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XF2 transition feedback

I would 100% prefer the previous style. This is just visually awkward. Buttons like "threadmarks" don't stand out, the logo is tiny, and finding anything is now physically harder. Also, when you click on a tag to find other stories with that tag it just takes you to an "oops, that doesn't work" page.
Immediates: My sig was lost in the transition. I don't even remember which poem I used here, so it's a bit annoying.

Also, the lack of the theme I used is... also an annoyance.
Minor note, on the dark theme in the Alerts menu it's nigh-impossible to differentiate between where the read alerts are and the unread. It's a slightly thicker grey line, but that is barely visible. Different coloration between the read and unread would be greatly appreciated.
I hope the old styles get added back in, fortunately I wrote down the name of what I was using so I will be able to find it.
One problem I am seeing is that whenever I am reading a thread on the most recent page, if a new post is added, my view gets dragged down to the bottom to see the "Messages have been posted since you loaded this page. View them?" box.
Definitely miss the dark style I used before. I think it was called Dark Reactive? Not sure on that, I'd put my surety at being 55% sure. But other than that it's been good so far but I haven't been using it very long. I'll see if I can find other issues I notice later.
Default Dark themes text color does not have enough contrast, the text should be changed to a white color instead of the dark gray that almost blends in with the background color
I'm definitely missing my dark green responsive style. This "dark" theme is kind of a muddy mess.

Also, the spoiler button being gone is a huge pain in the butt. I can type a tag, but the old version was very handy.

On the bright side, things seem to work in general, so there's that?

EDIT: And the image button being gone, too. BBCode is a pain in the butt.
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Oh, new problem, when you click "next chapter" or "previous chapter" buttons next to the "threadmarks buttons, when it transitions to the next chapter, those buttons are now hiding behind the bar at the top that has the logo, home button, forums, whats new and members. This makes it harder to search through chapters to find the one you're looking for.
-Seconding the request to go back to the old layout, and bringing back the Light Reactive style.

-Formatting is currently broken, everything except the Spoiler is broken

-Cannot insert images into text via the editor Changed the editor in my Preferences and can now see an option to post images

-The QQ logo is ludicrously small

-There's now apparently image "Icons" for threads, but nowhere to change the image in the thread editor, so it's just a capital letter.

-There's no option to move to the most recent unread post, only the popup bar that says "There may be unread posts" when it pops up
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I love the new layout and the features.

But the Grey on Grey background and font makes it impossible to read even with glasses. It's actually physically painful to me and the light theme is worse because of the excessive brightness.

Edit: Also, the notifications are basically invisible to me due to the style.
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The only thing I can say, is please bring back the styles... I am already missing blackened Blue. Dark is... more grey than anything, and is too bright comparatively.
I used the Flexile Dark theme, and I honestly prefer that to... well, this.

No, seriously, how do you post images, there is not an option in the tools or the format.

There is no spoiler function either.

This is a downgrade from how it all used to be.
Oh shit, you're right! The image insert option is gone. As is the Spoiler tool. That isn't anywhere either.

God, this is gonna be a pain in the ass...

Also, we have like three options for Tables, one directly in the bar, one under "insert", and a third under "Format". That seems a bit much.

...who even uses Tables on here?
Background could stand to have more contrast to it. Maybe a darker body color, to contrast the lighter content elements. I didn't mind the balance from before the switch.
I don't know why but the new style makes the site look older than the previous. Like something out of 2005 small population forums.
I was trying to figure out what my biggest problem with this was, and I think this is it.

The new design looks like it was designed to look cool and modern...15 years ago

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