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Well, on the plus side, from a meta point of view this may turn out to be a huge confidence booster for Hinata.

Of course, I fully expect the asshole elders will kick our shit in for letting our shit get kicked in. They're dicks like that.
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[X] Aw shit, did you get your trainee-goon/stylist (you're STILL loving the loud look) suckerpunched there? That's the sort of stuff that might make him not share his next big idea on how to be the center of attention - can't have that.
-[X] Go wake Naruto back up for class, apologize... and then you're pretty sure that bell was the class bell, wasn't it? Time to go sleep and mull your inspiration over.
We already have too many mortal threats. Or did you forget Itachi, our fuckwad Elders, and the ninja lifestyle?
None of those are mortal enemies from within our peer group and thus do not count for this. Some day if everything goes right Hinata will attempt to strike us down. She will fail of course, and flee the village as a traitor. Her hatred will grow over how we stole Naruto and ruined her life. Then when she has grown stronger and the time is right she will return to finish the murderous job she started!
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[X] "Oops." Shrug apologetically. Maybe you can talk this out?
None of those are mortal enemies from within our peer group and thus do not count for this. Some day if everything goes right Hinata's will attempt to strike us down. She will fail of course, and flee the village as a traitor. Her hatred will grow over how we stole Naruto and ruined her life. Then when she has grown stronger and the time is right she will return to finish the murderous job she started!
*Whaps mc2rpg across the nose with a rolled up newspaper*

NO! Bad!

In all seriousness, whilst I think getting pasted by Hinata is pretty much inevitable here whatever we do, I do wish people weren't voting for what amounts to giving her a free shot.
While I doubt it'd go as far as outright hatred both Mio and Hinata could use peers who not only challenge each other but push one another to be better. I can see them working as either friends or rivals. They'd be good for each other.
While I doubt it'd go as far as outright hatred both Mio and Hinata could use peers who not only challenge each other but push one another to be better. I can see them working as either friends or rivals. They'd be good for each other.
Don't worry, Mio won't have any hatred for Hinata at all, and probably won't acknowledge the truth of Hinata's soul-crushing rage. Therefore it is ok!
[X] Pick up a student and throw them at another student. "Riot!"
-[X] "First knock out may have gone to you Hyuuga-chan, but I the great MIO will not be outdone!!"

Edit: changing to the write-in by Winged One
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[X] Pick up a student and throw them at another student. "Riot!"
Actually, there is something to be said for the value of building muscle memory equivalents even when so tired you're in a fugue. So far as I've seen there isn't any research suggesting sleep deprivation turns off the... more basic parts of how the brain processes stuff - it kinda can't since lots of that overlaps with stuff needed to keep you breathing/heart beating, etc. For sure she's likely not going to remember discreet notions and theories about what she's doing, but plenty of how the brain processes doesn't get impacted by any but the most severe of cognition disturbing lack-of-sleep - as in so severe that she'd be actually imminently dead from lack of sleep. Ingraining new reflexes/muscle memory/subconscious familiarity is all in that more resilient group.

These kinda ideas pop up a lot in media that involve martial arts, but in fact, in elite athletic programs, drilling technique to failure is not best practices, because you will be encoding wrong movement engrams. It's all about maximizing neural drive; drilling while tired simply means you're teaching your body to move like its tired even when you're fresh in a real match. Periodization is key.
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These kinda ideas pop up a lot in media that involve martial arts, but in fact, in elite athletic programs, drilling technique to failure is not best practices, because you will be encoding wrong movement engrams. It's all about maximizing neural drive; drilling while tired simply means you're teaching your body to move like its tired even when you're fresh in a real match. Periodization is key.
Drilling while tired, however, *is* good training for both the willpower to push yourself to your limits, and the techniques to compensate for it when you do so that you can maintain at least *some* level of effectiveness. Perhaps more importantly, it tells you where your limits are, so you can plan around them - if you know that you're about to hit a wall, and you know about how much it's going to take out of you, you can deal with it better than if it just hits you. If you can do an all-nighter one night, be functional the next day, and then eke out a third day with four hours of sleep, but you *need* those four hours of sleep... that's pertinent information.

Not saying that that's why she's doing it, or that it makes what she's doing a good idea. Just saying that there are circumstances where driving yourself to exhaustion and continuing to push yourself can be useful from a training standpoint.
These kinda ideas pop up a lot in media that involve martial arts, but in fact, in elite athletic programs, drilling technique to failure is not best practices, because you will be encoding wrong movement engrams. It's all about maximizing neural drive; drilling while tired simply means you're teaching your body to move like its tired even when you're fresh in a real match. Periodization is key.
That irrelevant to what you quoted though.
Not saying that that's why she's doing it, or that it makes what she's doing a good idea. Just saying that there are circumstances where driving yourself to exhaustion and continuing to push yourself can be useful from a training standpoint.

I sure thought was the communicated point of my earlier post - that is, asserting that there was some form of constructive merit to the thing MIO'd been confirmed as doing (exhausted practice) rather than remotely attempting to assert it as some sort of best practice method - but apparently not (disclaimer; this is not an assertion that this was your own stance).

Who would have thought that nuance would be easily missed/lost when discussing things on the internet - surely I am as shocked as could be!
[X] Aw shit, did you get your trainee-goon/stylist (you're STILL loving the loud look) suckerpunched there? That's the sort of stuff that might make him not share his next big idea on how to be the center of attention - can't have that.
-[X] Go wake Naruto back up for class, apologize... and then you're pretty sure that bell was the class bell, wasn't it? Time to go sleep and mull your inspiration over.
holy shit...!
The difference was that you moved within the area that your chakra was already clouding up, the zone of control where your chakra filled the air? In terms of the technique... you weren't moving your body somewhere far away. Your chakra system is a part of your body, and so the effect of having part of the chakra still... technically inside of your system, but outside of your body...
translation: you are within the field of my divination

[X] Aw shit, did you get your trainee-goon/stylist (you're STILL loving the loud look) suckerpunched there? That's the sort of stuff that might make him not share his next big idea on how to be the center of attention - can't have that.
-[X] Go wake Naruto back up for class, apologize... and then you're pretty sure that bell was the class bell, wasn't it? Time to go sleep and mull your inspiration over.
[X] Aw shit, did you get your trainee-goon/stylist (you're STILL loving the loud look) suckerpunched there? That's the sort of stuff that might make him not share his next big idea on how to be the center of attention - can't have that.
-[X] Go wake Naruto back up for class, apologize... and then you're pretty sure that bell was the class bell, wasn't it? Time to go sleep and mull your inspiration over.

So Mio always has the Sharingan actiavted? Unless specified otherwise? And she has regular photographic memory when its not activated, but doesn't have the crystal clear quality of the Sharingan, so she gets confused and thinks her non Sharingan memory is playing tricks on her.

Useful insight into the nature of chakra. I have a feeling that Gai is doing something a lot more subtle that just holding vented chakra and manipulating it, but I have no extra ideas.

Edit: Also, I feel like is good for Hinata. It shows people that she does have what it takes to stand up for herself. WIth that in mind, shouldn't this vote include something about her?
[x] Point at Hinata accusingly. "How dare you attack my stylist like that!"
-[x] Pick someone out of the crowd and order them to get Naruto medical attention, then kawarimi with them when Hinata attacks.
[X] "Oops." Shrug apologetically. Maybe you can talk this out?
[X] "Oops." Shrug apologetically.
-[X] Pick up a student and throw them at another student. "Riot!"
I would just like to say to everyone who is voting oops, that Hinata is quite possibly more angry than she has ever been and for the first time in her life likely has a strong desire to hurt a ***** (who just so happens to be Mio.) I don't think saying oops is going to help Mio get out of this without getting her chakra network locked down painfully.

Also, if Mio loses it is probable that the Elders will punish her painfully.

So I think we need to find someway to either escape this situation (i.e. retreat without it looking like we ran), defeat Hinata (unlikely in Mio's current state), somehow fight to a draw (unlikely but not as much as beating Hinata), or maybe somehow getting the teachers attention in a way that stops Hinata pummeling Mio without it looking bad for Mio (because ultimately if this situation has Mio looking bad then the Elders will make her feel it for making the Uchiha look bad.)
On the other hand if Hinata fights us, and wins, then that might help quite a lot with her confidence, and her own home life, though probably at the expense of ours, to be fair however I feel the Elders punishing us is not so much a deterant as it is a challenge, because fuck those guys.

That said if we do end up fighting Hinata, whether we win or lose, I'd like this to motivate us into bugging her more often, after all a friendly rivalry could probably do the both of us some good, and with the way she acted about him we could motivate her by involving Naruto in our schemes, after all with Mio being rather over the top we could use a "voice of reason" type to ground us, a bonus if the interaction with us turns her into a snarky straight man type.

Also as a side note, and I'm not sure if it's been said before, but I totally want us to get good at genjutsu/henge so we can be all like "You thought it was X, but it was I Mio!" to those we mess with.
That said if we do end up fighting Hinata, whether we win or lose, I'd like this to motivate us into bugging her more often, after all a friendly rivalry could probably do the both of us some good, and with the way she acted about him we could motivate her by involving Naruto in our schemes, after all with Mio being rather over the top we could use a "voice of reason" type to ground us, a bonus if the interaction with us turns her into a snarky straight man type.
As far as I can tell, we just completely destroyed our relationship with Hinata, convincing her that we are exactly as much of a preening, empathy-impaired douchebag as our appearance and mannerisms imply. This is the "Todd finding out about what Bojack Horseman did to his rock opera" of Twisted Pinwheel.
Can we please just let this quest go to sleep for a while, until Chibi feels like updating again? It's been a month since the last story update, and most of the people who voted aren't going to change their votes this late into it, however valid your arguments might be.
As far as I can tell, we just completely destroyed our relationship with Hinata, convincing her that we are exactly as much of a preening, empathy-impaired douchebag as our appearance and mannerisms imply. This is the "Todd finding out about what Bojack Horseman did to his rock opera" of Twisted Pinwheel.
Right now we don't really have a relationship with Hinata, as far as I remember, at least other than as classmates, this is like the first time we've interacted with her, and it's not like what happened is at blood feud level or anything. This seems more like just a minor scuffle in a combat(assasin) academy, fights like this are probably a dime a dozen for one reason or another.
Honestly all that's happened so far is that we were doing something rather risky, Hinata told us to stop, we rudely told her to make us, we fight a bit, naruto gets hit and ko'ed, and now here we are, probably about to say something "smart" and rub in some salt.

Now I fully expect her not to like us after this, and she might start going out of her way to get in ours, at least initially, but I doubt we are going to stop hanging out with Naruto, so at some point we'll have to have some manner of recnociliation. Also when/if she beats us I imagine our pride would not let us ignore her from then on, so I could see us developing a Gai-Kakashi sort of thing.
Actually, there is one possible way to salvage the possibility of Hinata not hating us, and also not get us tortured. It would give MIO a hidden serious side, though.

[] Shout for a medic-nin to take care of your minion. This fight is a draw. If any adults ask questions, this was a training accident.

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