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Would you bang the avatar above you?

*casually dodges the thunder hammer and hit's its shaft and shutters it* hold brave warrior I'm not the horus of the future and the puppet of the four but the noble warmaster
You're kinda freaky, lady. And you're not my type anyway, but -

Now hypothetically speaking can I eat you after mating? I love seafood ~
- just so you know, this monster is categorized as undead apparently. So unless you happen to be a necrophiliac and possess the stomach of a vulture's, that course of action might be ill advised.

Big difference between rotting and fermenting.
Uggh......What they said!

Nope, I don't even see how one could fuck a magic book. Never mind the aftermatch.

The UMU will take the previous 5 above her for a wild ride,Rome style.:cool::px3
When I am done they will have to change Ditto from "Transform Pokémon" to "Living Sex Toy Pokemon".

To these two I give you this reaction:

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