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Guy seems to care, at least a bit. And going by this:

He basically encouraged the whole Saki thing.
Never meant to imply that he didn't — in fact, that was the opposite of my intention — just that it's not his responsibility to be keeping an eye on Mio to realize that she came to a conclusion that is hurting her.
Glad to see this updating. Hm.... Too many good options for voting.
[X] "Everything I did was in the pursuit of disengaging from the conflict. The conflict in which I never threw a single punch."
-[X] "Still, I can understand that Hinata was feeling upset, so I forgive her."
Meh, if he wanted to, Itachi could have taken Sasukes eyes at any time. He just had this pesky familial/brother love thing getting in the way.

Well he was also kind of a "fucking dumbass" what with coming up with the genius plan of traumatizing the shit out of his brother and then brainwashing him into being super loyal to Konoha to make him be seen as a hero instead of just I'unno therapy?
Well he was also kind of a "fucking dumbass" what with coming up with the genius plan of traumatizing the shit out of his brother and then brainwashing him into being super loyal to Konoha to make him be seen as a hero instead of just I'unno therapy?
Not exactly the phrases I'd use, but yeah (brainwashing him was his 'back-up' if "Madara" got to him first, but still).

As for alternatives therapy doesn't do much for Ninja really, but in canon's case Itachi could have actually trusted Sasuke to be his own person / coming to him with everything from the beginning, as he laments...
Indefinite Detention
"I just wish to say." you say, raising your hand. "That everything I did was in pursuit of withdrawing from the conflict that Hinata initiated and throughout which I never made a single direct attack."

You feel as though hot breath is suddenly on your neck, and when you turn, Hinata's byakugan-veins are bulging. As are her normal veins. You didn't realize she had so many in her pale eyes.

As the devil of the Uchiha, you are not given to panic, or fear, but you respond to this by realizing how little chakra you have available for your fight or flight reflexes at the moment and attempt to pull a little back by your spiritual fingernails.

For some of it this works. Some slips out of your grip. A little...

... That's funny. It feels like you pulled a little chakra back in through a different chakra-sphincter than you pushed it out through. Tenketsu. It feels different, unsettling, and strange. But also good, sort of?

It's kind of... a thin stream of chakra feels like it's flowing in a fragile current around your wrist, there.

"Settle down, you." the principal says to Hinata, breaking you out of your self-inspection and attempts to ignore her mouthing about 'killing you with her own two hands'. "And you, pay attention." he says, to you directly.

The old ex-T&I Chuunin leans back in his seat. It's in a case like this that his past is clearly apparent, as he judges the both of you with a stare.

"Detention for the both of you. Until you're notified otherwise." he says. "Hinata, you clearly need to learn some restraint."

"i what." she says, under her breath.

"So until notified otherwise, you will be assisting the younger children in their taijutsu lessons. You are not to attack them. Purely defensive." he stresses. "And as for you, Mio..."

He frowns.

"The kind of girl who uses her classmates as replaceable shields... you obviously need to learn some empathy." he says. "So you'll be going from class directly to the hospital in the evenings, helping to care for invalids and such."

"Eh..." you reply, not at all thrilled by that.

"Do you have... a complaint?" he breathes out, slowly.

You rapidly shake your head in the negative as Hinata's teeth grind.


Well, if nothing else, the clan will be happy that you dragged Hinata into the mud, publicly. There's sort of a polite thing between your clans, even if you both usually try to pretend it isn't there.

A few days pass before anything particularly notable crops up. Hinata doesn't bother you again, though her white-knuckled death-stare is focused on your jugular in every class. In spite of the extra work, you feel a little more rested, with a few... pseudo-coils circulating chakra out of your body and then back in, along one arm. Not far outside of the skin. Just a few centimeters. But...


[ ] Dodging Omiai.
[ ] Is it Terminal?
[ ] Crows and a Red Moon.
[ ] ??
[X] Crows and a Red Moon.

I have no idea what this vote is for....
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[X] Crows and a Red Moon.

Such a pretty moon. But where did the crows come from. Only MIO knows.
For some of it this works. Some slips out of your grip. A little...

... That's funny. It feels like you pulled a little chakra back in through a different chakra-sphincter than you pushed it out through. Tenketsu. It feels different, unsettling, and strange. But also good, sort of?

It's kind of... a thin stream of chakra feels like it's flowing in a fragile current around your wrist, there.
And like that everyone was fucked. It's looking like we were born to fray the world.
[X] The Worst Best, most Flamboyant Influence (Anko)

I wonder...could this be a viable anti-jyuuken defense with sufficient training?
Bypassing sealed tenketsu?
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Ah, and now that I think about it, for write-ins a little context... isn't necessary, but would be appreciated.

I know what my options mean, and in general it should be easy to figure them out, if not the specifics, but...
Extra time at the hospital when normally we'd be quietly directed away from medic-work?

Whether Mio gets better at empathy or not, this is a solid win for us I think? Though I see we didn't even pass out so I guess despite having the lead the contested nature of the vote (16 to 13 at my last count between the top 2) meant we evened out to just the shared opening line...?

*shrug* probably the best compromise we could hope for. Fair choice, Chibi-Reaper CX
Another marriage meeting we need to dodge, perhaps without the fortune of Shisui warning us on our way in...?

In other words, Elder conflicts and other Uchiha — probably not Itachi though considering option 3...
Stuff relating either to our Sharingan or our recent stint of chakra experimentation...? Either way, an event at the hospital that we're already getting further familiarized with.
[ ] Crows and a Red Moon.
Itachi / Shisui stuff...? A potential prologue to the Massacre...?
[X] The Worst Best, most Flamboyant Influence
Ah, and now that I think about it, for write-ins a little context... isn't necessary, but would be appreciated.

I know what my options mean, and in general it should be easy to figure them out, if not the specifics, but...
I expect this is "Going to see Guy-Sensei"?
I wonder...could this be a viable anti-jyuuken defense with sufficient training?
Bypassing sealed tenketsu?
Probably enough to work out Guy's thing hopefully, but the description has some alternate potential...
[X] Crows and a Red Moon.

Sure, why not?
Seems pretty unlikely to win at this rate, but I am interested so... *shrug*

[X] Is it Terminal?
[X] The Worst Best, most Flamboyant Influence (Anko)

Because Anko is awesome.
Hmm, I was hoping that Mio could maybe cool things off with Hinata a bit. I mean, making her overcome her shyness is all well and good, but only when we can actually turn it to our own ends. It is very much NOT good when her newfound bravery is solidly focused on ripping our throat out in a dark alley at the first available opportunity.

If I hadn't only just found this quest yesterday, I would probably have tried to get a vote running that included a sincere compliment on her ability to take out the entire school going after us, and possibly a declaration that it had earned her a spot as our new chief minion. Whether she liked it or not. It seems in-character, and we're a kid, we might even be able to get away with it in the short term!

In any case, Mio's new chakra technique can only lead to good things. Like, holy crap this has massive potential for abuse in all sorts of fun ways.

[X] Crows and a Red Moon.

I'm willing to change my vote if someone gives me a good enough reason.
Hmm, I was hoping that Mio could maybe cool things off with Hinata a bit. I mean, making her overcome her shyness is all well and good, but only when we can actually turn it to our own ends. It is very much NOT good when her newfound bravery is solidly focused on ripping our throat out in a dark alley at the first available opportunity.

If I hadn't only just found this quest yesterday, I would probably have tried to get a vote running that included a sincere compliment on her ability to take out the entire school going after us, and possibly a declaration that it had earned her a spot as our new chief minion. Whether she liked it or not. It seems in-character, and we're a kid, we might even be able to get away with it in the short term!
Heh, I'd've voted for that; wish I'd thought of something more in that realm CX

That said, I expect at some point that could be accomplished. At present our interactions with Hinata are surely being watched with extra scrutiny, but that doesn't exclude other potential run-ins outside of the Academy Structure to take another pass at social-fu :V
In any case, Mio's new chakra technique can only lead to good things. Like, holy crap this has massive potential for abuse in all sorts of fun ways.

[X] Crows and a Red Moon.

I'm willing to change my vote if someone gives me a good enough reason.
I personally think what we've discovered could be best extrapolated upon potential wise if we do end up doing "Is It Terminal?", but with the landslide toward what you've already voted for we'd need a big swing the other way so...

*shrug* Vote as you please.

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