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Probably can also learn from the 'pistol shrimp' with that contract. If the fastest punch and best eyes is not enough, i guess that + 'on fire(plasma), at 9000 Cº' + stunning shockwave' should be enough

Demon of the Uchiha indeed.
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I never thought I would be hoping for a shrimp summon, before any other type, but here I am.

Peacock Mantis Shrimp, go!
Unfortunately, if Chibi Reaper does go with Shrimp Summons, that means plan Emergency Jutsu-no-Nope requires underwater breathing. It'd probably be a decent enough thing to pick up if possible, anyways.
A water breathing jutsu would be great.
Might be most efficient with a lightning nature, though...
Unfortunately, if Chibi Reaper does go with Shrimp Summons, that means plan Emergency Jutsu-no-Nope requires underwater breathing. It'd probably be a decent enough thing to pick up if possible, anyways.
Maybe have Mio think she could be suited to the sharks? Though personally, I was thinking maybe the scorpions. Besides, 1 in 10 is better odds than we have with Itachi.

Or maybe we can learn the jutsu for not needing to breathe after we hit puberty for unrelated reasons. ;)
[X] That sounds like a deal that the Great Devil King of the Uchiha can support. My loyal followers will be ready to aid me in assisting the training of this young genin.
Meat and Greet
So, you have to train with someone.

In order to get tips on how to train yourself.

... That sounds like a deal where you win coming and going. The best kind of deal! Unfortunately, your minions don't see it quite the same without encouragement.

"... And what do we get out of this?" Shonen-girl asks, arms crossed.

"You get to fight a real genin, for one." you say flippantly, waving a hand.

It does not sparkle quite as much as the rest of you. You're going to have to find a way to fix that. You're thinking... gold nail polish. Probably not with real gold in it, because that'll get expensive quickly, but that's something to keep in mind for the future.

"You were thinking something incredibly tasteless just now." Ami accuses.

"Don't be ridiculous." you rebuff. You are the very definition of taste and class. Therefore, everything you do is tasteful and classy by default. That's basic logic for you. "Leaving that aside, where is the afro girl?"

"Kasumi was one of the students that got invited to the medic corps." Ami says, stressing the name as though she thinks that more emphasis will make you care. "You have to remember that they tested everyone's chakra, and while not everyone took them up on it, everyone that had enough control got invited to the medic-nin programs, right?"

That's ridiculous.

"I didn't." you point out.

".... You're an Uchiha." Ami points out in counterpoint. "It doesn't matter if your control was literally perfect, your clan wouldn't let them even try."

Oh, they wouldn't let you do something, is it? You feel a perverse inclination to go look up what it takes to learn healing jutsu.

Shonen-girl sighs deeply.

"Kasumi attends classes, but she also spends a lot of her free time interning at the hospital." she says. "Aside from all the standard ninja education, she needs to pick up advanced anatomy, get a solid understanding of the hospital paperwork, and develop an appropriate bedside manner, among other things."

What you're getting out of that is that you'll have to take part instead of just throwing the minions at the problem. Whatever.

"You still haven't said what we're getting out of this!" Ami snaps.

"Fighting a genin isn't enough? Bonus physical and chakra training, and since they're training tracking, take-downs, and captures you are training withdrawal, fighting retreats, and generally how to escape from bad situations." You bluff. "On top of that, Gai is a jounin, you know? If he's going to help me out, then he's probably got a tidbit or two that he can throw your way, right?"

Ami looks doubtful, but Shonen-girl nods sharply, seeming to find that reasonable enough.

So you don't have to physically drag them to the training ground. Which, while it would have been amusing, would also have been a pain.

Gai is waiting there, along with a young girl and three small dogs. Ah. ... Inuzuka? There's one in your class, but his own puppy is small enough to fit in a hand or pocket.

"Yooooosh! You've arrived!" Gai howls, exuberant. "Ah, but let us not get ahead of ourselves. Before we begin training, why don't you all introduce yourselves? Your name, why you are here, and anything you want to share?"

He looks like he's put some practice into saying that, or something like it. Practicing for taking a genin team? It's a leap of intuition, but not very far-fetched. He's an elite Jounin, so having him focus on teaching for a while means a net loss for the village when he could be taking high-ranking missions, but in return it should produce higher quality genin from his training.

"I, Uchiha Mio, the Golden Devil, am here entirely out of self-interest!" you howl immediately, making no bones about your selfishness. You're here because you want those delicious illusions, and this gets you closer to having them.

"... Fuki." Shonen-girl says. Ami glances her way before she continues. "I like swordplay and sealing jutsu theory. The academy doesn't test over those, though. I'm here to train and develop my body and chakra."

"Haaahg..." Ami groans. "... I have a family name, but as civilians it doesn't mean much. I'm Ami. Remember that. And I'm here because I can't let Fuki get dragged into this idiot's shenanigans on her own!"

"Ho. You're being quite cheeky, minion." You note, mildly approving.

"Since when was it that I entered your service!?" Ami snaps.

"Since the day of your birth. Don't fret. In time, all will come to know my benevolent tyranny." you declare smugly, hands held out to the sides.

".... Did you find me academy students to train with, or just raid a traveling circus?" Dog-girl asks.

"It's the prerogative of the youthful to be boisterous!" Gai declares. "Come! Take a deep breath and shout so the whole world hears your voice!"

"The only Jounin who's really helpful just has to be..." the genin sighs to herself, then waves. "Yo. I'm Inuzuka Hana, and these are the Haimaru brothers. I'm a genin, and I'm training to pass the Chuunin examinations and open up a veterinary clinic."

"A vet?" Ami asks, dubiously.

"Do you have a problem with that? Ninja animals get injured too, and most medical ninja focus on healing humans once their training is done." Hana says, scowling.

Her dogs growl a little, in response to her annoyance, and Gai claps his hands.

"Yosh! Now that we all know each other, let's begin. This training ground is lightly wooded, and approximately one kilometer in diameter, simulating thin forests and trails of the sort that can be found across many countries. I will be waiting at the other end, having marked out a space to represent a 'Safe zone'. The training is to simulate an ambush, both on enemy ninja and from enemy ninja. It's Hana's job to capture the intruders, so that they can be questioned about their intent, and it's your job as the intruders to escape and withdraw from the area now that you've been caught."

Gai claps his hands and disappears. The body-flicker technique, like Shisui's Shunshin...? ... No. That's not a jutsu at all, just pure and overwhelming speed!

Hana grins at the three of you, like a hound that's scented a wounded rabbit.


[ ] ??
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"Kasumi was one of the students that got invited to the medic corps." Ami says, stressing the name as though she thinks that more emphasis will make you care. "You have to remember that they tested everyone's chakra, and while not everyone took them up on it, everyone that had enough control got invited to the medic-nin programs, right?"

That's ridiculous.

"I didn't." you point out.

".... You're an Uchiha." Ami points out in counterpoint. "It doesn't matter if your control was literally perfect, your clan wouldn't let them even try."

Oh, they wouldn't let you do something, is it? You feel a perverse inclination to go look up what it takes to learn healing jutsu.
Well, that's kind of a perfect IC motivator to not just pick up medical jutsu, but to do so all sneaky like so Mio can later laugh in the Uchiha elders' faces about it, as is her wont.

You just get us the nicest things, Chibi~
"Yo. I'm Inuzuka Hana, and these are the Haimaru brothers. I'm a genin, and I'm training to pass the Chuunin examinations and open up a veterinary clinic."

"A vet?" Ami asks, dubiously.

"Do you have a problem with that? Ninja animals get injured too, and most medical ninja focus on healing humans once their training is done." Hana says, scowling.
And look at that, we got a sneaky in at medical right there - I'd bet dogs to daisies that Medic nin intent to become vets are slated for less scrutiny than their human-focusing counterparts, and further I'd venture that Inuzuka are tied with Aburame for being the hardest to stalk - with ROOT or otherwise - due to their passively active detection systems.

Couple that with the political incident of fucking with the kid of a clan head, and Mio might be able to swing sneaky-time healing learnings from her.

Or failing that, she could just make excuses to hang with her and just watch her do shit/leaf through her training books and contrast them against afro-girl's.

Sharingan, and all.

Okay, so as to a vote though... I think it's important we ensure our minions are amenable to coming back sans-forcing, most of all. As in, ensuring that is more valuable than 'winning' this exchange or 'Mio learning the most she can' from this exchange. It's the root determinate whether these things keep happening and all, and I'd imagine Mio would value the continued existence of this opportunity here enough to prioritize it.

That means we need to make sure this lil' shindig is not a nightmare for the other two... which means supporting them and making their bit of this easier, at the cost of how much effort Mio has to put in.

Basically, I'm saying we should be a big damn hero about this, for tactical reasons and shit.
Kick up dust in the genin's face and run?
It' an Inazuka so this should be more effective than normal.
Either that or a smoke bomb.
Kick up dust in the genin's face and run?
It' an Inazuka so this should be more effective than normal.
Either that or a smoke bomb.
Smoke bomb would probably be good, but the salespeople probably have some countermeasure from getting ripped off by their ninja customers, and I don't remember if we have any money.
...I feel like there's something we can do with Sharingan, Clone and Henge, here.

Namely, we can see her dogs, and in so doing memorize them.

We could then produce illusions shaped like those dogs, and move them like the dogs would move (relative to what Mio saw and memorized).

They'd have no mass, wouldn't make sound or scent and likely wouldn't confuse anyone for long... but being able to bust them out seems a great way to buy a second.

Like say, she sends dogs in, you send illusions out, and attack her in that moment of 'my dogs are returning' before she better scrutinizes the situation.

Funnily enough, the best way to orchestrate such a situation, I think, involves Mio doing what she can to maximize how long she can watch the dogs do shit... which means bearing the brunt of the dog's attention.

That ties oh-so-nicely back to my hope to make the minions view this as not terrible.

So to that end as a plan base:

[X] - Purposefully lag behind your mooks, and keep the dogs occupied long enough the two to get a proper head start. They need the help, and there's no point to instantly spending minions; 's wasteful.
-[X] - Take a good, long gander at Hana's dogs, and give that Sharingan a proper workout. How each moves, what mannerisms and quirks you can witness in their methods - all of it's up for grabs.
--[X] Once you've got enough to work with (and the goons have gotten clear), make your own retreat, and look for a chance to trick Hana with illusions of her own dogs. You only need a moment...
---[X] If it works, fantastic; Mio makes a stately exit to 'retreat' - if it doesn't, she does it considerably faster, attempt made.

Feels properly super-vain and arrogant-minded to me, as a plan idea - and would seem to serve our purposes regardless of how it plays out. If it works, we pull off something real neat and fancy. If it fails partly, we still bought our goons time and memorized important dog stuff that we could probably wrangle into usefulness for medic-stuff. If it fails badly, Mio still gets goontime and doggyfacts, just she also gets a butt-whoopin'. And in terms of the spirit of the challenge guy laid out, all outcomes are defendable based on the above approach; attempting to prevent enemies from getting anything more than a minority of their targets should be considered a win for said targets, if not a perfect one.
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Isn't that a bad idea to do to an Inazuka? The one sense you have to confuse isn't just sight or sound for them, it's smell. And I doubt she'd be confused about the dogs if she can smell they aren't hers.
Isn't that a bad idea to do to an Inazuka? The one sense you have to confuse isn't just sight or sound for them, it's smell. And I doubt she'd be confused about the dogs if she can smell they aren't hers.
We're not targeting her senses, so much as her mind with such an approach.

That is; I'm already ceding that we are not going to beat any of her senses outright, due to not yet being an Illusion expert/her being an Inuzuka.

That said, I hope you're familiar with that sensation where you turn one way, shit you see someone there in the corner and oh wait, that's just a coat. You can clearly see it's a coat, but for that tiny initial moment, your assumptions made it something else.

Those initial reactions, that gut reflex - that's what I'm targetting. Give her enough of the idea of 'her dogs' that her initial reaction is that that's what they are - the fact she'll nearly instantly correct that misunderstanding is irrelevant, if our plan is specifically to exploit that period of mistaken identification.

Basically this is a setup for a suckerpunch, just writ through jutsu and mindgames.
Uh... We're starting from the position of us having just been found.

A Genin (practicing for the Chuunin exams) is probably going to outpace us even if her dogs don't.

So Hana's first act is probably going to signal her dogs to either surround or attack - we're not being given a head start or anything so we need to fight or disengage right now.

I suggest disengaging somehow but I don't quite know what we have... Do we have smoke bombs or tear bombs or something?
I wonder what our chakra capacity is, relative to Sasuke's.
Not...like...at series start, but right now.
His reserves are comparatively pretty remarkable as a starting genin (If maybe not for an Uchiha?), what with the Grand Fireball jutsu and all.

...so it'd be interesting to know how THE GLORIOUS MIO's reserves compare, having been trained all her life by constant sharingan.
Maybe we can make use of shonen girl seals somehow maybe after we disengage.Gonna reread their figth for ideas.

Edit:Reread done and ugh just an interest in them. Why can't everybody be a prodigy? It's great look at how stable Mio...ehh Itachi look how sane and stable Itachi is.
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I wonder what our chakra capacity is, relative to Sasuke's.
Not...like...at series start, but right now.
His reserves are comparatively pretty remarkable as a starting genin (If maybe not for an Uchiha?), what with the Grand Fireball jutsu and all.

...so it'd be interesting to know how THE GLORIOUS MIO's reserves compare, having been trained all her life by constant sharingan.

Mio's chakra reserves are actually pretty good for her age, ignoring everything else. Clear genin quality in that regard. Stepping back and taking into account that she's had a set of sharingan running more or less since birth, it's actually not that great, and despite her disdain for the elders and most of the clan as a whole and not actually really just copying jutsu all over because of not caring much for the potential drawbacks of doing so she sort of exemplifies the 'just use your magic eyes and coast on that' stereotype. She trains when she feels like it or someone physically forces her to, but mostly just dicks around amusing herself. Not quite a Nara, but there's reasons that the elders tend to dislike her in turn for visibly squandering her ridiculous advantages on this 'having fun' bullshit when she could have been representing and promoting the superiority of the clan like Itachi and possibly already been a Chuunin by now. So in spite of her eyes she's something of a disgrace, and never mind that Itachi is quietly self-destructing and falling apart inside juggling his manifold and diverse responsibilities and obligations.

Meanwhile, Sasuke doesn't really have the same advantages that she does, and doesn't even have his own canon bullshit advantages going for him yet, but he's something of an obsessive try-hard. So, his Chakra reserves and control are lagging a little behind, but in general he's still just all around better in areas like taijutsu form, throwing accuracy, and hand-sign seals if only because he willingly goes to train on his own even if he doesn't really feel like it today without needing someone to show up and drag him screaming by the ankle to the training grounds because motherfucker I have cake that I found and memorized a recipe for just out of the oven, go straight to hell forever.

Basically, Sasuke has really good odds on taking rookie of the year by virtue of fucks-given.
I wonder if Mio will shape up after the massacre, or get even less motivated...
Well, either way, Sasuke will shape up even harder...and still have his initial gains.

Well, the funny thing is that some people would be able to say "Look, this girl had her Sharingan on since birth and she's only a little crazy, so clearly it's all the high stress jobs that made Itachi snap!" and want her to take it even easier than she already is and just coast through life (and marry someone to bring the bloodline back!)
Well, the funny thing is that some people would be able to say "Look, this girl had her Sharingan on since birth and she's only a little crazy, so clearly it's all the high stress jobs that made Itachi snap!" and want her to take it even easier than she already is and just coast through life (and marry someone to bring the bloodline back!)
Inb4 Sasuke looks at her as, logically speaking (though he dreads it), his best choice of spouse...in the part of his life where he's not actually nearly as interested in reviving the clan as avenging it.
Mio: "Fool. Our blood is somewhat distant, but you and I are both full blooded Uchiha. As such, it's best for us to breed with literally anyone else. This greatly expands the pool of half-Uchiha children that can then be used to develop a program to rejuvenate the bloodline while avoiding the potential detrimental effects of inbreeding."

Sasuke: "..."


Sasuke: "... On the plus side, you have convinced me that I don't really want to marry you."
Mio: "Fool. Our blood is somewhat distant, but you and I are both full blooded Uchiha. As such, it's best for us to breed with literally anyone else. This greatly expands the pool of half-Uchiha children that can then be used to develop a program to rejuvenate the bloodline while avoiding the potential detrimental effects of inbreeding."

Sasuke: "..."


Sasuke: "... On the plus side, you have convinced me that I don't really want to marry you."
Only the girl who's spent a decade memorizing random shit and having fun would be able to respond to him that way.

(Also, I'm reminded of writing a legal and marital system, inheritance law included, specifically designed to get a magical nobility to produce vast amounts of halfblooded children with the lower class, while still producing pureblooded ones with actual spouses, for the sake of gradually raising the overall level of magic in the society.)

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