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The Skittering Chaos (Worm/Hazbin Hotel)

I was more thinking along the Persian model where a dictator is put into power to serve in Khepri's stead once she heads back to hell and that Dictator being a vassel of Khepri's. Kind of like Dr. Breen and the Combine in HL2. The dictator also has direct access and communications with Khepri who is administrating her territory and dealing with Hell based threats while also watching out for outside threats to her various territories, and also supplying the Megacity, developing the Megacity's infrastructure properly, and also guaranteeing where people go when they die. Not to mention levelling the playing field with Parahumans by introducing magic to the world. Also allowing limited access to hell to mortals and the other way around as well.

Okay but whatever is pointed to the position would appoint Khepri is the actually ruler and they only act on they behalf.
I'd have to see it to believe it. Because if it is like that then it seems that it is more that the shards are receiving a personality death by becoming clones of their hosts. In either situation, the few things that I've read of Titanification have been rather disturbing to say the least, especially those snippets where Taylor and QA underwent Titanification from the very start. That was not Taylor in the least and it left a very sour taste in my mouth while reading those.

Your right it doesn't sound like Taylor, though I was more just throwing the idea out there as I only just thought of it within the last hour or so.

I was more thinking along the Persian model where a dictator is put into power to serve in Khepri's stead once she heads back to hell and that Dictator being a vassel of Khepri's. Kind of like Dr. Breen and the Combine in HL2. The dictator also has direct access and communications with Khepri who is administrating her territory and dealing with Hell based threats while also watching out for outside threats to her various territories, and also supplying the Megacity, developing the Megacity's infrastructure properly, and also guaranteeing where people go when they die. Not to mention levelling the playing field with Parahumans by introducing magic to the world. Also allowing limited access to hell to mortals and the other way around as well.


I may have to reconsider my position on Titans in this if this is the case as from all of the snippet and interpretations I've read and heard of, that was not the case.

alright, shard connections have too axis's, Breadth, and Depth, very broad connections happen when a person triggers very young, this causes the shard to end up distorting and warping thier development as people (Both bonesaw and contessa have this in their own ways)

Deep connections happen when a person's pre-existing personality happens to be highly compatible with their shards desire for conflict... (Like Taylor, or for another example, Jack Slash) Deep connections also tend to have more bleed over to the shard itself, Causing them to end up similar to their host.

The stronger this connection the more in sync the shard and host are, and the more one starts to influence the other, Second trigger tends to both deepen and broaden a connection.

So shards that like their host, have a good connection, and shards that have a good connection start to become more human, or to be more specific they start to become more like their hosts, just as their hosts become more shardlike mentally.

So the shards don't undergo death of personality no matter what, it might seems that though because thier personalities can become similar enough to their hosts and their hosts become similar enough to them that it's hard to tell where one ends and the other begins.

Titanification has a lot of other variance of course.

With titan Oberon the human host was just out right removed entirely, In Titan Eve Fumehood ended up as voice in her shards mind.

Dauntless was a pretty much perfect merger, with the Kronos titan often refusing to move because of its existence across multiple dimensions it could hurt people on some earth or another with any careless actions, showing a clear concern for human life that a regular shard would not have.
alright, shard connections have too axis's, Breadth, and Depth, very broad connections happen when a person triggers very young, this causes the shard to end up distorting and warping thier development as people (Both bonesaw and contessa have this in their own ways)

Deep connections happen when a person's pre-existing personality happens to be highly compatible with their shards desire for conflict... (Like Taylor, or for another example, Jack Slash) Deep connections also tend to have more bleed over to the shard itself, Causing them to end up similar to their host.

The stronger this connection the more in sync the shard and host are, and the more one starts to influence the other, Second trigger tends to both deepen and broaden a connection.

So shards that like their host, have a good connection, and shards that have a good connection start to become more human, or to be more specific they start to become more like their hosts, just as their hosts become more shardlike mentally.

So the shards don't undergo death of personality no matter what, it might seems that though because thier personalities can become similar enough to their hosts and their hosts become similar enough to them that it's hard to tell where one ends and the other begins.

Titanification has a lot of other variance of course.

With titan Oberon the human host was just out right removed entirely, In Titan Eve Fumehood ended up as voice in her shards mind.

Dauntless was a pretty much perfect merger, with the Kronos titan often refusing to move because of its existence across multiple dimensions it could hurt people on some earth or another with any careless actions, showing a clear concern for human life that a regular shard would not have.
That makes much more sense now of why you support Titanification. Then it is a similar process as mantling in the Elder Scrolls, at least where the shard are concerned. The longer a shard is connected to someone, then the more like them until they are essentially them. Though that is only if they have a good enough connection and the shard likes their host enough to want to emulate them and be their host.

Alright, you've sold me at least in part on Titan Taylor with this. However I'm not so sure it will happen in this fic, or if it does, maybe in an epilogue as going through with Titanification would destroy a part of the story I am rather looking forward to.

Edit: That part being Taylor acting almost like a dark god moving her pawns around in order to conquer the city and run it properly. While also manipulating pawns around in Earth Bet, and other places.
That makes much more sense now of why you support Titanification. Then it is a similar process as mantling in the Elder Scrolls, at least where the shard are concerned. The longer a shard is connected to someone, then the more like them until they are essentially them. Though that is only if they have a good enough connection and the shard likes their host enough to want to emulate them and be their host.

Alright, you've sold me at least in part on Titan Taylor with this. However I'm not so sure it will happen in this fic, or if it does, maybe in an epilogue as going through with Titanification would destroy a part of the story I am rather looking forward to.

oh no it definitely isn't something to do without having the plot built to accommodate it after it happens

Write the story the way you want too, I'm just trying to help you keep your mind open.

just to give some better proof that titans don't have to be destructive to one side or the other, heres a quote from Hunter/Titan Arachne.

Cooperation said:
The giantess, helpless to do much of anything, exerted more influence, more control.

And the part of Hunter that was deep within the Titan erupted in a sudden laugh, fighting off the control that tried to subvert her very being. Manic, reckless, defiant, free.

You can't, the glimmer of Hunter deeper still within that manic Hunter thought. I won't let you pull at me or push me. I won't let you make me do things.

Other giants were pressing in now. The Knight, the Mother. The Knight cut through threads. The Mother brought forth life between them, en masse.

Titan, manic 'Mincemaid', and teenage girl acted in concert.

The giantess being referred too is this which was attempting to fight titan arachne when it was busting up earth shin.
As a side-idea, I would enjoy exploring the more mystical side of Taylor being a Demon Lord and empowering her earth-bound cultists.

Lisa being cornered on the roof of a skyscraper by the Wardens seeking to remove the head of the Khepri Cult. Lacking other options, she calls upon Taylor asking for her favor and is infused with demonic power. She sits up on the edge of the skyscraper and she begins laughing. Before the Warden's eyes her hair smolders from blonde into a flowing river of golden flames, her eyes become a raging storm of luminescent green energy. She grins at the Wardens and tells them they are too late before leaning back and falling off the side. When they look over, they only see the searing heat left behind by the boiling shadow dragonfly wings allowing her to fly to safety.
As a side-idea, I would enjoy exploring the more mystical side of Taylor being a Demon Lord and empowering her earth-bound cultists.

Lisa being cornered on the roof of a skyscraper by the Wardens seeking to remove the head of the Khepri Cult. Lacking other options, she calls upon Taylor asking for her favor and is infused with demonic power. She sits up on the edge of the skyscraper and she begins laughing. Before the Warden's eyes her hair smolders from blonde into a flowing river of golden flames, her eyes become a raging storm of luminescent green energy. She grins at the Wardens and tells them they are too late before leaning back and falling off the side. When they look over, they only see the searing heat left behind by the boiling shadow dragonfly wings allowing her to fly to safety.
I had actually planned some things going on with Oliver Thorn. Specifically, I was going to make him something of a Mephistopheles to Taylor's Satan, entering into the other worlds and offering the exiles a place within his lords ranks if they acquiesces to assisting them, while also going around and attempting to gain support in the various places around and within the Megacity. Perhaps even having a run in with some of the Wardens that check up on the exiles.

Vague idea of what Oliver Thorns demonic form might be:

However Lisa would totally be fully in the cult once they come to her attention and have shown her that they are in contact with Taylor, as there are some things going on that are leading to the creation of the cult as well as what would possibly create them in Canon. In the original Canon, I've got the idea that ol' Ollie unfortunately got smacked with some mind control while trying to de-cultify some friends who were a part of the Fallen, here, it's a bit different because of a certain... someone...

However Lisa would totally be fully in the cult once they come to her attention and have shown her that they are in contact with Taylor, as there are some things going on that are leading to the creation of the cult as well as what would possibly create them in Canon. In the original Canon, I've got the idea that ol' Ollie unfortunately got smacked with some mind control while trying to de-cultify some friends who were a part of the Fallen, here, it's a bit different because of a certain... someone...

Lisa is someone that always look all angles before making a decision, thanks to her power, since I don't see her believing in the supernatural or higher power without proper proof and the shard probably never met a demon or angel so it would connected only as a Case 53 that is delusional. The way I see she would only believe that demon, that resemble Taylor, might be something similar as a Case 53 that lost they memories and thinks she is Taylor or is a flawed clone that believe she is the original.
Lisa is someone that always look all angles before making a decision, thanks to her power, since I don't see her believing in the supernatural or higher power without proper proof and the shard probably never met a demon or angel so it would connected only as a Case 53 that is delusional. The way I see she would only believe that demon, that resemble Taylor, might be something similar as a Case 53 that lost they memories and thinks she is Taylor or is a flawed clone that believe she is the original.
That's why I said shown her that they are in contact with Taylor, granted I probably should have said shown her solid proof that they are in contact with Taylor. No at the start Lisa would just believe that they are a wacky cult who's goals are admirable but won't get involved with due to how they have been pissing off the Wardens, the city, and how they are clearly nuts. At most they would get funding to continue to piss off the Wardens as Lisa in Taylor's memory from what I hear is basically trying to stop most conflict within the underworld empire from her laptop, is succeeding, and that is pissing her shard off something fierce as suddenly the cool old Lisa is gone and has been replaced with someone else entirely that they don't like.

No no, Lisa would have to find out for herself whether this "Taylor" is the real deal. Probably won't help her belief when she gets a report that they found Taylor's body, dead and decayed on some empty Earth, with two bullet holes in her skull.
That's why I said shown her that they are in contact with Taylor, granted I probably should have said shown her solid proof that they are in contact with Taylor. No at the start Lisa would just believe that they are a wacky cult who's goals are admirable but won't get involved with due to how they have been pissing off the Wardens, the city, and how they are clearly nuts. At most they would get funding to continue to piss off the Wardens as Lisa in Taylor's memory from what I hear is basically trying to stop most conflict within the underworld empire from her laptop, is succeeding, and that is pissing her shard off something fierce as suddenly the cool old Lisa is gone and has been replaced with someone else entirely that they don't like.

No no, Lisa would have to find out for herself whether this "Taylor" is the real deal. Probably won't help her belief when she gets a report that they found Taylor's body, dead and decayed on some empty Earth, with two bullet holes in her skull.

Well the obvious solution is obvious, let her and taylor have a conversation.

then bring her over to hell.
Another thought is that when Lisa finally is convinced and goes all in on this, she goes all in.

Lisa summoning Taylor for a chat is disgustingly simple given that Taylor is more than willing, eager even, to be summoned, to the point it takes Lisa little more than a sloppy chalk sorta-circle and a catchy limerick to complete the summoning.

This is nowhere near sufficient. She is now the High Priestess in league with Dark Powers. Appearances must be kept after all. She pays several capes and architects to construct a proper place to call up Taylor. Think obsidian floors with a gold inlay pentagram inside concentric runed circles. Cast iron braziers burning with deep red-orange flames(via a well paid cape), positioned just right via hours of very careful architectural planning to cast ominously deep shadows around the room. When doing a summoning Lisa's costume changes from spandex to sheer silks(Hi Parian) and carefully applied body paints(Taylor's reaction is those is wonderful) with minute long chanting that echoes within the room, special vents hidden by the shadows release a mildly sulpherous mist to flow along the floor, while other carefully and laboriously planned vents open and begin pulling a slowly swirling wind centered on the pentagram.

Just...all in. Black wax candles that burn with a poisonous green flame, dark drapes that flutter ominously, Lisa goes the whole mile and then keeps going.
Another thought is that when Lisa finally is convinced and goes all in on this, she goes all in.

Lisa summoning Taylor for a chat is disgustingly simple given that Taylor is more than willing, eager even, to be summoned, to the point it takes Lisa little more than a sloppy chalk sorta-circle and a catchy limerick to complete the summoning.

This is nowhere near sufficient. She is now the High Priestess in league with Dark Powers. Appearances must be kept after all. She pays several capes and architects to construct a proper place to call up Taylor. Think obsidian floors with a gold inlay pentagram inside concentric runed circles. Cast iron braziers burning with deep red-orange flames(via a well paid cape), positioned just right via hours of very careful architectural planning to cast ominously deep shadows around the room. When doing a summoning Lisa's costume changes from spandex to sheer silks(Hi Parian) and carefully applied body paints(Taylor's reaction is those is wonderful) with minute long chanting that echoes within the room, special vents hidden by the shadows release a mildly sulpherous mist to flow along the floor, while other carefully and laboriously planned vents open and begin pulling a slowly swirling wind centered on the pentagram.

Just...all in. Black wax candles that burn with a poisonous green flame, dark drapes that flutter ominously, Lisa goes the whole mile and then keeps going.

Truly lisa knows how to seduce her desired mistress.
Another thought is that when Lisa finally is convinced and goes all in on this, she goes all in.

Lisa summoning Taylor for a chat is disgustingly simple given that Taylor is more than willing, eager even, to be summoned, to the point it takes Lisa little more than a sloppy chalk sorta-circle and a catchy limerick to complete the summoning.

This is nowhere near sufficient. She is now the High Priestess in league with Dark Powers. Appearances must be kept after all. She pays several capes and architects to construct a proper place to call up Taylor. Think obsidian floors with a gold inlay pentagram inside concentric runed circles. Cast iron braziers burning with deep red-orange flames(via a well paid cape), positioned just right via hours of very careful architectural planning to cast ominously deep shadows around the room. When doing a summoning Lisa's costume changes from spandex to sheer silks(Hi Parian) and carefully applied body paints(Taylor's reaction is those is wonderful) with minute long chanting that echoes within the room, special vents hidden by the shadows release a mildly sulpherous mist to flow along the floor, while other carefully and laboriously planned vents open and begin pulling a slowly swirling wind centered on the pentagram.

Just...all in. Black wax candles that burn with a poisonous green flame, dark drapes that flutter ominously, Lisa goes the whole mile and then keeps going.
I can imagine it now. The temple to Skitter is made the First Wonder of Earth Gimel. However with Lisa's resource situation I don't see her being able to do this with more than one room, but she would expand it more and more as she gets more involved with the cult her power starts liking the way she's doing things in a more hands on way than she was before, and things start going back to normal, to the point that by the start of Ward canon, Lisa is financially backing Breakthrough to the annoyance of Victoria, and Lisa has been working on a project that no one knows about, and Lisa is the Rich Queen Bitch she always should have been. Course when it's revealed to Victoria that Lisa is the one in charge she somehow manages to find Lisa's alternate costume of sheer spider silk and body tattoos, as well as maybe a picture that Lisa accidentally kept around of her wearing it.

It would be amusing if Taylor got some of her clones as subordinates and they show up as well one of the times.
In Alistair comic he passed by a building that has police tape, so there is somekind of police force in Pentagram City if the tape is to go by.

In anoter note if you pay attention on the pilot of Hazbin Hotel you can see Heaven on the sky.
In Alistair comic he passed by a building that has police tape, so there is somekind of police force in Pentagram City if the tape is to go by.

In anoter note if you pay attention on the pilot of Hazbin Hotel you can see Heaven on the sky.
I never noticed Heaven in the sky but I did notice the police tape, but it didn't quite click with me due to myself paying more attention to how Vox can see through televisions and could quite possibly have multitasking abilities as great as Taylor does, especially to pull off what he did right there in the comic. That and I was paying attention to Alastor's actions as well. I'll need to read it again with a more analyst point of view.
The episode make a point only in showing up almost in the end of the episode but if someone were to look up would not be able to miss since it it is a white orb with clouds around it and being the only thing in the sky is not red.
Oh yeah, I just looked back and saw it now. Granted I was paying way more attention to the tentacle fucking that Sir. Pentious was getting so I missed that heaven is literally right there.
Considering that such a thing is beyond even good ol' Lucy at the moment I don't think that will be happening any time soon.

However... there is the nuclear option...

Oh jeeze I just realised that for all we know there is the equivalent of a Saturday morning cartoon like thing going on between a bunch of angelic heroes where Lucifer is one of the big bads. Would be amusing if such a thing existed in Viziepop's Hell.
Considering that such a thing is beyond even good ol' Lucy at the moment I don't think that will be happening any time soon.

However... there is the nuclear option...

Oh jeeze I just realised that for all we know there is the equivalent of a Saturday morning cartoon like thing going on between a bunch of angelic heroes where Lucifer is one of the big bads. Would be amusing if such a thing existed in Viziepop's Hell.


Humans > Angels afterall.

Wouldn't it be a bunch of demonic heroes and Michael is one of the big bads?
While browsing Twitter found this and it reminded me of Taylor here, is it close, beside nakedness and the black floof infront?
That looks pretty good not gonna lie. Just needs some darker colours and it could kind of fit what I described, and bigger eyes. But then I also did describe Taylor as being inadvertently cute due to the eyes. Not sure if that is a mistake on my part to make her cute but it is done.
That looks pretty good not gonna lie. Just needs some darker colours and it could kind of fit what I described, and bigger eyes. But then I also did describe Taylor as being inadvertently cute due to the eyes. Not sure if that is a mistake on my part to make her cute but it is done.
I don't like the insinuation that the picture provided is not adorable.
That looks pretty good not gonna lie. Just needs some darker colours and it could kind of fit what I described, and bigger eyes. But then I also did describe Taylor as being inadvertently cute due to the eyes. Not sure if that is a mistake on my part to make her cute but it is done.

its very possible to interpret skitter as "Adorifying" under the right context.

So Making her cute fits just fine, it will just making the reveal of her brutality all the more shocking and disorienting.
That looks pretty good not gonna lie. Just needs some darker colours and it could kind of fit what I described, and bigger eyes. But then I also did describe Taylor as being inadvertently cute due to the eyes. Not sure if that is a mistake on my part to make her cute but it is done.

Kinda wanted to see how big eyes would work on that design, and look at that adorable lil warlord, don't you just wanna give up all your lands and possesions after seeing these eyes?

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