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The Skittering Chaos (Worm/Hazbin Hotel)

That's actually her at her least dangerous. The thing a lot of people forget about Taylor is that she can't hold onto a grudge very long. Now a goal, or a constantly looming threat, those she can cling to for years on end.

But yeah, she fairly frequently will team up with people she recently was enemies with
At the moment if we were to define her goal, then we could probably say that her goal at the moment is to grow her territory and make her part of Hell a better place, all the while not pissing off one of the big guys or biting off more than she can chew during her expansion.

For when the cult stuff starts, conquest of the city and establishing herself as the Tyrant would probably be the goal, as she has the resources and power to both defend the city and lead it into a new glorious era, plus it would expand her influence in a way that would be unassailable by her rivals in Hell and she would be able to deal with most if not all threats in the Mortal realm.

I have in my mind Demon Taylor being the modern version of Pisistratus, the Athenian Tyrant that conquered the city 3 times... and basically not much changed other than he set the foundation for what would become the Athenian democracy by establishing the main city square where the people would vote, reduced the power of the nobles by creating a public fountain for people to get clean water from, sponsored the arts and commerce to make Athens at that time the lead producer of Pottery in Greece at the time.

Honestly Pisistratus all he really did that was dickish while being the dictator of Athens was make it so that there were no elections.

Yeah, Taylor with free time and no looming threats is relatively chill and unlikely to make a lot of splash, give her an enemy or goal she can focus on and the woman turns into a damn terminator.
She's got a goal it is just less concrete than some of her other goals. She wants to reduce the chaos in the streets and make things better for people and she is doing it in the only way she knows how and will approve of, conquest of a territory and helping the community she is growing.
Honestly Pisistratus all he really did that was dickish while being the dictator of Athens was make it so that there were no elections.
That is literally the defining point of dictators, they get elected as dictator (or elect themselves) and they stay in power until the crisis has passed (often the crisis being there is a dictator in power) whereupon they step down (assassination or bloody revolt counts) so a new leader can take over (sometimes with elections).

The ideal form of dictatorship is:
  1. There is a crisis.
  2. A person who can resolve the crisis if given sufficient power is elected/appointed dictator.
  3. The dictator wields absolute power and solves the problem.
  4. The dictator resigns.
  5. Normal government recommences.
The reason why this form of government is so easily abused is obvious, but when it works it works very well.

Don't try this form of government with any nation larger than a small (by modern standards) city-state, it will not end well.
Don't try this form of government with any nation larger than a small (by modern standards) city-state, it will not end well.
It actually can work very well, it worked just fine for Rome for quite a long time. The issue wasn't the size of Rome, it was the composition of the the Roman army.
Or to put it another way - Democratic government can work with this form of dictatorship just, the issue is not the dictatorship, it's the voters not caring about the issues anymore.
The ideal form of dictatorship is:
  1. There is a crisis.
  2. A person who can resolve the crisis if given sufficient power is elected/appointed dictator.
  3. The dictator wields absolute power and solves the problem.
  4. The dictator resigns.
  5. Normal government recommences.
Romans have used this system for a long, long time and it worked just fine for them, until it didn't because the normal government was a corrupted mess that shouldn't have ever been trusted. Sometimes it's not the fault of the dictator that a country remains a dictatorship but of the normal government's, because the moment they're given back the power they get up to the same idiocies that nearly brought the country to ruin in the first place and that's not even taking into consideration what they do to cover their asses or try to make the dictator look bad and make it harder for them to do what they've been assigned to do.
The Roman (no longer a) republic was one of the 'bad end results of dictatorship in too large of a nation' I had in mind. While the Roman Empire(s) lasted a long time (until the sixteenth century by some reckoning) and was on the whole not the worst empire to happen (actually pretty good compared to the others, then you realise the low bar that implies), it was a failure of the Roman Republic.

To large a state to support healthy (no not a contradiction in terms) dictatorship, leading inevitably to disenfranchisement and corruption. Things become unmanageable and something had to change.
I'm not sure that Taylor would relinquish power even if she really wanted to because of the necessities of maintaining power in Hell to continue her project of improving Hell and the afterlife are likely more important because that is where your immortal soul arrives when you die. Plus she's seen that she can't really trust people to do the right thing for the greater whole, and in this for her the right thing would be the life after, with the mortal realm being but a short pit stop before you end up in your final place of residence.
The Roman (no longer a) republic was one of the 'bad end results of dictatorship in too large of a nation' I had in mind.
Yah, except it doesn't work. The Roman republic use that system successfully, and as long as the populous was involved in the actual governing, it worked just fine. The Roman republic had dozens of such dictators and it worked just fine as long as the populous were actually involved. When all they cared about was Bread and Circus they let Sula take over, which is IMO when the roman republic died. Ceaser taking control, and being declared dictator (note he was in control long before he was declared dictator) ~30 years later was just acknowledging the fact it was not a republic.

The fact that Rome had the role of Dictator did not actually contribute anything to their fall.
Saw your post about why you went with a moth for Taylor on SB. Well reasoned, well thought out, and very fitting.

Much, much, better than the reason I assumed, which was "Mothgirls are cute."
I think I posted the reason why I made Taylor a Mothgirl some time ago when I was re-writing the first snippet because it wasn't as good as the new first chapter, but not everyone follows that thread religiously so I'm not sure how many people saw it. I think I might post it in an information threadmark to show off why I did that.

Edit: However I will say that the "moth girls are cute" was the thing that first put the idea in my head, and then as I reasoned it out, I realised that it was a very good fit for Taylor. Helped that at the time people were discussing Dinah and how she betrayed Taylor while me and the threat also talked about how shit things were for Taylor while she was a Ward.
Why is Taylor a moth?
The reason I chose to make Taylor a moth in this is due to how I see her path through life and how every time she reaches for a goal, like a moth approaching a bug zapper, or an open flame, Taylor gets burned by that goal or diverted in some way. Take becoming a Hero for example. Taylor very dearly wants to be a hero but we the audience knows that that way is but a trip into the fire what with a hostile Armsmaster, a bigoted and loathsome PRT Director, and Shadow Stalker which Piggot we know would not get rid of just for Taylor's sake and would thus have to "suck it up." This path to heroism is diverted however and she is saved from burning up in the dumpster fire that is the PRT/Protectorate.

Then there is Dinah, her new goal, she manages to save Dinah from coil going through an epic journey of trials, errors, and betrayal, only for Dinah to prove to be another flamer herself as she burns Taylor by betraying her to the Heroes and destroying any kind of a chance of a nicer life in Brockton as her civilian identity is revealed, thus Taylor was burned like a moth touching a flame.

Another example is her goal of stopping the destruction of the world, already burned by Dinah, she turns herself in to the PRT/Protectorate and abandons her friends, and joins them, and never enjoys it as she has to deal with more bigoted PRT directors, likely has to deal with many Protectorate heroes who look down on her and her methods because she is a villain, a master, or both, with the only people she considers friends not ever considering her friends back. Theo was one of the few people in the Wards she considered a friend, and we learn that he doesn't consider her a friend back. We see that Taylor, despite it being the end of the world, is much happier and livelier than she ever was in the Wards away from her true friends when she meets up with the Undersiders and are fighting Scion. This interaction between Taylor and Techton where he comments on Taylor's colour change shows she was planning on returning to villainy and the Undersiders once the apocalypse was over. She even admits as such. It also shows that her time in the Wards was not a fun time for her but rather something unpleasant. Her goal to stop the apocalypse was a failure and she suffered her hardship for nothing. A candle she suffered for to get to, put out just before she reached it.

Finally there is stopping Scion. Another goal, another candle in the dark for our little moth to reach for. To defeat him she sacrificed her self, destroyed herself, and willingly plunged herself into the flame to try to put it out and was burned for it, before eventually dying. Burned to a crisp before being crushed, or in this case shot.

And no one but her friends and those that were there were even allowed to remember her sacrifice. Within a generation she would have been forgotten by all. The little moth that reached for the candle, and was burned by it.

Edit: As an aside, moths are also known for illusions and trickery, mimicking other more dangerous predators like owls... or spiders. The metalmark moth is a perfect example of this as creating the illusion of being a bigger female spider to scare off it's enemies. This is perhaps a perfect analogy to go with how Taylor manages to keep herself from getting caught by the heroes upon her civilian reveal. She scared them into submission and was able to walk away from that despite holding almost no cards.
I've done some editing to split up the paragraphs in some of the chapters as well as implemented some of the edits that Kazorh suggested for chapter 3.

"Oof, sorry… didn't mean to bring up any bad memories. You doin' alright?" Angel looks concerned as he asks me how I'm doing. Funny how despite all the propaganda and lies that get spread around by the PRT about villains, drug addicts and dealers, along with so many other people that we are supposed to look at with fear and disgust, turn out to be fairly decent people half the time. The same could be said of the various heroes I've met during my time both as a villain and a hero. Half the time they are decent people, or they grow to be decent people. Other times, they are just rotten, or don't deserve what they have. I can think of various heroes I've met during the various meet and greets that look down on me for being a former villain and gang leader, yet just as many of them will pat me on the back and congratulate me for joining the forces of good.
"Yeah, made me happy, you know, made things not so bad. Like everything was shit and stuff and nothings going right, and to ease off some stress you take a hit of the powder. You're lying there, and you kinda realise, things just ain't that bad anymore. Like, what happened, all that shit before, it wasn't so bad. Kinda made it easier to deal with life when you were taking the stuff. Then it would end and you needed more. It's shit but it was a way to cope with a shitty situation, ya dig?" I do "dig." Drugs had been a big part of growing up in Brockton, even more when going to school at Winslow. I'd heard how for some of the people there, it made life bearable. It lined up with how Angel described it. I wonder if he was like some of those kids that tried drugs and got hooked. Tried them out, and realised they weren't all that bad as people said, they even made him feel great when he took them. I wonder when he died, or how things were in life for him? Maybe the drugs were the only thing he could look forward to in the day?

I'm glad for a moment of the incident on the bus now, where a drug addict went ballistic on the bus and started freaking out. It did more to scare me straight than any of the various DARE programs and hero guest visitors that went around to schools to talk about the evils of drugs. Drugs had a way of making you feel good in some way. I had always thought it was just like a hit of dopamine, or those tingles that I would get back when Mom would give me head massages. With the incident on the bus with the drug addict my younger self wouldn't have gone and tried anything, not that I had any friends back then that would have tried to pressure me. Perhaps if it hadn't been for that event, then I could see myself falling head first into them.

There had been some days where the only thing I wanted was for the pain of the day to go away. Had an enterprising Merchant kid gone and approached a younger me… I had latched onto Julia when she had pretended to make friends with me. She had become my new best friend, a lighthouse on a stormy night, then she took it away from me. What if it had been a Merchant? Would I have ended up like Angel Dust here, or the addicts downstairs, or even those people that Skidmark had said were just trying to get through the day to day? Probably. I had dived head first into villainy and stayed with it because of the friends I made. Hell, at the end I had been planning on going back anyways. Maybe in some ways, I am an addict.
There were the parts changed in Chapter 3 for your reading convince though they may make more sense in their original context.
Continued reading the SB threat.

Thread Necromancer you are not allowed to deny us the righteous conquest of the megacity by Demon Queen Skitter.
Are you talking about the sequel thing that was briefly entertained? No one said that the Mega city wasn't going to be conquered.

So far I've got the view that the current casus belli of Noblis Oblige is the best one. Taylor by the time of the summoning would be extremely powerful and able to protect the city as she would have had to deal with at least 3 endbringer level threats, some on her own this time rather than simply surviving them. Not to mention multiple people egging her on to conquer the city and drag it to prosperity, or at the very least cut off access to the other worlds they are trading with to try to stop the problem of subversion from them.

Though I'm curious, any other good casus belli's that might work in Taylor's favour here? Casus Belli for those that don't know is simply a reason given for invasion, conquest, war, ect...
Though I'm curious, any other good casus belli's that might work in Taylor's favour here? Casus Belli for those that don't know is simply a reason given for invasion, conquest, war, ect...

Idk, go and protect whatever friends she has left that are still alive?

Protect her people? Cultists have decided to become her people, even without her say so, so if the city is not treating them right, or even actively hunts them then I can see Taylor go to war for them. It was enough for the First Crusade to conquer the Holy Land then it's enough for Taylor to start smacking around the Protectorate's brain dead child.
Though I'm curious, any other good casus belli's that might work in Taylor's favour here? Casus Belli for those that don't know is simply a reason given for invasion, conquest, war, ect...

How about tore down the cape thing of heroes and villains?

I always see one, now two of the Unwritten Rules as thing that only benefit capes alone and the identity thing serves more to protect villains than heroes, since the authorities would be hindered by the Capes of they own side in investigating villains and arrest them and the gave second chances to Capes, Marquis was given the second chance and go back right to crime, not counting other villains that do the same thing.

Only two rules I see that benefit common people even then has exceptions about the family, that are not powered, and no guns, along is not a firearm.
Idk, go and protect whatever friends she has left that are still alive?

Protect her people? Cultists have decided to become her people, even without her say so, so if the city is not treating them right, or even actively hunts them then I can see Taylor go to war for them. It was enough for the First Crusade to conquer the Holy Land then it's enough for Taylor to start smacking around the Protectorate's brain dead child.
Why didn't I think of this? It's so obvious now that you mentioned it but it completely slipped me by. I guess I was focusing too much on how the Wardens have been failing the common people and not also looking at how they have been prosecuting and targeting the cult that summons Taylor.

How about tore down the cape thing of heroes and villains?

I always see one, now two of the Unwritten Rules as thing that only benefit capes alone and the identity thing serves more to protect villains than heroes, since the authorities would be hindered by the Capes of they own side in investigating villains and arrest them and the gave second chances to Capes, Marquis was given the second chance and go back right to crime, not counting other villains that do the same thing.

Only two rules I see that benefit common people even then has exceptions about the family, that are not powered, and no guns, along is not a firearm.
I'm not sure that alone would be enough to make Taylor want to invade the Megacity itself. That and I kind of have an idea that Taylor would kind of separate her Overlord identity as the terrifying Skitter, and her cute Moth demon identity as Taylor, but considering at the end of Golden Morning Taylor had just wanted to be Taylor I'm not sure that truely fits with her characterization. Could just be that she more uses the Skitter costume during her work hours or when she is fighting, but otherwise just walks around with her nice and fluffy coat.

But then I am also kind of planning on Taylor being able to shapeshift and using it to her advantage to infiltrate and move unseen by er enemies. Like taking the form of a preying mantis demon and infiltrating ect...

Could be amusing to give her the Red Death treatment from the Venture Brothers, where when you get to know her she's rather quite nice but when you meet her when she is doing business she ruthless to the extreme. Or just that no one believes that she is Skitter and just sees her as Taylor.

Red Death "out of the office"

Red Death "Pissed off"
Last edited:
Why didn't I think of this? It's so obvious now that you mentioned it but it completely slipped me by. I guess I was focusing too much on how the Wardens have been failing the common people and not also looking at how they have been prosecuting and targeting the cult that summons Taylor.
You're a better person than me. I mean not thinking abour how the government will try to hunt down the cultists of the 'Savior of humanity' because the hero herself makes them feel uncomfortable is probably not something most people think about.
You're a better person than me. I mean not thinking abour how the government will try to hunt down the cultists of the 'Savior of humanity' because the hero herself makes them feel uncomfortable is probably not something most people think about.
More that while I knew they were doing that, that being hunting down the cultists, I did not think on how Taylor would perceive it and thus object to it.

I've also got the idea that Taylor in this has gotten powerful enough at this point that summoning her in her full capacity would be the equivilant to the End Game, as due to wanting to avoid Titanification she won't be able to appear in her full powered glory. While she can be summoned, she can't leave the circle for fear of being mind fucked by QA wanting to reconnect. For Taylor to fully manifest herself in the moral realm, I'm thinking of one of two options. One being the creation of a braindead clone of her to possess and allow QA to connect to, the other being a magical ritual to envelope the Megacity in a similar kind of dimensional shield that would cut off all dimensional fuckery in the Megacity excluding Hell/Heaven based dimensional fuckery. Thus allowing Taylor to be summoned in full all the while the shards all loose access to their hosts, allowing Taylor to be summoned and conquer the city easily. This would also have the side effect of shutting down all the various portals that are in the city. Thus there is no portal to earth bet, chiet, or shin.

Edit: Also I find it amusing to have Taylor be a power granting Mephistopheles for her cult. Still be affected by the Wardens and stuff but now they don't have the easy indicator of a potentia organ in their brain
I'm not sure that alone would be enough to make Taylor want to invade the Megacity itself.

Well what bout that the people are squandered her sacrifice? She gave up her sanity to save the world and the people don't learn anything from the past. They keep committing the same mistakes over and over, they let villains control an entire city, the government is almost nonexistent and the Wardens look like the only real source of authority with no oversight (that itself is very worrying since Parahumans subconsciously crave for conflict and you don't want people like that holding power).

I've also got the idea that Taylor in this has gotten powerful enough at this point that summoning her in her full capacity would be the equivilant to the End Game, as due to wanting to avoid Titanification she won't be able to appear in her full powered glory. While she can be summoned, she can't leave the circle for fear of being mind fucked by QA wanting to reconnect. For Taylor to fully manifest herself in the moral realm, I'm thinking of one of two options. One being the creation of a braindead clone of her to possess and allow QA to connect to, the other being a magical ritual to envelope the Megacity in a similar kind of dimensional shield that would cut off all dimensional fuckery in the Megacity excluding Hell/Heaven based dimensional fuckery. Thus allowing Taylor to be summoned in full all the while the shards all loose access to their hosts, allowing Taylor to be summoned and conquer the city easily. This would also have the side effect of shutting down all the various portals that are in the city. Thus there is no portal to earth bet, chiet, or shin.

Also is better put that the living world operate under different rules then the post-mortem, say demonic magic can work on Earth but is weakened since reality is not easily defied or broken and demonic powers have no place in there but nothing is stopping her from leaving the circle, imps can walk around Earth with no problems there is no reason why she couldn't do the same.

Also the shield thing is probably above her power, since only Lucifer probably can do it and she probably would get in a lot of problems with Heaven if she try to expand Hell in the living world even if it was a fraction along with the other Overlords since there must be a reason why these powerful demons don't try to conquer Earth. Not considering the fact she would hamper the efforts of Earth Bet evacuation efforts.

In my headcannon each universe has they own versions of Heaven and Hell, so she try too expand Hell Bet power on Gimel may cause problems with Gimel Hell and Heaven over jurisprudence too.
More that while I knew they were doing that, that being hunting down the cultists, I did not think on how Taylor would perceive it and thus object to it.

I've also got the idea that Taylor in this has gotten powerful enough at this point that summoning her in her full capacity would be the equivilant to the End Game, as due to wanting to avoid Titanification she won't be able to appear in her full powered glory. While she can be summoned, she can't leave the circle for fear of being mind fucked by QA wanting to reconnect. For Taylor to fully manifest herself in the moral realm, I'm thinking of one of two options. One being the creation of a braindead clone of her to possess and allow QA to connect to, the other being a magical ritual to envelope the Megacity in a similar kind of dimensional shield that would cut off all dimensional fuckery in the Megacity excluding Hell/Heaven based dimensional fuckery. Thus allowing Taylor to be summoned in full all the while the shards all loose access to their hosts, allowing Taylor to be summoned and conquer the city easily. This would also have the side effect of shutting down all the various portals that are in the city. Thus there is no portal to earth bet, chiet, or shin.

Edit: Also I find it amusing to have Taylor be a power granting Mephistopheles for her cult. Still be affected by the Wardens and stuff but now they don't have the easy indicator of a potentia organ in their brain

Would she be mind fucked though? she was starting recover herself at the end of khepri, And im sure QA would be actively trying to hold itself so as not to break best host.

Plus she's a demon overlord, probably a bit more weight and resilience than a regular human.

Imagine how much easier taking over hell would be if she had oldest friend back with her!

Besides, if taylor does turn into a demon titan she officially has the chops to take over satans position according to DOOM!
Well what bout that the people are squandered her sacrifice? She gave up her sanity to save the world and the people don't learn anything from the past. They keep committing the same mistakes over and over, they let villains control an entire city, the government is almost nonexistent and the Wardens look like the only real source of authority with no oversight (that itself is very worrying since Parahumans subconsciously crave for conflict and you don't want people like that holding power).
As I said, I don't think that alone would be enough to spur Skitter to action against them, alone. With that however, along with how they are failing the common people, and prosecuting those that support Skitter, and even refuse to give proper incentives to increase farm and food production due to how it may create an early noble class among the citizens, that would for sure be enough to spur Skitter into action against the Wardens and their puppet government. Not to mention the exiling, the rigged elections, the no oversight. All would give Skitter a very good Casus Belli for invasion and conquest.

Also is better put that the living world operate under different rules then the post-mortem, say demonic magic can work on Earth but is weakened since reality is not easily defied or broken and demonic powers have no place in there but nothing is stopping her from leaving the circle, imps can walk around Earth with no problems there is no reason why she couldn't do the same.
The way I was setting it up was that the reason Taylor is unable to leave the circle has nothing to do with her demonic nature, but rather has to do with the QA wanting to reconnect, but because of incompatible hardware, it results in a broken trigger thus causing death, chaos, and likely killing Taylor, thus her soul returns to Hell and QA is left with a rapidly crumbling demonic body she has no choice but to pilot until it, itself dies and it is left scanning around for Taylor to show back up again to try again.

Also the shield thing is probably above her power, since only Lucifer probably can do it and she probably would get in a lot of problems with Heaven if she try to expand Hell in the living world even if it was a fraction along with the other Overlords since there must be a reason why these powerful demons don't try to conquer Earth. Not considering the fact she would hamper the efforts of Earth Bet evacuation efforts.
I personally don't see it as beyond her power, but then her mortal followers would be doing it. Though I mostly would say it's possible because it is a massive ritual that requires not only the city to be conquered by that point, or having the ritual secretly created, and then a lengthy process of the creation of the ritual where the nodes have to stay intact or else the ritual fails. I don't see the dimensional shielding as anything more than something that can be put into place for a short period of time before it has to be recharged. Thus Skitters direct reign in the Megacity will short but that doesn't mean she can not obtain a host and possess it to continune her reign there.

That or the ritual could drag the city to hell itself and suddenly they have to deal with the legions of the damned that Skitter has loyal to herself.

As for problems in Heaven it might simply be academic or it could be a major thing that opposes Taylor alongside the Wardens. Hell could be that after Skitter's first attempt and summoning is stopped by angels who then impose a dictator or something upon the city.

As for the evacuation, it would be continued. After all, dimensional fuckery can be recreated once the dimensional shield is down, only the portal would have to be made anew, or it could just be magic and set to the same place.

In my headcannon each universe has they own versions of Heaven and Hell, so she try too expand Hell Bet power on Gimel may cause problems with Gimel Hell and Heaven over jurisprudence too.
At the moment I won't comment too much on if there are other Hells or other Heavens as I haven't thought as hard on that question.

Would she be mind fucked though, she was starting recover herself at the end of khepri, And im sure QA would be actively trying to hold itself so as not to break best host.
Due to it being a broken trigger scenario there likely would be more than the usual amount of Mindfuckery going on. I see the connection things as a fire and forget kind of thing where you fire, and it is either a hit or miss. With Taylor, the connection is set and now the process is irreversible. QA however would refine the process with each successive connection as it would have to be trial and error until after it is fully successful. Given enough tries, heck maybe even works on the second try, QA would be able to properly connect and Titanification could possibly commence, if not for the fact that when Taylor leaves the mortal realm the connection is severed and QA would have to start again, or get transported to Hell.

With a host body being possessed on the other hand, there needn't be a problem of connection severing as both Taylor and QA could control the body and make it a Titan with them both in charge.
As I said, I don't think that alone would be enough to spur Skitter to action against them, alone. With that however, along with how they are failing the common people, and prosecuting those that support Skitter, and even refuse to give proper incentives to increase farm and food production due to how it may create an early noble class among the citizens, that would for sure be enough to spur Skitter into action against the Wardens and their puppet government. Not to mention the exiling, the rigged elections, the no oversight. All would give Skitter a very good Casus Belli for invasion and conquest.

The way I was setting it up was that the reason Taylor is unable to leave the circle has nothing to do with her demonic nature, but rather has to do with the QA wanting to reconnect, but because of incompatible hardware, it results in a broken trigger thus causing death, chaos, and likely killing Taylor, thus her soul returns to Hell and QA is left with a rapidly crumbling demonic body she has no choice but to pilot until it, itself dies and it is left scanning around for Taylor to show back up again to try again.

I personally don't see it as beyond her power, but then her mortal followers would be doing it. Though I mostly would say it's possible because it is a massive ritual that requires not only the city to be conquered by that point, or having the ritual secretly created, and then a lengthy process of the creation of the ritual where the nodes have to stay intact or else the ritual fails. I don't see the dimensional shielding as anything more than something that can be put into place for a short period of time before it has to be recharged. Thus Skitters direct reign in the Megacity will short but that doesn't mean she can not obtain a host and possess it to continune her reign there.

That or the ritual could drag the city to hell itself and suddenly they have to deal with the legions of the damned that Skitter has loyal to herself.

As for problems in Heaven it might simply be academic or it could be a major thing that opposes Taylor alongside the Wardens. Hell could be that after Skitter's first attempt and summoning is stopped by angels who then impose a dictator or something upon the city.

As for the evacuation, it would be continued. After all, dimensional fuckery can be recreated once the dimensional shield is down, only the portal would have to be made anew, or it could just be magic and set to the same place.

At the moment I won't comment too much on if there are other Hells or other Heavens as I haven't thought as hard on that question.

Due to it being a broken trigger scenario there likely would be more than the usual amount of Mindfuckery going on. I see the connection things as a fire and forget kind of thing where you fire, and it is either a hit or miss. With Taylor, the connection is set and now the process is irreversible. QA however would refine the process with each successive connection as it would have to be trial and error until after it is fully successful. Given enough tries, heck maybe even works on the second try, QA would be able to properly connect and Titanification could possibly commence, if not for the fact that when Taylor leaves the mortal realm the connection is severed and QA would have to start again, or get transported to Hell.

With a host body being possessed on the other hand, there needn't be a problem of connection severing as both Taylor and QA could control the body and make it a Titan with them both in charge.

I want to point out that a titan is pretty much entirely made of shard stuff attempting to mimic what the parahuman looked liked a little bit.

The connection wont really break once a titan exists, because its not so much being connected as being physically fused together.

less like a rope tying to people together, more like the fusion dance.

The upside with becoming a titan is that between taylor's magic and QA's minion focused fuckery it shouldn't be hard at all for a Taylor Titan to just make a small avatar to interact with everyone through.
I want to point out that a titan is pretty much entirely made of shard stuff attempting to mimic what the parahuman looked liked a little bit.

The connection wont really break once a titan exists, because its not so much being connected as being physically fused together.
And that other part will lose connection to the other part, creating a split in personalities as I don't think they fuse the entire shard, however if they did, the process would not be completed as Taylor would dis-corporate herself and dive back into hell to avoid it. Titanification as far as I'm concerned means death, if not physically, then personality death which is just as bad. There may be influence from the old personality, but the original personality is gone from what I've seen.

Also the connection would be lost as the only way to maintain the connection is for Taylor to physically travel back to hell rather than just letting herself be dragged back which is a much more convenient way back to hell. This would also drag anything Moth Taylor related back to hell and leave the shard in complete control of the body.

less like a rope tying to people together, more like the fusion dance.
An abomination against gem life itself. This however also isn't taking into account that it isn't like a fusion dance, if we are using that analogy, but rather a one sided fusion where the host experiences personality death and their memories are absorbed into the shard who then emulates them but was never them in the first place.

The upside with becoming a titan is that between taylor's magic and QA's minion focused fuckery it shouldn't be hard at all for a Taylor Titan to just make a small avatar to interact with everyone through.
This part is very true if they were to go through with Titanification.
And that other part will lose connection to the other part, creating a split in personalities as I don't think they fuse the entire shard, however if they did, the process would not be completed as Taylor would dis-corporate herself and dive back into hell to avoid it. Titanification as far as I'm concerned means death, if not physically, then personality death which is just as bad. There may be influence from the old personality, but the original personality is gone from what I've seen.

Also the connection would be lost as the only way to maintain the connection is for Taylor to physically travel back to hell rather than just letting herself be dragged back which is a much more convenient way back to hell. This would also drag anything Moth Taylor related back to hell and leave the shard in complete control of the body.

An abomination against gem life itself. This however also isn't taking into account that it isn't like a fusion dance, if we are using that analogy, but rather a one sided fusion where the host experiences personality death and their memories are absorbed into the shard who then emulates them but was never them in the first place.

This part is very true if they were to go through with Titanification.

not really?

Dauntless titan is still dauntless, Dauntless's shard is still seperate (mentally).

Its about strength of will and shard host relationship.

if you have a strong mind and good relationship with your power you'll come out titanification pretty much exactly the same mentally.

I mean titan Arachne remained Hunter on the inside.

Also that just means we need to let the shards study hell portals so that they can figure out hell dimensional stuff. then the shards and humans can attack and dethrone god and finally make a less shit universe.
I personally don't see it as beyond her power, but then her mortal followers would be doing it. Though I mostly would say it's possible because it is a massive ritual that requires not only the city to be conquered by that point, or having the ritual secretly created, and then a lengthy process of the creation of the ritual where the nodes have to stay intact or else the ritual fails. I don't see the dimensional shielding as anything more than something that can be put into place for a short period of time before it has to be recharged. Thus Skitters direct reign in the Megacity will short but that doesn't mean she can not obtain a host and possess it to continune her reign there.

I think it is good, the coup happen to put a mysterious dictator that called herself Khepri, that may or may not be the same Khepri of Golden Morning or not even exist in the first place, and troops enforce laws and orders of this faceless leaders while ominous giant towers being constructed across the City under the vague goal of "taking care of the alternative Earths."

That or the ritual could drag the city to hell itself and suddenly they have to deal with the legions of the damned that Skitter has loyal to herself.

This don't sound like Taylor, Hell is not a very good place to live even if you don't count the demons, so I can buy she try to do something to make her walk around freely.

In another note, apparently accord to one of the sneak peaks of Helluva Boss future episodes there is a service of angels called CHERUB that apparently blessed humans per orders of the souls on heaven.
not really?

Dauntless titan is still dauntless, Dauntless's shard is still seperate.

Its about strength of will and shard host relationship.

if you have a strong mind and good relationship with your power you'll come out titanification pretty much exactly the same mentally.

I mean titan Arachne remained Hunter on the inside.

Also that just means we need to let the shards study hell portals so that they can figure out hell dimensional stuff. then the shards and humans can attack and dethrone god and finally make a less shit universe.
I'd have to see it to believe it. Because if it is like that then it seems that it is more that the shards are receiving a personality death by becoming clones of their hosts. In either situation, the few things that I've read of Titanification have been rather disturbing to say the least, especially those snippets where Taylor and QA underwent Titanification from the very start. That was not Taylor in the least and it left a very sour taste in my mouth while reading those.

This don't sound like Taylor, Hell is not a very good place to live even if you don't count the demons, so I can buy she try to do something to make her walk around freely.

In another note, apparently accord to one of the sneak peaks of Helluva Boss future episodes there is a service of angels called CHERUB that apparently blessed humans per orders of the souls on heaven.
Your right it doesn't sound like Taylor, though I was more just throwing the idea out there as I only just thought of it within the last hour or so.

I think it is good, the coup happen to put a mysterious dictator that called herself Khepri, that may or may not be the same Khepri of Golden Morning or not even exist in the first place, and troops enforce laws and orders of this faceless leaders while ominous giant towers being constructed across the City under the vague goal of "taking care of the alternative Earths."
I was more thinking along the Persian model where a dictator is put into power to serve in Khepri's stead once she heads back to hell and that Dictator being a vassel of Khepri's. Kind of like Dr. Breen and the Combine in HL2. The dictator also has direct access and communications with Khepri who is administrating her territory and dealing with Hell based threats while also watching out for outside threats to her various territories, and also supplying the Megacity, developing the Megacity's infrastructure properly, and also guaranteeing where people go when they die. Not to mention levelling the playing field with Parahumans by introducing magic to the world. Also allowing limited access to hell to mortals and the other way around as well.

In her case the reason she was destroying everything was that she had basically really, really angry at how her life had turned out and I can't say I blame her.
I may have to reconsider my position on Titans in this if this is the case as from all of the snippet and interpretations I've read and heard of, that was not the case.

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