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If this was a terrible fanfic and the characters were incredibly two-dimensional, maybe. But it's not, and I'll thank you not to put words in my mouth. It doesn't have to be either "Welcome us with open arms" or "Kill us on sight." There's a wide range of steps in between that. Most likely, we'll be welcomed back onto the force after a few examinations, but they won't believe much of what we actually claim to have gone through without someone more reliable than us providing proof. We'll be allowed to serve the village, but not actually trusted to do much more than that.

We'll also probably be kept the hell away from Sasuke until Konoha can determine that we won't try to sway him against the village somehow. Konoha doesn't have a great history with Demons, you might remember.

And, like I mentioned, there's also Danzo and his little cult to deal with, who will probably be swaying people against us as subtly as he can.
Fair enough, and I am sorry about putting words in your mouth, but what other options do we have? Here, we are having trouble dealing with an Oni, so I doubt the stronger things out there will be any better. And if/when we manage to leave, what would we do if not go back to the Leaf? We naturally sparkle and have gold/blonde hair, nails hard enough to tear through stone and sharp, shark-like teeth. No money and no identification.

We also still have a Sharingan, so when rumors spread about a demon-like person wandering around with the bloodline from an all but extinct clan, things will still go to shit.

I simply think heading back to the Leaf is worth any complications from Danzo etc.
Fair enough, and I am sorry about putting words in your mouth, but what other options do we have? Here, we are having trouble dealing with an Oni, so I doubt the stronger things out there will be any better. And if/when we manage to leave, what would we do if not go back to the Leaf? We naturally sparkle and have gold/blonde hair, nails hard enough to tear through stone and sharp, shark-like teeth. No money and no identification.

We also still have a Sharingan, so when rumors spread about a demon-like person wandering around with the bloodline from an all but extinct clan, things will still go to shit.

I simply think heading back to the Leaf is worth any complications from Danzo etc.
Agreed on that point; I'm not suggesting we avoid returning to Konoha, I'm just saying we need to be careful not to let our guard down once we get there. Updates tend to happen while I'm asleep, so I wanted to get this out there before it becomes relevant, in case I miss a few important updates.
I don't have a source, but the bolded bit makes me think he used it in his Anbu days. Might be wrong, though.
No, he just 'maintained' it without knowing what he had all that time. He explicitly talks about his space warping techniques as new when he fights Deidara post timeskip. Presumably fighting Itachi is what made him realize he could push his sharingan further.
Or, a Yamanaka can read our mind and memories and clearly see that we escape by using the dangerous version of the summoning technique.

I mean, there are stranger things in the Naruto world than a ninja who changed because they took added a demons arm to them and then ate the mental construct of it.
our mind would eat the Yamanaka, we used it to eat a shoggoth who thought our mind was 'unnatural', god help whichever poor bastard they send in.
Nah, that was a deliberate action on our part. We could probably let them take a look around, maybe play tour guide.
yes but even if that was a deliberate action on our part we ate a SHOGGOTH with our mind, my experience with eldritch creatures beyond the veil (courtesy of many hours spent playing numerous p&p games with friends) is that they tend to linger and that consuming pieces of them either directly or indirectly leads to a myriad of unforeseen changes.

Its highly likely our mindscape is almost completely alien when compared to a normal humans now, not to mention the fact that if the Yamanaka ever stumbles across the memory of the creature he will almost certainly suffer SAN damage like a normal person.

On top of that MIO's Mind was probably pretty warped already from having a sharingan at such an early age and having it active most of the time.

I really do pity which ever poor Yamanaka they send in to check us when we finally get back, as he's either not coming back out or he's going to go catatonic.

Edit: alternatively he comes out thinking he's MIO due to her spending so much time with her Sharingan up and remembering pretty much all of her formative years.
yes but even if that was a deliberate action on our part we ate a SHOGGOTH with our mind, my experience with eldritch creatures beyond the veil (courtesy of many hours spent playing numerous p&p games with friends) is that they tend to linger and that consuming pieces of them either directly or indirectly leads to a myriad of unforeseen changes.

You are aware that:
  1. The creature MIO just faced is from a setting where the term 'shoggoth' does not inherently exist, and per that there is no actual reason to confidently assume the rules of those other settings regarding creatures like that are remotely relevant.
  2. There are shoggoth-like creatures in canon Naruto, none of which have evidenced Lovecraftian style eldritch shit or anything that mirrors well to DnD equivalents. Tentacles, sure, but I'm reasonably sure you're not basing this 'oh Shoggoths guys, Shoggoths' assertion purely on being tentacly.
  3. As much as it's totally in-character for MIO to think she's the hottest and greatest shit ever, the point remains that a genin-ish ninja kiddo is what squashed this beasty, which is farily heavily suggestive about its scale (read; not that high).
  4. The entity was able to be shackled and buried, and despite physically being exposed to the air couldn't leave and do stuff on its own, rather having to wait for someone to take it. While that could be suggestive of some strange, fey-like need to adhere to special Rules, capital R, it is also suggestive of a lack of particularly noteworthy potence - and coupled with the beaten-by-a-pompous-genin bit...

Don't go comparing apples and oranges, yo; it can quack and all that, but still not be a Peking duck.
On top of that MIO's Mind was probably pretty warped already from having a sharingan at such an early age and having it active most of the time.
Not particularly, given that there are at least some real world people that have had similarly absurd levels of memory retention/information recall due to this or that genetic quirk or atypical neurological event - and those people do not seem to have notably discordant and alien worldviews, dreams, mindsets or synaptical firing trends.

Unless you meant 'warped' in the sense of 'different' and nothing more than that... in which case I'd argue that MIO's MIO-ness, her personality, would be a much larger reason for mind deviation since, y'know...

tl;dr - Wait until we actually have reason to think this creature was that scary, before assuming it was that scary - because so far it was not that scary, given it was an imprisoned thing that promptly got wrecked and eaten by a kiddo.

STILL tl;dr - Don't judge meatmonsters for their looks judge them for their actions!
I don't have a source, but the bolded bit makes me think he used it in his Anbu days. Might be wrong, though.
As someone who has actually read the manga, I can tell you with absolute certainty that either someone messed up that wiki article in a fit of trolling, or they just didn't know what they were talking about when they wrote it. It talks about him needing to be up close to use kamui by then, for pity's sake! This despite the fact that the first time he is shown using it against Deidara, it is because of its utility as a long range attack! Canon is pretty explicit that he had never actually used his mangekyo pre-timeskip too, but that right there throws the credibility of the article out the window.

Don't trust articles that can be edited by anybody with an internet connection.
If this was a terrible fanfic and the characters were incredibly two-dimensional, maybe. But it's not, and I'll thank you not to put words in my mouth. It doesn't have to be either "Welcome us with open arms" or "Kill us on sight." There's a wide range of steps in between that. Most likely, we'll be welcomed back onto the force after a few examinations, but they won't believe much of what we actually claim to have gone through without someone more reliable than us providing proof. We'll be allowed to serve the village, but not actually trusted to do much more than that.
So basically, motivation for us to actually get summons out of this? So we can summon a demon and prove that we weren't just hallucinating or anything? That should also provide pretty solid evidence that we did, in fact, get to where we are by using the summoning technique. Aside from that, Kamui is pretty solidly not a well known sharingan trick. It's a mangekyo technique, and not even one of the three that are well known among the very, VERY few people who even know that the mangekyo is a thing now that the rest of the Uchiha will probably be dead by the time we get back.
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[X] Eat YOU? Foolish Oni, it will be MIO that does the eating here!
-[X] Force some of your chakra shroud into his gut and see if you can wrap it around what's in there. See if you can keep a link going both ways.
--[X] Give him a fight first, but if you need to dodge then swap into his insides, try to drag out as much acid as you can, and aim for the heart with something pointy

awesome quest, I totally want us to go full JoJo by the end now
[X] Eat YOU? Foolish Oni, it will be MIO that does the eating here!
-[X] Force some of your chakra shroud into his gut and see if you can wrap it around what's in there. See if you can keep a link going both ways.
--[X] Give him a fight first, but if you need to dodge then swap into his insides, try to drag out as much acid as you can, and aim for the heart with something pointy
You know, guys, I'm not sure teleporting into the stomach of the supernatural being who wants to eat us is a smart plan. Can Mio even fit in there (intact, I mean, the oni was going to eat her but he planned on chewing her up first)? Plus, there's possibly supernatural stomach acid to think of and all that.
I am reminded of a Dragonball Z fic where Baby tried to take over Super Buu. It went about as well as could be expected.
I don't think Shunshin is even a teleportation jutsu. Hiraishin is a teleportation jutsu, but I'm pretty sure Shunshin is just moving really, really fast from one point to another (kinda like Shunpo in Bleach) while leaving some cool sfx behind to distract the other guy from seeing which way you moved, which would mean it can't be used that way. You still have to move through all the intervening space between a and b, and if there's a solid object there it's not possible, except when the anime breaks it's own rules like having Jounin shunshin out of a classroom.
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I don't think Shunshin is even a teleportation jutsu. Hiraishin is a teleportation jutsu, but I'm pretty sure Shunshin is just moving really, really fast from one point to another (kinda like Shunpo in Bleach) while leaving some cool sfx behind to distract the other guy from seeing which way you moved, which would mean it can't be used that way. You still have to move through all the intervening space between a and b, and if there's a solid object there it's not possible, except when the anime breaks it's own rules like having Jounin shunshin out of a classroom.

I thought it was the other way around, the shunshin being a teleport jutsu and the hiraishin flinging you between the marked kunai at stupidly high speeds thus why it was like a yellow flash darting across the battlefield
I thought it was the other way around, the shunshin being a teleport jutsu and the hiraishin flinging you between the marked kunai at stupidly high speeds thus why it was like a yellow flash darting across the battlefield
No, the Hiraishin is explicitly a space-time jutsu that teleports you around. The whole "Yellow Flash" thing came from the incredible speed the fourth could chain them together with: He tended to scatter dozens of his sealed kunai around the enemy, then chain the technique several times in a second, appearing to be in many places at once. He was both really, really fast at reacting to his new location and really, really fast in general even without his technique, which is why it was so powerful in his hands. The visual effect of the yellow blur is just a video game quirk, and not actually canon as far as I know, though I haven't watched the anime in ages so it might actually be thrown in for the sake of flashiness.

Shunshin is just a really fast movement done by using a Ninjutsu to briefly amp up your body's speed to the point where it's imperceptible to most Shinobi (Roughly as fast as Lee was in his fight against Gaara in the exams, if I had to guess, though much less controllable since it's only in a straight line), with a quick little bit of smoke or sand or lightning to keep the other guy from seeing the direction you went in on the off chance they're one of the ones who can. I've done my research since posting that to make sure.

That said, of course, like any other Shounen anime, Naruto's full of contradictions like the aforementioned Jounin Shunshining out of a building, so it's really up to Chibi how it works.
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Sooooo can we not vote to "teleport" ourselves into the Oni's freaking stomach and doing his work for him
Teleporting into it's stomach isn't the majority vote even with those two.
It has five votes to the leading one's nine.
Shunshin is just a really fast movement done by using a Ninjutsu to briefly amp up your body's speed to the point where it's imperceptible to most Shinobi (Roughly as fast as Lee was in his fight against Gaara in the exams, if I had to guess, though much less controllable since it's only in a straight line), with a quick little bit of smoke or sand or lightning to keep the other guy from seeing the direction you went in on the off chance they're one of the ones who can. I've done my research since posting that to make sure.That said, of course, like any other Shounen anime, Naruto's full of contradictions like the aforementioned Jounin Shunshining out of a building, so it's really up to Chibi how it works.
Basically, though it's worth noting Shunshin (and Kawarimi) never establishes the mechanism by which your body is propelled. That is to say, you might be running quickly, 'rocket' propelled by a burst of energy at your feet, or even grabbing your destination with a lasso of energy and then yanking yourself there at high speed (that last one in particular would make sense with Kawarimi, since you leave an object from your destination at your old location).

As for the class room thing... Wasn't the door still open? I don't think Kakashi closed it behind him (in the manga, anyway).
I don't think Shunshin is even a teleportation jutsu. Hiraishin is a teleportation jutsu, but I'm pretty sure Shunshin is just moving really, really fast from one point to another (kinda like Shunpo in Bleach) while leaving some cool sfx behind to distract the other guy from seeing which way you moved, which would mean it can't be used that way. You still have to move through all the intervening space between a and b, and if there's a solid object there it's not possible, except when the anime breaks it's own rules like having Jounin shunshin out of a classroom.
You are correct. This is why the vote is to use Kawarimi to swap positions with Dummy's stomach acid. (swap into his insides, try to drag out as much acid as you can)

Though it makes me wonder if we can throw stuff while shunshining to boost it to railgun speed.
You are correct. This is why the vote is to use Kawarimi to swap positions with Dummy's stomach acid. (swap into his insides, try to drag out as much acid as you can)

Though it makes me wonder if we can throw stuff while shunshining to boost it to railgun speed.

Uh, Kawamari is also not a space-time teleportation jutsu. It's just Shunshin (Technically, it's a derivative of it, actually), but a lot shorter range, takes a lot less chakra, is a good bit faster to pull off (to the point where people use it reflexively), and moves the target item in the opposite direction so it lands where you started, however the fuck that's supposed to work. If you're particularly good with it, you can slap a few explosive tags on the log/whatever as you pass it.

You still need to move through the intervening space, and so does the target item. Also, for all that fanfiction has made it out that kawamari with a person is totally a thing you can do, canon doesn't see it used that way at all, much less with someone's insides. That doesn't mean it can't be used that way, of course, but again, that's up to Chibi. EDIT: NVM on that last point, I'm an idiot and forgot it was already used that way in this story, so Chibi's already okay'd it. On people, at least.

We don't need to try to kill this thing from the inside, guys. We're smarter than it, and we're probably faster than it too. Pick a fight with it, test out our new demony powers, and if things start to go pear-shaped, bail. Just because we start to fight doesn't mean it needs to be to the death here and now.
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You still need to move through the intervening space, and so does the target item. Also, for all that fanfiction has made it out that kawamari with a person is totally a thing you can do, canon doesn't see it used that way at all, much less with someone's insides.

Its used once. The first time we see it during the bell test Kakashi uses it on a clone to free himself from the Narutos hold. And troll him ofc, but we can asume this is a thing that can only be done to cute little genins.

Also Mio did it earlier in the quest in pursue of nonviolent resistance against Hyugga oppression. But yes doing it with someone insides is quite a strech.
Its used once. The first time we see it during the bell test Kakashi uses it on a clone to free himself from the Narutos hold. And troll him ofc, but we can asume this is a thing that can only be done to cute little genins.

Also Mio did it earlier in the quest in pursue of nonviolent resistance against Hyugga oppression. But yes doing it with someone insides is quite a strech.
Ah, point. I'd completely forgotten about that. Both of those, actually. So I guess it is a thing we can do.
Chibi did explain about the replacement technique earlier. On phone though, so I can't find and link to it. But tl;dr: you can use replacement on people, but any ninja you used it on would be able to stab you if you tried.

You know, Tobi must have panicked like hell when he got back to his personal pocket dimension and found Mio had somehow escaped. He probably spent the next few days watching Konoha like a hawk to see if she turned up again. It must have been almost comical.

You know, Tobi must have panicked like hell when he got back to his personal pocket dimension and found Mio had somehow escaped. He probably spent the next few days watching Konoha like a hawk to see if she turned up again. It must have been almost comical.
How large is that pocket dimension anyway? He may assume she just escaped the prison cell and not the dimension itself and be frantically searching for her so she doesn't stink up the place when she decomposes.
How large is that pocket dimension anyway? He may assume she just escaped the prison cell and not the dimension itself and be frantically searching for her so she doesn't stink up the place when she decomposes.
I feel like he should have a natural understanding of what is in the dimension, and the only reason he stuck us in the cell was so he didn't have to spend time searching the dimension itself whenever he needed access to us.

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