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[x] You needed to find, or take, a better place to rest than snatched fitful naps in the boughs of dead and dying trees.
[x] You needed to find, or take, a better place to rest than snatched fitful naps in the boughs of dead and dying trees.
[x] You needed to find, or take, a better place to rest than snatched fitful naps in the boughs of dead and dying trees.
Okay. So we can basically conclude that the arm won't get infected. We dodged that bullet... and our external coils mean that we can use jutsu, even if it's slow. The arm is not our top priority.

Similarly, a diet of blood and maggots isn't pleasant, but we can survive on it for the moment. What we need is road to recovery stuff, and our best bet for road to recover is to actually get a good nights sleep or two, so that we're not constantly running on desperation and fumes. After that, we can try to get some better food, and after *that* we can worry about figuring out what to do about the arm.
What makes you so sure we'll be able to get a good sleeping spot without evicting its inhabitants?
What makes you so sure we'll be able to get a good sleeping spot without evicting its inhabitants?
I never said that we could. I'm just saying that fixing the arm should not be our top priority right now.

Now, there is an argument that claims that getting a new arm will be easy, and won't take very long, and that it will help us fight better, and therefore we should do that before we do anything potentially dangerous, but honestly, if it was easy, we'd have already done it. All of these tasks are going to take effort and suck, and, of the three, I think that arm replacement is possibly the *most* difficult (since we have no idea how to do it properly to start with) and the least immediately necessary (fixing sleep and diet will do *wonders* for our ability to function. The arm, at this point, is a nice-to-have.) Also, the best part of the arm thing woudl be to try to get some sort of *upgrade* - and if we want to do that, I'm thinking that we'll have a much better time of it if we can sleep and eat first. Do you want to settle for the sort of arm that hungry, thirsty, sleep-depped Mio can acquire, or would you rather have the kind of awesome that she can pull off one she has her full facilities?
I never said that we could. I'm just saying that fixing the arm should not be our top priority right now.

Now, there is an argument that claims that getting a new arm will be easy, and won't take very long, and that it will help us fight better, and therefore we should do that before we do anything potentially dangerous, but honestly, if it was easy, we'd have already done it. All of these tasks are going to take effort and suck, and, of the three, I think that arm replacement is possibly the *most* difficult (since we have no idea how to do it properly to start with) and the least immediately necessary (fixing sleep and diet will do *wonders* for our ability to function. The arm, at this point, is a nice-to-have.) Also, the best part of the arm thing woudl be to try to get some sort of *upgrade* - and if we want to do that, I'm thinking that we'll have a much better time of it if we can sleep and eat first. Do you want to settle for the sort of arm that hungry, thirsty, sleep-depped Mio can acquire, or would you rather have the kind of awesome that she can pull off one she has her full facilities?
The thing is our missing arm is clearly holding us back, or Mio wouldn't be so bad off in the first place. What's she supposed to do, try harder to find a place to sleep?
I'm thinking that she wasn't exactly trying to find a place to sleep, as much as she was trying to not die. Now that she realized that yes, she has this "not dying" stuff under control, she can concentrate her efforts on one particular aspect of "not dying" that bothers her the most.

And for those arguing "but she'll have to fight if she wants a safe place to sleep" - well, she'll definitely need to fight if she wants to take somebody's arm off, won't she? And if she doesn't have to fight for it, it's most likely going to be either an arm-looking branch, or something else that wasn't attached to a living creature. Although skeletal arms are cool, too. On the other, ah, hand, finding a resting place could be as easy as devoting a few hours to find a pattern in the local fauna, and move to the place they aren't going to visit for another day.
[X] You needed to find, or take, a better place to rest than snatched fitful naps in the boughs of dead and dying trees.
The thing is our missing arm is clearly holding us back, or Mio wouldn't be so bad off in the first place. What's she supposed to do, try harder to find a place to sleep?
Right now, the basic vote question is "You've managed to survive, you've managed to not get infected while your arm heals, you've managed to figure out enough that you probably wont' die on any given day, and you've managed to gather together enough reserves to make a go at solving one problem. What problem do you try to solve?" Shelter is pretty basic, and will help significantly. Lacking an arm will hold her back some, sure, but we're going to fix that one, and exhaustion is likely to hold her back more.
Both "a place to sleep" and "a better source of food" are problems that we explicitly have covered on at least a minimal level. The arm is a problem that our current "minimal level" of coverage is "well, it's probably not going to get infected at least."

The arm is more pressing right now.
Look people.

To put it simply. WITH the arm we have a better chance of not DYING TO RANDOM DEMONIC HORRORS WHICH KEEP TRYING TO EAT US. And from there springs the possibility of more food and better sleep.

To put it simply... Miho's lack of capability right now is whats CAUSING the other desperate effects she's currently suffering.
I guess it's just a matter of people's priorities.
Being completely egocentric about it, I myself am able to function without issue for long periods of time with minimal food and rest but losing functionality is something I can't tolerate, so that obviously affects my voting.
In a bit more of an objective perspective, both food and rest requirements have been met to a basic level so the thing to do next would be to restore ability in order to prosper.
Even something as simple as an arm-shaped stick would still be better than nothing, and it would allow Mio to start gaining practice in controlling her new arm, whilst at the same time training her external chakra coil technique and therefore her chakra control.
[X] You needed to fix or replace your arm, somehow. You'd managed to keep infection from setting in, but even so...
[X] You needed to fix or replace your arm, somehow. You'd managed to keep infection from setting in, but even so...
Sudden thought but this might of just massively derailed canon, Mio's sudden disappearance (as long as people are right and the massacre hasn't happened yet) means that Kabuto is going to come under heavy suspicion what with him being the last person to see us before we vanished.

Might get found out as a spy a whole 6 years sooner, which is both good and bad as it means if he leaves Konoha he'd have much more time to do experiments with Orochimaru and train himself up to the terrifying level he managed to get to in shippuden.

We don't actually know how to make chakra strings. That was just what Tobito assumed we were doing, because "artificial external chakra coils that work just as well as the real things" are NOT exactly the kind of thing that anybody would expect us to have been able to come up with.

Also, I think I've just figured out what our external coils can combine with to create us a stand. Susanoo. We can totally figure out a way to get ourselves a pair of eien no mangekyo sharningan, and then abuse our special stuffs to modify the existing Susanoo technique. We'll probably get the upgrade from a normal mangekyo by swapping our eyeballs with each other or something, because we're just the sort to try that kind of cheaty solution and have it actually work where others would call us stupid for it.

Nah it would be much easier to just make a fake coil for every real one in our body, and use the resulting fake body of coils as our stand.
Eh, I dunno. It's not like Mio is unable to eat because the food is in the jars that require both hands to open. She doesn't need both hands to peel potatoes, or dice cabbages - because, unless I miss my mark, there aren't any of those around. And, honestly, if I had to figure out how to graft a rudimentary prosthetic (because I don't have chakra coils, pretty sure of that), I'd rather not do so sleep deprived.

Also, something tells me that, if a ninja has to fight youkai bears to get some sleep, that ninja is probably ninja-ing wrong. I don't think that amount of hands has much influence on a person's ability to not move and pretend they aren't there.

But, eh. I'm not going to fight tooth-and-nail for every single vote. Not unless I'm sure that it makes Chibi post sooner.
You haven't passed the academy, but that's because you were deliberately going out of your way not to pass the academy, which was quickly obvious when you made Hinata punch everyone out. Rumors of that got around, and people were interested about how you pulled that one off. You might have noticed Kabuto's focus, asking on behalf of others? Secretly, anyway. The clan didn't hesitate to start bragging it up once you did something that wasn't entirely disappointing.

I knew there would be consecuences for showing off and not letting Hinata put Mio to sleep with a punch. But did they have to be so dire? Our clan bragging about us is the ultimate shame, not even the metal as fuck trip to hell compensates for it.
[X] You needed to find, or take, a better place to rest than snatched fitful naps in the boughs of dead and dying trees.

Since arm recovery appears to not be super critical to immediate survival, I'm just gonna go ahead and agree that Mio with only one arm but well-rested is going to be way more capable of defending herself and pursuing her goals than Mio who is even more exhausted than previously because she undertook the non-insignificant effort required to acquire a replacement arm.

Unless the arm is surprisingly easy to get and comes with a whole boatload of superpowers attached, it's not going to magically make us way more capable than we were previously, because we'll still be dead tired.
A well rested cripple is just going to be more capable of looking out for herself than someone with a cobbled together replacement who is falling over any second now, especially since Shonen rules make almost every disability something you can overcome by being awesome provided you are not at the end of your rope already.

Basically, we'll want to see to our shelter and food needs first, because those situations seem like they'd be actively deteriorating while we expend effort on the arm.
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Changing vote:
[x] You needed to find, or take, a better place to rest than snatched fitful naps in the boughs of dead and dying trees.
Basically, we'll want to see to our shelter and food needs first, because those situations seem like they'd be actively deteriorating while we expend effort on the arm.
We already have those covered on a minimal level. Geez, you guys seem to be obsessed with the idea that we aren't getting any sleep, when it is explicitly something that we are getting. If we were getting so tired that we couldn't function, we wouldn't even have the option of going for another arm. QM said that we have been here for a week or more. If our situation for rest was deteriorating all this time, we would already have met and gone past the end of our rope.

And before you say that we could be getting just enough to keep our sleep deprivation from getting too bad too fast, no. Sleep deprivation doesn't work that way, past a certain point. I've gone for several months on tree to four hours a night while working a heavy labor job, and after a certain point that and a few catnaps are all you need to stay at the same level of functionality. Mio is implied to be getting more than that already.

This isn't a question of "what situation do we want to get back to what is necessary?" This is a question of "what situation do we want to improve beyond what is necessary, first?"
[X] You needed to fix or replace your arm, somehow. You'd managed to keep infection from setting in, but even so...
Look I just want Mio to have a demonic arm that includes posionous nails.

It doesnt need to include an antidote like in mahoranma either

The thing with Chibireaper is, when it comes to votes like this, its often not just simply a question of whatever particular technical particulars there particularly are in the immediate particular situation, but also what nature the quest will take going forward as well; what priorities there are in later situations, what autonomic character characterization there shall be, what themes will be expounded upon from thereon out.

That above all is why i vote Arm.
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The thing with Chibireaper is, when it comes to votes like this, its often not just simply a question of whatever particular technical particulars there particularly are in the immediate particular situation, but also what nature the quest will take going forward as well; what priorities there are in later situations, what autonomic character characterization there shall be, what themes will be expounded upon from thereon out.

That above all is why i vote Arm.
This isn't a question of "what situation do we want to get back to what is necessary?" This is a question of "what situation do we want to improve beyond what is necessary, first?"
The thing with Chibireaper is, when it comes to votes like this, its often not just simply a question of whatever particular technical particulars there particularly are in the immediate particular situation, but also what nature the quest will take going forward as well; what priorities there are in later situations, what autonomic character characterization there shall be, what themes will be expounded upon from thereon out.

That above all is why i vote Arm.
Precisely for those reasons I voted for sleep. Maybe that's because I like sleep, so there's a bit of a bias. Maybe because I'd prefer a Mio that's less "psycho" insane, and more "quirks upon quirks" insane. And usually, the badass in the movies is not named "Two-Armed Swordsman".
Our level of sleep is currently described as "snatched fitful naps in the boughs of dead and dying trees". That's enough to not die for a while maybe, but it still leaves you way, way down in your ability to do things like rest (recover chakra), dream (not go crazier), and heal. Our level of arm is "We have one that works just fine, and we can do whatever we need to do to make the jutsu go. Also, infection is no longer a concern." Our level of food is "maggots and blood". It's nasty, and we're likely to start hitting malnutrition issues in a bit, but it should be enough to run on for now.

We're not on stage anymore. We have no one to show off to... and life sucks. I'd rather be a MIO who's capable of getting serious in situations like that, than one who's compelled to grandstand even when there's no one to grandstand to.
[x] You needed to find, or take, a better place to rest than snatched fitful naps in the boughs of dead and dying trees.

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