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Video Games General

I've been playing Hades recently. It's really good, but I've hit a pretty hard roadblock in Theseus and Asterius. The latter I can fight just fine, but Theseus is an issue, especially when he calls the gods. I feel like I'm not doing anywhere near enough damage by the time I get to them. Not entirely sure what I'm doing wrong.

Focus on Asterius first and make sure to just focus asterius. Also what weapon and skills are you focusing? Its very important you try and synergize your stuff together as the dmg fall off can be pretty big because of that.
Focus on Asterius first and make sure to just focus asterius. Also what weapon and skills are you focusing? Its very important you try and synergize your stuff together as the dmg fall off can be pretty big because of that.
I learned after a couple fights to focus on Asterius, so I'm having an easier time in that regard. It's Theseus' call in his second phase that really messes me up. As for weapons, I just sort of use whatever has the darkness bonus most of the time. I have an aspect for all but maybe 1 weapon, but can only remember I have Chiron, Chaos, and Achilles off the top of my head. I typically tend to focus on building around my special or attack more than anything and try to mainly aim for poms going through Asphodel and up into Elysium instead of collecting a boon for everything.
Yooooooooo, Gamestop has preorders for Volume 3 of their rerelease collections. It's Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure and La Pucelle Ragnarok.
The pipe dream is no more.
We've known about that for a while; they announced it during New Game Plus Expo back on... March 31st.
I learned after a couple fights to focus on Asterius, so I'm having an easier time in that regard. It's Theseus' call in his second phase that really messes me up. As for weapons, I just sort of use whatever has the darkness bonus most of the time. I have an aspect for all but maybe 1 weapon, but can only remember I have Chiron, Chaos, and Achilles off the top of my head. I typically tend to focus on building around my special or attack more than anything and try to mainly aim for poms going through Asphodel and up into Elysium instead of collecting a boon for everything.

One of the easy solutions for Theseus's Call is get Poseidon's and just bounce off him with a max call for that entire first dramatic bit. If you get the rupture or bonus vs bosses boons too, you can take off half or two thirds of the remaining health bar. Then just remember to dodge.

Or you could go heavy on Athena?
So, I tried the new Ni No Kuni MMO... I was just hoping to play through the story mode in the hope it might be good, since I've already been told (from versions released elsewhere) that it's p2w NFT shit.

Installed the phone version, got it started. Installed the PC version, got it started. Lag as fuck, even on my monster machine- not a thing it should do in a cel-shaded game, probably. Clearly a mobile app ported to PC, everything just the same. There's auto-walk for missions. Auto-fight is on automatically and even the SETTINGS page has pure touchscreen controls. Auto-fight, auto-heal, everything.

Got to the first battle. Slugfest. Controls. Are. Shit. Even on PC. Auto-battle activates automatically and you just sit there and watch, basically. Even if you manage to turn it off... the basic attack key is fucking V!

Now, I'll play some phone games in which auto-battle is necessary. This game is 3d, though, billing itself as an 'action RPG.'

On top of that, the first environment you get to actually wander around in is 100% on-rails preconstructed. I don't need as much freedom as BotW/Genshin, but this was hallway simulator level.

Uninstalled. I may watch an LP at some point that goes through the story, but right now? Nothing so far has endeared me to the setting or characters- just a bit of real-world tease and standard fantasy schlock. Not worth the headache. I already spent an hour and a half agonizing over my internet deciding to go down just before launch.

It is a pity though. Cute catgirl is cute, and the customization worked out pretty well.

Ah well, keep on trucking in Genshin, and maybe ZZZ when it comes out.
Installed the phone version, got it started. Installed the PC version, got it started. Lag as fuck, even on my monster machine- not a thing it should do in a cel-shaded game, probably. Clearly a mobile app ported to PC, everything just the same.
Had massive amounts of lag in a game that shouldn't have had lag as well. It was a Mobile/PC game with crossplay, but the lag didn't affect mobile, turns out there was code that would infintely execute on the PC version and was casuing the lag. Discord had a code you could insert through the browser console to disable the code, sure it meant you had actual loading times the first time you played each arena every session but being able to style on Mobile scrubs using S tier characters with my D tier character was great.
Going through the big charity bundle still, tried West of Dead this time.

Rogue-lite in which you play as some Monochrome Ghost Rider looking motherfucker. 'Fixed' camera cover-based shooting. Pretty fun so far- I thought it was too easy for a 'Rogue' style game, but then I realized I just now made it to Chapter 2 of at least four? I expect it'll get tougher. The mechanics can be a little wonky sometimes- the Chapter 1 boss was especially annoying about whether or not my guns wanted to hit him, his cover, or miss both. Also protip: The golems can only be damaged from behind.

Shotguns FTW, but don't forget a rifle/pistol for range. You can only carry two weapons- on controller, you use them with the left and right trigger buttons, I think mouse/keyboard you use the left and right mouse buttons. You can shoot pretty quick, but reloading is ultra-slow unless you're just sitting behind cover. You can run out of cover, but only 'boss moves' can be effectively dodged- most of the time if someone shoots at you, they'll hit if you aren't behind something. The yellow shit on the floor sets you on fire, please note, because the game doesn't tell you that. Watch out for explosives- both hanging from the ceiling and thrown by enemies. There are also two ability slots, but I've only got a crappy one so far, controlled by the bumpers. And one slot for a Charm- passive effect.

It's not too hard so far, but I expect the difficulty to ramp up.

The Grizzled Cowboy Narration is spot on though. Could really use other VAs, though, especially for the villain.
Let's not cheer yet. For all we know that game is a bug-riddled mesh of errors.
It's a given at this point as Owlcat confirmed that the gameplay is still in the pre-Alpha stage. We have some time before we can push the limits of our Warants of Trade. The more immediate 40k games on the way are Darktide from Fatchark this September and Shootas, Blood & Teef (an orky run&gun from the makers of Guns. Gore and Canoli) in Orktober. Also a boomer-shooter titled Boltgun is in the works for next year.
Okay, that looks good. I'd play it, assuming the FOV and frame rates don't give me a headache like value source games does.
Speaking of Warhammer games, Darktide might be interesting.

Though it is described as a live service game, with the new missions being baked in the regular free patches.

Vermintide 2 also getting an update.

Yeah, a free update to the free Chaos Wastes mode due on the 14th.

Speaking of Warhammer games, Darktide might be interesting.

Though it is described as a live service game, with the new missions being baked in the regular free patches.

Hopefully the Penal Legion is not the Last Chancers. Even though the series was written by Gav Thrope, Dan Abnet likely has his number available for writing discussion. Will grab this on Gamepass and hope Fatshark does an All Guardsmen Party themed mission.

And on the topic of Warhammer Skulls, GOG has the original Chaos Gate for free until the 8th and both GOG and Steam are running a Warhammer Skulls sale. May use that to grab Mechancius for less than a burrito.
What the hell is with War Thunder and people leaking classified military documents on it. Are the arguments on there so intense that salty forum posters need to post classified documents just to feel like they've won?
Or just genuinely that annoyed at the company getting details about a tank they're involved with wrong and refusing to accept that it's wrong. You'd probably get pissed too if people refused to accept things you could see with your own eyes 24/7 as true. Though probably not to the extent of leaking classified intel (even if frankly everyone actually important probably knows said details anyway).
What the hell is with War Thunder and people leaking classified military documents on it. Are the arguments on there so intense that salty forum posters need to post classified documents just to feel like they've won?
It's a VS Debate you can win, at the cost of your Social Credit.
Or just genuinely that annoyed at the company getting details about a tank they're involved with wrong and refusing to accept that it's wrong. You'd probably get pissed too if people refused to accept things you could see with your own eyes 24/7 as true. Though probably not to the extent of leaking classified intel (even if frankly everyone actually important probably knows said details anyway).
If it has already happened three times already, I am expecting a fourth. And I am sure that the world's intelligence community is now also keeping an ear open to war thunder for when the next one drops.
It's a VS Debate you can win, at the cost of your Social Credit.
They were already going to have negative infinity social credit by browsing the internet that is outside China's Great Firewall.
If it has already happened three times already, I am expecting a fourth. And I am sure that the world's intelligence community is now also keeping an ear open to war thunder for when the next one drops.
While I don't doubt they will keep an ear open I very much doubt they'll find anything actually new to them there. Anything you're printing out on a glorified user manual like with the Challenger has already made it into the hands of literally any party vaguely interested in it within days at best.

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