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You are insane. It would probably work, but you are insane for comming up with it. Though we could probably just replace all of the parts of our eyes that stopped working with come bullshit trick that we would come up with anyway.
Wait, you mean you've actually never heard of that idea?! I thought practically everybody who read Naruto ever had thought of that, and just came up with their own bullcrap headcanon reason why it wouldn't work.

EDIT: I mean the swapping eyeballs thing, not the stand. If you were talking about the stand, then well yeah, of course I'm crazy. I spend hours each day on Spacebattles.
Wait, you mean you've actually never heard of that idea?! I thought practically everybody who read Naruto ever had thought of that, and just came up with their own bullcrap headcanon reason why it wouldn't work.

EDIT: I mean the swapping eyeballs thing, not the stand. If you were talking about the stand, then well yeah, of course I'm crazy. I spend hours each day on Spacebattles.
Nope. Not once. I don't think anyone else has either. Anyone else want to chime in on this?
Nope. Not once. I don't think anyone else has either. Anyone else want to chime in on this?
Huh. Well, MY reason why I think it wouldn't work in canon is related to a post I made a while back in the thread about the nature of bloodline limits descended from the Sage of Six Paths. If the reason they act the way they do is because they are at least half a spiritual thing, it might be that the eyes you use MUST be taken from someone else or they just won't do the job. Doesn't mean it couldn't work in a quest like this, though, if the QM says so.
[X] You needed to fix or replace your arm, somehow. You'd managed to keep infection from setting in, but even so...
Having never watched Jojo's (though I should), what is a 'stand'?
Invisible, super-powered ghost or spirit with a link to a living person. Nothing can hurt a stand but another stand, the user may or may not share senses with it, damage to the stand may or may not be transferred back to the user, and there's a range limit to how far away they can get from their user that varies from stand to stand.
So I'm still puzzled why Tobi came after us. I mean we're strong for an academy student, but we're definitely not even Chuunin level. So why did an S-Class ninja come after us personally?
So I'm still puzzled why Tobi came after us.
I'm guessing Mio being Mio was having political implications in the background.

I mean, the kind of stuff she's gotten into with, say, the Hyuuga is going to be having the various Konoha clans talking to each other, if only about how to deal with the clans' black sheep, and that could have put the Uchiha in a position where the rest of Konoha's less willing to genocide them.
So I'm still puzzled why Tobi came after us. I mean we're strong for an academy student, but we're definitely not even Chuunin level. So why did an S-Class ninja come after us personally?

You haven't passed the academy, but that's because you were deliberately going out of your way not to pass the academy, which was quickly obvious when you made Hinata punch everyone out. Rumors of that got around, and people were interested about how you pulled that one off. You might have noticed Kabuto's focus, asking on behalf of others? Secretly, anyway. The clan didn't hesitate to start bragging it up once you did something that wasn't entirely disappointing.

Tobi came to take a look, and he saw you body-flickering across the rooftops when you really should not have had the chakra capacity to do that, and he could not figure out how.

That was concerning. Because you're either finding some way to use techniques you should not be capable of, or you're disguising your actual chakra levels so well that Tobi could not tell. And you don't have any easy buttons to press, the way Itachi does.

And so Tobi decided it was best to make sure he didn't have to juggle two Itachis.
... I just figured out our future character pic.

Although I feel this fits for some strange reason as well.


That might be when she goes on a murder rampage to kill Tobi though. Ahahaha, Tobi you dun fucked up.

This will either make Mio into a walking god, a monster drenched in the blood of thousands, or turn her into a broken shell of a person. And between Mio being Mio, Mio being an MC, and us being the ones controlling her, there's no way that last is going to happen. Or maybe all three at the same time. Or any combination of the three.
Hmm hmm...
We need to learn a bunch more Fuuinjutsu.
An study the Caged Bird Seal.
Because what better way to punish Tobi than making him our servant for life!
His life, of course.
The GREAD DEVIL KING MIO does not die to such paltry things as natural causes, and the GREAT DEVIL KING MIO is also the baddest mofo in the land so bastard is gonna be able to kill us unless we get bored and decide to conquer the Pure World.
Wait wait. There is the Night Parade method of getting out. But isn't there also a legend that killing one thousand demons will make you one? Or is that Disgaea only? I can never be sure with that series.
You know, if we practice with those false coils, could we start using jutsus with no visible handsigns? If so, the only ones capable of seeing it would be the Hyuuga.
Very likely. Weapons become far more viable and our jutsus efficiency would likely be the highest ever recorded due to the lack of our physical body/flesh and/or the lack of imperfections in any motion we make getting in the way of the chakra flow.

Weapons also become much more viable.

Probably cut down on casting speed as well since we don't need to move our hands and can just flow from one configuration to the next.

Possibly even discover new "hand signs" that humans hands just physically can't make.

Hmm, this actually sounds like a variant on planting Fuuinjutsu seals only coming at it from the Nin/Genjutsu side of the equation.
Chibi-Reaper - there is a Very Important Question about the arm. Is the wound closed? If the wound is *not* closed, then yes, making sure that we don't get infected by some horrible demon-thing is critically important. If it *is* closed, then making sure that we don't collapse to sleep deprivation is probably pretty significant instead.

Long-term, I am down with plan Graft The Demon Claw. Of course, first we'd have to practice with medical chakra for a while... on a variety of critically-damaged-but-not-dead-yet demons.

And now I suddenly wonder what having us disappear is going to do to the reactions of... well, all sorts of people.
And now I suddenly wonder what having us disappear is going to do to the reactions of... well, all sorts of people.
Well I'm sure our friends miss us, the elders are going crazy (especially if they found our arm), and Hinata may remember that we're still a classmate and our disappearance is not a good thing.
And now I suddenly wonder what having us disappear is going to do to the reactions of... well, all sorts of people.
Uchihas without evidence that we were kidnapped: fuck, she got away.
Uchihas with evidence that we were kidnapped: :mad: And just when she stopped fucking around for five seconds, too! Fucking kill whoever the fuck did this and their families!
Kabuto: wtf? I just saw her. I'd better start spying around about this...
Orochimaru: Sarutobidammit Tobi!
Hokage: This is a very serious matter...
Girl minions: Does this mean we can get back to our lives now?
Naruto: I'll get her back despite having no leads or investigation skills, dattebayo!
What do you think Gai will think about the disappearance / death of Mio? Gai hardly seems like the type of person to simply ignore something bad happening to a student of his or a child in general. I would be very interested in seeing how he is reacting to this event and if his actions end up disrupting canon.
Chibi-Reaper - there is a Very Important Question about the arm. Is the wound closed? If the wound is *not* closed, then yes, making sure that we don't get infected by some horrible demon-thing is critically important. If it *is* closed, then making sure that we don't collapse to sleep deprivation is probably pretty significant instead.

Long-term, I am down with plan Graft The Demon Claw. Of course, first we'd have to practice with medical chakra for a while... on a variety of critically-damaged-but-not-dead-yet demons.

And now I suddenly wonder what having us disappear is going to do to the reactions of... well, all sorts of people.

As said in update, you have been here for a few weeks now, and can probably make your conclusions about how Mio's condition is from that.

Uchihas without evidence that we were kidnapped: fuck, she got away.
Uchihas with evidence that we were kidnapped: :mad: And just when she stopped fucking around for five seconds, too! Fucking kill whoever the fuck did this and their families!
Kabuto: wtf? I just saw her. I'd better start spying around about this...
Orochimaru: Sarutobidammit Tobi!
Hokage: This is a very serious matter...
Girl minions: Does this mean we can get back to our lives now?
Naruto: I'll get her back despite having no leads or investigation skills, dattebayo!

Technically speaking, what got left behind is a single heavily charred arm.

So... there's not so much evidence of you being kidnapped as there is someone slipping in to kill you personally very dead and then slipping back out without a trace.

Less kidnapping, more murder mystery, until/unless you show up again.
As said in update, you have been here for a few weeks now, and can probably make your conclusions about how Mio's condition is from that.

Technically speaking, what got left behind is a single heavily charred arm.

So... there's not so much evidence of you being kidnapped as there is someone slipping in to kill you personally very dead and then slipping back out without a trace.

Less kidnapping, more murder mystery, until/unless you show up again.
Oh, he left that behind? Sloppy~ Probably means Sarutobi won't be using his crystal ball thing, legion of spies, or vast reserves of obscure bullshit to find us, though. Not that I know if various political bullshit would let him do that if it was a kidnapping, or if he's sentimental enough to act personally to rescue some delinquent Uchiha kid.

Wait, that's probably why Tobi did it. Pretty sure the eyeball clans at least would get over their shit and launch a joint manhunt in response to an Uchiha child getting kidnapped. Can't be tolerating bloodline theft of your dudes.
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Okay. So we can basically conclude that the arm won't get infected. We dodged that bullet... and our external coils mean that we can use jutsu, even if it's slow. The arm is not our top priority.

Similarly, a diet of blood and maggots isn't pleasant, but we can survive on it for the moment. What we need is road to recovery stuff, and our best bet for road to recover is to actually get a good nights sleep or two, so that we're not constantly running on desperation and fumes. After that, we can try to get some better food, and after *that* we can worry about figuring out what to do about the arm.

[x] You needed to find, or take, a better place to rest than snatched fitful naps in the boughs of dead and dying trees.
Uchihas without evidence that we were kidnapped: fuck, she got away.
Uchihas with evidence that we were kidnapped: :mad: And just when she stopped fucking around for five seconds, too! Fucking kill whoever the fuck did this and their families!
And the Uchihas with evidence withhold evidence from Uchihas without evidence (and the rest of the village), because they all suspect each other.
I have no idea, just speculating on what a bunch of paranoid folks would do.

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