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[X] Tell Kabuto to eat up so he'll be energetic for training, and follow your own advice.
We need to try recruiting him, we already strong armed him here for this Dinner meeting, Now we need to use soft tactics like active listening and negotiation.
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[X] Tell Kabuto to eat up so he'll be energetic for training, and follow your own advice.
What we really need to do is cultivate the kind of charisma that allows DIO to draw hordes of people with superpowers, with sometimes conflicting indeologies, under his banner
[X] Tell Kabuto to eat up so he'll be energetic for training, and follow your own advice.
*Wave's hand ambiguously*

You were six then, yeah. And time has passed. Mom is dead, so you don't really have any reason to count the birthdays. And it's not like you have a big deadline hanging over your head, right?

Mio is older now than then, and the elders are already frustrated that you haven't applied yourself to testing out and graduating yet. With that said, you're a very frustrating mass of tied-together intriguing possibilities and extreme annoyance. You are not playing nicely with anyone's long-term plans.
On the one hand, that's really sad, on the other hand I only bothered to count my birthdays because other people did for me and then later on because I had to sign stuff.
[X] Tell Kabuto to eat up so he'll be energetic for training, and follow your own advice.
[X] Being late isn't going to make you popular with girls, you know.
Mio is older now than then, and the elders are already frustrated that you haven't applied yourself to testing out and graduating yet. With that said, you're a very frustrating mass of tied-together intriguing possibilities and extreme annoyance. You are not playing nicely with anyone's long-term plans.
That is, of course, as it should be.
[X] Tell Kabuto to eat up so he'll be energetic for training, and follow your own advice.
were not here to date him were here to use him up and toss him aside.
[X] Tell Kabuto to eat up so he'll be energetic for training, and follow your own advice.
[X] Being late isn't going to make you popular with girls, you know.
[X] Tell Kabuto to eat up so he'll be energetic for training, and follow your own advice.
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[X] Tell Kabuto to eat up so he'll be energetic for training, and follow your own advice.
were not here to date him were here to use him up and toss him aside.
Right, we've still got Saki and she's adorable. That said, I suppose I can see why some people want to tease him. Given Kabuto's like five years older than the main cast, you would think he'd be pretty uncomfortable, though it's worth noting that some of it may be faked . He's already been a spy for a while at this point and is a dangerously skilled actor. Maybe he doesn't care what embarrassing things he does as long as it advances his agenda (which could be for Danzo or Orochimaru). People may be enjoying a hollow imitation of feeling, while inside there's nothing.

Hm... That reminds me, we should check in on Saki. And our other minions. Been a while since we saw Ami, Shounen-Girl, and Afro.

[X] Tell Kabuto to eat up so he'll be energetic for training, and follow your own advice.
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Speak for yourself. I'm here to make him squirm. Dating him is just the best, and most amusing, way to do so.
It will just alienate him if we keep repeating our joke that is also bordering on haressment.

But it does make for a good cover publicly then the truth that we are trying to recruit him or vice versa.

It depends on how much we have to offer him vs his personal safety.
For those wanting to make him squirm, please remember that he's been trained by both Orochimaru and Root.
The latter especially means that it is unwise to take anything he shows at face value, because their MO is literally to train the emotion out of them to make 'perfect ninja.'
The ability to be embarrassed would naturally be part of that.
[X] Tell Kabuto to eat up so he'll be energetic for training, and follow your own advice.
[X] Tell Kabuto to eat up so he'll be energetic for training, and follow your own advice.
[X] Tell Kabuto to eat up so he'll be energetic for training, and follow your own advice.
I kind of don't want us to be a pointless fuck when we know he's not really bothrred. We just end up looking creepy/ as an asshole
Are we still being pursued? Should we ninja disguise ourselves to look like....normal?
For those wanting to make him squirm, please remember that he's been trained by both Orochimaru and Root.
The latter especially means that it is unwise to take anything he shows at face value, because their MO is literally to train the emotion out of them to make 'perfect ninja.'
The ability to be embarrassed would naturally be part of that.
Actually i think that it might be the only thing they don't "train" out of them. They are professionals right? Because that sounds like one of the levers they owuld leave in just so they could use them. It would probably be a secondary one, if it's even there, but it's worth a shot.
Right, we've still got Saki and she's adorable. That said, I suppose I can see why some people want to tease him. Given Kabuto's like five years older than the main cast, you would think he'd be pretty uncomfortable, though it's worth noting that some of it may be faked . He's already been a spy for a while at this point and is a dangerously skilled actor. Maybe he doesn't care what embarrassing things he does as long as it advances his agenda (which could be for Danzo or Orochimaru). People may be enjoying a hollow imitation of feeling, while inside there's nothing.

Hm... That reminds me, we should check in on Saki. And our other minions. Been a while since we saw Ami, Shounen-Girl, and Afro.

[X] Tell Kabuto to eat up so he'll be energetic for training, and follow your own advice.
Thinking about it, the way we worded it might have Golden BBed him on this. I don't think we actually made it a part of our deal with him (We just sort of made him do it), so it might slip past that and hit him anyway.

Edit: I would say that it's even money on whether or not it works is what i am saying. Personally i would say that it's at least a little bit fun either way.
Actually i think that it might be the only thing they don't "train" out of them. They are professionals right? Because that sounds like one of the levers they owuld leave in just so they could use them. It would probably be a secondary one, if it's even there, but it's worth a shot.
Embarassment is actually one of the key things they would train out of them.
Hell, it's one of the things the military environment here on our earth is intended to train out.
Embarassment is actually one of the key things they would train out of them.
Hell, it's one of the things the military environment here on our earth is intended to train out.
First day of basic training (all-male training unit). Everyone showers together. Everyone comes out wearing towels. Everyone is lined up in a rectangle around the room and required to do jumping jacks.


They don't put *all* that much effort into it, but it's certainly on the syllabus.
Actually i think that it might be the only thing they don't "train" out of them. They are professionals right? Because that sounds like one of the levers they owuld leave in just so they could use them. It would probably be a secondary one, if it's even there, but it's worth a shot.
Embarrassment is a terrible handle for long term control, but a decent one for tripping you up in a fight. As his handlers would be interested in the former and in having him avoid the latter, it wouldn't be something they'd like to leave intact.
Embarassment is actually one of the key things they would train out of them.
Hell, it's one of the things the military environment here on our earth is intended to train out.
First day of basic training (all-male training unit). Everyone showers together. Everyone comes out wearing towels. Everyone is lined up in a rectangle around the room and required to do jumping jacks.


They don't put *all* that much effort into it, but it's certainly on the syllabus.
Embarrassment is a terrible handle for long term control, but a decent one for tripping you up in a fight. As his handlers would be interested in the former and in having him avoid the latter, it wouldn't be something they'd like to leave intact.
Alright the, i'm a idiot. Got it. I was just thinking that having something to make them hold themselves to a standard, and then having that standard be "Working well for me", would be a thing, but apparently it's just me being a idiot. It's a thing that tends to happen to me.
Dinner and a show?
You grab him and pull him in, your own stomach grumbling loudly.

"Come on, time to eat up!" you say, boisterously. "You need energy to train, right? Two all you can eat combination platters, and keep 'em coming! This guy is paying."

Kabuto lets out a distressed noise somewhere deep in his throat. You don't know what they pay him as a hospital intern, but it's probably nowhere near enough.

Well, it'll all work out. For you.

He looks like he's almost ready to start crying as the first load of thinly sliced delicious beef and vegetables come out, ready to be grilled at your table. The look on his face is almost as delicious as the food.

"So anyway." you say, munching a mouthful of grilled beef, onion, and carrot. "I know a bunch of casual jutsu, but if you're actually a genin you don't need my help with that. They're all open to academy students and up." you say, and swallow. "I can teach you the Shunshin, though."

"You are picking up a little bit of infamy over that. Something about how you were assigned to the hospital in the first place, I believe?" Kabuto says, polite mask fixed over grit teeth as he says it, then pops a piece of meat in and slowly chews and chews and chews it away to nothing.

"Well, I don't mean to brag, but I'm sort of a genius." you brag.

"A genius who has yet to graduate the academy." Kabuto half-agrees, half calling you out.

"Aw, you serious? But if I graduated early I would, like, have to go and do actual work." you say, deliberately putting your tone of voice into the stereotypical Nara drawl.

Everyone knows those guys are all sandbagging it unless they have no other choice. Kabuto sighs at the little joke.

You chuckle to yourself, then demonstrate the stolen hand-signs.

"Just push the chakra out and want yourself to be there, instead of here. Well, that's the basics of it anyway. I stole it, so I never got any formal instruction or anything." you admit. "Just be careful the fIrst couple of times, because it gets harder the further you jump, and if you run out of juice midway between two roofs it's gonna reaaaally hurt. You need to build up chakra reserves."

"About that..." Kabuto says, something in his eyes flashing before he fixes on a pleasant smile. "... I'll admit, I'm not much of a sensor myself, but medical training does have you pick up how to gauge if someone has a lot of chakra to recover with or if they're dangerously low... and if I can say so, you don't seem to have much more chakra than your average academy student. With that in mind, the Shunshin by your own admission being a comparatively chakra intensive technique... might you have developed some kind of alteration to the technique that makes it more economical for combat use? I believe even Shunshin no Shisui can only make as much use of the technique as he does in combat because of his own high levels of chakra..."

Oooooh, you found what he actually wants to know!

And hey, wait, you might be getting a little more famous than you thought, thinking about that.

"Yep, more or less." you say. "But you don't think I'm just going to tell you how I do that, right? You're going to have to do a lot more than buy me dinner to get those tricks out of me..."

For shits and giggles, you salaciously waggle your eyebrows. Kabuto looks extremely uncomfortable.

"But we're doing a whoooole lot of talking about me. And it's not that I don't enjoy it, but I think it's time for your end of things." you say.

Instantly, Kabuto's giving off this air of an abashed young man ready to be scolded for skipping out on chores.

"Well, my specialty really is medical jutsu." he says. "So, well... I'm not sure how interested you're going to be in the Mystical Palm jutsu..."

"Oh, just go ahead and whip it out already." you say, beaning a bit of carrot off his forehead.

"I... would truly prefer you didn't phrase it in that way." Kabuto says uncomfortably, as a couple of other patrons give your table strange looks before returning to their food. "In any case, much like your shunshin relies on great reserves of chakra to make proper use of it... usually... the Mystical Palm requires exceptional control of that chakra. Or else... well, better to demonstrate."

Kabuto pulls a live mouse from his pocket, and does he just walk around with that all the time? Then he makes a careful demonstration of activating the jutsu, leaving a little green energy floating around his hand and holds it above the mouse.

One side bulges out. Another withers away to nearly nothing. The creature gives a pained shriek, and thrashes. Then it dies, and Kabuto carefully nudges it down into the coals before anyone notices that he brought a demonstration animal in.

"It's like that." he says. "Medical chakra is difficult to keep a grip on, so to speak. It has almost a will of its own, in some ways, like it wants to be used. But while it can be very useful, there's an alarming array of potential side effects or results from flawed usage. Cancers, accidental death, 'healing' the nostrils of a broken nose shut... in order to make effective use of the technique, it generally takes a lot of training time. Which is why once your specialty is obviously medical jutsu, you're a little boxed in..." Kabuto says, seeming a little wistful. "It's particularly dangerous to try and heal yourself, too, unfortunately."

Well, this has been a fantastic exchange. You've given him a jutsu that he can't use without a lot of work that he doesn't have the time to do in order to get an emergency medical jutsu that might kill you if you try to use it when you really need it, without proper training that will get you labeled as a side-line support character and upset a lot of people.

Been fun, though, and at least you got dinner out of it.

"Well, it's about time for me to bounce along out, then. Two more platters of beef for my buddy boy here, he's going to need the energy for training!" you call to the kitchen.

"Please don't, I can't afford that!" he instantly yells back there, in distress.

You laugh as you walk out, into the last fading rays of sunset, and take off at an easy stroll.

Then two roads down, you get plucked off the street and find yourself looking into a strange mask worn by a figure with long, shaggy hair.

"Hi there." the mystery man in the swirling orange mask says, voice peppy and upbeat.


[No voting. To be continued.]
This train keeps getting better and better...!

Also, even if we don't work on getting healing down pat in secret [however we end up managing, external chakra or no] we now can recognize it as a base for stuff and can recognize when somebody's lying about going to use it CX

Time for the Massacre, everybody~!

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