• The site has now migrated to Xenforo 2. If you see any issues with the forum operation, please post them in the feedback thread.
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XF2 transition feedback

Bigger text, wider margins, text box issues, and the weirdness that is having the post time added above the post and the profile picture spacing issues are the primary things that I have stylistic issues with.

That's actual feedback derived from me flipping between the Xenforo Default and Dark Mode, not just complaining.

Granted, the text issue is also present in Xenforo, so, y'know... that might be personal bitching.


Anways, from what I see, the major points:

1. Move 'Users who are viewing this thread' box below the reply box
3. Make sticky header optional, as some like it and some (like myself) absolutely hate it
5. On page loading, the sticky header covers up the threadmarks line, which is a minor, but annoying, quibble
7. Something about mobile users, apparently there's issues but I am a superior PC wielder and thus above such petty failings
8. This one's mostly me, but int he text editor can we make it sothat it doesn't have the '...' more options bit unless there's actually not enough space? atm there's just a vast chunk of empy space because spoilers/etc. are hidden behing the 'more options' button which is +1 click per spoiler added in comparison to the olden times.
Anways, from what I see, the major points:

1. Move 'Users who are viewing this thread' box below the reply box
3. Make sticky header optional, as some like it and some (like myself) absolutely hate it
5. On page loading, the sticky header covers up the threadmarks line, which is a minor, but annoying, quibble
7. Something about mobile users, apparently there's issues but I am a superior PC wielder and thus above such petty failings
8. This one's mostly me, but int he text editor can we make it sothat it doesn't have the '...' more options bit unless there's actually not enough space? atm there's just a vast chunk of empy space because spoilers/etc. are hidden behing the 'more options' button which is +1 click per spoiler added in comparison to the olden times.
You forgot 2 points:

10. The dice roller's ded, please revive it
11. Tabs have been borked as well
Btw, for those who hate all three of the Styles currently available and are on Google Chrome, download the Dark Reader Extension and use it in conjunction with Xenforo Default.
Oh that helps a lot. Screws up the formatting, but it's a mercy for my eyes.

I'm going to wait a few days for the problems to be sorted out and the old styles and functions to be re-implemented.
when i wanted to look for new post to find something new i just hit the new posts button but now i have to find it in a drop-down menu which is just an unnecessary extra butten push.
also finding Somone's threads in their profile it is also in a drop-down window in an unintuitive place.

also, the color themes are just ugly that may just be me not liking change but if you could add some more that looked like the old ones that would be appreciated

also, the header thing that follows you down the screen should just not follow you down the screen it gets in the way while reading and is an eyesore
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In addition to shifting the Watched threads section up in the Forums menu, there needs to be the New Threadmarks option close by. It's weird to have to check Forums for watched threads, but then reference What's New for watched threadmarks. Frankly, ditching What's New and importing everything of value under the Forums menu would be nice. Annihilate the extraneous Home button while you're at it.
Ha! I knew keeping old pages open forever on my browser would pay off some day!!!!

This is a snapshot of how my old browsing experience looked, hopefully it'll help?


The name of the Old style was Dark Responsive High Contrast (It REALLY helped my eyes)
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Tbh, feels half-baked and something that needed to be in the oven for several more months. Information density is way down, everything is maximally spaced when they don't need to be, everything takes multiple button presses to reach content that used to take one, no themes available, 'upgrading' broke practically everything, the toolbar is way too obtrusive, etc. Also, fairly sure the text has blur, or something to that effect. Not to mention obvious shit like the tiny QQ logo. It feels more like a live preliminary test, rather than an update.

It's a pure downgrade on every level.

Old QQ skin when?
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well just logged on and already miss the old version, just have to get used to I guess afterall most sites like this ask for feedback and then just ignore it though I suppose some people might prefer this version
Ha! I knew keeping old pages open forever on my browser would pay off some day!!!!

This is a snapshot of how my old browsing experience looked, hopefully it'll help?


The name of the Old style was Dark Responsive High Contrast (It REALLY helped my eyes)

Img is broken on mobile. Another issue.
I honestly hope the current look is a stand-in while the upgrades are continuing in the background. The reader mode feels like it's been shrunk and I hope the themes come back because this Grey is terrible. The Old Style was a lot better, That's how I feel right now, but I guess I'll take a wait and see approach to this.
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Hope we get some better dark styles. Current Default Dark is pretty meh to me.

I used to have UI.X Dark (Mobile) before, but it sucked coz I couldn't see story tags with that...
Hopefully, we'll get some new styles I can actually tolerate without loosing those tags.
The fu- We can't copy paste images anymore? We went from a convenient quick copy paste to having to manually insert every link now? How is this an upgrade?

It looks uglier and options that we had before are gone, what even was the point? I could deal with the appearance change after getting used to it, but when you outright remove functionality from the site it just becomes bullshit.
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Accordion formatting in Light mode is Horiffic and needs to be changed ASAP

like holy fuck is that bad

You can't read the damned titles inside the bars bad
Ha! I knew keeping old pages open forever on my browser would pay off some day!!!!

This is a snapshot of how my old browsing experience looked, hopefully it'll help?


The name of the Old style was Dark Responsive High Contrast (It REALLY helped my eyes)

Image is broken since you used Imgur, QQ and Imgur are not compatible... Use https://postimages.org instead.
Does anyone have screenshots of the previous dark green mode? Or whatever it was called?

Do you mean Dark Responsive Green? (Ignore the browser menu)


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