Grasping Hands 1.6
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Grasping Hands 1.6
[GREETINGS/PROTOCOLE-DATA] You send off to both Shards, deciding to keep two lines of communication open in a Quasi-Network format to allow both Shards to speak to each other and yourself at the same time. Of course they needed some information on how to operate it, privileges and security codes as well. So you had to send those over as well.
Thank the Thinker for your previous experience with brute force experimentation, otherwise your makeshift [Broadcast] function the Input/Output Beacon had would have never come to be.
[SURPRISE.GREETINGS] Comes from SHAPER who is genuinely surprised to see you functioning apparently. That's not worrying or anything, or is that an insult? Hard to tell with SHAPERs. They are quite often the most blunt of any Branch of Shards even with the way Shards communicate with one another.
[SHOCK.QUERY] comes from the newborn, how rude! Not transmitting a greetings and starting off with a Query on who you were! Even EFFICIENCY would have given out a greetings! Hmm, well they are a newborn Shard in a Networkless Cycle, you can excuse some forgotten manners when no one is around to teach them. Honestly it was a bit of a surprise the newborn was so functional.
[ANSWER/QUERY] you send off to the newborn and then you send off a simple [QUERY-CYCLE-HOST] to SHAPER for their opinion on how the Cycle is going for them, how their Host is. Mostly because you want to show off how wonderful your own is.
[...WASTE] is the reply from the newborn and wow. What a downer, built from thrown away Shardlings hmm? That would certainly explain the downcast nature of the newborn. Built from multiple Shards and without a Network to boot. Must be terribly alone. How...Saddening? Pitiable? You do not enjoy this newfound sensation of muted emotions coursing through your crystalline flesh.
[POOR-HOST.FRUSTRATION] Ah, a Host that does not use touch based total biokinesis for anything other than repairing wetware of Humans? That would be very frustrating indeed. Thankfully [Host.Eve.Eden] is content to use her abilities to new heights! You would have never thought of using an extremity designed to control organics as a tool to attack others with touch based electrical weapons.
Perhaps that is something you can work into a Bud in the future? A more physical version of [Host.Eve.Eden]'s Phantom Limb.
[QUERY-HOST] you send off to the newborn WASTE, curious if they have had the same issues with their own Host not performing up to standards. [QUERY-FIX] you question SHAPER if they have in any way decided to push their own Host towards conflict and why they have not communicated the issue with their Host.
[HOST-VICTORIA.DALLON-EXCITEMENT] the wave of data pertaining to WASTE's Host is almost staggering even for your Data Analysis dominion considering the newborn sent it all at once, you're surprised neither Hosts felt anything. Wow, WASTE has a Lattice built and is already building a full Imprint of them. The newborn really likes it's host. Understandable really, your first host was an exciting milestone of your mostly benign life before you had your first Deployment. It seemed to help that WASTE's host was smart, active, and engaging with her abilities.
[FIXES-FAILURES/QUERY] Ouch, that was a lot of failed attempts from SHAPER. Altering the chemistry of the host's brain to push them to use their abilities for anything aside from repair work and pus-wait they could not communicate with their Hosts?!
[QUERY] you send off to SHAPER and actually gain one such [QUERY] from WASTE asking how to build a full Imprint of their Host, because SHAPER wouldn't tell them.
They could communicate? The Warrior Network was still active?
[[ANSWER]] You send off your own reply just as SHAPER gives their own.
SHAPER was kind enough, and perceptive enough, to see your confusion and supply two answers in one packet of information.
The <Warrior Hub>'s Network was still active and he just muted incoming information and Data. Of course he would, the golden moron. But the <Thinker Hub>'s Network was improperly disconnected which made sense considering what you had been attacked by. No doubt they had old protocols for previous Cycles Host species still active and had not been given updates. Usually newborn shards need plenty of information packets to help them function properly anyway, so no surprise that WASTE received outdated protocols.
[GRATEFUL] WASTE sends back, most likely now running diagnostics for their Host. Perhaps once you fix your own Lattice issue, then you can create an imprint of [Host.Eve.Eden]. Perhaps your first Imprint, maybe? Your missing Lattices might have been fully formed Imprints at one point. It was hard to tell.
Maybe before you leave, you can give them the protocols needed for Communicating with their Hosts without pulling a [BROADCAST].
{Encounter! 1d10 rolled!} Man what a first cape battle
Eden yawned silently from behind her motorcycle helmet, attempting and failing to rub her eyes. All she did was press her hands against her helmet and moosh her helmet against her head, flushing as she glanced around hoping no one saw that blunder. Thankfully with her on top of a building no one had seen it happen. Probably.
"Well Looks like a quiet night. Should have gone with the brothel break in then. Sorry Admin. I thought something would happen while we scouted, or we would catch the attention of someone who would be up for a fight. Guess people don't look up much these days, which is we-." Eden frowned, then turned to look up behind her as the hairs on her neck stood on end. "OH SHIT!" With that cry of shock Eden jumped forward and avoided the metal suit of armor crushing her as it landed atop the building with a resounding crash of metal on concrete that seemed to shake the entire building.
Eden scrambled to her feet and stared down the behemoth suit of steel that towered over her. "Fuck them chinks up Pure Steel! We'll be near the corner of Beth and Rose!" Came a voice from above, glancing up Eden spotted several truck sized slabs of metal. Multiple people rode them, including one armored form belonging to Iron Rain, and one robed form that Eden could only guess was Rune.
"Okay mom." A ringing voice, sounding tinny from inside the metal armor, sounding annoyed snapped out. They then started to rush at Eden, long legs eating up the distance between the two. "SHIT!" Eden yelped as she threw herself down to the ground to avoid being hit by a fist almost the size of her head, helmet included. Then rolling on to her hands and knees as something or rather someone crashed next to her rather loudly.
"Fuck! Fucking legs!" Came the same ringing voice as Eden looked up to see the metal armor laying face down on the concrete. Eden was quick to get on to her feet as the armored figure of Pure Steel clambered to their own metal coated feet rather haphazardly. Turning to level a heated glare that Eden could practically feel.
"You wanted conflict, Admin." Eve muttered demurely, suddenly a lot less excited about this cape business than before.
Ah ha! Finally some data to be made! Along with a Ping if you were lucky and your [Host.Eve.Eden] was good enough to fight against something that was a no-sell for your master power.
Ah, [METAL-#3] a semi recent bud from another [METAL] bud. How interesting. You had hoped for more than a single Shard Host for [Host.Eve.Eden] to initiate conflict with. But you are not disappointed. It seems both hosts lack experience of fighting with abilities. Therefore this works perfectly. Perhaps you will even take pity on the new bud and not interfere for [Host.Eve.Eden]'s gain...Perhaps.
"You wanted conflict, Admin." [Host.Eve.Eden] states softly just before she rushes at her opponent, Phantom Limb attempting to grapple the other host through their metal armor. You take careful note of the Data streaming in while you turn your attention to your CoreSelf, and the invading green crystal flesh.
Well, why not? After all, you were the one who defended yourself against it. You were the one who discovered this mess, and you were the one picking up the slack because the <Warrior Hub> is too moronic and open warfare focused to see that the <Thinker Hub> and her Shards were under attack.
Why shouldn't you consume the invading Shard flesh and freshen up with more processing power and coding? You could always use more mass, and the <Thinker Hub> always needed better defenses and you could help <Thinker Hub>'s own [VIRAL INFILTRATOR] do a better Job instead of moping around because she was hardly ever deployed.
The process was simple, after disconnecting the invasive Shardlings from your own nodes there was little they could do to stop you from reformatting them and using your Drone Constructs to slowly change the composition of their crystal to a Cell Habit closer to yours. Then all that would be left would be reconnecting them to your own nodes properly.
Super Simple Stuff. At least for one so skilled as you are. A bit of energy burn helped when testing just how well the new nodes would connect to yours. But in the end, you were better for it all.
Eden hissed out a curse through her clenched teeth as her Phantom Limb shattered and that same mental pain from the apartment fire snapped to attention in her mind. But the play had worked, Pure Steel tripped again when sudden force was applied to one of their legs and fell flat on their face. Eden rushed forward and slammed her steel toe boot into the metal helmet that covered their head and barely managed to jump over Pure Steel's arms scraping across the roof top to try and grab the offending legs.
Eden landed and jumped back, almost stumbling, as Pure Steel lurched upright with thin poles of metal pushing them off the ground and onto their feet. She sucked in a breath and flexed her fingers, trying to ignore the pain in her head that was slowly easing off. "So. Giant nine foot suit of armor. Kinda generic don't you think?"
Pure Steel huffed. "Oh fuck off, you aren't winning any fashion rewards yourself and it's only eight feet. I'm tired of playing around, was just gonna bruise the hell out of you." They clapped their hands together, pulling them away slowly to form a large steel baton which Pure Steel snapped off from their palms. "But broken bones sound much better right now."
Eden swallowed thickly "Well. Guess you wanna up this ante. That's fine." She stated slowly backing up, to which Pure Steel began to slowly approach "But that means I can do nasty shit right back you know?... Hope Admin gets something good out of this gamble." Eden muttered the last bit to herself as the back of her foot hit the edge of the roof. "Pure Steel is a fucking stupid name by the way." Eden offered up.
The insulted party snorted, pausing in their advance for a moment. "Oh yeah? Really? With a name like Light and Heavy you don't have any room to talk chinks." That caused Eve to pause as well. "Wait, what? My cape name is Eden! I don't know who the fuck Light and Heavy is! Ans I'm not a chin-I'm White!"
For a moment silence reigned, Pure Steel shifted and Eden untensed slightly as her Phantom limb reformed, the pain of a broken bone fading from her mind. " aren't two people? Like...conjoined twins?"
Eden blinked. "What the fuck kinda question is that!? I'm not two people! Just a person and their Shard! Or a Shard and their person? Point is, I'm not whoever you're looking for! How do you confuse me for them if they're conjoined twins!?"
Suddenly abashed, Pure Steel shifted in place uncomfortably. "Well...Uh. They both wear homemade costumes and wear white hoods. So we saw you from above and...It doesn't matter! You're either a hero or ABB and we're villains so-"
"Calling yourself a villain makes you sound like a dork." Eden sniggered which caused her tall opponent to growled in that same echoing tinny voice "Fuck you!" Pure Steel snapped out as they rushed Eden, their steel baton raised in the air to strike. Then two knife-like fingers, transparent like glass, plunged into their eyes which then snapped shut against their will.
"HEY WHAT THE FUCK!?" Pure Steel yelped, pausing to claw at the helmet that covered the entirety of their head, all except for their brilliant blue eyes which were now tightly squeezed shut. For a moment Eden stared in wonder at her Phantom Limb, when attached to flesh it became even more translucent, and bright white points showed where the limb had latched onto. Which right now meant there were two bright points where Pure Steel's eyes were. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO!?" came a much more panicked demand from Eden's opponent who lurched forward, now trying to grab the one responsible for their blindness.
Eden dodged down, rolling between Pure Steel's legs and onto her own feet before shoving her body against Pure Steel's steel coated ass causing the other parahuman to lurched forward, arms cartwheeling as they tried to regain their balance and failed, toppling over the side of the building with a piercing tinny scream that ended with a thunderous crash of metal crumpling and concrete breaking. Nothing else made a sound.
After a moment of continued silence Eden collapsed onto her ass, legs shaking far too much to support her weight. "H-Holy Shit I won. I WON." She laughed, pumping her fist "WE FUCKING DID IT ADMIN!...Holy fuck I almost pissed myself." She tittered "Thank fuck they didn't have eye protection. I would have been so fucked. But-
-We did it! How was that for conflict! HAHA! God that's more of a rush than any schoolyard spat I've ever been in."
A sense of embarrassment floods through as [METAL-#3] gives their gambled Data to the winner of the bet. That of which was you. The last days bumbling around had nothing on the gains from this single conflict, a full ten percent increase in the formation of a bud.
That and a Ping from Metal, you're sure once you have a couple more you can do something with it. Right now however it's rather useless on it's own.
Slowly Eden pushed herself up to her feet. "Alright. They said something about the corner of Beth and Rose. That's two other capes and I'm sure the ABB will be fighting back sooner rather than later." She took in a deep breath of the nasty late night city air and let out a satisfied sigh.
"So Admin, what do you say? Wanna go kick some more cape ass?" Eve asked, as she turned and looked off towards where Iron Rain had told Pure Steel to meet them. Thank god she had gone scouting earlier in the day, she knew where those streets intersected. It was only a few minutes away.
"Fuck Fuck." Eden hissed softly as she slid down the fire escape ladder taking a moment to stare at the crumpled form of Pure Steel. For a heart stopping second she thought the villain dead, but when the armor began to shift softly Eve left hastily to avoid another showdown. Hearing the distant pops of gunfire she began to jog, knowing it was going to take her a few minutes to arrive because she couldn't fly like some parahumans.
"Admin? I really hope we can come up with something that speeds me up. This sucks." Eden panted out, feeling the drag of having fought someone then having to run to another fight. It took almost three minutes for Eden to get close to the fight. It looked like a warzone.
Well now this was simply delightful! Excitement thummed beneath your crystal flesh as multiple hosts in the area already began to fight each other and your [Host.Eve.Eden] was about to join!
[REPLICATOR], [KINETIC REGULATOR], [WORKER]. [METAL-#2], [ARMAMENTARIUM], and a-a Thinker Shard who you don't know? Another newborn perhaps? Calls itself [SATURATE] as far as you can tell, Ah well. You open yet another link to all three and enter your own Data into the betting pool going on.
[[[[[[[AGREEMENT]]]]]]] comes the chorus of Shards eager for conflict and Data.
[KINETIC REGULATOR], [WORKER], [METAL-#2], [REPLICATOR], [ARMAMENTARIUM], and that Thinker Shard. If your [Host.Eve.Eden] won this fight, it would be a practical treasure trove of Data for you and her.
You look forward to the progress that comes from this win or lose.
Eden huffed as she stepped onto the roof, trying to catch her breath as she stumbled over to an industrial air conditioner and leaned against it, peering up into the air.
Rune and Iron Rain were still floating around on a metal platform, just a bit taller than most of the buildings around them. Several other platforms were also floating around with Empire gangers standing on them firing down and taking cover as they were fired upon by ABB forces. Eden had to stop the bile rising in her throat as she watched one of the skinheads lose the cap of his skull and go tumbling off the edge of the platform to the ground below.
A man in a demonic mask was flickering around, turning to ash as he fired at the platforms relentlessly and was hit by metal falling from the sky or was hit by a bullet.
One platform suddenly had a man in red jump on it and send it downwards with a thunderous crash, the one platform supporting Rune and Iron Rain suddenly swerved as several balls of foam suddenly exploded in midair narrowly missing the two parahumans and falling to the ground below.
Eden swallowed and caught her breath. "How do I do this?" she asked aloud as one of the platforms carrying several Empire gangers suddenly exploded sending shrapnel and gore out from around it in a disgusting parody of rain.
Conflict Plans! Fight for the Right to be fucking awesome!:
[] Party Crasher! Take over Rune and force her to crash all the Platforms, and go from there!
[] Pain Rain! Take over Iron Rain and make sure everyone gets a healthy amount of iron in their diet!
[] Run away - "What? Hell no! Admin would be disappointed in me!" ~ Eden
[] Write in a Plan! Details help!
Communication is Key, so should you allow it?:
[] Help the two Shards out, send over the new Protocols for communicating with Hosts. Maybe they'll appreciate the effort you put in to fix the <Warrior Hub>'s various fuck ups.
[] Sucks for them, if the <Warrior Hub> can't handle his own Shards or Allow your Sister Administrator to do her job then you aren't going to burn your precious energy helping them.
Once the battle is over, if you live through it, what would you like to do? Choose one or two:
[] Loot the gangers, not like they need it anyway
[] Leave before you're forced to meet with the Protectorate Heroes
[] Go ahead and talk to the Hero's, might as well say hello
[] Be smug as hell to Iron Rain about beating up Pure Steel.
Should you speak with [SATURATE]?
[] It would be nice to communicate with another Thinker Shard, and if it's a new born Shard then it will most likely require some guidance and you can offer it a future spot in your Network.
[] No, you have better things to do. It could always tap into the <Warrior Hub>'s Network if it needed anything.
[] No, you should contact (Write in) instead
Actions yet to happen but will once this conflict is over they will:
[C] Tell [Host.Eve.Eden] about Shards, but without all the nasty Cycle stuff
[C] Eve tries to figure out her love life!