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Video Games General

so this was probably already asked but i didn't want to make a thread specifically for it, but since i'm basically stuck inside all day for the foreseeable future does anyone got any good decently long or at least worth the money in replay game recommendations? i'm willing to take just about anything you can give me barring horror and even that i'm willing to make some exceptions. even lewd and beyond if they have at least some decent gameplay.
Kittens Game is one of the few good idles in existence. It plays more like Javascript Civ or Anno, with dozens of resources to balance and a real feeling of progression beyond "numbers get bigger lol." It's actually so complex that you'll want to get an autoclicker ASAP, keep the game's wiki open in another monitor, and maybe even set up a spreadsheet to keep track of everything in a third.

There's also Factorio, an indie logistics-based strategy that lasts forever, even before you go crazy with mods that dial up the complexity and force you to learn organic chemistry just to unlock the next major resource type. The devs will never put it on sale, but you'll easily rack up a hundred hours of gameplay on your first map.
so this was probably already asked but i didn't want to make a thread specifically for it, but since i'm basically stuck inside all day for the foreseeable future does anyone got any good decently long or at least worth the money in replay game recommendations? i'm willing to take just about anything you can give me barring horror and even that i'm willing to make some exceptions. even lewd and beyond if they have at least some decent gameplay.
Well as I said above I'm playing Persona 5 Royal until Final Fantasy 7R comes out, but if you're looking for enough JRPG goodness to last you through the next month then my highest recommendation goes to The Legend of Heroes, which is a series of six games (currently available, out of nine in the series) each clocking in around 60-70 hours: Trails in the Sky 1-3, which are PSP ports, and Trails of Cold Steel 1-3, which are PSVita and PS4 games. All of them are available on Steam, and most of them except Cold Steel 3 are fairly cheap since they're older games.

The series as a whole is really neat and has some great worldbuilding. The entire series takes place in a single universe, with the events of each sub-series taking place in a single country in the setting's fantasy world and characters crossing over between plots. It's kind of like mixing Final Fantasy with the Marvel movies, with Cold Steel 3 and 4 being the equivalents of Infinity War and Endgame respectively. The central premise is that the world is going through a magitech industrial revolution and kingdoms that were largely medieval only a few decades ago are discovering guns, radio, airships, the internet, etc., which is pretty wild on its own since the games get to drill down into how these changes effect each kingdom's socio-economic power and so on.

If you don't want to play the whole series for some reason you can easily start with Trails of Cold Steel, that's basically how I did it. You'll miss out on some clever callbacks that I only picked up on after the fact but you don't strictly need those to be able to appreciate the story. Definitely don't start with Cold Steel 3 though, that one is where the plot threads of all the previous games start coming together and you'll miss out on a lot if you haven't played at least Cold Steel 1 and 2.

so this was probably already asked but i didn't want to make a thread specifically for it, but since i'm basically stuck inside all day for the foreseeable future does anyone got any good decently long or at least worth the money in replay game recommendations? i'm willing to take just about anything you can give me barring horror and even that i'm willing to make some exceptions. even lewd and beyond if they have at least some decent gameplay.
Battletech, Shadowrun (Dragonfall or Hong Kong, don't bother with Returns), Pillars of Eternity, Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire. All titles I put over 100 hours in each, some over 300. Battletech and Pillars are best with expansions that will run extra, but the Shadowrun games have a bunch of user generated content in the Steam Workshop that include new campaigns.

I will warn you that these are all Unity games with the goofy RPG save issue, so you might not want to pick them up unless you have an SSD, because it can cut load ti es significantly.
Another random tale of my experience with mincraft.

<---had the game for years and never truly played it until a few weeks ago.

Anyway, this time not hardcore survival mode. World generated was a bunch of islands. used a boat to go places and found an island that had a cave with iron near the surface. Then I found a ravine with water at the bottom. I tried jumping down to that water and died 1 block away from it.

I was so ashamed I misjudged that jump I stopped playing minecraft today. That is all.
Another random tale of my experience with mincraft.

<---had the game for years and never truly played it until a few weeks ago.

Anyway, this time not hardcore survival mode. World generated was a bunch of islands. used a boat to go places and found an island that had a cave with iron near the surface. Then I found a ravine with water at the bottom. I tried jumping down to that water and died 1 block away from it.

I was so ashamed I misjudged that jump I stopped playing minecraft today. That is all.
...Your name/handle is incredibly fitting. :p
Report on my time playing mount and blade bannerlord:

I fucking suck at swinging a damn sword, like holy balls do I get into so much danger at times for not simply paying attention. Damn its wild.

Also, is it just me or am I getting outran by some looters on foot while I'm on horse back!

Shit is hilarious.
Got my digital download of FF7R and the countdown timer ticking down on my TV for the next few hours. Less than five hours to go!
Well that was a waste of time. Had an FF7R reserve at Gamestop. Called. "Oh hey, it's in, you can come pick it up today." Get there, call again. "Oh sorry, you're fucked. We can't run your card debit, take cash, or take a check, so if you don't have a credit card you're shit out of luck."

Of course, then I found out from a friend that they aren't even supposed to be open because of a federal investigation.

Welp, that's five bucks lost, guess I'm downloading it.
Well that was a waste of time. Had an FF7R reserve at Gamestop. Called. "Oh hey, it's in, you can come pick it up today." Get there, call again. "Oh sorry, you're fucked. We can't run your card debit, take cash, or take a check, so if you don't have a credit card you're shit out of luck."

Of course, then I found out from a friend that they aren't even supposed to be open because of a federal investigation.

Welp, that's five bucks lost, guess I'm downloading it.

Yeah... it was a bad idea to try and order anything from gamestop this year. They probably won't exist in a few more years. It's that bad for them.
Well that was a waste of time. Had an FF7R reserve at Gamestop. Called. "Oh hey, it's in, you can come pick it up today." Get there, call again. "Oh sorry, you're fucked. We can't run your card debit, take cash, or take a check, so if you don't have a credit card you're shit out of luck."

Of course, then I found out from a friend that they aren't even supposed to be open because of a federal investigation.

Welp, that's five bucks lost, guess I'm downloading it.
It's probably a good idea to never order anything from Gamestop ever again after they tried to dodge the shutdown at the expense of their employees. The faster that dumpster fire burns out the better off we'll all be.
So I just remembered that there exist or existed an intresting dungeon making and raiding game. (duno if it's still active) The problems I can't remember its name.

It was a medieval themed (I know doesn't help mutch) had some neat traps like fire throwers and saw teaps. Had 2 parts of raiding and building. (while raiding you control one of the heroes available if I'm not mistaken one was female rocker or somthing?) If I'm corect you had to clear your dungeon to make it chalingable for other players... And it was a PC game that should help a tiny bit.

Anyways I'm asking if this rings any bells if not a list of dungeon makers might help me stumble upon it again.
Hmmmm... the only one that comes to mind sort of like that is The Mighty Quest for Awesome Loot. Was a fun game and I played it for a while, but quickly grew bored due to being pretty repetitive.

Was available on Steam, but is apparently gone now.

Edit: And apparently there is now a P2W mobile game version. Wonderful :confused:
A random minecraft story of my shortest hardcore run.

The world loads.

Spawn was right by a pillager outpost.

I died when the world wasn't even finished loading. That is all.
I'm reminded of the Let's Player who spawned in rock and died. He spent more time loading and mentioning the game then he did in world.

I see some things haven't changed over the years.

Tales of Vesperia and Digimon Cyber Sleuth games are on sale on Switch. I know they are good games, but I'm still not sure... Any opinion here, for those that played them?

Tales of Vesperia and Digimon Cyber Sleuth games are on sale on Switch. I know they are good games, but I'm still not sure... Any opinion here, for those that played them?
Cyber Sleuth is basically discount SMT Nocturne with a simpler combat and demon management system, and while the combat can be rather difficult at times and requires some planning and choosing your team properly, it's never actually complex. It's turn-based and most of the skills aren't visually impressive, and while the battles get very difficult at times there's a couple strategies that break the game later on by exploiting passive abilities and status effects.

I'd recommend it mainly to Digimon fans, because it's strength is the story and it's a very Digimon story, if that makes sense.
On another note, I'll recommend Good Job!

You can take things seriously... Or you can decide that wall was not needed anyway. Heh. It can be fun to just be the goof.

Out of the box thinking indeed.
On another note, I'll recommend Good Job!

You can take things seriously... Or you can decide that wall was not needed anyway. Heh. It can be fun to just be the goof.

Out of the box thinking indeed.

So wait no matter how much damage you cause if you get a low time you will do well?
Watching a bit of FF7R's opening level. I never actually played the original (or any final fantasy game) so i'm going into this blind, and some interesting things jumped out at me.

Cloud's reason for joining Avalanche in a terrorist attack is that he's a merc?
I don't really know what I was expecting, but it wasn't that. I know some stuff about his backstory, like he's not who he says he is, but I still wasn't expecting him to just be... paid muscle.

His dynamic with the other members is interesting too, because in most games you start out as 'the new kid' or the rookie, which... sorta fits here. He's new to the team to the point where some of them don't even know his name, but he's also the muscle. You're not the trainee who's getting handheld for the first couple of levels before you get your feet under you and their your seniors die or whatever, you're the guy they brought in to do combat. From the start of the game you are stronger than the npcs on your team, which is actually quite rare in most games.

Also, since the first takedown against a Shinra guard we see has members of Avalanche sneak up on him and get him from behind, it kind of made me think that that'd be the case going forwards. At least for this level which seems to have a thin veneer of stealth.

Biggs grabs a guard from behind, Jesse runs up and jump-kicks him in the chest and he goes down silently.
Then Jesse and biggs hide behind cover and two more guards close in to Cloud and Barrett, demanding that you put your hands up.

I assumed that as they passed Jesse and Biggs, they'd get jumped from behind and you'd do the knockout blow just like before.
But... no, it just goes into straight combat with you against them as the others go on ahead.

Each encounter in this part of the level has members of Avalanche hide up ahead, guards walk past them, then someone who the guards haven't seen loudly tells cloud that he has this, then they run on ahead while you deal with the guards. It happens like three or four times.

It works as a combat tutorial, and it makes sense narratively since you were explicitly brought here as muscle, but from how Jesse and Biggs position themselves, it really looks like they're planning and ambush but then chicken out at the last moment and just leave you to fight the guards the loud way.

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