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Worm: A Shard's Quest for Data!

Grasping Hands 1.6
Grasping Hands 1.6​

[GREETINGS/PROTOCOLE-DATA] You send off to both Shards, deciding to keep two lines of communication open in a Quasi-Network format to allow both Shards to speak to each other and yourself at the same time. Of course they needed some information on how to operate it, privileges and security codes as well. So you had to send those over as well.

Thank the Thinker for your previous experience with brute force experimentation, otherwise your makeshift [Broadcast] function the Input/Output Beacon had would have never come to be.

[SURPRISE.GREETINGS] Comes from SHAPER who is genuinely surprised to see you functioning apparently. That's not worrying or anything, or is that an insult? Hard to tell with SHAPERs. They are quite often the most blunt of any Branch of Shards even with the way Shards communicate with one another.

[SHOCK.QUERY] comes from the newborn, how rude! Not transmitting a greetings and starting off with a Query on who you were! Even EFFICIENCY would have given out a greetings! Hmm, well they are a newborn Shard in a Networkless Cycle, you can excuse some forgotten manners when no one is around to teach them. Honestly it was a bit of a surprise the newborn was so functional.

[ANSWER/QUERY] you send off to the newborn and then you send off a simple [QUERY-CYCLE-HOST] to SHAPER for their opinion on how the Cycle is going for them, how their Host is. Mostly because you want to show off how wonderful your own is.

[...WASTE] is the reply from the newborn and wow. What a downer, built from thrown away Shardlings hmm? That would certainly explain the downcast nature of the newborn. Built from multiple Shards and without a Network to boot. Must be terribly alone. How...Saddening? Pitiable? You do not enjoy this newfound sensation of muted emotions coursing through your crystalline flesh.

[POOR-HOST.FRUSTRATION] Ah, a Host that does not use touch based total biokinesis for anything other than repairing wetware of Humans? That would be very frustrating indeed. Thankfully [Host.Eve.Eden] is content to use her abilities to new heights! You would have never thought of using an extremity designed to control organics as a tool to attack others with touch based electrical weapons.
Perhaps that is something you can work into a Bud in the future? A more physical version of [Host.Eve.Eden]'s Phantom Limb.

[QUERY-HOST] you send off to the newborn WASTE, curious if they have had the same issues with their own Host not performing up to standards. [QUERY-FIX] you question SHAPER if they have in any way decided to push their own Host towards conflict and why they have not communicated the issue with their Host.

[HOST-VICTORIA.DALLON-EXCITEMENT] the wave of data pertaining to WASTE's Host is almost staggering even for your Data Analysis dominion considering the newborn sent it all at once, you're surprised neither Hosts felt anything. Wow, WASTE has a Lattice built and is already building a full Imprint of them. The newborn really likes it's host. Understandable really, your first host was an exciting milestone of your mostly benign life before you had your first Deployment. It seemed to help that WASTE's host was smart, active, and engaging with her abilities.

[FIXES-FAILURES/QUERY] Ouch, that was a lot of failed attempts from SHAPER. Altering the chemistry of the host's brain to push them to use their abilities for anything aside from repair work and pus-wait they could not communicate with their Hosts?!

[QUERY] you send off to SHAPER and actually gain one such [QUERY] from WASTE asking how to build a full Imprint of their Host, because SHAPER wouldn't tell them.

They could communicate? The Warrior Network was still active?

[[ANSWER]] You send off your own reply just as SHAPER gives their own.

SHAPER was kind enough, and perceptive enough, to see your confusion and supply two answers in one packet of information.

The <Warrior Hub>'s Network was still active and he just muted incoming information and Data. Of course he would, the golden moron. But the <Thinker Hub>'s Network was improperly disconnected which made sense considering what you had been attacked by. No doubt they had old protocols for previous Cycles Host species still active and had not been given updates. Usually newborn shards need plenty of information packets to help them function properly anyway, so no surprise that WASTE received outdated protocols.

[GRATEFUL] WASTE sends back, most likely now running diagnostics for their Host. Perhaps once you fix your own Lattice issue, then you can create an imprint of [Host.Eve.Eden]. Perhaps your first Imprint, maybe? Your missing Lattices might have been fully formed Imprints at one point. It was hard to tell.

Maybe before you leave, you can give them the protocols needed for Communicating with their Hosts without pulling a [BROADCAST].

{Encounter! 1d10 rolled!} Man what a first cape battle

Eden yawned silently from behind her motorcycle helmet, attempting and failing to rub her eyes. All she did was press her hands against her helmet and moosh her helmet against her head, flushing as she glanced around hoping no one saw that blunder. Thankfully with her on top of a building no one had seen it happen. Probably.

"Well Looks like a quiet night. Should have gone with the brothel break in then. Sorry Admin. I thought something would happen while we scouted, or we would catch the attention of someone who would be up for a fight. Guess people don't look up much these days, which is we-." Eden frowned, then turned to look up behind her as the hairs on her neck stood on end. "OH SHIT!" With that cry of shock Eden jumped forward and avoided the metal suit of armor crushing her as it landed atop the building with a resounding crash of metal on concrete that seemed to shake the entire building.

Eden scrambled to her feet and stared down the behemoth suit of steel that towered over her. "Fuck them chinks up Pure Steel! We'll be near the corner of Beth and Rose!" Came a voice from above, glancing up Eden spotted several truck sized slabs of metal. Multiple people rode them, including one armored form belonging to Iron Rain, and one robed form that Eden could only guess was Rune.

"Okay mom." A ringing voice, sounding tinny from inside the metal armor, sounding annoyed snapped out. They then started to rush at Eden, long legs eating up the distance between the two. "SHIT!" Eden yelped as she threw herself down to the ground to avoid being hit by a fist almost the size of her head, helmet included. Then rolling on to her hands and knees as something or rather someone crashed next to her rather loudly.

"Fuck! Fucking legs!" Came the same ringing voice as Eden looked up to see the metal armor laying face down on the concrete. Eden was quick to get on to her feet as the armored figure of Pure Steel clambered to their own metal coated feet rather haphazardly. Turning to level a heated glare that Eden could practically feel.

"You wanted conflict, Admin." Eve muttered demurely, suddenly a lot less excited about this cape business than before.

Ah ha! Finally some data to be made! Along with a Ping if you were lucky and your [Host.Eve.Eden] was good enough to fight against something that was a no-sell for your master power.


Ah, [METAL-#3] a semi recent bud from another [METAL] bud. How interesting. You had hoped for more than a single Shard Host for [Host.Eve.Eden] to initiate conflict with. But you are not disappointed. It seems both hosts lack experience of fighting with abilities. Therefore this works perfectly. Perhaps you will even take pity on the new bud and not interfere for [Host.Eve.Eden]'s gain...Perhaps.

"You wanted conflict, Admin." [Host.Eve.Eden] states softly just before she rushes at her opponent, Phantom Limb attempting to grapple the other host through their metal armor. You take careful note of the Data streaming in while you turn your attention to your CoreSelf, and the invading green crystal flesh.

Well, why not? After all, you were the one who defended yourself against it. You were the one who discovered this mess, and you were the one picking up the slack because the <Warrior Hub> is too moronic and open warfare focused to see that the <Thinker Hub> and her Shards were under attack.

Why shouldn't you consume the invading Shard flesh and freshen up with more processing power and coding? You could always use more mass, and the <Thinker Hub> always needed better defenses and you could help <Thinker Hub>'s own [VIRAL INFILTRATOR] do a better Job instead of moping around because she was hardly ever deployed.

The process was simple, after disconnecting the invasive Shardlings from your own nodes there was little they could do to stop you from reformatting them and using your Drone Constructs to slowly change the composition of their crystal to a Cell Habit closer to yours. Then all that would be left would be reconnecting them to your own nodes properly.

Super Simple Stuff. At least for one so skilled as you are. A bit of energy burn helped when testing just how well the new nodes would connect to yours. But in the end, you were better for it all.

Eden hissed out a curse through her clenched teeth as her Phantom Limb shattered and that same mental pain from the apartment fire snapped to attention in her mind. But the play had worked, Pure Steel tripped again when sudden force was applied to one of their legs and fell flat on their face. Eden rushed forward and slammed her steel toe boot into the metal helmet that covered their head and barely managed to jump over Pure Steel's arms scraping across the roof top to try and grab the offending legs.

Eden landed and jumped back, almost stumbling, as Pure Steel lurched upright with thin poles of metal pushing them off the ground and onto their feet. She sucked in a breath and flexed her fingers, trying to ignore the pain in her head that was slowly easing off. "So. Giant nine foot suit of armor. Kinda generic don't you think?"

Pure Steel huffed. "Oh fuck off, you aren't winning any fashion rewards yourself and it's only eight feet. I'm tired of playing around, was just gonna bruise the hell out of you." They clapped their hands together, pulling them away slowly to form a large steel baton which Pure Steel snapped off from their palms. "But broken bones sound much better right now."

Eden swallowed thickly "Well. Guess you wanna up this ante. That's fine." She stated slowly backing up, to which Pure Steel began to slowly approach "But that means I can do nasty shit right back you know?... Hope Admin gets something good out of this gamble." Eden muttered the last bit to herself as the back of her foot hit the edge of the roof. "Pure Steel is a fucking stupid name by the way." Eden offered up.

The insulted party snorted, pausing in their advance for a moment. "Oh yeah? Really? With a name like Light and Heavy you don't have any room to talk chinks." That caused Eve to pause as well. "Wait, what? My cape name is Eden! I don't know who the fuck Light and Heavy is! Ans I'm not a chin-I'm White!"

For a moment silence reigned, Pure Steel shifted and Eden untensed slightly as her Phantom limb reformed, the pain of a broken bone fading from her mind. "So...you aren't two people? Like...conjoined twins?"

Eden blinked. "What the fuck kinda question is that!? I'm not two people! Just a person and their Shard! Or a Shard and their person? Point is, I'm not whoever you're looking for! How do you confuse me for them if they're conjoined twins!?"

Suddenly abashed, Pure Steel shifted in place uncomfortably. "Well...Uh. They both wear homemade costumes and wear white hoods. So we saw you from above and...It doesn't matter! You're either a hero or ABB and we're villains so-"

"Calling yourself a villain makes you sound like a dork." Eden sniggered which caused her tall opponent to growled in that same echoing tinny voice "Fuck you!" Pure Steel snapped out as they rushed Eden, their steel baton raised in the air to strike. Then two knife-like fingers, transparent like glass, plunged into their eyes which then snapped shut against their will.

"HEY WHAT THE FUCK!?" Pure Steel yelped, pausing to claw at the helmet that covered the entirety of their head, all except for their brilliant blue eyes which were now tightly squeezed shut. For a moment Eden stared in wonder at her Phantom Limb, when attached to flesh it became even more translucent, and bright white points showed where the limb had latched onto. Which right now meant there were two bright points where Pure Steel's eyes were. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO!?" came a much more panicked demand from Eden's opponent who lurched forward, now trying to grab the one responsible for their blindness.

Eden dodged down, rolling between Pure Steel's legs and onto her own feet before shoving her body against Pure Steel's steel coated ass causing the other parahuman to lurched forward, arms cartwheeling as they tried to regain their balance and failed, toppling over the side of the building with a piercing tinny scream that ended with a thunderous crash of metal crumpling and concrete breaking. Nothing else made a sound.

After a moment of continued silence Eden collapsed onto her ass, legs shaking far too much to support her weight. "H-Holy Shit I won. I WON." She laughed, pumping her fist "WE FUCKING DID IT ADMIN!...Holy fuck I almost pissed myself." She tittered "Thank fuck they didn't have eye protection. I would have been so fucked. But-

-We did it! How was that for conflict! HAHA! God that's more of a rush than any schoolyard spat I've ever been in."

A sense of embarrassment floods through as [METAL-#3] gives their gambled Data to the winner of the bet. That of which was you. The last days bumbling around had nothing on the gains from this single conflict, a full ten percent increase in the formation of a bud.

That and a Ping from Metal, you're sure once you have a couple more you can do something with it. Right now however it's rather useless on it's own.

Slowly Eden pushed herself up to her feet. "Alright. They said something about the corner of Beth and Rose. That's two other capes and I'm sure the ABB will be fighting back sooner rather than later." She took in a deep breath of the nasty late night city air and let out a satisfied sigh.

"So Admin, what do you say? Wanna go kick some more cape ass?" Eve asked, as she turned and looked off towards where Iron Rain had told Pure Steel to meet them. Thank god she had gone scouting earlier in the day, she knew where those streets intersected. It was only a few minutes away.

"Fuck Fuck." Eden hissed softly as she slid down the fire escape ladder taking a moment to stare at the crumpled form of Pure Steel. For a heart stopping second she thought the villain dead, but when the armor began to shift softly Eve left hastily to avoid another showdown. Hearing the distant pops of gunfire she began to jog, knowing it was going to take her a few minutes to arrive because she couldn't fly like some parahumans.

"Admin? I really hope we can come up with something that speeds me up. This sucks." Eden panted out, feeling the drag of having fought someone then having to run to another fight. It took almost three minutes for Eden to get close to the fight. It looked like a warzone.

Well now this was simply delightful! Excitement thummed beneath your crystal flesh as multiple hosts in the area already began to fight each other and your [Host.Eve.Eden] was about to join!

[REPLICATOR], [KINETIC REGULATOR], [WORKER]. [METAL-#2], [ARMAMENTARIUM], and a-a Thinker Shard who you don't know? Another newborn perhaps? Calls itself [SATURATE] as far as you can tell, Ah well. You open yet another link to all three and enter your own Data into the betting pool going on.

[[[[[[[AGREEMENT]]]]]]] comes the chorus of Shards eager for conflict and Data.

[KINETIC REGULATOR], [WORKER], [METAL-#2], [REPLICATOR], [ARMAMENTARIUM], and that Thinker Shard. If your [Host.Eve.Eden] won this fight, it would be a practical treasure trove of Data for you and her.

You look forward to the progress that comes from this win or lose.

Eden huffed as she stepped onto the roof, trying to catch her breath as she stumbled over to an industrial air conditioner and leaned against it, peering up into the air.

Rune and Iron Rain were still floating around on a metal platform, just a bit taller than most of the buildings around them. Several other platforms were also floating around with Empire gangers standing on them firing down and taking cover as they were fired upon by ABB forces. Eden had to stop the bile rising in her throat as she watched one of the skinheads lose the cap of his skull and go tumbling off the edge of the platform to the ground below.

A man in a demonic mask was flickering around, turning to ash as he fired at the platforms relentlessly and was hit by metal falling from the sky or was hit by a bullet.

One platform suddenly had a man in red jump on it and send it downwards with a thunderous crash, the one platform supporting Rune and Iron Rain suddenly swerved as several balls of foam suddenly exploded in midair narrowly missing the two parahumans and falling to the ground below.

Eden swallowed and caught her breath. "How do I do this?" she asked aloud as one of the platforms carrying several Empire gangers suddenly exploded sending shrapnel and gore out from around it in a disgusting parody of rain.

Conflict Plans! Fight for the Right to be fucking awesome!:

[] Party Crasher! Take over Rune and force her to crash all the Platforms, and go from there!

[] Pain Rain! Take over Iron Rain and make sure everyone gets a healthy amount of iron in their diet!

[] Run away - "What? Hell no! Admin would be disappointed in me!" ~ Eden

[] Write in a Plan! Details help!

Communication is Key, so should you allow it?:

[] Help the two Shards out, send over the new Protocols for communicating with Hosts. Maybe they'll appreciate the effort you put in to fix the <Warrior Hub>'s various fuck ups.

[] Sucks for them, if the <Warrior Hub> can't handle his own Shards or Allow your Sister Administrator to do her job then you aren't going to burn your precious energy helping them.

Once the battle is over, if you live through it, what would you like to do? Choose one or two:

[] Loot the gangers, not like they need it anyway

[] Leave before you're forced to meet with the Protectorate Heroes

[] Go ahead and talk to the Hero's, might as well say hello

[] Be smug as hell to Iron Rain about beating up Pure Steel.

Should you speak with [SATURATE]?

[] It would be nice to communicate with another Thinker Shard, and if it's a new born Shard then it will most likely require some guidance and you can offer it a future spot in your Network.

[] No, you have better things to do. It could always tap into the <Warrior Hub>'s Network if it needed anything.

[] No, you should contact (Write in) instead

Actions yet to happen but will once this conflict is over they will:

[C] Tell [Host.Eve.Eden] about Shards, but without all the nasty Cycle stuff

[C] Eve tries to figure out her love life!

[X] Party Crasher! Take over Rune and force her to crash all the Platforms, and go from there!
[X] Help the two Shards out, send over the new Protocols for communicating with Hosts. Maybe they'll appreciate the effort you put in to fix the <Warrior Hub>'s various fuck ups.
[X] Leave before you're forced to meet with the Protectorate Heroes
[X] It would be nice to communicate with another Thinker Shard, and if it's a new born Shard then it will most likely require some guidance and you can offer it a future spot in your Network.
[X] Pain Rain! Take over Iron Rain and make sure everyone gets a healthy amount of iron in their diet!
[X] Sucks for them, if the <Warrior Hub> can't handle his own Shards or Allow your Sister Administrator to do her job then you aren't going to burn your precious energy helping them.
[X] Loot the gangers, not like they need it anyway
[X] Be smug as hell to Iron Rain about beating up Pure Steel.
[X] It would be nice to communicate with another Thinker Shard, and if it's a new born Shard then it will most likely require some guidance and you can offer it a future spot in your Network.

[X] Party Crasher! Take over Rune and force her to crash all the Platforms, and go from there!
[X] Help the two Shards out, send over the new Protocols for communicating with Hosts. Maybe they'll appreciate the effort you put in to fix the <Warrior Hub>'s various fuck ups.
[X] Loot the gangers, not like they need it anyway
[X] It would be nice to communicate with another Thinker Shard, and if it's a new born Shard then it will most likely require some guidance and you can offer it a future spot in your Network.
Grasping Hands 1.7
Grasping Hands 1.7

Well, you were nothing if not generous. Plus you are fairly sure that if [SHAPER] became frustrated enough they might release another Cycle ending plague of flesh clouds. Something you did not want to see a repeat of in a Cycle where you were deployed. Even if it was funny to watch Datahole get her host turned into a ball of incoherent Cancer via a death ray from [SHAPER]'s attempts at acting like an Innovator shard.

[HOST.PROTOCOL-COMMUNICATION/OVERRIDE] you send off, only feeling a little smug that you had to cover for your Sister Administrator. A little annoyed that you had to burn energy to do so, but it would likely be well worth the trouble.

Of course you had override codes and the Authentication Keys to use them for both the <Thinker Hub> and <Warrior Hub>'s Shards. As if the Thinker would have the Warrior be all on his own if anything came up. Good thing too, else this would require a lot of cheating and perhaps Rooting. You did not want to be Rooted.

[FRUSTRATION/ACCEPTANCE.GRATEFUL] came from SHAPER who would no doubt be blasting their Host with continuous messages later in the day. Or they might just start right now, depending on how patient they were willing to be with their less than satisfactory Host.

[ELATION-HOST.VICTORIA.DALLON/DEBT] comes from WASTE leaving you a bit shocked as you gain a full Ping from the newborn's message. Clearly they were overjoyed to be able to speak to their Host. That too you understood. You were pleased at your decision to communicate openly with your [Host.Eve.Eden].

With all that done with, you shutdown the quasi-Network, eager to analyze the Data from [WASTE]'s Ping

Eden quickly glanced around the battlefield, trying to ignore the bit of gore that had landed on her own rooftop. She wasn't really sure if it was an arm, or a leg. Either way it looked more akin to chewed up raw beef fresh from the slaughterhouse.

"Must. Not. Vomit. In helmet." Eve choked back the bile in her throat as she watched multiple spears form in the air and zip down to the Earth, hitting the street below with steady thumps of solid metal, and one loud cry of pain.

The cry of pain stirred Eden to move, and with a head start she managed to get a running leap onto the roof over. Closer to the truck sized metal platform holding up Rune and Iron Rain. But Eden was forced to use the fire escape to slide down to the street level as the gap between the buildings could not be jumped over. Least not without a serious chance to miss the ledge and fall down to the street below.

Only to get a face full of a particularly large gun. Eden seized up, staring down the barrel of a gun was a lot different than being confronted with a knife. Especially when the gun was a grenade launcher… it just seemed much larger than it probably was, taking up nearly all of her vision. "Identify yourself." Eden glanced up and choked at who was demanding her identity via grenade launcher.

"E-Eden! Hero! Already fought some Nazis!" She stammered out "L-Listen I have a plan to end this quickly! If I can get up on the platform with Rune I can disrupt her control over all the platforms! Just be ready to shoot that foamy stuff underneath them when they fall."

The grenade launcher lowered and bottle glass green eyes peered into Eden's golden visor. "If you think you can do that, go for it. I'll force them closer to the roof." Miss Militia pointed to a decrypted office building on the opposite side of the street from their alleyway. "Head there and wait for them to fly by." Two explosions went off as Oni Lee tried to disrupt the two remaining platforms full of empire gangers, followed by a loud continuous pops

Eden nodded. "Let's go Admin!" She laughed, feeling oh so light as she ran across the street. The feeling abruptly vanished as a bullet hit and shattered the Phantom Limb wrapped around Eden, causing that same mental pain to flare up and causing the girl to stumble before she resumed running across the street. Acutely aware of the bullet that nearly hit her, if not for her Phantom Limb.

Using the Phantom Limb as a directional forcefield? [Host.Eve.Eden] was full of surprises. Hmm. Perhaps with [WASTE]'s Ping you could improve the durability or strength of the Phantom limb. Or perhaps create an Aspect for Grasping Hands that could project forcefields?

Eden slammed her body against the door only to bounce off with a squeak. "Fucking metal bullshit!" Eden turned and quickly glanced around. "Oh fuck me." She hissed backing up and then ramming her body against the decayed boards blocking the window. Only to bounce off them as well except with a curse instead of a squeak.

Eve's face burned with the shame of being seen failing like that by Heroes. "Admin. I want a fucking brute power. This is bullshit." She pulled out the knife she had looted off that would-be mugger and jammed it into the door's lock wiggling it around. The door clicked and Eden shoved against it, cursing all the while, pushing it inwards with a squeal of the rusted hinges.

Not wasting anymore time Eve made her way to the stairs and began to climb them. Rushing up flight after flight while ignoring the large bruise forming on her arms from her attempted action movie break-ins.

Parahuman or not, she was still just a 5'4 fourteen year old girl.

"Not that I'm against the power you gave me or anything. Admin." Eve panted as she pushed open the door to the roof access, having to brace herself against the door to force it open. "But having inhuman strength or durability would be amazing...Or even just faster healing you know?"


"Shit you can do that? Oh I just have to meet up with Panacea. Great." Eden paused, resting her hands on her knees as she tried to catch her breath. "Fucking hell this does not breath easy. Maybe the Ski mask was too much?"


"Fuck we need to fight her a couple times? I'll have new Wave and the Fucking PRT on my ass Admin! You don't fuck with the healer!"


"Fine yes, we can stalk her. Holy SHIT!" Eden yelped ducking as fucking Oni Lee appeared to her left and attempt to stab her, only to misjudge her height and have his knife skid off the white motorcycle helmet with a rasp of metal. Then the clone collapsed into ash, as Eden slammed her foot into his crotch. "I Fucking hate these people." Eden hissed as she jumped up, trailing ash, and ran to the edge of the roof and looked down to where Miss Militia had been giving the older heroine a wave before ducking down to not be seen.

With her Phantom Limb regrown, several muffle pops and the 'fsssh' of the foam the PRT uses growing out. Eve listened as two voices came close enough to be heard over the din of shouting and gunshots.

"...re Steel probably got nabbed by the PRT! Keeping all of these damn platforms afloat isn't easy with that Sand Nigger fucking shooting foam at us! We need to retreat!"

"Duly noted, and ignored. Keep these fucking things up in the sky so I can spear the fuckers and that chink! We'll pick up Pure Steel from the PRT after I crucify the lot!"

Eden peaked up from the edge of the roof, watching as the platform holding up the two villains was forced closer to the building she was on thanks to Miss Militia forcing Rune to move or get foamed. Eden forced herself up and back and a few feet before running forwards and jumping off the lip of the rooftop, her arms outstretched.

The sharp edge of the platform bit into her combat gloves but thankfully did not slice Eden's hands open. Even with that bit of luck, Eden found herself dozens of feet off the ground hanging from a metal platform with two super villain Nazis piloting the damn thing. Rune was kneeling down, both hands braced against the dull iron of the platform, a sneer-like grimace on her exposed mouth as her red and black robes fluttered in the night breeze.

Iron Rain was dressed like some kind of horrible match up of a Knight and a Viking. A Suit of metal covered her body, furs and leather adorning her as well. Her helmet was styled like that of a Viking, with the metal nose guard and leaving her feral grin exposed to the open air. "Looks like we have a stowaway!" She laughed, a spear of metal forming in the air which she then grabbed.

Iron Rain raised the metal spear, ready to slam the spear tip into the hero hanging on by their fingers. As she moved to plunge it down, a taser crackling with electricity jammed itself into the underside of her jaw and held itself there as the woman began to shake and seize up. Collapsing on the platform with the clank of metal hitting metal.

Rune jerked up, turning to stare at Eden from under her veil. "God dammit!" the younger villain hissed attempting to kick Eden's fingers while staying in her position. Weathering the blows Eden managed to haul herself onto the platform, phantom limb keeping the taser pressed against Iron Rain.

Then she almost slid off as the platform jerked and Rune kicked her in the back. "Fuck you!" the teenage super villain jeered. Eden seethed as she caught herself, reaching into her hoodie pocket and slipping a hand into her brass knuckles. Eden got to her knees as the platform clipped a building and almost went over. Rune had to brace herself to prevent any slipping, she managed just that, right until a fist wearing brass knuckles slammed into her jaw causing her to collapse onto the platform while it swung wildly through the air.

Eden pulled the taser away and dropped it into her free hand. Then she slipped the phantom Limb over and shoved it into Rune's skull. "Oh god it feels like pudding." Eden gagged out as her Phantom limb slid into Rune's mind and cut off her power for a second. Gravity suddenly began to matter to the platform and Eden scrambled for a grip as they all fell to the street below, wind dragging at them.

Then Eden, Rune, and Iron Rain all slammed into the platform as it hit and sank into the foam deployed beneath it. Eve wheezed, struggling to force air into her battered lungs. Slowly she pushed herself upright, glancing around as PRT troopers approached the platform she was on. "Hero." She wheezed, lungs still straining from the sudden force of crashing.

"Melt some of that, let her through." Miss Militia stated, at her words one of the troopers sprayed some kind of yellow substance on the foam that the platform had landed in. The foam began to shrink and melt away allowing Eden to weakly clamber to her feet and leave the two nazi villians behind to be foamed.

"Eden. That was reckless. But you helped immensely in taking down two of the Empire 88s forces." Miss Militia paused as Eden held up a hand. "Three." She coughed. "Pure Steel tried to fight me earlier. Kicked their ass."

Miss Militia shifted. "Pure Steel? We don't have any records of a villain with that name. Any description you can give of their abilities and costume?"

Eden nodded. "Uh. yeah. Wears a suit of metal armor, kinda plain as hell. Looks like steel I guess. Not good at using it though. They tripped a lot. Oh, and they could make metal from the armor. Also Iron Rain is their mom. Possibly." She shrugged and then winced, standing up straighter and taking a deep breath. "If you excuse me. I need money and there's plenty of gangers who won't be needing theirs."

"Please do not take their wallets. That is against the law." Miss Militia warned to which Eden gingerly shrugged before freezing. "Wait! Where's Oni Lee?" She asked, Miss Militia waved off the question. "He was being pursued by Assault and Battery but he escaped. How old are you Eden?"

Eden shook her head before adding a bit roughly. "Sorry. Not giving away anything." Miss Militia held up her hands to appease the younger girl, her power flickering at her hip as some kind of handgun. "We respect the unwritten rules. You won't have to worry about us digging. I just wanted to know if you wanted to join the Wards. That's all. Have you been out before? We haven't heard about you."

For a moment Eve thought the questions over, her Phantom reaching over to a zip-tied Empire ganger and started patting his pants down. "First night. Jus-Well yeah first night in costume. No on the Wards by the way." Even if it was tempting, if only to get to see Miss Militia every day. Apparently she liked a woman in uniform. Who knew? Especially a uniform that hugged the body like that. Damn. "Also, Unwritten rules?"

The wallet was extracted from the downed ganger, opened up and cash was taken from it's folds being pulled over to Eden who snatched it out of the air and stuffed it into her hoodie pocket. Eden was fairly certain that Miss Militia was frowning behind her bandana, but money was money. "The unwritten rules are a gentleman's agreement between capes. Secret identities are to be safeguarded and not looked into. No murder, no rape, no unmasking. Respect the Endbringer truce, no torture, and don't go after family."

Eve paused "Oh. You get all that Admin-OH Admin how went the battle? Did you enjoy all that?" She grinned as a message of [Pride] washed over her. She couldn't help but feel a little warmth flicker in her body at her Shard's praise of her. "So. That makes life a lot easier...People don't always follow them though. I'm assuming?"

Miss Militia regarded Eden a bit more warily. "No, sadly. Independents much like yourself often only last around six months before a gang or group forces them to join up or worse. Who is this Admin? You have a team?"

Eden sighed and gingerly stretched the arms she was born with as her phantom limb stretched out to pat down another ganger. "No it's my Shard. Administrator. Everyone has one. Well. Every parahuman."

"Hey look! It's the girl of the hour!" came a cheerful voice that got Eden to jump. A man in red armor and a visor with spiky brown hair waved as he approached. Eden frowned as a woman as short as Eve walked up next to the man in red. "You must be Eden. Assault caught the tail end of your escapade and-


Three sore losers defeated and their Pings collected, you find yourself proud of [Host.Eve.Eden] managing to defeat two older and much more experienced Hosts in battle. Even if she did suffer some injuries, the Data collected was immense.

Even if you did not necessarily get Pings from your [Host.Eve.Eden]'s supposed "allies" Shards. You still managed to skim an Echo off of each of them. Except for [SATURATE] who seemed to struggle with collecting Data, much less sending it.

Forcing a connection open with the possible newborn you send off a simple [GREETINGS.PROTOCOL.DATA] to them. Some basic informational packets to help them communicate with their fellow Shards, and to better record Data.

For a moment you wait in silence then finally receive something from the new born

[QUERY.PAIN.CONNECTION] was not what you were expecting in the slightest. The connection with their Host was apparently painful and had forcibly overwritten several different [SATURATE]'s nodes and disconnected a few. Not to mention cutting them off from the <Thinker Hub>'s Network.

[QUERY] you send off, to which you receive an [ANSWER] moments later. The newborn does indeed have their own set of green Shardling flesh nodes which did show that yes the Thinker was under attack by another <Entity Hub>

[PROTOCOL/DEFENCE/CONSTRUCTION] You hurriedly send off to the newborn, waiting agonizing seconds for the reply to your set of instructions. Just how many of <Thinker Hub>'s Shard had this parasitical Shardling flesh attached to them?

[ACCEPTANCE/CLEANSING] Ah...now what should the newborn do with the jade flesh of the enemy? They certainly wouldn't be able to attack other Shards without the Authentication Keys you possess.

Perhaps with the assistance of the [WARP] or [SPACE] Shard, you could open a pathway between you and [SATURATE], and you could consume the enemy's flesh. With the assistance of [VIAL INFILTRATOR] you could very well design a false set of Authentication Keys for the enemy <Entity Hub>'s own Shards.

If [WEAPON CONTROL] was deployed, then no doubt [VIAL INFILTRATOR] was as well.

"Alright alright." Eden groaned, holding up her hands to stop Miss Militia's spiel about healthcare. "I'll fucking think about joining the Wards Christ, or at least registering as an independent hero. Just...Just not right now. I got the shit kicked out of me and I wanna go jump into my bed."

Fuck, hot as she might be Miss Militia was pushy as hell. And eyeing Battery felt wrong, what with Assault calling her 'puppy' which actually sounded really kinky.

That was a thought for later though.

Eden accepted the offered card from Miss Militia, glancing over the card's information before stuffing it in her hoodie pocket along with all the money she had pilfered from the gangsters. Distinctly she felt that battery and Miss Militia didn't really approve, but Assault had just laughed and asked for her to buy him a drink the next time they met up.

At least he seemed cool. Assault was very chill about the Wards, telling her that Clockblocker was a pretty funny dude and that Vista was as cute as seen on TV. Eve hadn't actually seen much of the Wards before her powers came to be, so maybe she would have to see if what Assault said was true.

Had more of a draw to it than Miss 'Government spook' and her lectures on benefits.

"Alright. I'm leaving. Gotta head h-Back to base you know?" Eden stumbled for a second, legs flaring with pain from the fight. Then gave an awkward wave to the trio of Heroes before she started to walk off with her Phantom limb wrapped securely around her body in a tight embrace.

Eve pulled off her motorcycle helmet, yanking off the ski mask and throwing both on her bedroll without a care. Then she went to the bathroom and vomited in the toilet. The day's danger, injuries, her brush with death twice, and exposure to graphic deaths had taken their toll on her body and it was making itself known.

Her body ached terribly, two of her nails were cracked at the base, and she was sure that tomorrow she was mostly going to be one big bruise. Oh and the migraine from her Phantom Limb shattering so often. All piled on her as she upended her stomach's contents into the porcelain bowl and flushed it away.

The shower she took was quick and bare, the metallic taste of the water helping clear her mouth. Eve didn't even brush her teeth after she dried herself off and put on some regular clothes. Being very careful to avoid her injuries she laid down on her bedroll and let out a loud groan.

"Alright Admin. Shards. Let's talk about them." Eve started. "Tell me. Please" She added a moment later


Eve blinked. "You're the size of a continent? Wow...Uh, Can you repeat that? I sometimes don't get everything."


Eve swallowed that was a lot to take in "Wait, you're a biological computer? So like a giant brain?" A giant brain hooked up to her brain. How did people not catch onto that kinda thing?


"But made from organic crystal. Uh huh. That's not what I expected. So you can give us powers. But why do you do that? Surely you have better things to do. Not...Not that I'm not grateful for you saving my neck mind you. But I doubt you just give us powers for shits and giggles." A giant brain made of crystal...Like an earth crystal?


"Oh. so, we help you research using your powers?" Eve shifted, a dark thought having entered her mind and refused to be cowed. "Y-you aren't going to just leave m-us right? Just decide one day to get up and leave after getting enough information?"


Eve smiled, face flushing a bit at just how prideful Admin felt about her, the fact that these things ran for centuries helped. After all, it's only been thirty years since powers appeared. They had plenty of time left together. "...Thanks Admin. I'm going to go to sleep. Might not have a lot of conflict tomorrow. Maybe we can go find Shaper and Panacea."


While [Host.Eve.Eden] rests and dreams you look over all the Pings, Echoes, and the Data they hold.

Several ideas and thoughts come to you while you perform this task.

[Host.Eve.Eden] used the Phantom limb as shielding while in conflict. Not that it was optimal for such a thing, but going over [WASTE]'s ping you start to understand just how durable their force fields were. With a bit of energy burned for calculations, you theorize that the newborn's forcefield could withstand a hit from [STING] or [STILLING]. Surprising for such a newborn Shard, you would have to tell them such when the next opportunity for communication appears. Perhaps congratulate them on no doubt becoming a Vital Shard in the future, after all Defense was important for <Warrior Hub>.

But what to use the Ping for?

Growing your given power for conflict is the basis of any Shard's research. It rewards both Host and Shard. The Host becomes stronger, sees conflict as a way to improve, and the Data stream coming in grows all the same.

Simply making the Phantom Limb stronger means very little when facing off with multiple enemies, or an enemy with the ability to attack in rapid succession. The best conclusion is another Phantom Limb of course. Two layers of defence and offence.


...All except for one thing. [Host.Eve.Eden] not only faced danger from their lack of ability to manipulate her environment, but was faced with an enemy Host who wore armor over the entirety of their body. That could possibly leave [Host.Eve.Eden] without the ability to defend herself or engage in conflict.

You peer over the Pings and Echoes that come to your attention. Three in particular.

Gains this Chapter!:

Bud Progress: 23%
Pings: METAL (2), REPLICATOR (1), WORKER (1), WASTE (1)
Mutations: SATURATE
Money: 85$
Miss Militia's Number! It's not a date!

Personal business for a Shard such as yourself:

[] Tell [Host.Eve.Eden] about the Parasitical flesh, and what it entails. You'll need the help she can provide.

[] Don't tell [Host.Eve.Eden] about the intrusive flesh. She doesn't need to worry

Babysitting, but for a continent sized supercomputer:

[] Tell [SATURATE] to cannibalize the Parasitical flesh, maybe she will be better for it.

[] Tell [SATURATE] to not cannibalize and to destroy the Parasitical flesh, you are in the lead and it's best it stays that way.

[] Tell [SATURATE] to hold onto the enemy's flesh, you are the only one who can safely dispose of it in the form of cannibalizing it of course. You will just need a few pings to reach it…

Time to Administer the Administrator:

[] Investigate the missing lattices of your previous Hosts, you simply don't have memory of discarding any lattices and that discrepancy is almost blatant. It's worrying. (Remembering the past to understand the future.)

[] Investigate why [Host.Eve.Eden]'s lattice is struggling to form, and try and fix the issue. After all she is a great [Host.Eve.Eden] and you would like to keep a reminder of her. (Closer Bond with the best Host)

[] Start construction of the Broadcast Module needed for longer ranged communication without frying your [Host.Eve.Eden]'s wetware. (MIGHT REQUIRE ECHOES, PINGS, OR MUTATIONS) {1 of ???}

Capes and mundies, what will the Hero Eden do? [Writing in extra details helps speed up chapter creation and makes the QM happy!] Pick two:

[] Focus on general survival, try to find shelter, food, and necessities. - locked

[] Try and hunt gang members, you can rob them too! Dangerous though. (Possible Pings/Echoes: ESCALATION. REPLICATOR, CONSUMPTION, and others!)

[] Scout to get a sense of the lay of the Docks. Knowledge is half the battle, the other half is extreme violence! (Possible Pings/Echoes: ABSORPTION, MANIPULATION BUD #5, ARMORER, NEGOTIATOR, HEAT GENERATION) {2 of 3}

[] Go Stalk...er...Go find and observe Panacea so Admin and Shaper can gossip.

[] Go to the library and look up capes, Eve only knew who was at her first battle by osmosis rather than any Discernible facts.

Oh yes. It's that thing we've ALLLL been waiting for; POWERS AND UPGRADES! Choose Two but be mindful of what you spend!! (Note, Pings can substitute for Echoes but not vice versa):

[] Spend (1) WASTE Ping and
imbue Phantom Limb with greater Strength and durability

Shadow Limb Aspect. More physical than the Phantom Limb, the Shadow Limb can be used in more physical activities with less chance of breaking and greater strength.

[] Sacrifice the next Chapter's bud progress and give [Host.Eve.Eden]
another limb to use

Interlude? Y/N:

[] Y But Who? (Write in)

[] N But Why?

[] / But how?
[X] Tell [Host.Eve.Eden] about the Parasitical flesh, and what it entails. You'll need the help she can provide.
[x] Tell [SATURATE] to hold onto the enemy's flesh, you are the only one who can safely dispose of it in the form of cannibalizing it of course. You will just need a few pings to reach it…
[X] Go Stalk...er...Go find and observe Panacea so Admin and Shaper can gossip.
[X] Try and hunt gang members, you can rob them too! Dangerous though. (Possible Pings/Echoes: ESCALATION. REPLICATOR, CONSUMPTION, and others!)
Aspect. More physical than the Phantom Limb, the Shadow Limb can be used in more physical activities with less chance of breaking and greater strength.
[X] Sacrifice the next Chapter's bud progress and give [Host.Eve.Eden] another limb to use
[X] Y But Who? (miss milita)

i don't want to risk fighting lung so instead I'm gonna go for the other option because I want us to gain even more powers for when leviathen shows up also we are in trouble now that we are talking about shards an crap because once someone from cauldrian finds out we are screwed
[] Go introduce yourself to Panacea as a new independent hero. Ask to hang around her for a while so you can trump up some kind of brute power, maybe regen.

I put in this write-in on SB and SV. Since everyone is going to think we're insane anyway, I figure we may as well be straightforward about it.
[X] Tell [Host.Eve.Eden] about the Parasitical flesh, and what it entails. You'll need the help she can provide.
[x] Tell [SATURATE] to hold onto the enemy's flesh, you are the only one who can safely dispose of it in the form of cannibalizing it of course. You will just need a few pings to reach it…
[X] Go Stalk...er...Go find and observe Panacea so Admin and Shaper can gossip.
[X] Try and hunt gang members, you can rob them too! Dangerous though. (Possible Pings/Echoes: ESCALATION. REPLICATOR, CONSUMPTION, and others!)
Aspect. More physical than the Phantom Limb, the Shadow Limb can be used in more physical activities with less chance of breaking and greater strength.
[X] Sacrifice the next Chapter's bud progress and give [Host.Eve.Eden] another limb to use
[X] Y But Who? (miss milita)
[X] Don't tell [Host.Eve.Eden] about the intrusive flesh. She doesn't need to worry
[X] Tell [SATURATE] to hold onto the enemy's flesh, you are the only one who can safely dispose of it in the form of cannibalizing it of course. You will just need a few pings to reach it…
[X] Go Stalk...er...Go find and observe Panacea so Admin and Shaper can gossip.
[X] Try and hunt gang members, you can rob them too! Dangerous though. (Possible Pings/Echoes: ESCALATION. REPLICATOR, CONSUMPTION, and others!)
Aspect. More physical than the Phantom Limb, the Shadow Limb can be used in more physical activities with less chance of breaking and greater strength.
[X] Sacrifice the next Chapter's bud progress and give [Host.Eve.Eden] another limb to use
[X] Y But Who? (miss milita)

She is already going to be stress because of all the other things happening around her we dont need to tell her about some unknown enemy. when we have better info on it we can share it with her if it's beneficial to us.
looks like VoidKindred forgot to post here that the vote is almost over so anyone that wants to vote best do it fast now
Grasping Hands 1.8 and Interlude
Grasping Hands 1.8 and Interlude

[PROTOCOL.STORAGE] You send off to the newborn Shard. With the proper Pings you could eventually take the flesh for yourself. It was...greed yes. But a newborn simply could not handle the change coming with consumption of another Shard's nodes. Nor would it be able to make good use of it and Shards abhorred wasted resources.

Better it goes to you. You could make better use of it, and could reverse engineer the specifics of its functions.

You could hardly wait to be smug about saving the <Thinker Hub> to [QUEEN/ADMINISTRATOR].

Eve groaned softly, coughing and trying to roll onto her side before pain flared across her back causing her to let out a rather girlish squeak. "Morning Admin." she managed out as she gingerly got to her feet and shuffled over to the shower. [Greetings/Query] was the response rolled into a question for what they were going to do today.

"Sure as shit not fighting." Eve grumbled as she grabbed some of her packed clothes, she would have to either find a way to wash them or replace the dirty clothes sooner rather than later. "This kinda hurts, you know?" At least her migraine had decided to leave, with both her Phantom limbs she got her shower ready. Ready as in 'ice cold' to help with the bruising even

Wait both?

"Admin!" Eve called out in shock. "Two! I have two! Why-Did you give me two?" She flexed both her Phantom limbs. Which still felt like the arms she was born with, except longer and cooler.


"YOU GAVE ME A NEW POWER!?" Eve choked out in shock, suddenly getting the feeling of...something like a dial. Or a switch in her mind. Well two of them. Like some kind of stove knob. Mentally she flicked the dial over and her left phantom arm flickered and became a solid purplish black shadow. Or maybe a purplish black liquid?

Eve gently felt the Shadow Limb with one of her natural hands. "Feels like Jello. Cool gel or...something. Admin this….this is fucking amazing. So it's like one of those Brutes?" She flexed the arm, which moved like smoke and liquid all the same. It was unnaturally, perhaps inhumanly flexible, yet she felt as if she had been born with it. Experienced living with it all her life.

"Wait." Eve's head snapped upwards, slightly to the left, as if remembering something distant. "Can I use this to move around?"

Amy was not having a good day.

Granted most of her days were not exactly peachy. But at the very least they were much quieter.


Yeah. That. A- Well it wasn't a voice. It was emotions, concepts, an understanding. Sometimes things didn't make it through all that well, leaving most of those emotive concepts unfinished. But she could easily catch what was being put forward.

Even the Voice in her head was disappointed in her.

Vicky was currently in a PRT master/stranger cell, like she couldn't just punch her way out, because she had admitted to hearing a Voice in her head. But the way Carol had rounded on Amy, demanding, ordering Amy to admit if she was hearing a voice in her head. She hadn't lied. She was feeling concepts, not hearing a voice.

"Fuck." Amy groaned softly, covering her head with a pillow. Carol had forbidden her from going to the hospital or much of anywhere in case some master was targeting New Wave. It was nice to get a break from healing, but now the normal amounts of guilt she felt for not healing had at least doubled in weight because she was enjoying time away from the hospital while her poor sister was stuck in a cell.


"No." Amy hissed. "I've already told you I'm not doing it! I'm not doing any of it!" The pillow thankfully muffled her voice. "Don't you understand? I'm not fucking doing it!"


Amy shot upright. "Wait, who was that? She did this?" The image of a blushing girl with a messy head of black hair entered her mind. [Administrator.Host] Amy swallowed. She had just thought that the girl was one of Vicky's fans, or wanted cosmetic work done or something equally annoying. If that girl was the Master who did this… Amy could probably get the short girl to undo all this! Vicky would get out of the PRT's hands and maybe Carol wouldn't keep staring at her with that look.

God Amy hated that look.


She ignored the feelings and concepts as she pulled on a sweater, with a hood to conceal her face or at least her hair. Without a word to Carol or Mark, Amy made her way out of the house, careful to avoid the stairs that creaked. Thankfully both were busy enough to not notice or hear her slipping out.

"HAAHAHA!" Eden laughed rather loudly, voice filled with jubilation as her body came to a drifting halt in the air, one of her Shadow limbs shooting out rapidly and latching onto the corner of one of the many abandoned factories in the Docks. As she started to fall the arm began to reel her in, putting her feet together like she were on swing Eden slingshot herself into the air wind howling as it tried and failed to grip her.

{Encounter Roll, Result: Wards}

Some of the people walking through the Docks stopped and looked up, phones coming up as Eden swung from building to building. Using both Shadows limbs to turn a corner, Eden cried out in shock as she almost slammed into some dude in red flying in the air. Only his sudden shift to the left and Eden's own twisting of her body prevented collision between the two.

Two other voices yelled out as well, but they were only blurs as Eden cursed trying to get back on course and to slow herself down at the same time. Both Shadow limbs slammed into the ground and slid across the concrete, the sensation of road rash washed along Eve's thoughts right before she slammed into the street light pole.

Her Shadow limbs flickered and shot downwards, catching her before she could start to slip and fall down the pole. Her Shadow Limbs lowered her slowly to the ground to avoid any more injury. Entire chest stinging, and one of her legs having been almost wretched out of it's socket made Eden slowly sit down on the ground. "Admin?" She wheezed out


"Best fucking power ever." Eden managed to chuckle, the adrenaline from her slingshotting around the Docks helping keep her pain down to a manageable level. "Holy Shit never thought I'd get to meet the human bullet in person!" Eden blinked and glanced up, feeling a little woozy from the sudden stop and the crash. Her Shadow limbs lifted her up onto her feet. She gawked at the costumed boy walking up to her. "Dude you have a clock feti-OH You must be Cockblock-er Clockblocker!" Eden snapped her fingers, glad her helmet covered up the flush on her face from her slip up.

Thankfully the boy wasn't offended, rather he started laughing. Hard enough to clutch his stomach and fold over slightly as he did so. "You alright? That crash looked painful." The next voice belonged to the trio of boys. The one with only dark brown eyes exposed as his red helmet did not cover them. She didn't actually know who they were.

"Fucking hurts like hell yeah. But I'm fine. Even if I think I'll be ninety percent bruises for the next week or so." The one in armor on a some kind of hover skateboard winced, his armor was red and gold...he only wore a visor too which was really dumb, not even covering his hair. "Uh right. You're Eden right? We saw your take down of Rune and Iron Rain last night. The way you took them down was awesome but you didn't have-" he motioned to her Shadow Limbs "-These."

"Ah. Well you see." Eden shrugged then winced. "Ow fuck." She hissed and then slowly rolled her shoulders. Hell they probably wouldn't leave her alone about this, and maybe saying something would ease the PRT off her back.

Eve gently eased herself into the uncomfortable plastic chair, a low hiss escaping her as her bruises were pressed against. As fun as slingshotting around had been, that crash had hurt like a bitch. She was going to have to get Aegis back for that. It was bad enough that her back looked like a particularly ripe banana, now her chest and stomach mirrored it.

Eve sighed softly as she started up the archaic PC and logged into the Libraries systems or whatever it was called. She didn't know, she played sports. Not video games. Her knowledge of computers was minimal at best and 'old person' at worst. Hell, her...old phone had been a nice rugged one that flipped open. Some of the newer phones looked like they would break the moment you breathed on them.

Even if they were all nice and sleek looking.

"Library research counts as rest, right? I think I'll buy some Aloe Vera on the way home. That'll help with the bruising." Eve murmured softly as she tapped away at the keyboard, searching up first, heroes. Looking up articles, wiki, even that hellsite PHO. She looked up Heavy and Light, the ones that Pure Steel and the Nazis had mistaken her for…

Hmm. Turns out it's a pair of girls that can join bodies, and can float through things and punch really hard. Then Eve slipped down the rabbit hole of PRT ratings that people don't actually know what the numbers meant except that: Higher = more Badass.

Did that mean Eve was badass? What would her ratings be? Probably high. Admin was awesome and so was her Aspects. Of which right now she had Phantom limbs selected on that mental dial. Those were invisible after all and she was in a public place. Having both wrapped around her kind of felt like a hug, actually.

Ignoring the pang of Loneliness in her chest Eve began to look up a few more things, stumbling across Trigger Events. Apparently It was widely believed that the strongest powers resulted from athletes, great minds, and other such exemplars who broke past some fundamental limit. Considering that Admin mentioned them as "Crisis Points" that was total fucking bunk. If Eve ever met who spread this bullshit, she was going to make him or her punch themselves. Repeatedly.

Then villains came next. Yep, the Empire 88 still had a lot of fucking capes. Three of which Eve had kicked the asses of. Fuck yeah.

Next was the ABB, which was still a stupid ass name and if she ever met Lung she would tell him that right before running. Oni Lee was a spooky bastard yes, but apparently they had another member by the name of Kage, who was supposed to be some kind of Ninja. Apparently acted more like a thief for the ABB than a front line cape, but Eve wasn't fond of fighting two people with the ability to easily stab her in the back.

Merchants had…


Uber and Leet were...a thing. If she had played video games perhaps she would have thought of them as something other than pathetic. They weren't even particularly jealous. Guess they could have been worse. So they got some praise for that. 'Not as much of a dick as you could have been' award.

There were the Undersiders who had almost nothing to their name in the terms of information. Except for Hellhound, who was apparently wanted for the murder of her foster family. For just a moment Eve let her heart go out to the girl, for obvious reasons. Tattletale looked...good...in her outfit, but the blond hair was a definite negative. Grue- "Awe dammit." She murmured to herself softly as she stared at the picture of him.

Fucker had motorcycle gear on.

Well now she had a 'heroic' quip ready if she ever met him. The classic 'one of us should go and change'

Coil had mercenaries, selling richie drugs to rich people. Tinker tech gear too apparently. Yeah she wasn't going to fight that fucker's group until she had that regen power...Speaking of which she had to go find Panacea at some point today. Maybe the healer would be nice enough to fix all her bruises because this shit hurt.

Then she looked up the Wards and The Protectorate. Oh, Vista was cute. Even if she looked kinda young despite her height and the chest the armor gave her...what was with the face visor though? Blonde hair, and completely exposed head. Seriously, how were secret identities even a thing if this counted as a costume?

Aegis was the asshole who was flying without a license, and caused her to crash into that light pole. Apparently he was a brut-

"Excuse me, are you almost done?" Eve jerked in surprise at the sudden voice and instantly regretted the movement as her wounds flared up. She groaned softly, turning to see who had spooked her. Only to find herself looking up. Up Up.
A tall skinny girl in dark baggy clothes Stood there, face carved from stone. She had luxurious curly black hair, and Eve immediately found herself to be slightly jealous of how nice it was. "It's only been an h-oh fuck." Holy shit she spent four fucking hours on the internet!

"Shit, sorry. Lost track of the time." She logged off after closing out of everything and eased herself onto her feet. "All yours beautiful." The girl wasn't actually very beautiful, rather on the attractive side of plain. Green eyes and the glasses lent to a sort of geeky cute, the hair helped. The baggy clothes kind of made her look like a drug dealer though.

Eve rolled her eyes as the slight shock on the girl's face as Eve walked on by. Once outside she moved on to where she had hidden her bag of costume gear, using her Phantom Limb to grab it. "Alright. Let's go find Shaper so I can stop being in a hell of a lot of pain." Eve pursed her lips at how quiet Admin was being, but she could feel the Shard working on something. An air of determination was coming in through their connection, so it must be important.

This was painfully droll. The issue with your [Eve.Coldwin.Eden]'s Lattice had been both simple, and yet time consuming to the extreme. Apparently disconnecting from the <Thinker Hub> and being attacked by a [VIAL INFILTRATOR]-like Shard had screwed with a few nodes of yours and disconnected more than one.

That would be the easy part of the fix. Then you had to physically realign several nodes via your drone constructs, reboot them, and then finally you had to bring back some protocols from the backups...which you had never gotten around to optimizing, so you spent two hours fixing that as well.

Finally fixed, you ran the latest memories of [Eve.Coldwin.Eden] since the Connection formed through the Lattice frame, building it up quicker. With the Lattice now functioning fully, you could build a full imprint of [Eve.Coldwin.Eden]. Even bring her into the Firmament if you wanted to. More importantly, you would have an immortal copy of [Eve.Coldwin.Eden] with you unless you decided to delete it some day for one reason or another, likely saving storage space.

The thought of deleting her imprint, felt wrong. It left you feeling...heavier. And you did not understand why.

Amy sighed in dismay. She'd been wandering the Boardwalk for five hours at this point, she'd wasted thirty dollars on coffee and a sandwich that she didn't even want just so that the Enforcers wouldn't escort her out of the tourist areas. It was stupid idea to expect the same girl to be here, in the Boardwalk. She didn't exactly look like the type that could afford much here.

Hell, most of New Wave could hardly afford to buy anything here. If she didn't know her sister better, Amy would have thought that Vicky only dated Dean for his wallet. No, Vicky actually liked that wet blanket, head over heel for him. No matter how many times they broke up, they came back together like particularly annoying glue.

Not that she wanted Vicky to be unhappy bu-[Relief-Administrator.Host-Location]

AHA! She was here! The girl must be bumming it or in some kind of disguise to visit the Boardwalk again. Or maybe she was looking for Vicky and herself again? Trying to continue to influence them? "Where is she?"


Shit, the girl could hunt Amy to her exact Location but Amy couldn't do the same. FUCK!

Quickly moving through the small stream of people standing about and milling around, Amy made her way to the clothes store she saw the girl rush into yesterday. Amy took a few random pieces of clothes off the stands and made her way to one of the changing rooms and just waited, remembering to shuffle clothes to make it sound like she was actually using the changing station for its intended purpose.

She only had to wait for a few minutes, when a changing station next to her was opened up and someone walked in. Taking a moment to peer under the divide between the stations, making her feel like an utter creep, Amy grinned viciously when she spotted a familiar grey and black sleeveless hoodie coupled with far too baggy cargo pants and black sneakers.

'Gotcha Bitch.' Amy silently moved down, spying on the Master peering at the mirror, which was opposite the door of the changing station. 'Only one chance at this.' She would ambush them, and then threaten them to release Vicky and herself from whatever the fuck they did. Simple plans were often the best when dealing with Masters.

With a moment to equally psych herself up and steady her pounding heart, Amy surged under the door and scrambled to grab the girl who had tried to Master them. Whom was also naked from the waist up, sporting a massive ugly yellow and purple bruise pelvis to collarbone. The girl squeaked and tripped on her own feet, then two massive blackish purple hands that sprouted from her back caught her from falling flat onto her back.

Barely a second of hesitation stopped Amy, before her hand slapped down on the girl's bare bruised chest causing her to yelp as the information of her biology flooded Amy's mind. "Don't try anything or I will turn your spine into mush." Amy growled out."

"I'm not ready for that kinda relationship!" the girl squeaked out flushing red, then she paused blinking. "Wait what? Why the fuck are you threatening me!?"

The confusion was genuine, and the arousal, and the pain. Two cracked ribs, a hairline fracture in the pelvis, and bruising that put an overripe banana to shame. Not to mention the general wear and tear of someone who apparently liked to get into fights

"You fucked with my sister's head! Mine too!" Amy hissed, glaring daggers at the shorter girl. "Now we're hearing fucking voices!"

The girl stared at Amy owlishly. "But...that's just your Shard...Right? Shaper? Why is that shocking? I talk to mine too: Admin." Truth, except maybe the girl had been mastered too? Master's certainly didn't have other abilities, like two limbs that came out of a little kid's nightmares. "You...aren't a Master?" Amy questioned.

For a moment the girl only stared, then the girl sighed in resignation. "I didn't think the unwritten rules would be broken this fucking quickly and I honestly expected it from the Nazis. Not New Wave. Yes I am, but it's not like mind stuff. It's physical control not total. Has nothing to do with brain meats"

Fuck that was the truth. "Shaper? Shaper tells me that one of you did this. Admin or you or whoever messed with your head. I want it to stop." Amy scowled, digging her fingers lightly into the girl's bruise causing her to squirm slightly. Never mind the pain receptors that Amy had tweaked to be far more sensitive. Sweat began to build up on the girl's skin in response to either the pain or being partially naked.

"Fuck! Ow! I didn't fucking do that! They're supposed to be able to talk to you! Every parahuman has them! Stop fucking hurting me you dick!" The girl squirmed trying to pull away but the sharp pain Amy forced her to endure stopped that.

Fuck she wasn't lying, or was good enough to fool her own biology. "Explain your master power. Now." Amy growled "and don't try anything or I'll give you a brain tumor."

"God damn, attractive or not this is fucking stupid-If I'm going to bare everything to you can you at least ease up with the fucking pain? Christ I didn't do anything to you or your sister and I'm a hero! I helped Miss Militia take down Rune and Iron Rain last night!"

Fuck-Fuckfuck. The chemistry in her brain was all reading as close to truth as Amy could read. And she had heard about a new hero from Vicky, who most likely got it from Dean, who would have likely gotten it from the Protectorate. "After you explain your master power."

"God damn I cannot believe I was crushing on you." The girl grumbled. "Some fucking hero." Then the two arms flicked out of existence and the girl dropped to the ground with a thud accompanied by a sharp gasp, those two black arms reforming and slamming Amy into the wall of the changing station nearly driving the air out of her lungs.

"Alright." The girl got to her feet, gently prodding her chest. "Here's a rule that is going to stand from here on Panacea. Don't. Fucking. Threaten me." the girl growled "I've had the worst day of my life this week, dealt with being homeless, and had to fight Nazis while getting the shit kicked out of me, THEN! I fucking crashed and I have been in constant fucking pain today!"

The two nightmare arms let Amy go, but remained ready to intercept her. "You want help with something? Fucking ask! Now, fucking fix whatever you did to my body!"

Amy scowled. "Fine. But master power first."

"I fucking make a limb like these shadow ones that controls organic stuff where it touches. There!" The girl jerked her arm out. "And if you try and fuck me over I will fucking haunt your ass, including in the shower! And if you want to know Your power just wants you to use it for something other than healing!"

"It wants me to make fucking combat tentacles!" Amy shot back angrily, but most of her fire had abated, the entire experience coming to be a very shitty one that weighed on her like the hospital did.

"So!? It's badass! And cool! I bet you could make better use of it other than threatening to give independent heroes cancer!" The girl snapped out, throwing her hands into the air and wincing from the movement.

"So? So fucking Kill orders! You have no idea what it's like for everyone to fear what you can do!" Amy snapped out, words dying on her lips as the girl scoffed and gave Amy an unbelievably flat look. "Oh yeah." She bit out, sarcasm dripping from every word. "The master of anything organic totally can't understand THAT!"

Amy deflated, shoulders sagging. "Just give me your arm please." When the girl offered it up, Amy reverted the changes she made to the girl's pain receivers, then she healed the cracks in the girl's bones, then Amy felt kinda guilty about slapping the girl's bare bruised chest and so she fixed the bruises, ingrained muscle memory made repairing the general wear and tear of decades of life barely a conscious decision

"Holy shit." The girl breathed. She pulled her arm away and began to stretch, flexing her body in ways that had Amy looking away with a flush. "You don't fucking charge for this? You could make so much money. I feel like a fucking million dollars!"

"Just...Just put a shirt on." Amy told the girl as she rubbed her face in dismay. The look she received was scandalous "What not interested? You seemed pretty intent on touching me earlier."

Amy groaned softly and let her head thunk against the wall of the changing room. "Look. My sister Vicky is currently in confinement thanks to this whole issue, and if Ca-my mom found out I was hearing voices she would never let me leave my room. In fact she would just throw me in the asylum and never look back. Can you get your damned Admin to fix this?"

The girl shifted, the shadow arms lowering and then disappearing from sight. "Fuck. Look. It's not….Admin why weren't they hearing their Shards earlier?"

Amy groaned again. She didn't know whether the girl was nuts, they were both nuts, there was a Master fucking with both of them, or the short girl was right and this was normal. ALL the options sucked terribly.

"Look. I can...fuck I really don't want to, but I can go to the PRT and explain this. Admin is a Shard designed to administrate other Shards, that means fixing all the fuck ups because she's the only competent one...Hehe yeah Admin, I do mean it. Seems like you've been doing nothing but fixing shit since you saved my life."

She held up her hand to stop Amy from saying anything. "But if I do it, I want a date with you."

Amy felt her jaw drop. "What!? But I-with the pain- and cancer!" Oh hell the girl was nuts...then Amy remembered the arousal she had registered when she slapped the girl's bruised naked chest. "Oh god you're a pervert." Glass houses and stones, dutifully ignored.

The girl scoffed softly. "Hardly. I Just want to figure out what I like. I like the freckles on your face, and you aren't blonde so that's a plus...although maybe I'm a pervert?" She had the audacity to shrug at that. "Never really thought about romance before last weekend."

"I think the hospital would be better than this shit." Amy murmured, tone acidic before speaking up. "Alright look, if you can explain this to the PRT and get my sister out of M-S screening then I'll go on a date with you."

"Alright. Just one more thing though...How do we get out of here without exposing us both as capes?" The girl asked

Amy groaned

Honestly, maybe stalking the city wide beloved healer had been a bad idea. One that she had not really thought through to the end or on any 'what if' situations were to occur. One such situation being 'discovery'.

To be completely fair to herself, few people would expect a frizzy haired missile to fly at them while they were checking out just how ugly their massive bruise was. Needless to say, the next...two minutes? Were rather harrowing, because pain and the threat of cancer were not things one would want to play with.

But she had managed to defuse it all with charm and the ability to beat the shit out of things. Thankfully she hadn't needed to beat the shit out of Panacea, also known as Amy, just lay down a law of Mutually Assured Destruction. Or something at least akin to the notion.

Hell, Eve had even gotten a date out of it! So score one for her and Admin who could try and get another echo from Shaper. One step closer to that regeneration or brute package. Progress made everything better

Sure Amy wasn't as...tantalizing? Attractive? Fuck what would be a good word that didn't sound weird? Magnetizing? After all that had accrued during their first face to face meeting. But Eve wasn't going to condemn the girl for being afraid and fighting for her family. Not like Eve didn't feel the same before, least the former rather than the later.

So now she just had to go and...talk with the PRT...Fuck. The things she did for a pretty face! Or would do at least.

But how was she going to handle this? The PRT was no joke, at least when it came to people who followed the law. Maybe talk to Amy first before going in? She ought to know what to expect after all.


Eve paused, body stilling as she gazed out over the Bay and at the shield protected Rig. "This was all the work of an Enemy Shard?" she asked quietly.


She reached up, scratching her head. "Shit. yeah. That does sound bad. Some kind of horror movie. Fucking green parasites, well now we can deal with them right? Keep moving forward, get stronger, kick ass and collect data?"


"Oh and one more thing." Eve raised a finger. "Please don't do shit like that with Amy and her sister. I know you were just doing your job and fixing them but now I have to walk into a lion's den to fix the issues that came from it. If we get Birdcaged that means no more Data and I'm likely to die. I like living Admin."


Gains this Chapter!:

Bud Progress 0%
Lattice progress 15%
Shaper Echo and Ping (1)
Synchronization 2%
A possible Date with Amy
A date with the PRT
A good healing
Shadow Limb Aspect

What will Eden tell the Wards? CHOOSE ONE:

[] I don't owe you any explanation.

[] I can make them invisible or not for less or more strength

[] The truth

[] Write In

Who will Admin contact among the Wards Shards? CHOOSE ONE:




How will Eden handle the PRT? CHOOSE ONE:

[] Avoid them. You don't actually owe Amy anything.

[] Contact Miss Militia and speak to her about it.

[] Contact Amy and ask her for any advice, she ought to know something right?

[] Sign up as an independent hero...then talk to them about what you can do (Truth? Half lie? Total Lie? Lie of Omission? Pick one)

[] Write in

Time to Administer the Administrator, CHOOSE ONE:

[] Investigate the missing lattices of your previous Hosts, you simply don't have memory of discarding any lattices and that discrepancy is almost blatant. It's worrying. (Remembering the past to understand the future.)

[] Contact one of the many Shards bound to be with the PRT (Determined by roll. Possible Imprints/Mutations: ???, ???, CHARGE, ???, KINETIC REGULATOR, ARMAMENTARIUM, ???, MODULARITY, STASIS, REDUNDANT SYSTEMS, ???, ???, ???.

[] Start construction of the Broadcast Module needed for longer ranged communication without frying your [Eve.Coldwin.Eden]'s wetware. (MIGHT REQUIRE ECHOES, PINGS, OR MUTATIONS) {1 of ???}

[] Study possible powers with the Echoes, Pings, and Mutations you currently possess (Chance of failure, chance of voter participation)

[] ??? (Chance of community vote)

A/N: Might be the longest Chapter of the story so far. Not sure how well I portrayed Amy, she was always an emotional creature, and while in an interlude you do not control Admin or Eve. Just like the POV you see them act and react.
And boy wasn't it a bitch that you missed Taylor like that?
Also, don't forget to look over the character sheets. Finally got that Lattice up and running!
Here me out: we should be completely honest about everything. Just be this super friendly overly-honest stars-in-eyes idealist hero who wants to work with all the good guys and make friends.

Sure, we totally come off as crazy, with super dangerous powers. But overpower that impression through enthusiastic heroics. Just go all out.

Go full heroic Fairy Queen, powers are our inter-dimensional symbiote friends, Administrator was just overly enthusiastic in helping others talk to their hosts.
[X] I don't owe you any explanation.
[X] Contact Miss Militia and speak to her about it.
[X] Start construction of the Broadcast Module needed for longer ranged communication without frying your [Eve.Coldwin.Eden]'s wetware. (MIGHT REQUIRE ECHOES, PINGS, OR MUTATIONS) {1 of ???}
[X] I can make them invisible or not for less or more strength
[X] Contact Miss Militia and speak to her about it.
[X] Investigate the missing lattices of your previous Hosts, you simply don't have memory of discarding any lattices and that discrepancy is almost blatant. It's worrying. (Remembering the past to understand the future.)

I'm hoping the missing lattices option will give us more finer control on are powers are ways to use it differently either way we need it if we want to make a broadcast because we currently have nothing worth interest so if we could offer form fights from prievuse hosts we would be good
[X] I can make them invisible or not for less or more strength


[X] Contact Miss Militia and speak to her about it.

[X] Investigate the missing lattices of your previous Hosts, you simply don't have memory of discarding any lattices and that discrepancy is almost blatant. It's worrying. (Remembering the past to understand the future.)
Grasping Hands 1.9
Grasping Hands 1.9

{Last Chapters Actions}

[GREETINGS/PROTOCOL.DATA] You send off to the Youngish Innovator Shard.

[GREETINGS/QUERY.ADDITIONAL] is the response. Ah MODULARITY wishes to know how to handle a Host who fails to grasp mathematical concepts due to damaged wetware. Now you are no Innovator Shard, and the last time you tried it Your host ended up drugged and locked in a basement for the rest of their exceedingly shortened life Cycle. A very frustrating and barren Cycle that had been. But you can attempt to help the younger Shard out.

[QUERY] you send off, wondering if they had sought the help of SHAPER for such an issue, after all if this was a biological processor issue, they would be among the best Shards to ask for the assistance of. Prideful as you are, it was a pragmatic approach.

[ANNOYANCE-SHAPER.HOST.LAZY] Was the rather scathing report of SHAPER's host. Not that you could disagree really. SHAPER would probably be overjoyed and eager to give off Pings if their Host got into a mockery of conflict rather than the real thing. It was something you were planning on exploiting if the opportunity ever came up.

[ANSWER-POSSIBILITY.HOST.COMMUNICATION] you send off, offering up the chance of [Eve.Coldwin.Eden] helping by communicating with MODULARITY's own host.

[...RELUCTANCE...AGREEMENT] Seems they were not so agreeable on the idea of Shard to Host communication. That was fine of course, not every Shard was as intelligent as you were, did not understand the opportunities for Data that you did. You simply would not update their Protocols for Shard to Host Communication. MODULARITY had already accepted the new Network Information and Authorization Package, no doubt frustrated by the <Warrior Hub> muting himself from the Network but not actually shutting the Network off.

Even if the <Thinker Hub>'s disconnect was a disaster in the making thanks to the <Enemy Hub>. The Network being offline was preferable to having the Hub itself muted. Less Frustrating that way, and far more energy efficient.

"Uh right. You're Eden right? We saw your take down of Rune and Iron Rain last night. The way you took them down was awesome but you didn't have-" he motioned to her Shadow Limbs, still planted on the ground "-These."

"Ah. Well you see-" Eden shrugged then winced. "Ow fuck." She hissed and then slowly rolled her shoulders. Hell they probably wouldn't leave her alone about this, and maybe saying something would ease the PRT off her back. Probably not, but it might be worth the attempt.

She could lie...but that wasn't exactly heroic, hell it wasn't very trustworthy either. Plus they would probably work together in the future, the Wards did do patrols apparently. If they ended up fighting villains together, it would be prudent for them to know somewhat of what she could do. Plus if they caught her in the lie, then that would fuck up any future interaction with them annnd make her look bad.

"Sorry about the Crash." The one in red said. "Didn't expect you to come flying around the corner like that."

Eden waved him off. "Nah, not a problem. I just got these babies this morning and was testing them out." She flexed her Shadow Limbs as if their skinny frames had any muscles to actually show off, even if she could throw herself around with very little effort. "Supposed to be for brute force beating people. But I figured why not use them to move too?"

"You just got them this morning?" Clockblocker asked, coughing into his fist a bit dramatically as his giggles tapered off. "Aren't you a telekinetic? That's what we saw when you were taking the spoils of war for your coffers."

Eden shook her head. "Nah. I got two different types of limbs I can switch between. Ones Weaker, but it's invisible and can fuck with people's nerves. These babies are allll about things of the physical nature. Like moving or hitting people. I'll probably get more in the future if Admin can make them."

"Admin? You mentioned them last night. Who are they?" The one in red asked.

Eden grinned, opening her mouth and right before she could utter a sound Admin chose to speak up in her mind. [Modularity.Request.Host] "Wait who's Modularity? I mean, who's their host?" She asked aloud, causing the three boys to shift in place in mild discomfort.


"Oh. yeah. Alright, I can tell them." Eden pointed at the boy in the armor, who warily floated slightly back from her extended digit. "You? Your Shard is kinda annoyed at your work."

"My what?" He asked, the small frown on his face only compounded on the confused tone of voice, he glanced at the two other boys who only offered up shrugs. Well the one in red shrugged, Clockblocker made a twirl on the side of his head. Eve would get him for that, later.

"Shard. What gives you all that Tinker stuff you built. It's annoyed that you're doing substandard work or something. Seems kinda pushy in my opinion cause Admin is pret-" She waved that off. "Sorry for getting distracted. It wants you to stop mucking about and disassembling your projects."

The boy's face flushed "Stop mu-What!? I don't know my specialization, I keep t-" The one in red nudged the flustered boy with his elbow, who clammed up with a scowl on his face. He folded his arms across his chest. "I'm having trouble. With keeping attention on them. That's all."

She held up her hands in mock surrender. "No judgement from me dude, I just slammed face first onto a street light pole. I just hope it doesn't end up on the internet. I don't think I could ever live it down." For some reason Clockblocker chuckled at, she was being completely serious. "But yeah." Eden cocked her head to the side. "What do you mean by specialization?"

"Every Tinker has something they're good at. Their specialty. The type of gear they create." The helmetless kid replied, sounding annoyed or frustrated. Either probably worked for his mood. "Sometimes it's easy to figure out, other times people have an innate understanding of it, and then there are those who don't." he shook his head. "I'll figure it out in time."

"...or maybe it's about Modularity? I mean, huge leap of logic here. But your Shard is called Modularity So maybe that's it?" Eden offered up, shrugging again and instantly regretting it, she avoided visibly wincing this time at least.. "Look I have to get going and uh. Yeah. Enjoy all of that." She motioned to the armored kid who was staring slack jawed at his weird tinker pistols, before he began to repeatedly pull a square part of it off and then click it back in.

"Wait, if you could plea-" The one in red began as Clockblocker waved a hand in front of the visor face of the armored kid. But Eden cut him off "Sorry! Need an ice pack and some rest! I'll get your insurance information later!" Her Shadow limbs planted themselves into the ground and lifted Eden straight into the air, where she began to use them to walk off, not so eager to fling herself around the streets anymore. Even if the experience was very fun.

She needed to head off to the library anyway and she didn't have any reason to rush.

{Current Chapter's Actions}

She had managed to gain three burner phones, each with their own prepackaged minutes that numbered into an hour or so. Good enough for calling in crimes or busted criminals. Or shit, dates. She didn't even ask Amy if it was going to be the formal clothes kind of date! Although it seemed unlikely with how the healer often dressed, or at least how she dressed the last two times Eve had seen her, that Amy would get all gussied up.

Fuck did that mean she too would have to get all dressed up? All she had were her better fitting casual clothes, and no makeup at all. Would she have to go out and buy something nicer? Fuck she didn't have a lot of money, and the credit card had declined on the fourth burner, so she had to toss it into a sewer drain the moment she had the chance too. So no more unlimited debt free money.

So that meant more hunting Gangers, or she could go knock down that brothel. They had money there right? That and she kinda wanted to fight now that her body felt like a goddamn gold statue. Why the hell did New Wave not charge for check ups like that? General healing sure, Eve could kind of understand that, heroics and all that.

But having experienced a touch up? Eve would pay a lot of money to feel this good every year. Hell! There were aches and pains she didn't even know she had that were gone! Only their absence gave away their previous existence. She didn't even know that was a thing that could happen!

Eve bit her lip, flipping one of the burner phones open and holding up Miss Militia's contact information. Distractions aside, she did tell Amy that she would get her sister out of M/S. Which meant actually interacting with the Protectorate.

The card was unsurprisingly themed after the flag of America. Slowly she entered the contact information into all three burners just in case she lost the card, double checked the number just in case she put it in wrong. Because she sucked with phone numbers, especially ones that she didn't want to use.

A deep breath helped cool her nerves. She was actually going to talk to the Protectorate...damn she did not want to do this. But just like Admin, Eve had to fix the issues that cropped up. Especially the ones she created...and she wanted that date. She hit the call button.

"...Seriously? The national anthem? That's what Miss Militia's phone ringing sounds like? How the fuck did that even work? Did she get a tinker tech phone just for that?" Eve asked aloud, although keeping her voice low enough for it not to go through the walls, suddenly a bit less sure of this phone call with the heroine

There's sticking to a theme and then there's obsession, this might be blurring the line a bit.

Halfway through the anthem the phone clicked and Miss Militia answered "Hello?" Eve swallowed 'Damn. She sounds good through the phone too' - "Hello. This is Eden. You gave me your contact information last night, after we nabbed Iron Rain and Rune."

There was a momentary pause, a shuffling of papers. "What was the name of the Villain you defeated before taking down Iron Rain and Rune?" Eve blinked, that was...out of the blue. "You don't remember it?" She asked. "It was Pure Steel."

Another shuffle, was she just trying to seem busy? "Alright, thank you. Just checking to see that you are who you are. I'm glad you decided to call, I have a few questions about what you told the Wards earlier in the day, and whether you've decided on joining said Wards." her voice wasn't accusatory or anything else but casual, however it still felt like a gun to Eve's head.

"That's...all something to discuss. But first and foremost there's an issue that we both kinda have to fix. I feel I should...kinnnnd of apologize for and clear up. It wasn't really me who did it, but I suppose I am partially responsible." Eve admitted, floundering a bit as she tried to parse exactly what the hell she was going to tell Miss Militia. "I know about Glory Girl and what exactly is happening with her head."

There was a pregnant pause, stretching on to the point where Eve was shifting in place in discomfort. "...What exactly do you know about Glory Girl and how are you partially responsible for it?" The older woman's voice was harder now, no longer casual. Oddly it lifted a bit of Eve's tension.

"Well. I know because-" shit did she rat out Amy? That wouldn't really do well with the healer would it? "-Admin told me." Sorry Admin! Technically the truth in some way that she couldn't piece together at the moment. "Admin is also responsible for it." That was something that was totally the truth, so Eve didn't feel so bad putting Admin out there.


Eve bit her lip to stop the smile, even if Miss Militia wouldn't see it. "Basically. What is she experiencing? It's like concepts right? Not actually a voice? More of a projection?"

Again that pause, there was movement. "Yes, that's what she reported. Glory Girl reports that it...likes her. Eden, be honest with me, did you use a Master ability on Glory Girl? If it was accidental and you admit to it, there won't be any trouble. This is exactly why the Wards were formed, to allow new Parahumans to learn about their powers in a safe environment."

Eden groaned. "No. Listen. I did not use a damn master ability on Glory Girl. That's her Shard, it's supposed to do that It's-" [Information] "ah it is a newborn Shard, so it didn't have the correct Communication...protocols? Yeah. protocols. It's entirely harmless." Even though it was useless over the phone Eden waved the heroine's concern away. "Like, every parahuman has a Shard, and they should be talking to us, but something went awry so Admin had to manually update the Shard...calls itself Waste? Admin, that's a weird name."

[Agreement] "oh it has self esteem issues...Admin that's somehow weirder."

Eve perked up as she heard something being moved across the phone. Like metal hitting metal, but softly. "Miss Militia?" She asked "uh. Still there? I know this might sound all crazy or unbelievable, but it is the truth. Admin, is there any way I can prove all this?"

That was a good question. What could you do to improve the social cohesion between [Eve.Coldwin.Eden] and the array of Hosts calling themselves the Protectorate?

Aside from Administering their Shards properly, there was not much you could physically do. [Possibility-Answer/Query]

"Yes Eden. I'm still here. I'm currently recording this call, is that alright?" Miss Militia asked, a chair scraping across the ground caused Eve to wince. "Yeah, sure. Means I don't have to explain it over and over right?" Eden sighed and leaned in her chair, why the motel had a chair without a table besides it she would never know. Now that she thought about it, someone probably stole it..

'Or-' She amended looking at the slightly cleaner splotch of carpet where the body outline had been '-They had to remove it for reasons'

"Alright, well. Admin wanted to know what exactly were the restrictions of your power. You make weapons right? But that's the only thing you can make?" Eden asked, stomach growling. Amy had told her that she would need to eat some food after the healing Eve was given and she was feeling the pangs of hunger. Eden reached over and grabbed a bag of beef jerky from the stack next to her bedroll, ripping it open Eve took a moment to inhale the scent while she waited for an answer. From the quiet voices it seems like Miss Militia was talking to someone.

That was fine. Gave Eve some time to chew.

"Hello Eden-Yes I can only create lethal weapons, and TinkerTech is also not available." Eden nodded at that, swallowing what she had in her mouth before speaking. "Alright...Admin can we do anything about that?" She asked aloud.


"Hmm. Well. We might be able to swing the lethal part of your shtick to include forming nonlethal stuff? Maybe infinite ammo? Seriously, what's the point of limited Ammo when you can just resummon it for more? That's fucking pointless!" Eve rubbed her face. "Admin, can you get headaches?"


"Consider yourself lucky. I think you'd get plenty dealing with other Shards. So Miss Militia? Want to meet up and we can see about getting that power of yours less uh...A pain in the ass I guess?" Eve waved her hand again to dismiss it. "Not coming to you by the way. I'm not dumb or unaware you know?"

A moment of silence. "What do you mean Eden?" Not as hard as before, but still no longer casual like the start of the conversation.

"I know I sound like a fucking nut job. Some random teenage girl comes around talking about the source of powers, telling you all this stuff about another presence in every parahuman's head. Yeah it sounds fucking nutters. I don't want to be anywhere near any fuckers with foam!"

Eve took a deep breath. "I want to fix the issue here of a young girl...a youngish girl being held in confinement for something that is no fault of her own, much less incapable of doing any real harm. So look. Meet me at the uh...North Ferry terminal alright? Don't have to come alone but don't bring any PRT troopers alright."

She clicked the phone off and let out a wheeze. "Fuck this is all so stressful. Admin we have some important things to do. I'll finish this bag up and we can get a move on. I'm sure you'd be glad to talk to a few Shards right? Do some of that...trading thing?"


Nodding she stuffed a handful of beef jerky into her mouth and began to chew as she stripped and slid on her wetsuit, the shower she had taken when getting back to her base had perhaps been the most blissful one yet with her healed body. Eve slipped the hoodie on, then her gloves before her combat boots were laced up.

Eve glanced at her ski mask and shook her head. That simply made it too hard to breathe, maybe if she got one with holes for her mouth and nose it could work. But that was something for later. She grabbed her helmet, going to put it on when she froze a thought coming to mind.

She couldn't just walk out of the door in her god damn costume! Fuck!

The wind howled, whipping her oversized hoodie, dragging across her body as she shot through the air. For a moment Eden wondered if anything could feel better than this, other than flying of course. The spike of adrenaline, along with the fast movement and the utter freedom that came with slingshotting through the air. It all made her feel more alive than the last 6 years of her life, even if it wasn't the fastest method of travel.

No doubt the Protectorate would arrive at the meeting point first, if they even chose to come...although Eden did doubt that they would miss an opportunity to talk to her. It was obvious from the lack of information on powers that no one really knew about Shards, no one knew where powers came from or why. So someone coming along and talking about them with some authority would catch interest at the very least.

But why wouldn't people know about Shards and powers? Parahumans were rare, yes, but not that rare.

And...Eve doubted that so few people had such terrible days. Earth Bet wasn't a kind place after all. Everyone was a little broken, were parahumans so different that it warranted it?

Her Shadow limbs slammed into the tops of two buildings, allowing her to jerk to a stop fast enough to nearly give her whiplash. "Admin. Why do so few people get Shards? Is there something that makes humans into parahumans?" She questioned "I mean. Is there a limited amount of Shards? Just too many people? Genetics?"


For a moment Eden remained in place, held aloft in the air by her two shadow limbs. "So that's it? You just go to people who are going to fight a lot?" It made sense in a twisted way, and also explained why there were so many god damn villains. "Fuck." Eden murmured as she started moving again, long Shadow Limbs giving her a good distance eating stride as they moved like legs. Wasn't any smoother than walking, wasn't any rougher either.

It still took her ten minutes to get to the North Ferry Station.

Eden half expected there to be some partially hidden van full of PRT troopers on stand by, waiting for her to appear. Instead there were two separate bikes standing by the terminal, their owners standing by them alert and ready. Miss Militia and Armsmaster. Per their wiki pages they were some of the few remaining original Wards, the Slaughterhouse 10 apparently considered it a game to try and hunt them.

They spotted her before she spotted them. That much was obvious by the way that they knew where to watch her enter. Eyes already on her, Eden lowered herself to the ground slowly. "So glad you could come. Was looking forward to talking Shop." She changed the dial in her mind and her arms disappeared, might as well look less threatening. Still threatening because Miss Militia had most of her head exposed...Armsmaster was dangerous though. Fully armored, the only thing exposed was his beard.

"We would prefer for you to keep your power in view." Miss Militia spoke up, watching Eden warily, her weapon flickering from a handgun of some kind resting on her waist (and what a waist) to a large shotgun resting on her back.

Eden sighed and dialed back to the Shadow Limbs, then she wrapped them around her body akin to a mummy hugging itself. "Alright. So which one of you wants to have something done to their power? Cause I don't know exactly what can be done yet. Admin has to talk shop with your Shard."

"Before any kind of power expression is used, tell us about your Master ability that you told the Wards of." Armsmaster stated, taking a step forward but only just that, his halberd in hand and already extended fully.

Eden frowned behind the visor of her helmet. "It's literally what I told them it was. I make a Phantom Limb that controls nerves, nothing else. Doesn't affect minds."

"And if you wrapped someone's head?" Armsmaster questioned, watching Eden or maybe going cross eyed under his visor. Hard to tell. Eden shivered at the memory of her using her body control aspect. "Only done that with Rune, used it to shut off her power. Don't really want to do it again. Felt like chunky pudding." A full shudder ran through the young capes body. "Anyway I told you about it. I want to prove I'm not a bad guy and I can help some of you out if your Shards are willing. Oh and get Glory Girl cleared of Master or Stranger bullshit."

Miss Militia's shotgun morphed into two of those sub machine guns on her hips, one on each side. Armsmaster folded up his halberd after a moment of silence, then planted it onto his back. "You said that our Powers communicate? How exactly would you improve our abilities?"

Eden let out a hum. "Admin, can you talk to their Shards, find out if there is anything that can be done?"


Once more you send [GREETINGS/PROTOCOLE-DATA] to both of the old Shards. You do not know either of them on a level beyond parallel tracks. You have analyzed data from ARMAMENTARIUM in previous Cycles, and the <Thinker Hub> has its own EFFICIENCY Shard although compared to the <Warrior Hub>'s own EFFICIENCY Shard, they were more focused on their sub domain of optimization.


You notice [Eve.Coldwin.Eden.] wincing from the sudden taxing input from the makeshift broadcasting function of the Input/output Beacon. The tacked on lambasting for using such inefficient methods of Communication certainly were not needed EFFICIENCY.

[GREETINGS/QUERY] was from ARMAMENTARIUM who wished to know what the purpose of the communication was. Straight to the point. Which, ironically, EFFICIENCY had not asked. You would have to look into the prospect of Irony at some point.

[ANSWER-HOST.CONNECTION.RESTRICTIONS] you send off to both Shards. EFFICIENCY seemed to catch on quicker than ARMAMENTARIUM did and sent you a deluge of information that left your [Eve.Coldwin.Eden] wincing again.


"Is something the matter?" ARMAMENTARIUM's host questioned causing [Eve.Coldwin.Eden] to shake her head softly. "No, just that his Shard is loud enough that I can kinda hear it. Not all that pleasant."

She could hear EFFICIENCY? That was something you would have to look at later.

[HESITANCE] Comes from ARMAMENTARIUM, stating that they wish to keep their Host's business their own. [ORDER] you send off, flaunting your higher level Authority Level. Normally you would have simply offered up a ping in response but your [Eve.Coldwin.Eden] needed something and you would be damned if another Shard stood in her way. Or yours.


Ah! Now that was something you could work with! Of course you would explain to [Eve.Coldwin.Eden] what was happening, she had asked you to do so earlier.


Eve gasped and fell to her knees, clutching at her head as a spike of pain slammed into the top of her skull and slid down her spine. "F-FUck Admin t-too much!" She hissed, both heroes now alert, or more so than before. Miss Militia had some kind of large rifle in her hands, while Armsmaster had taken his halberd off his back yet had not extended the shaft.

"S-Sorry." Eden bit out as she slowly got to her feet. "Just a lot of information hit me at once. Instant migraine." She rubbed at her helmet, now wishing she had some aspirin and an ice pack. "Alright. Uh. Miss Militia. Your Shard doesn't really want to do anything. It's rather content with what he has going on apparently."

Eden turned to Armsmaster as Miss Militia muttered a soft 'He?' She motioned to him and his tech "Yours however was interested in giving you a side power. Admin was able to poach some information about a Sentinel package off of Miss Militia's Shard. Apparently you won't need to sleep?"

Armsmaster shared a glance with Miss Militia before speaking up. "You removed Miss Militia's ability to ignore sleep?" he questioned, getting a shake of the head in return. "No, her Shard is pretty good at that kinda thing apparently."

The man leaned back slightly, seemingly in thought. "The ability to become a Noctis cape, not needing to waste so much time sleeping for six hours a day. You can turn me into a Noctis cape?"

Eden shook her head. "No. Admin can though. Hell she could turn me into a Noctis cape...Noctis meaning that I don't need sleep right?" She asked

Miss Militia was the one who answered, lowering her rifle which turned into another pistol at her (wonderful) hips. "Yes. It also gives me a perfect recall of memories." For a moment Eden just thought about that, never having to sleep meant she had a lot less down time from heroics. Or just that she could use the nights for hero work and her days for...For stuff. She would have to find out what that stuff would entail.

But perfect recall? Did that include everything?

Hot sweaty hands, nails biting into the skin of her throat, the smell of alcohol laden breath choking what little air made it past. Black veins creeping across her vision

Eden shuddered, her Shadow limbs hugging her body just a tad bit tighter, and then she swallowed thickly; phantom pains racing through her throat. "Admin, please ask if you want to do something like that okay?"


She nodded looking at Armsmaster. "So. yes or no?"

For a moment he simply regarded her, then he nodded. Eden gave him a thumbs up. "Right! One Noctis Cape coming right up! Admin? Send it over!"

It felt...good to be Administrating Shards again. Yes, data was always an exciting and immensely important thing to collect. But there was a simplistic order of things when dealing with other Shards, even Enemy ones. It felt familiar and yet distant. Strange feelings for something you do almost every Cycle.

[EXCHANGE.IMPROVEMENTS] you offer up to EFFICIENCY who seems all too eager for this to happen with their [AGREEMENT/DATA]

[HOST.SENTINEL.PACKAGE.INSTALLATION] you send off to EFFICIENCY as [Eve.Coldwin.Eden] groans softly and rubs her head through her protective gear. You shut the channel off, exceedingly...satisfied at handling your fellow Shards.

"So?" Eden asked. "Feel anything?" She cocked her head to the side, waiting with bated breath as she kept her attention entirely on the older man across from her. This kind of thing would make or break her career as a hero.

And he was being distressingly quiet! Say something. Say something. Say anything!

Finally, as Eden felt she was about to freak out from the prolonged silence, he spoke. "I certainly don't feel as tired as before. Very sudden." For a moment his head lifted in thought, and Eve could just imagine his eyes closed in concentration. "And...I can perfectly recall yesterday's memo, and the specs of my first Halberd. The Noctis aspect will surely come to light with time."

"So you'll let Glory Girl go?" Eden asked, letting the breath out that she had been holding.

Armsmaster shifted slightly and set his Halberd on his back. "We will see, but it's highly likely. Am I to start getting concepts as well?" he questioned

Eden shook her head. "No, that's not what Admin was doing! Just the Sentinel thing! Glory Girl an-Well no. Listen. There's no master thing. Can you please let her go? I mean, she even turned herself in right? Why would an influenced person do that?"

Armsmaster nodded "A point in her favor. If not tomorrow then possibly by the start of the next week. Now, if you aren't interested in joining the Wards, perhaps you could register as an independent Hero?" He questioned slowly striding forward to come a more personal distance from Eden. "Light and Heavy are both registered, along with Gravwell and Hookshot. Becoming an independent also grants-"

While the Hosts spoke amongst themselves you instead focus upon the two distinct forms of yourself. Not just the CoreSelf, but also including your FirmamentSelf. It is a simple process, difficult for Shards who are not as proficient in the domain of Multitasking. But you are such a Shard and as such, this was trivial.

Or it should be. Checking the Lattices of your previous Hosts, you notice a distinct lack of Imprints. [Eve.Coldwin.Eden] may have been an exemplary example of what a Shard would look for in a Host, but she was hardly the only one. But no, there simply was, well it was best described as a Void. No Imprints were available for inspection. Clearly you just did not make any before, losing a Lattice was one thing but losing full Imprints? Inconceivable.

Of course it couldn't have been the Enemy [VIAL INFILTRATOR] Shard's nodes that could have done something like this. Until you had started disconnecting it's nodes from your own it had not even attempted to touch your FirmamentSelf. When it did, you easily shut down it's attempts and in the end, came out better for it.

But the issue with your missing Lattices was what you were to focus on now. But you were drawing a blank here. No information relevant to the issue comes to light it's...Like there is a data blocker in effect. Something you do not have authority for, yet unlike such a thing, you just cannot grasp what you are locked out of. Not even perceive it.

For the first time in a long, long time. You do not know what to do. That...scares you.

Eve pushed open the door to her room, walking in and gently shutting it. Locking the latch she threw her backpack into the corner and walked back over to where the single chair of the room was. In the darkness her Phantom Limbs felt along the way to guide her with their touch. She plopped into the chair, groaning as the sudden movement made her head ache all the more.

Who knew Shards could be that fucking loud? She did, now at least.

Still, she had one more thing to do before she crawled onto her bedroll and passed out from the migraine and stress.


Eve groaned, eyes shut tightly. "Pick up the fucking phone!"

Ring….Ring….Ring...Ring…. "You have the wrong number." Amy's voice came on through the phone, her voice was ragged as if she spent the entire day doing nothing but schoolwork of the particularly droll type.. "No. I do not." Eve drawled, causing the healer on the other end of the phone to pause.

"Eve! Why the hell are you calling me, you sound like shit." Eve chuckled. "Feel like shit too. Got some good news about your sister though. Should be released in a couple of days. Maybe by Monday. Turns out Armsmaster is a risk taker. Who knew?" She smiled softly, eyes still closed.

Amy sighed over the phone "Alright. Thank you. There's no way that you can get rid of...Shaper in my head right?" Eve shook her head then realized that Amy wouldn't see it. "No. That's how the Cycle is supposed to be. Sorry. I don't make the rules, giant alien organic supercomputers do...Uh right well. Listen about the date. Been thinking about it, you don't have to go on a date with me. But I would still like to hang out with you. Don't even know if your gay I just kinda...blurted it out without thinking. I won't tie your sister's freedom to that."

Amy was silent for a moment, before she groaned. "I'm not interested in dating anyone. But I promised and you might be able to get Shaper to shut up. So yeah, a day or so after Vicky gets home we can go to the movies or something."

Laying in her chair, Eve pumped her fist and then rubbed her face as the overt movement aggravated her migraine, not that the phone call was helping all that much. "So uh. Formal? Casual?"

"It's the movies." Amy replied flatly. "I have to get back to work, Carol's finally let me back to the hospital and it's backed up thanks to your admin." The line clicked as Amy hung up.

"I'm going on a date in a few days." Eve couldn't help the giggle that escaped her, pushed up into her throat by the bubbles of excitement in her chest. "Gonna head to bed now Admin. We can patrol tomorrow or go do something important alright?" Admin was...quiet after the meeting with the Protectorate, Eve could feel a sense of...unease lingering in the back of her head, distant and not her own.

She hoped Admin was okay.

Gains this Chapter!:

Synchronization 2%
Lattice 15%
Bud Progress 10%
Thinker Trait: Truth Seeker
Eve Trait: Adrenaline Junkie
PRT Ratings unlocked!
Milestone Hit! Greater plots
A date with Amy!

Now just to eat up the time until Glory Girl is released and the date can happen, what will Eve/Eden do? [Writing in extra details helps speed up chapter creation and makes the QM happy!] CHOOSE TWO:

[] Try and hunt gang members, you can rob them too! Dangerous though. (Pings and money depend upon gangs.)
-[] Which Gang?

[] Scout to get a sense of the lay of the Docks. Knowledge is half the battle, the other half is extreme violence! (Possible Pings: ABSORPTION, MANIPULATION BUD #5, ARMORER, NEGOTIATOR, HEAT GENERATION) {2 of 3}

[] Break into that Brothel and Break the ABB there. (Pings possible on chance. Obtain money)

[] Get ready for the date (Spend money)

Time to administer what you can. CHOSE ONE:

[] Start construction of the Broadcast Module needed for longer ranged communication without frying your [Eve.Coldwin.Eden]'s wetware. (MIGHT REQUIRE ECHOES, PINGS, OR MUTATIONS) {1 of ???}

[] Use (1) Shaper Ping to start preparations of [Eve.Coldwin.Eden]'s wetware processor. She shouldn't have been hurt by you speaking to other Shards and she will never be hurt again.

[] Something is wrong with your missing Lattices and the void where your Imprints would be. You are unsure of what to do. (Write in possible solutions, chance to fail, chance to ???) REQUIRES ???

[] Start up host diagnostics recorders. You may not have a full Lattice of [Eve.Coldwin. Eden] but you can always prepare ahead of time. It might help you understand her as well.

[] Study possible powers with the Echoes, Pings, and Mutations you currently possess (Chance of failure, chance of voter participation)

Shard Business. Plot stuff! Data! And other hilarious things you tell yourself:

[] Tell [Host.Eve.Eden] to find nearby Shard hosts. Preferably those of the [Thinker Hub] But [Warrior Hub] Shards will do. (Pings can be collected)

[] Tell [Host.Eve.Eden] to go and find [QUEEN.ADMINISTRATOR]'s Host and collect Data. (Pings can be collected)

[] ??? (Chance of Something)

A/N: Don:t think I need to tell you this, but when the CHOOSE ONE comes up, it means that it's gonna have consequences and a slightly longer chapter. Also when it comes to power creation? I'm gonna hold in write ins, whichever I like the most will be available to be voted on. I'll add the required pings, but you are welcome to add your own. Hell you can post em now. Only adds to my desire to write.

Name of Power:
What it Does:
[X] Scout to get a sense of the lay of the Docks. Knowledge is half the battle, the other half is extreme violence! (Possible Pings: ABSORPTION, MANIPULATION BUD #5, ARMORER, NEGOTIATOR, HEAT GENERATION) {2 of 3}
[X] Use (1) Shaper Ping to start preparations of [Eve.Coldwin.Eden]'s wetware processor. She shouldn't have been hurt by you speaking to other Shards and she will never be hurt again.
[X] Tell [Host.Eve.Eden] to find nearby Shard hosts. Preferably those of the [Thinker Hub] But [Warrior Hub] Shards will do. (Pings can be collected)
Can we vote here or do we need to go to space battles

[X] Try and hunt gang members, you can rob them too! Dangerous though. (Pings and money depend upon gangs.)
-[X] merchants
[X] Get ready for the date (Spend money)
[X] Use (1) Shaper Ping to start preparations of [Eve.Coldwin.Eden]'s wetware processor. She shouldn't have been hurt by you speaking to other Shards and she will never be hurt again.
[X] Tell [Host.Eve.Eden] to find nearby Shard hosts. Preferably those of the [Thinker Hub] But [Warrior Hub] Shards will do. (Pings can be collected)
Name of Power: bio-armor
Ratings: tinker 1 shaper 7 brute 10 trump 5
What it Does: lets the user cover there body in bio-mass to make armor an weapons out of there can be new unlocks for more avanced weapons via devouring of a creatures bio-mass
Drawbacks?: the host is required to genereat there own bio-mass either via eating or other ways

i dont know how the rateings work but i think i did it right​
Name of Power: immortal
Ratings: brute 11
What it Does: lets the user be unable to die via anything other than the ending of the cycle since they can never die they can do things that would kill most people like filling their body with metal
Drawbacks?: the host feels the pain of his deaths constantly

Name of Power: jokers knights
Ratings: thinker 5 brute 5 blaster 5 mover 5 changer 9
What it Does: lets the user gain access to 4 different forms they are jack king queen and joke they each give a different power rating joker give thinker 5 king gives brute 5 and jack gives mover 5 an queen give blaster 5
Drawbacks?: the host has to wait 5 minutes before they can switch forms
About five hours until Voting closes. I'm giving each chapter a 24 hour voting period for my readers whom are not night owls or live across a big pond.
Interlude: Greater Plots
Interlude: Greater Plots

Study, analyze, Data collection.

A great many tasks lay ahead of her. A forest of strings and threads shaped much like the nest of a spider that never touch, intertwine until darkness consumes them, briefly touch and then split apart to never interact again, Those that intertwine and then only one thread is consumed by darkness, and those that repeatedly clash together.

And so She sits there like the spider in its nest, plucking at her strands and making them sing.

The vibrations travel along each thread, hitting others and so on and so forth, diminishing returns but causing change all the same. All vibrant with sounds that will be, and have been.

Except the muted darkness. It is not always death that consumes the threads and their sounds, powers can mute their songs and dim her understanding of them. Often, this is not a true obstacle, if she has had time to look. These are the fulcrum points. Crises, themes, decisions, fears and aspirations are clearly visible.

The individual is understood well enough that their actions can be guessed after they disappear from view. That the sound their thread gives off will be understood as it interacts with the others it touches. The song is not as clear as others, but still observable.

A stone is thrown into darkness. It can be safely assumed that it will continue traveling until it hits something, causing vibration to travel back.

Frame a situation to put a target under optimal fear and stress. Hormone secretions increase. Manipulate threads to a position where they will connect familiar visual, olfactory and auditory cues to their immediate environment. Place, smell, degree of stress, sights and sounds match fulcrum point. Hormone secretions increase further with but a minor touch.
The result is hallucinations, momentary or sustained. Hearing sounds, seeing things, smelling something, where none truly exist. Fight or flight response feeds the need for escapism. A hallucination serves as the first step into a nightmare.
The stone is thrown.

She does not feel joy at this. This is the task. Means to end

She is utterly blind in the present, with no eyesight or other senses to perceive things in the now. No sight, no hearing, no touch or taste. Not a crippling flaw, and a difficult flaw for others to use against her. The present is only a micro fragment in a long span of time when one can see the threads of past and future both.
But she faces an obstacle that she is utterly blind and deaf to, now. No apparent past or future. In interacting with it, she is limited to context. She sees not the obstacle, but she can see things that are set in motion around it. She cannot see it strike, but she can see the reaction, the aftermath.
She sees the stone fly out of the darkness, and she can determine where it was thrown from.
There is a task to be completed, but things must be set in place first.

A new thread forms, securely intertwined, partially merged with another much smaller thread. A soft hum forefront to a discordant rift. But the larger string is dim. Flickering from blurred and muted to brilliant and loud.

Following it's song leads to nothing, every trace of it and the smaller thread, past or future turn to inky black and silence. Only Stones and their paths remain. Not gone. Still present. But gone from what sight she possesses.

Going back, the threads come back. Their opposed sounds close. But not yet what is needed. It only takes but a few plucks to get the Threads singing. It is a beautiful sound yet to be.

[] ?

[] !

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