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XF2 transition feedback

Not sure if it is everyone or just me, but today the website has been taking longer to lead, and sometimes it loads broken (if I had to describe it I would say the CSS was not loading properly) but works again when refreshing. Only tried on tablet so not sure if it's my device or the website.

To clarify it's not every time I open the website, but when some time passes without loading anything it happens. And not always.
It's not just you. There is have been server issues since yesterday.
So I learned about the new Bookmark feature that we gained from the upgrade. Absolutely lovely thing and I can see it being extremely useful in the future, but is there any way to incorporate it into the search bar to look through the bookmarks in a specific thread? I can honestly see them building up. And while the tag system is useful, having to go into your account settings/alerts to look at them is pretty inconvenient. Especially if you want something from a specific thread and manage to build up a ton of them.
So I learned about the new Bookmark feature that we gained from the upgrade. Absolutely lovely thing and I can see it being extremely useful in the future, but is there any way to incorporate it into the search bar to look through the bookmarks in a specific thread? I can honestly see them building up. And while the tag system is useful, having to go into your account settings/alerts to look at them is pretty inconvenient. Especially if you want something from a specific thread and manage to build up a ton of them.

I haven't played with bookmarks much.

Is it one per thread, or do they just accumulate unless you delete the old ones manually?
So is there any workaround for the issue where trying to embed images from a lot of hosting sites that used to work before the transition fails now? I could rehost them onto on of the services that still seem to work, but I am trying to figure out if there is a way to not do that and if there is any consistency to which sites work or not.
So is there any workaround for the issue where trying to embed images from a lot of hosting sites that used to work before the transition fails now? I could rehost them onto on of the services that still seem to work, but I am trying to figure out if there is a way to not do that and if there is any consistency to which sites work or not.

I know Imgur access got broken in the move.

Other sites seem to work consistently for me -- catbox.moe, imgbb.co, linking directly to the 'borus, etc. assuming the host site is up at the time of first proxy.

Which sites are being inconsistent for you?
I know Imgur access got broken in the move.

Other sites seem to work consistently for me -- catbox.moe, imgbb.co, linking directly to the 'borus, etc. assuming the host site is up at the time of first proxy.

Which sites are being inconsistent for you?
Point of order: imgur broke several months prior to the move; it wasn't related to the transition.
Imgur still works if you do it as a media embed instead of an image. See this post I made a few days ago. If you look at the code it's a .png, but while it broke when I tried to post it as an image it worked when I posted it as media.

View: https://i.imgur.com/Y6hKGm6.png
Don't even get me started on the bizarre unit of measurement known as the "stone"

It comes with an ugly border, but if you need to use Imgur there is a workaround.
I know Imgur access got broken in the move.

Other sites seem to work consistently for me -- catbox.moe, imgbb.co, linking directly to the 'borus, etc. assuming the host site is up at the time of first proxy.

Which sites are being inconsistent for you?
Danbooru has been working, but stuff like gelbooru or rule34.xxx have stopped working completely. Same for a few other doujin places, such as the funny six-numbers site. I have also been having some problems with artstation, but I use it so rarely that I would need to doublecheck to know if it is consistent.
Danbooru has been working, but stuff like gelbooru or rule34.xxx have stopped working completely. Same for a few other doujin places, such as the funny six-numbers site. I have also been having some problems with artstation, but I use it so rarely that I would need to doublecheck to know if it is consistent.

Direct Gelbooru links worked for me earlier today:

Hmm, weird. Gelbooru was not working a few days ago, but now it is when I tried reproducing your embed. I just checked for the other hosting services though. It seems rule34.xxx and nhentai are still not working. Not sure if that is on purpose or not.
It was probably just a symptom of that weird lag we had for a few days.
Oh, so a "bookmark" designed by someone who got used to web browsers before ever touching an actual book.
You realize you can put multiple bookmarks in the same physical book, right? Think less 'marking my current place in a novel' (because that's what the unread-threadmark indicators are for) and more 'marking things I'll need to look at again in a reference book'.
You realize you can put multiple bookmarks in the same physical book, right? Think less 'marking my current place in a novel' (because that's what the unread-threadmark indicators are for) and more 'marking things I'll need to look at again in a reference book'.

When someone wants to mark places in a long document for legal or scholarly references, they usually use post-its, not "bookmarks". Bookmarks slip out if you open the book. (Post-its are sticky, unlike bookmarks, just in case you're unfamiliar with the difference.)

Read-unread is not particularly useful in general -- if a thread is more than a few months old, it's always marked read. You realize this is a story site with a lot of old, long threads that people still want to read, right?

Bookmark would be useful for reading a story across several devices -- something I actually do and am mildly annoyed about the site not helping me do better. It's pretty common to be reading something, want to read it on my phone while I go somewhere, and then want to keep reading it when I get there on a 3rd device.
Read-unread is not particularly useful in general -- if a thread is more than a few months old, it's always marked read. You realize this is a story site with a lot of old, long threads that people still want to read, right?
Actually, there are two read/unread status trackers. One applies to all posts in the thread, and only tracks the single latest post you have viewed (i.e. if you open the last page in the thread, every post before that is marked as read, even if you never actually saw it). That one is what controls where you go if you hit 'Jump to new', and it has the (I think) 6-week limit on how far back it tracks.

However, in XF2, every threadmarked post has its own read/unread tracker. This only gets cleared if you actually view a page with that post displayed (either in the thread or in reader mode) and has, AFAICT, no time limit. (At least, SB and SV have this feature; I assume it's a XF2 thing, but I suppose it could be a plugin they've both installed.)

Honestly, the biggest limit with both systems is there's no way to reset it, so if you want to reread something, you have to track where you are yourself - either manually, using browser bookmarks, or using post bookmarks which, yes, you have to manually delete as you go.
Actually, there are two read/unread status trackers. One applies to all posts in the thread, and only tracks the single latest post you have viewed (i.e. if you open the last page in the thread, every post before that is marked as read, even if you never actually saw it). That one is what controls where you go if you hit 'Jump to new', and it has the (I think) 6-week limit on how far back it tracks.

However, in XF2, every threadmarked post has its own read/unread tracker. This only gets cleared if you actually view a page with that post displayed (either in the thread or in reader mode) and has, AFAICT, no time limit. (At least, SB and SV have this feature; I assume it's a XF2 thing, but I suppose it could be a plugin they've both installed.)

Honestly, the biggest limit with both systems is there's no way to reset it, so if you want to reread something, you have to track where you are yourself - either manually, using browser bookmarks, or using post bookmarks which, yes, you have to manually delete as you go.

I dislike the Threadmark "new" indicator since it regularly messes up which posts I've seen as omake get indexed and marked long after the chapter itself, or chapters get threadmarked late (from a few days to a week after I've read and Liked them).

What would be nice is a way to see if I've hit "Like" on a post, while looking at the Threadmark index. That's easy to transport between devices and persists even if something new gets added later -- the thread won't jump me *backwards* to some "new" omake which I read a month ago, and if I did read that omake a month ago it will already have a Like on it (before it got the Threadmark) so a quick visual scan of the Threadmark index won't show anything new when there is nothing new.

The Threadmark "new" code seems bad at guessing what I want. If it's useful to you, that's great, but I've been frustrated by it in the past when I've tried to rely on it.

Bookmarks seem like a thing which could be modified to help my personal habits better -- right now, yeah, I keep a tab open for anything I'm re-reading, and it's annoying to transfer tabs between devices.
At least, SB and SV have this feature; I assume it's a XF2 thing, but I suppose it could be a plugin they've both installed.
Yes and no, it is a plugin but it's the same plugin that adds threadmarks in the first place.
I dislike the Threadmark "new" indicator since it regularly messes up which posts I've seen as omake get indexed and marked long after the chapter itself, or chapters get threadmarked late (from a few days to a week after I've read and Liked them).

What would be nice is a way to see if I've hit "Like" on a post, while looking at the Threadmark index. That's easy to transport between devices and persists even if something new gets added later -- the thread won't jump me *backwards* to some "new" omake which I read a month ago, and if I did read that omake a month ago it will already have a Like on it (before it got the Threadmark) so a quick visual scan of the Threadmark index won't show anything new when there is nothing new.

The Threadmark "new" code seems bad at guessing what I want. If it's useful to you, that's great, but I've been frustrated by it in the past when I've tried to rely on it.

Bookmarks seem like a thing which could be modified to help my personal habits better -- right now, yeah, I keep a tab open for anything I'm re-reading, and it's annoying to transfer tabs between devices.
Bookmarks were not designed to be used like that, bookmarks are a base XF2 feature threadmarks and most of the other story wrinting specific stuff like threadmarks are not.
When I was trying out TinyMCE, I noticed that it was impossible to select text on mobile. No matter what I tried I couldn't select text, all that came up was the link thing, maybe that is blocking the text from being selected? I am using Firefox for Android.

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When I was trying out TinyMCE, I noticed that it was impossible to select text on mobile. No matter what I tried I couldn't select text, all that came up was the link thing, maybe that is blocking the text from being selected? I am using Firefox for Android.


On my phone, double-tapping selects a word.

But that might require that multiple words exist -- the end of the line might not be a word boundary.
On my phone, double-tapping selects a word.

But that might require that multiple words exist -- the end of the line might not be a word boundary.

Double tapping also doesn't work I just tested it, and I tried it with multiple words.

I guess the double tapping not working has something to do with my phone, as that brings up a select all button regardless of which text editor I am using, though it does work to highlight text if it's not an active text box.
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I dislike the Threadmark "new" indicator since it regularly messes up which posts I've seen as omake get indexed and marked long after the chapter itself, or chapters get threadmarked late (from a few days to a week after I've read and Liked them).

What would be nice is a way to see if I've hit "Like" on a post, while looking at the Threadmark index. That's easy to transport between devices and persists even if something new gets added later -- the thread won't jump me *backwards* to some "new" omake which I read a month ago, and if I did read that omake a month ago it will already have a Like on it (before it got the Threadmark) so a quick visual scan of the Threadmark index won't show anything new when there is nothing new.

The Threadmark "new" code seems bad at guessing what I want. If it's useful to you, that's great, but I've been frustrated by it in the past when I've tried to rely on it.

Bookmarks seem like a thing which could be modified to help my personal habits better -- right now, yeah, I keep a tab open for anything I'm re-reading, and it's annoying to transfer tabs between devices.
Actually, 'go to last post in this thread I have hit like on' would be a useful feature...
Actually, 'go to last post in this thread I have hit like on' would be a useful feature...


But seeing reaction status (none / Like / other if the site adds more) on the Threadmarks index would do most of that work and would help with edge cases like Omake / Rewrite chapters that get marked later but appear earlier in the thread, or later in the thread but earlier in the list.

And the reaction status would help me with reading older threads, multi-device navigation, and so on.
But seeing reaction status (none / Like / other if the site adds more) on the Threadmarks index would do most of that work and would help with edge cases like Omake / Rewrite chapters that get marked later but appear earlier in the thread, or later in the thread but earlier in the list.
Eh. With threadmarked posts, it's pretty easy to find the last liked one manually: just switch to reader mode and skim the last page or two until you find it. (Or, if it's a very long fic and you stopped somewhere in the middle, do a binary search on the reader mode pages (by hitting 'End' to go to the bottom of the page and check the like status of the last post) until you find the right page, then search that.)

However, a fairly frequent problem for me is that I accidentally open a later page in a thread - usually because I opened a chapter notification email without realizing there was an older non-OP-post notification for the same thread - and thus clear the read/unread status for the discussion. Then my best way of finding where I was is by looking for the last post, threadmarked or not, which I've liked. This is a lot harder to do manually, since:
  • With threadmarks, unless I've been gone for a very long time, the latest unread one will be somewhere in the last two or three pages in reader mode, but with discussion, even if I'm only a could days or weeks behind, there might be many pages to search
  • With story posts, I can reasonably assume that every chapter I've read has been liked (because if I'm not enjoying it, why would I still be reading?), so just checking the first or last post on a page is enough, but in the discussion, there's no guarantee that any post on a page I've read will have a like, let alone any particular one
So find-last-liked-post would be a lot more useful to me.

(This is also something I don't like with the XF2 upgrade. Before, when you liked a post, the like button changed from 'Like' to 'Unlike', so you could easily search for liked posts within a page by using Ctrl-F for 'Unlike'. Now the button goes from 'Like' to 'Like but bold and in green', so Ctrl-F searching is impossible. SB and SV are better about this, in that their reaction buttons change to 'Remove' when you've liked a post, though this is still inferior to XF1 QQ, since 'Remove' is a much more common word than 'Unlike' and thus produces a lot more false positives from the posts' content.)

I've lost all of my past watched threads. Is there any way they could be restored?
How did you lose them? Did you remove them accidentally? Did they just vanish one day? Did they vanish when we did the XF2 migration?
Eh. With threadmarked posts, it's pretty easy to find the last liked one manually: just switch to reader mode and skim the last page or two until you find it

Oh hell no, Reader Mode is a nightmare to search for stuff on a phone or other small device.

The Threadmark list is usable on all my devices, so just let me see my reaction status on that.

Or, if it's a very long fic and you stopped somewhere in the middle, do a binary search on the reader mode pages (by hitting 'End' to go to the bottom of the page and check the like status of the last post) until you find the right page, then search that.)

Yeah that sounds like a bad time on a phone.

However, a fairly frequent problem for me is that I accidentally open a later page in a thread - usually because I opened a chapter notification email without realizing there was an older non-OP-post notification for the same thread - and thus clear the read/unread status for the discussion. Then my best way of finding where I was is by looking for the last post, threadmarked or not, which I've liked. This is a lot harder to do manually, since:

That was probably a lot easier when "Unlike" was a string you could search for, but the current "Like / Like" dichotomy isn't amenable to string matching.

Yeah I can see the value in Jump to Last Liked.

That would be a fine addition to the Show Reaction On Threadmark Index improvement.

How did you lose them? Did you remove them accidentally? Did they just vanish one day? Did they vanish when we did the XF2 migration?
After the migration they were just gone.
Show Reaction On Threadmark Index improvement.
Considering how awful and buggy showing awards on them on SB is I would not consider that an improvement.
How did you lose them? Did you remove them accidentally? Did they just vanish one day? Did they vanish when we did the XF2 migration?
After the migration they were just gone.
They aren't gone, the "Watched" page only shows threads that have unread posts by default. If you click on the button that says "Show only: Unread" it'll switch to showing the full list.

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