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[X] That Uzumaki boy is a menace. You don't know how he managed it, and the elders are calling for his head, but he's dyed all the Uchiha clan clothes shades of yellow, tricked everyone into dying their hair blonde, and given the police office a new coat of orange paint. You kind of like it, but you're also getting pressured to respond in kind.
[X] Ami and the other two get into a fashion disagreement with the Yamanaka girl and her pink pet. Blood is spilled, and a show-off with neutral judges is arranged. You weren't initially invited, which is a grave insult. Are you not worth including in a fashion contest? Bitch, you are fashion. What's more fashionable than coordinated armor?
[X] That Uzumaki boy is a menace. You don't know how he managed it, and the elders are calling for his head, but he's dyed all the Uchiha clan clothes shades of yellow, tricked everyone into dying their hair blonde, and given the police office a new coat of orange paint. You kind of like it, but you're also getting pressured to respond in kind.
Golden Demon Mio arises
At first, you don't notice that anything is amiss.

Not until after you drag yourself out of bed and take your morning shower. Then, wrapped in the largest and fluffiest towel you own, you look in the mirror.

Your hair, which before was black like the void between stars in the night sky and a sealed and empty underground room, is now like unto strands of spun gold, and it glistens and glimmers with the allure of precious metal, sparkling as light reflects off of it.

Your wardrobe has been similarly dyed, in hard and soft yellows and very subtly red oranges, like sunlight and fire.

You like this.

You like this very much.

Unfortunately, the rest of the Uchiha appreciate the change to their appearance... less. Your best guess is that his antics amuse the Hokage somehow, or ironically keep him too focused in the spotlight for him to disappear the way an ordinary orphan could if they were even half as annoying.

You'll keep your opinions to yourself on this one. Honestly, you aren't as thrilled by the police station being given a new coat of paint either, even as the elders shriek so loudly you wonder if one of them might drop dead of a heart attack. There's a couple that you wouldn't mind being on hand if that happened, so you can be properly helpful and look for someone who knows what to do about it. You guess you'd actually be fairly prompt about finding a doctor for a couple others though.

One of the elders grabs you by the shoulder, and you're hard pressed not to laugh in his face at how he looks, like a great ball of sunshine.

"You. You are in that little wretch's academy class." he recognizes, though it seems like he's having trouble speaking through the fury. "Adults can't respond to childish misdeeds, but you will do something about this!"


Well damn. You're pretty sure that giving the guy a pat on the back isn't exactly what they're looking for out of this, so now you're a little stuck. Can't exactly pass the buck to one of the head's kids if there's any other option, and all that.


[ ] ??
Why are you even considering following the spirit of the Uchiha elder's poorly worded demand?

We don't like those stuffy guys.

How about do something like [ ] - Teach Naruto calligraphy so he can make more articulate insults, or [ ] - Introduce Naruto to the concept of minions and alibis, and the wonders of being impossible to blame for something.

Actually, I think I like that last one quite a bit.

[X] - Well, the Elders tell you to 'do something about it', so that's what you'll do: You'll make sure Naruto is professional about his pranking.
-[X] - First off, what's up with him getting caught all the time despite being sneaky enough to do all this crud? You'll introduce him to the concept of minions, scapegoats and alibis, because it's awesome to have people stuck because they can't prove you did something!
-[X] - Second off, where's his variety? Paint, paint paint paint - it's getting boring, and he even sticks to the same general extra garish colors. Diversity's key if you want to keep things fresh - rigging prank traps in people's houses like projectile egg cartons in the fridge, whatever really so long as it's new.
-[X] - Third off, he should really be less trusting and open to someone just randomly giving him help, as they can learn more than enough to get him back. Demonstrate this, by finishing your lesson by framing him for a prank on the Akimichi clan and making sure he knows it.
-[X] ...Along the way, find out the names of what paints and dies he used on you. You plan to keep your room the same color, and you imagine being able to easily restore it should ill mannered elders see fit to change it would help. Also you don't really mind the blond look.
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Why are you even considering following the spirit of the Uchiha elder's poorly worded demand?

We don't like those stuffy guys.

How about do something like [ ] - Teach Naruto calligraphy so he can make more articulate insults, or [ ] - Introduce Naruto to the concept of minions and alibis, and the wonders of being impossible to blame for something.

Actually, I think I like that last one quite a bit.
I was thinking about sticking to the spirit because it sounded fun, but your way sounds fun too, and has that extra "fuck you" factor.

[X] - Well, the Elders tell you to 'do something about it', so that's what you'll do: You'll make sure Naruto is professional about his pranking.
-[X] - First off, what's up with him getting caught all the time despite being sneaky enough to do all this crud? You'll introduce him to the concept of minions, scapegoats and alibis, because it's awesome to have people stuck because they can't prove you did something!
-[X] - Second off, where's his variety? Paint, paint paint paint - it's getting boring, and he even sticks to the same general extra garish colors. Diversity's key if you want to keep things fresh - rigging prank traps in people's houses like projectile egg cartons in the fridge, whatever really so long as it's new.
-[X] - Third off, he should really be less trusting and open to someone just randomly giving him help, as they can learn more than enough to get him back. Demonstrate this, by finishing your lesson by framing him for a prank on the Akimichi clan and making sure he knows it.
-[X] ...Along the way, find out the names of what paints and dies he used on you. You plan to keep your room the same color, and you imagine being able to easily restore it should ill mannered elders see fit to change it would help. Also you don't really mind the blond look.
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[X] - Well, the Elders tell you to 'do something about it', so that's what you'll do: You'll make sure Naruto is professional about his pranking.
-[X] - First off, what's up with him getting caught all the time despite being sneaky enough to do all this crud? You'll introduce him to the concept of minions, scapegoats and alibis, because it's awesome to have people stuck because they can't prove you did something!
-[X] - Second off, where's his variety? Paint, paint paint paint - it's getting boring, and he even sticks to the same general extra garish colors. Diversity's key if you want to keep things fresh - rigging prank traps in people's houses like projectile egg cartons in the fridge, whatever really so long as it's new.
-[X] - Third off, he should really be less trusting and open to someone just randomly giving him help, as they can learn more than enough to get him back. Demonstrate this, by finishing your lesson by framing him for a prank on the Akimichi clan and making sure he knows it.
[X] Plan Beard

And the prank on the Akimichi clan has to involve beards. Sudden, natural, shampoo'd beards.
EDIT: Let's keep things colorful

[X] - Well, the Elders tell you to 'do something about it', so that's what you'll do: You'll make sure Naruto is professional about his pranking.
-[X] - First off, what's up with him getting caught all the time despite being sneaky enough to do all this crud? You'll introduce him to the concept of minions, scapegoats and alibis, because it's awesome to have people stuck because they can't prove you did something!
-[X] - Second off, where's his variety? Paint, paint paint paint - it's getting boring, and he even sticks to the same general extra garish colors. Diversity's key if you want to keep things fresh - rigging prank traps in people's houses like projectile egg cartons in the fridge, whatever really so long as it's new.
-[X] - Third off, he should really be less trusting and open to someone just randomly giving him help, as they can learn more than enough to get him back. Demonstrate this, by finishing your lesson by framing him for a prank on the Akimichi clan and making sure he knows it.
-[X] ...Along the way, find out the names of what paints and dies he used on you. You plan to keep your room the same color, and you imagine being able to easily restore it should ill mannered elders see fit to change it would help. Also you don't really mind the blond look.
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[X] - Well, the Elders tell you to 'do something about it', so that's what you'll do: You'll make sure Naruto is professional about his pranking.
-[X] - First off, what's up with him getting caught all the time despite being sneaky enough to do all this crud? You'll introduce him to the concept of minions, scapegoats and alibis, because it's awesome to have people stuck because they can't prove you did something!
-[X] - Second off, where's his variety? Paint, paint paint paint - it's getting boring, and he even sticks to the same general extra garish colors. Diversity's key if you want to keep things fresh - rigging prank traps in people's houses like projectile egg cartons in the fridge, whatever really so long as it's new.
-[X] - Third off, he should really be less trusting and open to someone just randomly giving him help, as they can learn more than enough to get him back. Demonstrate this, by finishing your lesson by framing him for a prank on the Akimichi clan and making sure he knows it.
[X] Plan Bob
- [X] Also, keep the new colour scheme for your house and clothes
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Just the house? Not the hair and clothes? Even though Dio Mio finds them favorable?
Just the house? Not the hair and clothes? Even though Dio Mio finds them favorable?
Added keeping the clothes. Not the hair, though. Adopting a more attractive colour scheme for your house and wardrobe after seeing it is one thing, but starting to die your hair? Goes from 'Rebellion against the Uchiha' to 'Follower of the Uzumaki'. And we are nobody's follower.
[X] Plan Bob
- [X] Also, keep the new colour scheme for your house and clothes
Added keeping the clothes. Not the hair, though. Adopting a more attractive colour scheme for your house and wardrobe after seeing it is one thing, but starting to die your hair? Goes from 'Rebellion against the Uchiha' to 'Follower of the Uzumaki'. And we are nobody's follower.
Nonsense. The Uzumaki have red hair. In fact, why don't we help this poor, misinformed Uzumaki by making his hair red.
- [X] Also, keep the new colour scheme for your house and clothes
Just the house? Not the hair and clothes? Even though Dio Mio finds them favorable?
These are excellent points - plan amended!
[X] - Well, the Elders tell you to 'do something about it', so that's what you'll do: You'll make sure Naruto is professional about his pranking.
-[X] - First off, what's up with him getting caught all the time despite being sneaky enough to do all this crud? You'll introduce him to the concept of minions, scapegoats and alibis, because it's awesome to have people stuck because they can't prove you did something!
-[X] - Second off, where's his variety? Paint, paint paint paint - it's getting boring, and he even sticks to the same general extra garish colors. Diversity's key if you want to keep things fresh - rigging prank traps in people's houses like projectile egg cartons in the fridge, whatever really so long as it's new.
-[X] - Third off, he should really be less trusting and open to someone just randomly giving him help, as they can learn more than enough to get him back. Demonstrate this, by finishing your lesson by framing him for a prank on the Akimichi clan and making sure he knows it.
-[X] ...Along the way, find out the names of what paints and dies he used on you. You plan to keep your room the same color, and you imagine being able to easily restore it should ill mannered elders see fit to change it would help. Also you don't really mind the blond look.
[X] - Well, the Elders tell you to 'do something about it', so that's what you'll do: You'll make sure Naruto is professional about his pranking.
-[X] - First off, what's up with him getting caught all the time despite being sneaky enough to do all this crud? You'll introduce him to the concept of minions, scapegoats and alibis, because it's awesome to have people stuck because they can't prove you did something!
-[X] - Second off, where's his variety? Paint, paint paint paint - it's getting boring, and he even sticks to the same general extra garish colors. Diversity's key if you want to keep things fresh - rigging prank traps in people's houses like projectile egg cartons in the fridge, whatever really so long as it's new.
-[X] - Third off, he should really be less trusting and open to someone just randomly giving him help, as they can learn more than enough to get him back. Demonstrate this, by finishing your lesson by framing him for a prank on the Akimichi clan and making sure he knows it.
-[X] ...Along the way, find out the names of what paints and dies he used on you. You plan to keep your room the same color, and you imagine being able to easily restore it should ill mannered elders see fit to change it would help. Also you don't really mind the blond look.
[X] - Well, the Elders tell you to 'do something about it', so that's what you'll do: You'll make sure Naruto is professional about his pranking.
-[X] - First off, what's up with him getting caught all the time despite being sneaky enough to do all this crud? You'll introduce him to the concept of minions, scapegoats and alibis, because it's awesome to have people stuck because they can't prove you did something!
-[X] - Second off, where's his variety? Paint, paint paint paint - it's getting boring, and he even sticks to the same general extra garish colors. Diversity's key if you want to keep things fresh - rigging prank traps in people's houses like projectile egg cartons in the fridge, whatever really so long as it's new.
-[X] - Third off, he should really be less trusting and open to someone just randomly giving him help, as they can learn more than enough to get him back. Demonstrate this, by finishing your lesson by framing him for a prank on the Akimichi clan and making sure he knows it.
-[X] ...Along the way, find out the names of what paints and dies he used on you. You plan to keep your room the same color, and you imagine being able to easily restore it should ill mannered elders see fit to change it would help. Also you don't really mind the blond look.
[X] Dye Naruto's hair and all possessions red-and-black. With maybe some small Uchiha crests where fashionably proper.
- [X] Make sure that he knows only you could have done this. Probably by painting somewhere "Revenge of the Uchiha is swift and efficient" in large, visible letters.
- [X] Make sure that he has all evidence that you could not have done it. Alibi, etc.
- [X] Although, the Elders would probably demand something much more painful and humiliating. Put some hot Uchiha-crest-shaped metal plates under his favourite orange pants. Not hot enough to leave scars, of course, but hot enough to cause pain and mark the pants.

I'm not explicitly mentioning to keep the color scheme, because Mio does what Mio pleases.
[X] - Well, the Elders tell you to 'do something about it', so that's what you'll do: You'll make sure Naruto is professional about his pranking.
-[X] - First off, what's up with him getting caught all the time despite being sneaky enough to do all this crud? You'll introduce him to the concept of minions, scapegoats and alibis, because it's awesome to have people stuck because they can't prove you did something!
-[X] - Second off, where's his variety? Paint, paint paint paint - it's getting boring, and he even sticks to the same general extra garish colors. Diversity's key if you want to keep things fresh - rigging prank traps in people's houses like projectile egg cartons in the fridge, whatever really so long as it's new.
-[X] - Third off, he should really be less trusting and open to someone just randomly giving him help, as they can learn more than enough to get him back. Demonstrate this, by finishing your lesson by framing him for a prank on the Akimichi clan and making sure he knows it.
-[X] ...Along the way, find out the names of what paints and dies he used on you. You plan to keep your room the same color, and you imagine being able to easily restore it should ill mannered elders see fit to change it would help. Also you don't really mind the blond look.
[X] Dye Naruto's hair and all possessions red-and-black. With maybe some small Uchiha crests where fashionably proper.
- [X] Make sure that he knows only you could have done this. Probably by painting somewhere "Revenge of the Uchiha is swift and efficient" in large, visible letters.
- [X] Make sure that he has all evidence that you could not have done it. Alibi, etc.
- [X] Although, the Elders would probably demand something much more painful and humiliating. Put some hot Uchiha-crest-shaped metal plates under his favourite orange pants. Not hot enough to leave scars, of course, but hot enough to cause pain and mark the pants.

You guy vvoted for a prank war.Lets make the Elders rue the day they gave Mio the permision for it.

It will be a long and bloodless battle but it will end in the only way it should with traumaticed Elders.
[X] - Well, the Elders tell you to 'do something about it', so that's what you'll do: You'll make sure Naruto is professional about his pranking.
-[X] - First off, what's up with him getting caught all the time despite being sneaky enough to do all this crud? You'll introduce him to the concept of minions, scapegoats and alibis, because it's awesome to have people stuck because they can't prove you did something!
-[X] - Second off, where's his variety? Paint, paint paint paint - it's getting boring, and he even sticks to the same general extra garish colors. Diversity's key if you want to keep things fresh - rigging prank traps in people's houses like projectile egg cartons in the fridge, whatever really so long as it's new.
-[X] - Third off, he should really be less trusting and open to someone just randomly giving him help, as they can learn more than enough to get him back. Demonstrate this, by finishing your lesson by framing him for a prank on the Akimichi clan and making sure he knows it.
[X] - Well, the Elders tell you to 'do something about it', so that's what you'll do: You'll make sure Naruto is professional about his pranking.
-[X] - First off, what's up with him getting caught all the time despite being sneaky enough to do all this crud? You'll introduce him to the concept of minions, scapegoats and alibis, because it's awesome to have people stuck because they can't prove you did something!
-[X] - Second off, where's his variety? Paint, paint paint paint - it's getting boring, and he even sticks to the same general extra garish colors. Diversity's key if you want to keep things fresh - rigging prank traps in people's houses like projectile egg cartons in the fridge, whatever really so long as it's new.
-[X] - Third off, he should really be less trusting and open to someone just randomly giving him help, as they can learn more than enough to get him back. Demonstrate this, by finishing your lesson by framing him for a prank on the Akimichi clan and making sure he knows it.
-[X] ...Along the way, find out the names of what paints and dies he used on you. You plan to keep your room the same color, and you imagine being able to easily restore it should ill mannered elders see fit to change it would help. Also you don't really mind the blond look.

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