of whom were early converts to Jason's religion; they were already lining up to buy spots for their mansions there.

At the summit there was a palace that served as Jason's residence. Irina, ambitious as ever, proclaimed it the Grand Temple, intending it to be the spiritual center of their new faith. She began transferring her operations to its large, albeit incomplete, halls.

Despite his doubts about the project's extravagance, Garth had to admit the awe it evoked in both residents and visitors.

He was about to leave for the 'Grand Temple,' as it was called, when he saw Cregan enter the room and approach with a sense of urgency.

"Garth, we have some visitors," he said.

"Have another Nomarch come to pay tribute to Jason?" Garth asked dryly.

"No, they claim to be from Hesh."

"Hesh?" Intrigued, Garth followed Cregan to the entrance, where a small delegation stood, their faces etched with anticipation and reverence. They were richly dressed, signifying their elite status in their city. As they spotted Garth, they immediately kneeled, heads bowed low.

"We come from Hesh, Grand Vizier," one of them spoke, his voice trembling. "Our city has renounced the weak guidance of the Great Shepherd and has been enlightened by the teachings of the Great Liberator. We, the council of elders of Hesh, are here to offer the city's service to his divine realm."

Garth's initial surprise turned to irritation, his brows furrowing. "Rise, please. There's no need for kneeling," he said sharply, masking his rising anger at Irina for her lack of communication about her activities in Hesh.

"So, Hesh has renounced the Great Shepherd?" Garth inquired.

"Yes, Grand Vizier," the leader of the delegation replied. "Our people have seen the truth. We seek to formally join the realm of the Great One and serve under his divine guidance."

'Damn you, Irina, why wasn't I informed of this? Is this the same situation in Lhazosh? Should we expect another delegation from there?' Garth thought.

Cregan, who had been silent, spoke up, "Aye, this is great, Garth. I was already preparing for our expansion to the other branch of the Skahazadhan. Hesh could be the perfect base of operations."

Garth sighed and nodded. "Darius," he called to his assistant.

"Yes, Grand Vizier?" Darius responded promptly, stepping forward from behind him.

"Prepare the appropriate lodging for our guests," Garth ordered. He then turned to the delegation, "Your request will be relayed to the Great One," he declared.

The delegation seemed pleased with Garth's response, bowing respectfully. "We thank you, Grand Vizier. We await the Great One's decision and are ready to assist in making the transition as harmonious as possible."

As they departed, Garth turned to Cregan. "Should we expect one from Lhazosh as well? What else has Irina been doing?"

"That is for you to worry about." Cregan said, chuckling. " Inform me if you want some troops moved into Hesh," he added before leaving.

Garth's gaze shifted to the summit of the mountain city where he knew Jason and Irina would be. As he was about to leave, he paused, seeing the approaching form of the two immortals assigned to guard him.

The Immortals were another one of Jason's grandiose titles, this time given to the hundred men he had enhanced. A fitting name, in Garth's opinion; they were truly an unstoppable force.

Their armor, a mix of gold and ebony, glinted in the sunlight, made by Jason himself using his powers. Neither he nor the blacksmiths in the city could figure out what metal it was; the blacksmiths had taken to calling it 'divine metal,' as it was made by Jason himself. Intricate designs swirled across the surface of the armor, creating mesmerizing patterns that seemed to dance and shift with each movement.

It was the helmets they wore that Garth found unnerving, especially the metal masks that hid their faces, molded to resemble Jason's visage. It gave the impression that Jason's gaze was always upon you through the Immortals.

The Immortals themselves had become part of the power struggle between him and Irina. While the Immortals were fanatically loyal to Jason, Irina was the one who had chosen the first of the hundred to be enhanced. Realizing the danger posed by this, he had convinced Jason to let him choose the other half. He had been the one to choose forty-five of them so now most of the Immortals held secondary loyalties to both him and Irina.

Garth made his way to the mountain and eventually reached the summit, where he saw Jason and Irina sitting around a table, surrounded by the first ten immortals, Jason's preferred personal guard. As he approached, he overheard their conversation.

"Select ten and bring them to me," Jason commanded.

"Yes, my lord. I will have them ready by morning," Irina responded.

"This isn't a trivial matter Irina, take your time…. that is unless you already have ten in mind," Jason added.

Garth cleared his throat as he approached, drawing the attention of both Jason and Irina.

"Garth, just the man I wanted to see," Jason exclaimed, standing up to greet him.

"Grand Vizier," Irina acknowledged with a nod, her expression unreadable.

"I heard you talking about selection. You are not planning on enhancing more people, are you?" Garth inquired with concern in his voice.

"Indeed, we are," Jason confirmed, smiling.

"Why?" Garth asked, alarmed.

"We already have the immortals," he added.

"That is the problem, Garth. They are all men. The ten I am going to enhance are women," Jason explained.

"Our lord has already decreed men and women to be equal. Questions about the absence of female immortals have arisen," Irina said.

"I've heard nothing of this. What purpose will these enhanced women serve?" Garth pressed.

"They could serve the temple..." Irina started.

"I have not decided on that, Irina," Jason said, interrupting her. He looked a bit annoyed by her suggestion.

"I hope you consider the request, my lord," Irina implored.

"Thank you, Irina. You may leave. Garth and I need to discuss some things," Jason said, dismissing the Arch Priestess.

Irina bowed and left, leaving Garth and Jason alone.

"Now that she is gone, cover your face with this and follow me," Jason said, throwing a piece of cloth to Garth. Garth noted that Jason had one as well.

"Why?" Garth asked, his enhanced mind pondering what Jason had planned.

"I built an amphitheater in the lower levels," Jason began.

"Yes, I have seen it," Garth responded.

Jason guided Garth to a more private place by the edge of the terrace, away from the immortals. They could see the city of Kosrak and its surroundings in the distance; it was a breathtaking sight.

"Remember when I told you about how I made up stories about myself when Irina asked me about my origins?" Jason said with a huge grin on his face.

Garth nodded.

"Irina has told me that the temple has produced a play about my origins," Jason continued.

"Yes, I have heard about that as well," Garth replied. He had been wanting to know what Jason had filled the woman's head with.

"So, you and I are going to watch it. Irina offered me a private viewing, but it would be much better seeing it with the audience," Jason said, covering his face with the cloth.

"I have been wanting to know what rubbish you have been filling our arch priestess's head with." Garth said, chuckling.

"Hey, it was very compelling from what I remember. She even teared up," Jason said, slightly offended.

"Wait, you don't remember what you told her?" Garth asked.

"Some parts. I was getting very drunk by the end of it," Jason admitted.

"Fine, let's go see the origins of the Great Liberator," Garth said, covering his face.

Jason ordered the immortals to stay; they protested but could not disobey a direct order from him.

They made their way to the large theater, where Jason found seats he deemed the best. The semi-circular arrangement provided an unobstructed view of the stage from every seat.

"This is going to be great," Jason said excitedly.

Garth turned his gaze to the stage as the curtain rose, revealing a modest village setting. A young man wandered onto the stage, going about his daily life.

"Oh, that's me," Jason commented.

More scenes followed as the mummer playing Jason lived his life in the village. His kind nature was especially shown through the scenes.

Suddenly, from stage left, an actor garbed in robes and holding a staff walked in, introducing himself as Gandalf.

Gandalf, with a deep, resonant voice, addressed Jason, "Young one, you believe yourself to be just a man, but within you flows the blood of the divine."

Jason, taken aback, replied, "A god, me? But how? My life is here, among these fields and streams. I am no one of consequence."

Gandalf continued, his gaze intensifying, "Your father was a hero, a beacon of light in dark times. He fought against the ruinous powers that seek to enslave us all, but alas, he was struck down before his quest was complete."

Jason, now visibly shaken, questioned, "My father? I was told he was but a simple farmer."

The scene continued as Gandalf talked to Jason.

"The acting is very bad," Jason said to Garth. He could not respond as the woman in front of them shushed them.

Gandalf moved closer, placing a hand on Jason's shoulder, "It has everything to do with you. You are the key to ending the darkness that plagues our lands. The same blood that coursed through your father's veins, the blood of a god, runs through yours. It is your destiny to take up his mantle and free our people from bondage."

Jason, stepping back, still struggling with disbelief, responded, "But I am no warrior. I don't know the first thing about fighting or leading armies."

Gandalf, with a knowing smile, reassured him, "Fear not, for I will guide you. Together, we will journey to unlock your true potential and gather allies. The path ahead is fraught with danger, but it is one you must walk. Are you ready to accept your destiny?"

The audience applauded as Jason accepted Gandalf's offer.

The play never referred to Jason by his true name Garth noted only he, Cregan, Irina and the immortals knew of it.

The curtains closed, and when they opened again, the stage transformed to depict a grand hall of gods, where Jason, now more confident and determined, sought the wisdom and aid of the pantheon.

"I wonder where she is going with this," Garth thought.

The mummers playing the deities were arrayed in magnificent costumes, each representing their divine aspects. Among them was the mummer playing the Great Shepherd, draped in robes of pale green, with a staff in hand.

Jason approached the assembly. "My lords, I come before you seeking your guidance and your strength. The land suffers under the yoke of darkness, and I wish to end this tyranny," he proclaimed boldly.

The mummer playing the Great Shepherd stepped forward, his voice gentle. "Your quest is noble, young one, yet fraught with peril. The forces you wish to challenge are beyond even our might. We have... reached an accord with them, for the sake of peace."

Jason, with disbelief and frustration in his tone, responded, "An accord? You mean to say you've bowed to them, allowed their cruelty to go unchecked, all in the name of peace?"

The Great Shepherd, with a sorrowful look, replied, "It is not a matter of cowardice, but of survival. To challenge them directly would bring untold suffering upon us all."

"No. I cannot accept that. There must be another way. A way to fight back, to protect those who cannot protect themselves. If you will not stand with me, then I shall stand alone."

There was thunderous applause from the audience.

"Of course, she portrays the Great Shepherd as a coward," Garth muttered.

"I don't remember telling her that," Jason responded.

There were scenes of Jason adventuring and defeating monsters; he was named the liberator by the people. Gandalf then tragically dies.

"Yeah I don't think he is coming back" he heard Jason comment.

The next scene was Jason's confrontation with Morgoth, the champion of the ruinous powers and the man who murdered Gandalf.

"This is going to be great," Jason said, shaking with excitement.

Jason and Morgoth locked in combat, their weapons clashing with a sound that echoed throughout the theater. The audience watched, breathless, as the struggle intensified.

Morgoth, towering and malevolent, voiced by a mummer with a deep, menacing tone, halted the combat abruptly. "There is no escape. Don't make me destroy you."

"You do not yet realize your importance. You have only begun to discover your power. Join me, and I will complete your training. With our combined strength, we can end this destructive conflict and bring order to the world," Morgoth continued.

Jason, panting and wary, responded defiantly, "I'll never join you!"

"If you only knew the strength of the ruinous powers. Gandalf never told you what happened to your father," Morgoth said with a sinister laugh.

"He told me enough! He told me you killed him!" the mummer playing Jason on stage and Jason sitting next to Garth said at the same time.

"No, I am your father."

The words hung in the air, a palpable shock rippled through the assembled spectators. Jason staggered, as if struck by an unseen force. "No. No. That's not true. That's impossible!"

Morgoth stepped closer, the malice in his eyes softening. "Search your feelings; you know it to be true!"

Jason let out an anguished cry. As the scene closed, the audience erupted into a mix of applause and hushed conversations.

"I did not see that coming," Garth said, genuinely surprised.

The stage was set with darkness, a backdrop for Jason's final stand against the ruinous powers. Surrounded by many dark figures, one of which was a horse,

'Ahh the great stallion I see what you're doing Irina' Garth thought seeing a horse which at first he thought was out of place.

Chained and defeated, Jason, with a mix of despair and resilience, addressed the audience directly.

"The darkness has won," he began, his voice echoing in the hushed theater.

The mummer playing the Great Shepherd, this time portrayed with a sinister grace, stepped forward. "I did what was necessary for peace. Your rebellion has brought only chaos. Accept your fate."

Jason, straining against his chains, retorted, "Peace built on the bones of the innocent is no peace at all."

"Though I may be bound, my spirit remains unbroken. I will break free from this prison one day, and I will destroy the ruinous powers once and for all," he declared.

The Great Shepherd, cloaked in darkness, responded with a cold laugh. "You are but one man against the might of the gods. What hope do you have?"

Garth could hear crying among the audience.

"Wow, this got very cheesy by the end," Jason muttered.

Garth thought, 'What does this have to do with cheese?'

"I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am the protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am the truth... Ally to good! Nightmare to you!" Jason declared in defiance as the shepherd was blown away by the power of the weakened and bound Jason.

"YEESSSS!" Jason exclaimed, leaping up. Garth had to forcefully pull him back down to ensure their disguises remained intact.

"Quiet down," Garth hissed, pulling Jason back into his seat.

"I can't believe she remembered that," Jason remarked happily.

The play ended with a voice declaring that the Great Liberator was free and here to set things right.

The audience, along with Jason, stood up and gave a thunderous applause. Garth couldn't help but join in; it was a very entertaining play.

"That was surprisingly entertaining," Garth admitted, looking at Jason.

"It was a cringe fanfiction but you are right it was entertaining" Jason said applauding.

"You know, my sister used to write fanfiction," Jason said with a smile.

"She used to..." Jason trailed off. "My sister..." he repeated in a more subdued tone.

Garth noticed the change in Jason's face; he looked distressed, his earlier enthusiasm fading.

"Jason, are you alright?" Garth asked, concerned.

Jason was silent for a moment, then shook his head as if to clear it. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," he finally said, but his voice lacked its usual cheer. They walked out of the theater.

Garth remained silent as they walked through the winding streets of the new city; the silence between them remained until they reached the summit.

"Jason, if there's anything you wish to talk about..." Garth finally broke the silence.

Jason gave him a small smile. "I am fine, Garth. I just remembered something that's all," he said.

"Are you sure?" Garth pressed.

"Yes, I'll see you tomorrow," Jason said, walking away.

Garth lingered for a while, watching Jason disappear into the large entrance. The night had ended in an unexpected somber tone.he saw the two immortals assigned to him walking towards him. Garth walked towards his new manor in the still unnamed city.

In the morning, Garth found Jason in the unfinished throne room, a vast space with high arched ceilings. The room was bathed in the soft glow of dawn. At the far end, he could see a raised dais where a throne would be placed. The walls, sculpted from the mountain itself, bore intricate half-finished carvings of Jason and the immortals freeing slaves and captives.

"Irina's doing, no doubt. The sculptor from Qarth, who had been a captive of the Dothraki, had been hard at work here," Garth thought.

Jason stood confidently at the center, having just finished enhancing ten women whom Irina brought to him. The women were tall and beautiful, their eyes filled with a mix of awe and reverence towards Jason. He could not tell if Jason was uncomfortable or extremely happy by the looks they were giving him.

Seeing Garth approach, Jason dismissed them. Garth then asked for a meeting, to which Jason led them to another large room. It was empty, with a large table in the middle. Scrolls and architectural plans were strewn across it, their voices echoed as they spoke.

"Garth, what brings you here so early?" Jason asked.

"A group from Hesh has arrived, seeking to join our realm. They claim their city has renounced the Great Shepherd and embraced your teachings," Garth explained.

Jason's eyes lit up with interest. "That's good news, isn't it?"

Irina, who had been silently listening, nodded in agreement. "The seeds we planted in Hesh are bearing fruit."

Garth turned his gaze to Irina, his expression serious. "I was unaware of these 'seeds' you planted, Irina. Why wasn't I informed of your activities there?"

Irina met his stare. "My mission was spiritual, Garth. I was focused on spreading the divine word of my god."

Their conversation quickly heated as Garth pressed on the importance of coordinated efforts and transparency, especially in actions that affected the kingdom's expansion.

"Yes, transparency and coordination when it only suits you," Irina said in her usual calm demeanor, but Garth could note a bit of venom in her voice.

"What of Lhazosh, then? Have you planted your seeds there as well?" Garth asked.

Irina nodded, "Yes, we have made significant progress, but…" Her voice trailed off, a flicker of concern passing over her face.

Jason, who had been silent, picked up on the hesitation in her voice and leaned forward. "But?"

"There have been troubling reports from Lhazosh," Irina confessed. "One claim speaks of a hidden slaver ring operating within the city. I've been unable to confirm these reports myself."

"Why didn't you bring this to our attention earlier?" Jason exclaimed.

"I intended to, once… I had more information," Irina said, losing her calm demeanor under Jason's look of disappointment.

"I'll talk to you later. You can leave, Irina," Jason said, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Irina looked at a smirking Garth and walked out of the room. Jason then turned to Garth.

"Garth, you are going on a tour," Jason announced.

"What?" Garth asked, surprised.

"I need you to tour the lands under my protection. Go to Hesh and welcome them into the fold," Jason said.

"There's no need to travel there…" Garth began to say, but Jason was not finished.

"Then you go to Lhazosh. Look into the slavery thing there; I will meet you there," Jason added.

"I don't think there is a slavery ring in Lhazosh, Jason," Garth said, trying to stop whatever Jason was planning.

"Garth, my whole thing has been about liberating and protecting people. What do you think will happen when people hear about slavery happening in the place I swore to protect? This whole operation will fall apart," Jason said with a bit of panic in his voice.

"I think you're heavily underestimating how much the people love you here, Jason. You are being worshiped as a god. What you command, they will do. If you say there is no slavery in Lhazosh, they will obey and listen," Garth said.

"It doesn't hurt to check. I mean, remember the first two months, just you and I traveling and beating Dothraki?"

"I remember being taken captive and all this happening," Garth said, motioning to the room and the immortals stationed outside.

"But I'll do it. You are right; I do miss traveling. I will go to Hesh and then I'll meet you in Lhazosh," Garth said, conceding to Jason's plans.

"Great, it's going to be fun," Jason said, patting Garth on the back.

Garth's gaze shifted to the table, where he saw a parchment littered with names all starting with Jason; he saw names like Jasonopolis, Jasonberg, and various others in a similar vein. As he picked it up for a closer look, Jason quickly snatched it from his hands, a sheepish grin on his face.

"These are all terrible, Jason," Garth remarked with a raised eyebrow, realizing that they were names for the structure they were standing in.

"Make it simple," he added.

Jason paced back and forth, muttering to himself, "Simple, simple…" Suddenly, he stopped, a light of inspiration in his eyes. "Haven!" he exclaimed. "We'll call it Haven, for it will be a sanctuary for the oppressed, a place of safety."

Garth considered the name, nodding approvingly. "Haven... I like it. It's simple, meaningful, and it conveys the right message. I'll make the arrangements for it to be known among the people."

"Haven it is then." Jason declared.
I wonder what else of culture that Jason can bring into this world. Amusing it's all nerd fiction but I appreciate the control on not bringing memes. Man I can imagine cool lines being said at certain moments where he just copies from a game or movie.
I wonder what else of culture that Jason can bring into this world. Amusing it's all nerd fiction but I appreciate the control on not bringing memes. Man I can imagine cool lines being said at certain moments where he just copies from a game or movie.
I think you forgot to add the 'yet' after not bringing memes.
oh yeah... thats one magnificent city over there, one based off on minas tirith, and the theater was hilarious terrible fan-fiction but still hilarious. oh and cant forget the first amazon warriors in jason retinue.
Yea the play was Cringe, I imploded on myself so hard i achieved Fusion. Still thanks for the warning! -- Tho i was still Not prepared. HAH!

Jason is really really really dumb about religious revolutions huh. No enacting of religious acceptance or anything nupe. Just waiting for reality to really leave a mark on his face from his whimsy.
Irina is quickly becoming a liability with Jason so willfully deep in denial and refusing to see the great religious massacres Irina is building toward. I hate the setting, the natives will do everything to direct things to war and death.
"I have been wanting to know what rubbish you have been filling our arch priestess's head with." Garth said, chuckling.

"Hey, it was very compelling from what I remember. She even teared up," Jason said, slightly offended.

"Wait, you don't remember what you told her?" Garth asked.

"Some parts. I was getting very drunk by the end of it," Jason admitted.

...Holy shit Jason is such an irreverent dumbass. He's never going to be able to escape the divinity BS. xD

Not gonna lie, I'm bracing for Irina causing some sort of religious disaster any day now. Or just a regular disaster.
Irina is quickly becoming a liability with Jason so willfully deep in denial and refusing to see the great religious massacres Irina is building toward. I hate the setting, the natives will do everything to direct things to war and death.
What? How could Irina do something like that? She's just spreading his good name! ;D
What? How could Irina do something like that? She's just spreading his good name! ;D
No she isn't. She's actively plotting to Purge the secular portions of society and encouraging religious ostracization of those who refuse to convert. Actively driving them out in the outer villages and placing fanatics loyal to her in the clergy and the Immortals.
So you went with them, hopefully they can grow into the ten thousand. Got a picture for them?
I'm planning to draw them along with the characters

For now they look something like this


No she isn't. She's actively plotting to Purge the secular portions of society and encouraging religious ostracization of those who refuse to convert. Actively driving them out in the outer villages and placing fanatics loyal to her in the clergy and the Immortals.
Sounds like something that will give a good foundation for his budding empire.
No she isn't. She's actively plotting to Purge the secular portions of society and encouraging religious ostracization of those who refuse to convert. Actively driving them out in the outer villages and placing fanatics loyal to her in the clergy and the Immortals.
Sounds like medieval Christianity.
Sounds like something that will give a good foundation for his budding empire.
I can't tell if you are serious or joking. It's the exact wrong thing to found an empire on. Essos has Enlightenment and Humanist age societies and technological levels sans gunpowder.
Fuck no! I actually understand the underlying message of the setting that the Neo-Nazis missed. It's a fucking condemnation of tyranny, particularly the Theocratic Totalitarian kind.
Nah, the real message missed you by several million miles.

It's cool stuff in a dystopian future.

Stop seeing shadows where there aren't.
Nah, the real message missed you by several million miles.

It's cool stuff in a dystopian future.

Stop seeing shadows where there aren't.
Indeed.To be precize - cool melee in dystopian future when even winners lost.And where simply could not be such thing like good side.Becouse everybody is less or more wrong.
Nah, the real message missed you by several million miles.

It's cool stuff in a dystopian future.

Stop seeing shadows where there aren't.

Indeed.To be precize - cool melee in dystopian future when even winners lost.And where simply could not be such thing like good side.Becouse everybody is less or more wrong.
Rick Priestley is or was at the time of writing publicly a staunch advocate of democracies and anti-communist.

We're going on a tangent let's agree to disagree
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Does anyone an idea for a cool spear design for Jason all i could think off is the one Odin used in the MCU and the spear from god of war.
No. Those are all asymmetrical and off balanced they look nice but are shit to use as a spear. There are way better, fantastical but functional designs in history.

Inca, Malay, Polynesian, Mainland Eurasia, India, Japan
Jason vs ….?
I watched Dune and decided to look up the Arabic word for liberator
I found this one al-Muḥarrir (I might me wrong)
It means the liberator and sometimes the editor. It sounded cool, so the people of Lhazar will now use this title.

Jason found himself standing in the center of his opulent room in the newly built grand temple. It was lavishly adorned with the finest luxuries his newfound power and wealth could procure. The room was bathed in the soft glow of lamps and smelled of incense, an offering by a merchant supposedly from a faraway land beyond the Saffron Straits.

He was confused. What was he doing here? He rubbed his temples, trying to piece together the missing fragments of his memory. Hadn't he been discussing future plans for Haven and Kosrak with Garth in his new mansion just moments ago? Or was he training with the immortals? Shaking his head in confusion, he walked to his large bed and lay on its silk sheets, imported from Yi-Ti. His gaze fell on the nearby window; it was dark outside. He approached the window and saw no stars or the view of Kosrak in the distance he always saw; it was simply dark.

'What the fuck is going on?' he thought, taking a few steps back from the window.

"Sam," he called. Sam was one of the immortals, always posted to guard his door, but no answer came. They always appeared in an instant when he called, but now there was only an unsettling silence.

He slowly approached the door, expecting to see his loyal immortals stationed outside. They were just pranking him, he reasoned, but he was wrong. There was no one in the hallway outside; he could hear no sound as well. It was like he was the only living thing in the whole world. He traversed the empty hallway, shouting for the Immortals or anyone who could hear him. Each call he made echoed through the grand corridors, returning to him empty and hollow.

Reaching the end of the hallway, Jason arrived at the door that would take him to the throne room. As he got closer, the heat began to intensify. An unnatural warmth seemed to emanate from the very stones of the grand temple.

He opened the door but immediately had to shield his eyes due to the blinding light from the room. He walked inside, and as his eyes adjusted, Jason saw the source of the glaring light and oppressive heat: a colossal brazier stood on the dais, its flames dancing wildly, casting ominous shadows on the walls. It was on the spot where his throne was supposed to be.

'I've seen this before,' he thought, taking small steps towards the brazier. Whispers swirled around him, unintelligible at first but growing clearer as he drew nearer to the fire.

"Vessel... Vessel..." the voices echoed, each repetition more insistent than the last. Jason's mind raced. 'Vessel?' His unease grew.

As if compelled by an unknown force, he stepped closer to the flames, the heat starting to hurt a bit. The whispers grew louder, more demanding. "Closer... closer..." they urged.

Heart pounding, Jason leaned in, his eyes locked on the mesmerizing flames. To his surprise, he began seeing visions within the fire. A series of fragmented images and sounds flashed before him with dizzying speed.

It was horrifying. He saw mobs massacring people as they begged for the great shepherd for help, villages burning.

The scenes shifted to him with Garth, Irina, Cregan, and a silver-haired girl by his side, looking at a burning city as a dragon flew overhead. A large army assembled before him, chanting "al-Muḥarrir! (the liberator) al-Muḥarrir! (the liberator)"

The voice continued chanting the title as the heat in the room began to increase. Jason moved away from the flames and ran towards the exit, but to his shock, he saw the walls drawing near him; the room was decreasing in size. Every breath he took was one of agony as the heat continued to increase.

"al-Muḥarrir! al-Muḥarrir!" The voices continued to chant, getting louder and louder, the chant echoing in his skull like a relentless drumbeat.

The room continued to contract as he saw the brazier's flames reaching out to him. Just as the pain became unbearable, as his flesh felt like it would ignite from the intense heat, Jason let out a piercing scream, a desperate plea for escape from this nightmare. And then, suddenly, he was jolted awake, finding himself writhing in his bed, drenched in sweat. He felt the cool silk sheets on his skin a sharp contrast to the hell he thought he was in.

Gasping for air, Jason clutched at the sheets, his heart pounding against his chest. He could still feel the heat on his skin, the smell of burning flesh.

"It was just a dream... it was just a dream," he began to mutter. He knew he would not be able to get any more sleep after that; he was too afraid to do so.

Garth stood by the window of his solar, his gaze fixed on the distant city of Kosrak. This, in his opinion, was one of the best aspects of living on the summit of Haven. The room was filled with the quiet rustle of parchment as his aide, a young man named Darien, diligently read out the latest reports.

"The people are growing restless, my lord," Darien said, concern lacing his voice. "There have been small disruptions in Haven and Kosrak. The absence of The Great One is causing unease."

Three months ago, Jason began his seclusion in the Grand Temple, and since then, not even Irina or Garth had been able to see him. His disappearance was sudden and without explanation; only selected immortals were allowed inside.

Jason's disappearance was out of character for him; he enjoyed the attention he received and would regularly visit the people of Haven and Kosrak, sometimes even journeying to the nearby villages. He was also a constant presence while building his projects, some of which were a great boon for the people. Now, his sudden disappearance had begun to cause unease and speculation among the populace.

"Yes, Darien, I anticipated as much. His prolonged absence is not something we can simply brush under the carpet," Garth turned from the window, his expression contemplative. "We need to manage this carefully. Start spreading rumors that our god is on a secret quest. Tell them he will return soon."

Darien hesitated, adjusting the stack of parchment in his hands. "Is that wise, my lord?"

Garth's eyes narrowed slightly, a flicker of irritation crossing his face. "Do as I command, Darien."

"Shall I request help from the priestesses? It would be easier with their help," Darien suggested.

"I doubt you will find any help there," Garth scoffed at the suggestion.

Garth had predicted something like this would happen; he even warned Irina about it a month ago. He had suggested a joint effort to calm the people's nerves, proposing they present a united front to assure the populace that Jason's absence was temporary and for a greater purpose, but she had rebuffed him, and now she was paying the price. Irina had taken the brunt of the blame for Jason's disappearance. As factions led by him and Irina had started to openly blame each other, increasing the tension within the city.

"Irina has been... difficult," Garth finally said, breaking the silence that followed his thoughts. "She believes we have angered our god, hence his withdrawal." he paused. " It's preposterous." he added, shaking his head.

Darien was silent for a moment. "Have we angered him, my lord?" he asked in a low voice.

Garth paused, even his aides were getting restless it seems. "No, Darien, I know him more than anyone. You have not angered him," Garth said firmly.

"His actions are often unpredictable, and his reasons his own; it is not our place to question his motives," Garth added, channeling Irina as much as he can.

"One more thing, my lord, about the tour, are you still…?"

Their conversation was interrupted by the sudden entrance of another of his aides. "My lord, Arch Priestess Irina is on her way here."

"Is she alone?" Garth asked.

"No, she brings the sisters with her," he replied, a hint of concern in his voice.

Garth's expression hardened. "Have the immortals here assembled in the hall. We'll meet her there," he commanded as he made his way to the large room in his mansion.

Garth stood in the room, with immortals lined up behind him. The doors to the hall swung open, and Irina entered. Behind her, the Sisters of Battle followed; a group of tall, beautiful women, their expressions stoic and their movements graceful. They wore no armor, as Jason had begun his seclusion before he could craft them one, something they took to mean he had not officially sanctioned them yet. So, they had turned to Irina for guidance, something she immediately exploited to consolidate her power and to get ahead of him.

As Irina and her entourage approached, Garth straightened, his gaze never faltering. The immortals behind him stood silent and motionless. She stopped a few feet away from him, and they stood in silence for a moment, their followers mirroring their leaders' standoff.

"Arch Priestess," Garth greeted, breaking the heavy silence, his voice steady but cool. He noted the anger flashing in her eyes, her posture rigid with barely contained fury.

Irina responded with a curt nod, her voice icy. "Grand Vizier."

"Why are you here, Irina?" Garth asked, getting straight to the point.

"I'm here because of the chaos you've sown!" Irina retorted sharply. "I know you spread rumors that I am the reason our god has disappeared!"

"They come to me for answers, but I have none. Now with your scheming, they are starting to blame me," she continued, her words laced with venom, her face a mask of barely controlled fury. "You have always tried to interfere in my work, always trying to undermine my efforts to spread the words of our lord."

Garth remained composed. "And another group is blaming me, and some blame Cregan. You are not the only one, Irina," he said, his annoyance growing.

"And my concerns have always been about the manner in which you 'spread the word', not the message itself. You can't force it upon people," he added.

She clenched her fists, the Sisters of Battle behind her shifting uneasily. "I did what was necessary for the glory of our god! And now, because of you, he's retreated from us all!"

"Oh, I'm to blame now? Let's hear it then," Garth challenged.

Irina remained silent.

"Remember when he commanded you to not discriminate against the followers of the old faith," Garth said looking at Irina. "But you did not listen, did you?" Garth continued.

"Lies! I have followed his every command. The old faith is practiced safely; there is no…" she protested.

"Yes, in Kosrak and Haven, but what of the villages, especially the new ones to be added, and what of Hesh? I have received some damning reports, Arch Priestess," Garth pressed.

"Yes, there have been some…" she began to say, trying to defend herself.

"No, there have been a lot, and we still do not know what is happening in Lhazosh. Maybe the people are right, Irina. Maybe you are the reason for his seclusion. Maybe you are the one who angered him," Garth said, his voice rising in intensity.

Garth's accusations hit a nerve. Her face reddened, and she took a step forward. "I am the reason he is free once more. I prayed for a new god in my darkest hour," she began, her voice rising with each word. "And then, that prayer was answered when he came, freed from his prison. He chose to walk among us because of my faith," she said, emphasizing 'my faith.' "I have done everything in my power to serve him faithfully. It cannot be me who displeased him…"

Garth almost laughed at her self-righteous proclamation, but before he could retort, an immortal walked in — not just any immortal but one from Jason's personal guard.

"The Liberator has requested your presence, Grand Vizier. He wishes to see you off personally," the immortal announced, his voice devoid of emotion.

Both Garth and Irina were taken aback, their argument momentarily forgotten. Garth, in particular, was stunned. "See me off? For what?"

"For your tour of the lands," the immortal answered.

"He... he wants to see me off? After three months of silence, this is how he makes…" Garth failed to respond comprehensively.

"The Great One has spoken," the Immortal interrupted firmly. "He has also decreed that the people of the city assemble to give you a grand send-off. It is his will that this message be relayed to the people immediately."

Garth and Irina exchanged a look of surprise and confusion, their argument forgotten. "This is... Has he said anything else? What has he been doing all this time?" Garth had a thousand questions needing answers.

The Immortal shook his head. "He has given no further details, only that he wishes to meet with you at the Grand Temple before your departure."

"And we shall do as he commands. I shall spread this joyous news to all," Irina said, walking out of the room with the sisters following behind her.

'Three months of silence, and now this,' he mused.

"Darian, resume the preparation for the tour. It seems we are going after all."

Haven was alive with energy as people from all corners of the city, as well as those from Kosrak, gathered in the streets. Garth's send-off had turned into a grand celebration. People adorned in their finest attire filled the city and lined the winding roads. After three months of silence and uncertainty, the news of their god's return had spread like wildfire, igniting fervor among the populace. Relief and joy were evident in their eyes as they waited for him to appear.

Vendors took advantage of the large crowds, selling food and drinks, while musicians and performers added to the festive atmosphere. Children ran through the crowds, laughing and playing, and soldiers patrolled the streets to ensure order and safety during the festivities.

As Garth made his way to the entrance of the Grand Temple, people parted ways, their cheers and chants filling the air. They called out his name and title. It was a feeling he was still getting used to; he had come a long way from being a bastard maester from the Reach.

The large terrace at the summit was filled with a sea of faces; people from all walks of life had assembled there. The immortals were in full force, forming a formidable line around the base of the stairs and up towards the entrance.

Garth ascended the stairs, his eyes catching sight of Irina waiting at the top. She ignored him, her gaze fixed on the massive doors of the Grand Temple. He stood beside her, reminding her that they were of equal rank. Oh, how he wished Cregan were here, but the man had left for Hesh two months ago in preparation for the campaign up the second branch of the Skahazadhan.

The doors of the Grand Temple swung open, and a wave of noise from the crowd surged forward, chants of "al-Muḥarrir! al-Muḥarrir!" filling the air.

Jason emerged from the shadows of the temple, flanked by his personal guard. The sight of him brought a mixed feeling of relief and apprehension. The once vibrant and energetic figure now appeared weary, with dark circles under his eyes. He had grown out his beard and hair, both neatly groomed, and donned a new set of golden armor. Garth noticed how he used his spear for support as he walked.

As Jason stepped into view of the masses, the crowd's roar intensified, their chants growing louder: "al-Muḥarrir, al-Muḥarrir, al-Muḥarrir"

Irina immediately bowed and greeted him with deference. Jason acknowledged her with a nod, his expression unreadable. Garth followed suit, though his eyes remained fixed on Jason, searching for answers.

Jason's eyes then met his; a small smile appeared on his face. He pulled him into an embrace. "It's been a while," he said, sounding tired.

Garth, concerned and bewildered, asked, "What happened, Jason? Why did you…"

"Later, Garth. Now smile and wave," Jason interrupted, as he walked forward to wave at the masses. He motioned for them to be silent, and they obeyed. As silence fell, he began to speak.

"Today we mark a momentous occasion. Our esteemed Grand Vizier, the most faithful servant of our realm and the bearer of my trust, embarks on a noble quest."

The crowd listened intently, hanging on his every word.

"He will travel to Hesh, a city that has accepted my enlightened rule, and then he shall travel to Lhazosh and offer them to join in my protective embrace, thereby uniting all of Lhazar under my divine rule," he proclaimed, gesturing with his hands.

The crowd's response was deafening; the chants of al-Muḥarrir filled the air once again as Jason raised Garth's hands into the air.

"Jason, you still haven't told us what you were doing for the last three months," Garth said, still smiling as he waved.

"Let's go, Garth," he said, ignoring his question, leading him down the stairs. But as they reached the middle, he paused and turned to Irina, who was following them as well. His eyes lingered on Irina for a moment, to which Irina responded, "My lord, do you need anything from me?"

"Wait for me in the throne room; I'll return after seeing Garth off," Jason said, dismissing a clearly shocked Irina. He could see a mix of fear and confusion on her face. She nodded and walked back to the entrance.

Jason and Garth led the procession down through the winding streets of Haven, waved and cheered as they passed by. Their voices merged in a powerful chorus that echoed off the stone walls: "al-Muḥarrir, Grand Vizier, al-Muḥarrir, Grand Vizier…"

Garth noted that Jason had masked his weakened appearance by wearing his new golden armor and sometimes used his spear for support.

As they reached the base of the city, Jason turned to the gathered crowd, his demeanor shifting from that of a weary man to the benevolent god they knew and revered. He greeted the people with a warm smile, moving among them, even blessing a baby held out by its mother.

Jason then led Garth towards his horse. Seizing this opportunity, Garth pressed for more answers. "Jason, what happened? Why did you…" He did not let him finish his sentence this time as well.

"We'll have plenty of time to talk in Lhazosh," he said, interrupting.

"All this" he said, gesturing to the people. "Is your doing; if it weren't for you, this whole thing would have fallen apart. I promise I will involve myself more from now on," Jason continued, his voice carrying a hint of remorse.

Garth was stunned by the admission and the change in Jason's demeanor. He was too stunned to speak, wondering what could have happened to this man in the last three months to cause such a drastic change.

Jason's gaze turned serious. "We have new enemies, Garth, something I did not expect. I need to discuss this with Irina first, to plan our next move."

'What enemies? Jason, what are you talking about?' Garth thought, hearing his elusive responses.

Knowing he would not get any answers, Garth mounted his horse and rode out of the city with his retinue following him. There were a thousand questions swirling in his mind, but he put those thoughts to rest as he and his retinue had a long journey ahead of them.
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Well I'm happy to see him being more proactive and caring about what's happening, Bu the fact it took this long and he was bumbling more than half the time because he just didn't seem to really care instead of just elevating things he didn't know and trying to learn… really made a big disconnect. Because it felt like he didn't care actually for the people as people but more as things.

And that he didn't have pride in what he was building as a society, a religion, because he was just throwing things out and not really thinking ahead or guiding things. Like I wasn't expecting SB Levels of competence but it felt like he wasn't even trying to be competent and was more doing what he wanted without care of the consequences of his actions.

Dont want to be harsh after this chapter but did want to air out my perspective if that makes sense.

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