Mr Zoat
Dedicated ragequitter
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27th August 2012
00:19 GMT
The abbot is a tall and thin man, and rather than the robes I half-expected he's wearing light body armour with only small amounts of green sigil decoration. A simple weighted ball sits in his right palm, which he holds straight out to the side without a tremor. It doesn't look particularly heavy, but holding even a light weight in that position for any length of time can be a strain. There's a desk off to one side of the room but the main area is filled with what appears to be gym equipment. Nothing complicated, mostly weighted objects and other devices to improve endurance. Or rather, to improve the willpower.
Makes sense. This order was inspired by the Green Lanterns who fought against the Spider Guild. They're a martial order… Ah. I've sort of been getting 'kung fu monastery' vibes, but the inclusion of modern weapons and armour was throwing me off slightly.
"Welcome, Green Lantern Graf Toren. And welcome to you, Orange Lanterns."
The abbot isn't smiling as he says it, but he isn't frowning either. Maybe that's the sort of thing Lantern Toren was talking about when he mentioned his concern about forgetting how not to be green. Empathic vision of the abbot gives me a green glowing fuzz, suggesting both considerable willpower and spiritual self-mastery. Not seeing much else.
"Thank you, abbot." I perform a shallow bow. "There's no telling what mischief we might have gotten up to if you hadn't agreed to sequester us away here."
"If you wish to learn to be a better teacher, and your students better Lanterns, this is the best place for you to be. Your social media page-"
Error, server overload.
"-just crashed again." He gives me a look of mild disapproval. "And I honestly think that young people like yourself place too much import on those things."
"I'm… I'm inclined to agree." Have to find time to dump a few hundred copies of my book on a local library. "I understand that Karax is having some sort of religious reformation?"
"Yes." The arm with the weight remains completely still as he nods. "Though the precise nature of our social changes would probably be difficult for someone not used to our civilisation to understand."
"Understood. But if you think that there's something I can usefully do, feel free to ask."
"Should such a situation occur, I will certainly mention it. I will make our full library open to you, save for the private words past Lanterns have for their successors. Those are not mine to grant you. Meditation rooms, lecture halls and sparring arenas can also be made available at your request. In return, we ask that you share any particular revelations you have."
"Certainly. I imagine that will come in handy for working out what to do with the orange light."
"If I had been asked prior to your emergence, I would have assumed that the sort of person to use a power ring driven by avarice would be an easily distracted self indulgent monster. And yet, you have created a Corps and aimed it at the largest and most successful empire in the galaxy. Why?"
"My predecessor lived down to your expectations. But for myself, I believe that the measure of my life is the changes I make in the universe. And I prefer it when the universe works a particular way. If we handed out rings at random or to people who experienced the strongest avarice, it probably wouldn't go very well. But by selecting people who want what we want or what we want them to want, we've managed to keep almost everyone pointing in the same direction."
Mild disapproval.
"The orange light is inherently corrupting. Some people lose sight of their higher order desires while using it. They get disarmed and placed in a rehabilitation centre. We're still perfecting the process to screen out people vulnerable to that sort of thing. But orange is hardly the only colour to have that sort of problem."
"Oh? Does yellow have a problem like that?"
"It's not quite as corrupting as orange, but it still encourages its users to see the people around them as vessels for their fears." I shake my head. "The first yellow lantern I met said that was literally why he did anything: to relish the fear he caused and the power he held over others."
"And you believe that was the result of his use of a yellow power ring?"
"I don't know for certain, but I met a parallel universe version of him who didn't have a yellow ring, and he is a really nice guy."
"I see. I would like to discuss this with you further later, but unless you have any questions for me, Lantern Graf Toren can show you to wherever you want to go."
"Just one question, both for you and Lantern Toren. You know how Green Lantern selection works, right?"
Toren nods. "Not in every detail, but a general overview."
"On Earth, we don't have any sort of Green Lantern training program. Jordan got picked because he was competent and close to where Abin Sur died. Guy was picked because he lived close to Jordan. Stewart was the same. But if you've got a monastery full of trained people, why were you chosen in particular? Rather than…"
The man who is still holding that weight smiles faintly.
"I believe that I was passed over due to my age. I'm fairly robust, but I'm not as young as I was. It also becomes harder to learn new things as you get older. I would struggle to adapt to the requirements of power ring combat."
Lantern Toren nods. "Most monks who study here do so to improve their self-discipline. Few make this their home for their entire lives. When I received the ring I was one of the youngest full time monks. I also studied interstellar law prior to receiving this ring."
I nod. It makes sense. The Guardians want strong willed people, but they also need people who can do a fairly complex and risky job. Just having a strong will doesn't guarantee that you'll make a good soldier or police officer.
"Thank you. That makes sense."
"I have a question in return." The abbot looks me in the eyes. "How many Lanterns does your species have at the present time?"
"Four Green, one Blue, one Violet and one-" I spread my arms slightly. "-Orange. In this parallel; I've met alternate versions of myself with every colour."
Except White, but, under wraps for now.
"With such a success, are you sure that you need to be here?"
"If I was sure, I wouldn't be here. And the fact that my species appears to make good Lanterns doesn't help anyone else."
Toren doesn't look quite certain how to take that.
"But if your species has a knack for using power rings, why don't you recruit other members of your species?"
"Because I know what we're like. It's funny when we cause problems for other people, but I don't really want to be stuck on the other end of that."
The abbot smiles, nodding. Toren seems a little surprised by his outburst.
"Also, we were recently on the receiving end of a planetary invasion. Things are extremely unsettled. And the war the Corps is fighting is a long way away from Earth. People won't be as invested."
But maybe I should consider it? Luthor's out but Lonnie's around… I haven't checked on him since the Sheeda attacks, but I'd be astonished if he weren't still alive. That's probably something I should do.
"I think that's everything. Lantern Toren, please show us to the library."
00:19 GMT
The abbot is a tall and thin man, and rather than the robes I half-expected he's wearing light body armour with only small amounts of green sigil decoration. A simple weighted ball sits in his right palm, which he holds straight out to the side without a tremor. It doesn't look particularly heavy, but holding even a light weight in that position for any length of time can be a strain. There's a desk off to one side of the room but the main area is filled with what appears to be gym equipment. Nothing complicated, mostly weighted objects and other devices to improve endurance. Or rather, to improve the willpower.
Makes sense. This order was inspired by the Green Lanterns who fought against the Spider Guild. They're a martial order… Ah. I've sort of been getting 'kung fu monastery' vibes, but the inclusion of modern weapons and armour was throwing me off slightly.
"Welcome, Green Lantern Graf Toren. And welcome to you, Orange Lanterns."
The abbot isn't smiling as he says it, but he isn't frowning either. Maybe that's the sort of thing Lantern Toren was talking about when he mentioned his concern about forgetting how not to be green. Empathic vision of the abbot gives me a green glowing fuzz, suggesting both considerable willpower and spiritual self-mastery. Not seeing much else.
"Thank you, abbot." I perform a shallow bow. "There's no telling what mischief we might have gotten up to if you hadn't agreed to sequester us away here."
"If you wish to learn to be a better teacher, and your students better Lanterns, this is the best place for you to be. Your social media page-"
Error, server overload.
"-just crashed again." He gives me a look of mild disapproval. "And I honestly think that young people like yourself place too much import on those things."
"I'm… I'm inclined to agree." Have to find time to dump a few hundred copies of my book on a local library. "I understand that Karax is having some sort of religious reformation?"
"Yes." The arm with the weight remains completely still as he nods. "Though the precise nature of our social changes would probably be difficult for someone not used to our civilisation to understand."
"Understood. But if you think that there's something I can usefully do, feel free to ask."
"Should such a situation occur, I will certainly mention it. I will make our full library open to you, save for the private words past Lanterns have for their successors. Those are not mine to grant you. Meditation rooms, lecture halls and sparring arenas can also be made available at your request. In return, we ask that you share any particular revelations you have."
"Certainly. I imagine that will come in handy for working out what to do with the orange light."
"If I had been asked prior to your emergence, I would have assumed that the sort of person to use a power ring driven by avarice would be an easily distracted self indulgent monster. And yet, you have created a Corps and aimed it at the largest and most successful empire in the galaxy. Why?"
"My predecessor lived down to your expectations. But for myself, I believe that the measure of my life is the changes I make in the universe. And I prefer it when the universe works a particular way. If we handed out rings at random or to people who experienced the strongest avarice, it probably wouldn't go very well. But by selecting people who want what we want or what we want them to want, we've managed to keep almost everyone pointing in the same direction."
Mild disapproval.
"The orange light is inherently corrupting. Some people lose sight of their higher order desires while using it. They get disarmed and placed in a rehabilitation centre. We're still perfecting the process to screen out people vulnerable to that sort of thing. But orange is hardly the only colour to have that sort of problem."
"Oh? Does yellow have a problem like that?"
"It's not quite as corrupting as orange, but it still encourages its users to see the people around them as vessels for their fears." I shake my head. "The first yellow lantern I met said that was literally why he did anything: to relish the fear he caused and the power he held over others."
"And you believe that was the result of his use of a yellow power ring?"
"I don't know for certain, but I met a parallel universe version of him who didn't have a yellow ring, and he is a really nice guy."
"I see. I would like to discuss this with you further later, but unless you have any questions for me, Lantern Graf Toren can show you to wherever you want to go."
"Just one question, both for you and Lantern Toren. You know how Green Lantern selection works, right?"
Toren nods. "Not in every detail, but a general overview."
"On Earth, we don't have any sort of Green Lantern training program. Jordan got picked because he was competent and close to where Abin Sur died. Guy was picked because he lived close to Jordan. Stewart was the same. But if you've got a monastery full of trained people, why were you chosen in particular? Rather than…"
The man who is still holding that weight smiles faintly.
"I believe that I was passed over due to my age. I'm fairly robust, but I'm not as young as I was. It also becomes harder to learn new things as you get older. I would struggle to adapt to the requirements of power ring combat."
Lantern Toren nods. "Most monks who study here do so to improve their self-discipline. Few make this their home for their entire lives. When I received the ring I was one of the youngest full time monks. I also studied interstellar law prior to receiving this ring."
I nod. It makes sense. The Guardians want strong willed people, but they also need people who can do a fairly complex and risky job. Just having a strong will doesn't guarantee that you'll make a good soldier or police officer.
"Thank you. That makes sense."
"I have a question in return." The abbot looks me in the eyes. "How many Lanterns does your species have at the present time?"
"Four Green, one Blue, one Violet and one-" I spread my arms slightly. "-Orange. In this parallel; I've met alternate versions of myself with every colour."
Except White, but, under wraps for now.
"With such a success, are you sure that you need to be here?"
"If I was sure, I wouldn't be here. And the fact that my species appears to make good Lanterns doesn't help anyone else."
Toren doesn't look quite certain how to take that.
"But if your species has a knack for using power rings, why don't you recruit other members of your species?"
"Because I know what we're like. It's funny when we cause problems for other people, but I don't really want to be stuck on the other end of that."
The abbot smiles, nodding. Toren seems a little surprised by his outburst.
"Also, we were recently on the receiving end of a planetary invasion. Things are extremely unsettled. And the war the Corps is fighting is a long way away from Earth. People won't be as invested."
But maybe I should consider it? Luthor's out but Lonnie's around… I haven't checked on him since the Sheeda attacks, but I'd be astonished if he weren't still alive. That's probably something I should do.
"I think that's everything. Lantern Toren, please show us to the library."
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