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The Holy Chronicles of Baator

Chapter 541 – Tribal Gods
Several months later, after the plague first appeared on the Debanks Islands.

The Serpent City and the baptism of its God were the only salvation of the natives of Debanks Island. Only where the light of the Church of the Heavenly Serpent God Nāgarāja shone could they avoid the plague.

They could even continue living healthily, unafraid of suddenly vomiting blood and ending up dead by the roadside.

Leylin had less and less interest in the dealings of mortals these days. The natives only had two choices anyway: they could either convert to their faith or die from the plague.

With the only options offered death and salvation, it was extremely easy to conquer Debanks Island.

Having lost their worshippers, the Totem Spirits and Ancestral Spirits had turned into a thing of the past. They had no more chances to turn the tide because, with the death of every single one of their worshiper, they were getting weaker and weaker.

As Leylin predicted, the reaction of the Divine Beings and Demigods that existed at the Debanks Islands came too late, and it was too weak.

Their reactions were too slow, and when they finally realized what was happening, it didn't even matter in the great scheme of things.

Only after everything was lost to the Church of the Heavenly Serpent God Nāgarāja the native Diving Beings and Demigods act.

Unfortunately for them, they had no hope of stopping Leylin's meticulously laid plans that were already in full force.

Moonlight and starlight dimly shone upon Serpent City, giving everything they touched a silver glow. It was just another peaceful night in the Serpent City, one of the last or probably the last peaceful places on the Debanks Islands.

Tiff and Isabel had just ended their daily duties.

As they were the highest-ranking personnel under Leylin's administration and rule, both of them had a lot of things on their hands.

Especially Tiff, who was Supreme Pontiff of the Church of the Heavenly Serpent God Nāgarāja and was organizing everything from the clergies to the domestic affairs of the Serpent City.

Suddenly, they felt their hearts constrict and palpitate as if some prehistoric beast was drawing towards them from a distance. A nervousness made their hair stand on end as they made their way to the windows.

"This is…"

Both of them were frozen in shock when they realized what was happening.

A trail of fire lit up the sky, its dazzling rays lighting up the horizon and basking Serpent City in its radiance. At the end of this golden light were several figures with monstrous auras that left the two of them somewhat suffocated.

"The Tribal Gods! They came here directly…"

Tiff cried hoarsely because they didn't anticipate that they would attack so soon, or rather they would be stupid enough to attack the Serpent City openly. But probably the desperate one couldn't be chooser on what to do.

These Totem Spirits and Ancestral Spirits weren't foolish enough to let Leylin chop them apart. When they realized that the conventional means were ineffective against Leylin's schemes, they went for the more drastic and desperate countermeasures.

With the immense pressure he put on them, they decided to band together in a ferocious counterattack. Their sources had confirmed that Leylin was the one behind all this.

If Leylin's main body was killed in a holy war, then everything would be over, but there was one thing that the Totem Spirits and Ancestral Spirit miscalculated entirely...

The fact that this was just another phase of Leylin's plan.

The fledgling Law God Magus was aware that the Totem Spirits and Ancestral Spirits wouldn't be able to fight against him conventionally and he was also ware of the fact that they would have only sole option to deal with him.

Kill him personally by attacking the Serpent City.

Everything that was happening just went perfectly according to his calculations and everyone moved like obedient pawns on the chessboard.

Even if those spirits had left their strongholds, they were still Demigods and reached the pinnacle of the material plane below the rank of True Gods.

With a glance, Leylin could tell that even though their powers had waned, they were still very strong.

It was clear that while weakened, they planned to overcome him with sheer numbers; a Demigod Rank was comparable to the Half-Step Rank 7 Magus.

While the four of them were weakened, Leylin could deduce that their strength was lingering between the utter limit of Rank 6 Magus and Half-Step Rank 7.

As the Supreme Pontiff of the Church of the Heavenly Serpent God Nāgarāja, Tiff knew that he couldn't lose his grip in such times; his heart still skipped a beat. But he remained calm as he immediately began to issue orders and act upon the Plan that his God devised.

"It's the Flaming Guardian!"

"Almighty Akaban, the Sun God…"

The phenomenon in the skies had alerted the natives, and when many of them looked up into the skies, they saw the demigods they had forsaken. They cried out in fear, calling the names of the gods they used to worship.

"There is no need to fear, children…"

A voice sounded from the Nāga, traveling to the depths of each worshipper's soul. It seemed to come to life, the voice carrying a soothing energy that calmed them down immediately.

Right now, the most important thing for Leylin was to obtain control over the situation; once he lost control, he knew that everything would go to fuck.

A phantom of Nāga appeared in midair, facing the enemies, as the phantom Nāga raised its swords at the four Demigods of the Debanks Islands, ready to attack and cut them down at any moment.

Not to mention, Gu Long was still in the Serpent City, probably ready to intervene if he was ready, but that was something that Leylin wished to prevent. This was not only a plan to destroy the Native Tribal Gods but also to assume authority and showcase his strength and superiority.

He needed to do it alone, to prove to anyone that the Church of the Heavenly Serpent God Nāgarāja and its faith was the true path. There were still many among the natives who had some doubts about his faith and this would be the perfect opportunity to convert everyone to the true believer.


Check out my new original for WSA 2024, Star Citizen Online: Isekai Idetion!
Only thanks to the patreon and patrons am I able to write and publish anything, so if you wish for the novels to be continued and read advance chapters, support me on the patreon!
PS. Check out my second primary fanfic: Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki and A Song of Blood and Sunlight (new chapter up)
PPS. Check out 7-Day Free Trials on my Patreon for the Euclid-Class Clearance... only thanks to patreon these stories are possible so thank you for your support.
Chapter 542 – Demigods of Debanks Islands…
"Activate the spell array and act according to the plan... no matter what happens during my fight with them, the Spell Array must be constantly activated at all costs."

Leylin transmitted into Tiff's and Isabel's minds; both of them were aware of their roles and nodded solemnly as they went to carry out his orders. They were given one of the most dangerous tasks, but if it succeeded, then the gains would be tremendous.

Done with that, he raised his head and sized up what would be the most powerful opponents he'd faced since his arrival in the World of Gods.

'Once I eliminate them, the entire Debanks Empire will fall into my hands…'

Leylin's eyes reddened as the Nightmare Eye appeared on his forehead. Splendid golden rays lit up his body, seemingly on the verge of burning up. The powerful aura caused a few opposing totem spirits to change their expressions.

"Intruder, undo this sickness! I, the founding emperor of the Sakartes Empire, the Sun God and King of All Kings, Controller of All Flames, Mountains and Rivers, Akaban, can grant you a dignified death if you comply!"

The Demigod on the war chariot exclaimed in his tongue, holding onto the reins of the blazing horse. Since Demigods could comprehend all languages and writings, there wasn't an issue with communication.

'Hm? His mind isn't corroded by the Faith of the natives?'

Leylin was slightly surprised because the Demigod didn't show any signs of corrosion by Faith.

'Is it because he was a native soul who merged with the faith of the empire, becoming a valiant soul after death?'

Akaban was obviously very wise in strengthening his domain, but he was still unable to become a true god. It showed how tedious this path was.

The domains of the sun and moon could actually contend against greater gods, but Akaban still wasn't satisfied with them. He wanted to spread over into other roles, becoming an overlord.

Pitifully, the meager bit of Faith, the natives could provide wasn't enough to do so. It left him stuck as a demigod.

Had Akaban chosen Domains related to the Natives or Savagery, he might long since have become a True God. If that were the case, Leylin would have had nothing to do with Debanks Island.

"What can a mere divine being of another race, someone who isn't even a Demigod, do to resist attacks from all sides?"

Given that he was a founding Emperor, there were no such words as modesty or consideration in Akaban's vocabulary. Yet, Leylin just grinned upon hearing this, because the arrogance of these idiots would be their doom and his benefit.

With a wave of his hands, the Double-Headed Lion and Golden Scorpion surrounded Leylin, ready to attack at any moment. Akaban himself rode the chariot to roam the battlefield, bundles of golden flames splashing everywhere and forming a resplendent scene in the night.

The blazing horse, itself a Demigod, whinnied, and a shadow of the sun rose up behind Akaban. The imposing aura curbed much of Leylin's energy, and Akaban prepared to deal Leylin the final blow.

"Surrender. You will lose in a mere contest between domains."

Akaban's voice echoed throughout the battlefield. He was circling Leylin leisurely, aside from the two Demigods in combat. He had the valiant spirit of an emperor, and before becoming a Demigod, he had clearly been a tactician.

Just as he was about to attack Leylin, suddenly, a Spell Array was activated around the entire Serpent City, gathering the Faith of the worship of the Heavenly Serpent God Nāga as fuel and shined in the bright light.

Instantly the light started surrounding Leylin and four Demigods in a pyramid shape, creating the Pyramid of Light Spell Array. As the Pyramid of Light was established, the four Demigods could feel that something was draining their powers.

"Wretched sinner! What have you done?! Die!"

This was his trump card, the ultimate Spell Array - Pyramid of Light. Unbreakable from the inside or outside, the Lord of the Pyramid was given a tremendous boost to his power and the people captured in the Pyramid would be slowly drained to death.

Leylin waved his scepter as enormous flames burst out of his body, attacking the four Demigods like a raging tsunami.

With them being weakened even further by the Pyramid of Light and Leylin's Spell being, on the other hand, strengthened by it by a great degree, all four of them instantly went to the defensive.

"Just as I said... you are stupid, arrogant and conceited... just walking straight into my trap... pathetic..."

The four Demigods heard his mocking voice and they were instantly enraged, but they were using their entire force to defend against the flames that were eating their Divine Power and as they were suppressed by the Pyramid of Light, their situation didn't look very good.

While the Demigods were busy with the flames, Leylin activated another part of the Pyramid of Light, as the Divine Power, Energy and everything that was being absorbed by the Pyramid of Light from the worshippers and four Demigods was in a split of a second transferred to him.

Outside, high above the Pyramid of Light that was right now the epicenter of attention of every single living being, the skies quickly darkened, and the stars and silver moon quickly hid their luster.

"The descent of World Origin Force… This is the appointment of a demigod!"

Akaban and the other three Demigods had experienced this once before and naturally would not get this wrong.

Just as he was about to do all he could to interrupt the process, even at the cost of being burned by the flames, an absolute and powerful strength burst forth. Traces of the conscience of the World Will sent him and the three other demigods flying.

The gods truly were the darlings of the world, and when they advanced, they naturally caught the attention of the World Origin Force. The isolating energy that came was not something the four Demigods could deal with.

The World Origin Force that had come roaring in would, under normal circumstances, attract the attention of a few powerful Gods, but not today...

This was another effect of the Pyramid of Light, which was concealing the entire event and nobody would ever find out about Leylin's ascendance to Demigod Rank.
Check out my new original for WSA 2024, Star Citizen Online: Isekai Idetion!
Only thanks to the patreon and patrons am I able to write and publish anything, so if you wish for the novels to be continued and read advance chapters, support me on the patreon!
PS. Check out my second primary fanfic: Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki and A Song of Blood and Sunlight (new chapter up)
PPS. Check out 7-Day Free Trials on my Patreon for the Euclid-Class Clearance... only thanks to patreon these stories are possible so thank you for your support.
Chapter 543 – Demigod Nāga (1)
The last thing Leylin wanted was for the powerful Gods in the World of Gods to take notice of him and hinder his progress. He knew that to the Gods, the Totem Spirits and Ancestral Spirits of the natives were like a group of useless things.

They were weak and could not leave their respective areas, which was why they were not worthy of attention. Yet, the ascension of one to the Demigod would still catch the attention of the Gods and if they decided to intervene in his progress of becoming God, it would be troublesome.

Fortunately, with the Spell Array Pyramid of Light, he managed to prevent it, even though he was forced to pay a tremendous price for the Spell Array when one of the members of the Longinus Dreizhen Orden sold him basic inscriptions.

He worked for years to finish the Pyramid of Light to be usable in real combat; fortunately, his efforts have paid off.

Becoming a demigod was as difficult as scaling into the skies, but it was no issue for Leylin, who already became a Demigod once with his true body in the Godhood Method.

Even though the Godhood Method depended on oneself and the God Path in the World of Gods depended on cooperation with the Worlds, there were still similarities between both of them to a certain degree.

When it came to his clone body, he had amassed far more Divine Force than needed a long time ago, but he had lacked something that would allow him to make a final advancement because sometimes it wasn't about just Divine Force but also other factors.

That turning point appeared today. The immense pressure of four great Demigods allowed him to break past his limits and pushed the ignition of his Godfire so that he could become Demigod with his clone body too.

Becoming a Demigod required cooperation with the laws of the world. It was a very valuable experience for Leylin because it would be helpful to him when merging the Law Path and Godhood Method Path, creating the so-wished Law Godhood with his True Body.

"The sea of origin force has descended…"

A golden light glinted in Akaban's eyes as he saw a large sea of origin force that was even greater than the Weave. It surged forth and whistled, forming songs of praise.

'Based on the current situation, the chances of his success are high…'

Akaban frowned, sensing that he now had another impressive enemy, but at the same time, he wasn't taking his opponent, even as a Demigod, as a real threat.

Unlike him, the three beasts did not have many worries.

'Even if that divine being successfully becomes a Demigod, he's still a newbie who can't control Divine Force properly yet. How could he be a match for the four of us combined?'

Even though he had already fallen into the trap, Akaban was still confident or rather arrogant enough when he thought over the situation.

Yet at the same time, his arrogance was somewhat understandable because, since his birth, there was no one who could match him, be it in talent or martial prowess at the Debanks Islands.

Compared to the main parts of the World of Gods, the Debanks Islands were just forsaken lands without any powerful Inheritances, Legacies or Professionals. Nobody has ever ascended to Godhood from this place, so the level of the Debnaks Islands was too low.

For that, Akaban, as one of the peerless geniuses, never encountered anyone who could even seemingly challenge him, which in turn cultivated a great deal of arrogance inside him.


[Beep! Unknown energy detected, the host's soul has experienced a transition. Secondary system updating…]

The A.I. Chip went to sleep.

Lights converged and began to blaze underneath the sea of origin force. Leylin had taken in Beelzebub's worshippers from the mainland, established the Church of the Heavenly Serpent and built a base in the outer seas; this was enough for one or two Lesser Gods.

But he wasn't satisfied with just that, no because his ambitions were far higher than that and with support and enough planning, he could make them into something real.

He'd crossed the seas to occupy a portion of Debanks Island, and he now had over 400,000 natives as worshippers! They were indebted to him for saving them from the brink of death, so their Faith was very enthusiastic.

Even with the flaws in their souls, the power of this Faith was still massive, more than enough to newly ascended Lesser God, so Leylin's Faith was indeed tremendous. It was already outclassing countless Lesser Gods across the enormous and vast World of Gods.

At this moment, all the followers that worshipped Leylin felt a surge of desire in their hearts.

In this state of intense longing, all of them set aside what they were doing. They faced the holy radiance in their hands, a statue in the Church, or even just the skies as they began to pray.

"Our Lord, Heavenly Serpent God Nāgarāja… You are the world serpent that devours all. With the sharp blades of your massacres, even the stars in the sky lose all their luster before you…"

An exceptionally strong wave of faith rushed forth, immediately giving rise to an even more intense change. The Divinity on Leylin's body was now completely visible, burning everything around him to nothingness.

The powerful aura fell silent as everything condensed down, including the golden flames.

The Godfire shrank to the size of a soybean, but the power that the bean gave off was horrifying.

This was the foundation of a God, the Godfire. The sensation was totally different compared to the Demigod state achieved by the Godhood Method, as he felt a very strong connection to the World.

Once it was ignited, Divine Beings would become Demigods, truly demarcating themselves from mortals; they would have reached the Realm of Gods.

The Godfire seemed to be a condensation of all laws, and it kept shrinking and growing. It was like the flames were breathing in faith, transforming it into a pure Divine Force.

Only with Divine Force were Gods able to bestow Divine Spells upon their followers. It was what qualified them to be Gods. This Godfire was what allowed the power of Faith to be transformed into Divine Force.


Check out my new original for WSA 2024, Star Citizen Online: Isekai Idetion!
Only thanks to the patreon and patrons am I able to write and publish anything, so if you wish for the novels to be continued and read advance chapters, support me on the patreon!
PS. Check out my second primary fanfic: Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki and A Song of Blood and Sunlight (new chapter up)
PPS. Check out 7-Day Free Trials on my Patreon for the Euclid-Class Clearance... only thanks to patreon these stories are possible so thank you for your support.
Chapter 544 – Demigod Nāga (2)
[Beep! Upgrade complete!]

the A.I. Chip's voice sounded at this moment. With Leylin's own soul advancing into the divine, the A.I. Chip had also reaped unknown rewards. It began the tedious work of updating Leylin's hugely changed stats after resumed operation.

[Beep! The host has ignited his Godfire, becoming a demigod. All stats +5.]

[The host's Arcanist Rank has risen. Now rank 28.]

[Beep! The host's stats have all reached 20 points. Intermediate Perfect Body has advanced with the bonus of becoming a Demigod and is now Divine Body.]

[Beep! The secondary system has been upgraded, computational power increased. Analysis of levels 8 and 9 of the Weave are at 100%. The host has obtained all spell models and will no longer forget any spells. No materials are required to cast spells.]

This was evidently the boost the Godfire had given to his stats. However, even Leylin himself found the extent of the increase terrifying because of the restrictive laws of the World of Gods; it was very difficult to increase one's stats.

Once they reached a threshold, each point would grow more and more challenging to attain and, at the same time, increase one's might greatly.

This stat increase of 7 points each wasn't small at all.

It was a massive increase in his power; it was an increase in his raw power more than ten times.

[Beep! The host's stats and data have changed greatly. Recalculating…]

Almost at the instant, this prompt showed, the A.I. Chip showed his stats on a screen.

[Leylin Faulen. Race: Human (Demigod), Rank 28 Arcanist (Legendary). Strength: 23. Agility: 23. Vitality: 23. Spirit: 29. Arcane Energy: 290. Divine Force: ??? Status: Healthy. Feats: Legendary Sturdiness, Well-Versed, Dreamscape Vision, Extreme Adaptability, Divine Body. Specialties: Origin Force Detection, Arcane Amplification, Illusions.]

[The outer Weave has been analyzed completely. Beginning analysis of the inner Weave.]

He read the analysis of the A.I. Chip and afterward, he turned his attention back to the battlefield. Right now, after ascending to the Demigod, he was powerful enough to deal with four of them at the same time.

"He's out!"

Once the tidal surge of forces died out, Akaban looked solemnly at the figure that emerged.

Now even the previously confident Demigod was looking at Leylin with wariness because he could sense the overwhelming power that his body contained. It was something that no newly advanced Demigod should have.

Leylin was giving a very oppressive feeling to four Demigods that looked at him with a mixture of jealousy and fear. Especially the Two-Headed Lion, the Golden Scorpion, and the Blazing Horse because these Demigods were acting more on their instincts.

Thus when they sensed Leylin's aura, they felt fear and their instincts were telling them to escape this place as far as possible. Unfortunately for them, the Pyramid of Light was blocking them perfectly and the leader Demigod Akaban was pretty much reluctant.

Deep inside, Akaban was still confident enough that they could overwhelm him with a number, if nothing else and he was ready to sacrifice for that reason, the three other Demigods.

For him, the Two-Headed Lion, the Golden Scorpion, and the Blazing Horse were just expendable pawns in the greater game.

"I am the Devouring Serpent, the Ruler of Massacres, God of Devouring, Bloodlines and Serpents, Monarch of Devils; I am the Heavenly Serpent God Nāgarāja."

Divine Force streaked past Leylin's eyes. Now that he was Demigod, it was time to test his newly found power and he decided that the four Demigods would be his first test subjects...

In a split of a second the Divine Force congealed into the phantom image of Nāgarāja, which was holding four swords in his four hands and ready to pounce at his opponents.

"Almighty lord, you are the savior of my soul, the salvation of the mortal world…"

Many clerics found after a prayer now that multiple divine spells were inside their bodies.

They were like normal magic spells and could be cast if they were willed. The holy spells were extremely effective at shocking the natives. No matter what plans Akaban had made, they'd now failed completely.

The numerous cheers and the tidal surge of Faith formed an astonishing current beside Leylin. He was tethering the Faith of the Natives at a tremendous speed as invisible power surged out from the phantom of Nāgarāja.

Even the most foolish would realize that the Heavenly Serpent God Nāgarāja had advanced and grown stronger. They immediately cheered. The large group of priests felt like they'd gotten power that could suppress everything.

"Domain! Not good! Destroy the Pyramid of Light with all you got; we need to escape!"

Akaban shouted with despair at the other three Demigods because he realized that he had lost and lost entirely without even the slightest victory. He even unknowingly helped his greatest enemy to get stronger and become a Demigod.

At his order, the other three Demigods started furiously attacking the Pyramid of Light, but it was futile. Leylin wasn't stupid and he prepared for this scenario and even had several backup plans that would keep the Pyramid of Light standing.

"First, you taint my domain; then you want to leave? Isn't it too late for that?"

The Massacre Domain and Devouring Domain stretched out, covering the entire sky in crimson. It had already been strong, but Leylin's advancement had maximized its potential.

"It doesn't work that way... you need to remain and become my food... my dear Demigods."

These words sounded like a song of legends and the decree of a curse.

Leylin instantly appeared before the Two-Headed Lion. With his bare hand, he tore through the body of the Two-Headed Lion Demigod in a split second, tearing out his heart as the Devouring Domain assimilated everything that remained from its body.

[Beep! The user has assimilated the Demigod Being Two-Headed Lion.]

[Beep! The user's stats have been increased by +1 each.]

[Beep! Divine Force has been replenished and increased.]

[Beep! Divine Force has been replenished and increased.]

[Beep! Divine Force has been replenished and increased.]

Leylin breathed in satisfaction as he got stronger a bit after killing the Two-Headed Lion Demigod and seeing the Golden Scorpion Demigod and Blazing Horse Demigod backing in fear from him.


Check out my new original for WSA 2024, Star Citizen Online: Isekai Idetion!
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PS. Check out my second primary fanfic: Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki and A Song of Blood and Sunlight (new chapter up)
PPS. Check out 7-Day Free Trials on my Patreon for the Euclid-Class Clearance... only thanks to patreon these stories are possible so thank you for your support.

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Chapôter 545 – Massacring the Native Demigods
These demigods only wished to leave this dreamy state.

What had they just seen? A demigod perished!

On the Debanks Islands, even fights between Divine Beings were exceedingly rare because there were not many of them and even then, they rarely perished. So seeing one Demigod being killed was an enormous shock to everyone who was observing this show.

He was on the same level as Leylin, but he was slaughtered like a lamb and turned into nourishment for him, and his killer even got stronger through Devoiuring the Demigod with the Devouring Domain.

"What's next… is you guys…"

Leylin's eyes slanted to one side as he glared, emanating an incomparably murderous aura.

The Demigod Golden Scorpion chirped, turning into a black gust of wind as it attempted to escape by breaching the Pyramid of Light in a desperate attempt to save its own hide, but it was futile.

The very own second it crashed into the Pyramid of Light, it was thrown back, paralyzed as Leylin used the window of opportunity to appear above the Demigod Golden Scorpion; he congealed his Massacred Domain into the shape of a sword and pierced through the head of Demigod Golden Scorpion.

Killing another Demigod in a split of a moment. Immediately afterward, he used the Devouring Domain to assimilate the remains of the Demigod Golden Scorpion, enhancing his own strength by another degree.

[Beep! Divine Force has been replenished and increased.]

[Beep! Divine Force has been replenished and increased.]

[Beep! Divine Force has been replenished and increased.]

The speed at which it fled made Akaban's expression turn even darker. His trustworthy comrade had actually been actually killed faster than he could comprehend on what had happened...

At this moment, Akaban almost forgot that the Demigod Golden Scorpion wanted to flee after receiving one glare from his opponent, which was utterly shameful.

"This isn't the strength of a demigod. Who are you?"

Akaban asked, teeth clenched. He knew that the void had locked in on him, so he instead chose to ask the wise question.

"Me? I am the Heavenly Serpent God Nāgarāja! The God of Devouring, Bloodlines and Serpents, the Serpent which Devours everything and rules all of Massacre. And naturally, you may address me as Leylin!"

Leylin grinned and walked over to Akaban.

The increasingly pressing aura left even the demigod's horse neighing in unrest. Although they were both demigods, Akaban could only feel fear in front of Leylin... the disparity in raw power between them was too wide for him to overcome.

Not to mention two Demigods from his team were already killed and became his nourishment and most probably, his fate would be the same.

Although he had accumulated many trump cards, he was ultimately only a Demigod of not very developed part of the World of Gods, so his combat capabilities were certainly limited and on the other hand...

Leylin, however, didn't just have one body. Because this was just a clone, his True Body was nearing the Rank 7 and at certain aspects, according to his calculation, while his state of Being was still under the Being of Laws, his combat prowess had reached that level long ago.

That was mainly thanks to him practicing two paths, the Magus Path and the Godhood Method, that were perfectly fusing with each other at a slow pace.

And while his True Soul was injured from reincarnating part of it in the World of Gods, with each advancement he made in the World of Gods, the injuries were getting healed a faster and faster seed.

Mainly thanks to being Demigod in the Godhood Method, his injuries were almost entirely heading, which meant one thing. As both bodies were sharing the same soul, he could now provide even more strength to the clone inside the World of Gods

Hence, fighting Leylin right now was like fighting a Demigod and a near-rank 7 Warlock at the same time.

Furthermore, a long period of research, along with the appearance of the World Origin Force and laws, had enlightened Leylin in many areas. It allowed him to transfer Magus Spells over to this world.

"Even if you are an evil god from the main continent, don't ever dream of controlling my empire…"

A holy war between gods was based on the power of faith, which was the most raw and resolute of battles. There wasn't an inch for negotiation. Akaban's gaze was resolute, as golden rays radiated from his body.

Even though the situation was grave, Akaban didn't want to surrender, no matter what, and would fight to the death. As if understanding his determination, the Demigod Blazing Horse in front of the chariot neighed loudly as a light golden domain was opened.


Akaban was riding the flaming chariot now, waving his golden lance about. The Sun Runes on his body were even more visible than before as the shadow of the sun behind him grew even more radiant and searing.

"A Tribal Demigod is indeed just that. There's no technique at all."

Leylin said in disgust, a wave of Divine Force welling in his hands. He knew very well that the actual fighting capabilities of Divine Beings and Demigods that belonged to native Tribes, whether they were Tribal Spirits, Totem Spirit or Ancestral Spirits or whatever, was weak.

They solely depended on pure overwhelming power to crush their opponents, they lacked any finesse and technique when they were fighting and thus, that led to their inferiority compared to the other beings of the Main Continent of the World of Gods.

Leylin waved his hand, and the golden light of divine force formed a palm.

Shattering Fist!

The golden first grew larger and larger, the runes on it as clear as water.

This fist seemed to be made of flesh and blood and carried a massive amount of power as it sent Akaban flying with a trail of blood.

"This is the strongest demigod on Debanks Island? What a disappointment…"

Leylin waved his hand again, and this time an incomparably large Mage Sword appeared, shining with divine force. He chose not to control this one with his spirit, instead grabbing it by the hilt.

The enormous Mage Sword cleaved through the very own beings of two Demigods killed them instantly, as they couldn't escape anywhere thanks to the Pyramid of Light.


Check out my new original for WSA 2024, Star Citizen Online: Isekai Idetion!
Only thanks to the patreon and patrons am I able to write and publish anything, so if you wish for the novels to be continued and read advance chapters, support me on the patreon!
PS. Check out my second primary fanfic: Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki and A Song of Blood and Sunlight (new chapter up)
PPS. Check out 7-Day Free Trials on my Patreon for the Euclid-Class Clearance... only thanks to patreon these stories are possible so thank you for your support.
Chapter 546 – Aftermath for Leylin
After killing the remaining two Demigods, Leylin went to their corpses and unleashed the Devouring Domain, assiímialred their existence into his own strength, as he felt that his body was getting stronger and his Divine Force was increasing.

[Beep! Divine Force has been replenished and increased.]

[Beep! Divine Force has been replenished and increased.]

[Beep! Divine Force has been replenished and increased.]

[Beep! The host has assimilated an enormous amount of Divine Force; stats have been increased.]

[Beep! The host has assimilated an enormous amount of Divine Force; stats have been increased.]

[Beep! The host has assimilated an enormous amount of Divine Force; stats have been increased.]

[Beep! The host's stats and data have changed greatly. Recalculating…]

[Leylin Faulen. Race: Human (Demigod), Rank 28 Arcanist (Legendary). Strength: 26. Agility: 26. Vitality: 26. Spirit: 35. Arcane Energy: 350. Divine Force: 500. Status: Healthy. Feats: Legendary Sturdiness, Well-Versed, Dreamscape Vision, Extreme Adaptability, Divine Body. Specialties: Origin Force Detection, Arcane Amplification, Illusions.]

As he skimmed through them, he noticed that his stats were already approaching the level of some Lesser Gods... if not for his mastery over the Devouring and his true body, then it wouldn't be possible to attain such power only as Demigod.

Or to perfectly assimilate the powers of four Demigods that he killed on the Debanks Islands...

Naturally, while he had stats comparable to some Lesser Gods and surpassed many of them, he would still lose a serious life-and-death fight against Lesser Gods as he lacked the thing that made the Gods almost invincible...

The Divine Kingdom.

'The battle of the Divine has come to an end. Now, it's time for the battle of the mortal world…'

With Akaban and all other Demigods dead, basically, the Debanks Islands were left defenseless without anyone strong enough to oppose him and his armies. Probably some Legendary Professionals still remained within the Sakarates Empire, but they would be killed like everyone else.


After returning to the cathedral, Leylin immediately expressed his intentions because it was of utmost importance to attack the enemies as soon as possible.

"My lord! You are the stars in the heavens and the ruler of all there is to Devour. Slaughter is the sharp sword that you hold in your hand…"

Tiff answered Leylin's summons before long, appearing at the center of the cathedral. His eyes were filled with emotion. His body still had trace bloodstains on it, but he wasn't injured, and all of the blood was that of his enemies.

It was clear that the mortals had acted in tandem with the gods that had united to attack Leylin.

It was a shame, though.

All their schemes had disintegrated the moment Leylin ascended and bestowed his Divine Spells, and his high-ranking Professionals acted.

As the Supreme Pontiff of Heavenly Serpent Church and representative of his Divine Might on the mortal plane, Tiff reported everything that happened during his fight against the native Demigods.

As he predicted, the Sakartes Empire conducted a surprise attack with everything they had, together with some remaining natives and tribes. It was something like the last stand against the invaders as the Demigods were putting everything into this attack.

In one swift movement, they wanted to kill Leylin and all of his mortal forces and achieve victory on both fronts. Ironically, they achieved the exact opposite of the wished results and all of them were killed.

Their Demigods lay dead, becoming nourishment for Leylin and their mortal soldiers crushed under the might of Leylin's mortal forces o the Serpent City.

With this, the last hope of Debanks Island lay destroyed.

"Tiff... gather the legions and exterminate the natives that have not surrendered to the Sereptn City and embraced the Heavenly Serpent God. There would be no surrender, not chance and not retribution... only death would await those that go against the might of Heavenly Serpent God Nāgarāja."

Tiff gritted his teeth, but he still replied with determination.

"Your will shall be done."

After all, Leylin was the absolute authority in this place.

"Very well!"

Leylin nodded, and with a wave, a golden staff flew into Tiff's hand.

Its handle was decorated in the motif of a Lion, Scorpion, Horse, Warrior and the four differently colored jewels on its crown shone radiantly. The entire staff seemed to be encircled by a formidable power and was radiating the Divine Force of Gods.

"Is this… a Divine Weapon?"

Tiff asked as he looked on in bewilderment because Divine Weapons were very, very rare things to come across, even on the main continent of the World of Gods. Even though the main content of World of Gods was incomparably vast, there were not many Divine Weapons on it at all.

"Yes. It's a weapon I refined using the enemy's False Gods. The jewels on top contain the power of Lightning, Fire, Earth and Conquest. It's only a Demigod-ranked weapon for now, but it should serve as the authority of a Supreme Pontiff of the Church of Heavenly Serpent."

Leylin answered shortly.

This Divine Weapon was made from a combination of corpses and Divine Force of four Demigods he killed and while it was a powerful Demigod-ranked weapon on its own, it was not suitable for him.

Instead, he planned to let Tiff have it because, with this weapon, Tiff could probably fight on equal grounds against some weaker Demigods as long as he reached a Divine Being state.

And as a Supreme Pontiff of the Church of Heavenly Serpent, he needed to be the strongest person around to be authority over the rest of his subjects.

"My Lord…"

Tiff's voice was choked with emotion; he didn't anticipate that he would be awarded something like this, which only affirmed him in his mission to annihilate every single blasphemer against the Heavenly Serpent from the Debanks Islands.

"Go; I will watch you from the skies."

Leylin waved him away.

"Yes, my Lord. I will defeat the entire Sakartes Empire for you and conquer all of Debanks Island!"

Tiff solemnly swore to Leylin.

With Tiff being gone, Leylin needed to meet with Gu Long so the Dragon Prince may depart to the Abyss and rampage here to ascend to a Being of Law. Until now, Gu Long was staying at the Serpent City as insurance in case something went wrong.


Check out my new original for WSA 2024, Star Citizen Online: Isekai Idetion!
Only thanks to the patreon and patrons am I able to write and publish anything, so if you wish for the novels to be continued and read advance chapters, support me on the patreon!
PS. Check out my second primary fanfic: Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki and A Song of Blood and Sunlight (new chapter up)
PPS. Check out 7-Day Free Trials on my Patreon for the Euclid-Class Clearance... only thanks to patreon these stories are possible so thank you for your support.
Chapter 547 – Fall of the Debanks Islands
"Is it done?"

Leylin heard a draconic voice belonging to Gu Long when he returned back to the Serpent City's citadel.

"Yes... everyone is dead; my path through the Debanks Islands would be without much resistance; you can depart to the Abyss to achieve your breakthrough."

Leylin answered as casually as he could, now return back to his experiments with the Weave that was enveloping the entire World of Gods. He ordered Tiff to conquer the remaining parts of the Debanks Islands and exterminate every single native not part of the Serpent City.

"Then I will be going to the Abyss... I will return after achieving my breakthrough..."

The Dragon Prince said and disappeared into nothingness, while Leylin greatly anticipated that day because that would mark their plans for the Baator and his own ascension to the Rank 7 Magus, the Being of Laws.


"Your Holiness, our vanguard has already taken over the two citadels in Ado City and Dole City. As long as we get Dul City as well, the capital of the Empire shall be right before our eyes!"

The troops of Serpent City were proceeding smoothly along the massive lands.

Tiff, who was Supreme Pontiff of the Church of Heavenly Serpent God, was in charge of the conquest of the remaining parts of the Debanks Islands. Right now, he had completed his routine prayers as he listened to the reports of army officials.

Golden light flashed on his forehead, causing him to be bathed in a holy luster.

"Send in High-Ranking Legends and Devil Hunters..."

Tiff ordered with an authoritative voice, as they were already nearing the capital city of the Sakartes Empire, which was one of the few cities in the Debanks Islands that were still standing.

He now looked reassured, boosting these Warriors with Divine Spells alongside other Priests... As a Church, Priests and military strength were extremely important. On the main continent of the World of Gods, the Church, with weak military power, couldn't even spread its Faith properly.

While combining what he knew of Debanks Island with his own strength, with help with the A.I. Chip's simulation calculations, he had also created a whole new strength pathway for his Church.

Devil hunters!

As the name implied, all Professionals that had ranked up in this area could obtain sensitivity to Devils and the unique tracking ability of Hunters. By activating the Devil runes, they could even obtain an Ability similar to the Bloodline Abilities of Devils and they were basically anti-thesis to the Devils.

This profession, which was a fusion between Warriors and Bloodline Holders, was very powerful, but there were also flaws. The Professionals had to meet extremely tough requirements when it came to their willpower.

But the gains far outweighed the losses because Devil Hunters were very powerful individually and could fight several Professionals of the same Level in certain cases, which was enough for the Church of Heavenly Serpent.

In addition, the pain from branding Devil Runes was horrifying; the process had a very high mortality rate among the people who underwent it.

Thankfully, Leylin now had many subordinates. He had slowly selected beings from more than half a million people, and getting a few thousand Devil Hunters was not difficult.

Leylin had especially created something special for this Power System. If a being could capture a real Devil and seal them in their own body, the Hunter would obtain much of the strength of the Devil!

On top of that, their Ranking would also increase and each such Devil Hunter was a powerhouse on his own and could kill several Devil Hunters that didn't have sealed Devils inside them.

Only Hunters with Devils sealed within them were truly Devil Hunters. All this was done in preparation for the inevitable clash against the Devils of the Nine Hells of Baator.

If it wasn't for the fact where was tasked by the Longinus Dreizhen Orden to acquire the Bloodline Source of the Devil Race, then he wouldn't be pushing the Devil Hunter Profession to such extremes.


For the past weeks, the armies of the Church of the Heavenly Serpent and Serpent City had been marching through the Debanks Islands, massacring the populations of natives in tens of thousands as rivers of blood and mountains of courses remained after their march.

Just as their God had spoken, nobody survived and nothing remained; everyone was killed and everything was destroyed.

At the heart of the altar, there was an obsidian statue with a warrior riding a war chariot.

However, the horse in front of the chariot had long since shattered and only the statue of a warrior in the chariot was barely holding up, but it was cracked all around, and some parts of it already fell apart.

As if sensing that he was being disrespected, a terrifying pressure rose from the Empire's founding Emperor, Akeban's statue.

Even though Akaban was dead for some time, the statue still contained some of the remnants of will and Divine Force because it was the object of worship for countless generations.

"Begone lingering will of dead False God."

The pope of Heavenly Serpent Church, Tiff, erupted with golden light as he smashed the statue of Akaban into nothingness. With the Demigod-ranked Weapon that Leylin gave him, no High-Rank Legendary or even Divine Being could stand in front of his might and were all killed.

Nobody managed to surrender; several of the large native tribes were completely annihilated, with their Totem Spirits, Ancestral Spirits or anything of their worship being ruthlessly crushed apart and any seeds of resistance annihilated.

Soon enough, the entire Debanks Islands would be under the rule of the Heavenly Serpent Church.

With the massacre carried out around the entirety of the Debanks Islands, under the leadership of powerful Professionals of Heavenly Serpent Church and Leylin's Army, one after one, the Divine Beings of natives fell from grace.

Those who managed to survive somehow were then chased and killed by the most powerful Professionals of the Heavenly Serpent Church.

A new order would be built on the ruins of the Sakartes Empire and the native tribes of the Debanks Islands, and something like that would need a person with both fame and fortune.

In reality, even Tiff did not have the qualifications to do so, even though Leylin planned to let Tiff rule the newly founded nation for some time, until the time was right.

There was only one person that could govern the area to combine both reason and law and that was someone who had Leylin's blood flowing in them!


Check out my new original for WSA 2024, Star Citizen Online: Isekai Idetion!
Only thanks to the patreon and patrons am I able to write and publish anything, so if you wish for the novels to be continued and read advance chapters, support me on the patreon!
PS. Check out my second primary fanfic: Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki and A Song of Blood and Sunlight (new chapter up)
PPS. Check out 7-Day Free Trials on my Patreon for the Euclid-Class Clearance... only thanks to patreon these stories are possible so thank you for your support.

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Chapter 548 – Straigth out of Guide
Seeing the army of the Heavenly Serpent Church struck terror in the hearts of countless natives who were still alive to such a degree that many began even to surrender.

Vast numbers of nobles chose to give up on the rule of Akaban and his descendants, who ruled the Sakartes Empire since its founding, pledging their allegiance to Leylin in secret and some even in the open.

For those, Leylin decided to grant them mercy and let them live as they converted to the Faith of the Heavenly Serpent. The Sakartes Empire was barely standing as the last place that stood was the capital of the Empire.

It was the only region that the Imperial Family managed to get hold of because it was where their influence was the strongest.

In a mere three days, the capital of the Sakartes Empire was broken into from the inside. Flames surged into the sky from the imperial palace, causing the army that had planned to fight to halt in their tracks.

They could only watch as the palace that represented the glamour and splendor of the Royal Bloodline vanished.

The new capital was now called Faulen City, and a whole new Empire was formed after the flames of war washed away all filth and anything that reminiscent of the native culture or their Gods.

Because it was a country formed from Faith, Leylin was unwilling to pass on the responsibility to others. He became the very first Holy Emperor, and from then, the rulership would be succeeded by those with his blood for all eternity.

The new Empire was quickly acknowledged by the surrounding tribes, not like they had a choice, as one of the first things that Leylin did was to conquer them and incorporate them into the Holy Nāga Empire.

After everything that belonged to the Sakartes Empire was taken over, and his organization had expanded to the entirety of Debanks Island, they began the intense effort of eradicating the plague and clearing land.

With the 'Holy Water' and the God's Baptism, the grim reaper that devastated Debanks Island was finally controlled. To the commoners, the Heavenly Serpent Church was like the sun in the sky.

Since the war had ended quickly, and they'd taken in a large number of tribes, the initial assessment of the population in the region came up to an astonishing 750,000. The plague had taken away more than half of the initial 2 million natives and left countless treasures after them.

Leylin also planned for the future to fuse the Heavenly Serpent Church and Holy Nāga Empire into one entity, which would be ruled by the Holy Emperor.

He wanted to create an absolute theocratic state that would be solely dedicated to worshipping him and generating Faith.

Fortunately, he already got a guideline on how to do it.

It was from Gu Long's home world, Douluo Principal World; evidently, people there even wrote guidelines on how to create theocratic states and other topics related to governing, Faith, churches and so on...

In fact, it pretty much amused Leylin when he saw a book titled "Theocracy 101: Guide for Idiots", but he had to admit that the books were very useful as they contained generational knowledge of Gods in the Douluo Principal World.


Calendar of the Gods, Year 37,671.

With 10,000 pirates, Leylin Faulen had taken down Debanks Island, which had a population of more than two million people, destroying the Sakartes Empire and conquering or annihilating countless Native Tribes to create his own nation.

He himself had become a demigod, becoming one of the higher-ups in the World of Gods.

Many were astonished.

Leylin Faulen was only 26 years old, and he had achieved something that was so astonishing that it was impossible for the majority of inhabitants of the World of Gods.

Naturally, even Gods paid attention to his development and many Churches from the main continent were already thinking about what stance to take about his rise.

Presently at the Debanks Islands, numerous elite Devil Hunters and native Holy Knights surrounded a group of luxurious horse chariots in the new Faulen City.

The knights' crests and the caravan's flag were symbols of a Heavenly Serpent, indicating the might of Imperial Might.

"The plague's been taken care of, and we're beginning to plow the land for spring. We're doing great!"

Leylin pulled apart the curtains of the chariot, gazing at the green fields with a hint of satisfaction on his face. Pontiff of the Heavenly Serpent Church Tiff knelt before his master with eyes full of admiration and worship.

The Empire would be governed by the blood of its God; such was the decree of the Heavenly Serpent Church and the moment the child was ready, it would fuse the Imperial and Religious Powers into one, becoming the first Holy Emperor of Holy Nāga Empire.

He even chose that Isabel Faulen, his cousin, would become his wife and Empress of the Holy Nāga Empire.

She was the most suitable person for the role, not only for the fact that she had a very powerful Red Dragon Bloodline and was a powerful Professional herself but also because she was a member of the Faulen Family.

Aside from the fact that she harbored feelings of love for him, so her loyalty was guaranteed, that was something that he needed to be sure of.

Right now, Leylin was on inspection of the Holy Nāga Empire and controlled how his orders were carried out.

As the Holy Nāga Empire was only newly established and it was built on the ashes of civilizations of the Debanks Islands, there were tons of problems with it. While he had dealt with the Totem Spirits, Nature Spirits, Ancestral Spirits and other types of Spirits...

Most of the worshippers were not fanatical ones or truly geniue, and right now was the time to properly get a hold of them and reeducate them in the teachings of the Heavenly Serpent God.

He didn't spare even a single one of them, as all of them were killed; he didn't want to have them as his subordinates because while it may be beneficial in a short time, they were a liability in the long term.


Check out my new original for WSA 2024, Star Citizen Online: Isekai Edition!
Only thanks to the patreon and patrons am I able to write and publish anything, so if you wish for the novels to be continued and read advance chapters, support me on the patreon!
PS. Check out my second primary fanfic: Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki and A Song of Blood and Sunlight and DxD: Seraph God of Destruction
PPS. Check out 7-Day Free Trials on my Patreon for the Euclid-Class Clearance... only thanks to patreon these stories are possible so thank you for your support.
Chapter 549 – The Schemes of Far Lasting Future
Kadath Universe, Higher Dimensional World of Baator, 9th Layer of the Baator Nessus, Holy Imperial Capital of Anor Londo


More than three millennia have passed since Gu Long departed to complete his mission, as time dilation between the two Universes was rather big. Everything in the Kadath Universe was just as when Gu Long left the place.

There were not many changes, aside from the fact that people continued with their lives; Baatorians still focused on training, making technological innovations and getting stronger while occasionally invading some pocket Dimension in the Endless Void or some very weak Universe.

With some plundering and assimilation, we had a new wave of Tier 12 Beings in the Baator, mainly from the Chthonian Elector Lord Houses, who had each their own Tier 12 Beings right now as we were speaking.

Through the millennia, countless innovations to the technologies were made, and our Arcanotech was advancing by leaps and bounds; with each Universe, we plundered and destroyed, we also assimilated their technological advances into our own.

Thus, we were in one continuous cycle of advancement. Out armies were also expanded more than ten times to meet the need for soldiers on all fronts, and probably one division of the Empire that got the most growth were Mechanicum and Voidfleets.

Mechanical Legions became stars for the conquests of other Universe together with the Voidfleets because they were less costly and could be made practically everywhere as long as there were a few Engineers, Alchemists and some factories.

"Life in retirement is the best..."

I said whole, staring at the ceiling of our chambers... I spent several hundreds of years on the Eternal Throne and it was a pain ass, constantly dealing with bullshit, administration and paperwork, occasionally with idiots...

This life was much better, as I could either laze around, tend to my research or spend time with my wife. Long ago, all of them returned from their positions within the Imperial Government, and we were just enjoying our eternal life.

Either by lazying around, having sex, having a lot of sex or even traveling through the Hall of Kadath and occasionally some other Universe that we would conquer later one.

They always looked much better before the Imperial Army laid waste to them.

And as I was waking up, I sensed that the Tarot Cards inside me were vibrating, which served as an attempt at communication. It would probably be either Leylin or Gu Long, as only they have reason to contact me right now.

I gave Gu Long one of the Lesser Arcanas to temporarily hold on to because it was the most reliable method of communication between the Universe.

Thus, I closed my eyes and teleported to the Sefirah Castle, where the projection of my son was already waiting for me.

"What is so urgent that you needed to call me at this... inappropriate time."

I was a bit irritated because it was morning and I just woke up... my lovely wives were still asleep, and together, waking up was always a very pleasurable activity that always made my day...

Now, it was not...

My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.

"I will be going to the Abyss to achieve my breakthrough to the Tier 9 father..."

My eyes immediately sharpened; at least the boy had a proper reason to ruin my morning...

"Be careful and do everything like your elder brother did, and success will be guaranteed... also, how are the things in there?"

Gu Long and Sigmar were essentially both Innate Law Gods, as they were born from me and Hela / Gu Yuena, who were Gods. Their natures have perfectly fused and they were indeed very valuable to my won ascension to the Law God.

Being born with Law Godhood or creating the Law Godhood from scratch were two entirely different things.

"Everything is according to the plan. Leylin has successfully infiltrated the World of Gods, established his own Church and even used our guidelines in it... right now, he is preparing for ascension to Being of Law Rank 7 Magus and his Clone to ascend to the Lesser God. During the ascension of his Clone, we will attack the Baator of that Universe."

Gu Long reported to me and I listened, listened and listened...

So far, everything went well... too well that something spelled that it would turn to fuck in the near future, but hopefully it would not, but who knows...

"Be careful; right now, everything is going too well for my own liking... how are you going to break through?"

I asked while looking at my son.

Gu Long was the youngest of my children and one of the most talented ones, inheriting the best from me and my wife, Gu Yuena.

"I will... but when I investigated a bit the Abyss... I noticed that it had a very similar aura to the Infinite Abyss Universe."

I wanted to leave already, but I stopped in my tracks when I heard that; it seemed that my teaching of my son was not wasted.

For example, Sigmar would never have been this cautious if he didn't have Rossweise or Yasaka with him...

"It is most likely a mirror copy... Infinite Abyss Universe is creating Mirror Worlds in various Universe that mirror the structure of the Infinite Abyss Universe. This way, they have a much wider reach and could collect Souls, Negative Emotions and cause destruction through an immeasurable number of Universes."

This was the typical strategy of the Infinite Abyss Universe; that was the reason why one could find worlds like "Abyss", "Hell", "Demon Realm" or "Underworld" here and there in countless Universe.

I had to admit that it was a very efficient move.

"Be careful in every move you make... anything that is created by Fiends of Infinite Abyss Universe is a very, very dangerous thing..."

Infinite Abyss Universe is a place that is far bigger than any other Universe and has several Tier 14 Fiends and countless Tier 13 Fiends.


Check out my new original for WSA 2024, Star Citizen Online: Isekai Edition!
Only thanks to the patreon and patrons am I able to write and publish anything, so if you wish for the novels to be continued and read advance chapters, support me on the patreon!
PS. Check out my second primary fanfic: Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki and A Song of Blood and Sunlight and DxD: Seraph God of Destruction
PPS. Check out 7-Day Free Trials on my Patreon for the Euclid-Class Clearance... only thanks to patreon these stories are possible so thank you for your support.
Chapter 550 – What a Life…
"Do you think that some very powerful Fiend may reside in the Mirror World of Infinite Abyss inside the Abyss there?"

Gu Long asked me after some time of consideration; probably all the times I kept warning him about the dangers of any place that was even remotely connected with the Infinite Abyss Universe indeed let seeds of suspicion inside him.

"It is highly possible... during the millennia of existence of Kadath Universe, I must admit that our existence is well known among some circles of the Fiend Nobility in the Infinite Abyss Universe..."

Kadath Universe was still in some sort of protection mode, as it was only recently created, but unfortunately, the news about its peculiarities, especially about the Higher Dimensional World of Baator, has reached the ears of some high-ranking Fiend Nobles.

That certainly wasn't good news.

Still, we were prepared, and the moment I reached Tier 13 and became Universe Master, the only choice for them to endanger the entire Universe would be if some of their Tier 14 Fiends made a move, which was undoubtedly an impossible thing to happen.

The moment one of the Tier 14 Fiends made a move, then it would be accompanied by a corresponding action of hostile Tier 14 entities, especially those of the Holy City who hated Fiends to the core.

That was one of the reasons why I was in such a hurry to achieve my complete ascension to Tier 13 because that would be the only way to guarantee the safety of my family and home completely.

And to preserve the legacy that I spent millennia carefully carving in the annals of the history.

"I will be then extra careful and not reveal anything that is connecting me to the Kadath Universe."

Gu Long stated with a serious voice as I nodded before I took something out and passed it to him.

"This is Emblem of Silence... it is a very precious Void Treasure that would be able to completely erase your presence when you would be in the Abyss... as long as you have that, nobody would be able to use any kind of Divination or anything related to it on your person to see your origins."

The Emblem of Silence was something that cost too much for me to obtain... one burned Universe to the ground and dead TIer 13 Primarch of some very powerful cultivation system.

Approximately five hundred years ago, I ventured into the Endless Void and found a rather remote Universe, which was ruled by a newly advanced Tier 13 cultivator.

While this piqued my curiosity, what made me act was the artifact that the man possessed.

The Emblem of Silence, naturally born Void Treasure.

When I saw that, I immediately acted and ambushed the man to obtain it.

While I was at a disadvantage at the start, I managed to kill him, though I almost died to his final attack because the Universe where we were fighting wasn't the strongest one and started crumbling apart.

"I... thank you father."

Gu Long certainly knew the true value of a Void Treasure because Void Treasures were something that even Primarchs would fight to the death to obtain.

They were that precious, and Gu Long was one of my favorite children...

It's not like I met most of my descendants, as they numbered in the hundreds, and not that I cared a bit about them...

Aside from my direct children and a few of the most talented members of younger generations, as cruel as it sounded, they were just numbers.

When Gu Long disappeared from the Sefirah Castle, I returned back to my chambers and saw that my wives were already awake and putting up their clothes as we would have breakfast together.

Sometimes, I chuckled at all of these rituals because we indeed behaved like ordinary mortals... but certainly, these parts of affection between us kept me mostly sane and helped with the passage of time.

"So, are we already awake?"

I asked, though I noticed that Gu Yuena was still sleeping.

She was a heavy sleeper from us and didn't like to get up at all... sometimes... curse that dragon part of her that always wanted for her to hibernate.

"Yes, just this silver lizard is still pretending to sleep."

Hela scoffed as she looked at lazy Gu Yuena, who was still sleeping, while others were already ready for breakfast. This was one of the rare moments when everyone gathered in the Anor Londo, and they would have a few even together as immediate family.

Afterward, my wives and I would depart back to the Sunset Mountain Range, where we had an extensive complex of Castle where we were living. After all that time, living in the Imperial Palace was no longer suitable for us.

And at least in the Sunset Mountain Range, we had peace and silence; it was very quiet there, with no politicians, no administration mess and other troublesome things that Anor Londo represented as a seat of the Imperial Power.

"Five more minutes..."

Everyone then heard Gu Yuena sleep-talking until Fia-chan went to her and basically threw her on the ground from bed, or else she would again sleep for entire days at best or months at worst.

"You could at least do it more gently..."

Gu Yuena complained and stood up as Grayfia looked at her innocently, pretending not to hear anything.

In truth, Grayfia was always a bit vindictive and she often found herself at odds with Gu Yuena, who was a very lazy person.

In contrast to Grayfia's hardworking personality, so they often clashed like fire and water.

"Now, let's go to enjoy a nice breakfast and take a tour of the city before we will return back home."

I said before two of them started throwing spells at each other.

For the past decades, Gu Yuena was grumpy that our precious "baby boy" had gone away, and she spent most of her time lazing around, which created conflicts with my beloved silver female devil, who wanted Gu Yuena to do something productive.


Check out my new original for WSA 2024, Star Citizen Online: Isekai Edition!
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PS. Check out my second primary fanfic: Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki and A Song of Blood and Sunlight and DxD: Seraph God of Destruction
PPS. Check out 7-Day Free Trials on my Patreon for the Euclid-Class Clearance... only thanks to patreon these stories are possible so thank you for your support.
Chapter 551 - Talk over the Breakfast
We were all having breakfast at one of the grand halls of the Imperial Palace. Aside from me, Hela, Fia, Vena, Bibi Dong and Gu Yuena, a few of my children were also participating in the breakfast.

As this was the last time we were in the Holy Imperial Capital Anor Londo, a few of them came to see us. Because we were spending a lot of time in our place at the Sunset Mountain Range, we didn't see each other much.

I could see that Rias came, together with Sigmar, Sirzechs, Serafall, and a few others... even Vali was present, though that was not surprising because the man would take any opportunity to escape from his duties as Lord Marshall Militant of Imperialis Militarum.

Rias was probably the child I was the proudest of in a certain sense because she underwent a very long journey to stand where she was right now. From a spoiled girl who hated doing anything that required some actual effort, she became someone truly great...

She was still Ecclesiarch of the Ecclesiarchy and was managing the enormous organization very well for the past several thousand years.

Ecclesiarchy was one of the most important wheels in the Imperial Machinery and now, it was essential in the machinery and functioning of the entire Kadath Universe.

While we didn't require Faith to advance, we indeed had a method to refine the Faith into pure Divine Energy that wasn't tainted by the emotions, imaginations and other things that often drove the Gods into damnation.

"So, how are you all doing right now?"

I asked when the servants started putting food on the table, receiving various looks from my children.

"I see that you have once again dumped your work on your assistants, Vali."

Seeing that nobody was going to say anything, Hela broke the since as the young-looking Lucifer shuddered. When it came to authority, he held great fear and respect for Hela combined; when she was angry, she was really terrifying.

When that was out, Rias started shooting her husband angry glares and I even noticed that she was kicking him underneath the table.

During her experiences, Rias became a very responsible person, and she always perfectly performed all of her responsibilities.

And one thing she didn't like was when her dear husband was escaping from his job; it was even getting worse when, out of nowhere, the most notable problem maker of the Imperial House, Sigmar Helason Lucifer, became an exemplary officer and bureaucrat.

Sigmar was still leading the Magisterium of Outer Plane Development and was still responsible for finding new worlds, this time outside of the Kadath Universe, to invade and plunder their resources.

And he was getting better and better at it... after his more rebellious or whatever phase passed, he started getting more calm and wasn't as much of a hothead as he was in the past... fortunately...

"It is boring there... nothing, just paperwork and planning, no action at all and since my trip to that Sealed Dimension within the Endless Void, there was almost nothing there for me."

I met Vali's newest wife, though she wasn't right now here, because after the House Black moved to the Chthonian Empire, they became one of the leaders in research in the Forbidden Magic.

With their Clan Traits allow them to cast the foulest and darkest Magic out there without any repercussions, making them the center of attention of many top Magicians, researchers and scholars of the Empire.

"I apologize on his behalf... It will not happen again, mother Hela."

Rias intervened because Hela's answer to the problem would be most commonly beat out shit out of Vali, though it wasn't really the wrong thing... Vali was stubborn as shit, and he would never listen to anyone telling him on what to do and what not.

"Let's move on to another topic...Sirzechs, Sigmar, you two are very going to undergo ascension to Tier 12..."

The birth of every single Tier 12 entity was crucial for the existence of the Kadath Universe because, in the Universal Wars, the Tier 12 and higher Tiered powerhouses were the true might of the Universe.

Everything below that wasn't really that important because even TIer 11 beings were just elite commanders; they were still not the game-changers.

"Yes, I would be ready in ten years after all preparations are done to condense the Arcane Crest."

Sirzechs would certainly be a very powerful Tier 12 being and there was still Sigmar, who was Innate Law Goodhood would be absolutely frightening. Not only would he be very powerful, but at the same time, he would be nigh impossible to kill.

"And Sigmar?"

The Innate Law Godhood was something that even I couldn't comprehend entirely and was still in the process of studying it, and with Sigmar's upcoming breakthrough to the Tier 12 would be very educational for me.

Certainly, the millennia of studying the Innate Godhoods of Hela and Sigmar paved the path for my own breakthrough in the fusion of the Godhood Method Path and the Law Path.

"I am close; the only thing I am lacking is sufficient levels of Faith and the perfection of a few Laws..."

I nodded my head in satisfaction; seeing that my children grew so powerful indeed filled me with endless pride. Among all of my descendants, the first generation was the most powerful; apparently, the farther they were from me, the weaker their Bloodline got?

While we had countless Bloodline Purification rituals to strengthen the Blood, Clan Traits, and other aspects of the children's talents to a sufficient level so they could reach at least Tier 11, if not for that, there wouldn't be so many powerhouses stemming from the Imperial House.

But such was the price for powerful Bloodlines containing the Laws themselves, and it was not a problem of just us but of all Noble Houses, who were spending a lot of resources to help some less fortunate members of their Houses because not all descendants are born with strong Bloodlines.

"Good, very good... after you both have reached Tier 12, we will launch an invasion of another universe that I will personally lead."

I stated finally because the moment we would have an additional two Tier 12 beings, it would be the right opportunity to plunder some Universe once again.


Check out my new original for WSA 2024, Star Citizen Online: Isekai Edition!
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PS. Check out my second primary fanfic: Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki and A Song of Blood and Sunlight and DxD: Seraph God of Destruction
PPS. Check out 7-Day Free Trials on my Patreon for the Euclid-Class Clearance... only thanks to patreon these stories are possible so thank you for your support.
Chapter 552 – Interlude: Rogue Trader Militant (1)
A blonde man with long blonde hair tied in a ponytail was overlooking soldiers from the commanding deck of his Voidship as they were preparing to go into infinity and beyond, reaching the unknown.

His golden eyes flamed with a burning fire in a mixture of anticipation and nervousness at the same time as what was awaiting them there. He worked a black and red uniform with several sigils, including that of the Chthonian Empire and his own House.

Raziel Phenex was one of the many descendants of the House Phenex, a very prestigious House within the Chtonian Empire of the Baator, holding the rank of Chthonian Lord for several thousand years already.

His great-grandfather was Ruval Phenex, former commanding Tribune of Custodians before he returned three thousand years ago and married to have descendants. He also became the Head of House Phenex.

Raziel was thought special among the descendants because he inherited both Clan Trait of House Phenex and Clan Trait of House Lucifer, The Holy Flame, as Ruval Phenex married one of the daughters of Vali Lucifer and Latia Astaroth.

His Clan Trauit mutated, and together with Phenex Flame and Holy Flame, he very quickly became Being of Law with very frightening combat prowess, especially related to the Flames.

He even gained the moniker "Holy Phoenix" and, a few decades ago, obtained a written decree declaring him a Rogue Trader Militant in charge of finding a new world for the Chthonian Empire to plunder.

Rogue Traders were of high prominence within the Chthonian Empire and even across the entire Kadath Universe because they were doing a very dangerous job.

They were in charge of exploring totally unknown territories within the Endless Void and were in constant danger.

Endless Void was a very dangerous place; countless creatures lived in its cold depths, far more powerful than anyone could imagine, and that was only the tip of the iceberg. Yet, Raziel Phenex decided to become a Rogue Trader Militant.

It was one of the easiest ways of how to gather the enormous amount of resources needed for his research and advancements, obtaining immeasurable wealth... Though even from the Chthonian Nobility, only those of significant power dared to become Rogue Traders Militant.

He was now listening to the final report from the engineers about the state of his personal Emperor-Class Battleship, FirePhoenix, as they would be departing soon.

Though from the ranks of Chthonian Nobility, he wasn't actually alone.

On this endeavor, he was joined by the grandson of current Captain-General Adeptus Custodes Sairaorg Bael, Ezran Bael, who proved to be as much a headache as he was worth.

Not only did he inherit the same condition as his grandfather of being unable to use the Power of Destruction until he reached Satan-Class or so in physique...

He even had a similar combat style and was an utter battle maniac who cared only about fighting strong opponents to improve the infamous Bael's Destruction Martial Art that was developed by Sairaorg Bael.

A frightening combination of Power of Destruction, Martial Arts, Touki and a few other things created an unstoppable killing machine on the battlefield.

'Fortunately, he was stupid enough to allow Liala to come with him. Hopefully, that woman can reign him in if she doesn't too have an episode... fucking hell, why do I need to have this amount of luck...'

Raziel cursed internally because key members of his crew had some loose screws in their heads.

One of the utter battle maniacs who has a disregard for anything aside from battling strong opponents, and his fianceé has split personally in which she would massacre anyone whom she sees as a threat to him...

Just utterly perfect, but that was probably a curse for organizing the expedition at the last minute. Still, at least all members of his crew were very powerful, so hopefully, their expedition would go without major obstacles.

Their crew had several Tier 9 beings, including him, who was at the peak of Tier 9, only one step away from reaching Tier 10. He felt that he would be able to reach Tier 10 during this expedition.

"My Lord, we could depart."

Raziel heard the ship's captain say as he gave his order, and they were soon departing to the outskirts of the Kadath Universe, where the gateways into the Endless Void were located, and they guarded very well.

The Kadath Universe had only a few points where it was connected to the Endless Void, and each of these points was reinforced by the Father of All Devils and guarded with the most advanced Imperial Arcanotech, the most powerful entities of the Empire.

Each Gateway had one Tier 12 being all the time in case they were invaded by another Universe or some powerful creatures dwelling in the Endless Void. And that was not talking about the constant dangers of the Void Insect Swarms that were practically everywhere.

It only needed one jump to arrive at the Gateway into the Endless Void because it wasn't that far, and the technology level of the Chthonian Empire was improving with each passing decade by leaps and bounds.

Raziel looked at the Gateway Alpha with nervousness because of the sheer amount of military equipment, Voidlfeets, and powerhouses that were guarding it. If he remembered correctly, the Gateway Alpha was guarded by one of the Five Elders of the Baator, Zekram Bael.

Anyone who passed through the Gateway needed to have personal agreement from the Guardian of the Gate, who was naturally the Tier 12 powerhouse.

The exception to this rule were the Rogue Trader Militants, who only needed to pass a slight screening process and people from the Magisterium of Outer Plane Development, who needed to have permission from the Magister.

Because Raziel was a Rogue Trader Militant, he didn't have problems at the border, though waiting time was long, as they were told by the Gateway Corps that they would need to wait for several hours before they could safely pass through the Gateway.


Check out my new original for WSA 2024, Star Citizen Online: Isekai Edition!
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PS. Check out my second primary fanfic: Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki and A Song of Blood and Sunlight and DxD: Seraph God of Destruction
PPS. Check out 7-Day Free Trials on my Patreon for the Euclid-Class Clearance... only thanks to patreon these stories are possible so thank you for your support.
Chapter 553 - Interlude: Rogue Trader Militant (2)
Unknown Universe

"How is our current status?"

Raziel asked, sitting on the commanding chair of the Emperor-Class Battleship FirePhoenix as they finally arrived at the new Universe through the Endless Void. Fortunately enough, the journey was short, and they quickly crossed over to an entirely new Universe for them to search.

"Everything is stable, my Lord. We have concluded that we are in some sort of cultivation Universe; everything is steeped in some kind of energy. Requiring permission to begin an information extraction procedures..."

His adjutant asked as he gave the order because the information gathering was the most important thing in their task.

With the level of their Arcanotech, they could remain hidden as long as they wished and safely gather information about the new Universe.


Several hours later, it certainly yielded results.

The place where they arrived was called Primal Chaos Dimension Universe and was a cultivation Universe where everyone cultivated the so-called Profound Way.

The cultivators here were not really strong from what they learned about their cultivation system and belonged to a typical energy-gathering cultivation system.

Essentially speaking, the entire Primal Chaos Dimension Universe was divided into two Regions, namely the Realm of Gods and the Realm of Devils.

In comparison, the pyramid structure of the Primal Chaos Dimension Origin World was with Star Realms.

The Royal Rank Star Realms on the top of the pyramid that were housing the strongest cultivators, followed by the High-Rank Star Realms, Middle-Rank Star Realms and Low-Rank Star Realms... aside from those, there were countless Planets that were essentially for mortals to live.

The Realm of Gods was further divided into the Eastern Divine Region, Western Divine Region, Northern Divine Region and Southern Divine Region. Right now, apparently, they were at the outskirts of the Eastern Divine Region where there were almost none of Star Realms, only a bunch of insignificant mortal planets...

That was also a good thing because they could make their base at one of them without alerting the more powerful factions within the Primal Chaos Dimension.

The cultivation system of the Profound Way was essentially divided into three Stages.

Nine Mortal Realms, Sven Divine Realms and True God Stages... Elementary Profound Realm, Nascent Profound Realm, True Profound Realm and Spirit Profound Realm could be summed somewhere around Tier 1 to Tier 2, while Earth Profound Realm was solidly on Tier 2 in terms of destructive prowess.

Sky Profound Realm was around Tier 3, Emperor Profound Realm and Tyrant Profound Realm were around Tier 4 with Sovereign Profound Realm at Tier 5. The Divine Origin Realm of the Seven Divine Realm was together with the Divine Soul Realm at Tier 6, and the Divine Tribulation Realm and Divine Spirit Realm were at Tier 7.

And finally, the Divine King Realm, Divine Sovereign Realm, and Divine Master Realm were all at various stages of Tier 8 up to the Extreme Limit Tier 8.

Considering all of this, Raziel had to admit that their cultivation system was pretty weak, but it had one great advantage, which was very low requirements for cultivation because essentially everyone could cultivate.

Their Tier 9s, the Being of Laws, should be around Divine Extinction Realm in case of strength probably; it was hard to tell because, from what they found out that the entire Primal Chaos Dimension didn't see any other True Gods for countless generations...

Which was pitiful but, at the same time, good for the invaders...

Though, when they initiated the deep scan of the Universe, they indeed picked tons of signals that were above the Divine Master Realm of the Profound Way.

Though they were all located within a few areas of the Universe, there were hundreds of them, maybe even more, and the numbers weren't always very reliable.

"What is the closest planet to our position?"

Raziel asked as he wanted to get into the job, which was to gather information and sent it all to the Magisterium of the Outer Plane Development.

This entire Universe would be soon swarming with Xenomorphs when Yautja started releasing them here, but before that, they sent a Rogue Trader Militant for a reconnaissance mission.

His job was, technically speaking, only to gather as much information as possible and obtain some samples and legacies.

The moment Xenomorphs were released, this entire place would be turned into doomsday.

Though he would need to investigate the number of True Gods that were comparable to the Beings of Law, that was the crucial thing to find out because only they were relevant, repelling the Xenomorphs.

"It is called Blue Pole Star, my Lord, approximately three hours away from our position. Should I set the course?"

Raziel then nodded as their Voidship was slowly heading towards the Blue Pole Star while occasionally capturing some cultivators to gather more and more information. He had a few thousand soldiers on his ship, mostly ranging from Tier 6 to Tier 8.

And, of course, a good number of Arcane Mechanical Automatons of various TIers; he even had his trump card, which was peak Tier 10 Mech that he was given by the Family Head for this endeavor.

Such things were rare and rather pricy even amongst the Noble Houses of the Chthonian Empire.

"Also, call all Tier 9 experts to the War Room and start briefing on the information we gathered about the Primal Chaos Dimension."

Aside from him, there were a few Tier 9 on his ship, numbering altogether four people, which was relatively good for a small-time expedition.

They were essentially glorified scouts and information gatherers. It would be the Armies of the Imperialis Militarum, Voidfleets of the Navis Imperialis and Mechanical Legions of Mechanicum that would do the heavy fighting.

"And sent out some squids out there to gather information..."

Squids were a special type of Arcane Mechanical Automaton that were almost all purpose; they were splendid at fighting, building and constructing things, and reconnaissance and scouting the area.

Not to mention, they were extremely dangerous and skilled hunters.


Check out my new original for WSA 2024, Star Citizen Online: Isekai Edition!
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PS. Check out my second primary fanfic: Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki and A Song of Blood and Sunlight and DxD: Seraph God of Destruction
PPS. Check out 7-Day Free Trials on my Patreon for the Euclid-Class Clearance... only thanks to patreon these stories are possible so thank you for your support.
Chapter 554 – Interlude: Rogue Trader Militant (3)
Raziel Phenex, the new Rogue Trader Militant of the Chthonian Empire of the Baator, looked at the planet before his eyes with interest.

While it appeared to be an ordinary planet, with no presence of anything stronger than Nine Mortal Realms, their scans have found tremendous lingering power.

At least at Tier 11...

Which meant that something very powerful was dwelling in the world.

Blue Pole Star.

A planet located on the outskirts of the Universe, with the closest point of interest being the Star God Realm. It had 97% water and 3% land now; apparently, originally it was 60% and 40%, but their scans were showing that much of it was sunk down underneath the ocean.

It had three continents, from what they learned after kidnapping some natives.

The most remote is the Azure Cloud Continent, while the Profound Sky Continent and the Illusory Demon Realm are relatively close to each other. The Profound Sky Continent and the Illusory Demon Realm were at war for one hundred years.

"Where should we descend, My Lord?"

One of his adjutants asked as Raziel then pointed at a place within the holographic projection of the Blue Pole Star.

"Divine Phoenix Empire is it then."

Soon enough, the Emperor-Class Battleship FirePhoenix started descending down towards the Profound Sky Continent's Divine Phoenix Empire and its capital.

Divine Phoenix Empire is one of the seven major nations on the Profound Sky Continent. It was the most powerful nation due to its Divine Phoenix bloodline, which they received from the "Divine Phoenix God" from the Primordial Divine Beast Phoenix.

The Empire was closely intertwined with the Divine Phoenix Sect. The Imperial Family of the Empire also led the Divine Phoenix Sect.

For that reason, Raziel chose them; beware, he knew from the blood samples that the Bloodline was of Tier 10...


Blue Pole Star, Profound Sky Continent, Divine Pheonix Empire, Divine Phoenix City

Divine Phoenix City was one of the largest cities in the entire Profound Sky Continent, if not the largest one, and the heart of the Divine Pheonix Empire and Divine Phoenix Sect, a land that was almost rivaling the Four Holy Grounds.

The air of the city carries a trace of searing heat due to the huge number of practitioners of fire attribute profound arts. Numerous Profound Arks can be seen flying in the air, signifying the wealth of the inhabitants.

During the peaceful night, suddenly light illuminated the dark sky, as countless beams of pure energy shot towards the flying profound arcs as hundreds of explosions enveloped the night sky.

"Secure the city. Kill anyone who doesn't surrender."

Raziel gave a single order to his army that was waiting for an opportunity to slaughter anyone who dared to go against them. They were on a remote planet without any real connection to the wider Universe.

So he chose the risks and decided on the frontal attack and conquest, contrary to the typical approach of Cthonians, which was naturally sneaking around and waiting for an opportunity to strike.

But Raziel grew impatient because he felt that the Bloodline of Phoenix native to this Universe would be enough to help him advance to Tier 10.

His very own Bloodline was boiling in anticipation as it found weakened Tier 10 that could be used to advance itself.

Several thousand soldiers bearing the sigil of Raziel Phenex exited the Emperor-Class Battleship FirePheonix as they were slaughtering their way through hordes of cultivators of the Divine Phoenix Sect.

Because most of his soldiers were ranging from Tier 6 to Tier 8, which were the Divine Realms of the Primal Chaos Dimension, they suffered absolutely no casualties and no resistance and their enemies were killed one by one.

Countless spells were letting up the night sky as Magicains were conjuring elements while warriors were tearing through the waves of cultivators. Seeing the onslaught, countless cultivators started escaping for their very own lives.

One thing that was always thought at the Imperial Academies was that most of the cultivators were cowards who valued their lives above everything else.

Humans didn't have a naturally long lifespan, and for them, cultivation was prolonging their life as we were gaining power.

So they subconsciously valued their lives above everything, and breaking their will was many times very easy, especially in universes where Energy-Gathering Cultivation Systems were prevalent.

Within a few minutes after the battle started, Raziel strolled into the Imperial Palace of the Divine Phoenix Sect that his forces took, with most of the people being killed as they refused to surrender...

'Oh, we didn't use their Profound Energy, so we seem like common mortals to them... welp... their bad luck...'

Raziel thought as he looked at Ezran Bael who was sitting on the throne belonging to the Emperor as the throne room was littered with corpses, with only a few barely surviving ones attempting to crawl away.

With a wave of his hand, Raziel conjured a huge golden flame that burned away all corpses together with the blood and other mess.

"Could you please make it clear next time?"

The Holy Phoenix asked with sight, but Ezran just grinned stupidly as he stepped on the middle-aged man, breaking his leg as the man screamed in pain.

"Is this the Sect Master and Emperor?"

He asked as the young Bael nodded his head.

"Yeh... Feng Hengkong... or whatever... he has a similar name to General Feng Xiu..."

Ezran Bael stated as he said the name of General of the Yesod with fear...

"Though if he had even one billionth of his power, it would be achievement... whatever, pass him to me, I am going to read his mind and extract everything. Meanwhile, you know what? Kill everyone affiliated to this pathetic excuses of Phoenixex, those who survive to capture..."

Raziel then caught the body of Feng Hengkong as he tore apart his mind in a fury because he thought that these people were indeed pathetic. Having a Bloodline that was of Tier 10 but not even being able to reach Tier 9...

Most of them couldn't reach even Tier 5 or in their own Sovereign Profound Realm; it was a disgrace to the Phoenix.

"So it is this way... who would have thought? It seems that path has opened for me."

Raziel grinned maliciously as he started formulating a plan in his head.


Check out my new original for WSA 2024, Star Citizen Online: Isekai Edition!
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PS. Check out my second primary fanfic: Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki and A Song of Blood and Sunlight and DxD: Seraph God of Destruction
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Chapter 555 – Abyss (1)
Meanwhile, Leylin Farlier was preparing for his ascension to the Being of Law, Rank 7 Magus, and eventually becoming the Law Magus by fusing the Magus Path and Godhood Method Path; Gu Long has already begun his own.

World of Gods also called this realm The Infinite Layers of the Abyss.

It was the birthplace of the demons, a chaotic evil universe unto itself with uncountable layers of infinite variety connected haphazardly. The Abyss's place in the cosmology of the World of Gods shifted over time, but the nature of the plane remained fairly constant.

It was a violent, malevolent place where the strong survived on the backs of the weak, the weak conspired to overthrow the strong, alliances only lasted while convenient, and the landscape itself tortured the mind and body of all who dared to pass.

While nobody has even reached the true end, some speculated that it was infinite, some said that the Abyss had 666 Layers, but nobody knew.

The reason for that was rather simple... because nobody was strong enough to reach the end.

Even his father told him that the Abyss in the World of Gods was a place that contained many powerful Demons, some even on Tier 11 if he was correct.

For that reason, Gu Long was very cautious when he entered this dammed place for his breakthrough.

Gu Long used the concealment artifact that his father gave him, the Emblem of Silence, to hide his very own existence from those who oversaw the entire Abyss.

There was a reasonable assumption to be made that there were Tier 12 Archdemons residing here.

So when the Dragon Prince arrived at the Abyss, he carried the standard procedures that he was taught when entering an unfamiliar world. He started by confirming the world coordinates a task that was menial rather than of some value.

When he was prepared to move on to the other task, he suddenly froze in place because...

"This is not in the World of Gods... this is somewhere else within the Universe or perhaps..."

He muttered with worry as he started casting more spells and carrying out more tests until his worries were proven to be true.

"Abyss... is already of the size of a Universe, located directly outside of the Universe where Magus World and World of Gods is located... it already grew to this size... I must report this to father."

This was indeed a very shocking discovery and was proof that the Fiends were plotting something, or there was also another explanation.

Either of them was catastrophic for the future of the Endless Cosmos.

"Either they are trying to produce Singularity or a new faction, same as Fiends is rising... now I can't decide what is worse."

While the birth of the Singularity from the side of Fiends would be a catastrophic event, at the same time, it would be contained by the other three Singularities of Sage Dynasty, Holy City, and Void Association.

Neither of the scenarios was good because they signified unpreceded degrees of destruction, though the one where Fiends gained Singularity would be undoubtedly worse because such a powerhouse would elevate the Fiends into a whole new level of strength.

He quickly used his Minor Arcana to send this crucial piece of information back to his father so he could analyze it or perhaps even act himself.

Soon enough, he even got an answer; it seemed that the situation was even more severe than he thought.

His father would never answer in a matter of mere minutes, especially now when he was enjoying life and was often "indisposed".

His instructions were actually pretty simple, and it was to gather as much information about the Abyss as possible while staying low. His father hinted that the Abyss, with everything Gu Long found out about it, was probably not related to the Fiends.

His best guess was that it was a subspecies of the Fiends that tore themselves from the Infinite Abyss Universe and wanted to establish their own version of the Infinite Abyss Universe.

Even their naming sense was very much unoriginal...

But according to the analysis of the aura of this place, it was very different from the essence of the Fiends from the Infinite Abyss Universe; nevertheless, this didn't make the situation any less dangerous, or rather on the contrary, it was still dangerous enough.

The Demons inhabiting this place would be especially vigilant against any possible intrusion into their homeland from the side of the Fiends if his father's guesses were indeed true.

Nevertheless, Gu Long then continued his journey through the 1st Layer of the Abyss.

He needed to find some demons so he could extract information from them because, unfortunately, the information in the World of Gods was not enough. Not many summoned demons to the material plane of the World of Gods and those who did...

Only powerful demons appeared and those were typically either too powerful to interrogate or were killed as soon as they appeared by the Gods, who were in constant war with the demons from the Abyss.

Fortunately for the Dragon Prince, it didn't take him long until he encountered some sentient demons. The entire Abyss was swarming with feral demon beasts, mutated magical beasts corrupted through and through by the Abyssal Aura, making them demonic in appearance.

They were even more ferocious, brutal and bloodthirsty than ordinary magical beasts and were around a hundredfold more dangerous. Some of the demon beasts were even comparable to the Beings of Law from what he sensed and were very, very dangerous.

Fortunately, Gu Long concealed his aura enough so they didn't notice him, or else he would be in deep trouble. Demon beasts had constant hundred for blood and flesh, and there were only a few areas where they didn't dare to enter in the Abyss.

Now, after journeying through the wastelands of the first layers for some time, he finally encountered demons, small imps of some kind.

They were small, flying, ugly creatures with two wings, sharp claws, and red skin.


Check out my new original for WSA 2024, Star Citizen Online: Isekai Edition!
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PPS. Check out 7-Day Free Trials on my Patreon for the Euclid-Class Clearance... only thanks to patreon these stories are possible so thank you for your support.

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Chapter 556 – Abyss (2)
Killing the Imps wasn't any problem for Gu Long because most of them were weak, like very, very weak, only comparable to Tier 2 or Tier 3, but they were numerous and numbered in the hundreds.

Imps were weak individually, so they depended on the numbers to properly overwhelm their opponents, but nevertheless, in front of absolute power, it was futile, and they were all killed, and Gu Long started extracting memories from their souls.

He learned that he was right now in the Pazunia, which is the official name of the 1st Layer of the Abyss.

Pazunia, also called the Plain of Infinite Portals, the Palace of 1,001 Closets, the Plain of a Thousand Portals, and the Plain of Yawning Pits, was the first Layer of the Abyss.

Pazunia was a vast land of rocky, windswept barrens dotted with pits and canyons, tors and mesas. Lit by an ancient red sun, iron fortresses dotted the Layer. The plains of Pazunia were dotted with countless pits that acted as portals to lower layers of the Abyss.

The single biggest and most important of these was the Grand Abyss, which was considered a layer in its own right. Most other locations of importance were located by a portal.

It was ruled by the Demon Prince Pazuzu.

Demon Prince Pazuzu was one of the strongest Demon Lords in the entire Abyss, from what the memories told him.

Pazuzu was a powerful demon lord and one of the eldest and most reprehensible of them. He was also called the Dark Angel of the Four Winds and the Prince of the Lower Aerial Kingdoms.

He held sway over all evil flying creatures, even among the different layers of the Abyss, so right now, Gu Long was in a very precarious and dangerous position that he didn't wish to be in...

He made up his mind to get out from the 1st Layer of the Abyss as soon as possible.

The sole good news from this entire ordeal was that there were many entrances to the Lower Layers of the Abyss for him to find and make use of. Due to that, he didn't waste any more time and started searching for the closest one to his position.

He sprinted through the charred deserts of the Pazunia, avoiding the attention of powerful demon beasts or powerful demons. Fortunately, though, he was right now on the outskirts of the Pazunia, which was devoid of any powerful demons.

At best, there were a few demons that were on the level of Tier 9, but not many as they could be counted on one hand. Due to that, Gu Long was relatively relaxed because he could safely reach the 2nd Layer.

From what he knew, the first Layer was one of the most guarded regions of the Abyss because it served as a buffer zone. When someone invaded the Abyss, they would always fight on the 1st Layer, the Pazunia.

That was the reason why the entire Layer of the Abyss looked like one huge ruined battlefield, with countless destroyed structures, armor, and weapons were everywhere; some were already destroyed.

Rotting corpses of Demons, Fiends, Humans, Devils, and god knows of what species were lying almost everywhere. During the journey to the great pits, he encountered many demons and with each killed demon his understanding of the Abyss deepened a bit.

Unfortunately, most of the demons were dumb as they were ugly and didn't have any precious information. Still, one thing positive was that usually, the stronger the demon was, the more knowledgeable they were about the state of the Abyss.

So after he killed a pretty powerful demon comparable to the Tier 8 being, he got a lot of information, also on the other Layers of the Abyss, on many Demon Lords that ruled their respective Layers and so on...

Though there was nothing essential that would warrant the attention of his father as he instructed him, now he knew that to obtain such kind of information, he would need to kill some Tier 9 or perhaps Tier 10 Demon Lords that ruled the Layers.

But killing Demon Lords was easier said than done because each of the Demon Lords was minimally Tier 9 Being, and they had the entire might of the Layer to call on their own.

Not to mention, some of the more powerful ones had even subordinate Demon Lords and could call the might of multiple Abyssal Layers their own.

For example, the Demon Prince Pazuzu had several Demon Lords as his vassals, and anytime he wished, he could borrow their strength to use as his own. This made him an extremely dangerous opponent and he would be very hard to kill.

"Damm... first few tens. Layers are very powerful..."

Gu Long knew that the first thirty to forty Layers would be beyond his capabilities even after he became Being of Law because all of them had extremely powerful entities guarding them, so they were out of the question.

These Layers acted as an impenetrable wall against the enemies of the Abyss, but afterward, the strength of the various Layers was evidently varied. Some were powerful, and some were extremely weak.

The strongest were actually the first Layers and Last Layers, with the final Layers were the true core of the Abyss, where all of the powerhouses of the entire Abyss congregated.

"I think that one of them heard about great wars around 100th Layer of the Abyss... that would be the place where I should make my breakthrough and perhaps even could attack some of the Demon Lords as they suffered considerably."

Various Demon Lords waged wars against each other for the control of the Layers because it was the easiest way on how to get stronger in the shortest time, even evolve into a higher lifeform and obtain new territories and expand the armies.

From the memories of one of the Tier 8 demons he killed, he found out that the Layers ranging from around 90 to 110, were in great strife for the past few centuries as various Demon Lords wanted to attain the rank of Demon Prince.


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Chapter 557 – Abyss (3)
Gu Long didn't know how long he had spent in the Abyss, but apparently, time was skewered here due to some manipulation with the cosmology that the Demons had done... meddling with time on the Universal scale was clear proof that the Abyss had genius Tier 13 Demons.

And very powerful Tier 13 Demons at that, if they were capable of something like this and on the scale of the entire Universe.

He found out about this by accident when he was in contact with his father, only to find out that only a few days had passed in the Leylin's Universe or in the Kadath Universe.

But in the Abyss, he had already spent eight months. The Time Dilation compared to the outside Endless Void was huge and every time such huge Time Dilation appeared in some Universe, it was a sign that it was unnatural and most probably created by a very powerful entity.

For the Dragon Prince, passing through the initial Layers of the Abyss proved to be an even bigger challenge than he initially anticipated. All Layers were relatively well guarded with many powerful demons.

Aside from that, they also employed several magical protection measures against the invaders, and Gu Long also encountered several Demons on Tier 9 who acted as the Gatekeepers to the deeper Layers of the Abyss.

If not for the Embers of Silence, then his trip would have ended prematurely, even sooner than it could have begun. Still, after he crossed through the 11th Layer Molrat, which was a disputed area, an underground land of tunnels in eternal darkness, the situation got better.

While a few Abyssal Layers after that had relatively good security, it was getting laxer and laxer the deeper he reached until it was no problem with crossing from one Layer to another.

From there on, Gu Long passed through a few ownerless Layers where there was no ruler, though he was stuck for some time at the 12th Layer Twelvetrees, which was a sacred site for all demons and was considered a pilgrimage site for demons and was respected by all demon lords.

The Layer had been the site of a vile arcane ritual that involved the sacrifice of twelve astral devas who had been tricked into going to the plane for a peace conference.

The devas were bound to twelve enormous pine trees around an altar in the otherwise desolate Layer, and the ritual infused the entire plane with strong evil energy that amplified the effects of all evil Magic performed there.

The deafening screams of the devas could still be heard throughout the Layer under a permanently cloudy and thunderous sky.

Right now, Gu Long was still stuck at the 12th Layer of the Abyss because leaving this Layer proved to be even more problematic than he initially anticipated.

He was hiding in one of the underground caves carved beneath the mountain range whose name he didn't know as he searched for the Gate to the lower Layers.

While he was crossing through another underground valley, filled with the countless types of Lesser Demons that were swarming every square meter, he suddenly sensed an enormous output of Magic from the deepest parts of the valley.

While he knew that he needed to continue further to the Gateway to the 13th Layer of the Abyss, his own curiosity got over him. Thus, he decided to investigate the source of the powerful Magic, which had already reached the power of Tier 9.

Gu Long carefully descended down, still under the concealment of the Embers of Silence and hidden from the sight of other beings. He wasn't very keen on fighting against the Demons in the Abyss if there was no need.

He was certainly a battle-hungry person, but at the same time, he knew that each Layer contained unending hordes of Demons; no matter how many one person killed, there would always be coming more and more of them.

As he was descending, he noticed swarms of the Nashrou blocking the path to the cave from where he sensed the enormous Magic source.

Nashrous were demons native to the Abyss. They typically stood about 3 meters tall and weighed around 350 kilograms. Their bizarre appearance was utterly nightmarish, a thin, bony thicket of amalgamated spikes and claws covered by a thick coat of glistening chitin.

The creatures had ten limbs: four long, lithe legs well-adapted to jumping and able to rapidly propel them along the ground, and six arms for killing their victims. Two of the arms were massive, able to gore and impale with ease, while the other four were light, swift, scythe-like claws that extended out from the center of forms, that being the location of their cluster of menacing eyes.

"Dammit... I need to tear my way through them..."

While Embers of Silcne was hiding his presence, it didn't make him able to pass through material things, and the entrance was physically blocked by several hundreds of Nashrous ranging from Tier 4 to Tier 8.

There were even a few peak Tier 8 Nashrous that were even bigger than the rest of their kind, standing vigilant over the entrance of the cave, blocking it with their huge bodies physically.

This left Gu Long with only one possibility, which was to slaughter his way in because the source of the powerful Magic was drawing him inside the place. His father always told him to trust his instincts as they were far more accurate than he could even know.

Gu Long then summoned his Dragon Slaying Halberd and dispersed the effects of the Embers of Silence as he mobilized the power in his body and unleashed the Holy Flame on the demons.

The Demon, Fiends and other beings of darkness were typically were weak to the elements of Holiness, Divine and Light, so something like the Holy Flame that he inherited was the most effective weapon against them.

In a split of a second, a tsunami of blinding, scorching hot Holy Flames attacked hundreds of Nashrous who were unaware of their impending doom, as they were all obliterated to the ash in mere moments.


Check out my new original for WSA 2024, Star Citizen Online: Isekai Edition!
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Chapter 558 - The Witch Queen Iggwilv (1)
Not every Nashrou was killed in the initial attack because the stronger ones managed to survive, especially those that reached Tier 8s who hid before the Holy Flame could reach them behind the enormous black rocks.

Still, it was a futile attempt to save their life because Gu Long teleported in front of the cave entrance and slashed with his Dragon Slayer Halbert at one of the Tier 8 Nashrous, separating its head from the body.

Gu Long could rival even some initially advanced Tier 9 Beings of Law with his power, his Law Comprehension has long ago reached limits that it could reach as ordinary mortal beings, so the Tier 8 Demons were not a match for him.

Once everyone was killed, Gu Long collected their Demon Cores, which contained their very own essences for later use, and entered the underground cave. When he entered the cave, he didn't use the Ember of Silence and smoothly advanced deeper and deeper.

At the end of the tunnel, there was a huge underground space that was totally empty...

He sensed only one lifeform there performing some kind of Magic Ritual, as the entire space was one huge Ritual Circle that was glowing with ominous purple light. In the middle of the ritual circle, he saw a woman performing the ritual itself.

She was a woman of ravishing beauty, with raven black hair and shining purple eyes, wearing garbs of magic robes, a very high-quality one that even Gu Long wanted to obtain. He also noticed that her power was at the limits of Tier 8 and that she was probably trying to ascend to Tier 9.

For a short time, Gu Long just stood there and observed the woman performing the ritual in curiosity because he knew that her power was much lower than his own. She was no match for him, and even if she reached Tier 9 right now, he could either fight her to escape easily.

Soon enough, a powerful Tier 9 Demon was summoned by her and instantly bound by purple magic chains that rose from the ritual circle.

The magic chains were draining the Demon's Magic and Abyssal Aura while at the same time preventing him from moving.

The woman then came to the Demon and started chanting something in a language that he didn't understand; as soon as the chant was finished, the Demon's previous bulky and strong body started withering before his eyes.

His very own Lifeforce and essence that made him a powerful creature he was was withering in mere moments and the power was being refined and transferred to the woman's body.

While Gu Long wasn't a Magician, nor did he specialize in the Arcane, he received one of the best educations that one could wish for in the aspect of the Arcane. And he recognized that this was a very advanced usage of Necromantic Magic mixed with some Ritualistic Magic.

A very advanced one.

As the light of the ritual circle started dimming, contrary to his expectations, the woman didn't reach Tier 9, nor did she attempt to do so, but her power certainly increased by a great margin.

"Come out, intruder."

She then called out as the purple light of the ritual circled died down completely and she opened her mesmerizing eyes. She knew very well that somebody was observing her ritual, but for whatever reason didn't intervene, so she concluded that the observed wasn't an immediate enemy.

Nor should it be someone from the Abyss because what she did was considered as one of the greatest sacrileges in the Abyss.

Not only did she defiled one of the most sacred sites in the Abyss for her Magic Ritual, but she also killed one of the descendants of the Demon Kings...

Albeit it was one of those who advanced recently and didn't hold much value in the eyes of the mighty Tier 12 Demon King to whom the Demon belonged, it was still a grave offense.

It wasn't offense because the demons cared for their offspring or descendants; far from that, they would often kill them if they failed them or use them for their own devises, but the offense stemmed from that, only it was a direct slap to the Demon King's authority.

"Interesting ritual you had there..."

Suddenly, she heard a male voice and noticed that a heavily armored man appeared from the shadows.


She asked curiously because dragons were very, very rare in the Abyss.

"What is doing dragon in the Abyss?"

Demonic Dragons existed in the Abyss, but those lived in the deepest Layers of the Abyss and belonged to one of the strongest subspecies in the Abyss that ruled entire Layers and even produced one or two Tiuer 12 specimens.

"The same could be said about you... what is doping a human in the Abyss? Especially performing the foulest Necromantic Ritualist Magic to usurp the power of the Demons of Royal Lineage?"

The dragon before her asked a question on his own, which made the woman pause in her steps because she didn't think that the dragon recognized what exactly had happened, but apparently, she was wrong.

"Peace, peace... I didn't come to fight."

When he noticed that she was ready to attack at any moment, Gu Long comically put his hands above him as she calmed down hearing that, but she was still ready to cast any spell or attack when the situation called for it.

"I was just curious about the Magic Source while I was traveling to the deep Layers."

The woman raised her brows, hearing that because it was unusual to see someone willingly enter the Abyss and even head to the deep Layers. One would think that the person before her was utterly mad.

"That is either utter madness or..."

She narrowed her eyes at him.

"I am Iggwilv, Witch Queen Iggwilv of the Oearth."

Suddenly, she had a brilliant idea in her mind, but unbeknownst to Gu Long, he had the same idea as her.

"Gu Long, Dragon Prince of Kadath."

Gu Long then introduced himself.


Check out my new original for WSA 2024, Star Citizen Online: Isekai Edition!
PS. Check Dune: The Holy Path!
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Chapter 559 – The Witch Queen Iggwilv (2)
Iggwilv was a very powerful Archmage originating from an Oerth, a planet located in the center of Greyspace, a crystal sphere located in the Prime Material Plane.

Prime Material Plane, as the name suggested, was one of the Prime Universes across the Endless Void and was ranked among the most powerful ones too... The ancient beings that dwelled in the Prime Material Plane were enough to discourage anyone from the potential invasion of the Universe.

Iggwilv was a very powerful Archmage who almost ascended as Law Archmage, but something was holding her back.

She had crafted her plan very carefully after studying the Demons to a very detailed level, becoming the most famous and respected Demologist in the not only Oerth but even on the entire Prime Material plane.

Even writing a Demonomicon of Iggwilv.

The Demonomicon, also known as the Fiendomicon, was a seven-volume book written by the archmage Iggwilv. It was a comprehensive treatise on demonic lore that contained information about several demon lords, complete with instructions for summoning and binding them, as well as an extensive collection of spells and evil rituals.

She was only one step away from fulfilling her goal of ascending in the Feywild Plane as one of the Archfey. Beings who gained nearly god-like powers and established a position of preeminence among fey-kind.

Each Archfey had a unique appearance and set of abilities, most controlled a portion of the Feywild and had self-proclaimed titles.

"I have a proposition for you, Dragon Prince."

The Witch Queen Iggwilv said after she came to the decision with someone as powerful as Dragon Prince Gu Long, she knew she could reach her goals far sooner, more safely and even obtain more rewards than she initially anticipated.

"What proposition you have for me, Witch?"

While the Dragon Prince Gu Long also planned to make use of her, he needed her less than she needed him. He was very wary of The Witch Queen Iggwilv, he didn't trust her at all and she also looked as someone who couldn't be trusted.

"Cooperation... I need to obtain the Lifeforce of powerful Demons from strong lineages; the best are Greater Demons who are one with Law, their Lifeforce is the strongest one and you are strong; I will pay for your service."

As she said that, Gu Long was enraged because the woman in front of him was looking at him like he was some kind of mercenary. He was very prideful as a dragon, as a God and as a devil, so being looked on as some mercenary was a grave offense to Gu Long.

"I am not any kind of mercenary!"

Gu Long released his entire power as the entire underground space was shaking tremendously; the ground beneath Gu Long was cracking and the walls were also cracking too...

Even The Witch Queen Iggwilv looked shocked at the power of the Dragon Prince because it was already on the level of Law Archamge, which instantly elevated the threat from Gu Long.

Originally, she wouldn't really fear him because as long as they were on the same level, then she would be able to handle him, but right now, her confidence was cracking slowly because his power was truly overwhelming

But Witch Queen Iggwilv was a very flexible person in the end, and she quickly corrected her mistake and took an entirely different approach to the Dragon Prince Gu Long. For a short time, she cursed herself because she forgot to count in the equation the innate arrogance of the dragon kind.

Especially those of noble lineages, their ego and pride were taller than the tallest peak and mountain, so much to her displeasure, she bowed to the Dragon Prince in an apology as she looked at Gu Long.

"It wasn't my intention to offed your Dragon Prince; naturally, I don't think of you as mercenary but rather as business partner... I have knowledge about the Abyss that none of the others would have and I know of every Demon Race, Demon Lord and their noble caste and all of their places of interests."

Gu Long scrutinized her and sensed logic and reason in her words. Somebody like her would certainly come in handy because he knew nothing about the Abyss aside from some things that wouldn't be really useful to him on a larger scale.

So his only option would be to find a guide that would take him through the Layers of the Abyss and he knew that Witch Queen Iggwilv indeed had the capacity to do so. Otherwise, it would be impossible for a human to descend into the Holy Place for the Demons in the Abyss and even to do such outrageous rituals...

"Then, if such is your proposal, you wouldn't have a problem signing Geass? Without it, I will cut you down..."

Gu Long stated threateningly as he looked at the Witch Queen Iggwilv, who for a moment frowned before she nodded her head and he passed her the Geass Contract he had prepared.

He made a few of them when he was still in the Magus World and unfortunately, they were not of the highest grade, but still, as someone of the Imperial Hosue and due to the fact that both of his parents doted on him a lot, he was privy on the method of creation of the Geass Contracts.

So even as Tier 8, he could use a tiny portion of his father's mind, even though it was only a minuscule amount, to create a Geass Contract to bind anyone below peak Tier 11. This would be enough, and judging based on Witch Queen Iggwilv's expression after she signed the Geass Contract, he knew it was enough.

"Now we are partners, Witch Queen."

Gu Long said as the Geass Contract between them dispersed into thousands of particles and fused with their souls.

"It seems that we are..."

She said with much less enthusiasm than him...

Iggwilv didn't anticipate that the Dragon Would have such a strong binding Geass Contract that would be able to bind even some of the strongest Law beings of the Prime Material Plane.

But what was done was done, and right now her aim was to get as many resources and things out of their deal as possible.


Check out my new original for WSA 2024, Star Citizen Online: Isekai Edition!
PS. Check Dune: The Holy Path!
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Chapter 560 – Travelling Through the Abyss with Dangerous Beauty (1)
"Now that we have established a certain degree of trust... we should talk about what we want to prevent any misunderstandings because I feel that you are not telling me everything."

Gu Long raises his brow at the Witch Queen Iggwilv, who grits her teeth but reluctantly answers because the Geass she signed was too strong for her to ignore. Not to mention, she saw the advantage of speaking the truth because as she was bound by the Geass, he was too.

"Yes, I am not here just for the Lifeforce of the Demon Lords... there is a certain thing that I wish to obtain from the Abyss."

She said with a low voice, because for Iggwilv the Lifeforce of the Demon Lords was only one part of the plan.

"What is it? Something more dangerous than taking the Lifeforce of the Demon Lords..."

Gu Long wasn't stupid and he knew that Lifeforce of the Demon Lords was the safer part of her plan, which, to be truthful, was baffling him when he thought about that.

Yet at the same time, he felt a slight adoration for the woman who dared to venture into the depths of the Abyss alone, armed only with her Magic and Spells alone to capture Demon Lords on the level of Beings of Law and god knows what.

"In the 176th Layer of the Abyyss the Hollow's Heart, there if Seed of the First Flame... I need to obtain that thing at all costs to achieve a greater ascension; if not, I can realize only a backup plan."

Gu Long's eyes widened because he knew what the Seed of the First Flame was, it was a treasure that even his father would pay attention to and two thousand years ago, his father even ventured to the Endless Void and fought in the dying Universe to obtain the Seed of the First Flame.

"How? How can such a thing appear in the Abyss?"

He was shocked beyond belief because the Seed of the First Flame was basically the lifeblood of the Universe; if the Universe was dying or damaged, being repaired, it could be used to heal the Universe instantly.


It could be used to give birth to a greater Realm within the Endless Void. His father obtained two Seeds of the First Flame. One of the Seeds, and used to elevate the Higher Dimensional World of Baator and another was used to elevate the Kadath Universe as a whole.

"Truthfully? I don't know."

The Witch Queen conjured herself and Dragon Prince Gu Long a pair of comfortable-looking luxurious chairs and she also summoned some kind of alcohol as she poured herself and him a cup.

"Several centuries ago, some of the most powerful Archmages of the Oerth, captured and imprisoned the ruler of most of that Layer, Fraz-Urb'luu tanar'ri Demon Lord holding the Rank of Demon Prince, almost known as Prince of Deception. I don't know what exactly happened there, but I know two things."

Gu Long drank the alcohol; he actually enjoyed the taste as he continued to listen to Iggwilv's story.

"The Law Archamages were interrogating the Demon Prince of Deception and using many means to extract information from his mind and somehow managed to find out about this. And the last thing was that, somehow, the Demon Prince managed to break from his bindings and kill every single living soul in the Mage Tower... I found the ruins a few decades ago and took everything that remained in there and here I am."

She finished with a small laugh at that because the misfortune of others was her opportunity.

"That is certainly a nice tale... but now, how do you even want to accomplish something like that... going to such deep layer is pure suicide even for many of Beings of Law."

Gu Long wasn't keen on going so deep into the Abyss, as he originally planned to go only to the disputed Layers, which were torn in war between various Demon Lords who wanted to ascend to higher realms of power.

"I am aware of such a thing, but if you didn't forget... I am one of the most knowledgeable people about the Abyss and I know of secret passages, through which we can bypass the majority of Layers."

This made Gu Long raise his brow at her because if it was the truth, then they could indeed arrive at the 176th Layer without much problem, but that still didn't solve the fact that the Demon Prince of Deception was still apparently alive.

He was very alive, and it was a demon at Tier 11 from what he understood, so going anywhere, his lair was pure suicide.

"And now I see that you are thinking about the Demon Pricne of Deception... in truth, he wouldn't be a problem. While the demon sang and told, he didn't anticipate the fact that the Archmages would actually record such valuable information somewhere, so when he killed the Archmages and destroyed their Tower, he just left and the Seed of the First Flame is actually sealed in abandoned ruins in his kingdom."

Even still... it sounded dangerous, but at the same time, Gu Long knew that without risk, he couldn't rise to the top of the Endless Void.

"That seems to be doable, so let's talk about the trade..."

Gu Long grinned at the Witch Queen Iggwilv because he decided that he would go into this with her, not to mention unknowingly to him; the Witch Queen giggled to herself because she could see that her beauty was effective even on Gu Long.

"I am willing to pay with my knowledge about the Abyss and also with my body if you want it..."

She whispered with a seductive voice because she was a witch indeed... while she observed Gu Long's reaction, which was moving and unchanging. He knew that she was plotting something, but while he admitted to himself that he was enamored by her beauty and power, it was not enough to influence his reason.

"I would prefer something like God Sparks if you will..."


Check out my new original for WSA 2024, Star Citizen Online: Isekai Edition!
PS. Check Dune: The Holy Path!
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Chapter 561 – Travelling Through the Abyss with Dangerous Beauty (2)
The Witch Queen Iggwilv looked at the Dragon Prince Gu Long incredulously because this dragon was indeed pretty greedy, greedier than most, but she thought that was a trait among all dragons.

Especially those who were of stronger lineages, these traits were even more prevalent. But, still, the Divine Sparks were rare in the Prime Material Plane, as all the Gods were one of the most powerful beings in the entire Realm.

"Are you mad? Something like that is way out of my reach."

She scoffed at the Dragon Prince, who raised his brows at her mockingly because, among the two of them, she was the one who needed his help more. While it would take him a considerably longer time, he could achieve his goals even without her help.

While it would be warmly welcomed to have someone who could guide him through the Abyss, but he could also live without it. If it came to it, the benefits obtained from the deal needed to be great, or else, as a proud dragon who had a great degree of greed, he wouldn't do something as dangerous as what she was doing for free or some bits.

"Not mad, but realistic... I could achieve what I want even without your help, though, admitting that your help would help me greatly, it is not a necessity to have. While you, on the other hand, could hardly achieve your goal of obtaining the Seed of the First Flame..."

Gu Long knew that if Iggwilv didn't have any powerful helper like him, then she could maximally ascend to the Law Archmage, but she wouldn't be able to accomplish her wish of creating a Dimensional Realm as he thought.

As he said that, Witch Queen Iggwilv heard that she frowned deeply because her chances of obtaining the Seed of the First Flame from its location without the help of someone as powerful as Gu Long amounted to only around 30% to 37%, which was not enough.

The odds of success were not enough.

"Ts... dammed dragon..."

She cursed as the Dragon Prince, who looked at the Witch Queen, who reluctantly agreed with his proposition because she really wanted to get her hands on the Seed of the First Flame because that would instantly make her one of the most powerful entities within the Prime Material Plane.

"You think that they grow on trees?... But if you reach Law, then I can help you to prepare traps for the Evil Gods living within the Abyss, and you can extract their Divine Sparks after killing them."

The reason why he wanted her help in this as payment was that she had means of blocking the Divine Kingdom of God for some time, not long, but it would be long enough for Gu Long to kill the said God and tear out the Divine Spark from his body.

"Then we have an agreement, Witch Queen; it would be my delight to have you as my companion."

Dragon Prince flattered the Witch Queen, who obviously enjoyed the compliments as many other women, especially when they were praising her beauty and power.


66th Layer of the Abyss, Lolth's Web

The plane of rocks with chasms and rocky gorges. There were many pits and craters. The land looked dead. There were giant petrified spiders with webbing over everything from the songspiders. There was a distant red sun during the day and eight bright red stars at night.

"Where the hell are we? It looks like a huge spider web?"

Gu Long asked his beautiful companion Iggwilv, with whom he had been traveling through the Abyss for the past half a year. The plane was inhabited by spiders, including songspiders, and chwidencha. The Soulreaver dwelt in the Pass of the Soulreaver and was a gray spectral form with a bloated serpentine body containing screaming drow souls.

"Lolth's Web... it is a Realm that was recently taken over by Spider Queen, Lolth, one of the Principal Gods in the Prime Material Plane who has grown recently very, very powerful. Approximately three centuries ago, she had set her sight on the Abyss and conquered this Layer, which was previously called Demonweb Pits..."

Indeed as it has been proved several times during their journey, there was no better demonologist in the entirety of the Prime Material Plane than the Witch Queen Iggwilv; even Gu Long admired her knowledge about this dammed place.

"How long are we from the place?"

Right now, Gu Long and Iggwilv were heading to one of the Dimensional Pits that were interconnecting various Layers of the Abyss. This would allow them to bypass more than thirty or so Abyssal Layers in one go.

Indeed, having someone as Witch Queen Iggwilv as his guide has been proved to be extremely useful because she knew all the nooks and crannies of the Abyss, new where the hidden pathways were and how to bypass the greatest dangers of the Abyss.

Thanks to her, they avoided the strongest beings in their respective Layers and many of the most dangerous zones.

Another most notable thing that happened during the past months was that Gu Long and Witch Queen Iggwilv became a pair? Or lovers or whatever, as the Dragon Prince didn't hide his affection for the Witch Queen.

"A few days at most... though now we are ahead of the Webwald Forest..."

The Demonoligst Witch answered... she wasn't thrilled at the thought of going through the Webwald Forest because it was full of various species of Spiders and she didn't like spiders at all...

Not to mention, the Webwald Forest was a dangerous place even for some as strong as them... nevertheless, she knew that the Webwald Forest was the shortest path to the Grand Songster Pit, and it was unfortunately also the only possible path to the pit.

"They are just spiders, Iggwilv... one spell and they would be charred to charcoal..."

Gu Long said that from the moment they set foot on the Loth's Web, he learned that his lover was fearing spiders...


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Chapter 562 - Loth's Web - Webwald Forest
The Dragon Prince couldn't really understand how someone as powerful as her feared Spiders... it was really beyond his imagination, but it seemed that everyone had their own fears and it seemed that the fear of spiders was indeed universal.

Ironically, though, his mother also feared spiders...

What a small world.

"Just attack them the moment they appear and we will be alright, but try not to make any great destruction... we don't want to attract the attention of some powerful beings in the Webwald Forest."

They were slowly arriving at the Webwald Forest and it looked like utter shithole, exactly like Iggwilv told him it would be... which was certainly not really good, he hoped that she would be wrong on this one, but it seemed that not.

The entirety of the Webwald Forest consisted of black trees, with black leaves giving off an ominous aura.

The clear evidence of a strong spider population dwelling in the forest was all around them because clothes webs were in the trees, and one could hear spiders hissing or running across the trees.

"It looks terrible... I was hoping that you were wrong about this one."

Hearing that made the Witch Queen, Archmage and Demonologist scoff at him because she was never wrong about anything.


"I am never wrong."

Unfortunately for Gu Long, it was the truth, and while Iggwilv didn't really want to enter the Webwald Forest, the only other option would be traversing through several tens of Abyssal Layers.


The choice was easy.

When they entered the Webwald Forest, it didn't take even a few minutes until they were ambushed by a swarm of several hundred Ettercaps. A native species to the Lolth's Web and ugly as hell.

An adult Ettercap stood at 1.8 meters tall and weighed around one hundred kilograms, so they were not really different from ordinary humans in terms of size.

Ettercaps resembled hunched, grey-purplish humanoids with distended white underbellies, spider-like faces (fangs and eyes and such), and two sharp, black chitinous claws instead of hands and feet.

The moment they approached them, a huge wave of flames burst out from Iggwilv's hand and burned them all to a crisp.

"Well done, woman..."

And as she was proud of her achievement, Gu Long's sarcastic voice sounded behind her because she did exactly what he told her not to do.

"And now every dammed fucking creature in this place was alerted about our presence; you just lit up an entire part of the forest on fire!"

Gu Long wanted to stream when he saw large parts of the forest being lit on fire by her spell, and naturally, such massive power output would be noticed by all powerful inhabitants of the forest.

"Then we run."

She shrugged her shoulders and acted as if nothing had happened, which made him even angrier, but there was nothing he could do about it right now. So, for the betterment of his mind and the entire situation, he agreed with her proposal, and they ran.

Still, the most problematic thing about running towards the great pit where the path lay down was that all spider creatures, monsters, and inhabitants were right now heading towards their way from the majority of the forest.

"And we need to be fast..."

She pointed towards the incoming horde of spiders, as he noticed that some of them were pretty powerful... especially the Chwidenchas; they were powerful as they were ugly and disgusting, so a lot.

A Chwidencha seemingly consisted of nothing but a writhing mass of long, hairy, flexible spider legs. Each leg ended in a barbed spike and had one side covered in thorn-like hairs that allowed the limb to easily tear through the flesh and bone of any unfortunate victim.

The creature did have a central body hidden under the dozens of legs that radiated from it, but this was normally only seen after the Chwidencha's demise. The Chwidenchas were powerful, some of their most powerful specimen among the small horde of spiders reaching even Tier 8.

Gu Long looked at the incoming horde of spider creatures, but because there was nothing to lose as they were already known, he ignored his previous stance and grabbed Dragon Slayer Halbert, which burst in Holy Flame; he incarnated the incoming horde in one slash.

As the Holy Flame was anti-thesis to the existence of the dark creatures, everyone was killed, but it wasn't that much of useful, because while he decimated this horde, more would come.

And more powerful demons would come.

So he grabbed the Iggwilv and put her on his shoulders like a sack of potatoes, and despite her protests showed by kicking and punching, he started running at his top speed towards the pits.

Physically speaking, Gu Long was far stronger and more faster than Iggwilv was, not to mention even if she boosted up her physique with her Magic, she would still be slower than Gu Long, who had already crossed several kilometers within a few minutes.

"The Driders are coming from the west."

Running for more than half an hour, Iggwilv stopped behaving like a spoiled child, though not before he spanked her bottom a few times. Now, she was using her scanning and detection Magic to scan the area around them and detect the enemies.

"Oh, perfect, just this was missing here."

The Driders themselves were more than 5 meters high, with the lower body of spider, which was enormous, standing on its 8 legs menacingly, with its silver hair flowing down to its waist.

On his face, his crazed expression was hardly concealed, as it was eating some meat, apparently someone who delivered some bad news to him.

Driders were the most loyal and fanatical followers of the Spider Goddess Lolth. This made them extremely dangerous foes because the enemy who has nothing to lose is the most dangerous one.

And Driders often had nothing to lose. Many of them were just tortured and cursed creatures, punished by their Goddess for failing her because Lolth never tolerated any kind of failure.


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Chapter 563 – Lolth’s Web – Against the Drider Army
And right now, both Gu Long and Iggwilv were surrounded by the horde of hundreds if not thousands of Driders that wanted nothing more than just tearing them apart into millions of pieces.

"It seems that we need to fight."

Gu Long stated that when he saw the number and individual strength of the Driders, he knew that they needed to fight. There were too many of the enemies, and they were surrounding them...

In the Webwald Forest, the Driders were the strongest species and also the strongest faction. While the Driders were often looked at as cursed creatures created by the Spider Queen Lolth, there was no doubt that the Driders were the most fanatical believers and animals of the Spider Queen.

There was no negotiation with the Driders as they were derived only by their fanatical belief in the Goddess, and they would gladly sacrifice their very own lives so they could fulfill their purpose.

The only purpose for which Driders existed was to serve their Goddess Spider Queen Lolth, nothing more and nothing less.

"I will be attacking their leaders; support me with Flame Magic. Cut down their numbers at first; I will take care of the leaders."

Gu Long brandished the Dragon Slayer Halberd, a really silly name considering that he himself was Dragon, Dragon Prince, Son of Dragon Goddes, and budding Dragon God.

Dispering the other thoughts about insignificant things, he focused on the incoming Drider horde because there were countless of them swarming through the entirety of the Webwald Forest and now they became their target.

Iggwilv did what Gu Long said and started preparing one of the strongest flame-related spells she could muster. Now that they were already in the eyes of the powerful beings of this dammed place, it was virtually useless to hide anymore.

Meanwhile, Gu Long rushed head-on against the Drider horde with his Dragon Slayer Halbert as he slashed at one of the biggest Driders in the group. There was a good number of Tier 8 Driders; these must be some of the most powerful mortal servants of the Spider Queen Lolth.

Now that Gu Long thought about it, he realized that there was also a figure named Spider Queen Lolth in the Astral Boundary that perished during the conquest of the Astral Boundary by the Chthonian Empire.

That was several thousand years ago... this led Gu Long to the conclusion that the geniue Spider Queen Lolth must be at least a Tier 12 ancient entity to be able to create so many lesser versions of herself and send them across the multiple Universe.

This was a common strategy for many Tier 12 beings that were stuck in their Tier to break through the limitation. Because once their version were strong enough, they would all fuse with the main body and allow one to reach the Tier 13 Primarch.

Upon the impact of the clash, several trees in their vicinity were torn out from the ground and even together with their roots and sent flying. The same could be said about the Driders around them, as many of the weaker ones were instantly killed by the powerful shockwave.

Gu Long didn't waste any time, and upon seeing the sheer number of high-tiered Driders and other spider-like creatures that were swarming around them, he stopped holding back, and in spit of a moment, Golden Aura burst out of his body.

The small seed of Law Godhood that was germinating inside his body started working on the full force, and the Law Godhood of Holy Descrution, while in its infancy, has for the first time manifested after a long time.

And even though it wasn't fully completed, its frightening power couldn't be ignored because everything around Gu Long was instantly obliterated into oblivion upon contact with the Golden Aura.

That was Gu Long's Path, as he would be Law God of Holy Destruction, the embodiment of the two perfect sides of his parents and the moment he became Being of Law, he would be an extremely powerful figure.

At the same time of his own attack, suddenly, the entire area where they were fighting was lit on fire when Iggwilv released her inferno of the Webwald Forest, and because this entire place was dry as sands of the dune, it burned faster than paper.

Everywhere, one could hear spiders screeching as they were being burned alive, with Iggwilv not stopping her casting and conjuring more and more flame spells, burning this place even more and more.

Gu Long was meanwhile using his Law Godhood of Holy Destruction to dispose of the strongest creatures in the horde and slaughtering them one by one, like they were made of glass, none able to withstand one blow from his Dragon Slayer Halberd that shown with ominous Golden Aura cracking with Crimson Lightning.

With their strength, they were cutting down the number of the Driders, Spiders and other monsters inhabiting the Webwald Forest at tremendous speed. Aside from killing the creatures, Iggwilv had another purpose in litting up the parts of the Forest.

It would speed down the powerful entities that would sooner or later pursue them. The Webwald Forest was a place that was home to many powerful beings that were calling this place home and were drawing power from it.

So they wouldn't let the Forest be burned down...

It was some kind of insurance against those of higher Tier, as those of the Law Tiers would need to extinguish the forest fire if they didn't wish to let the entire Webwald Forest be burned sooner or later.

"Iggwilv, come on, we need to hurry before the others arrive."

Gu Long said that they killed the majority of their pursuers because they were close to the place where the pit was and that would lead them to the deeper layers of the Abyss.

Both of them then started running towards the pit, not bothering with looking back because right now there were no more spiders in the vicinity.


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Chapter 564 - Gaping Maw
After they crossed through the Grand Songster Pit, Gu Long and Iggwilv arrived at the 88th Layer of the Abyss called Gaping Maw. The Gaping Maw was the 88th level of the Abyss and the home of Demogorgon, Prince of Demons.

From what Iggwilv told him, Demogorgon was a very powerful Demon who reached Tier 11; he belonged to the ancient demons and was a very cunning one. The Gaping Maw was a vast continent covered in a jungle and surrounded by an equally vast ocean with brine flats.

Rising from the sea were twin towers, topped with enormous fanged skulls that marked the fortress Abysm, a labyrinth of dark and cold underwater caves.

"This place is surprisingly desolated..."

Gu Long commented from the side as they were observing one of the few cities in the 88th Layer Gaping Maw. While he wasn't keen on believing rumors, they were indeed true when Iggwilv retold him these rumors.

It seemed that Demon Prince Demogorgon had indeed joined the war among his fellow Demon Lords and Lords of Layers and was right now waging war on expanding his territory and influence.

Gu Long has discussed his predicament with Iggwilv, as they have built some kind of mutual trust between them, aside from the fact that they signed a very strict Geass that would prevent them from betraying each other...

In the end, Iggwilv told him about a few suitable places where he could make his breakthroughs and one of the best spots was actually in the Gaping Maw. Originally, Gu Long was rather reserved about this because it was the territory of a mighty Demon.

Gaping Maw contained one certain location that was very suitable for Gu Long's ascension because it was the tomb of the Demon God or, rather, ruins of it... nobody knew, but there was one thing certain: it was extremely dense with Demonic and Divine Aura.

That was something that Gu Long needed for his ascension to the Law Godhood because, as he was a Divine Demonic Dragon, he could make use of the abundant Demonic and Divine Aura to aid him in his ascension.

"Sometimes they are the truth... Demogorgon has smelled the opportunity and wants to spread his include and bring several more Layers of the Abyss into his fold, giving him a better chance to ascend to higher realms."

They entered the city that was bustling with demons; both of them were under the concealment of the Embers of Silence, to be sure.

There were countless subspecies of Demons in the city; most of them were in one way or another, related to the species of Demogorgon or major Demon Lords under the rule of the Demongorgon.

"The upper layers have only a few pinnacle powerhouses and I doubt that they would watch Demogrogon to get ahead of them or Father of All Devils forbid even reach to the higher realms of Exarchy..."

Demon cities were by one word... crude.

They were barbaric; most of the buildings were not even built by the demons themselves but rather by slaves from more advanced civilizations that the demons attacked, invaded or conquered and dragged them to the Abyss.

Here, they lived and died as slaves and toys to their demon masters. Obviously, slavery had a place of great importance in the society of the Abyss inhabitants.

Typically, only the slaves from different civilizations were skilled artisans, engineers and masters of some crafts.

"The one thing that I hate about adventuring in the Abyss are their cities... when I am out of supplies, aside from raw meat and blood, you can't buy here anything... not like these barbarians are even aware of things like soap or perfume."

Iggwilv was very often wandering into the depths of the Abyss, either due to her interest as Demonoligst, Archmage of Oerth, or in her endless quest to obtain power, always more and more power.

And very often, she was out of the resources she prepared for her trips, but in the Abyss, it was almost impossible to resupply most of the things that a fine lady like her needed to function normally.

"What would you await from barbarians like this? In the end, they evolved from the Fiends; in terms of intelligence and society, they are not much different."

Fiends of the Infinite Abyss Universe and Demons of the Endless Abyss were the same, even though the species were vastly different. But the mentality that the two species shared was exactly the same.

"How many Laws remained within the Gaping Maw now that Demogorgon is on his crusade?"

Gu Long asked as they were searching their way out of the city because the demon city was the same as the other ones. Nothing more than the combination of brutality, slavers or demons selling body parts or flesh from the killed slaves.

"Probably only a few; most of them have departed together with Demogorgon on the crusade. We were safe until we go around some more important places like Abysm or the capital of the Demogorgon's realm."

Gu Long nodded as they slowly continued their journey to the ruins of the Tomb of the Demon God that was killed on the 88th Layer of the Abyss. Demon rarely attained Godhood because the concept of "Demonic" and that of "Divine" were two exact polar opposites.

So those who became the so-called Demon Gods were rare individuals of peerless power and were also considered unique beings. If they were lucky, Gu Long wanted to take his chances and explore the area in hopes of finding the corpse; he could obtain a lot from it.

As he was a perfect hybrid representing the "Devil", "Dragon" and "God" racial aspects, begins of similar existence like him were the best source of nutrition for Gu Long.

Unfortunately, such begins were rare, and he managed to encounter only a few, whom he killed and devoured with the Devour.

Naturally, every single one brought him tremendous benefits and this time, he hoped to find a Demon God corpse on the levels of Laws; it wouldn't be then impossible to reach peak Tier 10 in a short time after Devouring it.


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Chapter 565 – Tomb of the Demon God (1)
"Wouldn't your breakthrough attract the attention of the Daemon Lords and everything that is actually slumbering in the Gaping Maw?"

Witch Queen Iggwilv asked her lover, the Dragon Prince Gu Long, as they were approaching the rumored Tomb of the Demon God that was in the 88th Layer of the Abyss, the Gaping Maw.

"Not really; as long as I keep the Embers of Silence active on my person, I can create an isolated domain where nobody could even dream of peeking inside, so we would be alright."

Gu Long was already prepared very well for his ascension to the Law Godhood and another reason why his father gave him the Embers of Silence was to hide his Apotheosis Ceremony that would otherwise attract the attention of everyone in the entire Layer and perhaps even other Layers close to the 88th Layer.

"It doesn't hurt to be careful... we can wait until there would be another convergence between Layers, it would provide another wave of protection in case something went wrong."

Converging between the layers was a rather rare occasion when two or more Abyssal Layers got very close to each other, with their energies overlapping with each other. The barrier between the Abyssal Layers grew so thin that they could be crossed over one leap.

It was typically used by most of the Demon Lords to expand their territory because, through the convergence, they didn't need to open the portals or do anything complicated; they just needed to cross over and fight.

As simple as that could get.

And Iggwilv found out that another convergence would be happening between the 88th Layer of the Abyss and a few surrounding Abyssal Layers in the near future.

This would present the perfect opportunity for his breakthrough because if something went wrong, then the tremendous energy released by the convergence between Abyssal Layers would cover up for his Apotheosis.

"We should hurry; when I successfully complete my Apotheosis, we can go to the Hollow's Heart and find the Seed of the First Flame."

Gu Long stated as Iggwilv nodded in agreement... though fortunately enough, the Tomb of the Demon God wasn't that far from their current location, and it took them only a few days to arrive at the place.

It was placed in the nearby mountain, on the top of one of the highest peaks of the Gaping Maw.

The entire area of the mountain, which Iggwilv found out was named Barad-Dúm, named after the fabled Demon God himself, was considered as one huge danger zone within the Gaping Maw.

There were countless powerful Demonic Beasts roaming around and calling this god-forsaken piece of land their home.

Like most of the parts of the Abyss, nothing really grew in these parts of the 88th Layer of the Abyss, aside from some poisonous trees and plants and everything had a gloomy dark purple or black color, including the soil and stones themselves.

"So this is the Barad-Dúm... even more imposing than I thought..."

Iggwilv was a very experienced and knowledgeable Demonologist and Archmage of Oerth, and Mount Barad-Dúm was one of the most famous places across the Abyss. It was a place where one of the few Demon Gods of the Abyss was probably buried, and it was also one of the forsaken realms of the Abyss.

And if something was labeled as a forbidden zone in the Abyss, then it must meant it was deathly as hell.

"I sense Demonic Divine Aura... from the depths of the Mountain and it is powerful... very powerful..."

Gu Long muttered when he looked at Mount Barad-Dúm with an intense glare; as someone who was very sensitive to such Aura, it didn't take him a second to confirm the truth. This place was indeed the burial ground of the Demon God.

The Aura he sent wasn't lying about that.

"So the rumors were truth..."

Iggwilv muttered as she grasped his right hand while they looked at the swarm of the Demonic Beasts that were running here and there, around the entire premises of the Barad-Dúm...

"That is one good number of Demonic Beasts there..."

Gu Long could sense that there were tens of thousands of Demon Beasts around the entire Barad-Dúm; many of them were at Tier 8. No wonder that even some of the most ferocious Demons didn't really dare to venture into these places.

"Whatever... with the Embers of Silence, we would be okey."

The Embers of Silence was one of the most powerful stealth-related artifacts that was in existence, something very rare even across the entirety of the Endless Void.

Gu Long was confident that as long as he had the Embers of Silence, he would be okey...

Naturally, something that he was given by his father wasn't anything ordinary...

"You seem to be pretty confident in your trinket."

Iggwilv stated as she looked at the Dragon Prince.

"Naturally... though, I want to ask, what do you want to do after obtaining the Seed of the First Flame?"

Gu Long asked as he looked at the Witch Queen because he actually wanted to bring her back with him to the Kadath Universe. Someone like her would be an invaluable asset to the entire Kadath Universe, as she could become even a Tier 12 entity if she had some luck in her journey.

Iggwilv looked rather unsure of what to do because she didn't really anticipate that she would obtain something so valuable, and she was aware that her lover wanted to bring her together with him back to his Universe.

"If it makes you happy, I will go together with you into the Kadath Universe... I always wondered what other Universes are like..."

In truth, Witch Queen Iggwilv wanted to leave the boundaries of her Universe because she wanted to pursue higher degrees of Magic. That was something that was her lifelong goal and the Kadath Universe was a place where Magic Research was one of the priorities.

"Splendid... you would surely thrive within the Kadath Universe."


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Chapter 566 – Tomb of the Demon God (2)
The Kadath Universe became something akin to a Holy Ground for magic researchers and anyone who wanted to pursue the depths of the Arcane and profound mysteries of Magic.

In a place like that, the Kadath Universe, someone like Iggwilv would thrive and reach the greatest heights that were ever imaginable.

"Where would you start your Apotheosis?"

Iggwilv asked her dragon lover; he looked at the top of Mount Barad-Dúm because that was the place which he had chosen. He had already suppressed his breakthrough to Tier 9 for a long time.

Waiting for the perfect opportunity was a hassle; he had been tempted to reach Tier 9 for a long time already when he was still in the Magus World; he was ready and just waiting for this time to come.

"On the top of Mount Barad-Dúm where the Tomb itself, where the Aura is Divine and Demonic is the strongest."

Gu Long used his Dragon Slayer Halbert as he, together with Iggwilv, continued through the hordes of demonic beasts that swarmed the entire area of the Demon Tomb and Mount Barad-Dúm.

For several hours, they circled around Mount Barad-Dúm until they finally found a usable passage that seemed like some sort of carved pathway that was leading to the top of Mount Barad-Dúm and the Tomb of the Demon God.

It seemed like someone was rather meticulous when doing this because the stone pathway leading to the Tomb was well crafted, clearly a sign that it had been created by a very skilled artisan.

This was most unusual in the Abyss because this place didn't really have artisans or craftsmen aside from the slaves, but according to the Iggwilv, the patterns were similar to that of typical demon architecture of more civilized demon races.

"So, these savages actually have some sort of civilization or at least imitations of it?"

Gu Long was surprised hearing that because that was the last thing that he expected from the Abyss, truth to be told.

"Yes, they have... mostly on the deepest layers of the Abyss and only the most powerful species; they are rather similar in this aspect to the Fiends of the Infinite Abyss Universe, though logical assumptions as they are of similar origin."

The more powerful the demon race was, the more advanced it was and some of the most powerful ones were even civilized like any other civilization or species within the Endless Void.

"Judging on this, we can conclude that the Demon God that is buried here should be from one of the strongest Abyssal species, which is most intriguing... why is he buried here?"

Iggwilv looked at the murals that were around the stone-carved pathways; some were depicting the history of Mount Barad-Dúm, but most of them were retelling the story of the Demon God that was buried in this place.

"Probably either his wish or he wasn't really affiliated with the species... the second one would be the most welcomed, though."

Gu Long didn't want to have some extra powerful Demon species on his ass for sacrilege of pillaging the Tomb of one of their top-notch powerhouse. Some of them could be rather zealous in their pursuit, so that was an eventual that he wished to avoid.

Considering the fact that the Abyss would, or already is, a major player on the entire scale of the Endless Void.

"I agree... still, this place is a treasure trove for archeologists..."

Iggwilv was already running around the entire pathway, recording everything and making copies of the murals and stone-carved descriptions of things on the walls. Those things would be used for the research at a later date.

Gu Long gave her some time to do this, or else she would be pestering him about that for the entirety of their time in the Abyss. Iggwilv had an obsession with uncovering the history and exploring the archeological sites.

Due to this, their journey to the top of Mount Barad-Dúm was at least thrice longer than it should have been... but fortunately, there were no demon beasts within these pathways, something that Gu Long noticed.

Probably, there were some wards or some magic measures that were fending them off. If not for that, then the entire area would have been swarming with the demon beasts long ago, and they would need to tear their way through them.

"Are you finished already?"

The Dragon Prince asked with a great deal of irritation as he was looking at Iggwilv, who once stopped to examine some historical murals and sites.

"Hush, hush... this task requires a great deal of patience."

Iggwilv said as she was examining something that she had dug from the ground, which was a common occurrence for the past few hours. Every few hours, she found some artifact either in the ground or in the stone.

Some of those things were actually precious because they radiated an outrageous amount of Magic, but mostly, they were just worthless trinkets that served nothing more than decoration purposes.

Some may, though, serve some spiritual purpose because they found about a dozen totems of the Demon God that were buried here, together with his statues and other things.

"I am done... we can move forward."

She hummed happily as she stopped the object she was examining within the dimensional storage space, and they moved forward.

The same thing happened several times more until they finally arrived at the top of Mount Barad-Dúm. At the end of the pathway, there was only one thing that genuinely surprised both Gu Long and Witch Queen Iggwilv.

"It is only this?"

For someone strong as Demon God, he awaited something more than just one humble altar with an epitaph.

"It seems so..."

Even Iggwilv was surprised to see this because it was a relatively unusual burial style among the demons.

"Whatever... the corpse is here because I am sensing it... though looking at it from a close distance, I think that I will need to set up a ritual for this one."

Gu Long studied the altar of the Demon God more closely, and he learned a few things from it. The first one was that it was indeed a geniue thing and the second was that the person known as Demon God was indeed buried here.


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Chapter 567 – Apotheosis of Gu Long (1) New
Gu Long, since his birth, was inherently walking on the path of the Law Godhood because he was combining the Law Comprenenshon Path with the modified Douluo Godhood Method that was practiced by the ods of the Kadath Universe.

For him, reaching the Law Godhood officially was only a matter of time, a time that came right now when he sensed the power coming from the Tomb of the Demon God. After he left Iggwilv enough time to record the things around the Tomb, he knew that his time in this had come.

They didn't really think that someone as powerful as Demon God would be buried here; even Gu Long was rather dismissive about this, considering this nothing more than just a rumor, but he was proven wrong.

The first thing he did was to erect some Bounded Fields when he would be undergoing his Apotheosis, with Witch Queen Iggwilv guarding the area and controlling the Bounded Fields and Wards around their area.

Gu Long even used the Embers of Silence to reinforce part of the Bounded Fields and Wards that were erected by them because he suspected that his Apotheosis would create rather mess...

Normally, the Godhood Method had a so-called Demigod Stage, but Gu Long was rather skipping it or in other words, he was already born as Demigod, with his Godhood Index reaching 10 when he reached adulthood.

That was something to be expected as both of his parents were at the Annuled Stage of Godhood. The Dragon Prince looked at the Tomb of the Demon God, which was brimming with vast and powerful Demonic and Divine Energies, as he used his Devour Clan Trait and Law of Devouring to start the process.

The Devour was one of his predominant Clan Traits and he also had a very strong affinity and talent for the Law of Devour because it was the Law in which he would be ascending together with the Godhood.

The Law Godhood of Devour.

Or rather, Law Godhood of Heaven Devourer and the Golden Law of Holy Destruction would be his foundations for Tier 9.

That would be more fitting for his draconic nature. The very second he used Devour on the Tomb of the Demon God, he started assimilating an overwhelming amount of energy inside his body.

For a few seconds or even minutes, nothing happened because he was only reaching his limits, slowly but steadily, but after ten minutes of devouring the Demonic and Divine Energies from the Tomb of the Demon God, he suddenly felt a crack in his Godhead within his body.

It was only a small noticeable crack that happened, but with more and more energies he devoured from the Tomb of the Demon God, the bigger the crack was getting. On the other note, not only was this changing within his body, but his soul was also becoming more saturated with the Laws and overwhelming power of Godhood.

His Law of Devour was becoming clearer and clearer with each bit of Demonic and Divine Energy devoured from the Tomb of the Demon God as if he was realizing that some missing pieces were appearing one by one.

After several hours of devouring Demonic and Divine Energies from the Tomb of the Demon God, he suddenly felt something click in his soul, as the Law of Devour was comprehended at the 100%.

When that happened, the Godhead within Gu Long's body, which was already full of cracks, started falling apart and his soul, which was being transformed from its previous translucent color to a pure golden one, was also beginning to change.

With the comprehension of the Law of Devour at the 100% the speed of Devouring of the Demonic and Divine Energies of the Tomb of the Demon God was increased tens of times and now he was overflooded by the tremendous levels of Energies.

But at the same time, as the Godhead cracked, it started instantly reforming itself into the proper Godhead, but contrary to normal Godheads that were created with the Godhood Method, this one was a bit different.

It had patterns of Law inscribed around the surface of the Godhead. He felt that his entire being was changed the moment he achieved the comprehension of the Law of Devour at 100% and it started fusing with the God aspect perfectly.

Suddenly, he felt that his Godhood Index was rising... at lightning speed...

Within ten minutes of Deovuring, his Godhood Index reached 100, officially classifying him as Tier 9 Lesser Law God, but it didn't stop there because the Tomb of the Demon God still contained a tremendous amount of Demonic and Divine Energies.

Gu Long suspected that the Demon God was someone who must have reached at least Tier 11 during his lifetime, but at the same time, he possessed far superior energy to the mishmash of the Demon God.

After almost half an hour, his Godhood Index has crossed over 500, and after another one hour, it reached 750.

Gu Long didn't stop or take pause, but he was still continuing and was constantly devouring the energies from the Tomb of the Demon God with all of his power.

Witch Queen Iggwilv was looking at everything that was transpiring with interest and worry because she could sense that the entire process was taking a toll on her lover, a one heavy toll, but the Dragon Prince was still continuing because it was a one-time opportunity.

He knew that once he stopped, the next subsequent process wouldn't be that potent. When Gu Long's Godhood Index reached over 3,000 the Dragon Prince showed the initial signs of fatigue, but he grit his teeth as he continued.

Soon enough, a Golden Light burst out of his body, as the Golden Light of Holy Destruction finally took shape within his Soul and Godhead. When that happened, his expression was greatly revitalized and the process of devouring was accelerated more than a hundredfold.

With his Godhood Index shooting by tens with each passing minute and soon enough crossing the line of 5,000.

The power around his body was getting so oppressive that it started destroying a part of Mount Barad-Dúm just by exposure to his aura alone.


Check out my new original for WSA 2024, Star Citizen Online: Isekai Edition!
PS. Check Dune: The Holy Path!
For advanced chapters check out patreon.

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Připoj se k serveru Trafford Novels na Discordu!

Omrkni komunitu Trafford Novels na Discordu – má už zhruba 237 dalších členů, takže si tam můžeš skvěle poklábosit a užít si bezplatný hlasový a textový chat.
Chapter 468 – Apotheosis of Gu Long (2) New
Witch Queen Iggwilv was looking at the Apotheosis of Gu Long with a mixture of admiration, wonder, respect, love and longing. She could feel the power that was rolling out of the Dragon Prince and it was overwhelming.

Something that was so powerful, so potent...

Iggwilv met her deal of Law Archamges during her life, be it in the Oerth or in the entire Prime Material Plane, but this was the first time she felt this kind of power from someone who was just ascending to the Law State.

Meanwhile, the Dragon Prince was assimialting the Demonic and Divine Energies within the Tomb of the Demon God at tremendous speed, as his Godhood Index was increasing at lightning speed, already crossing the one of 7,500.

Soon enough, the Demonic and Divine Energies within the Tomb of the Demon God were getting lower and lower as the corpse of the Demon God was being entirely devoured from the bottom to the top.

And Gu Long's power was shooting through the roof, already reaching the peak of the Tier 9 in one go. Within the next two hours, Gu Long's Godhood Index reached exactly 10,000 which meant that he reached the very limit of Tier 9.

If not for the differences in the quality of the energy, then he would have already reached Tier 10 in one go. But unfortunately, while the person was the Demon God and had the same mixture of Demonic and Divine Energies, Gu Long's was far purer and more potent.

That was to be expected, as both of his parents were at Tier 12 and they were this strong when they conceived him.

He inherited this from both of his parents, but while he didn't reach Tier 10 officially, his combat prowess was already standing on the levels of more powerful Tier 10 entities.

He had two Law Godhoods, which he didn't even plan, as he originally planned to ascend with only with the Golden Light of Holy Destruction as his primary Law Godhood.

The Law of Devour was unexpected but a pleasant surprise in this entire endeavor. Now that he had reached Tier 9 and devoured everything from the Tomb of Demon God, he would need a few hours to assimilate his strength properly.

Gu Long then sat down cross-legged and entered a very deep meditation trance, as he was assimialting his gains from the breakthrough and getting used to the overwhelming power he obtained from Apotheosis to the Law God.

Everything that was also happening with his breakthrough and Apotheosis was being recorded by his Minor Tarot Card and sent to his father, Father of All Devils, for further reference.

Witch Queen Iggwilv was observing everything as she was getting slightly horny at the Gu Long, who was radiating enormous power, something that was enormously attractive to the Witch Queen and Archmage of the Oerth.


Kadath Universe

Fortress of Nurmengard, Sunset Mountain Range, 9th Layer of the Higher Dimensional World of Baator

The Father of All Devils was sleeping soundly on his bed together with his wives as they were after another series of passionate lovemaking. Retirement was indeed one of the best choices that he made in his whole life.

As he was hugging Hela and Grayfia, who were always wearing the most ruthless and cold persona, they were especially cuddly when they were alone. Not like they would admit it openly, but both of them were very affectionate and warm when they wanted to be.


The Crimson Emperor woke up, as he got transmission of an enormous amount of information through the Tarot Cards that were fused with his soul. He got information about Gu Long's Apotheosis as he finally ascended to the Law Godhood which was a great step forward for his son.

But most importantly, it was for him because he got more data on the Law Godhood; he knew that his own fusion of the Law Path and Godhood Path would be very hard, as he would be fusing them at peak Tier 12.

"As long as I can get my hands on data from Farlier's own version of the merger, then I can start my own Apotheosis to the Primarch..."

The Father of All Devils muttered quietly as he returned back to sleep while giving Hela a kiss on her forehead as she felt her moving in her sleep. He wouldn't really say it out loud, but she often had bad dreams or nightmares...


Gu Long spent the next ten hours in deep meditation as he was reigning in his own power, which was a much harder task than initially anticipated.

The overwhelming power that was within his body was "unruly" and it was impossible to control in a short time.

Still, with enough patience and time, Gu Long was starting to gain control over the overwhelming power within his body and soon enough, he would be once again ready for the action in combat.

Iggwilv was as usual, watching over Gu Long, standing on guard like a little dutiful soldier, as she noticed that Gu Long had woken up from his meditation trance. The Dragon Prince opened his eyes and deeply sighed in and out.

"How long?"

He asked as he looked at the Witch Queen, who was constantly checking on the Bounded Field that was hiding them from the rest of the outside world and layer...

If not for that and the help of the Embers of Silence, then this entire place would be already swarming with powerful Demon Lords.

"Twelve hours, plus minus some minutes..."

Dragon Prince nodded at that, it was longer than he anticipated, but it was still within the reason. But any more longer would cause them to be at risk of being found if they were unlucky.

His father instilled the right amount of paranoia into him and a need for constant vigilance.

"We can depart to the Hollow's Heart... with my newfound power, it should be rather an easy task to achieve."

Now that Gu Long had reached the peak of Tier 9 and had the combat prowess of a relatively stronger Tier 10, he was confident in helping Iggwilv in achieving her goals.


Check out my new original for WSA 2024, Star Citizen Online: Isekai Edition!
PS. Check Dune: The Holy Path!
For advanced chapters check out patreon.
Chapter 469 – Hollow’s Heart New
"Are young confident against Princes?"

Most of the people who bore the title of Demon Prince were at least at the peak of Tier 10 at very least... though most of them would be standing at Tier 11. Gu Long was very wary of them, because not only due to their personal power but also their cunning.

Every single Demon who has risen to the position of the Demon Lord, Demon Prince or Lord of the Layer were not only exceedingly powerful but also extremely cunning and scheming bastards.

Fighting such opponents was very troublesome because they would be using countless underhanded tricks and other means to win their fight. Gu Long didn't like such kinds of opponents because he knew from firsthand how hard it is to defeat such opponents...

His father was one of those.

Even though Zeoticus Lucifer was half-step Tier 13, he was one hell of a cunning bastard who would never fight his opponent head-on.

Even when he was confident that his opponent was much weaker, Zeoticus Lucifer would always employ schemes and other things to weaken his opponent as much as possible before only delivering the finishing blow.

"We will see... If I have enough information about the target and his strength, I should be able to beat some weaker ones..."

Even though Gu Long didn't really like fighting like this, he was taught by his father how to exploit every single weakness of the opponent.

"That should be enough; in the end, we would be doing everything to avoid to our best capabilities. We don't want to attract the attention of the true powers of the Abyss... that would be certainly disastrous."

The Dragon Prince agreed with the statement because he knew when to fight and when to lay low.

"We should get going..."

The journey to the Hollow's Heart, which was the 176th Layer of the Abyss, would be long and arduous, something that neither one of them was keen on experiencing.

They would be entering the different dimensions of Abyssal Layers because, in those Layers, more powerful Demons were as common as cabbage.


Kadath Universe

Nurmengard Castle, Sunset Mountain Range, 9th Layer of the Higher Dimensional World of Baator

"So his way like this... most interesting to see..."

I got the data from Gu Long's Apotheosis several days ago... for the past few days, I meticulously studied the data; there was a lot of it. I was able to compare it with Sigmar's situation, which was somewhat similar yet different.

Still, it was the best I could get my hands on because I wouldn't be able to initiate the merger between the Law Path and Godhood Path without data. It was a dangerous thing to do because if I made some mistake, then I would, at best, cripple myself and, at worst, kill myself.

For that very reason, I needed as much data on the mergers between the Law Path and Godhood Method into the one. Fortunately, there was a perfect specimen that was walking on this path.

Soon enough, Leylin Farlier would be ascending to the Law Godhood through the merger, which would be the first time to have data on the pure merger. Sigmar and Gu Long were already born with some sort of state.

They were already something akin to Demigods; for them to reach it and become Law Gods was something different because it was like a natural evolution. They only needed to wait and advance naturally; with enough time and resources, they would become Law Gods without a problem.

"Still, the data collected on those two are treasure trove... but the I have managed to identify the first parameter, which is compatibility between the Path, Laws, Arcane Crest and Godhoods."

This was the first thing that I managed to identify after years of study: that all of the things needed to have compatibility of 100% with each other, or else the process would be doomed to failure.

"But at the same time, I need to consider my Aspect and Concept... Ruination and Void... I already have Godhood of Ruination, so that is very good and my Arcane Crest of End and Ruin. So, for that, the merger would be almost guaranteed to succeed, but..."

With the data gathered from observation of Sigmar, Gu Long and tons of knowledge on the Law Path and Godhood Path, I was able to conclude that I could initiate the merger and Apotheosis any time I wished.

But that was only on another side; there was another thing, which was the racial aspect because I would need to undergo the Evolution and for that, I need the stabilizing element in the form of Bloodline Source of true Archdevil species.

"Zeo, come back for the dinner... you have been cooped in your laboratory for the past few days!"

I heard Vena shouting at me from behind the doors, as once again, I was too engrossed in my own research because it was so exciting. At this part of my journey, it was progressively harder and harder to get stronger and the step where I was standing right now wasn't just about hard work.

"I am coming; just give me a few more minutes."

In the end, it would be nice to get some relaxation from all the research.

Everything was already in place; the pawns were moving across the chessboard as they should and soon enough, everything would fall in one place and create the most wonderful thing in existence...


The very moment I get my hands on the Bloodline Source of the Archdevil species and data from Leylin, it could all start.

And then the new Golden Age of the Kadath Universe would be ushered, and we would achieve the greater heights...

With the Primarch, who would become Universe Master the moment he became Tier 13 would be a force to be reckoned with.

"You look terrible..."

Venelana scoffed at me when I exited my laboratory because she instantly noticed my messy and unkept appearance. Once again I would hear no end about this, but I already got used to it...


Check out my new original for WSA 2024, Star Citizen Online: Isekai Edition!
PS. Check Dune: The Holy Path!
For advanced chapters check out patreon.
Chapter 470 - State of Things New
"Yes, I know how I look... but now I am nearing something crucial in reaching the Primarchy... becoming Universe Master then is only a matter of a time."

I knew that when I was engrossed in the research, I tended to forget about the time and my own state. For that, I was rather grateful to my wives, who acted as my caretakers even right now.

"You should take a bath before going to the dinner."

Hearing Vena say that, I nodded my head and went to take a bath before arriving at the dinner we were having together. Enjoying free time like this was actually the best thing that could happen.


Nurmengard didn't have a lot of servants actually...

There was little to no personnel because I didn't want the servants to disrupt our lifestyle, which was becoming more and more hedonist and debaucherous with each passed year.

I spent millennia working like an idiot to build the enormous Empire and the well-deserved rest, though even now, I will still work when building up the whole Kadath Universe as one entity that would need to be strong for the future that is to come.

My plan was to create another Eternal Land like the Sage Dynasty, Holy City and Void Association. For that, the Kadath Unvierse will need to get much, much stronger to compete against the Triarchy of Hegemons that were exceedingly powerful.

Even common footsoldiers of the Eternal Lands were at the Tier 11 and Tier 12s were relegated to the role of elite soldiers with nothing more and nothing less. Only from Tier 13 could they be considered as geniue powerhouses.

My aim was essentially the same.

Sage Dynasty controlled the Chaotic Source Universe known as Sage Heaven, the Holy City controlled the Holy Plane and the Void Association controlled the Void Realm.

All three of those realms were originally ordinary Universes that were germinated by the three Singularities of the Endless Void.


Behind the table, the entire group assembled, with all of my wives being present.

Gu Yuena and Bibi Dong arrived from the Douluo Principal World, as they were having full hands of work with the Douluo Principal World.

Douluo Principal World was the second strongest world within the Kadath Universe and it was unanimously decided that we would focus most of our resources on cultivating the Douluo into a new powerhouse world.

The Godhood Method has now become a new standard of the method of the Douluo Principal World and the world had enormous potential. Gu Yuena and Bibi Dong were both at the Annuled Stage after long years of arduous training and cultivation.

"Vena told us that you are close to the Primarchy..."

It was Hela who started this conversation, as she was also searching for a way to reach Primarchy. Not only she but also my other wives who reached Tier 12 were constantly searching for the way to Tier 13...

"Yes... Gu Long's endeavors are finally bringing me results and I now only need Bloodline Source of the True Archdevil Race to begin the process... it would act as the stabilization and also finally made our race as the innate one instead of the artificial one."

I said as Venelana and Grayfia had a myriad of emotions of over their faces because this would be the major step for the Devilkind.

Even after all of this, the Devils were still fundamentally artificial species created by pinnacle Primarch for the purpose of war.

Obtaining the Bloodline Source of the True Archdevil Species would fundamentally change the nature of our species into something greater and something that was innate in the first place.

Because I was right now the originator of the Devil Race as I tied the Bloodline Source to myself, so any change that I made to myself would be represented through the entire Devil Race.

That was also the reason why the entire thing with the Bloodline Source of the True Archdevil Race was so precious to me. Aside from that, a lot of restrictions would be removed from the Devil Race

Even right now, after millennia of research, I managed to remove only a few constraints from the Devil Race. But with the Bloodline Source of the True Archdevil Race, it would change entirely all things.

I was sure that we would explode in a number of powerhouses and even the biggest constraint of the Devil Race, that was the hurdle from Satan-Class to the Super-Devil Class, would be basically non-existent.

"That is wonderful news... though I heard that there were complications about the Abyss..."

Grayfia said as she remembered that I was telling her something about the Abyss. When we all entered the relationship, we had one rule, to not have secrets from one another because that would sooner or later destroy our relationship.

"Yes, it is... at first it was just Infinite Abyss Universe and now it is the Abyss... another scourge of the Endless Void is rising and it won't be nice. Right now, everything is telling us that some extremely powerful Paragon or perhaps Detached has split off and is on his own path to reach Singularity."

This was the best theory that I could come up with...

Detached Ones were Paragons that were became something more than ordinary Paragons but they were not yet Singularities, but they have successfully managed to Detach themselves from the Endless Void.

"That is indeed a grave matter... if it is indeed truth, then it would unleash unprecedented levels of carnage on the entire Endless Void, but the more important question is how another of those risen in the Infinite Abyss Universe under note of the Golden-Horned Primogenitor?"

When Hela asked that question, my mood darkened because it was indeed an interesting question: How was such a thing possible? That was even beyond my own understanding because such something should be impossible under normal circumstances.

"Truthfully? I don't know; such a thing should be impossible; Golden-horned Primogenitor is one of the strongest Detached Ones in the whole Endless Void. It doesn't make sense, and theory about cooperation is absolutely out of the question for the Fiends or Demons or whatever those pests may be."


Check out my new original for WSA 2024, Star Citizen Online: Isekai Edition!
PS. Check Dune: The Holy Path!
For advanced chapters check out patreon.