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Would you bang the avatar above you?

oooh~ gimme those muscles~ :3 *licks lips*

In all seriousness, love your avatar, the temptation remains

I think my avatar really gets across that 'will take you to hell whilst showing you heaven' idea behind succubi.

Great for roleplaying too!
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oooh~ gimme those muscles~ :3 *licks lips*

I think my avatar really gets across that 'will take you to hell whilst showing you heaven' idea behind succubi.

Great for roleplaying too!

Glad to know that was exactly the vibes I was getting. Dont know if its a real character, but oh my if she doesn't tenting me right now even knowing the consecuences.
Yes, my beloved, take me and mold this fragile and transient vessel of mine into something worthy of you and let us join the dance of flesh and spill our lust and indulge in our passion. Let the melody of our coupling join the symphony of life, let our spawn fill the void and shadow the stars. Let us embrace each other for eternity, until the lights go out and creation is dead and cold; until our body, radiant with ecstasy and the dancing children in our orbit are the only sources of warm, until everything is us or of us.
I see our girl Tim Burton edition here was More of a Bloodborne kinda gal into Eldritch stuff.... So adorable, still intent in giving her headpats before bedtime

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