Mr Zoat
Dedicated ragequitter
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15th January
13:42 GMT -8
"Ixy, get in here!"
Through the opening I see to the Freaks Rest, the slightly more middle class leaning part of Aberrance containing housing for the slightly better off locals. Either those gaffs with successful shows or people who have found better paid employment in one of the local businesses. Not necessarily up market businesses, mind; Aberrance is home to a successful chain of oddity brothels run by a pair of conjoined twins. The Flosse family live there and my assistants were supposed to be making contact with Richard's group. With luck they were able to catch them either before the performances started or between showings. Either way, I hope they've already had time to link up because I need to know if there's something else going on.
Ixy scampers through the Tube and stares straight at me. She looks agitated. **Grayven, something bad is happening to the Un-Men. It seems that they are attempting to sabotage-.** She freezes as something behind me-.
No! Stop! Additional clamps form around Tigira's wrists as I yank her claws away from her eyes. Ahh shit.
"Zhis is madness! I don't know who you are, but-!"
"Have you forgotten that quickly?" / "Have you forgotten that quickly?" / "Have you forgotten that quickly?" / "Have you forgotten that quickly?"
And this is why I don't like telepathy. Their voices aren't quite synchronised but that -and Tigira's bloody face just make it more disturbing. Ring, access all files relating to the structure of Tigira's eyes and heal.
By your command.
**Ixy, if the control mechanism is telepathic I need you to block it. Can you do that for me?** **You will succeed.**
**I don't know. I… Usually we would do this with G-Gnomes.**
**Do your best.** "Doctor, I need to bring in outsiders. Do I have your-?"
He turns back to me. "Yes. Do it. And when my children are free-" He turns back to whatever's possessing The Face. "-I will take your reason from your still living brain!"
"Better than you have-." Ixy's horns glow. "G-ghuhgh." He starts to froth at the mouth, glaring at Ixy with insane fury.
**I can't keep him out! All I can do is hold him off a little! It is like he is already inside Mister The Face's brain!**
Ring, transfer the Hush Tube terminus to Genomorph City.
By your command.
The portal shifts and for a fraction of a second I see a flash of something incomprehensible in Ixy's mind. I'll assume that was her accessing the Genomorph Entire.
"Grayven." I wince slightly as Kaldur's voice comes from my earpiece. "The third generation Un-Men are on the rampage. We are trying to stop them but they are -ugg- quite able fighters."
Ring, interface.
By your command.
I know. I've got Ixy and-
Four G-Elves run through the portal carrying a G-Gnome each. They set them down in front of each controlled Un-Man and the horns of the smaller G-Gnomes start to glow. Niko, Tigira and the Ape bloke shudder.
-some G-Gnomes trying to block whatever's controlling them. If you can spare Zatanna..?
"Yes, if you can send in some of your drones."
Ring, access Hush Tube two and send drone squadron-. Most of my drones have only high-lethality weapons. Ahh, drone squadron four. They'll feel the shock discs in the morning but it's better than being exploded by a plasma beam or putrefied by a Purple Death Ray.
By your command.
It's done, Kaldur. They'll be with you in a moment. You can issue voice commands on channel three.
"Thank you. M'gann, contact Zatanna."
Cranius appears to have been distracted by the portal to Genomorph City. He takes a step towards it before one of the G-Elves interposes itself. He stops and looks over the G-Elf instead. "Remarkable."
The flare of golden light heralding Zatanna's arrival triggers another frightened whinny from the horse but we've got more important things to worry about. Zatanna's already at full glow, tiny triquetra dancing around her fingers.
"Zatanna, someone or something is connecting to the third generation Un-Men-."
"Ytitcnas fo dnim!"
The tiny golden motes fly from her hands and connect to the foreheads of Niko, Tigira and… This is getting silly. Ring, what's his name? Oswald? Really? Fine. There's a flash of gold from their eyes and mouths as the foreign presence is banished. Must be a relatively weak spell if that was all it took. That's the thing, the reason why every team needs a magic user and a telepath: it's too easy for an enemy to score a Total Party Kill if they have an attack you have no way to counter. Zatanna quickly checks each Un-Man then nods at me to release them. Just The Face left to go.
**Grayven, I think we can…** Ixy takes a few shuffling steps towards The Face. **With five of us working together we can try to feel where else the pattern of thoughts which feel like the attacker are.**
**Oh, I have a better idea.** Otto leans down and Cranius touches his forefinger to Ixy's neck. **Show me what you are doing, child.**
"Zatanna, try to keep the connection open."
The Face's right hand is spasming harder now as the G-Gnomes creep towards him, horns still glowing.
"Er'uoy gniog erehwon."
I drop my construct around The Face as a large triquetra forms underneath him, threads of golden light flowing up his limbs to tie him down.
"Grayven, report."
Zatanna's freed three of the possessed Un-Men here and she, Ixy and Cranius are working to trace the attacker.
Niko stumbles slightly and I reach out with my right arm to steady her, earning me a small smile.
"Okay." Ah, it sounds like M'gann joined in the defence effort. "But what are you doing?"
My eyes fall to the ring. Um.
I'm holding together a dead Un-Man. Give me a moment.
They were able to restore Arcane to sort-of life, right? Maybe they can do something for poor old Tomas. Ring, make physical repairs. Orange light flashes along the cuts, sealing them. I gently lay the body down on the experimental slab. At least he'll feel at home if he wakes.
Okay, I'm free. Where do you want me?
"They're trying to set fire to a theater tent near the hotels."
Ring, summon a Hush Tube.
13:42 GMT -8
"Ixy, get in here!"
Through the opening I see to the Freaks Rest, the slightly more middle class leaning part of Aberrance containing housing for the slightly better off locals. Either those gaffs with successful shows or people who have found better paid employment in one of the local businesses. Not necessarily up market businesses, mind; Aberrance is home to a successful chain of oddity brothels run by a pair of conjoined twins. The Flosse family live there and my assistants were supposed to be making contact with Richard's group. With luck they were able to catch them either before the performances started or between showings. Either way, I hope they've already had time to link up because I need to know if there's something else going on.
Ixy scampers through the Tube and stares straight at me. She looks agitated. **Grayven, something bad is happening to the Un-Men. It seems that they are attempting to sabotage-.** She freezes as something behind me-.
No! Stop! Additional clamps form around Tigira's wrists as I yank her claws away from her eyes. Ahh shit.
"Zhis is madness! I don't know who you are, but-!"
"Have you forgotten that quickly?" / "Have you forgotten that quickly?" / "Have you forgotten that quickly?" / "Have you forgotten that quickly?"
And this is why I don't like telepathy. Their voices aren't quite synchronised but that -and Tigira's bloody face just make it more disturbing. Ring, access all files relating to the structure of Tigira's eyes and heal.
By your command.
**Ixy, if the control mechanism is telepathic I need you to block it. Can you do that for me?** **You will succeed.**
**I don't know. I… Usually we would do this with G-Gnomes.**
**Do your best.** "Doctor, I need to bring in outsiders. Do I have your-?"
He turns back to me. "Yes. Do it. And when my children are free-" He turns back to whatever's possessing The Face. "-I will take your reason from your still living brain!"
"Better than you have-." Ixy's horns glow. "G-ghuhgh." He starts to froth at the mouth, glaring at Ixy with insane fury.
**I can't keep him out! All I can do is hold him off a little! It is like he is already inside Mister The Face's brain!**
Ring, transfer the Hush Tube terminus to Genomorph City.
By your command.
The portal shifts and for a fraction of a second I see a flash of something incomprehensible in Ixy's mind. I'll assume that was her accessing the Genomorph Entire.
"Grayven." I wince slightly as Kaldur's voice comes from my earpiece. "The third generation Un-Men are on the rampage. We are trying to stop them but they are -ugg- quite able fighters."
Ring, interface.
By your command.
I know. I've got Ixy and-
Four G-Elves run through the portal carrying a G-Gnome each. They set them down in front of each controlled Un-Man and the horns of the smaller G-Gnomes start to glow. Niko, Tigira and the Ape bloke shudder.
-some G-Gnomes trying to block whatever's controlling them. If you can spare Zatanna..?
"Yes, if you can send in some of your drones."
Ring, access Hush Tube two and send drone squadron-. Most of my drones have only high-lethality weapons. Ahh, drone squadron four. They'll feel the shock discs in the morning but it's better than being exploded by a plasma beam or putrefied by a Purple Death Ray.
By your command.
It's done, Kaldur. They'll be with you in a moment. You can issue voice commands on channel three.
"Thank you. M'gann, contact Zatanna."
Cranius appears to have been distracted by the portal to Genomorph City. He takes a step towards it before one of the G-Elves interposes itself. He stops and looks over the G-Elf instead. "Remarkable."
The flare of golden light heralding Zatanna's arrival triggers another frightened whinny from the horse but we've got more important things to worry about. Zatanna's already at full glow, tiny triquetra dancing around her fingers.
"Zatanna, someone or something is connecting to the third generation Un-Men-."
"Ytitcnas fo dnim!"
The tiny golden motes fly from her hands and connect to the foreheads of Niko, Tigira and… This is getting silly. Ring, what's his name? Oswald? Really? Fine. There's a flash of gold from their eyes and mouths as the foreign presence is banished. Must be a relatively weak spell if that was all it took. That's the thing, the reason why every team needs a magic user and a telepath: it's too easy for an enemy to score a Total Party Kill if they have an attack you have no way to counter. Zatanna quickly checks each Un-Man then nods at me to release them. Just The Face left to go.
**Grayven, I think we can…** Ixy takes a few shuffling steps towards The Face. **With five of us working together we can try to feel where else the pattern of thoughts which feel like the attacker are.**
**Oh, I have a better idea.** Otto leans down and Cranius touches his forefinger to Ixy's neck. **Show me what you are doing, child.**
"Zatanna, try to keep the connection open."
The Face's right hand is spasming harder now as the G-Gnomes creep towards him, horns still glowing.
"Er'uoy gniog erehwon."
I drop my construct around The Face as a large triquetra forms underneath him, threads of golden light flowing up his limbs to tie him down.
"Grayven, report."
Zatanna's freed three of the possessed Un-Men here and she, Ixy and Cranius are working to trace the attacker.
Niko stumbles slightly and I reach out with my right arm to steady her, earning me a small smile.
"Okay." Ah, it sounds like M'gann joined in the defence effort. "But what are you doing?"
My eyes fall to the ring. Um.
I'm holding together a dead Un-Man. Give me a moment.
They were able to restore Arcane to sort-of life, right? Maybe they can do something for poor old Tomas. Ring, make physical repairs. Orange light flashes along the cuts, sealing them. I gently lay the body down on the experimental slab. At least he'll feel at home if he wakes.
Okay, I'm free. Where do you want me?
"They're trying to set fire to a theater tent near the hotels."
Ring, summon a Hush Tube.