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Vote Thread for Ack's Omake Corner

You need an outline for plotless smut?

Very much so. It doesn't exist anymore but those who remember it can tell you that the original NSW chapter Encounter with the Dark Side was far inferior to the one it is now. This is because Ack decided it could be better and followed the outline I supplied for it more closely when re-writing it.
[X] Recoil - 5
[X] NSW - 4
[X] I, Panacea - 3
[X] Trump Card - 2
[X] MirrorVerse - 1

You have so many good stories you almost need to shift to 6 voting slots. I'm going to have to keep a list here of alternates to swap in on my own voting!
One More Trigger - 0
You have so many good stories you almost need to shift to 6 voting slots. I'm going to have to keep a list here of alternates to swap in on my own voting!
Well All Unaware is on its last chapter and Security! is almost finished so we'll two new slots soon enough. But that's only two slots, so unless Ack desides to expand his already large projects list we'll have to choose carefully.
whatever story has the lowest vote point earnings this time around. Probably Junior Hero or Really Bad End.

I just remembered Junior Hero - it was (is?) actually an interesting story, but it's been buried beneath so many other Ack fics I'd forgotten about it.
Ack, please duplicate yourself?
I just remembered Junior Hero - it was (is?) actually an interesting story, but it's been buried beneath so many other Ack fics I'd forgotten about it.
Ack, please duplicate yourself?
It's still there, in the voting list. Gradually creeping up.

But, like Nemesis, it's suffering from "not a canon character" syndrome.
[X] Recoil - 5
[X] NSW - 4
[X] Alea Iacta Est - 3
[X] One More Trigger - 2
[X] All Alone - 1

I've only read the first two but I'm planning to read the rest.
Last edited:
[X] Recoil - 5
[X] NSW - 4
[X] Alea Iacta Est - 3
[X] One More Trigger - 2
[X] All Alone - 1

I've only read the first two but I'm planning to read the rest.
Please edit the name of the second one, as I have. This is the SFW part of the board, after all. (and it makes it harder to sort otherwise)

Just incidentally; I was thinking. I have 21 ongoing fics, but only 15 in the list.

Wondering if I should hold a different type of secondary vote. That is, put all 21 fics up for vote, and the top 15 competitors go back on to the list, while the others go into the "when I feel like it" pile.

Or maybe bump it up to 20 fics, and six votes per person. (which would still slow down when any particular fic got to the top of the pile).

Ideas, people?
I like the first option better. However, I'm worried about losing All Alone. Then again, the chance to gain Wyvern would be worth it.

I think that if you have 20 stories with 6 votes, things will be a little too cluttered.
One idea I have: You could allow people to vote for six+ stories per session, but the highest one still only gets 5 points. Stories 5-(however many you allow) each receive 1 point.

My total recommendation: add every story to the voting list, and maybe start with up to three 1-point votes, to be adjusted as desired.
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Wondering if I should hold a different type of secondary vote. That is, put all 21 fics up for vote, and the top 15 competitors go back on to the list, while the others go into the "when I feel like it" pile.
If you do this, it'd probably work best if each voter got 6-7 votes, so we wouldn't have to drop some fics we like off the list simply because we didn't have enough votes to vote for them all. It'd probably work best if for the voting points didn't go higher than 3 (2 votes at 3 points, 2 votes at 2 points, rest of votes at 1 point), that should give a better idea of overall community reception of a fic, rather than just being at the top of a few people's lists.
Or maybe bump it up to 20 fics, and six votes per person. (which would still slow down when any particular fic got to the top of the pile).
This option is fine with me. Though I envision some vote totals making it to the 900's with this.

*edit- misspelled a /quote, so screwed all the formatting up...
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I guess I just don't see the point of having a story not be on the list. They only get written one at a time anyway, so what does it matter how many of them are accumulating points at a given moment?
I guess I just don't see the point of having a story not be on the list. They only get written one at a time anyway, so what does it matter how many of them are accumulating points at a given moment?

My guess would be that most or all of the stories on the list Ack actually has a plan or idea of what to do, so when they come up on the 'to do' list he can get right to it, while the others are an idea/scene that just had to be written but he has no real plan for where it will lead beyond 'this interesting scene'.
My guess would be that most or all of the stories on the list Ack actually has a plan or idea of what to do, so when they come up on the 'to do' list he can get right to it, while the others are an idea/scene that just had to be written but he has no real plan for where it will lead beyond 'this interesting scene'.
I didn't get the sense that that was the case, though that would be a situation where keeping those stories off the list would be reasonable.
My guess would be that most or all of the stories on the list Ack actually has a plan or idea of what to do, so when they come up on the 'to do' list he can get right to it, while the others are an idea/scene that just had to be written but he has no real plan for where it will lead beyond 'this interesting scene'.
I'm pretty sure all of his stories have at least a basic plot outline.
Just incidentally; I was thinking. I have 21 ongoing fics, but only 15 in the list.

Wondering if I should hold a different type of secondary vote. That is, put all 21 fics up for vote, and the top 15 competitors go back on to the list, while the others go into the "when I feel like it" pile.

Or maybe bump it up to 20 fics, and six votes per person. (which would still slow down when any particular fic got to the top of the pile).

Ideas, people?
Of the two options, I'd go with raising the limit to twenty stories and six votes per person. That way, no one has to be deprived of a less popular story they may have been voting for regularly. But it'll also give the readers who really want to see some of your more resent projects a chance to vote for them. And who knows, maybe the increased vote count will give some of the less popular stories some more attention.

Ultimately your call, but I see this being solution for all involved.
Vote 57: Alea Iacta Est (and All Unaware)
Thanks, as always, for voting.

User Errors
Alea lacta Est - 4: Mrouz (i not L please)
Aerialatom - something you're doing with your NSW vote is putting an extra space in there. Not sure what.

Thank you.

New Stories Up For Voting
I have decided to throw my remaining stories into the vote.
At the same time, I will be pulling All Unaware, and finishing it during the next vote period.
That will leave, to my count, 20 stories. All of these will be up for voting; I will add a sixth vote to the count so that people can have a better chance of voting for what they want.

I hope this meets with everyone's approval.

On to the main event.

Note that any BBcode at all around the vote will invalidate it. This includes quoting a previous vote, and applying font changes.

Alea Iacta Est 0 (702)
All Alone 236
Bait & Switch 187
Confrontation II 0
Danny & Taylor 97
Hostage Situation 0
I, Panacea 202
Junior Hero 385
Meet the Heberts 0
MirrorVerse 578
Nemesis 0
NSW 336
One More Trigger 537
Really Bad End 453
Recoil 461
Security! 47
Slippery Slope 0
Trump Card 159
War Games 439
Wyvern 0

[If you want to know which of these stories is NSFW, check the first post of the thread..]

Alea Iacta Est has hit the front running remarkably quickly for its relatively recent inclusion; it's also been just the third story to break 700 vote points.

After that ... MirrorVerse, then maybe One More Trigger, then probably Recoil.
Recoil seems to be coming along strongly.

Anyway, thanks again for voting, and I hope you enjoy reading the stories as much as I enjoy writing them.

For anyone who hasn't voted on this thread before, the voting rules go as follows:

1) UP TO five six votes. I will not count anything extra, and a write-in will likely be ignored (if I want to write a different story, I will, but at my own discretion). Suggestions are welcome, but I am under no obligation to carry them out. And just remember, the more stories I am writing, the longer it will take for your favourites to roll back around.
2) First vote is worth five six points, second is worth four five, and so on.
3) You can't vote twice on the same story. First vote is the only one that counts. QQbot will count the last vote and ignore previous ones.
4) If I say "Voting is CLOSED", then this post comes up, with "Voting is OPEN" at the bottom, then you can vote again.
5) If I say "Voting will continue", it's still the same voting period. Voting has not restarted. You can not vote a second time.

Vote format looks like this:

[X] Alea Iacta Est - 6
[X] I, Panacea - 5
[X] Security! - 4
[X] Recoil - 3
[X] Trump Card - 2
[X] NSW - 1

Specifically: SQUARE brackets around an X, one space, and please spell at least the first word of the name of the story properly. Number of voting points comes last. Please try to format your vote properly, so as not to confuse the vote counter.

Thank you.

Voting is OPEN.
Last edited:
[X] War Games - 6
[X] Wyvern - 5
[X] All Alone - 4
[X] Alea Iacta Est - 3
[X] Recoil - 2
[X] I, Panacea - 1
Last edited:
[X] Meet the Heberts - 6
[X] NSW - 5
[X] MirrorVerse - 4
[X] Really Bad End - 3
[X] Danny & Taylor - 2
[X] Junior Hero - 1
Last edited:
[X] Recoil - 6
[X] Security! - 5
[X] I, Panacea - 4
[X] Alea Iacta Est - 3
[X] Trump Card - 2
[X] Junior Hero - 1
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Reactions: Ack
[X] Alea Iacta Est - 3
[X] Bait & Switch - 4
[X] Confrontation II - 2
[X] Recoil - 1
[X] Slippery Slope - 0
[X] Trump Card - 5
[X] Wyvern - 6
[X] Recoil - 6
[X] I, Panacea - 5
[X] Security! - 4
[X] Alea Iacta Est - 3
[X] Wyvern - 2
[X] Trump Card - 1
Thought exercise: if everybody voted identically, how many rounds until the item getting one vote came up?
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