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The Good, the Bad, and the Surprisingly Competent - ASOIAF SI

But I don't think anybody wants to her my ranting regarding the more emotional harm this might have caused our protag.

Yeah it's supposed to be some caveman male desire to have a woman that'll mess around with another girl in front of you, but as someone who had two serious relationships in a row destroyed by my long-term girlfriend cheating on me with a girl, that shit dies NOT fly. Betrayal is betrayal. This chapter had me seething.
I found this chapters both incredibly interesting, and for the latter half infuriating. I sincerely hope that Arianne gets what's coming to her (still rooting against Cersei first make no mistake) in terms of the undoing of her schemes, and that Tommen doesn't pick up the idiot ball, not that I expect it to occur.

That said, as Dawnwalking said, this looks to be a cluster fuck of massive proportions for not only Margaery, but also Arianne and by extension the Tyrells and Dorne, the latter especially in both accounts.

I can't tell if this is a trap left by Tommen, a case of giving the foe enough rope to hang themselves with, or if this is an example of this apathy which seems present often, a case of "I can't be arsed to deal with this, I don't care about it enough to do anything that makes everything else more difficult" (I.e. punishing Arianne, this sparking a rift with Dorne, or publicizing the scandal this would cause, which would inflame relations with the Reach).
In any regard, I can't wait for the next chapter to see what occurs next.
Arianne not getting thrown out of King's Landing with an entirely unnofficial/unspoken threat to have her head on a pike if she ever comes back is wild to me.

The king getting cucked is the sort of thing that can destroy royal power for a generation. The king getting cucked by a woman is the sort of thing that can topple dynasties - especially with how precarious the Baratheon/Lannister hold is right now.

Her planning on inviting Tommen later is irrelevant. To approach the queen first is such a wild misstep.

Is she bored with her husband? Arianne knew she would have been bored, being married to a man like Tommen Baratheon. All his charm could not change the mundanity of the life he had seemingly chosen to lead.

^Arianne herself is going through the exact same thought process that would destroy Tommen in the minds of everyone.

No one is gonna think "Oh cool, the queen is fucking a girl. Maybe the king is a cool-enough-cat to get in on that." No, they're gonna think "Oh wow, the king is such an emasculated cuck that his wife even prefers a woman over him."

Though admittedly, Arianne chasing what she wants without any thoughts in her empty little head about the wider consequences is entirely on brand for her I suppose.
Arianne not getting thrown out of King's Landing with an entirely unnofficial/unspoken threat to have her head on a pike if she ever comes back is wild to me.

The king getting cucked is the sort of thing that can destroy royal power for a generation. The king getting cucked by a woman is the sort of thing that can topple dynasties - especially with how precarious the Baratheon/Lannister hold is right now.

Her planning on inviting Tommen later is irrelevant. To approach the queen first is such a wild misstep.

^Arianne herself is going through the exact same thought process that would destroy Tommen in the minds of everyone.

No one is gonna think "Oh cool, the queen is fucking a girl. Maybe the king is a cool-enough-cat to get in on that." No, they're gonna think "Oh wow, the king is such an emasculated cuck that his wife even prefers a woman over him."

Though admittedly, Arianne chasing what she wants without any thoughts in her empty little head about the wider consequences is entirely on brand for her I suppose.

Normally I'd agree with you about the damage this getting out could cause. But there is a very good reason why that isn't a problem for Tommen, technically two.

One, Margery was originally set to marry Joffrey. People's opinion about her is already in question due to her remarrying the previous kings younger brother. That probably has them viewing her as either a power-hungry individual, or a social climber. So the smallfolk finding out about her getting handsy with Arianne, no matter how it happened, would probably have it be seen as her trying to secure more power. Or that it's the Queen of Thorn's orders that it happened.

The other being the fact that Tommen is the first "Good" King they've had in a long time. Sure Robert in the beginning was good, but given what came afterwards it was more of a interlude between shitty kings and Mad Princes.

Robert Baratheon, was a whoremomger, a drunk, a terrible father, and a shitty husband. He was always with either a whore, or attending a tourney. He ran the kingdoms finances into the ground with his constant tourneys right alongside Baelish.

He was than followed by Joffrey.

I don't particularly like Joffrey, so I'm not going to outline his many, many issues. But he was what followed.

Tommen, by comparison, is the dutiful King who is striving to bring peace, justice, and stability to the Seven Kingdoms. He's worked harder than anybody else to fix the state that the traitorous Baelish and Tommen's own father had driven them to. He is the first King that is an actually decent person too (Robert might have been good at the start, but the years weren't kind to him.) that anybody alive can remember.

If the Smallfolk find out, sure there may be a few that look at it as weakness, or that he's pathetic. But for those that are benefiting from his actions, and that's quite a few, he's the Good King brought low. Someone that works so hard to make things better, but is betrayed by the woman that was supposed to be the one he could trust.

Hell, I could see the minstrels across the kingdoms writing tragic does to this betrayal. Spurred on by a few whispers and coins into the right hands.

Tl:DR: Tommen is ridding a wave of good faith that makes him practically bulletproof until he has his first scandal. If it's this one then that pristine image goes away. But he'll still probably walk away, if not spotless, almost untouched.

It's the next scandal after that, that he'll have to worry about.
Wait, Margery succumbing to Arianna's seduction wasn't a trap? Then that was an utterly disappointing development especially since Tommen did nothing to punish anyone. He can't even hold it over Arianna's head in the future since there weren't any other witnesses.
Margaery has struck me as being intelligent, at least she should be to realise how massively she's fucked up, I'm sure her Grandmother will be there to tell how stupid of a chit she is and admonish her, probably not in the way we think like what she did was bad but with how she was caught just out in the open. Personally I think Olenna and probably not long after Margaery might see this as sabotage on Ariannes part, I honestly think it could be a cause of overestimating Ariannes cunning if she is just unrepentant, Margaery might see this as Arianne intentionally damaging the trust between her and Tommem, she hasn't sired a heir, she's basically not in the clear just yet, that grain is very important but she could still be set aside and replaced.

If they have any brains this will seem more like enemy action, when it's not because Arianne isn't that clever.
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I'll be real disappointed if this turns into a shit harem story or he sleeps around at all, this should honesty turn into a divorce and huge scandal / war so he can further the crown and marry a dragon lord who has a large army, although the Dothraki would have to stay in Essos. Idk I'll probably drop this if he fucks the dornish girl or anyone besides his soon to be ex wife
Hehe, not wanting to catch pox, who knows what Arianne has? Even if she slept with just highborns, who to say these who she slept with were healthy?

For all her beauty, never could get to like her, it's like she doesn't realize that her future husband won't need to share her openness, always thinking which of his knights or lords slept with his wife.

Loved that Tommem didn't think with his groin, it's refreshing.
Why does this have the "NSFW for safety" tag? If it might end up NSFW it shouldn't be in Creative Writing, it should be in NSFW Creative Writing.

(I haven't read the story yet)
Why does this have the "NSFW for safety" tag? If it might end up NSFW it shouldn't be in Creative Writing, it should be in NSFW Creative Writing.

(I haven't read the story yet)
Well fix that first before looking for reactions
Whoops misread what you said
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Story has been amazing so far, eager to read the next chapter!

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