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[X] Actually, you think you're on to something with the thematic genjutsu idea. You just need to find that Jounin. All of the older people go a little pale and uncomfortable when he's mentioned, including the older Uchiha, so you can call that a net win no matter how it goes.
-[X] If that many people fear him, he must be doing SOMETHING right.
[X] Actually, you think you're on to something with the thematic genjutsu idea. You just need to find that Jounin. All of the older people go a little pale and uncomfortable when he's mentioned, including the older Uchiha, so you can call that a net win no matter how it goes.
[x] Actually, you think you're on to something with the thematic genjutsu idea. You just need to find that Jounin. All of the older people go a little pale and uncomfortable when he's mentioned, including the older Uchiha, so you can call that a net win no matter how it goes.
[X] Actually, you think you're on to something with the thematic genjutsu idea. You just need to find that Jounin. All of the older people go a little pale and uncomfortable when he's mentioned, including the older Uchiha, so you can call that a net win no matter how it goes.

This is gonna be good.
[X] Actually, you think you're on to something with the thematic genjutsu idea. You just need to find that Jounin. All of the older people go a little pale and uncomfortable when he's mentioned, including the older Uchiha, so you can call that a net win no matter how it goes
[X] Actually, you think you're on to something with the thematic genjutsu idea. You just need to find that Jounin. All of the older people go a little pale and uncomfortable when he's mentioned, including the older Uchiha, so you can call that a net win no matter how it goes.

I can see it now, Guy getting us as one of his protoge, and the rest of the clan having a collective anuerysm, but can't do much about it because Guy is a jonin and is still one of the best that Konoha has so they can't really insult him that much.

given our beliefs about Taijutsu and not needing a style due to our eyes, I'm fairly sure Gai would lecture us rather then take us on.

[X] Actually, you think you're on to something with the thematic genjutsu idea. You just need to find that Jounin. All of the older people go a little pale and uncomfortable when he's mentioned, including the older Uchiha, so you can call that a net win no matter how it goes.
-[X] If that many people fear him, he must be doing SOMETHING right.
[X] Actually, you think you're on to something with the thematic genjutsu idea. You just need to find that Jounin. All of the older people go a little pale and uncomfortable when he's mentioned, including the older Uchiha, so you can call that a net win no matter how it goes.
[X] Actually, you think you're on to something with the thematic genjutsu idea. You just need to find that Jounin. All of the older people go a little pale and uncomfortable when he's mentioned, including the older Uchiha, so you can call that a net win no matter how it goes.
-[X] If that many people fear him, he must be doing SOMETHING right.
[X] Actually, you think you're on to something with the thematic genjutsu idea. You just need to find that Jounin. All of the older people go a little pale and uncomfortable when he's mentioned, including the older Uchiha, so you can call that a net win no matter how it goes.

This promises to be amazingly amuzing. All the more augmented by the Author's awesome artistry.
[X] Actually, you think you're on to something with the thematic genjutsu idea. You just need to find that Jounin. All of the older people go a little pale and uncomfortable when he's mentioned, including the older Uchiha, so you can call that a net win no matter how it goes.
-[X] If that many people fear him, he must be doing SOMETHING right.
[X] Actually, you think you're on to something with the thematic genjutsu idea. You just need to find that Jounin. All of the older people go a little pale and uncomfortable when he's mentioned, including the older Uchiha, so you can call that a net win no matter how it goes.
-[X] If that many people fear him, he must be doing SOMETHING right.

FUcking YES, GAi!
[X] Actually, you think you're on to something with the thematic genjutsu idea. You just need to find that Jounin. All of the older people go a little pale and uncomfortable when he's mentioned, including the older Uchiha, so you can call that a net win no matter how it goes.
-[X] If that many people fear him, he must be doing SOMETHING right.
[X] Actually, you think you're on to something with the thematic genjutsu idea. You just need to find that Jounin. All of the older people go a little pale and uncomfortable when he's mentioned, including the older Uchiha, so you can call that a net win no matter how it goes.
[X] You could hit the library for something. (What?)
-[X] Torture resistance techniques.
[X] Actually, you think you're on to something with the thematic genjutsu idea. You just need to find that Jounin. All of the older people go a little pale and uncomfortable when he's mentioned, including the older Uchiha, so you can call that a net win no matter how it goes.
-[X] If that many people fear him, he must be doing SOMETHING right.

[X ] You can practice stealth and espionage skills. By which you mean you'll lurk around the slums, sniff around for gossip, and if you're lucky you might finally catch a pickpocket in the act. That would be a victory on two counts, learning to pick pockets, and a justified target.​

I shall stand against the endless tide.​

"That's right! I, Mio, am the sun!" you declare, stomping up onto a desk and pointing dramatically. "I, Mio, am malevolent flame and death given form, and it is only by my benevolent forbearance that your crops continue to grow, only by my whim that basking in my glory produces only a subtle warmth! Praise me for my natural mercy!"

I missed you Mio.
[X] Actually, you think you're on to something with the thematic genjutsu idea. You just need to find that Jounin. All of the older people go a little pale and uncomfortable when he's mentioned, including the older Uchiha, so you can call that a net win no matter how it goes.
[X] Actually, you think you're on to something with the thematic genjutsu idea. You just need to find that Jounin. All of the older people go a little pale and uncomfortable when he's mentioned, including the older Uchiha, so you can call that a net win no matter how it goes.
-[X] If that many people fear him, he must be doing SOMETHING right.

Yosh! Mio shall burn with the fires of Youth!
[X] Actually, you think you're on to something with the thematic genjutsu idea. You just need to find that Jounin. All of the older people go a little pale and uncomfortable when he's mentioned, including the older Uchiha, so you can call that a net win no matter how it goes.
-[X] If that many people fear him, he must be doing SOMETHING right.

Set chuuni thrusters to max. We're going where no chuuni has ever gone before!
'Future Jounin', one of the instructors grumbles darkly, under his breath.

This is one smart teacher.

[X] Actually, you think you're on to something with the thematic genjutsu idea. You just need to find that Jounin. All of the older people go a little pale and uncomfortable when he's mentioned, including the older Uchiha, so you can call that a net win no matter how it goes.
-[X] If that many people fear him, he must be doing SOMETHING right.
[X] Actually, you think you're on to something with the thematic genjutsu idea. You just need to find that Jounin. All of the older people go a little pale and uncomfortable when he's mentioned, including the older Uchiha, so you can call that a net win no matter how it goes.
-[X] If that many people fear him, he must be doing SOMETHING right.
Basically ninja-pokemon
Yeah, you think you'll go with the theme genjutsu. Illusions are supposed to be a specialty of your clan anyway, even if they're pretty much disregarded in favor of flashy and highly visible ninjutsu these days. What you need to do is grandstand in a similar way with illusions.

Which means you need to find that Jounin. It's a simple step from one to the other. Now, if you were a Jounin, you would be... training, most likely. And where else would you train but the training grounds?

Well, it's not that you couldn't train elsewhere, but you would probably cause a scene if you were practicing ninjutsu in the market square or throwing up illusions in the bath-houses.

You quickly rule out the private, clan-owned and operated training grounds that are there for practicing secret techniques and bloodline abilities, and make your way around town, glancing across the occupants, or lack thereof, briefly before moving on.

There's some that are just too big to be covered by a quick glance, needing a couple of minutes of searching, and you genuinely won't be allowed into some others under any circumstances, due to their general lethality from one thing or another. The forest of death and the halls of infinite torment, for a start. Those are chunin and jounin ranked training grounds. If your target is in there, then there's no way that an academy student is getting entry.

You strike it lucky, though, and find your target in a sparring match.

"HUUUUOOOOH!" Maito Gai howls, muscles rippling beneath a skin-tight green jumpsuit that would conceal literally nothing if it weren't for the cup protection.

"Hah!" his opponent, similarly on nearly-full display through the fishnets, cries, flinging a fistful of venomous snakes from the voluminous sleeves of her overcoat.

Or so it seems.

With a puff of smoke an oversized snapping turtle appears, biting the heads off of all the serpents in one smooth motion. The woman isn't discouraged though, and more snakes rise up from the grass.

Neither opponent is resorting to more direct combat, with any other form of jutsu. Is this a pure summoning battle? Not the sort of thing that ever actually happens in combat, but for training...

You seat yourself and watch, pupils twirling. Eventually, the woman is left on her hands and knees, panting for breath.

"HAHAHA!" Gai bellows, posing with his fists at his hips. "Excellent work! I would say... another month of strict training with your summons at most, and you'll be well qualified for Special Jounin on that merit alone. Usually just displaying a boss summon would be enough to meet qualifications, but..."

"Yeah, fuck Manda." the woman grunts.

You clap lazily, drawing their attention. In theory, anyway. You doubt that either of them actually didn't notice you.

"Oho? We have an audience." Gai laughs, heartily.

"Some would call that-" "-spying." the woman says, last word right in your ear from behind. The afterimage of her on the ground blurs away...

... No, it's not that you didn't see it happening, with your Sharingan active. You recognized the movement, in less than the time it took to blink an eye. It just didn't matter, because there was no way you could respond in that frame of time.

She brushes your hair slightly out of the way. With the tip of a kunai.

"Aw, what a cute little infiltrator." she hums. "... Sharin-? Oho, so you're the Uchiha's anomaly."

"That's Queen freak of nature, if you don't mind." you huff, crossing your arms.

This sets the woman off in a laughing fit for some reason, as Gai frowns.

"Shouldn't you be at the academy right now?" he asks.

"Shouldn't you?" you counter. Not your best effort.

"No, I don't believe so. Wait, or was I scheduled...?" Gai says, and then pulls a day planner from... somewhere, and starts flipping through it rapidly.

"A summoning battle is more interesting anyway." you claim. "Isn't that really tiring?"

"Oh yeah." the woman agrees. "Not the worst, but it's up there. I bet you saw the summoning technique in there? No point hiding it from an Uchiha, I guess, and it's not hard to dig up in the library anyway. Little bit of blood, then it's boar, dog, bird, monkey, then ram. So easy even a genin can do it."

You didn't actually catch that, but you nod anyway, quick to capitalize on the assumption of superiority.

"Anko!" Gai interrupts, putting his day-planner back away in a quick movement. "How unyouthful of you! You can't just hand out the hand-signs for the summoning technique without a warning like that!"

"Warning...?" the Anko woman replies, coquettishly. "Oh? You mean you don't think the tiniest Uchiha in the village is smart enough to look up the drawbacks of a jutsu before using it? It's not like it's my fault anyway, kids already copied the technique. Check out those eyes."

"Don't try to use that technique." Gai continues, ignoring Anko's mischief. "Not without signing a contract first. It's dangerous."

"How so?" you ask, politely enough, realizing that you probably shouldn't offend the man until you've gotten what you want.

"Hm... simply put, even if you are successful, if you use the technique without a contract then instead of summoning something to you, it will summon you to something. You understand?" Gai says. "In theory, to the home of whatever is your 'best match'. This isn't as much of a problem if you happen to go to the home of monkey or rabbit summons, but if it happens to be some kind of fish, you may arrive at the bottom of the ocean. That aside, there are some summons that don't appear to live in any known location at all, anywhere in the world."

Illuminating. Not what you came here for, though.


[ ] ??
[X] Nice info, but that's not what I came here from. I heard you know a thing or two about thematic genjutsu?
[X] - "So; don't do the thing I just memorized unless I'm okay with a lottery pick of some crazy animal group which may or may not try to kill me for the sudden appearance - got it. Not what I came here for, though."
-[X] - Explain that you think its horsecrap you only have words, posing, and your own body to grab attention when you want to be fabulous and eye-catching, in action or word. This is clearly horseshit, and word on the street is that mister muscles is the premier guy for twisting reality to properly emphasize his actions when he wants attention. Mio want, and Mio want bad.
--[X] Compare the two again, just to be sure, but... huh. You were totally not expecting mister totally-not-bodypaint to be the supreme flaunter here, but there it is. Pester the both of them about this, as whatever else it is what they're doing is a core attention-grabbing system, and that's clearly up your alley.
Now, we have to be careful on how we do this, because remember boys and girls: we're on a deathcounter. Itachi is going to do something stupid soon, and that will result in every Uchiha being killed except that whining pustular, Sasuke.

So we have to be smart about what we try to glean from these two.

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