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[X] Write-in: A lot of religions hold flame to be some sort of purifying thing, right? And if you can will a blade, you can will a torch.
{Q} Feed it sausage inna buns. Like, 20 of them. More than enough to kill anything that lives.

[X] You've been eating a lot of nasty things lately. You're gonna eat this too.
-[X] Eat it in the form of a sausage inna bun, as befits a demon king such as yourself.

MIO called herself the demon KING of the Uchiha.
[X] You've been eating a lot of nasty things lately. You're gonna eat this too.
-[X] Eat it in the form of a sausage inna bun, as befits a demon king such as yourself.
[X] You've been eating a lot of nasty things lately. You're gonna eat this too.
This is probably gonna blow up in our faces but it will be great.
That would be extremely disturbing given the fact that this Parasite would first have to be digested and expelled from our body. I think that a more apt metaphor would be for MIO to return to the body and start using it as a source of free food.
That would be extremely disturbing given the fact that this Parasite would first have to be digested and expelled from our body. I think that a more apt metaphor would be for MIO to return to the body and start using it as a source of free food.
Nah, it'd probably just manifest a mental presence again.
We're in a mindscape right now.
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[X] You've been eating a lot of nasty things lately. You're gonna eat this too.
[X] You've been eating a lot of nasty things lately. You're gonna eat this too.
[X] You've been eating a lot of nasty things lately. You're gonna eat this too.
-[X] Being able to will things into existence means you even have enough barbecue sauce!

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[x] 'Submit'? No, you. Keep cutting bits off and smacking itaround until that happens.

Eating it seems to be asking for trouble. Also, while we might get full control, Mio is not going to get an instictive understanding of its abilities.
[X] You've been eating a lot of nasty things lately. You're gonna eat this too.
[X] Write-in: A lot of religions hold flame to be some sort of purifying thing, right? And if you can will a blade, you can will a torch.
Why would we want a torch? We can literally just go "Yo. Burn." And the fucker will catch on fire.
[x] 'Submit'? No, you. Keep cutting bits off and smacking ita round until that happens.

It looks like Mio's arm is a metaphor for the beginning of male adolescent puberty.
[x] 'Submit'? No, you. Keep cutting bits off and smacking it around until that happens.
[X] 'Submit'? No, you. Keep cutting bits off and smacking it around until that happens.

This was my intention from the point where I switched my vote to this arm.
[X] You've been eating a lot of nasty things lately. You're gonna eat this too.
[x] 'Submit'? No, you. Keep cutting bits off and smacking it around until that happens.
[X] You've been eating a lot of nasty things lately. You're gonna eat this too.
[X] 'Submit'? No, you. Keep cutting bits off and smacking it around until that happens.

The trick is to leave the arm with some free will and autonomy but get it to submit to us when we need it. That way it can literally watch our back, keep watch while we sleep, provide sage advice, devour souls and perform mindless chores. As they say two minds are better than one, even if we can't see where it keeps its brain.
[X] 'Submit'? No, you. Keep cutting bits off and smacking it around until that happens.

The trick is to leave the arm with some free will and autonomy but get it to submit to us when we need it. That way it can literally watch our back, keep watch while we sleep, provide sage advice, devour souls and perform mindless chores. As they say two minds are better than one, even if we can't see where it keeps its brain.
MIO the two-in-one detective shinobi! :p
One interesting thing to notice about sharingan arm is izanagi... it formed a sharingan out of apparently nothing except body mass... infinite retries +/- chakra and mass.

Another is that peculiarity of the eternal mageye, which is to combine mangekyou powers.
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[X] You've been eating a lot of nasty things lately. You're gonna eat this too.
[x] 'Submit'? No, you. Keep cutting bits off and smacking it around until that happens.
[X] You've been eating a lot of nasty things lately. You're gonna eat this too
I really want to see how this turns out. (More mental contamination? Absorb its power? Make the arm a regular prosthetic?)
[X] You've been eating a lot of nasty things lately. You're gonna eat this too.

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