• The site has now migrated to Xenforo 2. If you see any issues with the forum operation, please post them in the feedback thread.
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XF2 transition feedback

Yes, I don't like it.
But it doesn't matter anyway.
I just noticed when in threadmarks instead of doing what it used to do and make a long list you can scroll down until the end, it now has multiple pages which means when I want to look through threadmarks in order i have to scroll down to the bottom then hit a button to go to the next page and the scroll back up to the top. this is unnecessary it was perfectly fine before. what did this useless inconvenience add to website
since for some reason I couldn't insert the link directly as a picture.
Imgur hasn't worked for embedding images for some time now. Something to do with QQ's proxy maybe? Not a XF2 thing.
I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned it, but as far as I can tell, the option to see what threads someone has made has vanished, which is kind of annoying. Hopefully that gets fixed soon. All I can see is posts in general, not threads, when clicking on their profile.
Click the Find dropdown button and the links are there. Yeah it's weird, I didn't see it at first either.

Is there anyway I can revert the appearance to how it looked yesterday?
No, the themes are incompatible.
Another annoying quibble:

Site now does that irritating thing where clicking on a profile picture takes you *directly* to that profile page, as opposed to the previous functionality, where it instead did a little popup of the profile, which I VASTLY preferred.
Doesn't do that for me at all. Skill issue on your end maybe?

Is there anyway I can revert the appearance to how it looked yesterday?
Preach it. I want the old look back already.
How to change to old theme? I want the old back please. Not find none in the user option.

(edit1) Found to change theme hidden in the bottom. something called [style chooser]. The xenforo one look like Althistory forum tbh (the logo in that setting still Xenforo, Better change it). So old lol.
The black one felt like discounted spacebattles. While the white one felt meh. Still want the old one please.
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Another annoying quibble:

Site now does that irritating thing where clicking on a profile picture takes you *directly* to that profile page, as opposed to the previous functionality, where it instead did a little popup of the profile, which I VASTLY preferred.
Probably for desktop, since it shows the pop-up for me, I'm a mobile user.

Edit, even in Desktop Mode/site on phone.
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Both have dropdowns, which are abominable.

Dropdowns are cancer, just display all the damn options, I've got the screen space, I want OPTIONS not a big blank bar with a '...' or two where all the options are hidden.
I said it was closer, not exact. It's still better than having all the options crammed into one side of the screen that forces my wonky ah hand eye cross dominance to have a fit.
Not really digging the new look. But something to get used to, I guess.
Gotta be honest the old site was better than this and the new one just looks wrong. Did anyone actually want this?
Also, the current dark mode is trash, grey on grey is messing with my eyes something fierce, and the old dark mode was one of the things I enjoyed, and the light mode just doesn't suite the site for me.
Man, no offense guys but I hate the new look

I want the old light background on dark text back. This is jusy hard to read


That being said, some changes I do like are the expanded react emogis.

And letting us see how many Watchers a thread has.
That said, the part I hate the most is that email updates only give links now.

I hated it when SB and SV changed it to that, and it's really sad that QQ did the same
I also prefer Dark Responsive Green.

As a second thought about the Similar Threads box.... instead of just blacklisting threads from appearing if the OP doesn't want to endorse them, could we also use that box to bring attention to threads that the OP does want to endorse?
As I'm sure you've all noticed, we've upgraded the site to Xenforo 2. There's a new set of styles and new frontend all around.

Development on the XF2 deployment remains ongoing; we'll be tweaking styles and fixing issues. Please post any issues you come across, as well as general feedback on the new site, in this thread.
The update unwatchedthe threads I was following and I can't find the page that shows the ones I do have watched.
As many, I would like more options on the theme. One thing that is a downer of the update is the news email alerts, before, you could read all the post of the alert, now, you only have the title and the author.
Didn't notice until you pointed it out but thats actually a huge problem in my book. Thats how I directly find a fair few threads.

This is a major issue for me as well. If I like an author I normally find their other threads to read their other works.

Also, the new email alerts only contain the link back to the thread. Previously the message body would contain the chapter. Can this be reverted back?
I get where you're coming from. But the XF2 update was needed, as much as nobody probably wanted to do it. I've seen security mentioned as the main reason, and I for one don't want people being able to access sensitive data behind the site if they want to willy nilly.

Edit: Let it cook for some and we'll have new functionality, and a better experience as the kinks get worked out.

Also, using middle mouse button now opens a picture in a new tab, I don't think it did this beforehand? Neat functionality but I'll probably struggle with it opening stuff I didn't intend for awhile! Haha.
Gotta be honest the old site was better than this and the new one just looks wrong. Did anyone actually want this?
Its for security supposedly from what I can find in the testbed thread
Let it cook for some and we'll have new functionality, and a better experience as the kinks get worked out.
The issue with this. Is it will make it a bit insufferable for a couple months until some of the older functionality gets added back in. A bunch of people might take a hiatus from the site as it gets worked on which can kill momentum for some stories and quests.
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It's funny that most complaints and requests can be boiled down to "can we please have the old looks and all the buttons whee they used to be, please"

Which actually is exactly what I'd like. QQ's old layout was extremely convenient and this modern UI nonsense feels strictly inferior.

Also, gib option to show more posts per page on reader mode please
At least change it to 25 posts per page instead of 10.
Gotta be honest the old site was better than this and the new one just looks wrong. Did anyone actually want this?
Also, the current dark mode is trash, grey on grey is messing with my eyes something fierce, and the old dark mode was one of the things I enjoyed, and the light mode just doesn't suite the site for me.
Styles can be added later, this is just the default that ships with the forum iirc.

As for people wanting it. It was less wanting and more needing. XF1's last update was like 10 years ago, it's a sunset system, the equivalent of someone's main driver being a shitbox Dell prebuilt running windows Vista/7 in the modern age. The tech is old, the code is old, the security is old. IF anyone wants new features, new hotness, gotta upgrade.
I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned it, but as far as I can tell, the option to see what threads someone has made has vanished, which is kind of annoying. Hopefully that gets fixed soon. All I can see is posts in general, not threads, when clicking on their profile.

That's how you find threads by someone.
Site now does that irritating thing where clicking on a profile picture takes you *directly* to that profile page, as opposed to the previous functionality, where it instead did a little popup of the profile, which I VASTLY preferred.
1. Can't reproduce that "issue", but wish I could. Would be nice if there was an option to skip it altogether. It's not like there's really anything in the popup I actually care about, so it just means one more click for me to get where I want. It's something I've just kinda dealt with ever since joining.
Both have dropdowns, which are abominable.

Dropdowns are cancer, just display all the damn options, I've got the screen space, I want OPTIONS not a big blank bar with a '...' or two where all the options are hidden.
2. There are so many useless dropdowns now hiding core features. Basic formatting (with lots of available space), the Edit/Delete links (again, lots of free space), the links to find all threads/posts by a user are hidden in a dropdown too!
Didn't notice until you pointed it out but thats actually a huge problem in my book. Thats how I directly find a fair few threads.
On their profile, click the Find button.
Its for security supposedly from what I can find in the testbed thread
Yeah there were a number of issues with XF1, and it had been sunsetted a while back so there weren't any official security updates.
As I asked for previously in the test bed, please make it so that, from the watched threads list, when you click a forum a watched threads is in, it takes you to that forum (the previous behavior) rather than filtering your watched threads to that forum (the current behavior).
At least as an option, please.
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In the old version, the Unread Watched Threads page had a little dot between the OP's avatar and the thread title that you could click to go to the most recent post even in threads that just got their first update in over a month (clicking the thread title will take you to the first page).

Has that button disappeared or has it moved to a different place?

If it's disappeared, I'd like that function back.

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