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Vote Thread for Ack's Omake Corner

(Personally, I'm just hoping he stays in the mood for Price of Blood for another chapter or three). Ack has been known to go off and do 10+ chapters in a row for fics in this category though....
Me, 3 chapters of Price of Blood later:

Now do 5 more.:D
Hey Ack, Is the voting still open? Also is Naked Sex World still on the table to vote for?
Hey Ack, Is the voting still open? Also is Naked Sex World still on the table to vote for?

Voting's open until Ack says it's closed, which is typically when he's about to post the next chapter of whatever story won the previous round's vote & the results of current round. And NSW is one of the stories that can be voted for- as of the conclusion of the last round of voting, it's in 6th place, with 928 votes, so if you want to give it some votes, go ahead.
Voting's open until Ack says it's closed, which is typically when he's about to post the next chapter of whatever story won the previous round's vote & the results of current round. And NSW is one of the stories that can be voted for- as of the conclusion of the last round of voting, it's in 6th place, with 928 votes, so if you want to give it some votes, go ahead.


[X] NSW - 6
[X] Hostage Situation - 5
[X] Danny & Taylor - 4
[X] MirrorVerse - 3 Snake/Eater
Last edited:

Just one thing- 'Naked Sex World' goes by its abbreviation NSW in both the vote totals & the actual voting, and as votes are counted by an automatic script, referring to it by its full name is just going to make some more work for Ack in having to sort out and tabulate a vote in a non-standard format along with any other typos & misspellings (the people who do make such errors get called out in the vote count posts,) so you might want to edit your vote accordingly.
Just one thing- 'Naked Sex World' goes by its abbreviation NSW in both the vote totals & the actual voting, and as votes are counted by an automatic script, referring to it by its full name is just going to make some more work for Ack in having to sort out and tabulate a vote in a non-standard format along with any other typos & misspellings (the people who do make such errors get called out in the vote count posts,) so you might want to edit your vote accordingly.
Can I make a deal with you in exchange for naked sex world?

Explain to me this exchange thing.

And we have another one!

That's 5 in a row. [voice=auctioneer]Do I hear SIX?![/voice]

Ack, welcome to one of the few times where you're procrastinating on one of your top fics...and noone cares!

Psychic_Duck, any chance you could throw a 3 vote on Slippery Slope?

Sorry but i think i don't really like Slippery Slope, every time i try to read it i quickly lose interest and drop it, don't know why though as it seems like an interesting idea but i just can't read it.
@Psychic_Duck, you actually have it backwards; you're supposed to vote for Mirrorverse for your 3-point story in exchange for SE voting for NSW for 3 points. This is because people aren't allowed to vote for the same story multiple times in the same voting session.
@Psychic_Duck, you actually have it backwards; you're supposed to vote for Mirrorverse for your 3-point story in exchange for SE voting for NSW for 3 points. This is because people aren't allowed to vote for the same story multiple times in the same voting session.

Corrected and thank you for pointing that out
The ack Vote exchange is where we trade votes for stories we like.

So NSW for MirrorVerse?
I'm really starting to regret starting the vote exchange with the lengths you've taken it to Snake, lol.

And as an aside, has Angush voted at all the past few votes? If not, both our permanent trades with him are probably invalid by now...
[X] Trump Card - 6
[X] Hostage Situation - 5
[X] Alea Iacta Est - 4
[X] I, Panacea - 3
[X] Recoil - 2
[X] Confrontation II - 1
I was just thinking... Has anyone ever wrote a fic where Sarah Pelham AKA Photon Mom discovered the truth about the true extent of the Dallon family's problems... and then took her role as the leader of New Wave seriously for once (instead of letting Carol push her opinions on the rest of the team), and cleaned house.

I'm talking about the FULL story. Just how close Amy is to burning out. Just how powerful Amy really is. That Amy is in love with Vicky. That Vicky's uncontrolled use of her aura is why Amy loves Vicky. Just how often Amy gets called in to fix up someone before they're arrested when Vicky hurts them too badly. How Carol feels about and acts towards Amy. How deep Carol's problems really run. How bad Mark's depression is (is it canon that he frequently forgets to take his pills, or is that fanon? Not sure I remember any mention of pills at all in canon...).

I could think of several ways this could happen, her finding it out on her own, one of Contessa's Paths, Lisa letting her know (perhaps as an apology for the FUBAR at the bank robbery). Hell, Taylor telling her after she joins New Wave, after an alternate Trigger/with an alternate power, or even her Canon power.

I don't think I've ever read a fic where Sarah really took the reigns on New Wave and straightened things out before, and I think it'd be an interesting read.

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