Mr Zoat
Dedicated ragequitter
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12th July
11:08 GMT
Below us Tamaran is enshrouded by night. Near the horizon, dawn is just reaching a city which -assuming the pre-war records I took from Rashashoon are still accurate- is called Komandus. Another city one half a continent east is called Kysarr. That used to be a major mining area, though from the limited artificial lighting and power sources I can see I imagine that its significance has been reduced somewhat. Tamaran was feudal, with the rulers of each region bearing the title prince or princess and the planet's ruler being king or queen and having their seat in Tamarus.
"Felicity, do you speak any Tamaranean languages?"
"Tamaran has been isolated since before I was born. I know only the commonly spoken languages of Vega." Oh, rats. I can hardly leave her somewhere where she can't speak-. "Though, I would be surprised if at least some of them could not speak Gratch. It is the main language of Okaara and the Citadel Empire. Most people with any history of spacefaring know it."
"Oh good. I was worried for a moment."
"You did not think they would understand you?"
"I was concerned that they might not understand you. You might be here for some time… Possibly the rest of your natural life. I mean, I'd have made you a translator, but that's hardly practical-."
"Master." She turns her head, starting very slightly as her whole body turns in place. "I speak eight languages fluently. I am certain that I would pick up theirs soon enough."
"Oh. Sorry, I didn't mean to insult-."
"You are silly. I am not offended. It is… Strange, that you are so considerate."
Instinctively, I take a look at her feelings in an attempt to divine what she's used to. A moment later I turn my empathic vision down again. I know I.. shouldn't be surprised, but… And I have… Seen worse. Her owner appears to have at least regarded her as somewhat valuable property. What was the line from God, the Devil and Bob? It's not about whether you're a good person according to some sort of absolute standard, but whether you're better than the situation tries to make you. Passing on a softer punch. Of course, her owner was killed by the Omega Men when they overran the Citadel base on Slagg anyway…
Still. I float a little closer and hold out my right hand. "Going down?"
I hear her giggle as she reaches out with her right. Right, where exactly to go? Ideally, somewhere somewhat isolated. But with people who are awake. And not too many people. I don't want word of my arrival to spread too quickly and I don't want to scare people beyond my ability to talk down. Gosh, there are no data networks at all down there... Ah! There we go, a small farm. Older couple, their daughter and her infant son. Looks like the baby is restless. Perfect.
The ground gives slightly under the weight of my armour. Careful environmental care -and then less careful abandonment as their population contracted- means that much of Tamaran's landmasses are covered in lush plant life. And with the population able to fly, roads were only really popular for heavy goods transportation. We're about twenty metres from the house, and with my armour's auditory pickups turned up I can hear the child's mother singing a lullaby.
Environmental shield lights to dim, and subspace the helmet. I take a moment to breathe in the air. Raggashoon was a city. The only change from an Earth city was the replacement of petrochemical fumes with ozone. Out here, I can hear the chirping of the tiny lemur-like creatures who fulfil the evolutionary niche that on Earth is held by mice. It's early in the growing season and breathing in I can smell the pollen. Slightly… Gingery? It also has that deep-country darkness that comes from being a very long way away from any sort of sizeable settlement. The windows in the house are only illuminated by a well-worn heat to light converter, probably a hold over from Tamaran's more technologically advanced past.
"Would you..? Mind..?"
Felicity pulls slightly at the front of her armour-. Right. I send it to subspace, then release her hand. She blinks in gratitude, then stretches, puffing out her fur in an attempt to make it lie more comfortably against her skin. Arms held up over her head she looks at me and… Bends further, pushing out her chest in a way that emphasises her-.
I look away, and she giggles.
"Follow me, if you please."
I start across the sparsely forested field at a march. From the looks of it they're cutting for wood in rotation, letting trees grow, then cutting an area down and replanting. Sustainable arboriculture. The bit we're walking through has been replanted recently, meaning that the small trees are easy to avoid and the room they've been allotted to grow gives me a clear walkway. I'm not being silent, but the lack of any reaction from the house rather implies to me that they're assuming that the noise is being made by a local animal.
I could announce myself, but I don't really want to make a lot of noise and wake the rest of the house if I can avoid it. Plus it looks like the baby has just returned to sleep… I don't think I'm ever going to not find meeting people for the first time awkward.
As I get closer, the baby's mother looks up. She's heard me and the sound stands out, but she's not worried yet. My records on Tamaranean social custom don't really have much to say about this sort of meeting. They are -or at least were- such a direct people that a social formula for this sort of meeting was never required. Best fit would be…
I step more heavily, intentionally making more noise in a way which clearly suggests bipedal locomotion. Reach the door, I knock firmly. Not loudly, but enough to make plain that someone outside would like to get in.
"A moment!"
The woman inside walks out of the kitchen area into what appears to be the nursery, laying her offspring down in.. a crib that could have come from a maternity shop on Earth. A rustic one rather than a chain, but it's still familiar. One humanoid using an object that exists in a similar fashion in the culture of another. Agh, I'm a cultural contaminant!
Once the baby is tucked in, she turns around and walks back into the kitchen… Picking up the iron poker from the fire and holding it in her left hand before opening the door slightly with her right. The way the door swings makes it impossible for me to see the poker with my eyes.
"Good evening, marm."
Her solid green eyes widen slightly as she looks over my armour, but again there's no fear response. I'm a little surprised. Tamaraneans never really bothered with powered exoskeletons themselves but I'm certain that they're familiar with the concept. I mean, I'm clearly not a Gordanian or a Citadelian but I'd have thought that a heavily armoured alien turning up-.
When it's turned down, my environmental shield glows more around my skin than my clothing. It's late and there isn't much other light. My skin looks orange and she wouldn't be able to see my eyes clearly. She thinks I'm Tamaranean.
"Is something wrong? Do we need to move the archive?"
"I'm sorry, I believe that you may have mistaken me for someone else."
"You're not-?" She frowns. "If you're not from the royal guard, where did you get that armour?"
"I.. built it.. myself. I'm sorry, can we start this conversation again?"
She peers up at me. "Who are you?"
"My name is-." Ring, play the recording.
Thank you. "And I'm not from this planet. Or, indeed, Vega. I'm actually from a planet called-."
"Earth. You're from Earth. You're Human."
"Um. How do you.. know.. that..?"
She steps back, opening the door more widely. "I think you had best come inside. If you are anything like the last Human to come here then you will have many questions."
11:08 GMT
Below us Tamaran is enshrouded by night. Near the horizon, dawn is just reaching a city which -assuming the pre-war records I took from Rashashoon are still accurate- is called Komandus. Another city one half a continent east is called Kysarr. That used to be a major mining area, though from the limited artificial lighting and power sources I can see I imagine that its significance has been reduced somewhat. Tamaran was feudal, with the rulers of each region bearing the title prince or princess and the planet's ruler being king or queen and having their seat in Tamarus.
"Felicity, do you speak any Tamaranean languages?"
"Tamaran has been isolated since before I was born. I know only the commonly spoken languages of Vega." Oh, rats. I can hardly leave her somewhere where she can't speak-. "Though, I would be surprised if at least some of them could not speak Gratch. It is the main language of Okaara and the Citadel Empire. Most people with any history of spacefaring know it."
"Oh good. I was worried for a moment."
"You did not think they would understand you?"
"I was concerned that they might not understand you. You might be here for some time… Possibly the rest of your natural life. I mean, I'd have made you a translator, but that's hardly practical-."
"Master." She turns her head, starting very slightly as her whole body turns in place. "I speak eight languages fluently. I am certain that I would pick up theirs soon enough."
"Oh. Sorry, I didn't mean to insult-."
"You are silly. I am not offended. It is… Strange, that you are so considerate."
Instinctively, I take a look at her feelings in an attempt to divine what she's used to. A moment later I turn my empathic vision down again. I know I.. shouldn't be surprised, but… And I have… Seen worse. Her owner appears to have at least regarded her as somewhat valuable property. What was the line from God, the Devil and Bob? It's not about whether you're a good person according to some sort of absolute standard, but whether you're better than the situation tries to make you. Passing on a softer punch. Of course, her owner was killed by the Omega Men when they overran the Citadel base on Slagg anyway…
Still. I float a little closer and hold out my right hand. "Going down?"
I hear her giggle as she reaches out with her right. Right, where exactly to go? Ideally, somewhere somewhat isolated. But with people who are awake. And not too many people. I don't want word of my arrival to spread too quickly and I don't want to scare people beyond my ability to talk down. Gosh, there are no data networks at all down there... Ah! There we go, a small farm. Older couple, their daughter and her infant son. Looks like the baby is restless. Perfect.
The ground gives slightly under the weight of my armour. Careful environmental care -and then less careful abandonment as their population contracted- means that much of Tamaran's landmasses are covered in lush plant life. And with the population able to fly, roads were only really popular for heavy goods transportation. We're about twenty metres from the house, and with my armour's auditory pickups turned up I can hear the child's mother singing a lullaby.
Environmental shield lights to dim, and subspace the helmet. I take a moment to breathe in the air. Raggashoon was a city. The only change from an Earth city was the replacement of petrochemical fumes with ozone. Out here, I can hear the chirping of the tiny lemur-like creatures who fulfil the evolutionary niche that on Earth is held by mice. It's early in the growing season and breathing in I can smell the pollen. Slightly… Gingery? It also has that deep-country darkness that comes from being a very long way away from any sort of sizeable settlement. The windows in the house are only illuminated by a well-worn heat to light converter, probably a hold over from Tamaran's more technologically advanced past.
"Would you..? Mind..?"
Felicity pulls slightly at the front of her armour-. Right. I send it to subspace, then release her hand. She blinks in gratitude, then stretches, puffing out her fur in an attempt to make it lie more comfortably against her skin. Arms held up over her head she looks at me and… Bends further, pushing out her chest in a way that emphasises her-.
I look away, and she giggles.
"Follow me, if you please."
I start across the sparsely forested field at a march. From the looks of it they're cutting for wood in rotation, letting trees grow, then cutting an area down and replanting. Sustainable arboriculture. The bit we're walking through has been replanted recently, meaning that the small trees are easy to avoid and the room they've been allotted to grow gives me a clear walkway. I'm not being silent, but the lack of any reaction from the house rather implies to me that they're assuming that the noise is being made by a local animal.
I could announce myself, but I don't really want to make a lot of noise and wake the rest of the house if I can avoid it. Plus it looks like the baby has just returned to sleep… I don't think I'm ever going to not find meeting people for the first time awkward.
As I get closer, the baby's mother looks up. She's heard me and the sound stands out, but she's not worried yet. My records on Tamaranean social custom don't really have much to say about this sort of meeting. They are -or at least were- such a direct people that a social formula for this sort of meeting was never required. Best fit would be…
I step more heavily, intentionally making more noise in a way which clearly suggests bipedal locomotion. Reach the door, I knock firmly. Not loudly, but enough to make plain that someone outside would like to get in.
"A moment!"
The woman inside walks out of the kitchen area into what appears to be the nursery, laying her offspring down in.. a crib that could have come from a maternity shop on Earth. A rustic one rather than a chain, but it's still familiar. One humanoid using an object that exists in a similar fashion in the culture of another. Agh, I'm a cultural contaminant!
Once the baby is tucked in, she turns around and walks back into the kitchen… Picking up the iron poker from the fire and holding it in her left hand before opening the door slightly with her right. The way the door swings makes it impossible for me to see the poker with my eyes.
"Good evening, marm."
Her solid green eyes widen slightly as she looks over my armour, but again there's no fear response. I'm a little surprised. Tamaraneans never really bothered with powered exoskeletons themselves but I'm certain that they're familiar with the concept. I mean, I'm clearly not a Gordanian or a Citadelian but I'd have thought that a heavily armoured alien turning up-.
When it's turned down, my environmental shield glows more around my skin than my clothing. It's late and there isn't much other light. My skin looks orange and she wouldn't be able to see my eyes clearly. She thinks I'm Tamaranean.
"Is something wrong? Do we need to move the archive?"
"I'm sorry, I believe that you may have mistaken me for someone else."
"You're not-?" She frowns. "If you're not from the royal guard, where did you get that armour?"
"I.. built it.. myself. I'm sorry, can we start this conversation again?"
She peers up at me. "Who are you?"
"My name is-." Ring, play the recording.
Thank you. "And I'm not from this planet. Or, indeed, Vega. I'm actually from a planet called-."
"Earth. You're from Earth. You're Human."
"Um. How do you.. know.. that..?"
She steps back, opening the door more widely. "I think you had best come inside. If you are anything like the last Human to come here then you will have many questions."
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