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[X] Aw shit, did you get your trainee-goon/stylist (you're STILL loving the loud look) suckerpunched there? That's the sort of stuff that might make him not share his next big idea on how to be the center of attention - can't have that.
-[X] Go wake Naruto back up for class, apologize... and then you're pretty sure that bell was the class bell, wasn't it? Time to go sleep and mull your inspiration over.
[X] Aw shit, did you get your trainee-goon/stylist (you're STILL loving the loud look) suckerpunched there? That's the sort of stuff that might make him not share his next big idea on how to be the center of attention - can't have that.
-[X] Go wake Naruto back up for class, apologize... and then you're pretty sure that bell was the class bell, wasn't it? Time to go sleep and mull your inspiration over.
[X] Pick up a student and throw them at another student. "Riot!"
[X] Aw shit, did you get your trainee-goon/stylist (you're STILL loving the loud look) suckerpunched there? That's the sort of stuff that might make him not share his next big idea on how to be the center of attention - can't have that.
-[X] Go wake Naruto back up for class, apologize... and then you're pretty sure that bell was the class bell, wasn't it? Time to go sleep and mull your inspiration over.
[X] "Oops." Shrug apologetically. Maybe you can talk this out?
I am curious what the RIOT voters think will happen, exactly - did you think that:
  1. The bell sound we just heard, while at school before class, is not a bell denoting class's start?
  2. That the students who have happily watched this happen without any hint they'd do anything will, now that MIO's chucking some of them, get involved?
  3. That instructors - who we've seen step in to prevent learning-contrary events at the academy before - will tolerate a significant fraction of students getting involved in a schoolyard brawl that could engender resentment against many future prospective fellow Leaf Nin?
There are more than a couple reasons to assume that such a vote just plain won't work.

I mean, I applaud the MIO IC-ness of it; totally ignoring what you know about not-MIO entities in favor of what MIO expects/wants of them, disregarding environmental context (bell ringing at a school place right before classes are supposed to start, perhaps it's the class bell) and generally treating unnamed NPCs with all the ignoble 'respect' they deserve - but I'd like to think the quest has hammered home that MIO doesn't auto-succeed in her narcissistic delusions.

...Do you guys want a failed riot attempt that does nothing to smooth feathers and also has the best chance of any vote of actually resulting in school punishment (detracting from a gaggle of student's education rather than just one or two)? Because if you do that at least makes this a sensible vote. Barring that though - this seems like iteration #193 of Chibi-quest voters seeing a neatly phrased premade and just going 'that sounds cool' without any regard for how often Chibi's had 'that sounds fun' votes result in failure and tears. Fun to read failure and tears, to be sure, but still.

In a certain sense the RIOT votes make even less sense to me than the OOPS one - at least the OOPS one has the excuse of 'well sure MIO was just shown to be incapable of competent speech at the moment due to sleep deprivation, but riding the adrenaline high post-combat could dodge around that problem', as that's pretty well grounded in reality, even if MIO's very nature strikes me as antithetical to Hinata's own.
[X] Aw shit, did you get your trainee-goon/stylist (you're STILL loving the loud look) suckerpunched there? That's the sort of stuff that might make him not share his next big idea on how to be the center of attention - can't have that.
-[X] Go wake Naruto back up for class, apologize... and then you're pretty sure that bell was the class bell, wasn't it? Time to go sleep and mull your inspiration over.
[X] Pick up a student and throw them at another student. "Riot!"
I am curious what the RIOT voters think will happen, exactly - did you think that:
  1. The bell sound we just heard, while at school before class, is not a bell denoting class's start?
  2. That the students who have happily watched this happen without any hint they'd do anything will, now that MIO's chucking some of them, get involved?
  3. That instructors - who we've seen step in to prevent learning-contrary events at the academy before - will tolerate a significant fraction of students getting involved in a schoolyard brawl that could engender resentment against many future prospective fellow Leaf Nin?
There are more than a couple reasons to assume that such a vote just plain won't work.

I mean, I applaud the MIO IC-ness of it; totally ignoring what you know about not-MIO entities in favor of what MIO expects/wants of them, disregarding environmental context (bell ringing at a school place right before classes are supposed to start, perhaps it's the class bell) and generally treating unnamed NPCs with all the ignoble 'respect' they deserve - but I'd like to think the quest has hammered home that MIO doesn't auto-succeed in her narcissistic delusions.

...Do you guys want a failed riot attempt that does nothing to smooth feathers and also has the best chance of any vote of actually resulting in school punishment (detracting from a gaggle of student's education rather than just one or two)? Because if you do that at least makes this a sensible vote. Barring that though - this seems like iteration #193 of Chibi-quest voters seeing a neatly phrased premade and just going 'that sounds cool' without any regard for how often Chibi's had 'that sounds fun' votes result in failure and tears. Fun to read failure and tears, to be sure, but still.

In a certain sense the RIOT votes make even less sense to me than the OOPS one - at least the OOPS one has the excuse of 'well sure MIO was just shown to be incapable of competent speech at the moment due to sleep deprivation, but riding the adrenaline high post-combat could dodge around that problem', as that's pretty well grounded in reality, even if MIO's very nature strikes me as antithetical to Hinata's own.
MIO can't always usually pick the MIO-like route that leads to her benefit.
I am curious what the RIOT voters think will happen, exactly - did you think that:
  1. The bell sound we just heard, while at school before class, is not a bell denoting class's start?
  2. That the students who have happily watched this happen without any hint they'd do anything will, now that MIO's chucking some of them, get involved?
  3. That instructors - who we've seen step in to prevent learning-contrary events at the academy before - will tolerate a significant fraction of students getting involved in a schoolyard brawl that could engender resentment against many future prospective fellow Leaf Nin?
There are more than a couple reasons to assume that such a vote just plain won't work.

I mean, I applaud the MIO IC-ness of it; totally ignoring what you know about not-MIO entities in favor of what MIO expects/wants of them, disregarding environmental context (bell ringing at a school place right before classes are supposed to start, perhaps it's the class bell) and generally treating unnamed NPCs with all the ignoble 'respect' they deserve - but I'd like to think the quest has hammered home that MIO doesn't auto-succeed in her narcissistic delusions.

...Do you guys want a failed riot attempt that does nothing to smooth feathers and also has the best chance of any vote of actually resulting in school punishment (detracting from a gaggle of student's education rather than just one or two)? Because if you do that at least makes this a sensible vote. Barring that though - this seems like iteration #193 of Chibi-quest voters seeing a neatly phrased premade and just going 'that sounds cool' without any regard for how often Chibi's had 'that sounds fun' votes result in failure and tears. Fun to read failure and tears, to be sure, but still.

In a certain sense the RIOT votes make even less sense to me than the OOPS one - at least the OOPS one has the excuse of 'well sure MIO was just shown to be incapable of competent speech at the moment due to sleep deprivation, but riding the adrenaline high post-combat could dodge around that problem', as that's pretty well grounded in reality, even if MIO's very nature strikes me as antithetical to Hinata's own.

By the same measure, I'm confused how you think Hinata is going to let Mio just wander on over and pick Naruto up. I'm pretty sure that:
  1. As you noted here, Mio isn't exactly in a state to communicate
  2. Naruto is out like a light - Hinata was aiming to put Mio under for her own good, after all
  3. Hinata is pissed the fuck off and is about to try a lot harder to beat Mio's ass into the floor
I don't think any attempt at in-character de-escalation is going to pay off here.
[X] "Oops." Shrug apologetically. Maybe you can talk this out?
[X] Aw shit, did you get your trainee-goon/stylist (you're STILL loving the loud look) suckerpunched there? That's the sort of stuff that might make him not share his next big idea on how to be the center of attention - can't have that.
-[X] Go wake Naruto back up for class, apologize... and then you're pretty sure that bell was the class bell, wasn't it? Time to gosleep and mull your inspiration over.
[X] "Oops." Shrug apologetically. Maybe you can talk this out?

I have trouble remembering, but I think we actually kind of like Naruto in this one. Poor bitchcakes got caked by his bitch.
[X] "Oops." Shrug apologetically. Maybe you can talk this out?

Honestly the people voting for trying to wake Naruto up seem to be forgetting that Hinata is in HULK ANGRY mode now. She's not going to let us anywhere near Naruto. We're probably going to be a life or death battle inside the next 3 seconds.
[x] That seemed to piss Hinata off more than anything else you've ever seen. Time to experiment. Pull the replacement with Naruto again.
[X] Pick up a student and throw them at another student. "Riot!"
I am curious what the RIOT voters think will happen, exactly
I think that it's the most interesting option, it has the best chance of defeating the write-in, from what I can see, which I dislike, and that I don't want to be vote-shamed.
I am curious what the RIOT voters think will happen, exactly - did you think that:

Well, I certainly think what's NOT going to happen is Hinata "accidentally" crippling us for causing her to attack Naruto.

As for all other consequences, I'm sure there's going to be a lot.
Actually, there is something to be said for the value of building muscle memory equivalents even when so tired you're in a fugue. So far as I've seen there isn't any research suggesting sleep deprivation turns off the... more basic parts of how the brain processes stuff - it kinda can't since lots of that overlaps with stuff needed to keep you breathing/heart beating, etc. For sure she's likely not going to remember discreet notions and theories about what she's doing, but plenty of how the brain processes doesn't get impacted by any but the most severe of cognition disturbing lack-of-sleep - as in so severe that she'd be actually imminently dead from lack of sleep. Ingraining new reflexes/muscle memory/subconscious familiarity is all in that more resilient group. Of course, chakra could easily flip the table on all this real world based nonsense I'm farting out, so this is merely a tentative guess until we have in-quest precedent.
Or the real world effects of decreased coordination, decreased focus, impairment of judgement, etc, could be preventing her from actually doing anything with the technique. Remember the point wasn't just to vent Chakra, it was to use the chakra to create an illusion. And she's made no progress on that end of things, possibly due to being so horribly sleep deprived. Or rather, had made no progress when I made the comment. She's now made a breakthrough, though I don't know if it's going to help her with genjutsu, it's certainly interesting and will probably lead to something new.
[X] Pick up a student and throw them at another student. "Riot!"
[X] Aw shit, did you get your trainee-goon/stylist (you're STILL loving the loud look) suckerpunched there? That's the sort of stuff that might make him not share his next big idea on how to be the center of attention - can't have that.
-[X] Go wake Naruto back up for class, apologize... and then you're pretty sure that bell was the class bell, wasn't it? Time to go sleep and mull your inspiration over.
[X] Aw shit, did you get your trainee-goon/stylist (you're STILL loving the loud look) suckerpunched there? That's the sort of stuff that might make him not share his next big idea on how to be the center of attention - can't have that.
-[X] Go wake Naruto back up for class, apologize... and then you're pretty sure that bell was the class bell, wasn't it? Time to go sleep and mull your inspiration over.
[X] Pick up a student and throw them at another student. "Riot!"
[X] Aw shit, did you get your trainee-goon/stylist (you're STILL loving the loud look) suckerpunched there? That's the sort of stuff that might make him not share his next big idea on how to be the center of attention - can't have that.
-[X] Go wake Naruto back up for class, apologize... and then you're pretty sure that bell was the class bell, wasn't it? Time to go sleep and mull your inspiration over.

Since trying to diplomaticaly slur our way out doesnt seem to have much traction and startign a riot is not something I wanna do just yet I'm jumping to bob's boat.
[X] Aw shit, did you get your trainee-goon/stylist (you're STILL loving the loud look) suckerpunched there? That's the sort of stuff that might make him not share his next big idea on how to be the center of attention - can't have that.
-[X] Go wake Naruto back up for class, apologize... and then you're pretty sure that bell was the class bell, wasn't it? Time to go sleep and mull your inspiration over.
[X] Pick up a student and throw them at another student. "Riot!"

This is the most MIO of responses.
[X] Aw shit, did you get your trainee-goon/stylist (you're STILL loving the loud look) suckerpunched there? That's the sort of stuff that might make him not share his next big idea on how to be the center of attention - can't have that.
-[X] Go wake Naruto back up for class, apologize... and then you're pretty sure that bell was the class bell, wasn't it? Time to go sleep and mull your inspiration over.

So glad to have been introduced to this, though unfortunately delayed on my own account

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